Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 30, 1902, Image 8
STOCK BRANDS. THB JorRN!. will nublisb your brand, like the fotlowiiiK. far ti . per vear. Eueti ad BriUc'-ial brand 7T, vents, tverv laruief or ranchmen Iti Sionx and adjoining counties aaoulil udaarll Iboir brand in TheJoCK Lt It clr-ulntes " over the atale. II may te the means of MiviuK money lor you $500 REWARD. I'nxtur Cattle I!rjuiU!' For ISi nrrest aa-J conviction of r.ny party t parties stealing or distigiirlngaiij brands n tiuek lounging to the undersigned pur F. I- JAXlT. flnuids on left hir 60, 117, - m rsn is ra rT I! I aVTd on left Jhw.DII on -f. an r" I'Osl orilce, Hewitt, .ft hip I Cattle, lout Conn rv, Nebraska, III Ifft hip. Ali-o Horses branded tin- -a'.i e 00 left shoulder. I Hinge, southwest (.1 Andrewj. I'o-l uttice A ddreas Harrison, Net i i Jress-J ournal Tk'uksdat, JAN , 30 190'.'. FLIGHT OF THE E'JTTERFLV. J. E. rillSNKV SONS. Cni'.t branded iTQi " ''''tilde. P. O. Address, I j J)J Harrison, Neb. Winged Measensera of Air Curry Pollen to tertlllxe Seeda. In our growing apprehension of the linked life of the universe the flight of the butterfly has pained a slgnifi- i eance ami interest far beyond the ,JJ...,-,. i j ."-asual appreciation of It.i radiance and i grace. It is no longer as the frivolous kstkukii iSTlllil'iM'oKHCKAT IHR fEaunterer, 'ho through the sunny KlM.x NKl'.ii. AssM'.Nl i l.A-s M vTTi.it df)ys fluUers hi8 ife away among per- . ' fumed petals, that he figures. The tico. A. I'liipps, Editor. OFFICIAL 1 OK SIOUX COCXTY M a rste Her B r o s , Are now prepare I to hOv AX ELKAXT LINE K .VNl'KKW MsTlAN -o- J0I1N T. SNOW lirr brando.l on left shout-der ot MM branded oh lett shoulder and Cattle wl I on lett side. I'ost Office Address, I'atrU-k, I artunie Co. Wyo. liKOUiiK KWANSON. Cattle branded l(rea branded on left side on lett shou bier, range on Foldicr Creek. Any mock branded as above bring estray til from my range, discovered by tiny body u giving iite Information will tie rewarded. Address, Kt. Robinson, Nebraska. j. n. r a it k e it. Horses branded on lfl t'-ft shoulder and Cattle saiiieon left y hip. tfnep bttrniloii UM rur or Krk of shwp. Kant on Soldier Creek and White Hiver. Addreaa, r"t. Robinson, NebraKka. Cattle brand ed on left side same tin ent ttnd hnr(kii branded on left idmnldc iaine ai cut ale the property oi Andrew Christian an( range tributary to Van Tatturl sin 'lug. AddliK-i, Kirtlev. Wvo. TP 1 One Dollar Per Year. ! beauty lies it fum tions. and subserves XFEK a vital purpose In the economy of na ture. Like the bee. tne butterfly is a workman iu Cod's garden, and his ; mission is to carry pollen from bios- Kom to bio: som, thug fertilizing the I seeds. Without thf se wingf;d raessen- J gers of the air more than hulf the j flowers in the world would be exter minated. Not only do they add to the color and loveliness of summer's pa grr.try, bat assist In it? creation. Does, I It not rlpon the Interest of the spec School Shoes O.iv. TaH. civil gvernT of tlie Philip pines is in the United Stales. He t:ik a very rosv it" of tbe Philippine miu turn. Tlie rosetiiil n:iy be the refl no of his Hilary. It is mi e;iy to Iw opton,- j tacle to realize that the swarm of; est U; hen one has everything tba', h. opalescent Insects I 1 At. h Su T.!beT ErU.' Sell Rimklr. Slilril- one sees In the J. I.KVKll. Cattle brundi11 )N 1.KKTSS1HK To-t Of fieo Address. Cliadron Nelri-Mka desires which money can buy. KKKWSTF.lt A Co. Cattle brand ed winir an thai on enr, either left liif or on left alioutdrr. JOHN A. HANSON Own the follow- Inzbrand on eith er: Alao HG on cat tle and horsr t attle oo leftside horse on left moulder. Ban( on Sliver Springs and east. ' 4tut. Im. Poatofflce Uarrlaon Neb J S. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ol horaea .nd on lft Bide of rattle. land on lft Hide of fat on right aide Thl n right side of cuttle too. Ran" White Klver, near Glen. . Post Offlca addrejtt, tilen, Nebranka. DEKPCKKKK MV E STX,'K Co. Branded oft left hip of Ottle and on left nhee OI Horm . Range on Deep Creek. Addrooa, lep Creek I.tvu stock Co,. ' J. 11. IUlkekt, Koremnn, lilrri, Nebraaka. rttAUI.KA KKWMAS. I Tli brand repreaented in thla notice and branded any where on left aide of cattle, and over lap eat from the I right ear. Alao the aume brand on left thigh of horar. belong to the underxlgned. RaNga near Kaat Kpringa, aontli part fo toux county. Cmamlkh Nkwmx, Hnrriaon, Sebraka. ItOl'UKKT A SUNS. - Oaltlo brand ed aaiae n that n cut on eith er aid of anl- rtial And following on It-rt ftda of cattl'. 01 And tttla And thia laj on left aide of ahe aUirk. on left aide and hip. Rang on Ounulng Water, foatoflh-v adilrraa, llarriaon. Nebraska. nd aKouldar and raa4o1 I kl on right Ja Alao, I bave f&ai - randw) on left tdlgn riMAOMea Arid re , llarriaon, iuiii Co, Habraaka WAM. I will pojr 3 00 r ward (of anoh hdnd Af rwa I Vtl villa'a Imr.a. In a aUil f"-"1 mm miOw ''' tontntl ff?4 WW W 4 W"r m K'inniiu, mUr, mlmt IW W hrr proof I Mmkt mmf fnom aWrull txwaiiiMa: tit mtiihvnmx ' ' , ',',;' - A. Raih. a- ' ' : : Horses ljranded with any of above brands. Address, J. A. Aviirwsos, HarriKon, Nebraskn. Nr.ll. Jottli VN. PUP And Cattle branded side, and Horses on eft Horse and eat tie branded on either side same aa on ent. It is reported that Prince Henry of Prussia wilf present President Jloo-svelt with an interchutiLreahle sliot 'tiii aiiu n flu when tie visits the United States Tin is evidently the most significant present that could lie given as it is a svinliol of the doctrine of E upire that 'might makes right." In view of the administration's policy, mi acceptance i. ttiis gift by President. R msevelt niigh easily be construed to b an aitii-Jieseii:-to tins princple. meadows, eddying in the golden sun light, rising and falling In lazy ahan- , don. swaying drowsily on the clover j blossoms or balancing on the petals : of the new-opened violet.", in an exist- j ence apparently fetterless and fan-y- j free are really seriously at work p'.-r- forming the function of their being?- j Everybody's Magazine. ; It is a problem solved in Shoe Economy wit'a a hand some balance at the end of the year when ttelz School Shoes are lurchsed erclu sively for the children. No manufacturer in 'I-8 world I'uilils a line of shoe" a extensive durable ha i,d:s..;;io and low priced as tlie Selz -Children' Klines this year. Look fur the sign of "Sclz." It marta the PopularDcaler. Belz Shis for Men, .Vi-men and Children r Satm'aet..ry S'-km-h Tlie Ltisk Herald reports fence cutting in that locality as the result of hoggish nes.s. It gives good advee to people n that section' to settle their (hlference among themselves. While it hasn't comt to actual deprulatioos in this vicinity, I' seems liest fur the people who are fenciih more range than they will ever need to consider then situation and remem re trial, "In union there is .strength," nu. there can I no union without consider ation for the rights of yonr neighbors. Kwil on lett Address, Bodurc, Nebraska. UKliT KAKNKST. U7! Cattle liranded on left hip and aalileun the let t Jaw, and same on I ior.se. s ls J torses branded on left Jaw, shoulder or flank. Also llore- branded on left flank d on lett ahoulder. The daily p.tper rep-irt tint nt ill meeting ef the Nebraska Assfa iatioii of T,iveStnck Breeders in Lincoln last, week a resolution Was adopted that, favored the leasing of government, lands. This was accomplished by voting on III. question when the anti-lease men wer absent at dinner. Aecordintr to th. Alliance pajiers, Senator Vanfioskirk, who waselectel to represent, the ;w pU O 'his district, favored this resolution. This is a good thing to remember. We suggest that PiiBSS-Jot'liNAl. "'readt.s paste this in their hats. TOO BUSY In the Woman Suffrage States. 1 The four states In which woman j suffrage Is established, Colorado, i Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, are noted j for the radical changes which they made In declarations of political pref erence. In 1896 the fusiouistg car ried Colorado by 134.000 majority. A year later they had 3.900. Utah pave Bryan 23,000 majority in lS-r'C, and four years later went against him by 2.100. Wyoming was carried by the Republicans in 1SS2. by the fusion lsts in and by the Republican again in 1300. New York Sun. Through Sunday Vandals. Antiquaries w;ll read with mingled (ittiMfactlon and regret that the Ro man Wall ftailon of Iloreovicus, or Hr.Unteads, has ben clo.icd to the pub lic, the reason being that Sunday vaa daia had taken to hurling stones from It down the nelKhbui'ing ravine. The great all has already suffered more than enough spoliation. The farm house of Plane Trees, hard by, was built w.'h stones taken from this very Ftation; and all along from Carlisle to Newcastle It is more or less a ruin the mow pitiably because what re mains of it. assailed by no worse en emies than winter and rough weather, is surprisingly fresh. Yorkshire Post SKLZ. SCHWAf5& CO., CHICAGO Urgf st Manufatlurtri of Dootj and Shoes in tht World 'Hi;' The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIRECTORS. C. F. Cofkkk, Prcili-!it. F. W.CtAUKK. Cashier ('has. ('. ,Iami;.-o.v. II. S. Claukk. A. McGjnley Stockmon haviiit? u.-e for a hank at this point may rely ot us to handle tlicir ent ire Hanking biiHincs. .i;.Vc are prepareil to takt; care ;f n:r tra!e at all timeH THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Range on head of Van Tiutseii creek, Wyu. a I'ost Office addles, Harrison, Net). HKNRV WAKNLKK. ' at tie brand ed on left aide. Range on Running Water Creeek. -I. O. Address Harrison, Sebra-ka. FK.VN'K NCTTO. Cuttle branded side and anme on der f horara. Alsoaomeof the Horsea tie sre hrsnded on side shonliter soiiMi aa deserib nbove Imund. ' on Uin teft and f'nt, and the et lur tlie Adilrcsa, HarrisHn, Nebraska. t:atlle Itrauded Range oil lttnf:i!T V. NKKCP.. on left sifle Also Cattle hraned 1 1, ill on left li shoulder or aide. nml Ituuge on EESHI Running Water. V. o. AddreM Agate, xebrnska. KAWCtl. KMOBI. Cnttlo bran"l any where on left Hide of the animal. Range on Prai rie Dog and Mon roe Creek a. Addresa, llarriaon, Nebraska Cattl branded tattle branded Cuttle ttra.idwl on left aid. on left I aide. On I .eft Hip. HKKKV WIMt, rorrman T O. AdHsM, UUavXdft. The expression of the Frehclmi in," Ab'i Lemere, made recently in tha t 'liimiH- i red walls "arc the etyle of lpoties in Kr.im-e is orty that h'n.in Snk deep into the hearts of liberty lovin w pie ol all the world. To tjuoi n Xiut W.)rds;"VVs inadrf Hie Unite Stales free; let us make the Hoes fre It is an expression which should waf its way quickly across the ocean am s-rve.as a reminder to the ineii wlu noiv control the policy of our govern ment. It should bring before tliern the scenes at Lexington, at Vailey Fore and ut Hunker Hill. Aii but has it? No. They have nev r beard or if they did they make no nti. , and why Ik-cause they are loo busy, Husy with the preparations for the re ception of a foreigli Prince; pre para ti ins to make t heir envoys to a king's corona tion app;ar well la-tore nil royalties ol E i rope; busy with explanations to lb jeo;;!e f jr tlK'ir own wstr of eoiiooest in .lie Philippines; busy with their efforts to conceal the fact that a, few men con t'ol the finances of the tistiori where th underlyuigjprinciples u.-m "a governme t for the peoile, by the people and win ihe fieople" conteinplafe this scene, You whose fat'ieia fi tight, bled and perhaps d.eil al Jiouai-i no, at v.... Forge, contemplate nnd consider wha ibis uieaiia. l)oes it not cauaj a Musi of shame to color your cheek when yoi realize that Vour rulers have so io forgotteh t hose scene': Doea it not cans als humiliation w hen you realize th.i evi-n thi reminder, efxiken by the man who-e fath.-is h l ed to make you Iree, snikesiio repurv chord in the breast of the men whu tialay rule 'America? Shall you continue to fiddle while Ihe fires of imperialism are eatiiu the hearts f vour rulers and the principle of your Republic? Are you also too busy to hear nnd heed this reminder? And if so wlul is the goal of this business? Is notjlhe les son which vour fathers learned by and nnd hitter experience ingrafted deep in your heart'; Must it h loarned over again that mon' are human and cannot rule others arbitrarily nnd at the same time justly? If tliat lesson must, be learned there is no reason to believe that ll will Im learned any differently than it always has; by war. famine and pestilence, and do you want these? Certainly not. But what i going: to atop this imperialist flame which history has made so plain, briwraonly these things. The remedy is in your h inds, Will you use il? Or are you too busy. A remote perhx Is the on" due a' the end of a woman's renzrV' Harmony In House Furnlshlnff. Women would do well to give much thought to color harmony and circum tftaaces rather than s,tyle when choos ing house furnishings. I'paa the har monious blending of wall and floor covering, togetijtr with the woodwork, ut-pends much of the success of tae l room; yet sortie woman, hearing that and seeia? how effective a soft shade of it Ls wda the pure black Flemish oak. cttaight way has It put on her walls to com bine with yellow oak. How much bet ter a gobelin blue burlap or cartridge paper woitld be! Then. too. often the mistake la made of having everything of one color to watch, thereby canning mouutony. Artisilc decora ton advo cate old roee In rugs aud hanging as a relieving contrasting bit to gobi lln blue walls and yellow oak woodwork. Chicago News. IJectrielty on CanaU. A cabal boat offers a very slow If steady mode of con keying goods frotu place to place, but electricity !s waking up even the sleepy canal and the Ill used tow-horhe may soon pass to a sphrre where his woes will ! un known. In France a system of electri cal hauling ha been successfully adopted for canals. The current Is con veyed by wires to a trolley which runs on rails along the banks. On an Kng llsh stream, the River Iii, where Izaak Walton need to fish, this m heme Is to be tried experimentally, and It U raid that a speed of f.iur miles an hour is cjpabit of being obtained, while the expense 1? under that of horse trac tion. A BVBtom or propciicrg tor barge has aiso been invented. Chicago News. Itlda Are In Order. The farmeri of the bavarian and Wurttemburg Allgau district have combined for the purpose of buying all their fertilizers, both chemical and natural, at the best wholesale prices and on the most favorable conditions. They use about 1,000 wagon loada (of 2ou cwt.) a year. It is also rumored that they Intend to buy all their agri cultural and other machines the aame way. It U said that American sellers of artificial fertilizers aud makers of American agricultural machinery are a good deal Interested In this foreign combine, and to the extent of com peting for trade. I J)) Hru-sv d Dniist's Simdries, l'nims, Oils, Varnishes, , BOOks and STATIONARY. I Qj) J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. North-Western j LINE F. K. M. V. R. It. is the Is.d to anil from Hie BLACK HILLS, III. U'W'XHi ANIi HUT sl'UNus. SOUTH liAk'OTA. F. K. i M. V It. . lime till lr. t.oleg We-t. t.olng l-lu-t . fi, mined U:U No. fi. mixed 7: i OCI K HARRIS V Itl f V. o. Address, AlarslMiid, Vebr. &r as s.owii on j 9-.'.1.Bf-fcM FJJJJon left' aide iJUaV riak. tnnJ rsar i i I HI ear rattle, lett Side with lell ear cli.p. i. j Riilige on Ilnn nlng W atrr, Brand rmnhi douriji . ... i . i ir. oinses mom ' 'i 'mlder. "Don't you think Da-bsie like his new collar, John?" "How the ileucr. do you expect me to tell from her?" Oo out In the kitchen and see If his tall Is wagflng " Ufa. alien Want lo Keep Warm, Crews of several big oil tanker now at Point Breeze have appealed to the consuls of their various countries for aasUtance to secure th eltctr.cal h ut inj of the vessels, and Lave made threat to desert unless their condi tion ta ameliorated. Nu Are of any kind la allowed on board of there va tela. Moat of them have electric plant for lighting nd the saliora argue that heating arrangement! can be Installed cheaply. 0 JUI'iT ISSUED JEW r.lilTION wrssifjt'S JTPVAT'S. .DK.TI0Y Webster's International Dictionary New Plate Throughout 25,000 New Words Phraaee and DeflnllUns 4 Prepared under the direct supervision of W.T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United State Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent apeclallsts and editor. Kick Bladings. 3JA4 Pages 000 Illustration Better Then Ever for Heme, School, end Office. , . . ' r,s WJk 'hi tie nil deboi",-.. unnge on hyie frees, I'ost (iftli, blen Nebraaka J. R- llt'NTEH. j Stftck brandei Ida or hip. Addres., n right . ..i.ucr, rerewsa llarriaon, Kab. A. It. hKNNhliV. W alan publl.li Webster' Collegiate Dictionary wilh(loananrf tknltolt Word anil l'hrj-. " FirMclaM in quality, aecond clua In ," Seclman paea, etc. nl hnth books aenl on application, 0.6C.MERRIAM CO. Publleher fterincleld. Mau. rFM I wBssfaai yJ buaACotnt M (utile Urande, m on mi)t i"p rltouldrr I'. 0. Aditri sa, i ,i altrd, ftrU- KIl. MASON, Ottle llnmdi Kahne on l.ut m en .eft aide. ning Water .! A Fata, Heti. OamMarra Are taperaUtli Habitual gambler are porheee the moet iui crrtitlous per ton it tlie world. They Invarlsblr wry little portable ui.-.coUt In their pocket, end It would be Impossible to nerttude them to enter Into gam of lbtv If by some Inadvertenoe their maeeot , wer not with then, Lump of lead, i coins, sooke rattle, kwlta of heir. .cauli, bit of hone, helrptht, tr a, . j vi Mtvee vneiasa. n 1 S4