Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 06, 1902, Image 7

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Tk !, Wt1 flhMi MTU tl XII )M . TO MTU MM. .O.lk.
flM Ml tB MOT? Vtal 1. til UttM. Wf lM hf. Ik MlTtl
IM, ;W41a m tu Ittmt. a bmbeia Mt mm.
IW bmi iswnlMj mimI u4 Ut t-zi o
PMHM i f flfh hay Mt er.
Uqn pm n Mr am of
a wf wai iimttla k iwmi.
i, yiouitAf WW irniMli
ptMnciu torn r
ml iui u w f fikjr,
warn. i iv nr. m4
J I flft iUrc u
raanyt w mm.
The Finest Selected Mocha and
wtjava Coike,cc
G E Blanke Tea & Coffee Co,
Physicians Recommend Castoria
IIASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma-
ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with
results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the
result of three facts: First The indisputable evidence that it is harmless:
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi
lates the food: Third It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor OiL
It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic
and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's
Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say.- Our duty, how
ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day
for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by
regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to
the information. Hall's Journal of Health.
ANfetfetable PreparalionforAs
simflaitng the Food atulKcuia
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digestion .Cheerful -nessandHesl.Contfiins
Optum.Morpbine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
M SmJ-
A perfect Rrmedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea
Worms jConvulsions . Fevcri sh
ims and Loss of Sleep.
Fac Simile Sigrtalureof
W. C. Arnrtt, of Hlmwn, Cal., I try
Ins to cur hlmwir of gout by fuming.
Tor thlrty-on dy he took no nour
lahmrnt but that fot from iimoklna; a
pip, and reduced hl weight from 2M
to 21 pounds. H ha now addt an
taiig to hl dally dli-t.
Tha Amfrlpan Sunday H hool union
porta that t.4W Sunday hmil ww
rranlavd under It aupit In n
yUcMi laat year, and that thit (n huolt
with nearly W.cw acnoiara ann
iMchtra present tba Drat Sunday.
ixact copy or wntmn.
w... ii.. 4. , .....
llu U t.n.4 I waruulr
acM ka.kl M u Trit U
mi ii, p.t4ulm to MUM bMN
,hmi ta, Imm, aw wri u
rilawnjIH. OalM Ml V
pr tore; ftM ud k
BiuniaMBt krt ur Pn
Tsi.u i;t bo tsi.
maim, arm
kum yo
OMAHA, Vol. 5 -No. 9 -1902
Wl .4sasMMV .
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has beca
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has
Z- sonal supervision since Its Infancy
4ACu& Allow no one to deceive yon In tbl.
. All Counterfeits, Imitations "and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
TnfnntM and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. .16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wonrs
and allays FeveriKhncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacca-l'Ue Mother's Friend.
Bean the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tmi jTmh HMHin, n armiT, mwm au an.
The northcrmodt church on thlft con
tln"tit l the church lit Nome Alankii,
on the edK of Ihe Arctic circle, built
and id for by the people of that min
ing; town. A dcflrlt of ll'W when the
church dedicated va cannelled at
ince by a ttoman Catholic and another
man who had been n palaan keeper.
The American Hoard of Foreign Ml
ilona find India one of Ihe largent and
mOt ac enlble field In the world. It
haa a population of over 211.000,000 who
are acceanlble to the Christian teacher.
The preliminary proclamation of
emancipation was Issued by President
Lincoln S pt. 22, 1S62. On Jan. Ixt,
1163, tlie final prolamation was given
to the public, declaring that all per
sons held In slavery by men In arm
against the United States were free.
The total number of slaves released
from bondage at this time wa J.063.
392; the Thlrteente Amendment to the
Constitution followed soon afterward,
releasing 831.780 more.
Pain relieved, sickness prevented, by
the timely use of Wizard Oil. Keep It
always in the house.
The American loss in capturing the
oily of Monterey, Mexico, during the
Mexican war, waa twelve officers and
108 men killed; thirty-one officers and
337 men wounded. Tre loss or the en
emy Is supposed to have been greater.
The town and works of Monterey were
armed with forty-two pieces of cannon
well supplied with ammunition, and
manned with a force of at least seven
thousand troops of the line, and from
two to three thousand Irregulars.
A manuscript bible, richly Illumin
ated, of about the year U10. has been
sold In London for 1,200 guineas.
Deafnsss Cannot Be Curod.
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of ,the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Kustachlan tube. When this tube is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten
are caused by Catarrh, which Is noth
ing but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
Catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Hend for circulars, free.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7'"ic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
been made under his per-
Signature of
Mre. Harriett Preacolt Spofford, the
writer, ha among her cholcent relic
a lock of hair from the head of Hyron
and one from that of the lll-fafd
Hhelley. At one time they belonged to
lylicli Hunt, and through ottll another
poet they emtio Into her pone.Mon.
()t all the mlHHlonary aocletlen, the
American H;ipllft Mldflnnnry union
allll HtandH at the head of the number
of church membcru, 112,ll, the Meth
odlxlK of the northern state coming
next with 95,240.
Her parents handicapped her at the
very baptismal font, for the name be
stowed upon her, Mehitable Hopkins,
was enough to make a spinster of the
loveliest girl ever lorn. When she
left school they bore her off to Europe,
where, while her five years of travel
gave her excellent knowledge of men
In the compwlt0, man as an Individual
was entirely unknown to her.- Then
followed her father's death and her
mother's long years of Illness, when all
the daughter's thoughts and energies
were concentrated on the sick room.
Finally, to complete the bands which
aH--her itfe-had been forged, to keep
her . in single blessedness, she found
herself at thirty-five with a very com
fortable fortune and not a sign of a
near relative with whom to share it.
80 that she hadn't that questionable
excuse for becoming married for the
sake of a home.
If Mehitable had been a poor girl
she might have proved a genius, for
she could paint so cleverly as to make
her rivals decidedly uneasy. But now
that she found herself a lonely woman,
with cruelly plain silver lines over her
temples, and no longer any trace of
the old-time dimples where the sharp
knuckles now showed, her only re
source was her palette. One thing she
stoutly refused to do, however, and
that was to make a workshop of the
old family home. She at last hit upon
the tiny brown cottage in the next
square, where all the surrounding,
towering residences looked in heartless
disdain on the tumble-down frame
house which the owner, a weak-voiced
little old man, had clung to desperately
in spite of all his fashionable neigh
bors' scorn and the tempting offers
of frantic real estate dealers. The old
man had been found dead one morning
that summer with the rising sun's rays
trying to warm his thin, white cheeks.
Then all the residents on the square
sighed in a relieved way, and the
shrewd real estate men began to hunt
up the heirs with new proposals for
the valuable bit of ground, when lo,
and behold! It was discovered that
the poor, dead owner's will waa being
contested by a prodigal son, and there
fore the house would have to remain
where It was until the question was
settled. Again the fashionable square
squirmed and fluttered, for It was ev
ident that no one would want to oc
cupy the innocent cause of all this
trouble, while there was the terrible
possibility that some sacrilegious laun
dress might rent the little brown house
and mar the whole landscape with her
outrageous signs and H, long lines of
flaunting shameless sheets and petti
coats. At this point of suspended hostilities
Miss Hopkins conceived the brilliant
Idea of transforming the disputed
property Into a temporary studio, to
be used until the long legal quibble
should end. Whereat the entire neigh
borhood was enthusiastically grateful.
At last it was finished, and its tem
porary owner held a reception to the
residents of the whole square. They
came, one and all, and went away
fairly delighted at the result. The low
walls had been done in an unbroken
gray green, and the floors laid soft and
smooth with something a shade dark
er. The poor, buttered woodwork now
shone a dark rich red, while the tiny
window panes, formerly so pitifully
cheap looking, were now voted quaint
to a di gree. The chintz-covered couch
es were tanlilizingly inviting, and the
simple draperies added wonderfully to
the artistic whole. And throughout It
all there had not been one thing to
mar any of the old house's original
charm beyond the necessary nails and
braces to steady th f...r.r little wreck.
For the tirst time in her life Miss
Hetty had time to really be happy,
and the big family house up on Ihe
corner rarely knew her except vhcn
she crept back there at dusk to her
solitary state dinner, and the undis
turbed night's rest In the big, quiet
chamber on the second floor. Can
vasses seemed fairly to fly from be
neath her tireless lingers, and prclty
soon everybody came to recognize her
works because of the Inevitable old
man, with a thin, pule face, who ul
ways stood out aualnst the background
of the old, slanting brown house. When
she one day showed the last tilings
she had done the whole Square tip
toed, wet-eyed, out Into the street,
again, with many a penitent promise
never again to speak 111 of the battered
Illtle house and Its el si while owner.
For Miss Hetty's masterpiece pictiued
the dead, quiei lui-e, theie in the early
sun, with the shadows of the morning
glory vines across his high, lined fore
head, and with one huge, rosy blossom
trailing In at the open casement as
though trying to lend some of Its
beautiful warmth to the wasted, pa
tient cheek beyond.
"Now that 1 have so many. I think 1
shall try to s!l them, for the orphan
asylum on th next street is In sad
need of money, I hear, litit I think I'll
not paint him any more," she added,
softly, "for he's dead now, you know."
And poor, fond, foolish little Miss
Hetty sobbed quietly as she laid her
trembling hntid tendeily on the be
loved canvas.
It was the same evening that Mrs.
Wllmarth brought her brother, MMjor
I)oanP, to see the little collection.
Mrs. Wllmarth lived Just across the
street from the big Hopkins house,
and Miss Hetty had always found a
good deal of comfort In the bright,
busy young matron. She hhd heard of
the Major's Intended visit with no
little Interest, for she remembered him
as a tall, handsome boy with a hint
of a small brown mustache and a pair
of bonny brown eyes. He had kissed
her, then a whlte-f rocked little maid of
10, as he went off to don hl first gray
Loved. !
coat at West Point. Borne way the
tiny, wide-eyed girl never quite forgot
the beautiful manly boy, although the
had never seen him since, as their
schools and travels had contrived to
keep them apart. But she remembered
very well that when she was a sweet
girl graduate she 'was confiding in
maiden Bhyness to her dearest friend
her Ideal husband, when that friend
laughed geyly and cried:
"Why, how funny, you've ten de
scribing young Captain Doane, who
was here visiting his sister, Mrs. Wil
marth, only last week."
Poor Hetty blushed aa red as though
she had been really guilty, and now
that the famous, dignified Major Doane
had actually come to see her, tiny
Miss Hetty grew pink to the tips of
her little ears, until Mrs. Wiknarth
found herself wondering If It could
be possible that Miss Hopkins were
really pretty after all. While the
clear-eyed matron watched the de
lighted hostess and her big, handsome
brother, and they quite forgot her over
their teacups and the famous pictures,
a sudden new light came into her eyes,
and the match-making spirit Inherent
in every happily married woman
quietly began Its dexterous work.
Things went on famously. It was
the Major who advised that the col
lection of paintings be kept for a time
and exhibited one day in the week for
the benefit of the orphans. When
Miss Hetty shrinklngly demurred he
pointed out that the children would be
the gainers in the end, so she relented.
That winter found the whole neigh
borhood in the throes of an extrava
gant social whirl, for there was an un
usual number of pink-and-white de
butantes, with the still more unusual
accomplishment of handsome, eligible
men. Before she knew it Miss Hopkins
found herself in the very midst of the
mad jollity, even laying aside her all
black gowns for those with hints of
violet about the throat and waists.
No tea was quite perfect without the
dear little artist's presence; no girl
felt quite satisfied if she had not had
a chat with Miss Hopkins between the
dances, and even the broad-shouldered
fresh-voiced boys liked to creep into
the softly-shaded little studio, to ac
company its owner home at dusk. Her
Monday afternoons grew famous, and
the orphans on the corner had enough
new shoes and quilts and real pud
dings for Sunday dinners to make them
everlastingly grateful to the happy
hearts in the tiny brown house on the
next street.
Miss Hopkins always had the pret
tiest girls in the town pour on these
occasions, and generally someone with
a really good voice or an unusually
skillful touch of the violin could be
found to make music. Then, too, the
pictures themselves could bear re
peated visits for the poor, sweet old
man grew very dear to them all now
that he was not there In the flesh to
trouble them. Furthermore, it was al
most as good as going to confession to
creep up stilly and gently before the
last of them all, where Miss Hopkins
always kept a bunch of fresh violets
standing beneath the sweet little can
vas with its live morning glories and
Its sleeping man.
And the best thing of it all to little
Miss Tetty was the Major, a tail,
courtly major, who was so attentive to
her and seemed to enjoy being with
her more than any man In all her life
had done. When a woman waits until
she is thirty-six before she loves, the
result Is going to be terrible in ils
intensity. Mrs. Wllmarth saw it and
trembled, excepting for the fact that
her brother seemed to see no one else
but Miss Hetty, ex",opt. of course, the
girls all that Season's buds, who
knocked about the Major because he
was so different from ordinary m"ii.
Miss Hetty knew it and held her
breath. The boys and girls saw it and
smiled gleefully. In fact, everybody
seemed to recognize It except the man
himself, who went blindly on, heaping
fioor, fluttering Miss Hitty with com
pliments, and making open love to all
the young girls who gave him his tea
and sat in openeyed ndmiratlmx as he
related his thrilling stories of army life
on the Western plains.
Cut at last even the Major knew it,
am! his great, maiilv heart fell like
lead. it was one biiisteiinx t-eliing
late In the winter, and that mighty
military man was tramping valiently
along thi' street on his way to Mrs.
Wtlmai th's. Hut as he passed the
little brown cottage he noticed the
llgl.t within, and turning up th- un
even board walk, he rang the old
fashioned bell bravely for the puzzled
Major had all at once made a mighty
resolve, and when he once decided to
do a thing he never retreated, whether
It was to take an enemy's camp or to
brave a woman.
Strange to say, he found Miss Hetty
alone there In the warm, rosy little
room, with Its queer, old china, glis
tening sliver, odd pictures and russet
bound books. The tiny Illtle hostess
saw the determination In her caller's
face, ami sank Into her deep chair,
knitting her thin, beautifully kept
fingers together In desperate hope and
The Major refused the proffered tea
almost gixiflly, thrust his hands into
his pockets, tried another chair, and
finally strode across to the tiny bow
window, and, with his buck bravely
turned toward her he began:
"My dear friend, Ier I want to
ask you something tonight I feel that
we have known each other well enough
for me not to he afraid now. My dar
Mlss Miss Hetty," and he wheele.i
about, facing her so abruptly that shr
almost gawped, "tell me honestly, a
though you were speaking for yourself
tell me, am 1 too old to marry?"
months, but when It came she felt the
little brown house rook cruelly. Tin
open fire, against which her great,
handsome Major was outlined like a
magnificent rock of refuge, swam be
fore her, and her own voice seemed
miles away when she finally fouad
courage to answer:
"We love with our hearts, Major, and
our hearts never grow old."
She saw the fine, strong face beam
and he came to her, very close it
seemed to her, although she could not
have put out her hand and touched:
him, and the soft lamplight fell on uia
beautiful silver hair like a holy bene
diction. Immediately hec thoughts
went back to that far-off day of long
ago, when this same hair was heavy
and brown and he had kissed her.
Then his voice recalled her to the
preenranashe heard him says
"You can never know how glad you
have made me by saying that, for
there is no woman In the world whose
opinion I value more. Still In all my
doubt this winter I have often feared
that it would be wrong for me to take
unto me a wife. I have maybe only a
few years yet to live," he added, look
ing at her appealingly. And again she
answered softly:
"Va may hope that your years may
be many. Besides even now the few
yours w ill very dear to to your wife."
He was standing back of her chair
now, with one hand so near that she
felt its touch on her hair.
"Do you think," he pleaded almost In
a whisper, "that she loves me?"
"Do you love her?" came the reply,
with a touch of coquetry never absent
from the feminine heart.
"Better that all else in the world,"
came the brave rejoinder; "better, I
sometimes think, than the world to
"Then," and she closed her eyes to
hide the happiness in them, "then I
may confess that she loves you, better,
far better than she ever before thought
it possible for anyone to love."
The Major sprang from his place be
hind her, and, seizing he hands, cried
"Oh, my dear Miss Hetty, how do
you know? Has she told you? When?
Tell me just what she said, so that I
may be the happiest, proudest man on
All the light burned out of Miss
Hetty's face; leaving only the ashes of
hopeless despair. Then she asked:
"She? ,Who?"
"Why, Kittle Harper, of course. You
surely know that I meant her?"
Klttie Harper the gayest little black
eyed debutante that had danced that
season an the foremost of the flatter
ing coquettes that had practiced their
budding blandishments on the gallant
old Major.
"Yes, of course, I knew, but you see
I wanted to make you confess," she
replied at last, with a laugh that
would have weakened any more sane
man. Then she went frantically on in
reply to the unsuspicious man's eager
"No, she never really told me but
but I know when a woman loves."
All this time the elated Major was
putting on his coat and gloves, and at
last he asked, with a return of his old
time courtliness:
"I want to thank you Miss Hetty,
for you have done me the greatest
favor woman ever did man. It is old
fashioned now, I know, but both of us
are old enough to remember, are we
not, when a gentleman showed his re
spect and homage to a lady by kissing
her hand?"
yVithout a word she extended her
poor, trembling little hand and he laid
his lips reverently to her cold fingers.
Hut she could keep it no longer, andi
the startled Major heard first a stifled
sigh, then a moan, and at last a great
cruel sob rose to her pale, quivering
lips, and Miss Hetty had betrayed her
self. Major Doane staggered back and his
face grew terribly white.
"I beg your forgiveness a thousand
times, madam," he said at last in a
strange, low coice.
"I never dreamed until this lnstan "
But Miss Hetty sat bolt upright in
her high-backed chair, clutching the
carved lion heads on its arms, and
raised to him her poor, hurt eyes, w ild
with desperate appeal.
"Will you please go. Major Doane?
And as for dreaming, you are mista
ken; for there is nothing to dream."
Then she rose from her deep chair, still
holding the lion's heads till her nulls
bit into the hard polish and said:
"And please tell Kitty that Miss
Hetty sends her her blessing."
He closed the door behind him a 4
gently as though there were someone
dead In the little brown cottage.
The fire on the shallow grate had
(lied lo a low, even glow when Miss
Hetty finally stirred from the high-
becked chair and took from Its place
the dear little painting of the dead
owner of the house which now shel
tered her. Propping it up on the low
table In front of her, she set the vloleu
beneath, and then knelt down before
It, bending her tired little head to her
quivering hands. The last umber oil
the fire turned black, the light in the
rosy-shaded lamp burned lower and
lower, and finally flickered out. The
servants up at the big house felt, no
lpprehenslon at the non-appearance of
Its mistress, is she had told them sh
would spend the night with u friend
luither clown the block. The hour
crept on, Ihe storm racked the little
brown cottage, and dawn revealed the
eroojeed old steps drifted high with
They found her that morning, with
ihe dim light falling Icily on her tiny
iray face. Jti't above was the canvas)
tilth the other dead eyes and lips, but
there was no gleam like the morning;
glories In the sweet, pathetic, rratrnnt
....Hha.. i.t (tin llril.'td rill tt-hlili MiM
Bhe had been hoping for It
Hllirilll' rr ... Till!
"Kent woman's weary cheek rested.- '
Chicago N ws.
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