Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 30, 1902, Image 4
r f i Hi 'i 'X' ft, P 5 f". r i 1 v A BODY BLOW TO RAILROADS. The Supreme Court Gives Grand Juries the Control. RUSHES UP All ANTI-ANARCHY BILL. Tha Decision Is Most Important and Considered a New Safegnard of Public Rights. V'ashirjtori, I). c. (Special.) The details ot a kill restricting anarchy ard anarchists was practically dett-r-niint-O ii today by the special rom m.ttee of members of i he house Judi taty c inmittee appointed to consider this curjii-t. Thf language of sum; of the jrtii:'iof:s is yet to be settied. but ull of ti'e ewnt!al features of the f irthcciiuiis miasure are determined upon. The rnaure will provide the death penalty ti.r an an- nipt to kill or as sault the president or anyone in line THE WESTERN IRRIGATION. ! supffvion for the presidency. An accessory before the fact is to be .treated as a p.mcipal. and an acces-f-ory after the fart is punished in a )-s rJi yrec than a principal. Any per fin who ivunvis, advit-es or advo cates the arault!t.g or killing of any officer of the lnited States shall be fined or Imprisoned. No aJien who ad vocates an overthrow; of organized governiritnt. or who is affiliated with an organization holding such views, is to te admitted to thin country. country against a foreign ruW. Washington. t. C. (Special.) Not it! J'-ajs has the supreme court handed own a more Important opinion, espe nally one that so completely sa'e auards the rights of the citixens, :jf tn the so-called Louisville & Nashville .ts. rendered early in January. wheie ! he court, by an opinion of Chief l- t ice Fuller, upholds the constltu :raiity cl a recent act passed by th .-c-neral assembly of the common ."a.liko Kentucky outlining the pow er?' sod duties of the railroad commiK siAn of the state. This act, which was lpigned to prerent railroad coropa and corporation owning and op- rs.ir a line or lines of raHroads, and its officers; avnlj OT employes, from ,torUonate, coL'seting or r eeTvTn f x '.ortionate freight or passenger rates in Kentucky; provide also for the wanner Jn which railroad eompanies'Tth Philippines? He said there should operating In the state should be orouj-ht to as acount by the railroad orn mission. "While there provisions do rot dtr materially trtm maximum ate law " adopted by other stale, notably Nebraska - and Minnesota, thA act, hose eonstltat tonality la now upfr-ld y me highest tribunal of the land eon tains one striking clause which may ae engrafted upon the statute books f other states. This teuse Is a follows: The Representations of the West Agree on Measure. Congressmen Will Get Together and Push a Bill For Irrigation Through Congress. Washington, T. C (Special. ) The" lubeomnilttee of seventeen appointed j by the senators ar.d representative I from the arid and semi-arid states 1 j frame an Irrigation bill, reported to the full membership the results of its labors. The bill presented provides that all moneys received from the sale and disposal of public lands In Ari zona, California, Idaho. Kansas, Von- CLEVELAID 01 THE CU31I PROBLEM. TO ENJOIN THE BIG MERGER. Action Is Begun By Stockholders Against Great Northern. tajia. Nebraska. Nevada, New Mex- I'rbxisiun is also made for the pun- lco, North I"alsola, Oklahoma, Oregon, ishmmt of those conspiring in this ; South Dakota. Washington and Wy oming., beginning with the fiscal year The special committee probably will jjune JO, 1901, including the surplus report t j the judiciary committee In the next few days and a report to the house is expected soon, thereafter. Secretary Hoot appeared before the hc?t;e Insular affairs committee to urge tha ewTCUnent of a homestead law for said - Thr circuit eoart'of'awjr county Into W through which ft line er lines of road carrying' such paiewger or Jrelght, owned or operated by said wad. and the Franklin rfseuit court, shall have Jurisdiction of the offense against the railroad company or eor orauoo offending, and the circuit court of the county where such offense be committed by said officer, or nt or employe, shall have Jurisdic tion IB all prosecutions agaW fficer, agent or employe." . - to n art defines the pow na ouuerof fhe railroad comrais ion and provides that if after care. ....uj.Hon Tne commission fall&i exonerate the railroad or carrier from the provisions of the long and hort haul sections, an order In writ nr to that mTit u,.!! - - ' nJssIon and a. eopy thereof de ''ie complalntant, and the .published as a part of "he commission; and -iH be the duty urisli a state rher with a ;her--d jury Ttj.it oU cf , In oruXr -', or cafvier jn-iV tense, ad j roper erfov'tx ttf is ty. leg-illation to enabje the Filipino t arujre- (hie to property and that denial of that right was. in his or'li0", tne- cause of much of the present dis turlxtl conditions. . He cttet the arni-rent riots Is NeW York- and the riots in Ireland as evi dence cf what ollowed such denial. H th(.;rnt a home-stead Ijw should If pasted to permit the natives to nvfkT fxtry pf K0 acres of land as the rt';ij.irt,um, the local i?ovnmenx to lit thf mintTkJunl. He also urg?d tbe repeal o!" the Fpooti- amendmenu pro- hibitlnt; th i uttinir of limter an4 the graniinir of franchises. He said that irauv-tiy in the Islands shrld be pro moted, not prevented. The island?? need?ti railroads to devtlfp thefr abun dant resourcen of timber, coal anfll oth er miwrals. Th btarings on admitting Oklahona to statehood begaji tolay b&fore the housr committee on territories' and w III uunu(? tomorrow. Pelecate Flynn raadt the opening presentation. H wa supnortnd in his vV ws by Sytfiw-y lark and others." Another view was presented by a. (Iclsgvte favoring the inclusion ot the Indian Territory with Oklahoma in any plan of statehood. FOR NATIONAL CONTROL OK HOSTS, y or carriA I." 'to"- to the r.j'' Vo the public. f ot any coinly. T in Nebi tftiknrton for ()N'S COMMKNT. is trii re oeen i n said en -Senator t-n.-ral solicitor of Missouri River rail .i. who has leen in the last wwk, "nor ti - ! .. Mwiu1 nrh A Set- Sf tae rajiiuiAtr. i - kA Vgg prlven in this decfsMon." , .VaweJl knon fa' t that the n j In many states have dom- Allroa -klatioB looking to their con- toaXeA K 'nlarly in uie murr trf(, part, -ij-s. but the supretne court ailroum opinion given a new and oy jts aaple method .of . redress gulch more s Wore hen devised, at nan has here. tjrlng lown the rule , same time mpny, may be tried that a railroad tod Jury for extor- efore 10041 gTa " inr llat tion. Bhwld the lav- , rect- w t the time This decision, co"1" n a most un ti ai aB emphaslJted . wrt p(M-mlt-,ected manner by the t. u mnDe. tlnV the attorney general num. tToC raUroads of the norths that sid erer w ... .rTa,- once more for the ... ,.oraU(. r sgaunpi - W"ai4inglon. A C (Ppet-fcU.V The industrial commfvion. after sewrral years srx-nV in investigating the lnas trial condiWon of the country" wi4h the view- of making- recoromendarfifwas calculated to Sisit in the solution ot the pfoblems- of the times, has com - retef and sent to the printer Its flaa? report. It is expr-cfird that this rf$t be presened to fonjrrees, as nv iHiired by law, wbhii the nett e auyS". TTie final dtaurravit svlll be4 a. 'jjoluHe of about i.Dt pa,V and wiir k" a review of ihe evUencf rr.ntaaiefl in he pirrtously pubtished" eighoeeti volottR-s. in thbr last volume the varies,!' jues- tions which teen coxisuif ncl ttt tfce- crairse' of the Inouirr re- rntvtis-'-a fnK -decided they jn r m feral headings' an. n-t-oiii- to be redrew in j rra-nfl Uion are nvtde. On thf sisfct iJPiTt'ies 4hat bavnjof lrfc th? commission f oft rlwe- the hands of the.1 ly the lies of rt omroendrUi'SS laid of unjut distr;m- do n by the presidt-r.t in rox avi mssaKe. Supervision by the n.lnal governmt ril is recomiocn fcfi. Hlv ! m.ua radical sw;ific sut iitul in that direction by the report Is- tait the books of all corporations be su jet at all times to insp.tiotw as a the books of national banks. The commission discusses gravers-, merit ownership of railroads and tele graph lines, but does not recomn lend, such a departure from present mil) oda. , of fee and com rni ions in excess of allowances to registers and receivers, excepting 5 per ctnt set asiJe" or edu cational purposes, nhall be set asISt' in the treasury department as a spe cial fund for Uie reclamatin of the arid and semi-arid lanflV. The money shall be used in the examination htiS survey and for construction and main tenance of irrigation works for th jtoraje, diversion and development cf water TcjT Ibe said reclamation. In the- event that there Is not suffic-fiit money received from ibe sale of gov ernment lands WfUpport b'n the Ir rigation proJ-Cfc anf ibe agricultural colleges, the mil dlcts th.lt ttx treas ury department shalf fuppiy the defi ciency for the agricultural roIlegf m of any money not otherwise apPropri atet. The bill gives the secretary of lh" Irgerior the right to locate and ton Strpct wnrVs for the f toraite, diverjn an4 development of waters, imlu'iinK artestaji wells,.ajid to ref.rt his action to wmsrffFs at each reeular sefion. It also gives him authority to withdraw from public entry the lands required or irrigation works, and that the pub lic; lands hich it is proposed to irri gate shall be subject to entry only under the prwislons of Ibe bomt-sti-ad laws on tracts of not )e,s than foety acres nor more than 16ff acres, ami that the comrmitation provisions of the homestead laws shall not aptily lo the entries under the act- In addition to these featur-f. which have Jong been under dise-us,siwi by the subcommittee, the bill furthu-r Jrt videa that entrymen upcm tho tjuli to be irrigraAed must reclaim the larais for agricsUutral purposes; that the sec retary of the' interior may proceed by purchase r condemnation to arjulr j the desired property upon whi'-h t- erect irrigation works, and that the laws of the states and terriVr!PS in the arid an semi-arid regions stiall goverrr and eontrol the appropritrtion and use of U waters re-ooVTeJ avail able by the rfe const nicted. A day of labor is fixed at etitht boors. The bin prohibits the err-Iey-ment of Asiatic labor. JStr riRtit, to use the watrr for land in private wn ersbJp saall be .Ui for a tract ex ceeding ISO acr to any erne person and no rlaht sha pertnanemly attach until all payments th-refor are rawAle. The bill will pretetbly be tntroriuerd by Warren in the senate and by Mw lands in the hou. Tork, Pa. (Special.) A. B Ferqtt har of this city, the heae of the Far kuhar Agricultural Works and promi nent in democratic national aifalrs. has received the foiiowing letter from former I'resident Cleveland, dated at Princeton, in reply to one sent him by Mr. Farejuhar. relative, to the relations of the United States with Cuba: '1 only have suthiiently recovered from my illness to be about a little aiid ride out in a limited way. To morrow I hope to start on a trip to the Muib in the expectation that my -h"Hh will be largely reinsta ltd by. the outlna. ' - "' I " ' "I received your l,tter yesterday, and . MlnB,,ro,K Minn.(Special -The was mu. h Impressed by the manner In ,orn. of ,,,,. . Bouden and So- . pnta Mann Chapman ntea a petition Petition States that Northern Securi ties Company is a Conspiracy and is Fraudulent. ai'L'HEL I - which you discuss our relations and our duty to Cuba. The arguments used in oi position to the tariff conces Mons siwr Implores, based upon our m terial interests, are fallacious, mists ken and misleading, while their soured and the agencies of their propaga tion an! f-pread cannot faiT to be rec--gnii:ed by every honest, pa trie tic cit izen with shame and htniil)at(oiL , "It seem to me, howevef, lt.at this sub(t Involves considerations of morality and conscience higher and more commanding than all others. The obJijr&tions arising from these consid erations' cannot be better or more for cibly defined than was done by Pres ident Jioosevell in his message to con gress, j.oi better emphasized than has been done by Secretary Root; and yet congress waits, while we occasionally hear of concession which rich sugar interests might approf In behalf of tresiMlnj; Cuba. . -'a "I 6c hot bdlve thai halionl pn7 for sji injunctirm in the state district court ajralnst the Great Northern rail way and its directors to prevent a transfer of its stock to the Northern rVrnritles ompany. . Fotiden holds 4(f1 snd Mrs. Chapman 1W shares of (Ireat Northern stock. The attorneys are the same as those who, In behalf of IMer Power of New iTork, are seeking in the Unit-d Stales tlsjtrlct court to have the retirement of the Northern Pacific preferred stock declared Illegal. , The bill of complaint set up tile well known facts mH to the attempted merger of the Great Northern, North ern Pacific and Hurlington systems, al leges that It Is contrary to the stat utes of Mlnntsejta, North DakotaMon tana and Washington, and intends to destroy all competition and charges that separate organisations maintained are merely nominal and intended to OPENLY VIOLATE LAW Cf TH UX late t) t rules of hcr.esty and fair deal. i''g- I ntli t!:e is nd escape, there ore, I j not believe that, with all fir fine words and lofty professions, our ernbruce of Cuba mean the con taioit of deaily disease." SHAW CLIMBS TO HIS OLD IOWA HOME. mere than indfilUuaJs can saf. ly vi i deive the public, the real manage Otf-nt and control being vested In the NortTsefn Hecuritie-s company. - It is claiinnd by this action that the Great Northern directors have ren dered hs charter of the road subject to forfeiture in the suit of the state of Minnesota and the license of operation In the other stats Unversed subject lo revocation, and further that many such suits are Imminent, whereby the company ill lose valuable rights and privileges unless the directors are per manently enjoined from tarrying out the merger. Judgment if demanded on eleven points that th? merger is fraudulent and contrary to tht laws of this nt.it ; that the Northern iecuritles company is a conspiracy; that the Great N'orth- JVnlsotl, la. FpeeiaJ. More than I . tx'-l people flexked to the Iwnison op era house tC ttd the farewell re ception to Goverrvr j, M. Phaw, new ly chosen w retary of the treasury. I'Cpie from all the surrounding toun ties' were In aUer.dannv, and every town in Crawford eourty was repre sented. Oldtime farmer friends, dem ocnits aif well as republicans, drove twenty mlliv over the rough roads to bid the gov nor gcKlspeed. Colonet I ern freetors and agents be enjoined Sears McHenry presided over the pro- irram. .hort speeches were rriaile by Carl F. Kuehnle, J. K. Komajir, P. E. C. Laliy and F. W. Myers. ecreiary tiaw received a tremerv ifoos oration when he arose to speak, lie announced that he had no inten tion of giving up his Ix-nison home, and thir statement was received with great appfause. The reception was a miig-nificeiBt tribute to the affection; In which Secretary t-haw i held by those ho know aim best. FILlPiKOS TO HAVE AN EXHIBIT. THE NEBRASKA SAND HILL FCRESHT. Washington. D. Ct-ffpeci' A Ht tel was circulated among the Nebras ka congressioen to-y f"" their stg 7ai urea, addressed o the presi(!nt, rexjommmduuE the eiatab-Ushment of thm-e forest rwervesf in as many- lo calftjes te the aandhiii: districts of Nebraska- These reeerve as cnU;m Mat ed Include an avgregaae of iiS.TJO acres with- but I per cent bt4A under private claims. Xt hi 4eslKMA to make the experiment of raisins; timber In ttovse furent reewrves, dicest the president follow the sugu1oa ef the Nebraska City of Mexico. Spec!aI.) fiubsca Ip -fc delegation, U atouKbt to Include the tions are being taken here among thej cajied JTiobracai ttuaVrtct. whltt lies American and British residents forthV largely In Cherry eoaaaty, and tn the victims of the earthquake at C3.il-- vicinity of the Havbrara river; Zrismal panctngo. Three women were rrusl ed: ; rcserr wilch la stUiau-d in Blaine to death In the church of San Jloses j an( ioup eounaves, and the Nortln at Chilapa while engaged In their tde- jut rerw. In a thought tf those votions. One woman, at the first 1 re- who have the mm iter In charge tha mor, ran to the door, hoping t es- the delegation vrftl be a unit In. ha rim but was caught beneath the .he land et swrtde. tower as it fell. Fortunately a U rgof Henry H. War. s.-cretary C the A- Vor tase aowiceswni l AID T8 VICTIMS CF EARTHQUAKE. St. Ivouis. .Mo. Spe iI.) It was of ficiaty announced at the warld s fair (uartli-rs! thaX the civil govertiment of the PhiSipplne ifla.rds had pwde an appropriation of i2LbM0 for a Philip pine exhibit aJ. toe f.-xposltion tn 103. The appripriai,on Is made frt the funds of the Philippine government arid has bfn afrove4 by Prvsldent KoOBevelt. Tb' announcement he-re is made on the anthnritaUve advie of John Barrett, world's fair commission er general to Asia, who has. for lome time been in corsallatii'S with the Wabinpton aiahorl'ies. The PWiip pirie government has all facilities at its disposal, including tie United J-'Utes tranFfsirt wrvu,. w hic h will be available for bringing. Uie exhibit wer without expense, and it is considered that the appropriation is ample for a -rreditahle and hixhly Intirenting and 'valuable display of the Islands' re sources. The Chinese government has already signified Its Intention of par ticipating In the exposition, and It la expected that favorable action In the saw direction will sooni be taken by other countries of Asia. portion of the population were to the main plaxa at the time of the si ocl watching a tight-rope performanci , Advfocs from ChllpanclnKO r pre sent tha Cowernor Mora and fa mily are uslnr a stable aa a. tempi a-arf dwelling. He offers iO0 a pee- soaal ccrotribution toward rebCiOdi city. Many people are rep wo mX gon insane a a. resell of tan knreoa of the cataaitphe aiwl frum --rTTrTTnoctatioe of ,o of rre. and irtenos. it - A. bill to preni kMM BTOOomm retail the city on - , . uMmmm fief PhlusditHrli. whose " " a-1 - rJhiaJtnso. were a tiM as iboi si beavd4ra aieai ui soclalion Science, and. eoaaKted wits, the L'si verslty of KetMMka, has -writtr a letter to WarisaUr Millard, protesting against the BK4Kt of tn fish com mission, a wi4teiantated, with the new department, ef awameroe. He sajrs if It Is done, 1t Will scrlousAy Impair the flab t niiiiasiiiileii'i work end lukndinap It In , IU , sapaUflc iBveaxlgatione. Tha letter wse referred to ' Senator Fry, chalrmaa el Use eomanittee eat cowv- atd ajneldent pre tem ef ihe senaoe, whe ha wrUtea a character- let he reply, stating that be will e aeCbinC ta tnUefere with the eflkrieacy at tha esiaaH Hm. sor hinder It la aay ta It aeetkV InvxeUcatl a., time ef IM fittaater. Bwtha sWbt (jeaerai www n" - - trttbeaK. vaaoary is, w ten tae sue wkh - !Z 4- esdasd tbespoC Tbe lax- tef. OeasrmI bteths W ad altar m rmasUttf tfkt ployed ta tha basement ef tha new city L dateevarea what may prove to ha a gold bona ma Profuse colors la a aedlmsnt ef black aand which ap- aatrifl after washing la tha oM-faab- loaea way. ceased commqMoa asae eaty scncials. The men were dbajrlnf tha send ta place the machinery alt as a new aleratar, about tourtaea Jfaat bekrw tha y of ravrwrata atrosi. when tae peeaisr aawra or Oa aaO, laaXHikiblr UaU f fMi Must Trust to the Brigaetds. Constant inopi. (ritecUJ.) It Is Ufi d"rstood that the American negotia tors for the releaae of Miss Ellen M.' Stone and ber companion,Mroe. Tsilka, to whom the money subscribed for the captive missionaries was sent, may huve to ectmst the fund1 t' th brig ands for some days before the latter release the captives. In accordance with the precedent adopted In the case ef termer brigandages. The bandits are said to Insist on this point. In or der to enable them to dispose of the caa before retallative measures can tm, organized. Sympathises With B Washington. D. C tSpecial.) Rep. resentatlve Clark (dettL. Mo), today Introduced a Joint reneiution tn ths house, declaring that the people of the United Htates feel a strong sympathy with the people of the South African republic and the Orange Free Btatei that they are pained at the reports of the present suffering of these Chrls tfcui people, and unite In the hope that tills declaration, which the boose and senate feel It their duty to make, will be favorably considered by tbe govern ment of Great Britain. Soya Mm tartan are Fata. Washington, D. C imperial rCol onel Metcalf of Kansas with with tha president today with Mr. Mulvana, the national committeeman of Kansas. Colonel Metoalf says the charges j against nrm ot ordering a during the pendency of the suit and permanently thereafter from reglntr ing any transfers of flock to th" Northern Securities company ;f mm rec ognizing or accordinK any privileges to that company, or from receiving any votes in its mee-tings; from entering into any combination whatsoever with the Northern Pacific which snail dis turb the Independent integrity of the defendant company; that the dfenl ant directors be enjoined from holding any office In or participating In any affairs of the Northern (Securities com pany; and from paying any dividend'' on stock held by that company. Th defendants have been given time in which to answer. Washington, P. C. Fp ial r The report of the interstate wmmre com mission urgently repeats former re quests for such additional legislation aa will give the commission power te reach the secret evils not touched tr the present laws. On the subject of the recent Investigation into the move ment of packing house products, the report says : "That leading traffic offkials of many principal railway lines should deliberately violate the. statute law of the land and, in many cases, agree with each other to do so; that It should be thought necessary to destroy Vouchers, and to so manipulate book- keeping as to obliterate evidence of the transactions; that bundrtOs ot thousands of dollars should be paid ia unlawful rebates to a few great pack ing houses; that the busineus of rail ruad trarispoitation is the mt Im portant, but one, in the country to day, paying the higheul salaries audi holding out to young men great in ducement, should, to such an extent, be operated in open disregard of the law, must be surprising and offensive to all rlght-mnided persons. . EAGKR FOK fJAIN. "Equally startling, at least, Is the fact that the owners u these packing houses, men whose" .names are known throughout the commercial world, should seemingly be eager to augment their gains with th enormous amounts of these rebates which they receive In plain defiance of the federal statutes. These facts carry their own comment and nothing said by us can add to their significance. ' "We certainly believe that the exist ing laws should be so amended that railway managers who de-sire to ob-m-rve the-m, can do so without tbe risk pf sacrificing their property." The commission vigorously comments on the fact that It tias been judicially determined that a corporation Is not liable for the violation of these laws, anA that an agent alone can be pun ished. In regard to the movement of grain, the commission observes: "At present grain and grain products move from points of their origin to the sen board, generxlly upon secret rat-s, in favor of the foreigner anl excluding from business the small operator." The total number of proeu'edlugs brought the commission during the year was 30. Of these. Its informal complaints were settled through pre liminary Investigation by the com-, mission. "FIDDLER" MAYOR IS ACTIVE WITH AX. Chicago. III. (Special Member of the Interstaje cornirit-roe commission have arrived here and Ixgan making preparations for lrivest:tlnf? the northwestern railway merger, tumors to the effect that J. J. HIU and K. H. U&rririiant, who have been subpoenaed to testify before the commission -it Its ofx-ftlng s-ssitn, would tn.t appear owing lo their nbyence In the east during the suprirEo court hir1r,if of the Northern 8eiritie ca.:, were lightly set aside by the romreissloue, ers. Commu-'Siotier J. Yeoir.i; to. day staled UiiU tht investigation Into tbe result no the rale situation by reason of lisp cotuolidict lem would be betrun tomorrow and that he had been assured personally of Mr. Hill's pres ence. Iater tiii? question of grain rates will be resumed, and he said it was probable the question on packing hour rates would he Kotve into axain. Mr. Teom&ns said he bad beard nnthiiig cf the agreement nuule between, prwt tdents of the westrn railways and the big packers to maintain legal rates. TO CONSIDER LEASE OF PUBLIC LMDS. Uncotn. Nek.-CFpeelaL A meetlns ef the Neornska bvxk Growers' as sociation wilt proliabty be ealld tor aome time m February, at Alliance, to consider the bill in congress, pro viding for leaelng public lands. The bill prevldea fo leasing all va cant public lnnd west of the JOWi meridian, under suitable ritrulajilins. for a period of ten years, special pre ference being given to stockmen who are In actual uso of said lands during the past year; the revenue to be paid Into the trtesury and us.-d tur re claiming the arid regions. The bill was drawn by a committee of Ave members of the American Cat tle O rowers' association. Heveral members of the Kebraaka association met to discuss the bill, and while a action was taken It was gen erally conceded that It waa a meritor ious saessure and shoald become a law. Bryan Make Fatal Bpaaah. Madison, Wis. peclal.-WUHani J. Bryan spoke before an audience of 1,000 In the gymnasium of the univer sity under the auspice of the Univer- minlna , atty Oratorical association. He was killed are baaed on the affidavit of Introduced by ei-fteaetor Vilas, who man who afterward withdrew It Ha with other gold democrats sat on the said that the stories are not true and platform. His theme waa "A Oonquer- that there wUl be no difficulty la tog Net leu." He arraigned the trusts bowing thai fact ta the senate, where and hnpertallsm and said that moral - his nomination a penelaa sgsai af ttjr waa being lost sight of by nations ) hew feudist. Ism aueeooo pt rorertuueBt poUcy. San FTanctwj, Ca!.(Epecial. Eu gene K. Schmlts, the "fiddler" mayor of this city, who was scle-td as the avowed representative of the labor unionists, ha struck terror to the heart of every holder of a position under the municipal government br tbe viKor with which he is carrying out his reform Ideus. Although he ha been In oilice barely two weeks, the mayor has caused an upheavUI In several branches of the service by his removals and suspensions. A fw days ao County Clerk Ma hony was suspended, but Rerund a writ of Injunction temporarily pre venting the mayor ftni proi.wdlng further m tlie matter. This was for nn lierJ violation of the purity of elections law. Then S:hol Director S. Ti. Casserly uas f'i -il to reii;n, and today K. W. U'i!l;itnij, a juft ice's clerk, wa forci bly eject,..! from his office by the po lice j-ilu-r having l.e-n sompeiuted oa the r barge that he spent much of his oliielal time at the race track Instead or at his office. In this removal the rruiyor disobeyed a temporary Injunc tion secured by Wllliuine from the superior eurt. The mayor's action follows an Inves tiR;itlor lieg-un by him an soon am he took oflrv. n la aald that he win sees, the Reacts of a number of ether efftoe-ht.lders. GIVES SOME STARTLIN6 TESTItSIY. Frankriwt, Ky.-i Special.) Ia tbe Howard trial William Sunder tin rew that Ile-vorly White, one of Ilowardia friends, said ti him early In the pres ent moBtti: "l got Jim Howard to ga o Frankfort to kill Ooebel, sad he killed him. My brother John and I will sp-nd all we have te ret Hanrarg out." Beversf wlteesse-s testified t How ard's having In his possession a faiaa mustache shortly before the shooting. Home strong testimony was Introduced to controvert the alibi set up by the defense. Vh proprietor of the Hoard of Trade hotel and numerous ether wlliuisu . lifted that Howard was net In the hotel at the time 'ioebel waa shot and that neither of his aUbl wltnj Mm, Rub er tioji or Mmre, wm there. Howard s story as to his whereabout on the day of the shooting waa ahn contradicted on several points. Tbe attempt of the defense to fastest the shooting on Henry Toutaag an Dr. W. R. Johnson wan given a sa vers blow by several wttneaeea umsV fylng that Dr. Johnson waa at bus borne In Jackson county on the dagr of tne snooting ana for rioon thereto. Bohwab Vlaita Emgarar. Vienna. (Special.) Tho mayor o Vienna presented Charles ht aVAwaJh president of tha United States Btaal corporation, ta Emperor Francis Jk. seph at tha dtlsens' ball. Tha tm peror and Mr. Schwab ooavsreed aome length on eommerdal mat til. Tha emperor expressed his ragrat at the early departure of Mr. Schwab from Vienna aa It would prevent hbj majesty from receiving him again, htv. Schwab leaves here for Bern a tnssia row sag wfll yxnee aroaeeg la tWp ,