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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1902)
Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XIV. H.AIRRiISO"Nr XTtnta-p a A - - , -r-r, , , - wA.r., ACXXj3. 1902 HI HARRISON HAPPENINGS fwu Oorfcin arrived from Lead City Wednesday. 8, M. Thomas u a Harrison last Tuesday, visitor Dr. Seymour will be in Crawford Sat urday. May 24. Dick Lever from Chadi-on, wai a Harri son vi tor this week. sr.... i com and (one and all that u"of tb" ' P'ty of egg shells lying- avouhdTrrhik bating of the avtotmr ot tgg, his Hi August L. Ring, from Story waa Harrison visitor this week. L. L. Wilson from Pleasant Ridge wa a Harrison visitor last Tuesday. V. A. Heater and A. McGinley shipped in a car or cattle last Tuesday, Commissioner Lewis and his son Frank were Harrison visitors tlus week. We are glad to announce that Rev Toungman will be with us Sunday. -, Henry Covey handed us one dollar to pay for the Phfhk-Jolb.vaL, for one year, Just, received: a new consignment or men and boys clothing at CJERLACH8 Tuesday was nil fools day. Did von fiat fooled? Ask Charles B. Cook if he ''A. well for Peter Uourrett on Running "wr Liim weeK, Commissioner Bigelow moved family out to his ranch Mondav familv have resided in town the past winter that their children might get the "Client OI MM SChOOl. We failed to get our mail from Moot rose last Wednesday, therefore our Montrose correspondent must not feel angry with us for not publishing the irom that place. TomasaadJoho Hines were Harrison visitors last week. Tom is adding to his ranch another quarter section at land io.ii ,v ii s nuy out or get out so he has concluded to do the buying act and it s a pretty good idea too. When yu lack energy, do not relish vour food, feel dull and stupid, after ting, all you need is a dose of Cham- herlain s Stomach A Liver Tablet. Thav HI make you feel like a new man aid ','lveyon an appetite like a bear. For ale by J. E Phiooey. We failed to announce in our last issue the arrivitl of a bran new girl at th ome of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wohletor, iwt Tuesday. Mother and child are do- mi,,- , nicely and Oene, we are triad to aav Williams is (Hilt off down tw I u l' . . u . . ' I '" hi usual step but is somewhat Duff. up yet That's all right, Oene. we know how to sympathize with you. - Jack Mettlen from Whistle creek pre cinct was doing business with our mer chant last Friday. ' A CARJD or THANKS. It is my great aesire to express mv honest and sincere thanks to all of the good nentila of Harriann iul Peter Peter..!. a.xsseaaor for Ante-1 -fcmtrv who have so lriii. ...;..-. lop. precinct wan doing business 8 1 ..(.. nmj j the recent sickness and death County Seat Monday. - beloved wife. The kindness shown '-'II he ever cherished. 1 a , and better goods for t n- r ; Akduew MofllMXCY, uoney at Qerlach's store Uian any . Llwr place, try them. 10-tf " .j Nick flehaefer has been delivering hav i rre for the past week, which he has mM to F. B. Langworthy. ,; .. Fow SaI.R:- lao acres of land joining the ..g of Harrison; for further partie inquire at this office. 40 Epworth League Sunday eveoing at o'clock. Subject; Orowing In grace. J. B Burke; Leader. Mr. H. W. Hail leCi. 'f iesday ' night for HermoMi. So. Dakota, He Inn own visit ing with hit son F. M. Hall of Bo.iaro. Sunday School at lOeVJoek a. ni, All re cordially iovlted to attend. W. II. Davis. Supt. We learn thn commissioner Meng lias been quite sick for some time, but we are glad to say he is some better this week. County Taeaxoner Davis was on. the sick 'ist last weft i:,t are glad !. ay he is the sur ... M .'.hf. this gain. John T. Coffee added his name te our Increasing list of readers, John known a good thing when he sees it, Who will be next? Mr. and 5? ; c. Northrop, from Valentino. V mka. came In on the west bound train last Saturday to visit with fr.-rV.g and relative at Harrison, i Mr. " loop was station agent at ihU place ( t " vearx wfo and was numbered a one of lite most popular agents that he-er been tit this place. All the old timers are glad to meet Jim and no doubt Jim is glad uj pay us a visit once in while. Woodard Lynched at Casper, March a8 "Charles F. Woodard was sentenced to hang on Good Friday and on Good Fri day he was hung. Affixed to his shirt, the only garment he wore during his ex- acution, wa the following notice: Notice Process of law is a trifle Blow. Cecil Rhodes Imh passed to the great beyond, and what is in store for him no one can say. Ex-President Kruger when lie heard ol his death said, "The Lord giveth and the Lrd takethnwat," bless, wi tiie utttiie of trie Lord. There is no question but what Cecil Rhodes could liave saved some of the hardships and loss of life in the Transvaal country had he done so, but as he is gone we hope liis lms may be allowed to reft in ponce. - - Harrison, Nebr; March. 81, 1902 The County Commissioners of Sioux County, Nebraska are berekiy called to meet at the Court house in Harrison, on ; the 17th day of Apnl, 1M2; at o'clock p. m. for the purpose of selecting names to due a petit jury to serve at the May term District Court A. D. 1908, and to Mnisact suck other business a may protiwuy coma Defor them. ' Wm. J, A. Raum, County Clerk. So this is the way we have to go, Murderers and thieves beware. People's Vmdict." The above came out in an extra edition of the Wyoming Derrick last Friday. We gave our readers, some time ago a abort sketch of this case and also of the manner in which ha had been protected by the laws of the state of Wyoming, but let us investigate a little farther. In December Charles, Clarence and Ber tha Woodard were arrested on a warrant sworn out by Samuel Hanes for grand larcenv and the case against Bertha Woodard waa dismissed and the two brothers not being able to give bond were committed to jail to await the act ions of the district court, December 80. The alarm waa given of the escape of Charles and Clarence Woodard, J, F. Franklin and F. D. Foot and in the cliasa that followed Sheriff Ricker was killed and was robbed of his belt and weapons. That the murderer was Woodard there seemed but little doubt and he waa not captured until January 24; he waa then brought back to Casper, Wyoming, for trial and according to the statement made by the Derrick, had not the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree there would have been no use for Judge Bramel to pass sentence or even sum up the evidence, for in that court room were gathered a number of stern faced man whose wills weref unanimous. According to law Charles Woodard was granted a respite for 105 days until the supreme court could go over the ev idence in the county and according to law the sheriff of Natrona county should have protected this mac ar an officer rA the law though he had killed 100 jnvi. We fail to see where Casper has dm herself proud and while we do not ', prove of mob law we think Casper would have done the better thing, that is to have huag Woodard when he was first brought back and not make a mock of the law. f Casper would net have bean so brutal to a fellow man even though be toek tb iff o! their fellow townsman and officer iirti law. Proas he brutality rxbibu 4 by these 24 men that hung Wi.wiui we uu not uhhh an ine murderers ami thieves are dead in that part of Wyoni iog yet. f No doubt Woodard committed a dast ardly crime and by him saying h did not intend to do it doe not help his case one iota. lUit when a man confesses he committed the crime and desires a fe moment that he might make peace with his Maker such has always been granted to even the most blv! hirsty villan but instead of these mr tnting his request they threw him u; side of the scaf' ff!i w' ii his neck would not break from th'3, v n on swung on to tiis legs that the ' uigU help strangle death. Su.'t. ii ttie history of the cast NO. -iO Corespondent Mr. Herman Hibblen is goiag to hunt mm a new location. Mis jAnna Schleyer is going to keerfhouse ior ner lather, Wm. Sehleyer. n. weraermao m thinking of living wiMi ner daughters this summer. toe rawiorcis rave selected a mill win commence to move their null to the Plympton canyon soon. Montrose Items Johnnie Henry is expected home from Illinois soon. Henry Henry was an Ardmore visitor last Monday. There will be no church at the Mont rose church naxt Sunday. August Bauragard from Indian creel: was visiting his parents Huoday. Uncle Piekeo brock from Ardmore at tended chnrch at Montrose, Sunday. On account of the storm last week the nail carrier did not com over Irom Harrisou, Consequently there were no Montrose items lu last week's paper. On account of the rain last week Mr. Baunigard was unable to vaccinate his cattle. Charlie Wasserburger aswsteJ him iu vaccinating Tuesday of tnii week. Carey Items. The meadow larai Have come. Maruh true to the adage, went out like a lion. ing to And the door, but couldn't, and that blamed thing just yeowling and laruauon. jim wax brave and tried to choke the thing to dath for we could see his fingers work ing like all possessed. We grabbed our hat and got out doors in some way and streaked it for home. We could still hear that thing tcreaming and the Dannie trying to get out of the house when we were almost home. Don't know whether anyone else escaped to tell the tale or not. 7iririin There will be a sterioptican show gjv. an tonight at Andrews hall by Procumer and Saxtoo. Professional Cards. M. J. 0 ( onnIU - - (u. AitoraryT .JlJJnrUee in All Courts. -Special .Utentioa Ulrea to Land of lice Business. Collection ad all basis trni. ed to me will recei e prompt attention. HAHIUSON - NKMUsfU. Andrew Christian was in from Pleas ant Ridge last Monday and Francis Deuel was in Wednesday. Miss Anna and Mary Mora vek made a trip to Lusk yesterday forenoon. Miss Mary returning on the evening train. Miss Anna will remain there for a few dayB visit with friends. J. E. P1HNNEY. M. D. I'hyisciaa aad Margeon. 411 culm given prompt attention. Oltlce In tni- Store. -HARRISON - NEBRASKA. The village election passed off quietly and the following persons were elected: J. H. Bartell, J. H. Wilbermsdorfer, P. a Bigelow and F. W. Clarke. Mr. Clarke was elected for the short term. The sale advertised in former issues of th-s paper to sell the property of Frank GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all letra. matters in Justice, County and Ujstrut a" owore the United- Steta, Land Office. ' Fire Insurance written in reflate sooipatiie. WLegal papers carefully drawn. Hahhison. ? . Nebraska. Fleming is postponed until Saturday, ' i. Harai. a. Untan'ihrtS? 8beriffs 8ale. By virtue of county. Nebraska, as DlalnriS .. April U, 1902. J. C. Shipley, Guardian. Mrs. Lillie Gorman is visiting friends and ralaliveH on Cottonwood. Franklin Jiicoby is back on Cotton wood, he .'. - ts to remain here this aumintr. , Emanuel .!. . y and Mrs. Sarah Mat. ney were courn last week before justice Lux. ... Win. Canebier is moving hissaw-mill va the A. Procunier place. This burg is well supplied with saw-inills. ouly four in a radius of a few miles. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talley and tluiiidniKrhtM Uuiii. n Iowa where they have been KindinK the L.00"". Burk"' "ince J,n lst ' winter; glad to be home again" i .TT? V , 12 .to tru Ctl Mr. and Mrs. Andrew tnrZ.'ll .w. . . .. " " n mr. anu mm. uariley saxon sts rtea I Leslie Crane, we are sorry to say, had his foot badly crushed last Wednesday morning by a horse falling with nim. Dr. Phinney dressed his foot and he will be compelled to go on crutches lor some tjme. We learn that Geonre Olinirer and his brother ara tbinkHM? of going into bnsi neos down in the gearing country. Have not learned just what bu iness they are going into but we wish them success whatever it may be. at public anetten- to I he "h ghm Suh? Wll. county. Mebmaka The north-wont ....... .... tlilrtv.tu... (V A' . ec:N .i,.i,v.:..v.:; , ""' ,"ur west oi erV. i.V , . ,rw"" " satisfy said or .--lJ ... vtl, nuiii fir BUlK IHU llie crulne oiMt Kirt )UlH;:,tln March 27, 190 AI.EX LOWRT Sheriff ot said f loo C. F. Coffee came up from Chad rots this wk and drove out to his ranch at Rawhide, he returned to Chadron Tuesday evening1. Joha Christian waa on our st r. Moo day. John is one of our old t: u aad always finds a waloooie amont; . - many frleods in Harrison. H. 8. Parks wuk doing business at county seat,, Is . he purchased land from O-v Jack Fioley dropped into our saootam the other day and waa in a very remiaj. cent mood and as the conversation drift- ed to the acta and doings of former edit ors ana now near they came to gettiag kicked w almost wished we were doing somi wing etas oat as we view the da moralised condition of our office furnit ure, turned over by our predsoeasors. we I presume they held their owo so we pick i ... ... ui vur quin again wiui reoswed eoergy Triiiay and while U Ul W to use ' i her quarter section UuUirie. ... tii i .i . .i . . .. t,' "'- w msni wnai tney were naoe ior. .. floe Pa, what do you call your office? Editor The awetasa saaetorum. ae-Tbaa I suppoas maioma's office is aspaoktum putoreai, iaa'tlll lamaowprapared to weja carpets. v ct. ior an ana miss aad Il far ainpBBM, warp rurnl is at Ma J. A. TaUTaa. MU : 'r'-"-' taaohar of the gr v. - b ul ia, Harriaoa aohool, Sfa 'k a i, i ,,g wis to bar bom at Mars iMd tast Fridaf aurht, reiaraiof Moa wf' ' There was a fairly large crowd at the Easter daaoo, aad all report havis aa eajolkUiDa. After the daocers bad ' the people had their heart In the Wi suey wNoeo. rrof. Dunn held the atteatioo of the crowd by mi mining wfte) bis violin, a oouotry orchestra and aa the priming of a wooden pump, there was several other mimios waM fee pro. sHiced, of whiob the writer is enable to five toe titles, but they were rv aJl ktiltoted, aad 9jpt, Daaa la aa export at rosin.., aixrw yo aoa't believe rt give mm a oall aod hd will sjiaa you eiive you are at a m watoh your lips tura pale wbtle yoa are waUitf far ttee wet ea, to came. . Adelia Items. The Misses Johnson and Rosenberg of Adelia came up to attend the 8t.Patrick's Ball. J. J. Wasser burger has returned from his trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where hi M-vhkI auite a number of horses. .5 ": sheep were shinned frorn here MarciiSft, to Abbot, Nebraska, where they are to fed for three months and then shippr to South Omaha, The hypnotist who waa to appear at Aid mora last Haturday evening didn't "show up." ' Whether it was the condit loo of the weather which prevented his appearance ha not been ascertained. The basket supper given last Friday evening waa well attended considering the weather. Something over seventeen dollars was token in and great hope of sooa possessing a towa organ are en I tallied. The St. Patrick' Ball was not as large ly attended as usual, no doubt owing to the fact thai it took place during Lest. AH those weo attended however report aa excellent time. Ureen ribbon and shamrocks predominated indicating that right place. ' ' . A parson belonging to the mescaline gender very uaccremoaiously entered the school house of district no. tS the tight of that severe rain storm aad ate tattooed himself there for the night Taa-eair iaaoatloaaeajsv prssssos the MHj moroiag were , eofhsa wind ow paatva Br la the sae, , ptofasity t gumbo aad the aemieaiaaMe odor of tohaooo. --lfa property was me. . on a showing tour with their Magic lantern and gmphophouer- They expect to as gone all summer. The young people who came home from Chadroo to pend the spring vacat ion werei Maud Py, Clarence Raum, Albert Cullers Cora Sowers, Iva, Clar ence, nd Hinta Spease, and Alma Bursoii. Last week Perry Speaee cam home from Crete Nebraska where he ha bean attending Uoan college, today (Mar. 31) he and his sister Minta started for Giletie Wyo. where they expect to spend the summer. TOfOTHT. 0004Oeooot I In Wyoming. $ 0vOt00v0t00W0rOOO40$ We heard I hat Woodard wus hung by the citisens of Casper, last Friday night. Harry Itoue) was the first to begin farming, Imvin r put in his wheat during the good weather of two weeks ago. Francis and Albert Iuel expert to start for (Msper just as soon ns the weather warms up. They expect to tw gone all summer. Weil, March has gone and everyone seems glad of it. No tears were nlied at it's departure except those caused by the wind and cold. It roared around quite a while before it left but went out rutin r quiet. Miss Florence Christian closed a five months school in the East school on Good Friday. She gave an entertain ment in the evening which was well at tended considering the weather. The program consisted of dialogues panto. mimes, etc. All present voted it a suc- severnl sectiors of unorganized territory to Hvtiool district no.15. Sme people wonder how letters can go astray and a great many are always rwdy to lay the blame on the post -mast, er but let us see how easy such things can happen. Mr. Marsteller received a circular, in folder form, the other day and he said he seldom ever ojietiel such but this one he took the time to oppn and lo, there was a letter that Iwd slip ped inside and you can realize its narrow escape to the waste basket and then to the flames and then there would have been a great manv imiuiriek for the let ter that never ci me. This Vas a busi ness letta- to a bunk tit Wayne and it might have caused some trouble and renlty no one to blnm.Jbnt as it fiill into good hand it, wont, on its way rejoicing. entertnimut'nf W.cdn' plnirch, nnd pv-;v iIoiismI with both '-' mrtitnl iiiuk'--. 'i l, of about, ijO'nd f t!,. tli"v olrin til"' "Mil, a (.offiv . I' mi, - in klni. :.. . .... Of.- j.iin ii s h:i v ft I w i .t... J, j we nil j ir. Sill"' ti ,vi. t " !ra a. mii'i.'Hl d;i.y niylit nt Hip. T .rt ...:i i 1 II. I1 ll.rri !'.':: I -...rr. II- i if '"'I' n p; lint ! Iiiivp - ' 1... l.-t Ml,-1, We lit M:d Pi.r- We heard that there was to bs a dance in the neighborhood, and through curi osity, never having aaen such a thing, we went ' Arriving at the home we found it filled with people, mostly men and women, so we went in and Boding a seat, waited with open-mouthed wonder, to see what would take place. Presently Jim Petty came fa with a queer looking hoi which ha opened and took" out a queer looking thing which resembled a woodoe gooes with a long neck.' . He spit in it eyes and pulled Its ears, whoa It began to cry quit, quit, quit In several different voices. Then he took a stick aad drew It across its stomach, when It lot out the most hideous soreams we ear heard i all was now enoaston, Bn eat Floats Jumped up .and yelled -rm all aaiea lets, all run away." Ivory body grabbed everybody eh saostly M rashsa; aroued the room tey. OV Ii'- it . .11 I V I" ',' ' ts t im I, ; ... ..,.. .1 wit h l;'l if'.t, d tl"V r lK,r.-.r... J -tit if you cim't injr, if von! sinsi. your children tlial. tiiy lni'D ponie thiutlint can nvvtir he Inken away from them, and that, our homes may I iim.M ungiuer oy tneir joy t u I singing. This cliuw is not goin; to stop when the Bridges BrosJIeave us. We nre goinjf to make it permanent; so don't look upon this matter as a Mnxie show. . Ceunty Mas. The PawevJoc ksal has printed a linv fted number of maps on Manilla card board which can he secured for 10c each. They will also be gi yen a a premium to new subscribers. Sheriffs Sale Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order iHue.l by the clerk of the distrt. t court efSiour county. Nebraska upon a ,1 , t ree rendered in aid court in favor orsiont county and BHi.,st farah E.Blunt, Show.ilt.-r MortnMreC.,acorpo.atlon. that I will o , theMth day of April W02 aK one o'cloek intl... attornoou of said day at the east front d , ot the court house of said county in th v I. age of Harrison, I wU sell at public and,., , to the highest bidder for cash iu hand th, following described real egtate iu said Pio.. county, Nebraska, to-wit: Tim wet halt of the south-eas- nnnrter . I the south-east quarter of thn srmlh i t. punrt.r of suction thirty-three and ' ii.n south we.t quarter of the north-mwt u l or of section thirty-four in towinliip tli rt ,--three, range fifty Ave to satisfy s.i'd r.. oi ssie in the sum of 5l.3i and the. unit n mi accruing cohch. First publication March 27, l!Ki ' ALEX l OWKV 3-4S She riff said Co. Sherirs Sale By virtue of an order of sale innprt hv lli Clerk of the district court of Slo-ix Coiii i . Nebraska, upon decree rendered in s id court in favor of the county of Sioux. pluintitr. and iigahist James H. '."k; h U. Cook, Isaac "U. liendrlx, Carrip r, ll.t . drlx his wife, McKinley Utnnlng lon ,.., t Trust Company. I will sit on the vth . of April 1WB at one o'clock in thi afterin - v of said day' at the east front dMr ol I i court house of saiti county at II irrlno'i, ln-HMka, sell at public auction to the hiith t bidder for cash In band the ftillowi. g ,.i -scrllwd real estate situated iu iitl counlv, to-wit: , The south-west quarter of section three i ( township twenty seven north of ran ire fl t ttve west of the sixth principal meridian a satisfy said order of sale in the sum of liH.W and SIM. 10 interest cost and accruing, costs. First publication March '27, IW ALEX MVltY. . W-tt Sheriff of said ( 'o. ailM ke Was CMvtalae A eoa1atag alibi was recently fur slaked by a maa la Fraac. He was eharasd with the mardar of a girl at rflee, aad he brought conclusive evl- deeaoe to show that ho was at the' Ume sommlttlag a burglary at a hotel. Sheri fts Sale. Notice Is hereliy given that by virtue of an orilur ot sale issued by the ( lo k of the Dis. trlt't court of Mloux ( on nt v Nebraska iimii a decree rentlereO in said court in favor nf Sarah Wisdom and against Suah Wtsitoit . I un.l r...n.l Wlulmn llutca Au,... Wluln... .1... send i . rr-asetl, American Investuicnt Company, i corMiratlon, K. I Orinsby whose true chr's. tian mime Is unknown to plaint. If, Trust. .-, W.J. llowden wlioe true christian name unknown to plaiiitlff, defemlents, that I I I on the 7th day ot April 1801 at one e'elock 1 1 the afternoon of said da at the east fio -t door of the court house of said county in tV village of Harrison In said county, sell t public nuctlun to the highest bldderfor - In hand the following deserilMvl real est .1 In said Hloux county, Nebraska, to. wit; The siMitlt half of the southwest qmirt-r of srctlon twelve (111) and the north hall ..f the noithwrxt quarter of section thin.'. (IS) In township thirty-two (HZ) north ..I range fifty tlir. e (.) went of the 6th prim I pal meridian In hloux county Nebraski.. To satisfy said order of sale In the snin .f 14.15 and 24 Ml costs sail accruing eosts. Klrst iiubllcstloii March nth. . AIM I.OWST Slierlffof said ooMiity. la ow Tark. It la etlaMtod that there are ly IM.00 votars la Maw York elty who deellae tobseems UeaUaedwlth etUer of the great parti es, while there are area more who take aa part la mak ing EetraVNewe I have on the ?nd day of Jan. Wri, taken up, 4 mile east of Montrotr, horse about four years, color gr..iv,. branded aa follows: left shoulder. 1 . T. ion rikl t ulderrnonlS! I hit m -aKlh SV I ' 1. Owner will calk li, jmd prove pn Prty r7 (! charges and take animal away. 14-1 . rrrott3. - fi ' 4 J .1 3 1 3 VI w M m m fvn t-r '1 'A 5' 1 w 71 i , I iff r - , 1 -v .v