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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1902)
.a V . ' " "''"' ' i ' 'A". L ' . ' 1 ' ' ' ' x " " T ' tv v IOC . .... ... I' )KVr, c--, ... yiiWiip B ,i,B.,v, wnaaaanjaimeBnJe,. ir.r r::i (."7 -War E -V V " X 1 rote; .. .-:r n iVe at tto l.iiM be atg'naanv j'T air WoaH3af i'C; tarn 4f-w4 Mitt It Wit U C, pMrw m4 fanilv lsvUjr known in it !t!mt U4fNjr, hivi livW J tb kMt furtHi Mtm, dr inMi ww tr Himii und U i ymt wmffclHKW that tlw ( ;-ifcjr will tfir jrou, will aMwi t!Mft Mfipruval , Hi MftkM . . ;rt llt .rwi Iv givao mk. i 0m. A. Ptt pK WrTf- ' faJwtanr. ' ni Maawd ih PiwanJourMl 1 i5 njr that tka IVtfar will leun ' ...... . . i fc-m aajkja -tjkr nwaaoaiaut of!t!rmt& -ftat-1 Ma iu nwa of a faa(.ia (xpvt. ItowPu r !vt st I hava no faditWI !Oi $vHlO(iA H Mah toaaiMtylianTikiiSIaM . .,lxieOBrtai. ' , '"'fVttw awa Ml ract 'iiaw m txlwf m. iavftntton jr.that iiwy 'wanl to aw tha ol aftlM) IVaw JiHimal fur Uia ad .3nt ftatt wHar t4 ila pansfe. watlntf ai I imtjt faaafaa Ika natni imd MiiftaWajlhkl tka Tarr ha I IkfMtwhnai. Ilw awMta rfaaa K ha J uanduvM to fha tolmwt of tlw km tmi.l astaad twat wiahva to arilhrro. Unmln piinhm dr(M !3a1. a4 W. IH vh uaidi for hah A fura, '-Z."; it AU."lnrjr' w oa tlaa akdc Ifet sa; i J y r ., Vl JrJwrtor K m t kk M WN of 4eYjfd&;'riVxCVai tka ani mixed stock, and chotoa IM heller, -' . r 2j&i Ji Jli ' 5 of your photDWhs to ' ., " ; ' r?j&rrjZ'x Xr-Y rum.. Umn haa arrived la the 17-it.d krooght from AM to 5.00, with good When you hu-k anewy. do not "V.h CTjW rmi?- The learned old . ' - r,.f: Tgrr-ig-) - trilr. BtitAerw- your.?!--!, fe-l dU "But 1 won't . . - ,-vv r kpawkat rt. Ibm with will aToi ... - : -e w.4 r v iica ac T was ui.iiBjii.itri; ,-.e t -rs. . vl ,Vi-.r',v?'Vx. -"i.L , j'S'j i- .'-'' at'-,'v SxT'r - V"i'-T I'vjr tA"' x- r !;7ii J t r : . after Um .iiary JMaapaw4 te4 atMMMT of nwpi on Miuiilto-d km4 wUtb OM ht mmM tor 10c mcti. Cmjt t ) kvm mm pMmiaMi to . j . Va ' inWraii4 BnaMt ' Ljtom : kaa pwrmaad Om Blur waWaana aaa will tnm thai tima forUi wytma bia fHaaia M hb aaw hmua, '. ' v' Srrian aaama la hava qoHa aooan hi tba way uT aliawa Hw paat waak, -mm tva tout only tliraa, aa4 a faw ajajra af gitMMiiatha watfktat. 'T Dr. k-laVd will ka . at BurrMam at Um Hai-rkui Uow HaKti tba Mil. t lUi. MVfwrd t4i do all MM of wMtal wurkm KstmtiUcf taatfc witkottt paw. . XiwaiUi LaaifHa at tka churdi Sanway wvaaiiqfat . W. SukjMtt Um ioy f Hvrvifa. ..All am wlaUly inviiad to atlwid. , JUasia Awwmm laadar. Tlw itbow MiwtUjr night w a fak and mm ana RMMMMmrkad ' our (MHiia aal and )ow hurt Fri. Hitriit wua wortli a liuiftlrvd mcI fwwa ' and wa thiak ao Um. ..,.,, ; I ,, I Imvm lakan a (crwii ajntny diffaaaat anwlluiaw for Ntomach troabia and ooo IkMtW," aay Mm. & (Mm of Uunbof bm, luwa. "Iji st laul aagood maalu ru mi aa fruni C'lmmburlia Wumnh A Uvar TaWata." Tvr aula py J. E. Pfuenay. , , - , . x Alatlar to a 1 rlaad from Bar. J. L. Candall ator of Um M. kV oharth kara. VTO, Wua of tbalr toaatMM now t Mwikajr, (da., a naw and growtog aw paajn Ur B.K. Wailaoa plw HwaattoM, Tkoaaat!tomdrttf4 to t aar an tarn fir wnnaMa cknt, and prafawad taaalhiiraiaca to tua Praw Jworaal, by aaaaliar Ida frkrtal, Tom ttOjiira of UtobJaad Wbmonto I ha IVaniJiwa iHatlwnw.) Wrti MNimtlMiur of Sioux enmtjr, and it wIvantHKMi. Tba Mbow givvwal Uta Opam Hon Tow. aaaoiiw; by i tha imaruntaitul oiaa waa fijujud liy Ummw proamt. It wua iMiarthiai( aaw and iuUraatiiit; to both. 4d and ouny, Klo ta a vry ff"0d UOttHT. Tha adnaal awrnaura niaatioc will ba aHd March tUU ItOi.. It ia important I bat all axMrmora Hhwukl b praaaal. Tha failura of any amwaaur to ba praaant m daamad MifflvWiit tauaaa to dautora bta iilfksa vatnt and to appoint ! aauoww Nr. and lira. T. 6. illlami" afa oocu- ptag (taair raakkmua in Itorriaoo Uim waok. and it ama lika oht tiwiaa yo kva tbara with uaanaia. Tlwiraoo Uaoripi omm Hi ktat YrAt from ofaalrwi, ratnrnod Monday araaintf. Ha raporta a atttdanv or tna amaroa - M ktofwtMra tka CWraaian. , 4 HlT-f i ' '- ' '"'V- 'SCtti TOvYw : vtmnmtm to toN wmk' Tmm WiMrwv MMTtotfaie HiHinnT tM briav, Wiiaiatoy af toM watk. Tl tiwuair -f aaiai kjr Jaca Mr. frwJ Witt aC-tad nhaat mms.. and Km ttrntsi tfwilil . . Aftar tka oimmoay ait praaant aat down la ft bawatifal repant prapaaad for Iba raeaaina. Aftar tha faat. im iota nndnrwaiat until an early honr whan fell dvpartad wiahta for Mr. and Mix Wanar a loaa: (. tippiaaai and proaparitf. ;Tkoaa praaaal . vara., Br. and Mm Mackmaa, Mr. and, MM Aojf. J Ring. Mr. and Mra Harbart tnoy. Im CJrora, Ctia Wright; Honna Willa, lain StoUary, Emaat Phtanrr, Hawy MontMk, Miaa Naca. A Umu tr, A. OtaiMtnui. Jam c,riUu, F. Mtradal, Mr. and Mra. pranav K. Biyla. tka Mr JBumbrunaaa, dyda laNan, Har- man Volknwa. Mary Utoukman, F. ler. Mra. Laaa BoUyar, Lindly PrkUy, 0. Boy to, Jan. Thornton, W. Boy to, Caa m (tortoch, Um. Uackiuao, ohn Uiaok- man, ti and A, Batlar. Tha aiiow, or drama, givu by Ua Madam woialman tout Friday nighl oror ad a grand imiucmp, without anoxoaptioa. Snob vnamatar waa aetad aa if thay wara yrofaaMoaala. and too mnuh credit aat ba irivan yry oha that toknn prt ia lie plav, and wa oant rwaliM tha tinw nxMit,nnd Mtiarca, liwt it feikan to pn- para for tlrfa dnuiia, and wa ara plraaad to annoonca that iwv ona pnmm, m farniwa hava hoard wara fully aalinfi td and an joy ad tha play mora than any ahow tliot haa cam U Hurrixon, It waa our latoation to giva a wrlta of aach oharaalar, but aa wa hava haan ao bnay tiii waak , Wa laipa thaonaa that put porbaa unaalfUh affort to giva u aa njnyabla avaning will fargiva ua. Wa will proiaiM to do baUar,in tha fu- taro. Blow will ba found tha eaalof datractein. jack Smith, a contractor: J. C. Finlay. Jim Jomm, Baai EaUta Agant; Wood aoaLacy. ht fJaarn. marchaati Homtr'Prkkly. Marry WiHnnaoa, former tovarof JdV-b tmitlrV wifi (Wo, A. Phippa. Pat CoChrtfly, Irk bnaat K. yan. ' femto, natfro aamwt; Urda Kagaa. MoAlmin, Isiwyar; H. PrhMy. Bnwn. WonmiMn drputy. W. H. Dvl Barnaa, Lnwyar; ItondMNi uiey, . Old Miltor, Miiwr: J. H. Wilharniad.r ar. Jodire Lnmrna'kar, W. H. Itavw. Baliff, Mm Hickman, Court Clark, J. H. Wilharmartorrar. : Two Tnimpa, Dutch, John iAckratm, Iriah, tron. (rria8mitluiacbSmiUr wifa; Mr. WtliMrniadorfer. Nallto Doharm. Mm. E. Lyon, Briitoat. Paht Lovr, John Dicluuan, ttaga Mai agar, (Maur Ward. Tha admiwaua will ba fraa and a danca will ba givaa aftar tha antartaimnaat Tha baaf cattnt markat uutt watk on tba wboto waa quit aatinfactory to mil ara, tbara baing a good damand from all tha packara, and prtoaa advaaoad 90 U tola, Thia waak atarto out with a fair ran, 6000 for fin two day, with prtoaa ataady. Oond haavy haavan 5.00 to MS; fair to good 1030 to MM pound baavaa 1. 00 to 50; common to fair 4.00 to 4 80. Tba damand waa good for cow and mixrd Block, and choioo fat haifara hraaght from AM to 5.00, with good Biitehercow" I to ma. - fa J. A. Cutm apant tha ratar part f tow waakMlMla with hia Uumtf Kb Oaada Kyari atonad a' anfioainf nt tarm of mfeool to VU. Vo. Stoat frklayi tStm raiawta to oamnMmoa taacbiaaT to Uia Bnwwirdtotrirtto kkout two wo . A. rVacnntorjoaa a cnaont with hia adtnphona in aahnol howaa No. 4 . toat Wadnaaday avaitog Thara wanagnod nrowd and nit yrannnnrad tlw langimr Mi. B.Z BiwathMN haan quit nick but b) nbto to ba about aicain. Alva Maxtnn kaa haan aurmur for tlx paat tliraa wak with a gatlKrimr on hi jaw canard front u ironbtiMonM to ih. A faw day ago (ba giuliariag cam to a ImmmI tail aow Mr. Buxton rnicM that ha la abto to inaa M month ngitin. , j. !. Bpaaaa raturnad from hiw Iowa vfaat laa Tuaadav. Hv wn . Mccompaoiad by Mm. 8paaMa mother who will tuiik Imr noma with tha Bpaaaa family ia tha futura. Bar. and Mrs. Bica vriant Aundny nf. Bodarc. Harry Lyon will at art for hia Noma in Colorado next wrdnaaday. D. O. Tally ia tawing tlia achnol grounda In dial. N. 4. amwhlng TKat Win Do You Good Wo know ol no mh.v in winch w inn m of more .af vkw U tmr rvtulvrN Hum l tall ttwoi of anrnvtliina: that will Iw of irood to thani. For tliia raMm wa wont to ni-qiMiut I hum with what wa nMidr ono of lias very hunt re'iinti- on tlai nwrkat for tmngha, colda. and that alarming cnmpluiut, croup.' We refer to (3mnilarliuo'a i.ViukH ReinMly, Wabave uxfd it with auch Kaid rvaulta in our family ao long tlmt it rw become a liomwlmhl naoataniy. ny ua ,ronipi. yme wa havaH any doubt but that it hiia time ana again prevented cioii. Hie leatinamy h given upm nut own xperi- amv.' nail wicmaai y that our random eapacialy thoaa who hnva amall ctiimren, alwara keep it in their hnraea aa a aafn irtwrd aaminat cniup. "amcen (8. C) Maaaangar. For mW by 4. R Phmoay Catray Ihavenn llm tnd day of Jan. 1003 taken up. 4 mile ewat of Montroer, ona horaa Hboiit four yeura. color gray hrnndnl a followa; fTfTliin left atatulnVr, I Ion right Owner will cnlll ZJtnd wva pro party, pay all ctnirgea nnd lke aninuil away. - , , 84-n Prru Rabkr. ' Taken V -' By JdImi Krflalroni at hi ranch Jon While River one red nieuliaateer nlaiut 8 year old. Branded Hon left Hide, and Kon lei t hip. Owner can have mtme by calling at ranch and paying coaU in eluding Uiia rtotlue. John Kalalmm. ,rvgxu Two registered alRlliona. one Black Percbron aiaj one English Shire, heavy ImrHM. ' Inquire of J. H. Bartell. both U-t Hurrisou Nedr. 1 Caroy A yemg Utah pript. la bia Rrtt er- Ukaaad the Bonuu C.naoii? ckarch to a amgsfleaat, ali-rcs aaip aa It gUdaa over the jreat deep, knffatlag avary atom, ndtog vpoa trary 'tiw and 0oatlag' apon tvrry tioa. 'And why doaa it float ? Baeau K la fovaaM aoon a rock." , A Kmparor WliMam baa placed in U. Oarsuui ralchatag building tkrea aiaC tkal oval chart daalgned by biut. 'i , mparor ahowa that the Uaited su kava thirty-one battle hipa, elevx. flnt-clnaa eVulaera and tweoty-lx u morcd crulaera. ' . " Atmt Above the . It la not yet decided 'who shall lieu, the eommlaaton which may pib.u.. ba aent to KuTopa.ln behalf of the Louia fair. - Admiral Uewty 1 c higher rank than Lieutenant Genera Mila. but the army has always preference over the navy becauae it w eraatad ftraV, : . BAtHI FOR THE FOOX Retaaeloo ot a. nysteai Praved Heneaelal . hi rhll4elpbla. . . So successful has been the work Of the public baths annociation of Phila delphia, whose initial establishment la on Oaaklli street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, that it will In a few months be in possession of a new and in sqme respects much better building, dedicated to tfle same beneficial pur poses. A Iota 24x67 feet at 718 Wood street' has been purchased by the aa sociatloti for 12,275 and probably In Martli the work of construction will be begun. l Is bopod that It will be completed by the middle of June. Tba public bath aud wash house In Oaskill atreet was opened nearly four year ago. At the end of Its thlid year 105,M baths had been taken there. This year the number of baths will be fully Sz.000, or more than 1,000 a week. In December 2,800 baths were taken. 1.475 In the first flfawn days. The Public Baths Association doe not consider Its work a charity in the almsgiving sense. It believes baths can ba bad by the poor at a minimum price; that they ara more appreciated and therefore are more regularly taken and do more good than those which coat nothing to tha person benefited. Beaide, tka public baths offer what tha dty fraa bntk do not-privcy t . . il i 'i.f and tka ua of not water and of show- ara, fogetbar with an ampte aupply of soap ' and towehv It has cost about PW i year to maintain the GasklQ street bathing establlkltmant. saya tha FblbUlelpbia Times, and the dctbdt at tha and of 1900 was 36 ner cent, having steadily decreased aince the place was opened. : ,'m Prince a fearleu Rider. Prince Edward of Wales, who is great favorite with the queen, seein? to be getting on. He is only vn years old, but is learning to ride with a skill and fearlessness which do crcaK to bis strain of Danish ancestry. I tie m Ispu- ied Ten. The customs duties on the $il.C00,00j of tea imported Into this count! amount to $9,000,000. All adulteiaunl and Impure teas are excludeu tioui coming into the country by the ic Inspection law. which was patsed iu 1897. It tea ia adulterated the adul terationa ara added In this country, . , orgsalaed ABtle'v-,f tees of "the Church.. 7vi A. 5t nanaaa mty. 4 r.K.V-SiH -Xnd thinn ' ' 'f,r , ';?vrMr Corson." a pretty l.ttta. . ' 1 ' "" U.W"? . -V,-, ..xurttiured reoentli. "won't you ., "i , Tx.c.4 1 V.? 1 "v. Prbna; KUaotw-! glean to ai' k&av; watterH in JtMtica, Coi"rty?-nd btatrM; Oourta, and before tha Cnitad Btftt4 LandOtttf. . , . " - - Rra loaurMH-a written-' to 'rallakh ' stmipnniea. : IWLepU pnwr refnlly dwwnl ' HKBiaf:'. , - ,i TSmumiu , M.d. 04'aNnell. - - - ("a. Attorney, Will Prartlen In All Onirta. , , Kimrlal Af tent ton 4,'lrea to Und Or Bin BnalanM. - ; 1 ' f'ollecllwwandaMHiwiiieaxenfruwt ed tame will rreeire preuipt atteaflou. flAttUHOX - Kmbkauca. i. E. PHtNKEY, M. II. Phyfadaa and Hnrgran. . 411 rail fftvan (tmmpt attant.lnD. Oftlcelii Hma;atora. " HARItiaOJI : KaAHICA. XOTK'g ' . I Td nil whom It may roiMwm, Ci he rommlMiioiii'r appoliited to loonte a roixl coiunicincliiir at JC W eornei- of KWi xiss 1 Iwp. M rangn M tlipiice iat on Imir iuis Von Hue one mlln thencn north on aeittion Hun one anil h halt mile tbonce eaat two: iiiIIikdii m-etlon line and alao vowHteacinif atW earner of w-e. y Twp. 34 fauxv M thaiira north two mile on necMfTii Hop t tlieNKvori.e"rc, M tepw KV mint it ulo Hint portion twfrlnlHff tit .Iim y W cornir of SWi4ix. 11 twp. IA riingii M thence eat on 1 hntf iiwtlnii llim ime Imlf mlleto lie atriclcen fnwu wOil petition for tlin rUHon that It in u county roiirt, 1 he contnilSNloner haa report l In favor of eRtiihllnhliirKufil road and all objection tlieretu or cUhna for dmnagea must be. Died lit I he Comity Clerk; office ou rl-fore noon of tbeTtli ilay of Ifarob A. O; 190!! or anelt ro;ul will Im itabllhod without reference thereto. ats Wa. J. X. Bacm, County tSerlt. bUKUirr'a Sauk. Jlotlre ia.hereby lx-en Unit lv virtue ol an order ol woe lilud by the elnrk Ol the Uia trlcf. Court of rt'oitx County. Nebraii, imd to. me .llriicted upon a deereo renderetl by ild court In favor of ( ;hnr)ei K Uroeit and I ugilnet Ueome Jamea, Mary Jane Jaunee. Andrew J. Mlllrrand Mary M. Miller, j : i " ' w fWiwi-B A I 1W,Ht I a 'cloefe in lUo aftrnooi 1 t wW M tl)r ftant ,t or tlw , art ben of mhui oa,,ty, m H-artou. j gnbraaku; offor for 4f"t the VigfceVt ti'iii- , Her for wwh m Iwm' tiiHfoii.n indeTHi f mat ct ite town, ; The nt imir or tu I aoutliatiinrteriif kcoIIoh seven,' HiiU tMo i wem.non.oi tno Mmii.atost unarm m rltoir obrht In towautf Citrtv north., of , runtio Of ty three wet of the sth ajflm i i , meridian In Moux roanty, NelMtwkt, fiet ,' '" , ls Mid order ot Male in the auui of aAwiTi''.,, 1 ' iiml coki iinxl uccrnlaif eotH. i. ALKX t-W RY, Hn-tinr. UNUSUAL fAULT-FINOINX photocraphle Vrueeilore That Muat feopie 'hon tl Approve. Professor Hiram Corson, who has the ; rh;ilr of Engllaii literatciv at CoinnU, , belongs to the well-known Corson fam ily whose homestead Is near No.-rja-town, at Plymouth. A very old via, now, be la perhaps the mast pictur sque figure lu the college tow u f " Uhaca. Hia lectures are extremely pup- . jular; he speaks with graceful gestures, his hands weighted with .beautiful jew els, and be -wears on his foreflocr a ; ring tne port tsrowmng gave nim.- ua ys good tkiugs ce ts always aaying . Is r ib... ,:x-. :4 lie hi TH3.swauiai