lARRISON Press - NAL. Jour vol. XIV. I THE LOCAL NEWS- Wnt. Miller, of Hodurc, is on the nick lint this k. . Nat Baker of iusk was a f larrison vis itor Tuestkty. w.R 85!!T5I pavs rash f..r likks & fis WMffliU at'M-u-HU-IUi Hro. Dr. withers Omaha, pninfesH ilt'iitist will be here March li and 13. M.-s. Wm. Miller nnd Mr Evelyn Rose Were Harrison vJmIois Tuesday. Just received: A now consignment of. men and 1ks clothing at OKKLACHS. Lat Friday Mrs, Thornton moved into 1I-hoav formerly ot i lipid by Freest I.yon, TnchorM having wlwiol orders ti w-ll. will do well to write to tint t )oiise rva -i ve Investment (V. Lincoln Xohr. See Dr. Wither, fHiahrt paitiless tlen tint for nil kmtls of dental work at City jiriceH, All work fMiirmitettli Nolan is having a new resilience built on his Indian rerk Min li, V. A. Uefcter and ('. K. A, E isiler are doing the vork. , '. ; ; 3, II. Hiesi'r shipeil ju Tuesday two far load of cat tie and one of horses. He Will range the sume on his Utinuuijjwater ranch, Fpwi rth Tongue Hunday ni)."l.t T O'clt -ck Hitl-ject: The secret of tniliiratu f, everybody iuviteti. "Mrs. JK. Yuiiiik man leader. fiy Kendall now oer-upies the house Vaulted by Mrs. Thornton. Guy says he iv nv lives in the suburbs, arid tun get ti good I Hen l h of air. . ' John Henry tt'pied tt car load of horses (o Illinois Monikiv niulil. VVe hope lie will receive a goodjjjti, lor lliey were good lioises. ' t !r, ltelc!ird uill lie ,nt Harrison at , titliiuercial Hotel Ma1 ll l.'lh, pivpuretl to di all ki m.I of dental works eMracting tei l'i wiihtint in. d , . . r Hugh Chiitick. manatrtrof the l.Vep ' eek t'nttb'. Co . nnd solicitor for the Kikbortt, Hsti the city Friday, , He tic, coilipained t !, F, I'olfee to his West Hilt crek ranch. W, A Howard, solicitor for the liiiaranlee Fund, life Asociation of Al liance, Xebriixka. is' looking after the in terests of said Association among out Vi!i?.rtis this week,",' ' Mr, and Mrs. Frank Church, of Pirns nnt Ritlge," returned Thursday from ti thrHz-monl'is visit in Richardson county. Neb., and ."oliinihiii county. Wis. John C, Elicr(scher woi-e n Jiroad smile on his face wluln'in Harrison this week on arcn-int of tho arrival r.f a.' 14 Miuntt girl sit his home. 'Mother and 4-hild are doing nicelv. Alexander Johnson wn on our si rent Tueslav. He bus just llnished a five month ttvim of school in Iawes uouuty antl is thinkintr of contracting for a 21 innnlliK term in this county. . -W. H. .imnierman, and his on Oleve nre delivering some bay for diet Unitt, this wtwk.aii'l we can vouch for the qua lity of hav having used hay from the iiiiM nieadow for 1M yearn. J. J. Zumbriinneii. mid family were visiting Rev. Youngirmn and family Sun lay. Tlnty enjoyed tint services held by BeV. titJiamaliorn ami we wish they might route oft.tner to our little town. '' We hear tlutt , Emery Zimmernian, former!' "f Bodarc. mit now a student in the Ite lev tie College Jif Oniiiha will take up tli xlntment of Rev. Rice at Dottttn wood and Bodaru, June lint. ' -' " ' When you lack energyr, do not, relish your food, feol dull and stupid, after utinff, all you need i a,' dose of bam Iwrlain't rHomach 4 Livir Tablets. They will make vou feel like a new man and giro you an ntstite like a bear. For ale hy J. R. Phinney. Clak4Mi OMr v i ' While yeu are thiDkioK of eubmrilMng . r itir Vfarly ranellna; maiur, rem em ' ; her Ihal-Ua) nuw Joint ku will take .i&ayr'4a to any paper on earth and HABRI8Q1T, Our Patron 'that advertise with tin, will please look over the column of the PrwH ntitl see if k hav lull out your ml. nnd if ho notify us at once. More and better muls for tli Hiinie money it Oerlui'h'a wtore thun any oilier ilitc, try llif in. .l tf Rev. Y iungiuan lfi Momlny night for Oiiililii wlitf I V,H place hinisttlr un der 'the' care of uti eye hjiet hiliht. , li Iiiih nufteretl a frrent ileal in the pant vtk ami we Iioki he will find wrniH nent relief. - We learn that E. h. Rad'enherff. if Anita, Iowa, is lliiifj a tiurt'li of line Shorthorn bulls lit Crawford, coiiiinj; two year-olds, reifistered anil the aerft with every one They are acclimated and the price is rilit. We will ask the regular correspoiitlents of this Kiier to fend us ,-tlonff the haj- peninj;s in your neighborhood. DtMi't I t funic because the jiaier has changed pro, j pristnrK that it wants to change cut res. t H)iideiils. What, we want is the news. The annual assessors meetinsj will I t.eld March 21st. litOi. It is important lluit nil asNMirs should le present. The failure of any assessor to he present is deemed sufficient cause to declare his oll'ice vacant atul to apoint his success- ... or. . We are sorry to note the death of the iuf iiii rui r.f Mr. awl JWr. (", I), t 'hihui fovmerly of this place. Mr. Citnou while here on business a few weeks ago was suddenly called home to the bedside of tlie one jusi passed away. The i'liKSK- lofllSAl. extends heart felt sympathies to Mr, ( 'anon and family in their sad reavemvrit. : " i Hon. t'r F. Coiree came up hist' Friday and tlrove out to Iris ranch in the valley, and returned nionilay, when he took the east hound train for t hadron. (Jbarhe is always a welcome visitor t" bis man friends, up in Ibis neck of the woods, and we hope to sec 1 1 1 tit come oftenei, for he always has a, good vord; and a joke for his 'friends. ' Rev. Schamalmrn closed the meetings Sunday mght that was being l.eld at. the chtircb, be not freliiiif st roiirf mmmrh to conduct Hie iceetings alone, as Jr. Yotiiignian had to go to the Hospital. A greit, many were Uisiipsnnti S, lis Mr. Schiimahtrii Is :i very earnest, anil inteies4ir.g talki-r. - He left for his home nt (Jordoii Mon day night, , ', -';..;.". We iiotk'e in our lost issue several typographical errors, but the one most noticeable was in our salutory. It should have tetttl we Ci n!eiiin too much politic" iusteil of wecoii'lein e Iimi much politics. We though! first of laving this on, to the devil of our ollice. hi.t as he kicketl, We will have to let it rest on the proof rend er arid our only apology is that we will ti'3 itiid do belter next time. ' We see from the daily p;is?rs that the Irrigation bill has passed the senate, and only waits the actpin of the House, There wm but little opposition against the bill, and from all indications it will Ivrnmo a law. We are not aide to state at this writing just what the hill overs, hut it it passes the House and liecoines a law, it will nodouiit do a great deal of good toward lite reciatma'ion of the arid regions, and we presume Sioux county wilt get her share. There is no question hut what all this arid region is of the lioe-t soil, and all it wants is water, then the west will not only have the llnest stock range but will tj able to take care of her stock through the winter. ' County Maps. The PtiKSH-JtH'ltJiAl, has printed a lim ited rpimlier of maps on Manilla enrd board which can be secured for 10c each. They will also be giyen nv a premium to new H(ibscrilHrs. Eatray Notice I have on the 2nd day of Jan. 1902 taken tip, 4 miles east of Montrose, one home about four years, color gray, branded as follows: on left shoulder. "TE'I'lon right"fT()rJ";il left high, ir LZU Owner will call -jjand prove pro Prty,wiy all cliarge:; and lake animal away. '. 84 8 I'KTitn Kabkn. Wante4 Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Ollice we wish to often in this vicinity, liere is a (rood iening for the right rnon. Kindly give Rood reference when writing. --'... T. A.MORRIH WHOLESALB HOUSE. CIUCUWATI, OfllO. UluetrnUd cnUlogue 4 eta. tarop-i. NEBRASKA, 1 Carey Items. ? t s Mr. Editor; VVe were v--ry niucli Ktir ,irtsd to learn last week thttt the PRKSK- Jtii'KNAL had chunked ownership. The I nameoT tlieliew etlitoTkfiiinds aliout js j "Oirish" as our own, ntl I wonder if we moight not M:rnpe up relationship, ftnt Oirish or no Oirish e trust that thepu jser wilt rr,tiRiie to he a first clans new, paper nnd if it is afrceable all around wH will continue to send in a few items oc casionally. ' O. (". Tally is the "early Jiird' this year, lie has put in 13 acres, of l"iug r in Rood Khape. News conies from Newcastle thai Mr. :ind Mrs. Jt-rtse Amur are the proud par ents of , bouncing baby boy. y Fred Menmnn in set tins? up his wihii)l on tlmlii l Lux pbue and expects Ojj be sor.n manulactiiriiiK a lirst class zr.Ji! of lumir. J,M; Warner and the Dttuu'Wsrt v I li. n h !!rp i! ! Hiy leers for him. - f A short graphopbone enlertainnient wus given at the church last Kunda af- ter preaching. v John Kie:ise says; that he lost (Wty acres of his farm last Monday, fl'en hist seen It whs going' in a sou'.heaKfern ly direction at the rate of about 40 njlles hour. H" says be don't care if he' is lirily able to find it nicely located somewhere down on the sunny side of tiie Ozarki. F om a Correspondent ; Horn To Mr. and Mrs Elssrspet hei on Miir'di a girl. - Mrs, Wrrdeinati is improving in he '-h She has .been quite sick for the past three weeks, but is belter now, g The Crawford Hros. have sold 2 shirts of li'iese-i a id tire going to invesU i-t mules. . Iviiibor says i I hey nre going to-run t wo sswniills this summer, one on Al bert, Hills pl.u-e and one in the PlynmU n Canyon. ...Yes. there is goins to lie a wedding I" this neck of the woods and .k-ssu and Hant Oawford are not allowed lo limit deer there. I.' ' Montrose Items Pielty windy weather we have had in the valley lli past, week. Too windv for much news to lie blown about. The Henry Ixiys drove' a very nice bunch o( horses to Harrison Monday and will ship tla ni to III . Mr. Huumguard, ho has lieen sick" for suite time, is improving very rapidly. Postmaster J. Wasserburger accom pli ined the horses the Wasserburger Isiys shipped to Wisconsin. Miss Setres is staying with Mrs. Wasserburger while her Inmhcind is away. Mr. Oiiyhart returned from Omaha last week where he has l-en on hiisinessi , Father Raliach conducted services at the Monbose church Molality ' Tuesday and Wednesday, A. J. and 0. Wasserburirpr were visit ing tlie StjtiaW creek school Friday after noon. " . j A new bridge ip. soon to Is? built, across Hat creek one half mile north of Hi Montrose P. O. Aaron Stuart from near Whitney has the Contract. Herman Konrath was visiting with Louis Uavhart Sunday . H. Piekenhrock 'and wife from Ard niore attended cbun h at Montrtise Sun diy. ' , ' Tjtiwrencn piekerl brock Was visiting Ills brother Henry Sunday, A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I was never so much surprised in my life, as I was with the results of using i 'hanils-r laiis Pain Halm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman o. the Ashvillu (N. t .',) (lazettt1. "I contracted a severe cas. of rheumatism early last winter by get ting niy feet. Wrtt. I tried Htveral things for It without lieneflt. One day while looking over the O.izette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaranteed to cure rheumatism, sol bought a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it my rlieumntisnm had taken its flight and 1 have not. htitl" a rheumatic pain since," Sold by Dr. J. E Phinney. Teken Vp By John Kiistrom'nt his ranch Jon White River one red nieulia gteer about II years old. Hnuided Hun left side, and K on left hip. Owner can have sun by c.illitii,'at ranch a iJ UTi u '')' it eluding this notice. John Kalstrom. 81-iI LYPHILISaSr WMpaaV . m tau Jneiin mijrlf. fwt ImMnlUI, 'Cent tmil t pAn. Twewln. Ownn ItMkaae 1 THTJBSDAY, To the School Patrons If has been my intention to report the work of each district , as 1 have found it, by visiting the saine, imd I find thi't I am cut short of i lie time to reKrt each district separately, hut I can say. I have found the work in very yood condition wh. reaver I have beeu-Of course I lw found some friction, in two or three dis trict;;, but I guess such things have to be or they are any way , so we have to make up our minds to put tin with it. have found mure iniuiiies among tli touchers this winter, lor bet'er prep enitions fir themselves thun ever leloie, and thi moan's much to our Mrhooln. If the teacher is not interested in the work further than (he (-alary, we can r.ot expect anything more than formal teaching, but where the teacher is inter- j esU-d in reaching out themselves, that tbev may letter overcome Hie many ob stacles tliatarise in the school -room, then we me coming to (he point of where the pupil, and teacher can more definitely understand ea bother. 1 fear the sidiool boards don't, reali,8 the part, or obtiyiit- ions rest upon them as representing I their different districts or peoples. I have had a great many preplexing question to decide in I lie past tuoyeurs and the greater part was brought about by the misunderstandings of Jhe mem bers of the d liferent school hoards. I aty thin the patrons cunt atrree as a unit, but I see no reason why three cant agree if reasonable sources are looked up. The greater part, of success in school Work ileieii(ls almost entirely on the amount of harmony I hid exists bet-ween both put r"ii. Ixmnl. mid" the teacher, nnd 1 am sure if we try to bring Ibis about, we will ha ve b Her results, belter leel ings, and our chilibvii "ill be the gainer. 1 iil further say that it K''eat,dai tie nends on the school hoards, as to the kind of teachers we have, if a teacher Joes not fiil his or her place as they should, it. should be tiie duty of the board, to recti fy the mistake at once. 1 will admit that the authority of tiie County buperin letulent is far reaching, but not far (itioimh to cover all defects, o school fsiariW, and patrons wont you assist me i;i advancing the work in the next two y. ars iii it t k Ver has been before. I desire to thank the school hoards, nnd '.itrotis fur the kindness, and respect 4iown me when ever it has lieen my pleasure to meet theiil, and I hope that when I come to tarn over this work, lo my successor, that 1 can Know that none of us have failed to perform our dunes as lliey were presented to us. . . . Yours Kecpectfully. J. H. Burke, Co. Supt. School Report. Report of the Harrison Public Schools for the month endin Feb. 3th, IWi. . rciMAity k'him Total mi in lift- enrolled Average dally attendance Those neither absent, nor tardy XI '2S during mo. were; E Inn She 'ill, Daisy Holhngs- worth, Kl'io Wills, Ruby Phinney, Mar- cos V.ildez, Hay Uigelow, K--hert Itannnn Nellie Biinnon. Fern Wills, "Sbirv Rurke, Mary Fitzgerald. Johnny Fitzgerald, Charles tl.insoii, Vertiie Marsteller and Cleo Kigetow. Kr;P. Tltpkr. Primary. OKAVMAK Rl.OM Total number enrolled 3!) ;, Average daily attendance 24. Those neither nhscnt nor tardy vere; Basil Out brie, Joe Parsors. Lncv 0"r lach, I'riddy and John S iiitck. M.VHfl.v Ki:NDItl!':, (Irammar, II S. ItoiiM - Total nnmiier enrolled '.'H Avefagedaily nttendan 3 23 , Those la-it her ubsent, nor tardy were; Emmot Burke, Katie Parsons, Lithe Ussher. Fred B.irtell and Dollie l'riddy, dm. W. MirVKW, I'rmcipal. Public Sale, 'J'he undersigned will sell at public, sale on March in, 1!IU2, nt the residence of Frank iMeininu, in section l"i2fl Sioux Co. Nebr. J the following described property, to wit, 4 Cows 2 yearling Heifers 1 hull Calf 2 heifer Calves 8 Mares 1 saddle horse 1 1-yr -old Colt 1 set buggy Harness I sclctirt II irness 1 3 in. wiikoii 1 2 in. wagon 1 lop JJuggy 1 Cart ' 1 mowing Machine 1 hay Rack 1 set black smith Ahotil 25 tin , potatoes (Tools ,1 cook Stove 1 heating f-t iVe Beds and bedding Ki tchuti furniture and other things loo numerous to ment ion. TKftlH CASH J. C SIUPLKY, fluard an ol KIIANK M-EMINU By order of the Probate Court. K. iiitiKum', Auctioneer. For Sale ,Two registered stallions, one lilnck Pension and one English Shire, both heavy horses. Inquire of J. II, BarUl). , ISI4-8' , - Harrlaou Nedr, MAECH 6, 1902. NO. 4 From the Trenchant Pen of Clio Here are our best wishes for lli.j suc cess of the Pttus-s joi KNAI. under the direction of its new Kditor and we shall now leel like giving it the welcome of an old and Hue friend. We hope it has friends enough thai will help to gather lfM i,,ltl ni.fnr sit .V in every home in the county. Laat December ' we had a very' cold snap which made us think our house was not proof against freezing. Koine cold days early in Jan. Feb. was mostly cloudy and March came in like a furious lion, but the 2nd. was quite spring life. And such a change in a leu short hours. The U. H. ninil passes our house every day but Sunday now, but we go to the city forour mail, if we did not, we could not get the PltEss, which usually comes Sat. at 2 P. M.- till Momlny at about one. VVe don't like daily mail a day old before we-gct it. " Well we did get to hear W, J. Bryan sp'ak. We went an hour early so as to lie sure and get into the hall and "ere half an hour to late then. It took to halls' to hold the crowd and even then, many went home rather than wait so long to hear his -second speech. He talked very well, hut there was not the burst of eloquence I had expected to hear. He is just right the Plnlipine question. Are you all expecting Presi dent Roosevelt lo iippropriale means to build big reservoirs m Sioux County? As soon as the work begins we will come cack. . Central Citv, March 8. CUO At) unknown writer siys I liere are a class of iiieti who seldom if ever appre ciaae their value. In this enlightened atfe they are commonlv called "Uad," It isdai that humps himsrlf year in and year out, on the farm, in the office, store or Work shop in order that his boy or girl may go olf ,to school, and upon their re turn the boy may have a fine horse and top buggy and the j;irl a piano. It is dt.d that hustles and cultivates big calloused knots on ins hands and tieconies stooped shouldered in order that his off-spring may revel in luxttary and make titrnel fools of themselves. But. as is frequent ly the case, bow miserably is he re warded for his kintmess! His sons and da lighters ha ve Ieatw4.t.j;i'' Mts-4; dispise his oid-feshioned way's". " TlieV se cretly laugh' at the stylo of his, Sunday coat nnd old fashioned Hat. . On Sunday when hisdaughler has company he would like to sit in the parlor and listen to the music put is jiven to understand in va rious waya that his presence is not de sired and the poor man goes into the kitchen and stays Hie remainder of the afternoon. God help I lie son or daughter who goes b-t'-k on dad. , A school teacher in a neighboring coun ty received the billowing from a com pliuning parent a lew days ago: "Miss : Will you please for the future give my boy sum easier somes todo at nights. This is what he brought huuui lo er three llitesdack; -if 4 gal ons of here will fill li li.ill pint hollies bow many pint and a half hollies will mne gallons, fill?' Well we trie! and could make nothing oul of it at all, and my boy cried and sed he Ham l Hare go tucl; williout (loin it. so i I had to buy a nine gallon cask of Iwre, ! which L cotiltl III Hllord to do, aud then we tvetit and borrowed a lot of brandy and wiiik hollies besides a lew we hud by us. Well we emptied the cask into the bottles and there were 19 and my boy' put the number down lor the uuswer. 1 don't know whether it is right or not as rpill HJie vvliila duin' it. let the next 'one be in water as 1 am not able to buy more here. A nibhler is a man who enters the grocery store, runs bis lingers into u suar barrel and laps up a - couple of ounces; eats, i handful of nuts, Ihen go over to Ihe cheese case and cuts elf a slu e for li taste, then as a matter ol course must have a few crackers; and ieiiiaps before he has made up Ins mind to purchase a quarter of a pound of lea has ealen the profits of $2 worth of gro ceries. To wind it all up after gelling trusted for the tea. on which the merch ant a prolit of S cents, he leaves the story munching a couple of apples. This is no picture of imagination, but a reality, ex jit that MXiidtt.ues the nib- bier does not purchase the leu., , , Armour Herald; ' A Nebraska )ijper spins a story about a citizen naineu Jom Micllie, who has a sou Ueorge who is very Imul to out of bed mornings, .A'... hoy bus a habit of answering, Ye,, sir," and going to sleep again. On one occjisibn last week John called the ixiy, got the usual "yen sir," and then quietly slid up stairs. turned down the covers vud gave him a lively spanking, It bapiiened that on that night the hired irl, had been given the boy's room. When the tumult was over John at down behind the barn and drafted an nsology to the hired girl, change in a few short hottfll .U. J. CitMnell, - - Co.Xtirrm,, V.lll I'rartke In All Coart. Sped! Attention Wren t Lan4 4MT lit HllslllPKM. ( olItHtioHN ami nil bwtinwM ntrnt- etlfS me will reeet ve poj)t attni Uti, Habkison - Nebhabka. E. PH1NNKY. M. I. Pliviscian and Hnrreon. All calls ifiven prompt Httmitlon, ottlce in KrtiK sior. ' -HARH1SON - NRHHAMK A, Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leg matters in Justice, County and District ("ottrts, and before the United .Stale Land Ollice. . . Fire Insurance written in rellnblr companies. ; ( CSTLegal papers carefully drawn. HAJtmsoN. - Nkbkamca. ' XOTICK To nil whom it may concern. C'llie coiiiiiiisniiiiicr appointed to toeste road comuieurliiK at SW corner ol SWi4 w 18 'I p. 114 riuiBi! M tliencu east on half sec tion Ibiconctuilii tliriirr, liortn on so. tloa ' line one and u halt mile tliencu ens 1o miles on sectioii line and also (-oiiiiiieiiehiK nt. SW eorner of sen. (f T-p. S4 raajre r llicace north two niilrs on section line t the NK corner sec, 31 twp. iW range f alw tliat portion Ixliiiiiff at lie JiW corner of SW', m 18 t p. :A range 54 thence east on halt' section line one hall' mile to be stricken from said petition for tint reason that it is a county road, '1 lit; commissioner has re)Hirt ed in favor of estulilisliiag said road nnd all objections thereto or cUiuis for damages, must lie filed in the County Clerks office on or before noon of the (lay of March A. O. W or sru-h road will he established without reference thereto. , aW Wm. J. A. ItAtiM, County Clerk. SIlKltlKK'S SAI.K. Notice is hereby i?iv!ii that lv Tirtneot nn order ot sate issued bv the clerlr ot the l)hi trlct Court of Sioux (Xmntj-, Nebraska, and to. me directed upon a decree rendered by 8 ild court in favor of Onirics S. Kro a Had'wL, I'tsiri! James, Mary Jane Jftuie. ,udiew J. Miller, mid Mary M. Miller. I will on tile 10 day nt March i ll. l'.ffitat 1 o'clock in the urternoou of ssld day, at the east trout door ol tho court house of 'said eoinity, in Harrison. Nebraska, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash In luind the following descrlls'il real estate towltt; The. east half 'of tic southeast quarter of section seven, and tie west half of the southwest quarter of t lion einht in township thirty north, of range tlftythree went of the Btb princip I iiKti'ldiiin fa Sioux county, Sebnisk.i, to s, -Isly said oilier of sale in the strni of 5 --.if aud costs and accruing costs. AI.KX 1.0WKY,!bcrlir. Sheriff's Sale. Notice, is hereby given that by virtue of no order ot side issund by the Clerk of the t) trlct court of Sioux County Nebraska upo a decree rendered t i said eourt in favor of Sarah Wisdom anil against Strah Wistoai and !.eona Wisdom heirs Aaron Wisdom, (to reused, American Investment Company, a. corporation, K. I Oriushy whose true chi is tula inline Is un known to plaintiff, Trustee, W. J. Bow den whose true christian name ' unknown to plaintiff, defenucnW, 1 wl i on theTtlldiiy ot April 1902 at one n't; .nek la the afternoon of said rta at the east Mont door of the court house of said county hi the village of Harrison in siiid county, sell at public Miction to the highest bidder tor a h in hand thefollowh g descrllied real rslam til said Sioux comity, Nebnisku, to. wit; The south half of the southwest quarter of section twelve (It!) and the north half of the northwest quarter of section thirteen (IS) In township thirty-two (.12) north ol range fifty throe (M).we.'t of the Htli prfaci pal ineridinn in Moux county Nclirniks. To satisfy said order of sale fn the hhiii of S4.I." and -4 Sit costs and accrnlng roots. First publication MarcU (itb. ALEX lxWT" Sheriff of suld cairn v. Stock Letter March 4, 1!"'3. The cattle market last week wim -iv satiifactory lo sellers and has cunin u e l good the first two (lays of this We. k The receipts were someweat ligl. 'hn still a fair htipply was market-o. A is usual this time of year the light i hand weight cattle are in loo-t i eu.. i.. and this kind shows anadvnue ol l.i 20 els. Choice finished HO'I ( ;1iHl j p0UM, ,ve!, fl 20 , 8e0 im t.iH j Wvw 5 70 t0 6.15; coi...m.i, i...'ii i Krades nround 4 00 to 4.(i0. 'Hi " . , , , ; I an active demand for ' i n i I - j stuff, choice fat heifers seUmg'n 4 Uti -. 5,25; good beaf stock 4 Ot) o 'j jdyi .j good butcher cows BAO lo 4.M V ti. 1 xtm utocker nnd ffdef fm ' "hh" 4V. 4 " tm.-t- 1 1 eft JA a ' M OBl ''' f rulfturi40tiiM.8fi. The aheep Mrt f , ktwt jrTaj ; i ' Week. . "fVtoii fct'' !ood ttn0 Cj, vT r si j H W XI'lfT j 5,4HCC"'''- ! 4 40. Sift m!': .-: ':.: " fi i '1 i '1 .... ........ i'lU .;i ..ilV tit, - v. , ft c.