Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 20, 1902, Image 1

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Harrison Press - J ourn al.
Mike Brurk was a Harrison visitor
teat Friday.
Rev. W, R. Warren of Rushuille, for
merly pastor of the M. E. Church at
Harrison, will preach at Pleasant Ridge
Sunday, March, 28 at 11 a. ni. ami Sun
day evening at g o'clock at Hurnson.
Mr. Warren will be pleased to meet nli
Iiih old friends both at Pleasant Hill and
Oeorge Hill and
eisitore Tuesday.
wife were Harrison
John Hermaa and wife, of Storv. were
la Hmtim this week.
Fred Doane wan a Harriaon visitor
never! day thin week.
Thomas A. Holmes, from Colorado,
who has Uea looking over this irt of
the country with a view of locating, left
oil the west bound train for his home in
Colorado Tuesday, not finding anything
here that nutted him. We hoim that at
aooie future day lie may conclude to try
it again, for we found him a verv nice
oung mini,
Mr, and Mm. w, B. wright went to
Crawford last night on ousiuess.
Ueorge Turner- of Story, ha been in
towu several day a this week, oil business.
J Ut received: new consignment of
aim and boy cloUung al OF.RLACHH.
Henry Will came riiKhing into our
office Wed. morning and we thought
something serious had happened, or that
Moxiethe Hindoo, or Hoodoo, had return
ed to town, but when he got hit breath
he said John Anderson was in town, and
all dressed up.- Well, Henry, dont scare
u so again, for he is the surneold Jehu
whether dressed up, or not dressed uu.
Ed lloljingsworth, of Indian Creek,
was doing business in iiarrivon tins
More and better good for the same
money at (trriaeb's store than any other
plac, t ry them. ' lO-tf
Rtihday School at 10 ('clin k a. in
are cordially invited to attend.
W. H. Davw, Supt.
From daily report North Dakota and
4Hhef iKiiula have, suffered severely in
tkt etoriu of last friday And 8utunlay.
Mr. I. M. Thompson cloned a siiccess
Jul term of school at Bodarc, in school
district No. ft. lie left Monday night fur
Itonver, Col.
John T. Coffee and Master Frank came
in on-the train Wednesday, and went out
ta Hon. C. F. Coffee' ranch in the Hat
Creek valley.
Clarence liollingsworth came down
rm bin raoc near fcoas, Wyoming, for
a few day risit witii his family who re
aide Ui HarriKio.
Corwin Lewis proved up on hi home
stead lat Haturday. Quite a rough day
to he nut but Corwin know n the value of
our Hioux County soil,
OenrgeOrinim was a Harrison visitor
Tuesday. He informed us that he wan
arohaf to move on Charlie Biehle's old
plare. i Warbonnel precinct.
X In Wyoni;
Quite a blizzard st ruck this part, on
fan! Friday and lasted until Sunday.
Ws uudarftnnd that Frarcia Deuel has
engaged o work for- A mire w- CtvrrstTatr
Little Robbie Harrison of Round Top
is staytng at A. P. Rosenborg's and at
tending school.
Mr. Elmer Minehart doe not enjoy
hatching :o he is boarding at George
Davis' at the present time. I thiok
there must lie som attraction but rever
rHfld mteiHratirr-sill Trpiit :
Chirle R. Cook, from Vralentine,
came in from the east, Wednesday, mid
rom this liuie forth will assist in iret-
ing out the Vhvsh Jocio.au Mr. , Cook
come highly recommended, and with
his help we feel that we can give our
readers Utter reading. Our every effort
will he to build up the paper in every
way, and hope we will have the co-oper
ation of our patrons.
We heard an editor sav, in speaking
oi.a certain advertisement, a printer
greatly surprised, that he thought it
must have la-en some subscriber paid his
subscription. Well that might apply in
some places, but not in Sioux County
for we can sav our subscribers are verv
punctual along that line, and forme.
editor Phipps said he did not think Sioux
County could ' lie surpassed by any
county in the state for their devotion to
their county pr.per, so we will have to
aay, "Hurra for Sioux County".
jonn nrown, hm two sons and two
daughters arrived in Harrison lust Wed.
from Scotland, S. Dakota. Mrs. Brown
and the other members of the family will
be alomt in about two weeks,
We were pleased to meet Mr. Brown
for we found io him the joliv laugl
that belong only to the frontier settlers,
luvr vuimu, exienus a welcome
hand to Mr. Brown, ami lamily.und tn
m.ii no urn iinu tne people o
it.;. . . .
mm uMi.av as cormai ar.u kind as we
have ill the Jtasl 16yeurs of our residence
for a year.
James H. and Kollie Christian and Thos.
Zuiu Brunneii look iu the show, week
ago Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Zekiel and family were
in from Monday until Wednesday con
sulting Dr. Richards.
Miss Ora Pogue, the sleeper, who is
traveling With Moxie. the hypnotist, is
an old school mate of the Boyles.
Harry Fancher was an over night visit
or in Harrison a week ago Monday, of
course he took in the Moxie entertuin-
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christian were
over night callers in Horrison the first
of lust week. They were having denial
ork done.
The ridge wan well represented in your
town the fore part of last week. We
met several of our neighbors there whom
we had not seen since last October.
Letters of inquiry have reached uscon-
erning Dan Klein's milking machine.
If it is a success, as Mr. Klein has
rilten us, he will purely find a demand
for It,
Photographer Goodwin of Lusk, was
n our sittlemeiu all of lust week taking
views. Among tnose lUKen we nugui
mentit n the Kurt- and West schools and
L. i. uristiuu's.
Supt. Burke of your town was an over
ight visitor at Atulrew Christian's week
ago Saturday night ami uiienextday fill
ed the aDoointiiiHiit in the West school
luiuse, in Rev. Younguian's stead.
The question ol a telephone line from
Harrison to the Pleasant Ridge settle
MiHiit. is now be i n ir uintaled. and we
hope the day is ool far distant when we
an '-hello" the PlKS8.J0l'KNA!. by the
grape-vine rouie.
Miss Ida M. Knikrht closed a four
month school m the West school, week
.urn lodav. Siie left immediately a for
r, - - - .i -
her liome in Missouri Valley, Iowa
She taught a good school and g ive
entire satisfaction.
Miss Floraoce M. Christian will close
a five mouths term in the East school
on the 28th. iust. Florance ranks umong
hthe best teucliers of our county . and we
Mr. Francis Miller arid W. F. Wasser
burgerof Montrose were down to Ed.
Peiieu's (last) Thursday after a horse the
latter had purchased. While down they
made a pleasant call at the school house.
Mr. Scoti Metts has built a house on a
ill about a mile north of the Reboot
house for the convenience of the girl's
schooling but they do not occupy same
very much as they believe in change of
esidence quite often.
Henry Wertz is doing some rarienter
work fo F. B. Lnngwortby. Henry
good mechanic and Is one or thoux
county's oldest t tiers.
we are glad to antounce that G.nnd
tna Davis, who ia at the M. E. hospital
In Omaha, is much better wnd .ve hope
her eyes will be ao much improved that
she will be with us eooo again.
F.pworth League. Sunday evening at
7 o'clock. Subject: Our own for Christ,
all areoordially invited to attend.
May LkwM, Leader
I am now prepared to weave carpet.
10 eta. for hit and miss and 124 for
ftrtpped. Warp furnished at c-wt.
Mrs. J. A. ThaVKR.
- We received a letter from Rev.
Youngmin Wed needs y and he cant my
joet when be wiii be home nut not un
til be is fully restored. He did not say
Whether be was improvmg or uol.
the world Herald, came out last Sl
nrdny with the statement that Rev. C
L Smiih formerly pastor of the M. E,
Oiurch nt this place hut now of Uni
ii-rs. ., i.-titiiiii iteorasKa, hae
suddenly disupeared and up to going to
press he has not Wn found. From
what we can glean from the papers
that Mr. Hmtth wrote his wife a lette
stating that by the time it would reac
her he would be uml-r the ice in th
Missouri river. Tuesday's paper statei
that Mrs. Smith had given up all hopes
ofeverr ".ngher husband again. . W
hope though that he may yet turn u
well mid sound, for Mr. Smith has man
warm friends in Sioux county.
Bodarc Geanings-
Lewis wolhetter has been suffering the
past week with an attack of facial neu
ralgia but on Sunday was able to lie out
I. M. Thompson closed a successful
term of school in Bodarc district last
Friday am) left the following morning
for Denver on a business trip.
we acknowledge a pleasant though
short visi! froin our old neighbor. Fred
Dukiiie, on Thursday of last week. He
aV accompiin-ed by his friend Mr.
Holmes of Colorado.
George Hill and family came ovfr
from Running Water last Wednesday
and at present they are visiting with his
parents. George thihks of going to
Montana hi a lew w-eks.
The buzzard which came sweeping
do n on us last Friday was fortunately
of short duration us it t"ll pretty severe
ly on the stock while it raged, we are
now hoping it was our dread.-d equinox-
iiii sioi iii v, inch is due aliout tins time.
We have been nil her tardy in sending
iteus to the Fkekk-Jol'KNai, lately, but
there is litt transpires in this sleepy
corner of the world, worthy of mention
and since the Pos'-OH'ice has been dt-.eon-
tiriuei we find it. hard to make connect
ion with the mail carrier. This must be
Our excuse for the present, in future we
will try to do better. We wish the new
Editor in chief all success with the Press
Joi-kNAL. and w ill send along what news
we Can find.
Tins is not as much like sprintr as it
was a week ago when we saw a few far
mers plowing. The tomato and cabbage
plants that were left out lust Friday
night were frozen stiff. I guess we will
not make garden, until the Sioux Co.
breezes warm up a little, for when they
1-eacl) nere cold thecause us troub'hX
March 17, 1902. Cuo.
PcbTc'Sale. '
The undersigned will sell at public
sale on March 26. Ift02, at the residence
of Frank Fleming, in sect o l 152953
Sioux County, Nedr; the following de
scribed property, to wit;
4 Cows 2 yearling Heifers
1 bull Calf 2 heifer Calves
3 Mures 1 saddle Horse
1 l-.vr. old Colt 1 set buggy Harness
1 set cart Harness 1 3 in. Wagon
I 1 in. Wagon 1 top Buggy
1 Cart I mowing Machine
1 hay Rack 1 set hladk - smith
About 25 bu. Potatoes , (Tools
1 Cook slove 1 heating Stove
Heds and heddinir, kitchen furniture
andother Things loo numerous to ment
ion, Terms cash
Guardian of F;ank FlemmIXcj
By order of the Probate Court.
E. A. Biokijw, Auctioneer.
For S&Ie
One plain light oak Epworth organ,
double action billowsnnd lias beon useu
about two years. For further informa
tion inqoiie at the Porsonage.
Professional Cards.
M. J. (Xonnell, - - t'e. Attorney.
Will Practice In All Coarts.
pTinl Attention Uheu to Land Of
five Business.
Collections ami all business entrust
ed to nit; will receive prompt attention
Hahklson - Nebraska.
I'liyiscian and Sorreon.
Alt calls given prompt aUentten.
Olllce in Drug Store.
Ctubbi nij Offers
While you are thinking of subscribing
or your yearly reading matter, rem em
bcr that the Pkksk-Jouknai, will fake
subscriptions to any paper on earth and
save postage and time for you.
Prompt attention given to ail legat
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, awl Wore the United State
Land Olllce. t
Fire Insurance written m reliabW
tSTLegal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebkaska.
Reliable man for Manager of a Branch
Office we wish to oen in this vicinity.
Here is a good opening for the right
man. Kindiv give good reference when
writing. '
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts, - stamps.
28 6
Jmnee Nelann of Adelis, renewed hU
Jlefiaaoe to the PiUBe-JotnSAL for
Mother year, by landing us a dollar
while m town this week. Come in again
Jim when you are in town, we enjoy
your company aa wall as your dollar.
Herman Volkman who haa been work
ing tor Mr. Kednedy, left thin week for
Audnbon City, Iowa. He ordered the
Pi JomwAL, aaat to him there, ao
that ha mibitt know what ia goinf on in
' Hons County. Hucceas to you Herman !
. i i
Waert you lack energy, do not relish
vnwr food, feel dull and stupid, after
an ting, nil you need ia a does of Cham
! katWa'a Stomach Uvtr Tablets. They
I will make you (eel like a new man and
! civ Toe an appetite like a bear. For
OebT Khtnoey.
. Kail Jordan wan all emilaa over the ar
rival af a btaa new boy at hie home but
wnakt tne mother and ohikd are norag
lealy. nrwia tnammti on from the sham
aw wa an VmI wearina: Monday, and
Wa UnmcM of being ealmd papa In
nnawt two yra will, no amtibt, pull
U twimjph all O K.
The assessors met Tuesday and elected
Pat Lacy, chairman and Win. J.
naum, cierK 91 sain meeting, it was
then decided by motion that they adjourn
until Friday, the 21st. as there had been
misunderstanding of dates, and as th
meeting is one of the most importan
meetings that has ever been presented to
The assessors, those present deemed it
best to adjourn until they could get a
full representation.
We are quite sure the assessors did the
wise Uiinn and it shows great consider
ation for those that were absent for they
had full power to make a schedule if they
saw fit.
The assessors fully comprehend the
situation before them, and we feel that
they will be deliberate In their actions.
The minutes of meeting will appear next
hope to lie able to retain her 111 the same
school for the summer tern
A letter from Clio a few days ago in
forms us that they are all well, and in
good spirits; just anxious for pring t
arrive with the song of the blue-bird and
robin, so that she can go after that old
coffee-pot that is full of garden seeds,
We have it from good authority, tha
the W. O. W. will build a hall, near tne
center of the settlement, in ft short tune.
The hall is to lie used for church
pu 1 ioses also, and will he located or
Miss Steer's land near Mr, Zum Bruu
nen's place.
A letter from Charles Christian, who
is pow in Las Vegas. New Mexico, states
that he is enjoying good health. He is
studying law with one of the leuding
barristers there, and getting along finely
He has completed one set of bonks and
is now reading Greenlief. In time we
hope to see him one of the leading discip
les of Blackslone.
Hello there! Yes we are awake after
a rest of about six mouths, your corres
pondent is awake to the fact that he still
liveth, so with due reverence to our
sister correspondent from the west end
of the settlement: we will resume our
writings again. Keep ou sister as our
mind hardly ever travels to that end of
the universe we are unable to imagine
what is going on there. You see we
write by inspiration, or as Moxie would
say by psychology.'
Sheri ft "s Sale.
Notice is hereby irivcn that by virtue of an
order ot sale issued by the Clerk of the Dis
trict court ol .Sioux County NebrKxkit apo
a clecrue rendered in said court in favor of
Sarah Wisdom rhu ugainst Strn Wisdom
and I .eon 11 Wlwloiu heirs Aaron Wisdom, de
ceased, American Investment Company, a
corporation, E. L. Ormsby whose true ohrls.
tain name is unknown to plaintiff , Trustee,
W.J. Howrien whose true christian name Is
unknown to plsiutlft, defemienta, thnt 1 wilt
011 the 7th (lay ot April 1904 at one o'clock In
the afternoon of said da at the oust front.
door of the court house of said county in the
vtllapru of Harrison in said county, sell at
public Miction to the highest bidder for ctl
In hand the following described real estate
in said Sioux county, Nebraska, to.wit;
Tho south half or the southwest quarter
of section twelve (14) and the north half of
the northwest quarter of section thirteen
(13) in township thirty-two (32) north ol
range fifty -three (S3) west of thofttli princi
pal merhliiin in Sioux county Nebruslca.
To satisfy said order of sale In the sum of
as4.1a and .'4 83 costs and seeming costs,
first publication March 6th. , ,
, alez Urwitr V
Sheriff of said county. .
County Mape.
The Prbw-JocrnaL lias printed a lim
Red number of map on Manilla curd
board whicbntn ha secured for 10c each
They will also be given as a premium to ;
new subscribers.
Adelia Items.
Rome of the farmers are busy putting
in spring rye.
Mr. Wright Taylor made a plesant call
at A. P. Rosenburg's last Monday, t' '
Mr, M. D Jordan was seeing to the
irrigation Of his farm last week.
Anna Johnson goes, to Ardmore every
Friday , and gives music lessons. She
has a class ef eight and all are doing
The extrf gang who were repairing
Eetray MeMoe
I have 00 the 2nd day of Jan. 1002.
taken up, 4 miles east of Montrose, one
horse about four years, color gray,
branded as follows:
left shoulder, llon right
IderrS-Vnmil toft
US '
lrove pro
perty, pay oil charges and take animal
34 ft Picra Raw.
I ,ji"gn.
Owner will cat
the bridges along the road from Craw
ford to Ardmore departed (Inst) Wednes
day evening for a new locality.
Some young boys believe ' in trailing
valuable properly for old brass watches
that run when they run and then the
consequence is they havl to walk In the
Mr, Nation and family who have been
keeping the section house for Minehart
Bros, left lust Thursday for Uelmout
but have been unable to learn what lie
will do.
Montrose Items
Adam Bauuigard made a trip to Ard
more Tuesday.
There will he church at the Montrose
church at 10 o'ciock next Snod-iy.
Mrs. I'ommel who has been visiting
her part-uts, returned to her home in
Lusk last Sat.
Mrs. Jake Henry and son were Harris
on visitors last Friday. They did'nt. have
a verv nleasunt duv nu thov h-td !. f-
the blizzard coming home.
On account of the cold weather Sun.
there was not a very large attendance
at church. ImI us hone that there will
be no more blizzards ann cold weather
this spring.
Breezes from Central City.
How is il , are the Sioux County people
as much excited over the coming stale
S. S. convention as we art? The city is
expecting the greatest crowd in its his
ory. How many representatives shall
we expect from among our old friends?
F. W. is one of the entertaining commit
tee, so can assure you will be provide
for. The weather will be warm and we
have a lurge yard, sodon't miss this treat
if 011 can toelpit. Bishop, Vincent nnd
Wanumaker expect to be here us well
as many other able workers.
Sunday, the Oth, was so springlike and
warm it made the farmers begin to
think their plows, and alfalfa is the ealk
every where now, People have about
concluded this country is belter adapted
tc tne dairy business than to ar.y thing
else, so want to seed down to alfalfa for
Emigration Vest this spring.Jmostly
to Oregon and Washington, Last fall
therewere a good many went to Wheat
land country uTid invested in land. The
next excursion train to that country
leaves here the lHth.
It would be rather expensive for this
country to entertain Prince llpnry very
long, would it not? He was received in
such gand style, perhaps there are other
titled gentlemen that may want to try
the hospitality of this country too, then
they may feel slighted if not used in the
same way. What human worshisrs we
are gal ting to he. I hope he took away
a good impression of our hospitality and
and our country.
Perhaps a part of that fourty acres be
longing to Mr, Seise readied Sioux
Cottageafew days ngo ns the dirt has
been coming from tho North-west for
some time. If it belongs to him he can
luive the same by proving proerty.
Blind B on was in our city lust week
and Carrie Nation will Is- here litis week,
not with her little hutt-liet, but to address
1 tie people.
- in Wood or fle-sl ? If so
send lor Catalogue of
iAitvEs Foot
Jovt;R Machinery.
r.-ctlcal, Strong, Tumble.
W, P. & Johc arncs Co.,
154 Ruby 4.,
ftjcbfort, Illinois.
"I wa
Printer Greatly Surprised.
is never so rntich surprised in my
life, as I, was with the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says Henry
T. Crook, pressman of the Ashville (N.
C.) Gazette. "I contracted a sevrre case
of rheumatism early last winter by get
ting my feet wt. I tried several things
for it without benefit. One day while
looking over the Gazette. I noticed that
Pain Balm Was positively guaranteed to
cure rheumatism, so I bought a bottle of
it and before using two thirds of it my
rhenniatisam had taken its (light and I
have not had -a rheumatic paiu since."
Sold bv Dr. J. E. Phinney.
"Under instructions contained in
partmental orders to special agents uid
er date of February 6, 1902, you are
hereby notified that you are violating
the law relative to tinlawfnl enclosure
of public lands, act of .Feb. 25. " 1885 (28 ' -Stat.
821.) t he penalty for which is a line
not to exceed $1,000' and together mi--imprisonment
not to exceed one year lor
each offense. I am instructed "bv the .
Hon. commissioner to push this mati. r
vigorously against you us well as oth
ers who have any government land
lenced up. You are, therefore, in ac
cordance with the general order of the
Hon. commissioner, required to move
your fence or fences within 60 dava
from receipt, of this notice op Irmlitnii.Mt
of suit will lie recommended against
you for such violation of the law.
M. B. ('ampin.
Spc'l. Agt. Uen. Land Olllce. "
This looks tike a tough proposi
tion for the aveaaee stockgrower to fare,
and doubtless is, and although we
think they have brought it on them
selves through a fight over the runiie
we feel sorry for them just tin same nnd i
hope that something favorable to them
will be done by congress within the
next few weeks. The stock industry is,
the only one industry that can be fol
lowed successfully in this part of Wyo
ming. It is also the one industry that
has builded up the west, nnd is the only
one industry thnt can sustain the north
west. , Ti:e stock industry has made nd.
vnncement in the past few years ' which,
places it on a plane of keeping abreast,
with the best and most desireable indus
tries of the country. The long horn,
Texas and Mexican breed of cattle have,
disappeared from the ranges and in their
places we find the whiteface, the Polti
Angus, tne Durham and other high,
grades much superior to what the con-,
ditions were when tlie free open range,
was in vogue.
Then again to make the cattle indnstry
profitable it makes the holding of tle.
range necessnry, either by ownersiom.
lease, or other means, that encb ram-h-.
man might have headqunrtors and. be,
come rtsident stockmen. The condition
of these lands are of such a nature that ,
herding is impractical. No stock Willi
bn profitable on these ramtee wliere they
are herded during the day and cnrrnlli4l
at niglit. Experience baa taught stock-,
men these facts and, it is by experience,
and great loss and difficulties that they
have succeeded in elevating the business 1
to a paying basis. We are in favor of
hnilding up, not tearing down, an Indus-,
try that is the life of any community,,
therefoae hope congress will take action,
soon nnd settle this perplexing ninga,
question to the satisfaction of all. 1 audi:
There is wailing in the camps of the
caltlamen just now. During the pust
week muny notices have rolled into this
section by mini from government land
inspectors to those who have govern
ment land enclosed with a fence to tear
down said fence or Uncle Sam would
proceed to prosecute them within 60
davs from recelnt of said notice. This
order is a sweeping one and was a great
surprise, il catching the big and little
slockgrower alike. It not only uliects
the cattlemen, but many of the sheep
men as well. Nine-tenths of the stock
men of this section are wholly unpre
pareJ to comply with this order and we
greatly fear it will work much hardship
to many of them. .
The range hog is cursing the little
nu-s and saviiur It is all caused by the
little fellows hunassiiig the government j
with complaints about Bill Jones, John
Smith or some one else having govern
ment land enclosed with a fence while
the small fry answer back to the effect
that if the range hog had remained witl
111 descent hounds and not forced them
to squeal by crowding them so closely
they would have remained mum, Sev-
erel months ago this piper told both
sides thi8 very thing would happen if
they persisted in scrapping umong them
selves and the not unexcted bus hap-
ieoed. It seems queer that caltlegrow
ers can't gel along peaceably -togellier,
but persist in hogging each oilier out of
the range, Where such conditions exist
it always breeds trouble and they have
fln. nlliui, llin llu.niw.lvM IA hlamo fi,r 1 - nbtllV
i i.u The rrencn gownmeTK ia no awwsm
IV nil. lunilieiiu iHTioYTim mi .ui.v , . . ... ..-, i, -t, n
. w.i . i ..i. .. i 1..;'.. -.m....,i interested In , the brlquettea of pntro-.
copy Ol uie .n,. uian ., . substitute fOf
sodon't be surpris.il If you should wake 1 tJjat u miti alt tfet pt.
up some morning and (hid one unber )eum UM( for ta( purpOM for
your pillow, Here it 1st prtient be admitted trt Of 4J)."
ynd futit