Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 13, 1902, Image 1

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    v$tmtu f 2 j,
V f,
;1 f
, C
NO. 3.
11:1 vi! yoti seen l,y Writ-hi's new par
(ir.int tint hi ih returni
KTTt urdavTm
ins business trip to Omaha
tv.K.SMiTH puvs cash for bale
w-il j t nl M irslt lli'i lin.s.
& fur
Just rivl: A ww t'oiivicnntiit of
men and bovs elothin,c at CKHL ( IIS,
Ned Fh-Iht made h pleasure i rip to
lla.V (Springs last wvk ret lu lling Friday.
Mrs. flco, I) rainier
for (iiicrnsny afler a visit
flits of alout it month.
left yesterday
v, ilii her par-
Moi'f and hfttcr n,,ods for tlm'saiMe
liioui'v at (;erla,-h"s st,,-e thai, any other
placr, try them, 1U tl
Xlicriir fnvry ri'tiiiinil Thursday fn
i, mm on, ii'ti-iii i iirn"i 1 lie insane ina ti I
flcloin;;' over to I lit' -.Mild"!! of tin- hos- !
pilal (lure.
Misk MaUe Thayer icturiied TliiirsiTa v
from Chadron w here she has heeii in a .
U'liilalice at the i h.nli ,m Academy. She
w ill remain at. limn.
Xcwi has ('tint from Chadron that the
Itearmj.' of a mot ioti torn new trial (or
'Iiiih, Kussell has ln-t-ii pos(n., until
(In? H:h of March.
Oeo, I). t'mior. fornicr editor and t.r.i-
prietor of the l'tD-ss Ji itHNAI. ;irn ved in j
I Ian 'lw hi vestei da v and will reiuaii) lor I
it few days on hosine-s matters and
lllel'tilie; il fw (if his UUIIIelolls fl ielnU
ill HlOIIX coiinly.
County Mm.
Tin? rtt)is..liii KXAI. has printed a hm
ittxl tiumU'r of maps on Manilla c ard
iKiHi'd which can tin secured fif tflc each,
Th1' wiH also h caveu as a premiiiui to
IR'W SllbsCI I Ik TS.
(iiiy Kendall vrivl Wednesday, no
tification that, lii bid for onrrt inv; ma d
from I hifrisMii 1 1 .M inti'os.i had been ac
cepted at xi'.flll j.er nomini. lie will iv
ceivf his iippi.iu: nient s s, i,,n as his !,! 1
is confirmed.
Jnhrt Bi;rrw:S'ir Dcstt
1). II. I lurroueh .-, of linn Nott. Neb.
ilit'd at Kdefmont, S. 1)., last tirday
tl ;'h t of pneuiffiiii:', lifooeh? :". by ex
iMHiurc and Jieirtr frozen. Train )! on
the l!iitlin;Viii i'roti'lit him to Kd'f-.l
Iir.'nt 1 at'io found Iniil laillt' on tticj
t rack a'xnit four miles this side of
Crawford, lie was imnieili.itch taken I
to I In i.nh'C of J)r. Nctiniaskcr ami j
the ut most v(Torta of skill and attei;- j
tiot was y ivt'it him by the dot'lor and
assistants. .John Hark, ol thr ( .atv
City hotel took him over to his hoiisc,
an ) from "that timt; until his dt'atli lie
was never alont:
Helorc lu- diefl he told )t sornf ot
!iin wandirltiffs. He tates that l.c
KOt bewildered on the divide between
I'hillips place and Craw ford,. and the
first tbinj' he knew lie Htrttck a rail -
road 'lie was I1en111j1b. il with the cold
and nearly frozen when alio ,t fi o'clock
a section t;aui catm: alone; and be
asked them to take him some place
and licj woultl pay tltent for it. but I
they just lino ted him and left htm to
tVee, , de-, . t. I
Before lie died he called or a jus
tice of the peace and made out a will
leaving all that he had to V. II.
I'Ul'lipH of Hiii rison, who lie said had
alwayn been good to hint and deserved
the jfood start this would clve htm.
Word was sent to.J. A. Joyce at Hot
Spriugs for a coffin Which eatne Mon
day and all that was mortal of . II.
llu. roiiffhs was laid awity in the K.tl
tnont crinetery.
Tiie dfce.iHi'd was 72 yearn old r.t
the time of hi death. He was a
member of the Iklvidere Ivodye Xo.
(Ml A. F. A. M. at Helvldere, III. and
tf lee;rani were nent to the lodje but
up tothe time Mr. Phillip left Kdr
mont no replv had beta received.
, A Llttla ExcltFinent.
llitrrison enjoyed it liltlo excitenient
ami eniertuihiin'til Monday.
The IrotiblM started wi'h two school
ixn, Vm O'.'onnor, mid Otto Will who
were Indiiluuitf in a Nile encounter on
llvir wny'homu from whool. This took
pluee in front of lli Itancli Supply
I loose. After they had knocked one
HilOtlier kruuiid Imfort) iiiiinnroim Hpeelit
lorn, fnr mwliilt., J. (J. Crawford who
had Inihilwtl it littiH too frewlv of Harri
mm witter concluded tluil. it w his duty
to Repent! fliein. II rieeordinly rode
bttliorim upon ll.M mdi-witlk 011J Reperat-
si tin-in. lint his horse, h;i vi'il; i''
bridle iii, decided that it didn't lil: ll,;it
kind of -port, him! hi.-d away In t In' liverv
barn. Crawford loosing .on'rid Ihiii.
Tins oocuraiioe happened several linn's
and cueh time as Crawford rode a'-.av
the crowd look ocoasii.u to tiirmv siciw
balk ui liis direction.
Finally Mr. Crawfnr I t limit; i 1 1 Inrn-i ,r
sell of purchasing a briill.. joi. a entile
whip whu h tie ,hd and rct'iriicd to the
chare,,.. In til" meantime Fred Ki! .Sim
mons ', 'onnor Hin) Otto Sullivan Will
liaii rliitnyi-d tlii-ir liasc ,.f op-ra-iLim
o :
ttintii-ct. Snn'iiiir ilicm at ilic i-iMi..fd
I'lJVirts to disMi.-111-i. .iiifaiint In i s l O'inti'ii
ni'w, ("rawfurtl Iik it valiant timt;ht, ,
rodf to I lin clmryf aain. Tin time d.-!
iisi-d tin- i-at'li' whip will, a lit I Id ii',.i
Sfverity tliaii n- -s,rv ll,c siriiulm j
pugilists. j
This caused V,:'. (I'l'mmnr. fallicrof !
oiip of tli Iiovm who was standin ' hv to ;
j iviiioiistrntH witii t'riitvfi.pl for s),,im ;
j Ins hoy. This noii'iiist ra I i.,N iv.n; cm.
filiiisinl with it nick held lii inly m his'
ril't liand. J
! This I'cinoiistration led to acnmidcrahl" !
j nl wliul Is Usually- l.uowu as i:!im'V i'ny
i lliciax" in a ioud lom of voice and uiih ;
; umiiy anphiiiciti rv ,; ruliyi'tiuns on
,, .,,,,,11..,, ., ,.i
Tlfi-iv Was a scull lw hctvveen the two
j priticiiles and it is haul to teji what
jv,.iil haxa hcen the oup-oinii vli.-n
llJeore,; O'l'onnef slcppeil up hi-liil! 1
i t 'r tw loi d and ill 1 he inst iea( ion of mhiic
of the hyst ai.ileis, landed ,i. rock on
j 1 'raw. ford" shoulder w Inch redounded on
; .iss I'ai'i . and cul. li c.ash therein,
j Thin flow slopped Crawford smd his
i horse started auav hut, hi was soon ahle
to torn his hoi s!!h head in the direction
of t hv m i in s ,, I, a 1 1 ie a nd i i-t m il.
In the soiilll" h" lost his whip ai d
started to ride inlo Mart idler Uros.
"r'- w lli''f' Vri1 ' '! kmi"
it. I he doors proved to he, :i little nar
for t he opera I inn !ind h"s!de d.H, ?,
toiler pr.iies'.d at tins method of iismu j
t heir stor" :ii ;i Pvi-rv l.'iniiiit.d the ,.p. !
foi ion was not e,;iied. I
I!ut Mi."raw ford nt t he msiie it ion o( '
Mime cf his friends if cidrd to start home
ami thisheiiid
All would havt
then been ove
C'rawfori! decided ! i rvturn arid h:
tee his
head drc-sed which lie did. Ih le he
left town this time l:e w us urcustt-d by
II. mas Will wlm iii'iist.d 'bat. a little
j shaking and a fev ether remind. -is was
I dlle Mr. Cl.iwfi.l.l (of slnkiii" bis little
i hriilher wiMi a wpip. ..Tuismild i'.!iisl c ( -!
m.'fit vmis nd i, iitist.-ri'd and then I'm.
iitul iieain moiiiiti'd bis Ibery
I '"el I
sijirti d h 'me, Thl-i tone the ()'. '.iiiii.h--(
' 'r:t Int.l ra" oliei ;iij 'i s cor.: i a ued and
! it iitiaily led tol I'.i'.s hoitiarri-i.
J Mr. ' .)' 'oiuior ai n d lb" iii ,t
I day. li ah p.irticip in' '.vent behiredu.
j t Ice l.'sl.T Tifv.!.u ai d ple.l i v'l'lty.
! They Were (i'le-l ",0 , and costs
I iiniounti'iL'' to aooat lid 1,'ach.
TK:rd Aiin'voi-iry
Saturday was the i iiinl aniiivcrsary of
Editor Wi iebt's man ia'411.
Theoeeasion wascclcbrated by invilinjf
m a few friends w ho sat. down to :t honn-
lifiil r past at ibitu p in. When all had
! oariaken In-t-lv ol Ihemariv "nwl tniti
helore them, the enlnrtaititiieiit lii-smi.
This consisted of music by i'rof. l.unn's
circlicstra, anil sii.jiiij; ny those preseto.
I TTi iln-t bv Mr. and Mrs, W. l!. Wri-ht,
I the Vociil solos by Mrs. Ilium mill the
violin sib by Prof, Hunn were very
! imicb uppieciat.'d. A f -w of the quests
. departed at !J,(I mi! iims t-'iii,iuiiiii.r
: i-nj ived tbeinselv. s until an early hour
with social eames. All dually departed
with many happy thuiiehts and sincere
wishes of many more iiiuiivei'iuries for
Mr. and Mrs. Wright.
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. A. Loiwy.
K. K. Suiitli.
' " (leo. Hill,
" '' ' Ernest I.yon,
lioht. Cunii,
' (i. M. I -ley.
VV, li. Wright .
(i"o. A. Pbipps,
A Modern Woodnttn
Friday 'unlit. -i "'e. members of
Sou C.unp No. S'.l.'d M. W. A. will t;ivrt
the draiitii "A Modern Woodman"
The lollowilie; is the east of characlers
Jack Smith, it conl racier: J. C. I'uiley.
Jin. Jones, lfeal fislut-e A'etil ; (jotnl
son Lat y.
Joo (Jeeen, tuercharit ; Homer l'riddy.
Harry Wilkiusoti, forii.fr lover of Jue.
.Smith's wile: (leo, A. I'lupps.
I'itt McCurthy, Irish Imiss: Iv Lyon.
Saruho, tiero servinl ; Civile Rafcan,
MoAlviitu, Lawyer; II. Ihiddy.i
Ilrowtt, Wootlmeii deputy, W. II. Davm
Ilarnes, Ijtwyer; ('ootlsou Lacy,
Old Miller. Miser: J. II. Wilhernistlof-
ser. '
Judt'e Louinecker, V. II. Iltivm.
IlalilV, John Hickman,
Court Clerk, J. II. Wilhf rtnsdorfcr.
.. . 1 .... . 1 . . . 1 .. 1 1. 1. ..
iwn iniiups, iMiicn, jiiiiii i-icKiii,...,
Irish, K L on,
( 'atriB Sinilli, Jack Hiitith'x wife; Mrs,
Wilbermsdorfer,,' h
NelliH HolMtin. Mid. K. Lyon.
i . j .(-. t . I',;, I. over, J..tu, j,,,-;
Hl;ir; M-mager. ( Ken- Ward.
'I'll'- admission will be f,eH and a
iil le pwi nl ! r the i-u.e: Ininu,
1 incc i
,. j
I'-'l-cipts ol catt f have lie.
much our l ist. ipi,i t, '',
MKHUTiti' i
's,i.r,s, had
K N' .ric. h :i ijj in 'I re
s-.-.t j
priCS i'e. ..veteo ;iii :l-p iliOII, ilS OOll
its hcforn the slump, with ranirc .ind hulk
ol prices ahout saom as lasl, week. No
f hi ii. tat I a I 1 1 a re co loin;'' or v.'e v.'.cipl
he iihlri to ipioti-a Ic-lit r li.j,. J, i f, ,i,ie
of our hest, feedi-cs uhi) tiiiuit the easlein
mi'i l-'!s Hit- v. i.iiIh ti ii trv this mai-ii-t
Willi imc: iij ii iv.tily ;;...! ( 'nil;
lhe will he at ee liij so. -p.-iseti. vv
v.-a i t e n,iI cal : lc. (i , ()W .-,(! I heifms
in yooil ilemainl, with Kilisfacturv p: i.a-s.
t'h ii cl.it lieilt:s !..",ii (,, !j.-,,0(t I Olil
nioti con sami c.iiiiiei :, c, ry ihill.llto V."
cts. lower, (nher km, Is huicbc- sLo, !.;
ahout ti:,ity. S:.,ck-Ts and Ireilers m
nioilei-a ' e supply, r; !n-r coiinnon 'pi.i 1:1 v
and not much IIP- '.o Jlri ti'ade.
Ueceip! s of sheep ha ve heen i ..hi. nl!
wcvk am! He aiv ahle. to (jtioti! prices a
shade he I ler ml aroimd, am Ii
hanily eijnal to the ik-matti.
the sii,il
Ad S.,ui.;!i
on Monday ill (
e on,). rei;al ;!ine
I'liiueiit.. land,
lie hid l'emo
ude Mentcncid
in 1 he custody
marsiiall ;m I to
left, fir Cli-i'enne
'I il-a- to report til the
l;le leucine of ;"jv
.Mr. Spt.ili sta'cil
e l the fi'iice and the
him to puss a d;iy
of t!l" .,!le Ktitw
piV a fiua tif ifill and
all costs, die latt'r rniiiiint;' up into
uiidie'is of dulars hit whit, a nv
a.l Unu Al ttKi -1- haw; hid with the
marshal dniikiii;', heer and eatuie
il'et y.-ls. yt.in. yiiui.Ici.sk lit laid.
X In Wvoiniim, x
A play
I'.i unu ns
irty Wiis
l'.'l. I li
tivi'ii at. Ml
honor of 1
u's r;.
; ,, mid ():,-,, .vl K at!ei;i!ed t!i
o.ua'e ;ti Sim i. -re bill's 1 is', Krid.iv ui'hi
J.i). Williams -and family visited at
james I'etty'.s last Thursd iv.
Mr itml Mrs V. tin liruii' ns i hi ' -i 1 Jim
Uu.'i' 1'ilday.
A. bioih. r of T.O, Williams and Mr.i I'.ne
Is Vislline ',Vt till-Ill ill Dlescill.
William Jemmies has been ipotR sit k
I bis v i.ek.
I.irtio W Me :iu-e's Jan, a boy.
I;. .rn to f.II Hamlin's fed 1 a, :;,r!.
Wti ;.! liovl.'s went, to Iaisk last Wc.i
ies,d.i itnd vvas over t.:ik"!i ;;i the sturui
and was lust llin-11 linii'S 1 nimii"' 1
iituiL;' h line.
C.ircy Iteiiis. U
Mrs. Jame,, 111 is on the sick list.
1 w inic 10 tiie inch nnicy 1 I the weather j
and an ittta, k of I'hi'iimalbni, Mr, lin e
f.:is um.l.lH to meet Ins uppoiut n.ttil nl
I'e ida re last, Sunday ,
Nearly all of tin ma le potmlat i. 11 ol
Cot toici ocd Is hiii.iiu.r ,1 i k r.ibho-.
t i.day 1 M.in.l i v ) There was a lot ol
shoot line don" hut we are unable to re
port bow many rabbits v-'-ie bi.;,;ed.
M"s. Arnnr who lias been living with
her sou Will 1 11 ( 'oiorad . for I be past 1 001
years, is now visit inj; will. John's famil',
Mr. and Mrs. A Vrocunier io e visiluc.
friends on Soldier creek.
Asa Hoi.thhas been awaiik'il tiie eon
tract fof earn in the uieil b-tween
Cary mid Cra w lord for the next Ion1'
.ears heeiniiiii: .1 til v 1st.
Tre-Uy rnfc;sts rintjsh.nnt.
A H-rlln den iist was .sentenced fie
(.titer day to tlvo yearn' ImprLsotitiicnt.
a linn of 1.000 marks C5-'."S) iind live
yefi'K' Iiwb of titles and privile;' .;. for
overchan'lnp, elt.-nt i nssr niul ii:jiirn;;
V,!- n..ll,.,ln ..o.t 1- ecu. Ot.l lln -r
... . ....... ..... - ... ..r.
to sign contractu while under tiie in
lluenef: of anae.'tthetle.i.
JiiilC-t) IIhs n (ii.otl Voire.
William .teffcrjon I'oilald, known
aiC'the fttintor of all Mitt ouri," ik now
Jndrce of the Fourth Dirti t Court of
St. Lenin, His voice. tiiii.:h is (''.
crihed by on 011! Inc.ia.-'.ic local p;ip.;r
as "weird, wonderful, wlfehiliK, pow
erful as the ba.';-o ii.'ofttnd.i, p'liiti.at
iiiC u Gabrii I'ti slitcr Irtiinp' t, atid
Fweot an an Aeoiiin harp," won him
tho position of rcailiri'.; cb rk in tlio
Miasoui'l Stute Aisciiihly, and In many
city and little Denini talk conventions.
He was also one of (he reading elerku
In the Di'inoerafle national convention
ot Chicago In IMifl.
Orlglnnl Itfpittiliiic of f'rrtti.Iltf.
rrejudlee wan originally no;.';!t.S'
mote lhan a judement formed before
lmnd, the character of such judgments
being 1.1'nt Indlealed by tho present
meaning of the ward.
rronrt nf ,, Kullitr.
mjhh Hi if it Kellnr !h an Alabama
girl. Fhe whs horn In Tunciinib.n, ai-
j tho people of Alalia ma have alwayu
I been proud of her wonderful career.
A d'x-iii-iliy novel orc.ia.i
1; ;
..f 1 ,.(n rw.t;,.a 1 I ll ' f fi
i i i Ol e -1 ' - , 1 " 1
t.-iJtnriltitr th nam ps of t.i.'iT ow.w
i:j;on doff., s;iya the C Hir-.oi-e .Atn-.:r:-
cm- vo.".i' r rut !r
piirfeu iTl JiOi t:'i w"f"t i i 1 1 h'i'i' C il j Ol. .1
ntr.-n whn Is cn?.!g".d i:i '.lift imivm '
and ilnrlng the t!;it hp re:iia;-'J 'tr
he d'ifl a ar.oiX Ijnsfitr. Autoti'? t.'.!i
liofri which nmh-rw-'nt tV a r;;rt
if pretty Ht.i.1-.- f ix tcr-i?r b'ioy i;C!
to Chro lei; F. TVrdi r. i, w': ich i"'.'o!c '
In tin ri'i tic of P.oo?", aii-1 a fr..c lc
: ;:!! lrrra;r, .lip, the pvoprrfy o? H;
n-.r -,uic"!:i Tlr; w:t;(; CtfiT,":uy. . U .:!
n r- i::i-; Is bip.r tl;or! Xh'-i"
whero the hr!r sron-s tt!:v,1c',"T tb
v.m'ft of t'l"')' t'CTOi tivc i.- !';
C nrry to th belief of f!tm! tin'
Hie opirs'ion Is a chip). T"''11'1 ,v-1;l
It.Of" "!'() tl.'IVe K"01 it pci', .re- ,' (1
! ttlar" thrtt t!t arS'nnli oppttruM? "'
':!'".'(! very ISttl" pain. The or-.-r-
rt!-n la-ts ah-nt fiffef-n oirniLc. T!v
; to:','..! Is ti:-i-.-i!y luld by two mfi
one h::v:nK bold of ifte bin ! li-!--
v.'IiiH tic, (it;!;r holibi the t:e;nt paw1
Vv Hi -i ? t of vo.vy 1)( nn:-(l!"s ?1:' "i
el-;,;,)- t!;,.n pni's to wirl:, do t y prti-V
it!" V:o . tiers' inlo ti e e!;5:i, ju-'t. dee.
'""!:;i; f dr;:w a f-.w dr'ijM cf l;io-1
"'h' :i he noara tb ln:!J?rj ink h!1 o"a
- w.i.tijdj, oi', 1'i'iier. si'rrtt'.'i'.T. :tr. '
'' " ciriniion H ov'. In tl few v-f',r
'.'r soi" s ii'' -orn y-1 it-' ly he;!- d
' rriimal -"ir.; d;ri:ij; tbc r'-'ii
of ;pi i'y:s!P!(i' an antn'sta'caWr
icriir of iff.ni;;c'.t?n. Thn piic: o;
li.c oi''ration Is SO rents.
'OI)!rv;cnon Autniiiolld'-s.''
A V.'.'.r of "cterrvKiion :iuiorHi)ilt"-''
Is to lw ri:: in ';i:-;'inyt')'i, 'X C. f,;
t!u; !." in lit of vir'.Uir. Ki.ch vc!'.t lu
c::.:U t-nti-1wo p'r:-:e!ir;c:' i and w'il
l;o (v. T'. -i"d t-y a li ctitror on poi:i;"
;.t ;;t tli.! inp.tal. T)
.iiid tint motlvti iov
-"toml4 of NH An
Ti e i'ooihi of ti e
lar. in tlK-ir fo!"i:.'-t '
tirrd-i of year.; titv.v I ;
ton days i'i f:-i (Iv
at a (.;lvfn po ul.
tircatiis of
The Ai:i"k.-o:'..,-,
of '"'.i.i.yioe.
lenstb r.a.: ,.-;':s:-onc-!.:.'f
of itofc 1':
Wl-.en oil lack- el.'
your ii.-od. I'.-ei mil!
. : 'Oi,;, ' ' ,' -ju - iv-d
do not
'Hi 1 '.
do-- 'ol
herlain's Stomi eh & l.ivrr Tablets. They
fe I Ilk" 11 new nun
;i."t!'e like a bear.
- s:- hv J. Iv. I'll
puclor tn C'onlffH.
There is on p'.!y:-i'i:'.r. m tho pre
ECjKitn and fo'ir rdiy.-ii ;.:!;; i.i :h: i
ent hou.-;e ' n p . ( . 1 tilal vc:,. T' c
one elr.i rynian in the pre viit boa
repreiK-tital iv'-.'.
Po:lllatinn' K'ltr .f ltirrfii.ti,
Smli has been tin.' in i-a-.c Ml pop
lation in eivilizerl eottt. tries Utnt tl
!--,p;j,i"- ofiid'ii-d by ot;n ;-,-r.;or! a ei;
lury !w n.iAt s cotiti'n tiirc.
l nrly Di'lhiitliui tf Snimti rnr.
laealu'ir ia licit'. foil by sor.i'?
oiosi.it to have oi'cdnuliy
.1 1
;t fuiiii Vv'iiaoiit. lano.t. Ki.cn 1
011 natuully 'vanc.crin;; tu u.r,d
in tcareh Of ea:p'.oj .auni.
Cbibbinl Offsra 1
While von ai".' thinkine; of suiiscril-iiie I
-a- vie r , lea i'i V I'.-'vl c.;' 1 11:1 tier, ' lc m
.a- lb it the, !'!;;;.-.!, irnx.M. will tike,
Miiis.-i ipi iocs In anv 1 apt r on earth and 1
.live piislii;1
Old torn
for you
Iloa !ert'tr,il.'it I'e.u. Novelist.
The lluttnuiiiili lie.vcij:: .eiv. rel.ir :
Kiti.'cular bOiX that, .vas rc nliy p :-
r.,,.,,11,,1 tior. lrt .i I.' .........
." I -" ' " " - -
rian noveiift. Mauri': J'.icti, S-o';,:.,
through bomo pleasttre pn..ur,i!n "
Marsuerita lalaad-i. the fa '.ici v,;
tesort of raida-lo'th society, he v.--aceot.ted
with laii li r p af tl t'"'; i -by
a party of ve!l-,!re.--cd trea t
i11ut.11 nl I'icil l ii'ie t t'-si at in -: ::
compiled. Tiie re;i::sr was e:; j o i'
,Mid the wltier, of the Pr.-t bi'a'.d '. Jo
lu't with a fe.diu:; that hi had t:
in his life Mil dev. n to a filer luti -con.
Some days i'l'er, how v. i.i
infinru h .5 of an anibt-Mial ;: 1 t :
wi re rinlely Intorrnet. rl Ii..' r f 1 ;.. o
a bill wb'ch timountid to Z"' c.;,.v:i:
The novelist, win)' had rrgnvih d h!i:i
self us a (sliest, naturally ref'ia I 1
pay, but. the re ,).:i 11 ant keeper al;:n !
by li!n bill, iumI ha. brought an tut. on
for the amount,
IfeliablH man for Manug-.-r of a Lrancb
( illicit wu wish tn open in this va itiity
Here is it good opening- for the fig
man. Kindly give gootl referencH when
writ inif.
T. A.Mnlfi;:."! WIIOLKSALK llOb'sK.
ci wins An, num.
illiislriteil ealaluguH 4 els, stamps.
28 II
Hlit.nl. I I ItlnMown I'o rnrnnil T
Clilmilown, In San Francisco, ac
cording to the president of I be bond
of health, should he bun-.fd. As II. is
at present, It cannot he render-d sani
tary except by total obliteration.
Fulilun'.:ll I ail Thai tVIII Uonii
i; l'-i(tnHivcIv Ko!limtil.
Two I'lidiis In I'm l.nl'tul KlatiM lairlcli
i uri I.nj;iis;4H;.,n 1 it Nilsi.i.
To few j.cn a '- g'V3a '.3 niai.e a
fi.tr con. petec.
it, t-l suUdtcly .
oni vi;..'j;tt fjcpacttitioa aU tv.o ui
teic":i tin own ei int ii' f.jfc;. Tiii.t i i : -'
l.wa ttio erperrni-c of Mr. Joa
fiaaaicl Slad'lcrt i!
- -.I'd. At tae !)'-
i;li;pittg of tiii.s yta:' ho was (?inp.ot".i
in the liunibia c; parity of groom; to- j
(Jay lie ia iii possesion of fortune ot ,
.CJCO.OtN). i::on of it invested ia '
l.oje p:op..-iy i.-; K-w Yorti and f'i.M- ;
!m -g. Tot ttcry lias i:jjst of iUov.: '
cleuienis of io:nt!i!i-.- with wh.ch tin J
popular ii:'.::.i';;c.i',ioti clo'bes Cue 11111-'.;- j
pi cpd actjiiiHiUon of wealta. As in so ,
itiit.iy otiitr t-Zic"- il. is the rich unci' 1
in Air..-rit .1 .-jiUa 'ihere were rn;u'o oi j
, Iht.Stl vviirj Iihh piayr,! the pSift of n j
gdticious Proviiicucc. In Mr, Uussoll . j
caw, however, then; were two tiucit-s, j
b-.!t from Deith'-'r did In pntrrJ.aiu any 1
i':;p!'fUt:H;n of an iuari'.ance.' Oi.'- j
lived i;i I'itt: b:n':;, tbe other in Kjw j
York; one w.tst his mielo' 0:1 his fa.h j
prs Ki-.c, tie otiisr was tiK" bro.lur ot
his fathsr's tecaad wife. Mr. ilawli
Uir.. f was born ia i.ondoti, "vfiihiR
; the Found of Daw bells," hilt he In
: f?m fully thirty yearn in the Wan-:
i Both bis inters w'cnt out there wiis.
,i,i;vy youni; and very poor: bat the?
' rapidly lulvaiicea becar.o coir-b!
eri.Ii'.e prtip-rty-o.vn.-. UeeervMy Mi,
Ru.kcI! I'fl.uiTu.d to tnis eov.ntry and
' ntarCd h pub' ic house at Maid, 'ino,
: the sutte time dop .sltiag all the mon-
ey he had saved ia Atiadca With Oai.i
', boll's bunk. Whoa tltn hank failed la
j lo.it evprythi.ig, and al 5 had to ':u
the world pen.tile.,9. Il was lh-;n th..
; lifi took a plane aa groom, hut he hai.
; not been .ionic ia Ui'tt situation wht-;.
' the new,-; ra;ne that hi:; father's bro'li
' ! had left hi tn a forttnif, wlii'-h wa,
originally s'atd to he Ji;30,(00-o3i!.
i but, in reality canto to be sotscthia-i
1 more, nearly app. oar-hire; Cift-iM'O.
I Tluit. bow -ver, did not exhaust Mr.
j Rtts 11'h luck. Only the other day b"
! receiv'-d intia.-at.on fro:a a firm of so
i Jiei.it r in New York that hi.-? tniidc-ir.
I law lat! biiipteal bed to him a Hill
whiib, wild the previous windfall, pa'
1 iin in possesion of 16!l,0l.M. If. hi r.i
( ,.'!r r.rdidary revolution in the for
t tines of an ttnantbit.ic.ui; man. and a-l
lo rj(.re oxtvaordiaary, perhaps, be
cissw St was finite nnnxpactfJ.. M.-.
RusfoI! ia a shrew;!, level-headed I-on-!ot:tr,
who is under no apprehonaio!'
'.hat iin AviH be. tetnyded to f-quamip'
his fortune London Chronicle.
.imi.rn T.'tt Will i,.Yn Ceo.!
We know ol no way 01 which we eai
1 ! of morn service to our readers than ti
I t'dl thei'i of sointji.hii.e; that will be o;
reel e-ooii to tbem. 'ir this reason w.
vtant. to acipi.tint tliem wit.li what, we
ci nsidcr out! of t ho Very best. 1 emedlci
on I he 111:11 ket, for coiie'lis, eoltls. am'
ll at. alariii'iie- complaint , croup. We
i'1-lerto Chaiu!"i linn's ' "fiijill Tfetnedy
e have iispd it w;!h such pi. d resuli
11) our family so loic; that it has h-a-onc
a lionseh'ii I nece-iai v. liy its (.rou p
use we ha vi, '1, liny doubt hut, that it ha
tune and a ;.iiii prcvciiled ci oup. Tin
l.'slisiiotiy is eiven upon our own experi
ence, and we Miee.si that our re'nlei'!
especialv those v ho have small childr'n,
itltv.it s ke, , it, in Heir homes as 11 sab
ci'i'i'd aeahist croup, --' 'analeii (S. C.j
Messei.et'r. I'i rMil '. by J. K. l'lnniiev.
I''f:Ml Iicsetit.'.l I1.1 i-nsion.
Toward the littler part of Dante Ga
briel I!o. . . :!'.- ide ii,. rarely left his
hot. so iiii.l ;v..ri'.. a ;iird pr- fori -nil lo r-c
bit) friends and ar;;'!':i:ii,:inca ,y o.p
poi:. Cicat. Vv'im inii ii' V.? too iati'U
.. i v.i s-.t i ;ti . It if raid iliat one day
an tut'
art-led vi
and I he
jirtsin; man eaiiei!. duly
ill a Ic't'cr of introduction,
servant w,i ; tiearly yielding
to the l::.-iilivn rttrang r, whereupon
tiie palnier of "i-lairc's Dream" leaned
(jvc;- the hard: ter a: .1 said, in a firm,
e.'i.ioiiuuus vol-.'c, "Teii i'ae j.muiie
man tl.-at I am not at home."
For Sioma-ch Trou'sle
"I have taken a liivnt, many (li'Ierent
tneikcuies lor stomacb I rouble and coti
t ip. it ion." sal's Mrs. S (ieiiprof idiukei
!cn. !:"!,;;; never had ;;r;f7aod re-ul--
, In 111 any as fc
I ; .1 Liter '1'aiih
1 'b iiobi , -lie's Sloiuacii
1 For Sile py J. K
Drinks I.lnctrlctty In Water.
A New York man siys he drinks
electricity In water and it has made
ltii.i tin years yott;t:;"r in a twelve
month, it re.;;ond his t'elb, his
td:.;.t, hia hair, bis lo.;t vitality. He
i-'ai lares that a glassful of tho wafer aa
he prepares It will produce Piiilieient
tlectric force to ring a small be'l-.
Tho t'.irlrldcn Keteilml In Turhey,
In Turkey the partridge Is detest
ed biraii'.e ottee it betrayed the pro-
)lt p'net lo his enemies, and Its legs are
red became they were nipped In the
blood of ll.-iosan. If a man kills a
panther he Is imp 1 -oned for fwenty
fimr hours and then Is handsomely
tewarded. The era no It! respected and
it Is a crime to hill it.
Wheat for Heml-Arl.l Hts'rlrH. .
Wheat-giowing in tlio r ea.l-iirid dis
tricts of the west hit't been rendered
Ics-i uncertain, it is thought, by the
introduction of macaroni and several
other varieties of wheat, which have
already given promise,
Professional Cards.
(jii..N'i' (ilJfUlflii. '
f'roiupt.at tention ;iveii to nil lecjai
mutters in J.ixttca, CViunly and J-'istru t
T57u7ts, and bef-e the Criitad Slr.te
Land tii(a.
Fire Jnsi-iranes written in reliahlt
:;iV"Le;..;al papsirs ca ref 11 ly drivvn.
IjAmtl.V. ' N EllltASKj.
.1. (A iim.cJI, - - Co, Atleniejv
-- ii
Vj'iil I'i'iieliee In All Courts.
Kpeei.ii ACeuii.iu (,i,(.a ( i,3ll(j or
fice idi .ii-
t tills lions anil all JimsIhp.ss ctiirtisU
el In met, ;) reecive pi'mttpt a-Mciilinii.
I-1 AUMSnN - NKltRAsK.
K. I'HIN-'iliY, M. j).
i'.' Cseian anil Snrg-poti,
All culls sivbii prompt nttfflntii.H.
Olliee in lirui; Store.
s. uleii bids to build 11 brilf-n nrros ltn.t
' reel;, on necriim Una l.clwiim sections il
111,1 comity j-oiel ,o. :7, will lw re
cicveu ii. iiiit.il noun K. li. ;;r,t, i),w. plans
mid specitlcHtlons on file in Litis ofticij, The
I'Oimtv re.-erves the light 10 reject any
or jill li. Is. Wm. j. a. li.vt.'M, , '
" 4 Cmmty Clerk.
irhom it nuiv concern.
To :
Vllie co niuPxiDii,.!' nppointeit to Inci te a
'""I eo iimi-ueimj at .V V corner of SWij s.i
i" 'wp, ::i r.iiifre !A tliencn east, 0,1 Imlt see
Con line one mile tlience i.ortii 011 suction
line one and n. had mile theneu east two
mileiH'i seciion line nail also commencing
at N W corner ol' sec. 8 Twp. it ranir it
Hifiiee north two miles on section line t"
:ne .N corner sec. 111 twp. 35 range T4 also
Hut porlioa heifinint; ut 'lie X VV corner of
stV'4ce is tw o. ; 4 rang" at thenci; cast 011
I'.ail section line one h.ijf niih; to he stricken
I roni said petition for the. l-isson that It is a.
I'l.uiity load, 'J hi; coniinis.iioner 1ms. report
ed tn favor of establishing said road and all
abjections thereto or claims for uaunie-e
must be filed in the Count)' Clerks office cu
or before noon of tin; 7th day of .March A. I.
16C or such road will be. cstublisheil without
I'cterenoe taeri'lo, 1
iiil i Wm. J. A. R.U'M, County Clerk.
.siii;:tiKi'"'s sale.
Xotire'ts lierchy ijlveii tliut, pv virtue of an
.iidei' oj s in, i.s.w.l hv tin; cleric of tlie.JMs
iricl i.'oui'tbl' 8:ouk County; Nebraska, and
lo me ..liret'ted upon it decree rendered by
-..lid court in favor of Charles s. Brotvn mid
;,tins,t (ieorgt; Jan ics, Mary dune Juntos,
Andrew J. .Miller, mid Mary M. Stiller.
I will on the 10 day of
March A I) WH ut I o'clock in the afternoon
it said day, ut the east front door of 111 s
i'oiii", house of said county, in Harrison,
N'ebr.tska, oiler for side to the hiifhest bid-ih-r
for cash In hand the foilowins descrlheil
real estate towitt; Tile, east half of tin.
sotitlnsist ipi-irter of sei'tion seven, and the
west, half of ttie southwest quarter of S't
lion ciejit in township thirty north, nf
i':ii.tCe Ihtytliree west ol tile tith priucip i
ineriiikiti In Sioux eoioit.y, Seliraska, tostt
isl y S!iid orilei-of sale in the sum Of $"i7.s-:i,7
and costs aiid iiccruini; costs.
AI.KX LOW UV, Sheritr.
Ttrtolse I.Ike Melons.
G. Carbon, a farmer near Eufaula,
was on tlio struts the other day and
Raid: "I wish there was a market fj,
tortoise. If there was I would be i.
good shape financially in a Httle while.
I have a large patch of musktiiolons
and the vinos have been loaded wit it
the fruit, but as they got about ru;d
for harvestinpr,' something began ear
ing thern at night. Several nights w 'r-
spent ia laying for tha intrudeit. a., J
late one night there was a rattli:-.;; d(
dry bones, or sounds that some what
resembled that, and before taking ,1
run for the house I took a farettc.l
look and beheld a herd of tortoises alt
i,., the can tn io-.tps patch, 1 mrtrir j.
dash among them and hursted ia
hulls of fconie dozen, captured two and
have them caplives." To make s-ti-
that he was not mistaken in the ntelu 1
thieves, he now and then drops t
muskmelon In the box where they at
confined and he says they r.tab n;'o;
1 it and eat nearly as fast as u uog.
I Galveston Daily News.
London llnni!U'S For Trs.lti.
In the Alaskan fur market Lonrt"
rpiotations govern. These are fi
twice a year In March and Angus;:
by a hoard of principal dealeis i i
that city, and prices are pat:,-;, f. pr,
cording to that genie in all prrr.3 cf
the world except Rnesla.
I.iirtc 1'rnrln Are SHrceplm-"
A French naturtillst, Kapael D
a- i.
as.se ris mat an large pcaraa r:e t
ing hut Ftrcophugl, In thi e- -i'e!-whf'-h
rest the dead bodies f ti.
marine worms.
HtMli!1 Asst.f'liitlon Kooit t'rn'tvt
l'liihiness asr.oclatlons w'ir.r,
kept up for more than otic po .,, Lf
betweon members of different latti...
are rare In this country.
New YorU'11 l lrll r.mirm,
Next year's appropriation for t!
civil service commission of New Yo
city In 8G,000. The state expends f
the Bame purpose $10,000, of whi
HCiO Is for printing and $11,000 ft,
j s.
V, n ij-- "-'"tJ'; -j
-c . ' ,.r; ' ,'"? ; C : T-i." ? 7 . .
s.:W"i-- ...-L