Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 16, 1902, Image 5

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, fen Agnt Btstirts Frasct It lit Cm
itcte. ittk Dul.
M. eufe Informs Sonata Commit
tal that Offar of $40,000,000 la
Mad Iniai;?n4antly.
-JC P ah unudwl7 dinyaflnB vb
Washington. D. C, Jan. H. M. Ed
uoard Lampre, representing the Pan
ama Canal company, appeared before j
the senate committee on oceanic ca
nals in obedience to the summons of
that committee to testify concerning
the affairs of its committee and Its
proffer to sell ita property and fran
chises to the United States. M. Jules
Boefve of the French embassy, also
was present at the hearing. The
meeting was held behind closed doors,
representatives of the press being ex
cluded. M. Lam pre was questioned at great
length by the committee. He fluid his
mission to the United States had been
to ascertain to whom the proposition
' for the sales of the Panama property
should be made.. Having Informed
himself upon this point he had con
ferred with Admiral Walker, chairman
of the Isthmian Canal commission as
to the form of the offer. He had then
I cabled his principles, the result being
that the offer to sell for 140,000,000 had
been mad directly from Paris and
not by him.
He said that It was his understand
ing that the proposul Included both
the franchise and the property of the
Panama company, but not the money
in its treasury, of which there Is about
PS.OOO.OO francs.
M. Lampre wan questioned especial
ly concerning the tide of the present
Panama company, several members of
the committee expressing doubt as tu
w hether those now claiming ownership
had secured unquestionable title. He
replied that they had made their pur
chase through the liquidator of the
old company and that the transfer
was regular.
in response to other questions, h
ald that In case the transaction
should he consummated the money
would be distributed among the mem
ber of the i Initial company and those
-of the prewnt organization by arbitra
tion. He said the proffer of his com
pany had been mad" in gisid faith
rul that 4 he company was able to
"deliver the goods."
In response to Inquiries, M. Iampre
contended that the new company had
h perfect right to sell the property,
and that to do so would not infringe
upon the rights of anyone. Senator
ill organ asked what the corporation
had hen organized for, and the wit
ness replied that the purpose was to
build nal. The senator then aked
Whether an attempt to cell the canal
was not a proceeding In bad failh. M.
"Xritnijir n,lr,t;;Md th::t it wa? vt.
He alio said thut the American Pan
ama Canal company had been organ
ized In New Jersey for the purpose
it disposing of the properly in t .Is
"As a matter of fHi t." said Mr. Mor
gan, "you ipM-u,t' to have had the
canal on the bargain counter over
since the company was oig.mlzed."
The witness protested to the con
trary. He also said that tile old lot
tery le h- nie wns Still In existence.
The cortipuiiy had abandoned all Idea
of a -a-level canal. The French law,
he said, could not prevent the transfer
if the canal to the United States, as
the canal company was a perfectly In
dependent concern.
The fttct was developed at the hear
ing that the bonded Indebtedness of
the old company was Ml,000,000 francs
and ulso thut the since the new com
pany had come Into control It had
paid 2.)0,ih)0 francs to the. Columbian
government for concessions. It wa
also shown that the lease from that
government was for nluely-nlne years
sou th-t at !!! "d of that time
the pri.perty would revert to Colum
bia. M. Lampre was questioned at length
about the Panama railroad, but said
he knew little or nothing about lis
M. Boeufve was ask'-d wh'ther the
preposition to' sell the cunal for
(sifl.WO had been r.ui-'e wlih the author-
fly of the French government. He re
plied in the negative, saying that the
government had no connection what
ever with the transaction.
Ie Moines, Ia Jan. 14. Four hun
dred quail are alleged to hme been
aerved as plover at the Shaw banquet
la,l Thursday night, and as a result J.
, J. Myers, from whom the game was
liU'r bused. Is under arrest, charged
with having violated the game law by
having the birds In his possession out
of .njKn. Twenty-one quail were
found In Myers' possession, and If con-
'vlctcd he will be compelled to pay a
line of t-'O for each, (inventor Hhaw
and ber notables who partook of the
game are. greatly emharrns d by the
flair. ,
Boy Save Two Live.
IndlMnapoRs, Jan. 13. pBlmer No
tiles, the 7-year-old son of Colonel
Charles Nobles of the recruiting sta
tion, la entitled to the credit of savin?
the lives of Theresa Webber and Mat
lie McCartle, two little girls who
broke through the Ico In the pond In
Military park. The boy heard the llt
tla glrle scream when they broke thro'
. ,i.k.,i hesitation went to their
, .. v w -
. sMtaturt. The Ice broke with him
a be managed to hold hlmaelf and
a Cl ltf trla above water
Berlin, Jan. 16. President Kruger la
reported to be deeply moved by the
utterance of American sympathy,' aa
well a the substantial aid given to the
Boer ratine by American. British re
ports of Kruger's decrepitude are not
well founded, according to an Ameri
can who recently visited him.
While he shows the effect of ad
vanced age, tnlnd 1h clear and
alert, and he Is well Informed aa to
conditions in the field.
He still hopes for Boer Independ
ence, having a fervent belief In Prov
idential Interference. "
"You can see," he said, "what the
Kngllsh would have done to America
If they had succeeded in putting down
the revolution. They would have tried
to wipe the Americana out of existence J Growers' convention here were the ad
i they are doing with the Boers In : drew of President Hill and the adop
South Africa. tlon of resolutions commending Mr.
"Vou see England has not changed, . Hill for his work on behalf of the
and Is aa cruel aa ever when she has ' northwest. The resolutions were
the power, but South Africa will shake I adopted almost unanimously by the
her off Just as America shook her off,
fhe can kill and imprison the Boers
and starve their wives and children,
but there will be children and grand
children to carry on the struggle at
some future date."
London, Jan. 15. A repoit which
came from well Informed quarters was
current in the city today that the Boer
chiefs had made overtures to the Brit
ish government to the effect that they
were prepared to lay down their arms
provided they were not exiled. Wed
nesday next Is the Boer feast day, and
It was said that the surrender of the
Boers w ould probably occur .then. The
war officials asserted that no propos
als to surrender had been received
from the Boers.
Amsterdam, Jan. 14. The Boer dele
gates in Holland expect that some kind
of peace overtures will shortly be
made, though they are reticent as to
their reasons for this belief. They
maintain, however, that the demand
for unconditional surrender must he
Jt la privately admitted that the del
egates will not reject what they fall
"any fair offer of terms." If the nego
tiations are started by a neutral pow
er the delegates will earnestly seek
to obtain a modus Vivendi, which will
reconcile Mr. Kruger'a desire for com
plete Independence wjth the terms of
fered by Great Britain.
St. Paul. .Minn., Jan. 14. For the
first time in the history of the Min
nesota legislature the 19 members of
the house and senate, have been sup
plied with passes on three transcon
tlental roads during an off year.
It has been the regular thing with
most roads to supply the legislators
with free transportation Just before
the regular sessions of the legislature.
The present distribution Is attributed
by many to the coining extra session.
Contrary to Its usual policy, thi
Northern Pacific is one of the moving
parties this year. Heretofore it has
only been upon the special request of
legislators, and after going through a
certain amount of red tape that the.
Northern Pacific has put them on tha
free lis teven in nguiar session years.
One Minneapolis member of the senate,
who has been In the legislature for a
decade was greatly surprise upon re
ceiving the Northern Pacific; compli
mentary. 'It 1h the (list pass they ever gave
me,' he explained. "I never asked
them for a pass but once before and I
was turned down on that."
Chicago, Jan. 14 Several drainage
board officials left for Washington this
afternoon to make a ppllciitlpon to con
gress for an appropriation of $200,000
to be lined In surveying the route of
the proposed waterway between the
great lakes and Mississippi liver and
making estimates of the cost of the
They will urge the committee on
livers and harbors of the house to
pars the bill recently Introduced by
Congressman James McAiidrcwg of
Chicago, piovhllog for surveys and
estimates on a waterway from tho
controlling works In the drainage ca
nal at Lockport, to St. Louis. The del
egation wjll appear before the commit-,
tee on rivers and harbors Monday
evening, to present Its claims.
TWO years ago the dinliiiige trustees
went to Washington ami their work In
the Interest of the deep waterway
project. The. bill providing for the ap
propriation was passed by the house of
representatives, but was lost In the
senate, because the entire river and
harbor bill was defeated.
Oil Find Enrlchoa Hogg.
, Austin, Tex., Jan. 14. The discovery
of oil in Texas, In an entirely new
Held, Is said to have Increased the
wealth of former Governor Hogg to
over Ih.000,000, he owning In fee sim
ple 270 acres of land of the 4W acres
comprising the elevation on which the
oil Is found. Mr. Hogg suys (his dis
covery Is of much greater Importance
than the Beaumont strike, as the newr
field Is only eighteen miles from, the
deep water port of Velasco. The well
Is said to be flowing at least 30,000
barrels of oil dally.
Puah Worfc(On Now Mead.
Pawnee, Neb., Jan, "J."!. Richard Ne
vlns, Jr., promoter of the Omaha,Kan
tuis & Gulf Hallway company, was In
Pawnee completing the Incorporation
of tho company In Nebraska. Mr. Ne
vlns says the surveyors will be In tha
field In thirty days and that by May
1 the route will be located and tha
company will be prepared to submit a
tangible proposition to the peopla
along the proposed line of road. Paw
nee la about midway between Emporia
and Omaha,
lirttf ttt Finero Eipress Coifldme la
Pirpost f Mis Plu.
Defend tho Securities Company and
Say Reduction In Rata and Bat-
tor Service) Aro Coming.
Fargo, N. V., Jan. 14.
of the Tri-State C.raln
-The features
and Cattle
convention prior to the arrival of Mr.
Hill. An attempt was later made to
have these particular re"hii ions
stricken out, but the attempt failed,
and the resolutions stand a the sense
of the convention. The resolutions are
as follows;
"Resolved, That we, the members of
the Tri-State Grain Growers' associa
tion, express qur appreciation of the
executive work done by the North
Dakota and Pan-American commission
at Buffalo and recommend that the
I legislature appropriate such Hum as
may be deemed adequate and necessa
ry to fully and thoroughly present at
the Louisiana Purchase exposition at
St. Louis in 1903 the vast resources
of our state and Its advantages aa a
place of residence.
"The natural and logical line of
transportation for the products of the
norlhcst American states is from the
nearest point on the Pacific coast to
the next nearest point on the great
lakes, through and traversing the
great basin of the upper Mississippi,
the valley of the Red River of the
North, the headwaters of the Missouri
and the fertile lands lying between
the Canadian border and the Colombi
an river.
"The trade destined for the north
middle and western states can best
reach its destination by this route and
to divert to the south or encourage
Its transportation through the prov
inces of Canada would not only add
to the cost of the delivered goods, but
would deprive the mate from which it
would be deflected of their share of
the tax upon the gross earnings of the
roads carrying It and' thereby deplete
the revenues of the states throush
which it would be carried were the
ordinary rules of commerce followed.
"It is the sense of this meeting,
therefore, that in resisting the at
tempts of the Union Pacific railroad
and its allies and the Canadian Pa
cific railroad and its feeders on the
other hand to secure control of the
Northern Pacific railroad, James .1.
Hill has performed a notable public
and once more displayed the far
sighted and ' business like poli
cy that has characterized his long ca
reer as the developer of northwestern
resources and the most watchful guar
dian of northwest Interests.
"Mr. Hill built a great transconti
nental railroad through a wilderness
that haa grow n through his efforts
into the richest empire on earth, and
never axked a bonus or subsidy. He
has connected that railroad at one euu
with a fleet of vessels that carry
American products to the Orient and
bring back the oriental trade to the
northwest and to the whole nation and
at the other end with shipping facili
ties by water to the Atlantic, seaboard
all this, too, without a dollar of bo
nus or the semblance of a subsidy.
"Trusting to the resources of th"
country for the traftio to Justify ex
tension, he has entered every section
that needed transportation facilities
and constructed, often at a loss to
himself, lines into sparsely settled and
unproductive communities.
"During all the years of railroad
building there has been a regulaiiy
marked reduction of freight tarifts,
according as the volume of Unfile In
creased and warranted It and a uni
form disposition to make temporal'
sacrifice for the permanent impiove
nient of th country.
'In view of this record and In rec
ognition of the honorable and upright
course of James J. Hill In his dealings
with the farmers of the northwest, we
congratulate Ihe country upon his
success In preventing the absorption
of the Northern Pacific by Union Pa
cific Interesta on the one hand and Inc.
Canadian Pacific manipulators on the
other, and express our confidence In
the purpose and ability of Mr. Hill to
give to the state of Minnesota and
North and South Dakota the best an I
cheapest transportation facilities to be
had by the people of any suction of the
"Two yours ago Mr. Hill came to
our convention and gave us some good
points on dlvernllicd farming and oth
er matters of Interest to the farmers
of the northwest and stated that he
would furnish free transportation to
delegations of farmers from the differ
ent counties of the state to visit the
Ulce, Jan. 13. Interest In Lord Ross
lyn'a doings have been eclipsed by
President Bchwab of the steel trust.
Me started playing maximums at
Monte Carlo yesterday, tho crowd
pursuing him from table to table. He
won I7.M0. Resuming today, the ex
citement was Indescribable. After los
ing 110,000 at one table, he went to
tho next, staking the maximum, $34,
M number eight, Eight turned up
agricultural college and atate farm,
which offer many farmer have ac
cepted to their great satisfaction and
"He also stated that he expected to
build some large steam vessels, cost
ing a number of millions of dollars, to
put on the Pacific, ocean trade to the
Orient. We notice by the dally press
that this statement Is being fulfilled
and that it will make a new market
for the farmers of the northwest. As
Mr. Hill is expected to address us
again this afternoon, we should wel
come him with a hearty handshake."
Chicago, Jan. 13. At a meeting, of
the Hamilton club details of the enter
tainment of Admiral Bchley durijis
his visit to Chicago, January 25, 26
and 27, were worked out.
The features of the program ar
ranged are a banquet on the night of
the 25th, and a public reception on the
afternoon of the , 27th. Sunday, the
26th, the admiral" will attend church
and give up the remainder of the day
to rest. A committee will meet the
admiral on the train and escort him
into the city. At the Auditorium ai
nex he will occupy what is known as
the "presidential suite." On his visits
to Chicago this suite of rooms yas al
ways occupied by the late President
The banquet will be held in the
massive banquet hall of the Auditori
um and it is announced that the num
ber of guests will be limited strictly
to the seating capacity of the tables.
S. A. Munger, president of the Ham
ilton club, will be toostmaster. The
program has been made brief In or
der to allow for Impromptu speeches.
Monday the admiral will visit the
Winlield Scott Schley school and meet
school child) en and members of the
Board of Education. The public recep
tion which follows this visit will be
held in the'parlors of the Auditorium.
A magnificent souvenir of the ban
quet will be placed at each plate, ft
will be a bas relief showing the ad
miral's head and shoulders on a back
ground of the United States flag. It
will be inscribed "Follow the Flag."
AVashington, J. C, Jan. 13. The
house committee on territories fixed
the 2nd inst. for hearings on the Okla
homa statehood bill, the 31st for the
Arizona statehood bill and February 7
for the New Mexico statehood bill.
The bill to create the territory of
Jefferron out of the Indian Territory
was referred to a subcommittee headed
by Mr. Knox of Massachusetts and in
cluding Mr. Flynn, the delegate from
Representative Sherman of New
York has Introduced a bill continuing
In force all laws prohibiting the com
ing of Chinese.
Representative Loveiing of Massa
chusetts Introduced a bill providing a
salary for ex-presidents of the United
States at the rate of Jio.OOO annually,
from the date of retirement from the
presidency. The bill is to apply to
any ex -president living at the time the
law is enacted.
Uenreaentative Roberts of Massachu
setts Introduced a bill authorizing the
postmaster general to contract for
pneumatic mail tube service in New
York, Brooklyn, Chcago, Philadelphia,
St. Louis and Boston, and fixing the
routes for the service and the limit of
cost for each route.
14. Charles
Thomas has been arrested her, charg
ed with the alleged murder of Mabel
cholield two years ago. The case wag
a mysterious one. The young girl was
hut seen alive at the railway station,
where she had bade goodby to her
mother and a few days later her body
was found In the Dcs Moines liver.
Analysis of the contents of her stom
ach showed that she had been given
poison. Effoiis have been made ever
since to discover the guilty person.
The case attracted a great deal of
attention and a committee of citizens
raised a reward of J2,M0 for the con
viction of the guilty person. Detec
tives have at lat rn'iiint Thomas.' w ho
was the son of the woman with whom
the girl was living at the time of her
disappearance. When arraigned he
manifested indifference and declared
his innocence. His preliminary hear
ing is set for next Friday. The arrest
wurf made at the i'-istitnce of the citi
zens' committee.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 13. When
the house committee on naval affairs
met for organization, Representative
Rixty of Virginia proposed that the
various pleasures relating to Admiral
Schley be considered by the commit
tee as a while insteud of waiting tlvj
consideration of a subcommltteee. The
sentiment of Ihe committee was much
against the proposition and It was de
termined to allow these measures to
take the usual course. There are ten
resolutions and bills bearing on Ad
miral Schley ajid they will be in
charge of the regular subcommittee on
organization, rank and pay, consisting
of Representatives aWtson, Dayton,
Cumnilngs, Wheeler and others,
and he won thirty-five times the
stake, being $1,28 J. He then pushed
the same stake on number nine, win
ning again the same amount. His un
precedented luck made the audience
friended. It Is Impossible to describe
the excitement. The crowd Is anx
iously awaiting tomorrow's play.
The city of Glasgow has found the
public ownership Vf transit, gas, elec
tric lighting and other public utilities
so satisfactory that there haa been
material reduction In taxea.
UiitH Statu Pniirts for tie Dimfill of
Cistro ii Vmzitli.
Cntlro North Atlantlo Squadron In
Raadlnoss to Prooood at Onco
to La Guayra.
AVashington, D. C, Jan. 14 The
overthrow of Castro In Venezuela will
be followed by the dispatch of the en
tire North Atlantic squadron to the
waters of that country. A formidable
American naval demonstration will
then take place at La Guayra. H will
consist of the battle ship Indiana, now
at Curacao; the battle ships Kear
sarge, Alabama and Massachusetts
and the gunboat Marietta, all under
the command of Rear Adlmarl Higgiu
son", commander in chief.
British, French and German vessels
are also gathering in the vicinity of
A'enezuela and these nations will be
represented at La Guayra in case of
trouble. Because the administration,
deems it advisable that the senior offi
cer present shall be an American, it
desires that Rear Admiral Higginson
shall be with his flagship at the sea
port of Caracas when conditions re
quire it.
No instructions have yet been issued
to Rear Admiral Higginson to sail for
La. Guayra. AVllh his squadron he is
maneuvering off Culebra Island. From
Culebra he will sail for Guantanamo,
touching en route at a Porto Rican
port. The authorities say that it is
unnecessary to direct Rear Admiral
Higginson to be in readiness to pro
ceed to Venezuela. He is prepared to
sail the moment he is ordered to do
No comprehensive advices regarding
the situation have been received by
the state department. Such Informa
tion as has come Is of a fragmentary
character. It confirms the press dis
patches showing tha.t the revolution
is making progress and the intimation
is thrown out that Castro will not be
able to maintain himself at the head
of the government.
If Castro is defeated, anarchy, It is
feared, will prevail for a time. Ameri
can Interests In A'enezuela are exten
sive and they must have protection.
The Indiana will be able to reach La
Guayra in a few hours and can land
a force sufficient to proceed to Cara
cas and protect the American legation
If It is In danger.
Official denial is glvn to reports
that the purpose to assemble , the
American men-of-war In Venezuelan
ports ha-s any connection with the
proposed demonstration of Germany
and the reported Intention of France
to carry out a programme similar to
that of the Berlin government.
Germany is considerately awaiting
the outcome of the revolution in Ven
ezuela, as she promised the authori
ties here she would do. It is confi
dently expected by the administration
that if Matos succeeds Castro us pres
ident it wilj be able to use Its influ
lo obtain an amicable settlement of
the questions pending between A'ene
zuela and European states.
Washington. Jan .13. It Is prob
able tljat Admiral Higginson, with his
flagship, Kearsarge, and several other
vessels of the North Atlantic squad
ron, will shortly repair to Venezuelan
waters, making his headquarters at
La Gpayra. The ships which Admiral
Higginson will take with him on this
cruise will have an unusually large
complement of marines aboard. These
precautions arc taken, not with any
offensive intent toward A'enzuela, but
merely to guard against an 'outbreak
of anarchy and rioting in the event
that the revolutionists should prevail
over Castro's forces In the field. Ow
ing to Admiral Hlgglnson's high rank,
he naturally would command any joint
operations that might be incident to
the landing of the naval forces of va
rious nationalities.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 13. The Ne
braska commission for the Louisiana
Purchase exposition met in the gov
ernor's office and organized by elect
ing G. W'. Wattles of Omaha chair
man, and E. K. Bruce, also of that
city, secretary and treasurer. Plans
for a state exhibit were discussed, but
most attention was devoted to the va
rious methods of raising funds.
What agreement was reached, if any,
will not be made public for several
days. Secretary Bruce will Issue a
statement to the public, and It will
likely contain an appeal for donations
or contributions. This statement will
give the result of the meeting here.
All members of the committee at
tended, j .. .
rloua Wrack AverUd.
Mattoon, 111., Jan. 12. The fast
westbound express of the Big Four,
with eight coaches filled with sleep
ing passengers, had a miraculous es
cape from being wrecked two miles
west of Mattoon. The axle on the en
glne broke and the drive wheel was
hurled Into the ditch, while the train
was going fifty miles an hour. The
engineer by quick work succeeded In
checking the train and the engine re
mained on the track.
Chicago, III., Jan. 14. A Waahlngtot
special to the Daily News says:
The visit of Attorney General Doug
las of Minnesota to President Roose
velt and Attorney General Knox, Ii
regard to the Great Northern Secur
ities company merger, has developed
the fact that both the president and
the attorney general are in favor ol
legislation which will place the rail
roads of this country under govern
mental control.
Attorney General Knox, who is sup
posed to be the friend, advocate anc
defender of trusts and combines, talks
openly on the subject. He believet
-lhat nnleHH thr re is K44aa leg-lwlatlva
action In this line the representatives
will continue to combine and make
financial deals which will prove disas
trous to the business and financial in
terests of the country.
President Roosevelt agrees with Mr.
Knox. It was because of this firmly
fixed conviction that Mr. Roosevelt, In.
his message to congress, made the
strong recommendation that the pow
ers of the interstate commerce com
mission be enlarged. The president
believes that the interstate commerce,
law should be changed so that the
commission will be answerable to the
president direct for Its acts.
There are several bills in congress
providing for the enlargement of the
commission's power, but none have
been acted on so far. t
AVashington, D. C, Jan. 16. RapiQ
progress in the work on the battleship
Missouri, at Newport News, is shown
in the report made public by the na
val bureau of construction and repair,
which gives the degree of completion
up to January 1 of the various war
ships building for the navy. The Mis
souri advanced from 51 to 54 per cent
during the month of December. The
battleship Georgia shows an advance
from 4 to 6 per cent, while the New
Jersey and the Rhode Island, building
at the Fore River works, each ad
vanced from 4 to 5 per cent.
' The Ohio, at San Francisco, still
stands at 43 per cent, her percentage
at launching, and the work on the Vir
ginia and Nebraska, is marked at zero.
The battleship Maine, at Cramps, ad
vanced 4 points, to 78 per cent.
Fast work was also done on the ar
mored cruisers. The Pennsylvania, .
Jumped 5 points to 13 per cent; the
Colorado 3 points, to la per cent; the
Maryland, 2 to 6 percent, and the West
Virginia, 1 to 6 per cent. The Cali
fornia and South Dakota, at San
Francisco, stand at zero.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 14. The annual
statement of Secretary Royce of the
state banking board shows unusual
prosperity existing throughout Ne
braska. In spite of drouth and shortage of
crops in 1900, the deposits in-the state
banks increased during the year over
Jj.OOO.OOO. The total deposits exceed
$31, OtiO, 000, a growth ' greater than for
any single year in the history of the
Other" figures given by the report
show that'the state banks have cash
on hand to the amount of $2,276,000.
The capital stock is $7,255,000; undivid
ed profits, $146,000; surplus, $1,200,000.
In the commtnts accompanying the
report the secretary lays strees on
the state's present ability to with
stand a partial or total crop failure
and calls Nebraska one of the most
prosperous states in the union.
Chicago, Jan. 14. The Record-Her
ald will say tomorrow: As a result
of the testimony given before the In
terstate commerce commission at Chi
cago suits aggregating $20,000,000 prob
ubly will be brought against the rail
road companies operating lines be
tween here and the Missouri river to
recover charges illegally made, -for Un
shipping of cattle.
A movement is on foot to have the
various cattle growers' and shippers'
associations combine with a view of
bringing test cases against the rail
roads. The suits which are contem
plated will be for a recovery of the
differences between the tariff rates
and the rates paid on packing houso
products since June 30, 1901, cattle
being .entitled to equal rates with
packing house products, trie cattle
men base their hope of recovery upon
the rulings of 'the supreme court to
the effect that the same rate must be
made for the transportation of cattle
that Is made for dressed beef and the
products made from cattle.
Buenos Ayres, Jan. 14. The Argen
tine government is consulting with Hut
Brazilian minister relative to the en
forcement of order in Paraguay .should
the revolution which overthrew Presi
dent Aceval be followed by further'
President Accval wa overthrown by
a' pioi among inn uwu miiiisiein mm
Vice President Carvello declared pres.
Ident. During the struggle among tho
senators, troops fired into the cham
ber, killing Senator Insfran, one uf
the leading statesmen of Paraguay!
Stovo Makora Combine).
Chicago, 111., Jan. lS.- Tho Record -Herald
says: A combination of gait,
gasoline and oil stove factories la the
latest. The American Btove company,
with a capital of 15,000,000, la the nam
the corporation bears. Nine compa
nies, covering practically all of the Im
portant manufacturers of gasoline and
oil stoves and gaa atovea and appli
ances, figure In the new combine. Tho
new combination will have offloea U
St. lioula, Chicago and Cleveland.