Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 13, 1902, Image 7

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    fcnmi par mm Im vat)
9mh Otntyry Oats
M tm par Md.
mImt'i OM an wu
t Tta u. m. Af. (.
Mat ) war
Ttlf4Mftar4 Oorn,
I ft Mi kM. Ml Ml, Ml
I MlNpNimtTtMn,
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T V inmnmil Urn.
rt 1 t arlaaa.araala.
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Victoria Rap
BUM U MMlbla m grav
fca. ahM 4 imiI ft
MtafaalUaHk. Mar
If arllt m u
ia7wU-iTha pay.
1 i 1 Bromua Inarmli
II akM va4rfl mi
1 , tkaatstar;.Pr94a-aM
. Xv 7 Mf aa4 hm aa4
ft ' L vzrjztz JT
Umm. Wiar'l aa
Bromu Inarm la.
Treats all forma of
Diseases ud
Disorders of
Men Only.
26 years ipcriace
IB years in Omaha
Charge low.
Cures guaranteed
OYER 20,000 debility, luaa of vitality
and all uiinMural weaknomw of men.
Kidney ana Blader Mae&ne and all Blind
DlwaMiN cured for life. TAKICUCKLEvured
to less than 10 days.
Treatment by mail. P. O. Boi We. Office
OTvr tli South Uth HU, between farnam aud
Douala ta., OMAHA, NEB.
When writing, mention thla paper.
Free BOOk! WawiUaadoaralefai
f i page book to anr one who
to afflicted and in need oa reauaftt of Inform a
tion. Our book ia the fincat Oook oi the kind
ar pabliahed and i of g real valtie to any oti
whether In need of medical treatment or not.
We Mod the book im plaid envelope scaled.
Writ for it today by postal card or letter
321 W. Walnut 8U Oaa Molnaa, la.
When writing, mention thla paper.
Gataline Engine!
lor rHDBina
f rl ndari. ah rad-
aara, aonara,
thraahwa, ale.
Fraa eulya
Kttm all aUaa,
Slim (In m
QMollna Vr
Co,-B. 113
Xanaaa Crt
150 Kinds for 16c.
II III fu t Umt Ralwr'a vKHaMa.nt n.jwrr
a rua ar ioiuiu in Iiior? yinrarm
I ana inure fnnni Diun kiit oiIkt
In Anw-n'-a. 'I Ihmv la rt-aion fur (Ma
Wown and ojTiii utt hMi irm for
inr jirixmrtioo oi our mole iwk in
ortw-r lo Inouit yn to try t!n-m
Tor 16 Cenfa PotipaMi
IQ Haiti r reraal latai raalaaai,
I aaffalberul aorllaal aiiliaa,
la '! Blarlai Uaialaaa.
I a.rlna Utta.. varl.llaa,
IS ftplaaaU U.I aarta.
Ci f irnu'l eaaalllal Bmr aaaaa, 1
In nil iw klndi poIitIt fnrnlalilm
DuMiiHa or uiuinitlnir flnwiro and
iu anu iou or rtioi'-a rinlra,i
l'!lr wlih oar ktbm ratliiui
iuinKaii arori TfaMttit and rv 1
al anfl Hromlia and HpIU, onion
lor I . In liana Writ o-anj.
Ll I
I CrotM,
, Wll.
For many yeara the name of Doc
tor! Fellows & Fellowa has been prom
inent In the lint of specialist doctors
f Ues Moines. This Arm enjoys a
wide reputation. It Is composed of
father ami two noiiS, who have given
close study to certain diseases and are
competent to treat them. They are
proKi'isslve men. whose aim has been
to alevlate the Ills of the human body
and to brlnK happiness where pain
and distress has reined.
Doctors Fellows & Fellows have been
before the public as specialists for
twenty years. They are honorable
men, whose word Is as good as a bond.
While they have been successful In
practice, they have not rested on their
honors, but have studied In the best
medical schools of this country, Kii
land, Germany and France. They have
watched the development of medical
practice along all lines, and having se
lected one line of work, have made It
their specialty. They have read, and
written for the best medical works In
thla country, have taken Instruction In
the best hospitals and schols.
Doctors Fellows Fellows have pre
pared a special private medical work
which they are furnishing free to those
who writ for It. Ilelng leaders In
their field of medical practice, this
work la especially valuable.
Indianapolis Journal :Those who have
read some of the atacks on Methodist
preachers by Prof. Pearson will be
pained at the Intolerant spirit which
pervades these utterances. If It were
the age of the stake. Prof. Pearson
would likely be burned.
Boston Transcript: The Philadel
phia Methodists think Prof. Mitchell
Is a dangerous man because he cannot
fee easfly answered. When then they
sar "dangerous" they probably mean
1 mnwi Tkat saia. I j
HI JlthOO for 10o.
I Wa wl.fc t lr r
Mil tf m , kHM
aCtr U ma I fars aaat
4 f -T-f'" i -'-'-t TWaaaaa
VI Militia jala. TaaalnW. Sap.,
" 4MUk.falu,au.!fltaik
JaaJW(MurU uiauar lia
itamialn,t Jatilti J
-wife W,"'
OhaUll l ll. taa4y Watt
kalku, taaalatvoaa
PumDerfaarBBfCM t.7s.
at mm I 11( H.r I I inal.a, tUMai
"""M 1 If MaMaia4a. hrrlallait,asF
1 1 u I ,n" It tvary
SlaaBJ y.Xr g' ana fuMaataaa. Othaf ataat
a. J 7T Ht, apta 60 . r. aa far aaa-
J IB TSLtf OaaallM
rf i 4g HH kauaa Clir, Bo.
(Nixon Waterman.)
There's a dear old home in Far
A soft, snug nest where the children
A real of rest where the old folks stay
In the Land of Long Ago.
O, never a map shall point that place;
Nor ever the drift of time erase,
Uut the hungering heart the lines
. shall trace
Of the Land of Long Ago.
And ever the tide of my life's swift
Rolls back to the bay of a blissful
And I live and laugh in the glint and
frf-tha T.anrl nt Isng AgO,
On the north and south are the Joy
and rest
Of a sister's smile and a mother's
And a father's love to the east and
Of the Land of Long Ago.
We shall all come back from the des
ert "Sigh,"
We ahall all come home to the "Soul's
We shall ail return in the "By and
To the Land of Long Ago.
Is high prairie, level and generally
a rich, dark, sandy loam. Has a good
deal of thin soil or srazing land, but
is well situated northeast of Madison
county, on the branch of the Fremont,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. K.,
which leaves the main line at Nor
folk, and running through Plerce.resta
at Verdigre, in Knox county.
Land Is worth 120 to $30 per acre. It
had a fair corn crop thla year (1901),
which is selling at 40 to 42 cents per
Wheat averages 16 bushels to the
acre, and is selling at 50 cents per
Hay yield In the county, about 60,000
tons or IVi to 2 tons per acre. Aver
age market price, J5 per ton. There' is
about 600 acres of alfalfa hay started
In Pierce county, which Is doing weii
and promises to be a very extended
and profitable crop.
Tierce is the county seat and Is a
thrifty town or about 1,000 population.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Mrs.
Chumley carries her Ideas of harmony
too far, she's always trying to find
things to match her complexion."
"Yes." "And now she's gone and had
her house painted yellow."
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case or Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F .J. CHBNKY & CO., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 yeara, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations madd
by their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Irlce 7Dc per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
On another page will be found an
advertisement of the Klondike Incuba
tor Company, of IJes Moines. The
Klondike Incubator is un up-to-date
machine, huvlng added Improvements
from time to time, as critical experi
ence suggested, until there now seems
little room for further Improvement.
It has perfect ventilation and even
radiation, while it.s moisture plan
which Is fully covered by putents
cannot be appropriated by any other
make. The moisture tank surrounds
the radiating Hue, and being open at
the top, diffuses its moisture and oxy
gen Into the warm, dry air before it
passes into the machine, giving the air
all the wholesome parts. Ho perfect
is Its construction that the manufac
turers have no hesitancy in giving a
ten-year guarantee, which speaks vol
umes In Its favor. Any ordinary boy
or girl can successfully operate It, and
In fact, many such huve bought it
iv hereby to "urn their own pocket
money. All th'-se dculrable features
combined inako a machine that should
meet all the requirements of the farm
er or poultry raiser. The company Is
very reliable In all Its dealings and
Inquiries for catalogues and price lists
will be promptly attended lo by mak
ing kindly mention of this paper.
British America Is about 3D0.000
square miles greater than the United
Aches, pains, soreness, swellings,
bruises, burns, spraliu or pain, quick
ly cured by Hamlin's Wizard Oil, 50c
and tl.00 at druggists.
A Connecticut man has sent to Pres
ident Roosevelt a knife with a handle
made from the old Charter Oak. The
historic whittle has been In the Gov
ernor Holley family for fourty-fuur
Is your home supplied with the
greatest of pain relievers? Hamlin's
Wizard OH great remedy for emer
gencies. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Ilishop
Potter's summer house was entered
and despoiled by a gang of burglars
the other night, and there Is nothing
to Indicate that the Ilishop suspecls
any prohibitionist.
Wasps may often be observed it
tachlng from fences, boards or any old
wood the fibres of which they after
ward manufacture Into papier macho
A bee will carry twice Its own
weight In honey or was. ' -
The Incarnation
Curiously enough, Learoyd, who had
fought for the prize, and In winning
secured the highest pleasure life had
to offer him, was altogether disposed
to undervalue It, while Ortheris openly
said that it would be better to break
the thing up. Dearsley, he argued,
might be a many-sided man, capable,
despite his magnificent fighting qualt
tisa, of setting in jnotlon the ma
chinery of the civil law a thingmuch
abhorred by the soldier. Under any
circumstances their fun had come and
passed; the next pay-day was close at
hand, when there would be beer for
all. Wherefore longer conserve the
painted palanquin?
"A first-class rifle shot, an' a good
little many av your Inches you are,"
said Mulvaney. 4'13ut you niver had a
head worth a soft-boiled egg. 'Tis
me has to He awake av nights schamin
an' plottln' for the three av us. Or
tb'rls, me son, 'tis no matther av a
few gallons av beer no, nor twinty
gallons but tubs an' vata an' firkins
In that sedan chair. Who ut was, an'
what ut was, an' how ut got there, we
do not know; but I know in me bones
that you an' me an' Jack wld his
sprained thumb will get a fortune
thereby. Leave me alone, an' let me
Meantime the palanquin stayed In
my stall, the key of which was in
Mulvaney's hands. "
Pay-day came and with It beer. It
was not In the experience to hope that
Mulvaney, dried by four weeks'
drought, would: avoid excess. Next
morning he and the palanquin had
disappeared. He had taken the pre
caution of getting three days' leave
"to see a friend on the railway," and
the colonel, well knowing that the
seasonal outburst was near, and hop
ing It would spend its force beyond the
limits of his jurisdiction, cheerfully
gave him all he demanded. At this
point his history, as recorded In the
mess-room, stopped.
Ortheris carried It not much further.
"No, 'e wasn't drunk." said the little
man, loyally, "the liquor was no more
than feelln' its way round inside of
'Im; but 'e went an' filled that 'ole
bloomln' palanquin with bottles 'fore
'e went off. He's gone 'an 'Ired six
men to carry 'lrn, an' I 'ad to 'dp 'im
Into 's nupshal couch, 'cause e
wouldn't 'ear reason. 'E's gone off In
'Is shirt an' trousles, swarin' trcmen
Jus gone down the road In the palan
quin, wavln' 'Is legs out o' the windy.'
"Yes," said I, "but where?"
"Now you arx me a question. 'E
said 'e was goln' to sell that palan
quin, but from observations what hap
pened'when I was stuffin' 'im through
the door, I fancy "e's gone to the new
embankment to mock at Dearsley.
Soon as Jock's off duty I'm goln' there
to see If 'e's safe not Mulvaney, but
t'ther man. My saints but I pity 'im
as "elps Terence out o' the palanquin
when e's' once fair drunk!"
"He'll come back without harm," I
said. " 'Course 'e will. On'y question
Is, what '11 'e be doin' the road. Kill
in' Dearsley, like as not. 'E shouldn't
'a' gone without Jock or me."
Reinforced hy Learoyd, Ortherin
sought the foreman of the coolie gantf.
TX'arsley's head was still embellished
with towels. Mulvaney, drunk or
sober, would have struck no man In
that condition, and Dearsley indig
nantly denied that he would have
taken advantage of the intoxicated
"I had my pick o' you two," he ex
plained to Learoyd, " and you got my
palanquin not before I'd made my
prot on It. Why'd I do any harm
when everything's untiled? Your man
did come here drunk drunk as Davy's
sow on afrosty night came a-purpose
to mock me stuck his head out o' the
door an' celled me a chuclfied hodman.
I made him drunker an' sent hin.
along. Hut I never touched him."
To these things Learoyd, slow to
perceive the evidences of sincerity,
answered only, "If owl comes to Mul
vaney long o' you, I'll gripple you,
clouts or no clouts on your ugly
head, an' I'll dniw t throat Iwintmays,
man. See there naw."
The embassy removed Itself, and
Dearsley, the battered, laughed alone
over his supper th-t evening.
Three days passed a fouith and a
flfih. The week drew to a ilose ami
Mulvaney did not return. He, ,y.
royal palanquin, and his six nttend
anls had vanished Into lr. A very
large and very tlpoy soldier, lils feet
sticking out of the litter of a reigning
princess. Is not a thing to travel along
the wuys without comment. Yet no
man of all the country round had seen
any such wonder. He was, und h"
was not; nnd Learoyd suggested the
Immediate maslim-nt of Dearsley as
a sacrlllee to his ghost. Ortheris In
sisted that all was well, and In
light of ptst experience hi hopes
seemed reasonable.
"When Mulvaney goes up the road,"
said he, " ' like lo go a very long
ways up, specialty when 'e's so blue
drunk as 'e is now. tint what gits me
Is 'is not beln' 'eared of pullln' wool
off the niggers somewheres about.
That don't look good. The drink must
ha' died out In 'Im by this, unless 'e's
broke abarik, and then Why don'e
come back? 'K didn't ought to hn'
gone off without us."
Even Otherls's heart sunk at the
end of the seventh day, for half the
regiment were out semiring the country-side,
and Learoyd had been forced
to fight two men who hinted openly
that Mulvaney had deserted. To do
him Justice, the colonel laughed at
the' notion, even when It was put for
ward by his much trusted adjutant.
"Mulvaney would as soon think of
of Mulvaney
deserting as you would," he said.
"No, he's either fallen Into a mischief
among the villagers and yet that isn't
likely, for he'd blarney himself out
of the Pit; or else he is engaged on
urgent private affairs some stupend
ous devilment that we shall hear of
at mess after it has been round of the
barrack-rooms. The worst of it is
that I shall have to give him twanty
elght days' TjoTif'tirment at least tot
being absent without leave, just when
I most want him to lick the new
batch of recruits Into shape. I never
knew a man who could put a foolish
on young soldiers as quickly as Mul
vaney can. How does he do it?"
"With blarney and the buckle end
of a belt, sir," said the adjutant.
"He is worth a couple of non-commissioned
officers when we are dealln'
with an Irish draft, and the London
lads seem to adore him. The worst
of It is that if he goes to the cells
the other two are neither to bold nor
to bind until he comes out again. I
believe Ortheris preaches mutiny on
those occasions, and I know that the
mere presence of Learoyd mourning
for Mulvaney kills all the cheerfulness
of his room. The sergeant tells me
that he allows no man to laugh when
he feels unhappy. They axe a queer
"For all that I wish we had a few
more of them. I like a well-conducted
regiment, but these pasty-faced,
shifty-eyed, mealy-mouthed young
slouchers from the depot worry me
sometimes with their offensive virtue.
They don't seem to have backbone
enough to do anything but play cards
and prowl round the married quarters.
I believe I'd forgive that old villain
on the spot if he turned up with any
sort of explanation that I could In
decency accopt."
"Not likely to be much difficulty
about that sir," said the adjutant.
"Mulvaney's explanations are only
one degree less wonderful than his
performances. They say that when he
was in the Black Tyrone, before he
came to us, he was discovered on the
banks of the Liffy trying to sell his
colonel's charger to a Donegal dealer
as a perfect lady's hack. Shackbolt
commanded the Tyrone then."
"Shackbolt must have had apoplexy
at the thought of his ramping war
horse answering to that description.
He used to buy unbacked devils, and
tame them by some pet theory of
starvation. What did Mulvaney say?"
"That he was a member of the So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, and anxious to sell the poor
baste where he would get something
to fill out his dimples. Shackbolt
laughed, but I fancy that was why
Mulvaney exchanged to ours."
"I wish he were back," said the col
onel, "for I like him and believe he
likes me."
Thai evening, to cheer our souls,
learoyd, Ortheris and I went Into the
waste to smoke out a porcupine. All
the dogs attended, but even their
clamor and they began to discuss the
shortcomings of porcupines before
they left cantonments could not take
us out of ourselves. A large, low
inoon turned the tops of the plume
grass to silver, and the stunted camel
thorn-bushes and sour tamarisks Into
the likenesses of trooping devils. The
smell of the sun had not left the earth,
and little aimless winds blowing
across the rose-gardens to the south
ward brought the scent out of dried
i-oses and water. Our fire once started
and the dogs craftily riiHposed to wait
the dash of the porcupine, we climbed
to the top of a rain-scarred hillock of
earth, and looked across the scrub
seamed with cattle-paths, white with
the long grass, and dotted with spots
of level pond bottom, where the snipe
would gather in winter.
"This," said Ortheris, with a sigh,
as he took In the unkempt desolation
of it all, "this Is sanguinary. This Is
unusual Bangulnary. Sort 'o mad
country. Like a grate when the fire's
put out by the sun." He shaded his
eyes against the moonlight. "An'
there's a looney dar.cir.' in the middle
of It all. Quite right. I'd dunce too
If I waan't so downheart."
There danced a portent In the face
of the moon a hugh and ragged
spirit of the waste, that Hupped Its
wings from afar. It hud risen out of
tne earth; it was coming' toward u?.
and its outline was never twice the
Kamc. The toga, tuble-cloth, or drexs-
Ing-gown, whatever the denture wore,
took a hundred shapes. Once It
stopped on a neighboring mound and
Hung all Its legs and urms to the
"My, but That scarcrow, 'as got 'em
bad!" said Urtherls. 'Seems like if 'e
comes any furder we'll 'ave to arglfy
with 'Im."
Leroyd raised himself from the dirt
a bull clears his flanks of the wal-
lowT- nit im the bull bellows, so he,
after a short"Trflnute at gaze, gav-
tongue to the stars.
Then we yelled all together, and the
figure dipped Into the hollow, till,
with a crash of rending grass, the lost
one strolled up to the light of the fire
and disappeared to the waist In a
wave of Joyous dogs. Then Leroyd
and Ortheris gave greeting, bass and
falsetto together, both swallowing a
lump In the throat.
"You damned fiol," said they, and
severally pounded him with their
'Go easy I" he answered, wrapping a
huge arm around each, "I would have
ynu know that I am a god, to be treat
ed as such tho' by me faith, I fancy
I've got to go to the guard-house Just
like a privet soldier."
The latter part of the sentence
destroyed the suspicions raised by tlm
former. Any one would have been
justified in regarding Mulvaney as
mad. He was batless and shoeless,
and his shirt and trowsers were
dropping from him. But he wore one
wondrous garment a gigantic cloak
that fell from collar-bone to heel of
pale pink silk, wrought all over in the
cunningest needlework of hands long
since dead, with the loves of the
Hindu gods. The monstrous figures
leaped in and out of the light of the
fire as he settled the folds round him.
Ortheris handled the stuff respect
fully for a moment while I was trying
to remember where I had seen it be
fore. The he screamed, "What 'ave
you done with the palanquin:? Xqh!Xs
wearln' the linin'."
"I am," said the Irishman, "an' by
the same token the 'broidery is scra
pln' me hide off .I've lived in this sump
shus counterpane for four days. Me
son, I begin to understhand why the
naygur is no use. Wldout me boots,
an' me trousles like an openwork
stocking on a gyurls' leg at a dance, I
begin to feel like naygur-man all
fearful and timorous. Give me a pipe
an' I II tell on."
(To be continued.)
Mrs. Sarah St. Justin Beale, a New
York author, through a series of un
fortunate financial misfortunes, has
had to enter a charitable institution
for women in Denver.
Mrs. General Miles has had named
in her vjtonor a woman's auxiliary
army post in Washington, the name
given the organization being Mary
Sherman Miles auxiliary.
Miss Abble Chopin, an American
missionary in China, has had confer
red on her the royal red cross, be
stowed by the king of England
through the British minister. It was
given her for services rendered dur
ing the siege of Pekln.
Miss Annie Blalock of Georgia is
engaged in founding an industrial
school for the negroes of her native
state, modeled after the Tuskegee in
stitute of Booker T. Washington. Her
father has given her a plantation of
260 acres, with the buildings, for that
It is said that the Empress Eugenie
is writing her memoirs, which after
her death, are to be placed in a public
building, where every one will be able
to read them. Her private correspond
ence will be added to the memoirs,
including the letters addressed to Na
poleon III before and after her be
trothal. Animated by the example of Carrie
Nation a young woman of Blnghamp
ton. New York. Miss Alice Weaver,
has begun a crusade against candy
stores, which she regards as more
harmful than saloons. She entered
one of thse stores and proceeded to
demolish the candy jars, but her cru
sade was brought to a sudden stop by
an unsympathetic policeman. Miss
Weaver paid a fine of such proportions
that her ideas of reforming the world
by blotting out the candy store in
famy have been greatly modified.
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison has taken
her place as the unquestioned leader
of society In Indiana. Her home In
Indianapolis Is the gathering place of
the wits, the brains and the influence
of the Hoosler state. Her library,
collected by General Harrison during
his Illustrious career of more than
forty years in public life, is the most
complete and valuable collection west
of the Hudson river. At her death. It
is to be divided among General Harri
son's children, i Mre. Harrison is a
patron of music and literature.
A sedate little tot of a girl furnished
considerable amusement for a number
of street car passengers In New York
the other afternoon, at the same time
demonstrating that imitative motherly
qualities begin to show themselves
very early In life. In relating he little
comedy a writer forthe New York
Times says that the child, who was
with her mother,carrled in her arms a
doll half as big as herself. In the
course of the ride the little one's
mother found It necessary to give her
maternal attention to the small girl's
nose, and this being duly atended to
she slipped the pretty lace-trlmmed
handkerchief she had ur.cd into the
bag she was carrying and was about
to close It, when the baby held out
her small hand for It. It seemed she
wished to finish the duty her mama
had begun, as such small children
frequently 'In, but that was not true
In this instance. Baby was a mother
herself and, taking the handkerchief
solemnly, she applied It to dolly's
nose and handed it back to her mother
without a ghost of a smile. It was
the mother and the other passengers
in the car who exchanged smiles at
the serious way In which the little one
Imitated service done for herself.
Henry J. Croker, the San Francisco
capitalist, has 100 rare stamps that are
valued at J20.000. His rarest stamp Is
the 20-cent label issued in 1845 by the
St. Louis postofflce before there were
any regular United States stamps.
Rev. Dr. Parker Morgan has com
pleted the twentieth year of his service
as rector of the Church of the Heaven
ly Rest, New York, and was presented
with a handsome loving cup. Presi
dent McKlnley was one of Dr. Mor
gan's intimate friends.
Raron Schwegel of Austria is another
European who Is coming to America
to study the Industrial system of this
country and the methods of "trust"
organizations of capital. He Is a
member of the Austrian Parliament
and a leader of the German party In
that body.
Almost any man makes a "go" of It
when his friends give him a fine send-off.
Ways tm Develop aud SlreusUtsu Tills
Many people coinpl.iln of hnwmg jt
poor memory, and jet thai faculty
can be developed a easily an cuu 119
biceps musole. Nor is it utceoary In
go to any professor of tuemot) or les
master a:ny elaborate system iu oratr
to accompluKh this result. One does)
not have 1o go to a gyuiaiuMuiu u
Strengthen one's arm or back. 8av
ing wood or rowing a boat will iUt
It. Sinii'iarly memory may be culti
vated by ce's own eHoru and uuiiii
ace's ordkjury pursuits.
One miam made the Sunday servi
of his church serve as a memory exer
cise. After ithe service.be would eu
deavor uj recall the numbers of all
h vmiii fiHTtr--r-he ehftfstfiF aod w5nsej'
the Scripture leason, words of muLca.
texts amd poinlts of sermon. This re
quired the paying of close aUuutio
and a conscious effort to impress
these thlings upon his inlud. By itiiie
and otbitr equally simple nieaas u
developed a memory ithait wae aiolti
lely ialt bis couimamd.
Famous speakers who have niema
itzed their epeeches biaive adopted va
rious sdmple devices to aid them. The
late Hon. John Bright fixed in voiiut
ttie different podnts in his epe:ue
by firsaJ drawing little figure or
jjiiotortal repreeeuitialuives. If part of
hss speech had to do with a bridge, hjt
would make a little sketch of such s
structure or 41 with Ireland or Scot
land he would sketch a small map of
the couiiiry or 'the ttistrldt. He could
remember these figures or piefcurea.
When he rose to hiis feet, he oould ave
them In inuaii nation and select them
one by one as he proceeded from poia
to poAi, Sn the address, not having:
any note or manuscript by him at a4L
That was '.he method that beat Buitcii
Another way of memorizing' ths
points of an address to be deHivenx,
one which the writer has frequently
used, is by means of anagrams. J ie
very simple. Suppose one were aailefe
upoa to dcJnver a Fourth of JuJy ora
tion aud wished to epeak mainly oa
these three points: First, histroi
origuu of the dta.y; second, the success
of 'uhe experiment in government then
inaugurmtcd; third, the destiny of tie
republic. A very suitable anagram ie
recall these' points to mind would Ue
the lditers U. S. A.. He could sot hit,
topics down in this way:
Uniiuii proclaimed by Declaj-afius-of
Sucoesjs of experiment in gover
mcnit. AiJter the prescmlt, what?
He does iuoH need to .dike any notee
wiith him an the platform. He can.
elasily remembers 'these letitera. Be
membetfing them, they recall his top
Ses.and remembering the general bopisi
it wilii Jiti-.elf suggest any subuuvifciomf;
pertaining to it.
Centafin people possess what nay he
called the bump of location. If Shy
re member a passage in a book, they
can tell you whlich side of 'the
it is on amd whiatti pant of the page.
There are students wiith itlnait kind of
a memory who prepare their ,reifciKv
tioiifi by Itaking a large fchymt of jnepty
amid writing differe-nlt pairts i the.
lesson in dllfferenlt places on rthe pap
er. They ciain rely on their sense Of
location to cuil to miind whatever 'tiey
may wish to remember.
Again, there are people who haw.
keen eye for color. They will ixuuV
WwOr memoramdla on sHips of paper ut
dlilTereitut colors. Then simply eslttip
to imimd a particular color wlH tsaahki
them to remember the niemonaadaai
affcxxi'uiited wijtii Wiat color. Of eottrae.
ail Uliis is based on wlilat Is known
the faculty of aKsociialtion of idea.
Some jK'iopIe who cam remember
words and ph liases find difficulty- in.
remembering figures or numler. In
such cufces a ouirioua expedient ban
soimltl' m'B been resorted to. A phrase
wliill be devised, the dniitiial lebtsns 4s?
vuihch suggest the figures, soutfblt jta
be remiembered. For example, sup
pcuae some one's street number to W;
182.- 'Hie suggesitdve phrase mdgbt be,
"I aeek Mm." The letter I will sug
gest the figure 1, the latter S Borne
what resembles am 8, and (iie twtv
perpeoxlticular titrokes of the H sug
gest the Roman iniumerul IL A round
about method this- may be, but fit ltatt
served to fa-slUm figures in the menv
ary of people who had previously
found them troublesome.
But perhiaps the mot wholesome
way In the long run ds tlimply by re.pe
ttlllion and effort to fix the thing its.
the memory directly without (dicks,
of memory, or artificial methods. Rjr
memonllng one sentrfmce or vpjma av
day from the bef-lt I'Lierature the tiuntl
wiM fun-in ltave a fine treasure of bean
Itsful thoughts and an enrich-ed vocab
ulary.. Dr. WIKiani l'umshion, a gre:i;
KngMsh preacher, dlid this, and Ills
fiine prone may have been largely doe
to his familiar acquUii'taiuce with the
bt-ll llteniif lire.
For quotation pti.rosv 'it 1s jv'ces
piry ito remember vertaitita, asi
though this iKitlie linrdc-lt ta-k of mem
ory, it well reimys the effont. Onr.
itra.itved. the memory will be able tu
recall tho exact words of v.onverav
tiiouiH, ticrmons and passages In hatoasi
without lulling nuiile amy ons'Jmij
effort to commit (them. SL Lou
Smull potatope are nor, t be mess
ed sit any lionger. They are fl ue
in the sUiixii factories. Almt tijOmX
tons of polnifo starch is mnde in 1,ki
countiry every year. Here Is where the
sniuiCl potato is just as good, j,.4mr at
goe, a the big onip.
Walter J. Bruner, secretary 4 UM
Bruner Hardware Company of XaJsaa
City, while hunting in the Creek Mt
tion was killed Friday by the ccaAn
i;w.l discharge of a. revolver. The trag
edy occurred about a liundrtxl
east of Guthrie. 1
The peop of Halifax, Nov flostst,
re preparing to give the CnHadias
soldiers returning from the Houtb kl
rk'an war a tumultuous) and jtyfavl.
welcome. There air to be paTwrlnt
torchliglut Inxv3i'4(jrns, shin iilmirissv
ttonn and a big banquet, and thr IsxUsw
will give to rat h stklier a gold tKagt
leaf pin.