Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 27, 1902, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
. , , . rl . .
J. F.
Cock wm in (rota Agate V. t4oe-
Mr. and Mm. R. F. Seeo
son visitors this week.
were Barrt-
T. Dredge bought a fin run of Z. F.
Aiitriw last Saturday.
Mrs. and Wm. Chrie Christeoesn
up from Andrews Tuesday.
Mr. Bieser shipped io a car-load ef cat
tle, from the oast, last ridey.
John a Elorspecher and Z. T. Antrim
v. re Harrison visitors hu-t Setiuvny.
J. E. Pelrena from Adelia 'M doing
business at the county Mat lest Tuesday.
Just received: A new consignment of
meu and boy clothing at GERLACH&
Clau Clrristeowm from Montrose
doing business at the county scat
Thos. Ivirson came in on the train
from Omaha last Friday. He exet.-.
to work for H. Warneke,
More and tatter goods for the same
money at GerKch's store tlian any other
lace, try theru. 10-tf
Epworth Leafrue, Sunday evening at
7 o'clock, Subject. The rin life, Christ
is ours. Suant Tvtvkr, leader.
Sunday School at 10 o'clock
i a. b.
are cordially invited to attend.
W. IL Uavb, Supt
Miss Fora Seece came in on tbo train
last Saturday, from (tiadron. where she
lias been attending school this winter.
rotM A mit, between Monroe can
yon and Harrison, owner ca.it kuee aafle
by calling at this otTieo Spaying for nd.
Hon. C. F. Coffee was a Harrison vlehV
or between trains last Saturday, rote ru
ing to his home, atOhadroO in the
Ueorge Willmwe came name froa
ChadronTueay, U remain all su tamer,
we are glad to have Oorge with Of sv
Wm. J. A. Kuuni, county clerk, vtsit
.... k:. I....!.. . f V. wnrxi.
Ml WIUI It1l Mw.tji
mw1kv on tlie west bound
vlfWiMi.'B J
There will he nervioea at the church
R..ndav at 11 a, m. AH members 6f the
church are specially requested to
Paul O. Brewster, who has been look
inir after his interests, ia ftoui Couot,
lut week, took the train lor Cheyeoae
last Saturday.
Ernest Plimoey returned from OAw
ford Kridov. Im scooeupanwd his aweet-
knm. who catue ui to attend the
8t Patrick dance.
Mr. and Mrs O. Batter end Master Oacll
Y west hound train, for It were
last Saturday, where they esfwet to visit
with Mr.aod Mrs. Palmer.
Mrs. John Brown and children! cease le
i Tuesday's train, and Mr. Brown take
.i ,. , ihalr new home that he
kllTIII V. - "
purchased from F. M. Smith.
I am now prepared to weave carpets.
m . r... hit and miss and k for
stripped. Warprurnishedatoet.
Mkk J. A. Hum.
Miss Ellxabeth Harris closed a success
ful term of school, in district No. 30 last
Friday, and on Moot lay she went ao Glen
to commence another term Io district
No. 1.
The eupreme Court, hat refused
accept bail, a per motion of attorney.
Critw nod Fanning, in the once of ttate
of Nebraska vs. Chaa. Bussell, so Charles
Russel will have to go to Unocla,
await the action of the supremo Court,
for a new trial.
When yeu lack energy, CO at rohsh
nnr food, feel dull and ctnaw). altar
eating, all you need Is a dose cf Chnisv
her Iain's Stomaoh A Liver Tablets, TUf
will make yon feel like a new
give yon an appetite like a I
epic by J, & Phinaey
H. K. Hler was a pleaanat caller at
our offloa last week, and voile here re
newed hi; ailegiuc to to Vtmrivcu
Nab for another year. Coma again Mr.
, Mr. ad Mrs. q. B. Holu'ogswrrth
went to (tsiroa last Saturday end Men.
xfenrngsworth returned Monday. Oar
no bought three car load of cattle
while at Chadroa ard shipped tbem to
Uouglae, and will drift thorn to bi
Tuesday wm a vary dtessoanhls onv
"bile it was not cold it wan hard oa
stock, e-ially tooso that haw the
scab. The wet mow wm bard on the
telegraph wires, for Wednesday Mora
iog we were cut off both ways by tt
wires being down but we bav bo room
for complaint as this has been an en
cepiionally fioo winter on stock.
We were glad to see our old time
friyods C. H. Weller and E. D. SaUerlee
oo our streets, Tuesday. This is the
second time Mr. Weller has been ia Har
rison since he disposed of his busine
interests and Mr. Sattortee lias aade us
but few visits since he moved from our
oiidst. Cone oftoner, gentleman, for
we are always glad to see those that
stKodby us and helped us moke tlie
town what it ie.
Didrick Nelson, formerly of Siont Co
unty. orders the Pkehs Journai sent to
him at Monaow, Idaho. In hi tetter be
says, he is well aatisfied in Idaho. U
bonght 8S acres of land with improve
meoteoB it, for $1100, and he finds it a
good, productive country, and thinks he
ill like it alright We were sorrv to
low Mr. Nelson, but are glad to know
that he baa found a good country, and
we wist bint success.
J. H. WMhenmdorfer has a part f the
material eej the ground. bnild aw d
ditipa uwto tic place of bujkMaa. Wo
uadeestaod the bcildiDg is tp be Its M
with a II foot post. Thkt wIM glw Mb.
WithenBsdorler more room, that be sway
be aWe to carry a hMgar etcak cf hapwawej
eadUee,aejd everything that is found in
a first class harness shop. Mr. Wilhar-
msdorfer is also vuppiyiog a kg nnisad
wans, one tap watcb repiurer, and be ie
wfjliog to gHaraotee ak work ia this line
aad if you have any work of this U
nrop m aoa see bita, and wa arc stire
you will be pleased with his week aa well
a bisohargos.
Last Monday, ft. Patrick's day waaok.
scfroi hv a good saoy of osr cltilaus by
we wearing or snaoa rocks, is the eve
mng a Urge crowd of out young people
from different parts of the country.
gathered to celebrate the day that is set
apart, and commeciorated te Uw birth
of the great Iriubmaa, that wrst christ
ianised tho Irish peophi bv tripping the
light fantastic until the wee small hours
of the morning,
Thsre is a legend that this day ob
served for the reason f rU. Patrick ban
iahiog the frogaaad scaba front Irelaad
which this ie oary legendary. We are
quite aura the young ladiee ef Harrlsoo
and vtceaity will always fast like cots
cjsmarating thin any enofe bccrtily for,
the bertinhment of tobacco smoke from
the balMweq) an this special dap.
The above wen switched oa to oar dead
hook, therefore Ud not gwt Into the pa
per butt
wa nowoa me local rocrohaae arc
hegiaeing ta drop their advartteiag cut
of saasy local exchaagea. and the (asm
of their work nleg the lines of public
ity between now and the late fall will
be of little coBsecueacc Why they do
this is beyond our comprehension an
lev, it is for the panose of helping
Montgomery, Ward A Co, and the trav
cling grocery peddler and giving range
men a bettor chance at the people. If
this ia tlie object, then the purpose Is
admirably served. The local merchant
don't appear to know that it takes
long time to drive a nail whan you only
hit it once every three ar four weeks.
The other fellow caa drive more spikes
with a tack hansmsr that yon
ahiagle nails with a sledge because ha
ops bitting mil the Uase. No f inner
man ecpecte to eatea anything wbaj
keeps JerWcg hie hook out of the wa'er
aad waittag for the f urn to fellow it cot j
on the beak. Bait year heck of edver
tlaiag with hen est goods and fair prices
aad drop it Late the no Id stream af the
circulatioc ef the local paper. Keep
your bait fresh aad ajnaoe all keep fish
in'. This leoal paper 10 ready, erflraf,
anaiaue ta help yon win ewiaet tka)
amil aatt aonaa, hut aotaiaf CM bp
dnae oMtwMt year co-paratioa.
Uoath entered the iioaieof Andrew Mu
Oiaiey last Monday morning at 8 o'clock
and claim for bis victim. Ls & Me-
j tfmfcr, wf of Andrew McOialcy. .
Uur. a Bavca was bora Nov. SO -1840
aod was married to Aodctw McOiniey.
SrpU 17, t8Coaa4wtdto y obo has been
a invalid uearly ail nor life, bat coo bore
bar aAiirtioqa wttbout a cuurisur. apd
bar etory Jcrt aoI Wre ae for the
happiooss of her iiuobaod, aad loose s
rouadbpr. Ac w looked os bar peaceful
face, as aba Icy tharc io Oatb, wo saw
do trace of the 60 years of suffering writ
t CD there, but Of as peaceable wad calm .
W might well say death, where, w ta
stiqgf wbeg we om look upow a tooe so
beautiful and calm oVeAb. 9o duuU
sb woo W have) liked to have Ukte her
busbapd, whom sbe loved so dearly,
along wltb hy, ovt alas we aM have to
travel this dark valley of the shadow of
death alone, so far as earthly friends are
eonorrned, but thank (iod we can take
faith by the hand, through this dreary
land if we are only faithful to him that
doelh all thiogs well. Tbp body was in
cased in a beautiful casket decorated with
flowers, and wan followed to the grave
by sorrowing relatione and friends, and
there the last burial rltee were performed.
The Ifev. J. A. Scbamahorn of Qordon
officiated at the services that were held
at the bonis of the deceased, and may
toe kind words, spoken by Lira, be long
rcnembsred by those preseot The
PRKM-JoumAi. extends symptby to the
sad heart that is left alone to light the
battles of life, and may he be able to nay
hB bin life's battlec are at aa end, as
sbe did,"Uis will be done."
Ernest Bucfto of Mat Creek valley was
a Harrison visitor last week.
James Noiaa, from Eckard 80.
was a Harrinoo visitor Tuesday.
Bee. Tonngnmn writes, that he is iav
peeving rapidly and will be heme in a
Fraak Fiecaing. k w nt Id the
syluoi, alLeoooh, front true counfr,
died thitaaume Uw 040.
Mrs, Titer who baa bean visiting with
bey rclativei for the lent few week left
Walnienjy evening, for bar noma at
TJatrtilcBa ffannw
Chat. Woodward who wee enateooad
te be buog at Caeper. Wyo. Maroh 84
gat a respite of tuo days, Io await the
acticM of ihe supreme court.
Una. C. F. Cwffes, Mr. an Mrs. & 0.
Sattorlee and C B. Weller oame up
from Chadron, Tuesday, to attend the
funeral services of Mrs. A. MoOlnlsy
who died at S o'clock Monday njoroiag.
Vlrgie Hester and) E. A. Bsthar re
turned home Monday from ladina omeb
where they have bean at work for some
time building a bouse for Jaojes Nolan.
IoduetoiotM roes are never hunting work
the work ie huatieg then, euoa te the
cans with Mr- Hooter and Esther, they
are aiways bucy.
Have yen tented in Le fJarlaob'fe
front wiadww eiaoa the flret day of epring,
Well, we saw JUew sotubtwag away 00
tbose windows, aad wa waawated what
ww gowg ta happen; von want ace
bat yau will ace nhe
sheee that hen ever
dont fail w) look la.
Baa) Clarke laft eVutway cveniog
(a a trip dwc lt the Saad aTtlis latura-
wg Wsdasafiw. We inOrntesI ha
went ffnnalasT far ducks, but aa to hU
sueriss we did not learn, but we do know
Mr. Chubs enjoys a trip out in the fresh
air once aad a walla, aad Vebraake caa
furaish as much ef that as any stats in
the Untea.
Orandtna Davis returned Monday,
from Omaha, where eke haa been under
going treat me at for her eyee. Her eyes
arc Improved from what they were be
fore she went there, but are not aay bet'
ter than when ebe was with ue before.
Ber many frtende were in hejiee she
might be fully restored ta her eight a
gain, but while such is not the case we
are glad te have ber with us agaia.
Adlwvit Kami.
Mr George Davie ie nfaia
played en
The rain af Faiday aad Pttnday
greatly wetoeosed hy the farmers
have sowed small grain,
Mr W. A. Downey went ta LeadGv
Dak. awtTueaday wbara aha will deft
with herekater for a while.
haattawaad the fa. ratrirk'i
at Adraaarw last Bnaiay eveahtf
I Me nMs Ve www hiat
GEarle free I returned home from RAO.
raarii in Wyoming, last Tuesday. He
has been berdir t p up there for the
last two month.
Mr. V If red Liaberg went o CraMord
last Monday to gtt his bath pullpd and
returned oa Ttiursdav, oh it must have!
been a bad tOOh 1dlake so lofig t pull
it. He was accompanied home by How
ard I Snth. We were just.wcn4eriug
if IL I. S. was the denUet.
I In Wyo ruing.
Z. A. Bke lias his saw -mill boiler re
paired aodjis turning out lumber by the
Thedanee at 0. Christian's last Friday
wue very well attended by the boys.but
the girls wore rather scarce.
We otter no excuse nor apology for
these few Kne, but simply fire them in
to see what will become of thern.
There asems to be a blind pig in Harris
on, and some folks take advantage of the
poor things infirmity, aod run in to it
every time they go to town.
Mr. Joha Long of it.,'Joe Mo. a nephew,
of Mrs. Stephen Eldridge, arrived lanf
week, to trv the pare air of this region
a, a health restorer, having suffered
with malaria and lung fever at his home.
Miss Florence Christian will celebrate
the cod of a socceasful term of achool in
the eoet P. R. school house next Friday
with a literary entertainment in the eve
iag. - Florence is all riht as a teacher
or as a model young lad.
Not withstanding tlie iocleaiency of
tho weather on last Sunday, a large
audience feathered at the wert Pleanant
Ridge school house, to greet their former
pastor, Utile r Wart a, and to hanr him
preach. They were a di&sapointed lot of
people when they heard he Would not be
A hoy was compelled by bis tepclier to
write an ejaary "en toe month," and this
if What he wroto. The mouth ie, the
Urantdowr j the face; it ie the aperture
of the cold sternge ef year' anatomy.
boom monehi look like peaohee aad
creuni; noaw look liken bole ia a brick
wall to (Inert door or window. The
mHi nV drimaoa aide to ypur liver;
it le patrfotism's foundation and tlie tool
cheat for pie. Without tlie mouth Uie
aoliticao woo'd be a wanderer on tbo
face of the earth and go down to an un
honored grave. It is tlie grocer's friend,
the orator's pride and the dentists hope.
It puts come men on the joetrum and
other in jail. It is temptations lunch
counter when attached to a maiden and
tobaoeo's friend when attached to a man
It is iiw rWlii) vi tit ttiirUif umBurF
the tongue. Without it married lift
would be a summer dream and a dude
would loose half hie attractions. E
Sheriff. Sale.
By virtue of en order ef sale Incited by the
01 era cm tne autnet mwi 01 nmi counvy
JIabrsabe.ioVttO mcOlrtnted upew a decree
raaOaied V aald court in fsTer of Stoul
eeuatSi .Mebraeha. a pkUntl and slnst
ankseoa aein of Saren Lutsenhleer de
eeaMd. terse. A. lontSMibelwr. that I will
on Hie tMb eay of epsil lew a an o'eieek
In tne aresrnooa e seld 4ay s be mi
frout door ef the ceart hoexe sT said tunty
W tke vllbwe of Heriieoa la eatd eoMty aail
at nunllc soctlea to tne hlcemt Bidder for
aacl le band tne loliovin gnernsea reel
eetste la said Stout eoeuty, MetSTuk, to
I wis:
Ttaa Busth-woat aaarter MV of wrtUin
utu cf tauae nrtir-feur (Mi west ol tne
tstb ptiprtpttl nwrede te Mtly setdord
r u caleln she ojs uf njst.st eoet aad
ShariaT ul sai Co
Sheriffs Sale
etleelskereby eivee that by vtrtee of
u mt4t iwimsI by tke clrk ef the rtittrtot
uoartaf Rtoax eonnty. SebnwVe "poo de
cree n edereC la nel4 eeuTt la for ( stoaz
iMuety endcsluct ih K.KItint,ebewalter
Mrtrsae''e.aeororstlon, tbl I will on
tbe snb day of ABrllim at on o'clock lathe
alteraeoa of cold day at tke east front door
of tbo ceart bourn of wtld twenty la tbe ll
lMf Uarrlcon, 1 will Mil at public suction
to the blaluwt bidder for mtch In band the
follow lag described real estate le said Sioux
event, flobra.ee, te-wlt:
The vest bait of tb south east quarter of
tbe eeuth-eaal qaarter ef tbe sou t b eset
auerter of section thlrty-lkree and tbe
wnitb west qaartor of the nortb-weet oeart
ar of ctUNi thlriT four la Uiensbln tblrty-
ibvaa. raasnt Bftv Bve to sails! T
' eve to aiiMT Mtui oruer
ol sale ia tbe east of (CI.38 sod Uie
costs and
seernlaa costs.
blurt saia ue.
Mherirs Hale
of eald day at tbe es freat Coor ot Ike
eoart koeee of sees eoaaty at Hstvtenn, He
nneaa.esU at pabtle soetieej to tbe bij
Ssddev fee oaoo la bmC ins foitawieg
aertnrw real eetale atlaatot ta sen sea
a. ecu as aamie eoetiew to sne aiam
te- 4
twe sMtn-woet onartey of nsettea three la
BiosnMp eoeatf ievoa aceihef ape tty
ire west ef tne euia prcnsteeteserlSUii to
tanartcp of esetten
rievea aeeusefiti
euia prcnsteelnter
er of ssie le tbe
em of
ftp vlrvae ef aa order of sale Icsocd by tee
Clecn of Ue dlsMlct eocrt ef Moos -oouty,
ielateeka, upon a deceee reedered In said
eoart In favor of tbo eonsty of Moax, aa
BlatetuT, end against Jaiuee H. took, Kate
&.iwet,uaaen Meadrta, Oarrta r. Hen
drla bis w;:e, MelUnley Unaleg Loae aed
Tnottleonaay. IwUldtOntbe ink day
rJ anrtl Icjat at aaoa'ckMb In tbe afleraoea
ObeetMe re Aateftce HwU.
Three MaAlum dakee those of Nor
follt, JietMaonA a4 Craftoo arc vlo
owere, so ate nsmerou other fsraoud
pwtra. iacladtaci Usvde taliobury, Rose
caty, AboravenAy and Heiboroiign.
Cnssy Mesw.
I Tite FHHS-JX'1aI. has printed rnr-
1 ted number of maps on Manilla card
board which can be tcuM for 10c each
They will sluo be given as a premium to
new subecribers.
Clubbing Offers
While you are thinking of subscribing
or your yearly reading matter, remem
her that the PwtSH-JOURNAI. will tsdt
subscriptions to any paper oa earth and
save postage and time for you.
Reliable man for Manager of a Branch
Office we wish to open in this vicinity
Hre is a good opening for tiie right
nan. Kindiv give good reference when
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts, stamps,
A Prlntow Cre&tly Svrarlscd.
"I was never so mnch surprised in my
life, as I was with the results of usin.'j
Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry
T. Crook, pressman of the Ash vi lie (N.
C.) Gazette. "I contracted a severe case
of rheumatism early last winter by get
ting my feet wt. I tried several things
for it without benefit. One day while
looking over the Oaiette, I noticed that
Palo Balm was positively guaranteed to
cure rheumatism, sol bought a bottle of
it and before using two thirds of it my
rheumatisam had taken its flight and I
have not had a rheumatic pain si ace."
Sold by Dr. J. E Pliinney.
tleivtfig' Bun en ChsmberUtn's
Ceunfc Itemedr
Between tlie hours of eleven a. m, and
closing time at night on Jan. 25th 1001.
A F. Clark, druggist, aiadeSpring. Va
sold twelve bpttles of Chaniberliaa's
Cough Remedy. lie says, "I never
handled a medicine that cold better or
gave better satisfaction to my custom-
1." This Remedy has been In general
usp in Virginia for several years, and the
people there are well acquainted with its
excellent qualities. Many of them have
testified to the remarkable cures which
it has effected. When vou Mod a gond
reliable medicine for a oeugh or coid, or
attack or the grip, use Chamberliao's
Cough Remedy and you ure certain te
be more than pleased with the quick
cure which it afforhs. For sale by Dr.
T. E. Pbinney.
Tee aasecaon met es per Ckaptor 77, Article 1. Section 4, Kevlsed Statutes of h'e
brsska. Meatlofl c d to order by J. C. Parsons. Motion made and seconded that Tat
Lacy act as ckalrniau of tbe meeting; motion carried.
Itetioa made, secoaded aed carried that Wm. J. A. Kaain act as secretary of the
Motion saade, amended and carded to ad tourn. to .March 21, 1901. Adjourned till
March t, IKS. We. J. A. U (I'M,
Taa aceMSOts met as per adjournment ; meettng called to order by Pat Lacy, chair-,
Motion made, seconded and carried that we adopt tbe 1W1 schedule with aa lncrerse
la valuation of M) per cent.
Motion made to auiead tbe former notion In so far as It applies to bucks that they
be reduced to ttxsn per bead.
Motion made, seconded end carried tbat tbe minutes of the meeting b printed on
lae tek of erbedule.
Motion made, secoaded and carried tbat we assess cattle at an avg. of tS.UO per head.
Motto tOc eaif carried tbat we jwwiih harw. u an vrr. of s.W) per head.
Motloa made, seconded and carried tbat we assess mules the same as horses.
Motion made and seconded that we assess gbeep at an average or $1.50 per head.
Motion wade, seconded an J carried that we assess all bogs over sir months old at
y per head.
Motion made, seconded and car rled
Mellon made, secoaded aad carr led
fit lw,
Horses 1st class
?i ro
. 12 76
" Hud
ue .... ..
1st elacs-
Snd " -Jrd
sin os
io w
Yearlings 1st class... ...... ...
.... 4 Ml
..Jilt M
... 7A0S
" inn .
" rd "
talllonslst class .
Ira "
14 00
Jacks 1st class .-.
tne " .
" ird " .
Melee 4 rears and over 1st clas.
..rw jo
.. I! (
.. us
t - sua -
" t -
Colts 1st siee
. BC "
... SCO
Tear II agf let class
" W4
C Si
CoWs let
" nd
i is
anievs years aad ever 1st rlssc ...lll V)
" Cud - Is 0
- I " " ........ It 00
Professional Cards.
A. J. 0 Connell,
Co. Attorney,
Will Practice In All Court.
Mperia! Attention fjilven to Land Of
hoe KuniHesx.
Collections and all hNiness entrust
ed ten.e will retire prompt attention.
Harrison - Nerkaska.
Phybeinn and Snrgeon.
ill calls given prompt attention.
Odlce In tmiK stort.
Prompt attention given to ail iea,
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Suite
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliablv
CSTLegal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
Sheriff's &le.
Notice is lifreby given that by virtue of an
oidor ot nl issueil liy the Clerk of the Dis
trict court of Sioux County NrbraHkit upon
a decree rendered in md eourt In favor of
Sftmli Wisdom aurl against 8trnh Windom
ard Leoua Wisdom heirs Aaron Wisdom, de
ceased, American Investment Company, a
corporation, IC L. Orinsby whos true cliris
talu iiume Is unknown to plaintiff, Trustee,
W.J. Bowden whose trim ohrtntlan name la
unknown to plaintiff, defendcuta, that I will
on tli 7th day ol April 1902 at ono s'clock la
the ftfternuon of said da at the east front
door "f the court house of said county in the
village of Harrison in said county, Fell at
public unction to the highest biiHerfor cash
in Hand the following described real estate
In said Sioux county, Nebraska, to.Wit;
The sonth half of the southwest quarter
Of section twelve (12; and the north half ol
the northwest quarter of section thirteen
(13) in township t'uirty two (32) north ot
range nftythreo (53) west of the 6th princi
pal meridian in Sioux county Nebraska.
To satisfy said order of sale in the sum of
0M.15 and ftl M costs and accruing costs.
First publication Marck h.
ALEX Lowhv
Sheriff of said county.
Catray Notice
I have on the 2nd day of Jan. 1902.
taken up, 4 miles east of Montrose, one
home about four years, color gray,
branded as follows:
on right
ii "31 1 if't
Owner will calll -Jaiiu prove pro
perty, pay all charges and take animal
away. . ---.,
84-8 Peter Rabkn.
that we access school land according to law.
tkst we adjourn.
Was. J. A. Hai'm.
Steers J years aud over 1st clsss ..IIS 00
" " " " 2nd " r
2 " " 3rd " 0 00
Steers I year-old 1st alasa..
' 1 year-old 2nd "
" 1 ear-old Srd " ..
!0 M
P fHI.
... 7l.
Hulls 4 years and over 1st class ; on
" 2 " " " 2nd "' ... ti u)
t - " ' ard 15 00,
balls I year-old 1st 'class.. ...1TVI
, " I year rld mi " .. .... fi no
" 1 year-old 3rd " . 4 m
Heifers t year-old 1st class fl3 IW)
" t rear old tnd " .. woo
M 1 year-old ard " . t oo,
Heifer I yiur-old 1st class.,
i yesr-oia ma
I year old (rd '
Sheep s months and over 1st Clsss n ro
asaiiths 2nd ....... 1 10
Bucks let class .. 7i M
" tud ;o uo
" tnl " 600
HOOa e-saoeths and oar I e per pound.
Land 1st class. I
I si
With a
fair value for Improvements,
JTTT on left stio'iKler. PWWfl
1- ! I
: I
'i 1 1
nlW wtmwitfKSt -
-V.' Vlr- Is