STOCK pRim Ms Jugbksi. will rmbiub your tmM, Uke Jul lowing, for f 2 Pr year, aiaeb a4 1 bran'! T emit. wt rammr or ;ehmeH In Stow and adjoining counties syiiild sdveftlsw their brands in THsJoaa uu It circulate mil ovar lli LuU,. It .ii. y he tb means of saving aonev for you S500 REORO. for the arrest and conviction of any pnrty parties stealing or disfiguring any brands j, .took b lunging to tluj undersigned par tn: . o r. e. JAsnT. ;rsnds 60, OR i- i hip of Catties, (.-loox County, Nwbraska. o on left lllp left Jaw.l.ri on Pout Office, llewttt. JOHN T. SNOW. jHoraes branded on left sfemil- fdar branded on loft thonidor and Cattle 211 on left side. FDst Ofllce Address, Patrick, Iju-swte Co. vija. X at lie branded f oraes branded CKOHGE SW ANSON. IF 1 on left Ride on loft hou j! tier, range on Soldier Creek. rVny lock branded an above being estray- , J from my ratige. discovered by any body ,n irlving me information will be rewarded. Address, Ft. Koblnson, Nebraska. J. B. PARKEK. : tirw.s branded on ( :! tie same on left sMieep baruded uck of Sheep. Uange oh doltlier Creek and White Klver. Address. Ft. Robinson. Nebraska. left shoulder and hip. e on 1-aek or I on 71 JOHN A. HANSON (') the faflow riiubrind on eith- A Imj HS on cat- :.e and horse yiiUeon leftiiida kiorSHD on left t'joulder. Range on Silver Spring and east of glata Foatoflce Harrison Neb J J. TU CKER. gpY" Branded on left shoaider at horses y.J;ind on left 8ldejfattl9. 1 1 I I .This on I . j on right side right side of Battle too. KsBge ee Wfc! River, nwr Glen. Post Office address, Glen, Nebraska. DCRPCBKKK MVB STOCK Co. I P. ratified on left hlo of Cattle PI J and on left cheek ul Horse ! Range on ueepcreea. iddresa, iJep Crek Live Stock Co,, - J. II. HalbBRT, Foreman, Glen, Nebraska, J. L. I Hructw. Cattle Bran (Jedf fa left h p. on loft of Also Harms nrwuded the wn.e siwmWer. fUnja. gowthwest Andrews, rwvt Kfjc.e A ddres flarrttfon.Neti J. a. PHIS NtY Cattle branded P. O. Address, m on left aide. Harrison, Neb, A.NDKKW CilkiSTIAS Cattle brsjnd d imi MtvUt aaino as ent and tones branded on left ahoulde same as cat are the property of Andrew ChrUtian arc rsjoge trUraWy to Vau Taws! Sirlni. V Address, Kirtlov, WTO- imp ) J. LtVEsV Cattle braidedf Post Office Addrcse. Cliadron !iebraka EKKWSTKR ft I. Cattle brand ed same ae that on cat, either left hip or on left ahoaldcr. Horses brawled with any of above brands. AddretSt J. A. AaDEHSnjt, " Harrison, Sbraka. WEIL JORDAN. L And Cattln branded ids, a.iSl Hosssjs on eft Horses and cat tle branded on eiltier side saute as on cot. Ml Jaw. AddraM, stodara, Kbrafea. BKstT KAKilEOX. . 1 n I Cattle branded OS) left hip and sate on the let l Jaw, and same on Horses Also Morses brand ed on left Jaw, shoulder or flunk, branded GO Also Horses PresrJoumal TnvmsrtaY, ttarcfc n, C. C. Burfc, Prop. KNTKHLIt IS rlt Pul Ur-Flce AT M.R ', CMOS StBli. ASKCOSl) OI.AS- MATTER ; OFFICIAL OF SIOUX PAPER j COUNTY. j C, 8. fikKATUM CM SS. II. DlKTNil-H I CONOtlnVlMi S i H.SUJ. BC1KKTT, iCtp. 1st l'UL. 1 UaviU U. atracr. ksp.tnd Hist. ! Jus) i- KaijNjol, 1 in. 3nl iaC WIS. L. HTAaa, rua. Ui Diss. A. C ii a LLMaaaaaa, ros. lift ltl, Wm. nriLLK, rus.oth lUt, StATE OFUCLUS Fa; P. HsrAi.n, K)veuoor Marsteller Bros. Are now prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE OK On !'ir? ItCe A Soldier's Lett' In wsh K4"la tf4 CmmMirx Ai.d mmt Hsva - CHawr tu : His XWua Psmm II ee M. i , r ,ui .: "c i i.k.'.o- . v . i "It s . t'1 OELZ School Shoes party ia Lmen!p aow wa rmyiui Tit! On Hi.n-is, t.o :'' . i- HeB B Iodepedat fcrpnWtektirw: 1 Onha )i x.oti!r !.) of tnrH- Vilft tVa!. anr, P. Ji. 4. 1VB j .te , i. uiivi " Sl Dwar Bwtrisjr nd Sirtor: Yi wf i, rv iw - . v.' i.-ir bavs) asVsjd me on two or Je ocfanK! j ajrH? i h - I n, ? M 1 j. to tfi you srTwWn5 syiu issb ' H. n0- i... . . . -l.tri m nn and I hav nwifUut-! tang soff fisl ho i". it 7 ? ' ' '.' rwsnus. First, I a !Lr tf pper- nJ rut. 1 1 e ' "; tlneaja yesj Viwd r"js.. 4 i .r fed truth ssjuiisjs too iiWt Mt7M-1 ipitwrhUM-! in ih f wiiipine, Mo. subiltss a pare wt v" TrrTiitlinooUsVdslknwbuichl,arsri. To V" ? u, of tr,jbia. sttuaAed oq ha tera hor- (vtxisd ur u'jrt!ii..v i ib?r izor. of civUiaatioo. 'fbsy are hounded , nui 0"t "t j i oo tlid norUi hy submarine farms, mi tKe j n,. ust by t v piioons aul wutr spouU, an utiwii-i'''.i',' i -l: ' tbe romUi by wobilwtsfon "kr.t'irJia. ; oi t vui J i ' u und r,n the tt iv smuirir'.sfa mi KVlp i into tla ntuU-Mi aJ i Hi'-' l- a 1 - Hlklid'tllt Art kw Sell "tlssrr, Bsli.' Ssii ' tesiblcr," Sets "lllsl." It U a probUm so "exj in titx EcnMiy w4t a haad fralani s)t ths end of tk r wUu Seat Sobool Bhoas) are aurcaasil stela- stvy la tbo eluiorec. aaaulactiijf in tfc world baiida a iiaa of aea aa axfcccgive d mabla ban Jswna ad low ariatd aa tate Belt Crutdm'a Bhosw tfata saaj. UollfDrlMtifRaf'ia(.n ttratfcaato rVjrMUrOcaaw. 8al tauis. far Mm. Wanan and CUMrao are (totiataetor; 8h PiouaJit7 CmfM-Stla. SELZ, SCHWAB & CO.,cmicaoo Mfi MsMrfsctums sf bWs mi Sheet ia tht WsrU. I left flank left shoulder. Range on bawd of Van Tasseli ereek. W yo. swPost Oflce adders, Harrison, Neb, boats. Tbe vrhola very peaceful at long aa there are pluty of aoldiers Uiera. Hw climate is ' deceptive oorobtaatioa of changes especiaily adpUi to ratatag "cane." Tbasoilia arv aroductlva large crops o( caooibala, freaks aad in stirrectioas baxuc ttMur dieif prodjeta, wtiile small baads of boloaaoo can be raised at will by the priesta (we nave one in otir (fusjl bjouse sbo ia to be abot on the IStb f $lw moaAh.) Tbe natives are very bsdostrioua; than cbief occuptloo is digging treaabes and setting rcao traps. Tbair bouses are made o( tatoiboo aod dirt (chiefly dirt). Tb Filipino uarringe is very impressive and tiieir woaVao vary ana A taspectad, so much so that they are allowed to do all the work, while the new sleep or sharpen llicir boles' ready to butcher ths first Ktranjrar they can saeak up bs hiod. Tbair dross h unitjua ia tbe ,e t re bsc- conopicuous oa aovouct of it's absence "Oae" struige are aery faahioa obU if nde of brilthtnt eoroiw, I oue to my bast girl made r-f oloa and red silk ribbeu and she ia th envy of all she coons ia towc. Thotr cbtetasuateaxtnt is apca HgaHiag aadstaaJing But they are very rpiif ous, always foia to cfatsreb bafora flgbUas their chkdteaa. lek obiaf diet is boiled rice and fried aardlaaa (fried ia cocoanwt oil). They sat three times a lay when tby can ifsl iLswid go a wasft without eaUog wbso grub rswearce. Manila is tbe cliisf city a&a is noted for it rKiiw f ill faw, rfirt and Ciiioar Tueo. Tbe principal saporta f tat is lands are rioa, hfiup ant ded aiitdiars. 1 TheiiaiMM'ts are patriotic Itinatlcs, hobos, footpads ia muforms, riBea and ammu' n HKXBY WAUSKKK. fHAULKS siEWMAN. The brand repTeentei in this notice , aVJ and branded any where ou lolt xtde 'm Cllt,ie' ",11 vcr-lap st tro-M the right ear. y& M Also the saine brand on left fhlgh of SiivJl horses, iMlongs to the uuderslarned. .iaage near East priK, south part V .mix county. Cuaki.kx SIWmaK, Barrlsoa. Hetmska. HUUKKKT A SONS. ,i "little brsnd jti aaiii aa Uiat cut aa eith er aide of snl- And lollowlngon ,eft side ef cattlr. ind this T " El And this I on left side and hip, .Itnng on Knnning V,at-r. PostOffice uddrees, Harrison, Ksbraska. ioremi branded on rlglit thigh randed and shoulder and on right Jaw Also, I bar orsee branded 1 I PotuoA4drees, on left thlgb Bswrtsaa, Stows Co, ehrasbs KWSBO. ', I will py S3 OOnrwerd fr each h., f Dave Colvtlle norsen I. a i asSRef Jaf or thtfll ttirmMl - ritae IsrBMafL . : C est. . WFT- "rr F 7 A I ivlct t3 asweea aasaarfaily fs.sjr . esk9sa. - VI. I A. Cns " , Vf '! " Cattle brand- ed &n left side. iunge aa Sunning Water Creeek. SWP. o. Address HavrlsOH, Mebraeka. FRANK KUTTJ. Cattle braadtd side and same on der if horses. Also some tie are bounded shoulder above ' II ';ft Shoul- of tbe Horses M ded on W I srl as as desorta-. I f and Cat. stwt tie ed let the bssuid. Add;as. Barrlsen, Nebraska. ROBKRT S. SJtCK. Cattle Braudsd Raageea S 1 1 i luf t side on loft h Alsu Cattle kraaed Ixi'jlner or side. Range on Running Water. P. 0. Address A cats, Mcbraxka. SAStUBLKRORI. Cattle branded any where on left side of tbe animal. Range on Prai rie iMfpnd Hon roe Creek. Address.Hsrrlxon. Nebraska CattlsBvasded oa left stda. aXJ Cat tie flstue KENBT V! f.VsrssjQ araadssl I I e left J (-de araaasd n Laft HI?. U3. Janasa nition. Fever is so prevolant that oae moruitig last week Ute whole island shook; I heard one fool sav it was aa earthquake, but it era fever. Coesmuoicatioo has been '.established tatwes tli;t!ads by using mosquitoes as carrier pigeon. 1 ant seriously con lemplatin iavestin; tuy naviegs in a tract of land ttrt and tsaiaing ibe mo squitoes so as to do away with the sec essity of tlie inveutivo rif fiUigniachioes forltaiak a aerial aarriage nitohad tandeoi would sooo aotiejaaU thebrigbt est klaus of our aerial esptriwents. J have a little poeeu wrilteu by oae of onr boys, wbicb will bj.p to aaiiefy fonr curioaiiy sol will give it to you right now woile I am living you the rest of it OOMIUAAItr AND CUNTSXT In tbe tswa of (wrtgsrs , Mands an old end worn OSJt shack Aa4 wha lasf asssjt It m swear It i s fe.; Tbe voef w!!l aBtveet rrotn tb aasaraasstac rain. We've bswa drvwasd everad O'eS Bat la hope we live ejasln. Tbe floor. ie sank low In plaess Wfets wlU It fill? is a!) tbs ts!k Bweenibles macb tb rolling MIlows: Hakes aa saw sick w wSik. The stairs rrtfrt Ijle a traaese The doors have fatten tit. So when Tou wish to enter There's no trouble, jnst step ia. Tbe eowiBlssarvw SU era rottes And send forth so awful smell ; Wben sou mekeamealof them Vou've a palu no tonga Can tell Tbe eheean Is walking snd convsrsitg. The bntter lies begun to sing, Remit beef ! loves to warble, RaeWBdoea the highland Sing. The rios rose la rebellion. bwure it wonld burst U s elothea, pepper eseee blew un It stopper, AnJ put on eud t nil its woes, (Jinger ale got eoutrary Kilbbled over at the apont. Swore b-'d drink all tar "Mvste" If we didn't take Mm oat. Tite eotasBlasarte aave a r horns Xky dearly love So etac Aed Jest h-fre tbe dtnaev aowr We bear I aelr vosese ring: "Please Mister, do not ewt aa If von kaew what yea are aboat. Oar a .'is have long sine bea busted And oar aea sll ran oat." a ooofuaioo of ooiwi arose from tlte car. Cisrses, slirieks, groaos, roarinjfs aaJ other noises were made by the demented men. Above the other sounds came the lowd pfeaxbiog of a religous maniac, who, with a btble in his hand, was ex horting his brothers to become Christ iana. A big, black negro namwi Tom, who ieiairiaOH that he is one of the guard was with rrstst affort keeping tall Uerman in piaos ibreateciiog him wttiseverv form of mil i tar punisruveot if ha niade a noise or chai'iced from tbe position the negro had forced bun into. These poor, wretched meo have alii! the instinct of the soldier, even in their deplorable oouditioo, The account say tfeot after tpe hubbub on Uie arrival bad oeased the entnaisnd attention" brought erv maa to the correct position. Tie next ooqsiaaad "haods out" aod every haadism astanded. Then tbay were bo4ouf ed ia pairs, with leather thong aad oiared off to breakfast, with the ssmsascisrssBnheraariBg grace aad the osarra labrrruptisaT Mm. This is eoeufh. to (reece the blood! tlmeridaa saldiers tajmad maniacs aad boisad toawthat, walking two by two Sua) sayasy. Patriotic ioe who have faibats aad tuothars, sisbers and brothers iirfens with wives aad children, with iatalllgwaee wracked by an incurable rsaJaiy, more anfortunabs than the dsjnb bras, with their lives hopatess. and daskened. broken 00 the ITU S. ' for svasvST Tliat human stavary must be rec ogwiasd in the SuIuk; that aiibt atakss right; thai ae alien people tost U feid la subjection without Ueir; uvat Iioeolti'i OeUysturg speed i ir.iwl be re oudiaLsd: that our children slutll be taught that the dei laraMoo of lodepead- enoa ia aa inoendiary documeut, apphc .ihla onlv to the Atlitlo-Sason and those who are numbered with the dead. Oalv lunatics! Poor boyil Tlssy say yoa bmugtit your madness on by drink. That vou were meiapcbolv aad aowa lick, whkb you lind vt business to be. yearnicg tit loved one at home. If yon are guilty, what are these who put you there? Yours is tht woe. By whoa came the offencef "Woe unto nlas by whom lb ofenoe nivh." Where will this nation stand in Uie day of judgment. "War ie Ml ' aad we cannot refine it. This is one of it's most sickening sights. -WoridllerakL The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. The Lusk Herald lat wvk says there baa beaaa revival of interest in lis land laaaiog Mil aioae the grand s'snd plav f Um f sares aa goyvrnnrveet land must oaaae down, ffus aatne douge, or ruaa was played at the stock growers naetliK at Allineyo ibpji lima aro. sn.f wo are not surprised at anything ol this kind that may turn up in the future to furth er the uuereet ol the followers of the ad leasJag bill. The Pssw-Joctinai. doa't believe ia any suoh methods, or dodges, if this law should be efiforrad, lot it be done ia a manly way, and not use It as a club to iatimidale any tht do aot fully understand the sitoatirm. It is a disgrace not only to our law makers but to our rwuntry, tn know we ha vt a law, and thcoelv way to get it snforead is far some one to report on hit neighbor Uiat ha is a violator of wicb taw. If ft ia unlawful for on man to fence ia gov rmt land, it la aahwfnl for all, so re av this, if M B. 'ampio sr 'l agt, gwn, taad of io, aW't saw that the law iv4niw to ud'safnl swr.losura of pifblic la ads is ea'ond without baior repawned . sWlaasa laws ssasa aoa S)UA aaw..U 111 a Ifow.nstar.I Iwliew I have given - yrwiasyaopwaof Iba Pfcil ppieee tba. I f "Kb ighh.w. he Is nor will cover all iroe quiona. How &i we;Sr h ood'w He hoMs. W a ) i like M What anrv f a onatry a. ( figstiri ihr feojs, hut desire Uiat it? J yew I've wsiit io you gat a ef that embalmed beef? (I only wish it DIBEOTORS. C. F. Cofs-kk, President. SF. W.Clakke, Cashier Stockmen having use for a bank at tin point may rely 01 us to handle their entire Banking busines. 0 We are prepared to take care of onr trade at all timerif aaasgsTin""Taaataasaa,Msg me- i irr THE PIONEER PHARMACY! Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Books and Stationary. ' J. E. PHINNEY, Propfietof. FOe)Qee)Oaa00Oa0e0oe) i y North-western LINE F. E. M. V. It. It Is the bet to and from tbe BLACK HIIiLS, DBADW(NI AND HOT SI'RINUS. fcOUTH DAKWA. F.K. . VB..1imeUble. Going Wt. Qoiitit East Wo.S, mixed. 10:W No. S, mlied ",.J:S OCTAVE HARRIS, Cattle bruadnd as sliown on lefV Sl.l ultll left cur Clipped, ksitirw on lfun BUig Water, P. Addreos, Mnrslund, Nehr. I 4 A. R. KKNNKDY. C'attie llrauOe aaaWBon Right H'r Sho"ilUer I'. 0. Address, Crawford, Nlrark. was asaaJajMsVit woaM nai stiak laecj Wat aa the people 4o for a llviagf ate If taatw are asry nBsallsas aot sMwarsw m taa aaovs I Roan yg siajlal sag waattnwy asaawnll arffl try sty laBvawrraagsJa all may (are the same, and art to aMe ay man, nr of eas to asaba a dak ont of any 4 our lawn We Wow'd say taafl tlBW am tatsnttsd, sr alow aad awRf t'Ms matteg it u a fwar-1 j taaa. wtisslaii taw big Ana will s wasiawj g, w kltl. KU. MA AON. CsttlH Branded, fange Boa ou left side nlng Water Address Agate, Nb. A.T. HL'UHSON Prnml eesnbi doubltwwsw If i ofoiiue liaises sawak is m se Should ST. ul ont rlgbS l attlo sll deboruf II lua left slils in rlirht eer eat tin, Usiiga ou Kyle Cteea, Post ilStea. wis Nsta-sska . B. HCNTBB. eveaa Wa eddraes, VA. Rasfc-w, rervMsa right SHERIFFS SALE Notice 1 hereby irlvi-n thai by virtue ,f sn order of wJi-lMued by the clerk of the IHstrict Court of Mouz eonnly, Nebraska np(i 6 d.--ivB remier-fl in wild court in fa vw of STiUuim ichleyer Him SKHlnst Mlnule Wcrderman lxmlna .lohunon, Carol lueStabe-fco.-, M&rU Siiuieyer, wodiriud W f.rdennnn heirs of r redr.rick WerUKruian.diaot, W, J. lkiwdnn. Thnt 1 will on la fttb day of MitrclTlWdat one o'clock tn Uie afternoon of a!d day at the east front door of tljn enurt ho'ife of K.i!,i ronnty, In tbs vlllsrr of ilarrt-, son lu ma crmnty et-M at public auction to tbs liinbest tiuu.jr inr cssii in hand tin, followlug dewrlliH real. .-.UK, l tm n,m county, .Nebraska, to wlu; The southeast quarter of tho nortlwast lirtr, the east hslf of th sonthesst quar ter of section flfwen, und the noru..t q.irt-r of the n..rtlast qaarter of ,-ctlon tweniy.lwo, township thirty tworat'igs nftv A e ' - Te satisfy said order of sale It, the ,ara mi ; nd HIM wts nm soornlng rs,ts. Alnx Lowrv, fchertn", SHEBIFF8 SALE. Notice l bereuy (ftveii ,bil, by vfrf n) Qf order el sale nwuc,- hy tun cir'rf tlw DIs trlet court w Sioux county, JVeln-ka biwn adecreerufiueredlusuidcoiii-t ravbrof I.Ke,nler .,t against V. U Ha.ung, .nd .L7dI'."or -'' "L" ThHt ' " 9thdayof March si one o'cluk In the al Uiruwu of said day t U.. mi (rout door of the oonrt hoe- n ,h Arr(on said soaaty sell at publln .,, to th hlgh.e bidder for awib In hand lite follow. Ing Inscribed real estate, Wwlt: Thesouttrt.Mtfinsrierofsr.tlon nlnetoen township tblrtywo range nty Ax in Rioua soanty Nebraska. To satisfy wild order of sale In tbe mm of mM and tHM costs and accruing rovla. Ales lwry, SharlW. OBTt ralaVirfieVF las I , 4- ,r. V. A'' '& 1',