Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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    " '
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U. Si.ii'Ki'.,'
V v. . . I j
-A- , -J. . . .. J. -j 'J , l -.V W -J. ,
! S3 A TT 1
Ti I r" l MAS! nriiiA f
lul-i.-ir Vol. t
,"""" " "i" srvii
w.R Smith .hvh cash for liiij.-s & fu,.,
wmliln at Miirstcll-! lris.
Mrs. I'ontiim reliirnci) Kriilny from
(Inrjou whfr hIi was in altciuluinB
ut a wcililing,
Jnt.1 rwfivcil: A new ciiiivinmint of
men mid lioys i.lollnn ut (iKUIA! lis.
Ituxing on Hik slifct w:m (ln
ftiiiu(ti'nt tli:i( licld Hie itt tenluyn
of ILirrisnn visiiors S, 1 1 n n I h v.
More ami )vUw jroods for Hi. Sn,
.noneyiitfh,,,,,,...,,. Ilrin iiny o,,,r
- - - I
Thf" w-liool i-liildi.-n of, tin- Hotlai,-'
xchiMiI orHscntwl Jlinniov Mack wiih 1
a nice pi pa in honor of his 0 7 1 It. hinh -
iliiy which ociurn-il last ua-. Ic. !
JIjr IUrtfll t'.-t is rnod Siturdav!
1,-0111 iiim irip to tova. i l" oiounj
with him t wo luriti- I'.'irii-iou s, alimn 1
which h4 ititi'iiils to lis., in this s.-i tion.
.,11 , 1 Mr, K H n ,'s :iu, Mm K Inn Kuiirht
lien. U. ( Htton was c.-ulxl horim last .
,,,,,,, , , , sp'-M Similav cv.-tinii.' a!, .Mr. .Sun l(o!t.'i--
fiiturdny tiv Hit. rwviiit ol a t- i-jmih 1
' I I ' I, i's
from Mr, t '11 11011 say ,n; t h.it their htilft ''" '
hatiV wilt verr sic),. i ' ' Williams am! faiinly visited ,1. J.
Ziioi Hi iiiiuMU'tis 'I'm--day.
Mr. Wilson, or M invillo. Wyo. .1 lm 1 in-l and wih vis,!,-,) a (,w houi s
wsw in U .'ily a low days last. wh4 '"'T. H. Ilamiins Tim, .-l.,s -ift.-rnoon.
flti intMiiil-i :tiirtuitf lir Washington j J. 1 '. Hot .'y ill . oiuldcU; 1 !i i liurch
in ft short tune Hhi'i'e Im uill ni.iU. Ins ' p u n I his c k.
fntllit- h mi.-. I . H.ivi.mi I'mmnos .ml V.i.v Wiui.n!"
The W;iHSt'i-hiirc;.f Im.v.h dt'ov.- a fun,
bunch of hors"H Ihrotijih tin- stinHts of
Harrison Tnfday. There vvcin three
ctirloiidiot tlnmi and thv shipped theui
over th Klkliorn to Mihvuukec.
A party of ll,irris-uiit"s iiidulu'ed
in little KkMlin' at V.tiit:;HH'I Kiiml.iy.
,Tlniy made t ho trip ith M-.-tin fon--mntl
itauwn's nutouiohubh:.
r- s.iio
,3'ivn rcicisti't'cd slitllniiis, one Hl-ick
I'tircliriMi and one Kiultsli Slnre, hoth
li'itvy horses.
Inipurf of J. II, Bart. I!.
34 -J H.iriisou N.-dr
t:iyd.- It iLjiin i:oiopl..t.-d n d, -ui M.itur- i
il.iyasit ivsiilt of winch Im will start ! lddl h.eves sold at i;". I'l.. with cm "'approved
11 pool ptirlor in the hihhlnu nou occu- ; to lair iaiati.l ii st utf at A!, 7-1 tol "i;l. J , ,.,.,.r,,!f; ni,trtim.-iits, tak
itl ly W. H. Wr,,,'ht -.' rest uraut . I it, ex- I ci a s and 1111 ed st ,.f I . fan-to j , d In" ut :,ckno-.v h-,eui.-ul s, c-ei tili
pc,i to h. reiidv for business soiue i eh -r sto, ti, S,; ,1,1 n, sr:i,7n , and , ,,,,1 h-ad c.tL.-s and seids C-"l!ikl,
time next, wtxtlc. . j ttitul-s to .l.,"d. To recorUnn? sliunirn deed for
Clubbing OfUrs
While you are thinking of suhscrib-.iie; j day and twent v -seven today, with min
or your vwn'I.V readme; matter, remem ket. steady and some kimts strong.
Ir that th I'MK-SS-Jiit ItNAI. will take j 'iood In chon-e lambs :,-C,.'J. to tl l.
Mitwcript mtiH to any paT on cm th and
hiivb Nistai;e and liuni for V oil.
It. K. Pontius rm'eivwl word last
wek that tlia vkiii in the mint? in
which he ha tin intercut had recently
iIiivbIoiwi, wiinn very rich or. Mr.
PonlitiK Iiiih a half iiilrcst in the. mine I
unit hix many frimids will join with
Ilw IrehJmtrnal in LXtcndins him j
limny conKnituUtioim. '
Snd in Your Lund Leta-so P-t!tlon
'1'Iih tinm has come when it ".t,i,
lt to forward th Kititioni mtiI out
hy the PresH-Journal in oppoHiiiou to
th proponed land lefiniii,' lulls now l-
foroCoiiKrewt. Kindly ihI them m ,
a (toon M possiidu to tne i rw
Journal olficn.
. . V
Taken. Vp
Hy John Kalstroin at l.i ranch Jm
WlntrtUiver on red nieiiha hteer about
JI jearnoldHrunded H on left Hide, mid
Kon left hip, Owiipi- can h..v sami)
hy cBllinpat ranch and paymc; costs ui
eluding thin nolico. John Kalstrom.
Mrtt. Kli7.aldh Hixon and Mr. (i.-oren
Wnlwr wr married hist niht at. I he
ivoidence of Ui hrid. A lart; con
conrso of friends wer pfHsent, at tin
eoreniony mid the festivittfH that follow
ed. A full Hccmmt cf tlm vwdduiif will
bo-Kivun next wei'k.
Eotrty Nolico
Ilmvenn tlm 2nd day of Jati. 100,
ttiltf-n up, 4 miles want of Montrose, one
horiw alnint four years, color h'ray,
Ivninded follnwit:
I on left chonlder. fS'm rier,lt
doiiidr.B"'ti'!Il li.
hlirh. IrVV LU3J
0iir will callJmd prove pro-
wrty, pny all i linri;e:i and lake animal
A Modern Wo iJmin .
1 relay na-J,,, Feb. l,u. ,,., ,..lf
1 ,
Hi' dra in. i - A M. it. -in ,,i ii, nil"
- , . ' 11.11... I.I ;
Ja, k Sinilh. ;i i onitncler: .1. C. I'mb-v. ,
i... , . ...... .
Jim .Hiiii-s, n.'ai I'.-i.ii A !;!. I : (...oil ,
.), Ii,'in, llll'l-i lunl ; llnyn r i'l i,;,!..',
H.irrv Wilkinson, f,,i mor I. j i.r .( ,I,i,
.Sinitli's :L -. ;,-ii. A, I'inpj,...
1'iU Me 'arlhv, Iri-h !,,.,: ;. I .von.
S.iiri hi i, ncyru s.-rv oil ; i 'I -ij. i:,i;;:ni.
M-Alv.-im. l.l,.-: . I'l'lM.lv.
ni on 11, v uniinirii ii, jiiii , . H, 1 vis
RiniHs. L;iy,.i-: ;.).!s,i. I,-,,-,-. I
IU.I Mill..- M,..,,--T II ' II 1,... '.
sor. o i
.IikL-i Lr,iinii'li'r. W. II. Iaivis,
lialilf. Join, Itn l.-uian,
Court 'l.-i k. .). Jl. Willicrinsiiorf. 1
Tun Ti.iii,K, I mtch, .inliii I'lckinur, 1
Irish, K I, von. j
Chi-I'I.! Smilli, .lurk Smilli's u if,,; Mis.
! Wi ll m i-riis.t, u-ft
VhI Ii. I ,,,t,,. t I.- t ,'.,, !
M,,..,,. V.,uCt, iliclt.-imri. ,
;,,-t ' r- 'r1'" U'"'L !
Thf ii.lniissmn wiilhf f,'.-i? ,in,l 11 liiOi'i' j
ill In. j-ivii al'-or t! iili-rlamiiicnt. I
. . . ..
y ru vij rv-H. t v vvJ v t v v j I v t
v ol
111 W'VOI 1 1 i I lLr. ? j
i " . X 1
,, , ,, , , I
H tt'i, has iii4 , nui. SiiniiL; wnal iti-r laiii-
ly hut it out last Ion;,'.
Mr. Thorp.; of M, II t 'r.iuk vistl'-'d Sli.iMn
lit ot In-fs suiiiia v.
! atli'iii!,,!, tint St.V.ilcntini'd met. at 1,'isU j
(, scar Ii. ,v cs and i l.lhs liauiiu, Hi re
Sundiy visitors at Andy 1 Imsiians
M .'. ut. V -t, v vij, I wrli ?drs.
Mill (! uin-e Weilliesila.-, .
Mi'. Mc I tt-riiio! ' . Miss Kva. cli'ircli.
d (s,-,r Hatch- t Visited a', Zulu Hniiu
s' liidav.
St ;,-'.c L tmr
Feh- Fl.. lS'tJ
There was u heavy ,u'tik-,;cu of un-fmt.-.,ji-.l
and ha 1 1 -f it ' hi- d r i ',' I, hist
week, a Inie tie-,-.' was a v,-r v luarl.'.ii
scarcity of yooil luiisle-d t,e,-ves. lloy
rs vM-i-e ,-iliie to pound ins ma tkel, for ;i
i,.., luieol Ir.'iu I t l. Cts I'l prices.
l'liis i.' ek s, art out -niii .1 lair run id i
i-.i'l le, icot.t Ulu.l lor t-.o i!,v-. I'll,- s i
nr.- nUiut. sli;uli. F
;:ood 1 Ibd a
I A libera! slloolv of sheep was ofleied
, so far this week, t went y -ei.-ht in Mm,,
ejood heavy vearbnt's R i '.'.i to V-1 h'l.clm
leu weatheis if i.lld to iy.'i5. and ewes if I
od to f,.;.'i.
Ni a.el Hiichatiau ,' t. ,
S uiLii ymah i. Niihr,
Co-nmosslonors Poonodlnsi
Ibirris in. S.onx cmnty, Nb. feh. 10
The 1 'omit y t'omuiissi rs met as p. r
ndj ,ui-u,ncl. Present. 'i.Mit.iis.t r
Muu.:J,ewis, Hi-lmv null '.Vim. J. li uitii.
Aaron Mewar, Having n,e ioes, "'"
to build In I'U-t across 11,1, cre.-k,
On nioliou Aaron Steiva.t w us allowed
thi; cotilracl tobitild t-.ini brtile for tin,
stun of -j'.'si do.
t )u in"! too J ...,ti
a f .
tlniuolioii hoard adjourn. d till Feb
11, V.Ml.
Win. .1, A. Riiim, ( l. rk.
IIarr,oi. Sumt ctmly, N, b. Feb. 11
t'ounty Hoard met as per adjournment,
l'resent Conimosu n- i s Met. yj, F'-wis,
Hiuelow aial Win. ,1. A i: nun, cletl:.
... Ir. .luban F. Hluniiev.
I .I... f t..,.s,..l..r1.d Andrew MctilllleV
o. ...... .--,,-'-
were appointed meniU'is ol the Hoard ol
llealihfor Sioux county, Nebraska.
On motion I he County Treasurer is
instructed nndjie i li.-n by so ordered to
refund to 11. H.F.artiest the sum oHflO.")!
taxes he was illegally assesned for the,
On motion II mini of 1.- s, Crime for
a refund or S-ho.il Tax paid under pro
lest Is heieby rejected.
O.I motion the i 'omniissioiiers proccded
to check tip account, in the tr.-nx irers
Oil llioliotl H lanl lldjolll lletl lill Fe.l' U
j tifi-t. Wm, J. A. It . um. cleik.
I larrison, Sioux "oimly , N-1. Feb. 12,
li)02. e ,
Tim f'tiiitii.v titTitiiss,iciii-i-si met an per
iidjoui-miient. lVesent ('(miimsmneis
M - ti, is, liiyeh.u ;! V, J
.,,,..., ,;
ononis.,, ,,.. re!, d to check ui
, , ,, , ,. ' 1
counts hi ( omdv treasure's i,ili,-e.
Oil l.l.ltK.II l!,i;.lll H !. ..-,.., Keli 1!
i..i ... , . ....
"' - 11 i . . i . 1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 , '' n . i-
Win. .1. A. I: nun. Or!,,
i i i i,-;. in , Sionx (nit.i v. S-h, J .'Ii.
. .. ,. . ... , , , , ,,, c;f
Tin' ( "on nt v ( '0111:11 :si,, n, .fx on. t ns 1, ci-
nilj .niiini.M.i, j'jv-i'iii r.,i,iiu!ssiii;i i-s
M...-. l.iis. i,:;,.,,n- ,! Win. J. A.
Kan,,,, n,,k.
( ,iiinini--s,,iiii.ri con, i'lni'iHn oli,-c! up
- .s . .. 1
(" ""'i' !'""! u.i.i'urn...l til) i-VI. H !
Hill, .1. .. Iiuiiii, l,,.i;. ,
II. irr, son, St, 11 1 x c. j n 1 1 1 . N-li. 1. II. t
Tin' ronnl v 'o'limissioiii'i s ini't us ut
(iniaiincnt . l'r, sun!.
IM. - inr. J.is H,p-o.v
,,,,, CI, r!;.
Ji,anl rontiiiii.,,! ( I ic-Si i:i;r u;i iiircoiin
; I
! in 'o'.ialv tiviisiuvrs (lili-v.
I ' ..... 1 . 1 : . . I .1. ..... '
Z "i" "
ti!. on ham! Ju.y 1, l'.t'i), ftl!.!Hl 4Snml In U
'(, ,..-, (. s; ' 7 ; (i ' l'n 't, I1-'1 '
W-m-uil l i- ' OIHIll.t'n' tll.-.t '
Wa 1 ran! s
( 'on, 1, us .ion
. -.. , . . I . .,1 1 . .. I, . , A 1
,. ,,-,.,,,
l",- ill) ;
1 ' ' """ "' "
( '1 mol ion lioiiru ai'joio miltill fch i
Win. J. A. Itiinti, fii'i'k. i
Harrison, Sioux coiiinu. NVi. I'. li, )", 1
i.,iM'.nm,y cim.tiim.s-on.TH mi-t as per . i;,.twr ri,;nrit
a'lj u. luin'iit.. l',-f-."u 1 i.iinin issioucrs ; ),,i mw-h of thi
M'-iii;. J,.'Ws, Hinlow and Win. J. A. i swlal n;..t'i:rc-.
Ji nun. c!.-rl;. j lift v a 1 .-i
Oil mot ion tlits t'onnty Triisiiri?r i wltl"!i l i t;:"
nis, rurtiil and is h.-i'-liy so or-livd toil'"" :
trutisf.Ti- w;,- trnin U mil 1,'isi. No. .1 1 : f"' ' ' "'
i .., inly road fund, also ijij ) )i fi.nii s,.
rial district road Inn I to county roaii
0,1 motion tin1 'oii'ilv flcik is in
strin-lid to c.nicfl road cirtilica,-' on
I'o-.ul dist. No. "1 mi 1 dra v ii uarr.uit. in
i iV'-r ol M, d. ('. ' cii on county roan
fund 111 liun 0 1 said c i iiiicatc for :Jit id
On in-ill,, ii the i,di -ial hoiid ol F. S
'.' t 1 Jmsu- of tie- J', ,u e w is a )ipi' o vi--.
'1 u .Hi ..ti report, ol A. J. tV.y. o-i
i ha 1 ri: i,t ii frdiieis i -li.-l , ciuiu: -.siou-,-: ,
was pi-cs.i.iii-t and on inoiioii approv-ii.
t'ash received Iroiti oinii v I r-asui ,:r.
K:;p-,H-d Ii iiefof A. J, Hod-,- Syr,
, W. 1.. M.duvv i, I .(I.,,
fash i-.-cciv.-,: froui K. i' Lr,. 1 in.,r. ,
i-s-l liii.t-iioi!, . f,-l"i,'. i 1
;..!. on iiund Feh. 1:.! p,)!i.', 1.;. a
A. J, J! i, .ft, ,, i,.nr. nan Soldi-!-.-) l(,.-ir
,1 l coul.l-lsJoliers,
, a -nos.ou A. .1, li 1.: irt was app ,uitc,i
r.oh'n r ..pmoiissioii.-r lor lie; it-rut ol
' iin-e s e,ti .
i tin- Vanc.tiV ': rt.-aroPrs
if W.n. J. A. Km, 11 ,,, 1 i-'.v tlitit it tfke- a !ii
s presented c.v ued ,ui,,t"f b' th" :5an Kt-aiit '::
i iy
i futility
Servic -as inenilier of insauo
To uppoii.! ine- election hoards
and certily iii4 and reeorihu -sam
l'o itehVerill-,' election .supplies
to Fi predicts
l'o nrikmsi tax list
To saliTy of clerli of county
'l'o fees as clerk district court
HI. '.la
'. no
'-.lit.tid ,
ui:-u 1
',. I
an, i. i-i
Stirol, is refund "I to Couiilv treasurer,
i'i la;
On mot ion the Con i. ty Clerk is allowed
I tiun'i nu , ,i u.-rvicii us clerk ot County
i,,a,d lor t he ear I'.M).'.
j , ,) , i j ,,, i;,,u,d y cb-rk is allovsi'd
;,,,,,,.) i:i ,,, s oi-lb jear l'.l'U.
j ( ,,i ,1 i,,u I li i c'oouly Sap, n id endei, t
!., and io ,s hereby aiio-M-d l.ud per day
,,r eacli day necess irny enaeeii m pie
loruinc,' i lie d u . u-s ol his olil 't..
On ui, it, on board adjourn, d without a
day. Win, J. A. li umi , i l.-i ii.
US, V.lll T.1SK. II pissed We-l,oll
Tut s.l.i v with a coup!., cars of c.itlle
wbe I, he moved li-uii Ins ranch east
I ol here. We iiudei .land Mr. Van
Tassln has sold the I. . Incb I"
i T'-m Hell and till, V T r.lll. ll to ,1
St. Joe M lldlciile, '1 Ills (loses out
Ins interests 111 this county and be
will hercniter dcou- Ins lime else
where. These are taluabl.i raiiclii
and the pailles secii,ui them h.ne
Jot hold of 11 ptopely that is Hot
tiiH.D lo.mil eveiy, day. Litsii 11,-rald.
I Wanted
Kehaiil" man lor Mat.aeel- of a Hrautdi
Olllco wish to open in Ibis v.cimty.
Here is n K0,K1 opcni''r5 l"r ll"J "HliI
man. Kmdlv kiVk ,ood r.-h.-rence whim
t. a. moiu:;.s wiior.iNAi.r-; iiousf;.
CINCINNATI, (.1111).
IlltisliTiled calaloi:ui 4 ctn, slumps,
's,1 U
Veitnuii! 1.4 Mi.rr Jii'Vrri: I hi C !.'
l.,., ii 'Si
J 't ii;'. in: i.
f' 1 -tl-.-
t:,,. v: i'::.t
1..; (I!
t.-f' O.itSf C(.
;:y of t'.i
ti : 1, "- v.
'! :'.U fo t!;rT.;S"!' !
U I ." '.;.;. v,',;t-r t!r "!
tl,:'lVI s- A I-It; c ! i rili:a
.tt Lilly (:):..!:-. 1 t. Hl-r.
knew:, n trr." is v.-!-,
in K a'.-
(() j, fari;o- ir, ( ri jk inv
t , ,v !o:r :
,,,, . . ;. f
ry ('
p!l m-; 1 rli-.v in ' :', !''A- ' "'" '
Tin n l.p i,;:,- :i r":.-n !'- ' s;'
nmno. piil a bt!-!ii-sr- : o:vl :
hr.-s on'-tlifr ik:iij' or two for v.if.i
Tlii' la" r fi
,!,vjos v: iiit'il
t.a;ir :v
, I'll:
, ,.
ii lionnv..
tin win,
1 i'!
!, a (;
an.i may Ii tra-i-'-trr
p.. j() .-, ,-ra! h" -.".iii
cii - 'p of ;,; f -itn r f',".T.f,oti .il'.vi
1 1'P.chc.' hit::, 'i i-'1 f'i.:U- uri' Ki
l.f ttr w.-ttfr.;. f: ' nw, Hi'i-i is
f-rrat (ha! of h:' v v, ci: , r-tj-.tiil '.
-fist ("!iiii! s-. V" ' '
;l lino!-:' !.. of
,:v i::,ii: v.!:
' t
I'llow T: v- !)
in u:-
in (;:. , !:
Vf-M '-.
Tilt: p-)St;::
fa. t. th.tt. I,
'f t"
, .in ( : y :
, .. , ,-.
!a- t-: i to d: in.;
of,, ,-- to hiti
)...!',':, w - !;. 1:
;-r y, t. f);ie d
,,-ct" -io:ir:::ir: -
Yea ; ';
:', .
( lllTl-
I 1
Chip; I
r'H, i
Ciliri f,
r!i' ;::
t i Ii) -.'t. 't'T '
wii :t evr-
- to t'ec ho:;-- r -or
r.niii3-: i:i4
T!' if tlV'r t 1) r-
:d '
; pan! it:;; tin
Tkc !-ro-.v th-:'
;i .v.- f-r ti l'-t!"-
riili-afo to !' " Kni-L' if
4 loaf',-,- ::
i n- , or : - ,' ,
tilf V;y:i:cii.'c.-
routes, ron:- -'pc-;i' iy,
mail is alt-svs ti,r- li"
tV.-iftlillcton -.
Titc U:f. ;
, le'y I'liunct.ilf rilstnms.
; cy of iat r: eve:, e ; ,
;;n: , ;; of tee r-icia! !i:
fit;:- b-n not .' '. I'"- ,
-I. The deeadeiiee ci
c tal intercourse k ttt-
; feptto;..: a ; b
j In W."..d;:-,.-,1oi
; several -ir
tills I'.nn of
t:1hntcd to ti
bi P3li. a.- riTl . .I -.vibrt M. I' 'di'tt' t j
! rvti-ci;-, I lite ! ol,-:-;. l-t-u I lie ' :
j l-!K rercp"o!i y . .It tb-'J'c; ;S,t of it.i j
rioinibird v. i.. not hVoshiiioii
th i" r ;-: al :
h a fu.ictittn u X !'
new t, , :
mil aft
lu oYiu- i.
F,i:e t l:n
t ,;,, t, :
in rii'1"i Otk n-;
b.s (I-...II t".
. ..- wan :U
-: '
11 1
1 -0
;o DC 1 e.l
! a KeriM of Ire woe for the Fat.:
'li, , pnin.er t.':'-i". -..h.. was in u
T. dh th ivii.ii ' l."b of the woi k
in .W turn, 'i'lo: fresco: t arc liov, ,'i
ll" liilM" o o 1 -
a:.,., 'h fu vi, rite P'c-Hk-
llr. II. i. sun n A ;it Text.
Th- R, v. Fr. !'. S. lbii.,0.1 w:c ftel
by a In. t.d la one of tin' hi;; ,!.! ui
tin lit fc.iiitj wliiic d.iliti; aoiiic Iciday
shnppin:. "(bi-id day. dodr. v;iut
lire yo i (ioiit;' hei'is?" -.. (I. 1)1'.
Ibti iid,, who had I; -in ii 'a; ti tor
Kiliie tilidl, lcidled: "I l,t'l hi Si It -Hver
Jour ipi. : I oa W.lli !tl: .lie i:i
the 1xl, Je'u x!v., il, 'All the diys o
my nipoititrd tt'r.e vi'l 1 Wait till
in;,' i;i...i.,:e co;.;t.'l." " New o; i
tint,,.., ly id MblTln.
Few peop-c r'.Tii:;,' llifl Itniuensliy of
Silarla. 'lo ft.-'i-.l, of a :dny,ie .stale
H'ri tchint: I'lrncyli Kid desre- f
liiir-ltm!" and po w iiilt,-; one tdnlli of
all tin, land n.if.'tce of the kM-, la
Htayri i Inp. l et. us rt-eaittire il, by the
(, untiles we tin lamiliiir with: Tim
Fiiit 'd Siat..-;-, nud al! lb: po.HHf.-xiona
and all Etnot.e, exef-,l lliit-si;i, lould
he put Inm Mh'-ria, with Inild etiouyli
left, lo make thii ty-livn t-taf.a like
Coiitte lie, it. At, 1 Manchuria will
make fcvcnty iiio-.c Cortr.-ljoildem e
New York i'o-.t,
For Etomf.-h Tioublci
"1 l,av.' tak'-n a i.al, many ililleretjt
111. ill, Hies for sloiiirieh t rouble and l-lili-
tipition," savs Mrs, S. (i, ,.;erof Dunk. - r -
to,,, Iowa, "hut m-vei 1,-,,,! as to,l rcsuiiH
lr.-m anv as ffom ( b.imb-.riin's Sto'iii-n-h
& Liver TabhtU," For Sale pv J. It.
i'l.ll.lK- V.
. f r
i.i ;
it ..:
C'tl for ,
'tin1.! !.:; iJ'.nt in .(? frr.71
i ,,..,..! v.-4r. foii.t 101 vh.lio
rr.:'lionHirr in '...
--v"i-y L'-j.i.t,,) ::'h:-.:j.-
y ' fCO wtl 1.- r.'f4-
-J' r;ur v-ir ll'li (i,U'-
yrar. ;
.. :-.yi- l!ivci,ti'.l ;. Hr.r-
, wlii, !) wi:: l ii
: '..i.! fit :i : i':,l,-. ,
..;;; I i.,ay ,.l:a',;.: uvj'
.... .
i e: : i:: !.
1 !
m- "I v
Thi f - .
yii ):.".; ::i
' ! you."- jt! (;;'.'
J, i.rc ai;.:n-, s;i
::.'.!':; in !-J Wit
:i . c ':a; 1 to n.,;;y
: 1 he las;; ):.::
;: "i-.- iicvo. b-
..:,::,-t ,.f '-'v:
-I ,:t.,if: u,-: !'y::,
of )
: I .
10 I. I; :
j.i". !: ij , :
of j:.. 1
1;..,; ,:
y - i
Vi '. 1:'
f!,! lil: .
A K'-'
...pmlin-; a' ,
wi.CIl 1 IT,. 'i
pup:. i"pi,i.,i:
h:t tii'.i!" cxyvi-i
ihnt cu 1. ryiiia: :,
!::,t ;;rp at fraclc-;'.
t.io- jnotcorol'i'--')"''.
f- I.'indo!: r.'-f :,
-, is ::!, will r"f,
M: i';.:ii.d i.i, f,,'.
t-': .c:
Vr.V.i-. , : do
hm i, "
"Vc: j'isi r :..-,.'
A Fr . :i !' -:.
merits v, ; i, ;. . !
avt.ld !l:u ' j...
in tut;, :i - . f i,y w
( "IS' IT, i Sri IM-:
v.-no ?::.-, .- ,
f.::;n ; . 11:,- 1 1. :
cast )'
ti.-- .-:,u
.-if, a i 1
, . ,
y-i;;i- fd! p:- (h;o,ig i
"'i:;:l I' ci. yc:ir. or more Flti " ,,a : ii,c ,1,.., uii'e Ihcce t 01-f h oa Keci.ion
riY-f.i;-!-), or ). ;:)nr; (i.'-VCa Id,,, one ami 11 ,!( f mile Mieuce east to
; ii'1 IK,, 1!; us oiany a:-: U.'!7 '''s otl section line and also counm-iie-ne-vol,
! . t N W concT of see. ,s Twp. S4 V.-llllSfi 1-1
ty-::cv;- i
(Pi-'hi"-: ,v
C. Ik -I
is- ti.. .:
tin;, ,; :;!
ti '- in u
.. Who hT'i he-;, paint- '
h.WU;.)d v.' . r-
Ic-'foc) r.i'.n ."iS!! hnv.'l
'..t.iging CJlor tit Will, .
like v'.l. !!) : re-'. i
n j, Qt,ff n niillitmairo !
. . ... 1
tree :,! -.- 1 -,- ; of r..V!t.C!-tt, U. !., Wl.ll
t we
t.i, :
five nti-l fif; '--n, who
it.i- hrkit ol' JSaitiR'o t.lB StiWti t
ii;;:v:-',. i
ScrnMMnjs That V"'t Co You Good
V, ,-l-.'c-v, ,,l no v.nv 111 '.lech 1'iti
: , ! : ,-..-iii d souioUiu. that will -I c
real -ood to them. For'this iwimiii w,
, ,
,aul to .cn'iaint then, with what
1,1 '
,,-e! nil,- ol 'the verv best renieiiii
1, He. inaiket lor coimbsj colds, imc
that i-.ianoiie- c. , ,,,1,!. en op. W,
, , '. . ,, 1
.-, p,- t ' lmmlKTh.il. s iih le-an-d;.
We have used it ith such -ocd result
' ,,, 1 j v ,. i Icic; Unit it. b ,s b'-coni-
,,,,ic- di !,' uce-et,;v !iv its ffoiup,
,,- v e h; vn'l anv d.'iiht lml that it Ira:
mil- and ae;iiu prevented cionp. TI"
.- ticei , is eiv.-u ,i,n our own exp"i'i
nee. and u,- s,,e,-.,si. h:it. our re-nier-,
j, v I lice ho have sneill children,
itv.'ass keep it in tin ir homes as a af
:u,od ic,:iiiis croup 'an. den (S. '. i
vie--, : ;-, it For mi lc Lv J. K- FliiiiiayN,
( t. .' cr:-rt llrstr, iiorrti
'The fiiaiii oi my hnyhooil On".-.'
,i , v.-,: .j. ,;,! p-.-ni Morgan Vi
;, -si ji , r.ily
was to he a fanner
; i
! tie
e'aatk in the world
l ! ci;!ee far uietro of the farranr's
J lir wa.-: v.:? t .r.t "We!!, yon have
yon- 'ii-Ti: tit! your :-b cV- to say
tioihipR or slfjeiiK," r.-torb ,1 thn frii lid.
"W-il. but I am the man of all work.
and I l;.-.v.n't pot the ilt.lctt far nientfi;
'and r;m't buy It riih-r. lbs a pricp as
I ntitfiit be wSMInrj to pay for it."
; :Cw Voik Time-;;.
j r.lc.-tr!., I.l-tit Stall. nis in Illtc. l
j The IdrK' .sl. li r.t.bti' of i-ra;:.U- '
' trie Fpbt bUtti,.r.8 in aii.v it- ,
. iliiaolK. while the larr-vs tap 'i
v. sttul ii, in i'enn.iy.va.oa. v
nl"0 poKS-CKSe l.'uc i.e. uaj i..; . t. '
Ine- of station!!.
Of Interest In fnv, si on,
Cmrrty M.pr.. j Hr'tdm eon: ob: dra w tn.re inieiv::
,l,..F,i.--.I.,f:tNA,. has pruned a Inn if; ,.nts
ibd litoober ,, ,ua,s on Manilla ca,d, ,t ft t)it,(.01ttt of 7 ,,,, ,.(::, W;:; ..
Ui.ud u btcli can be se, nr. d fo- 10c each, j (,. q ,,,.r cent b.-' t'd-t ca.i.a.add a pi-,.r
Tlley 1 ' I at o be jiei: lis 11 ,reiiilii,,i l p. p;;i of S per cent.
tew subscribers. i -y -
I'.-i ,.; !! c. Hits ,-;-, In ri rre. j K-il-er's W Hfi limit! !.
Tl.c pi : ,,.,b nl. h t..e,hTTd's coidalnni i The with 'f thn I'.nii cr bus f "ii
2?,;,:u; wurd-.i. V.'e -.miaie.l con. jr, mid ' the eb-f.lric roa.i r.r F:;t-r dec. I 1
word.- a ; t ,V). Count! tij; them as oar, 1 lsmliu 'R l.nalifnl l"ii!ev.-nl anil 1 id 1
th" doc, n.ie,, t ci .111 a iiii .2,1)S7 word.'-'. tV.01 'i -!-',-re. 11 ml' r?"onml
Tim (bbiiiif attic... ercn.TS 1.121 timet,, SpI.k, Sten,-l,lp
the ine, mole li.. .1. The p-eMdeiu us, r s ,,v,o ps ,.-
th eonj-ru Cr::, ':iiiil"b" U,:my vA to llp (.))n,.n SQy(.mm,Kl;
th.vi any other president h.so " ! f(,r a 11CW fast line Of ! : . ,,,
Kc.i we Jiavoio.-i.tcl; it '.lii'R only ; lW(,pn p;.lae and ..,,; rr.;,. ;
421 times. 'Hi- vor.l "strenuous" or- with het.'finarte.H t. '.' :
cniK on y ti.r.... ,.i.rm.H, hut thf, wen, am, R t.Bp1!ai 0f .1 ,,,:':': - 1 1
duty" .:,c: out 4n times. I'larei) .... ( vUr(, ia 20.0:i) ,':; e-, .
top ,,f me fircthrr, tl,r. '.In- te.m,f ; ,,,. ,,,...,.. ... i-an tert 0.. vM A
make n ci: .-, l,,t,e mor nan twc.v
ty-fivo fe.-t hi.)i.--Chl:af.o Trilit.T.i.
,,.- ..... ,,ur..,.nr.n.
1 .,0 .lan-MIPati g0VPrn;net)t 1: :;i.:kit,S"
j grnt .(orl. to do away with Ui-'.,nn to ftt.er,ctl Ua renehfd tlm fig.-
, "ci.eThman," or wlteh doctor, who: of JW,coft nnnnally. About h,Ut
1 fifitcMcTK ailtnntf the 8ll.rr.'il.ot.v or tll(.,a rP,irn pvetttltally to Italy;
1 l'o" .' "''' Wrtd to ( the v(,at tmln in the United Siatci-
i:our,ite thitj kind of (ptarkery.
FrciSGional Cardc
Ci.'A.Vl' tit.;illl.-ii-..
'.t :i1 'i-f,ii..-ii
V ' ' 1 ' '""y ,u"' I'istn.-t
( ""rSs- l-f'.re the lmtl Slain
l..nu! O-i,
J'"' Ji.i,i,i' written in rfin.hh
C r?T.vl .':icrH can-fully driwi:.
JM:M. - v 'r: i:h;; i-ka.
M. 0 I, i,l I' - .. 1 .
' ' ;it' 1
; Njicia? Alfcti'ii. n Ci s en ( jltll; 0f
'! '11 .,;'-s.
('(iliK i:, m ,.,,.d .., hiisi;,,.. ,.,,(,,.,(.
' tKoitHMVij! nvri w to-iiii,,! a'l-tiliun.
1 VI VsKA.
J. K. i'i!INVKV. M. 1 1,
I'li.vtM i.t:i and Snrirem,,
i AH dill'; S! 1 fit )i-oui,.t at!,-u:iou.
, ';::." in l-nifMuit.
-HAUIttSIlN - M-:!!!As-R a.
lilt's riit; i:i;:iii.i-;
Si-h ii ,i(is i. tin 1 1, f a !a-i(0;, noross t;,t
' reck, on si-rl;,,n ,r,tvrra s'i,'-i iuii.s '2
inal 2.'-, coinily loi.ll So :I7. will 1," rc--,v(
4 ii, until 1 0011 l-'cli. aril, ,l:Ky. p!n,H
-l:rill'Mt,ons on file in II, is oOi,-.. The
'"""'' r.-scrvi-s lln- j-icHl ,o . ric-t nay
'"' '"''is- IV a. .1. A. HUM,
1 Counter ('Jcrl,-.
st r.'ji );
To :,JI -vlioni it may concern.
J '' i- -11 01 1 -is;.- , , i' r apnoint.e, to loeste a.
,0 el co iiiaeiH-iiii; at V carnu,-ol SWi. see
,s ..,,. ..,-.,,,,. ,. ,,
""" l"
In! portii,,! Ijetriai, k ai tlie wv corner of
l.s twp. H r.inif" M imir cast on
U.ill see, ij,n line one li of mile, to tie s, riekea
Irom sidd petiiioa fur the reason that it is a
l'"lll".V mail, 'I lie eo,!,e,iiss;:ier hits report-
ie, (', -e fC ..vi ., ,,,i,o ,, e la ....,,1 ,,,,.1 .01
, . ""'
alijei tin, is tiieret,) in- claims lor damnges
j must, la- file,) in th,- ( (innt y Ciei-ks odice 011
I or In-fore 1100,1 of th? ','H, d,.iv of Murnli . D-
i;itr..r ncli ro.nl will be i.-siahlished without
relereiiec thereto.
:,0 5 Vis. J. A. K htm, County Clerte.
.si!i;;:ti-'F'.s sat.!-:.
Votiee is hereby , i en that !,y virtue 11! n,i
i nrd.-f ol w'c i.i,:i !,y tti iclt'i'!.- vl the Mis
j trie, Court of S-oax Coanty. Nohruski, and
j to me d ireetcd loiou a de.-u-ee rendered by
. .
1 s , al court 1,1 favor of t liar ics s. r.rown and
i ,s-.i.i,ts-t (icorirc .tames, Mary Jn ,Juniy,
j '.ndi-ew-,J. Miller, and Mary St. Miller.
1 'l " !' I" "a.v of
M reli.VIi I'd.: t 1 o'eloe',- in the aft.-rnoo 1
, r ,, ',,y t t), ,. ,st f,.m,t ,pwr, , ,.,
!,.,,,- in, us, of said county, in Harrison,
.Scimivk i, otfiT for sale to the highest bid-
! ,-r l'i;--.--a sh i n ti and the f uilowi 11 d"scr i i ,ed
j r ' , . ,
, i ij., 01 section seven, niiu ill -
v est liall of tli", sou! invest (piart'-r of s.-e.
tion eiLfht. in township thirty north, of
jv.eKr liflytliree -.vest of tile litll prineip 1
ineri.iiali in sjnu, county, Nebraska, tosit
isi y si, id order of sale in the sum of j5 ,' :!
ani! costs and ncerui:, ents,
ALEX l.OWl! V.Sln-ritl.
Wat.li (tiven by Walter KalolRli.
Asnong the beqwrsts of the late Dr.
F.dfniind Crohctr of Lisnubrin Housu.
Tallow coctity, Waterford, Ireland, is
a nU wnieh w:;b:h Sir Waller Ha-
; th Bave to lht, infant son of llicll-
aru td'olcer, the .r.,ect ancctiior oi ii
Croker. in 1589. Sir WalhT was Kp')B-
. on In IHa Infant SOU WllO WaS Iiatilcd
f T ) .
; v.'itlter. and to whom the wattth wa?
giv, n Ldii.il a few years ago the
j wat(.i, ySr,i er.rc".U:nt tinio, alitony.b
, ,,ie (.aRp .,ag Vl.JIU t0 the thinness of
fciivri- tianor.
vV ml lack eiieiyiv. tlo Hot
jvour loud, feel (lull and stupid, after
l eather, ail von in" d is a dost' ol I'hani-
herlain's Stomacll & Livi r 'I'ablets. They
'' will i, inke von f, ol like a new invu and
jrive you an appetitn likn a bear. For
' silo hv J. 1". I'hiimcv.
j " I
lhr)t lh(. BU.ttmm. should bo ui... ... .. -
j ,. , w. ttm(.
UM0 I.:,!;rtlon to 4n,le.
t,n;i Kti!Rtie r.hnw ih mmlir-,-
u -
l'1'.TKR lUliEN. j