Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 09, 1902, Image 8

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    SOW .BSJ?iPS.
i !-!. Ilk
'' a very ,'f-rmrr 01
fsftSieii lu thmx noil adjoining noun lies
iLtw'dvtji;,i-.iir Lr:iJ in Tut Jocb-
W. .1 i v i.i
J.I' IWt.rf.
ft 'eireeatas rH over the state- II
nay tsi the oysns of savin- tupiiy lor yo
5500 HEVViRD.
Jfqr the arrest and eon vlclion of any party
m parties stealing ((nitlaflK"1uf any brands
Stosk bslengthe" undersigned par
: r-rf
r. :. ja.ndt.
$0, 117, jai -w j.
CI Oil ?n ?n
ft hlpj Ca'.tle. ppat Uglee, Hewitt,
jaux County, ii!r"rsf
branded f)n t shoulder
and Cattle p) of left "'ds-
Poet Office Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wp.
.Cattle branded iDjbJVI 9" H! side
prse branded
on p(,t lOu
iler, raiijfe on rdjtsr ( ;re..
Any slock branded as above being etray
from my range, discovered by any body
i fixing me information will be rewarded.
' Address, Ft. Kobinson. Jifbrnska.
f.U. fAKKtit.
tM branded on
,.tlle same oil left
jeep baruded
left shoulder am)
on back or 1 arB on
.wars of (jiee).
Jasngeou Soldier Creek and White Kiver.
Address. Ft. Iloblnson. Jiebruskn.
"Ok 1
.3wns toe follow
" i C brand enelUi
Also HQ on cat
le and horses
'-aille on leftside
Worses ob left
Range un Silver Spring and east nfst,t
rattle i,r,ji
hi (eft )i p.
the " e qp efl
Southwest ,ol
Alp Hjle Britiidiil
shoulder. ttMNK",
Cattie brande
P. O. Address,
on leit aide.
Ham sou, Neb.
ed on lm lde
jiHiue b cit
and borcj
brauded yn
Jsft Hpoulde
name aa cut
are y-.e prppfii;ty of Andrew I'hrlntian anc
rantce tributary to van Taiwei epriua.
Hartley, Vvo.
Cattle .branded
S I.trT.blDK
PoiitQtfipe Addres. Cliadron JCfebraka'
IKtW'tTiiK (o.
Cattle .brand
ed Kit me tin tiat
on rut, eltlinr
left tip or on
left houldvr.
ie., A. I'liippt. EdUar.
official Paper
of siqux county.
Doilir Per Year.
peaking of going to California to
spend thewir, Why net stay in Nebraska?
diiriiienow l-teen lt.e ti-nxtK nnd
.l.ejeopl is ti-i" when tlie ,UUSHi Want
miylhiotf from ronKreas Hiev keep
'Ot'lvin; t-nl l.avjuet jt ; wlten'tliaiieopie
vpnt j'.nj'lliln they make one try for il
abv Wn spend a year or two wondering
. Iiv .llitv did not gat it. rTtia Commoner
iliebove paragraph expresses very
tersely he sitMjition in regard to tte fight
tlie capitalists jire making to get a land
leading bill parsed at tliis ejsiQn of
Xl-eir pietbod of work io this intanre
has been to avoid publicity entirely,
evidently hoping that in Hie rush of in
troducing other bills this one won!:! not
TUrt reain
A good resolution for New Year's Day
RewUvB torstipport the par th;vt de
fend your rights and protect jour inter
ests. The Commoner.
The -New v'trs numler of ,tbe Eooy
Mountain News contained ,tup extended
article about each mining county in the
state with illustrations and llgurss rela
tive to the outout of the year. It will
certainly be a very valuable advertise
ment for Colorado.
The .aopouncemet thjU periodicals
would be denied second class privelsges
if their subscribers had not paid in ad
vance seems to have beet) without found
ation. If Ki'ch was the intention of Mr.
ynjtm, he was .ccajpeed bv public
entimeut to withdraw his decision.
Horses branded Flth any of alwve briindif.
Ac!dnws, J. A. AUKEksoK,
llnrrlxon, Net;rusj4a.
- -
iloroi'H k-ciU cat
tle branded on
either fcde same
on cut.
PontoftV; Hartiwa Jhtb
,TU on I
B(rnnded 911 lef t shoulder ul horses
nd on laf t side of cattle.
And W
r - m
on rlfLt id
rgb,t s,lde of cuttle too.
Jtanf e White Kiver, near Glen.
-' wt mum sdilmai. lilou. licOjrsjia.
And (JaX,ttn iiranKd
side, and Horses 911
Addres", Rodarc, tijraajra.
Catt!,e irsnded
on left hip nnd
ame o" tlie lett
Jaw, and same
on llorwes. Also
ILyrHes branded
JIEP ca-ak' I.IV STOCK (jo.
ssr Bianded on left hip of (V.ttle
( I and an left eheek 01 llo .
r0mJmM Han ye on Deep Crept.
Address. Itaep Creak My SJoek Co,.
J. II. H.BtHT. Foremun,
' ' '' ' ' r;jeii, JiebrajOta.
TJje brand reresented in tj,ii notice
aiid branded any where 011 left side
of cattle, and ever-lan.iuj frffn the
right ear.
Also the same brand 011 left tlijgU o(
horses, belanjcs Ulje umletsitfiied.
irssKe near t"Hj .sprinr, sou to purt lo
, ' ' ' ar.riwii. Nubrssk,-
same at that
cut on eilli-
' And rollonJiig on
" fslda af catllv
0u4 yi jj J' 'j on U;ft s)'1e of sle tH)rf:
an lyf stJe hijJ kin.
rr. ;
fTll pn left Sauk d Ktg
IjH on left fJiuulObu-. fjSj
on Let law. shoulder or flanjt. . Also Horses
Ranire on head of Van Tassell creek, W yo.
- "lost Olce addres, Harrison, Neb.
llrMtl WARk'KKii.
Catjje bgrand -ltd
on )f t I4.
Kan( on
Kuunl-jg Watef
"P. O. iddress Harriapn, 5bfaka.
In giving reasons for ubscriptiocs to
tlw Stuart Ledger, last week, it roentim-
vd tl(t facttbiit it -lidn't advertise two
well ktiown patent meiliciiius. Evident
ly JXIiss Ilud.peUi o.verioojiwl the fact
that the prominence she gave the names
of these obji-jljionuble njtsd cines 00 her
local pu9 was the lht ku.d of an adver
tiseuieut for I hem at no ejijfnse.
Marsteller Bros,
Arj? now pce-pare! to hIiOnv
A few p.iptrs have recently ls?.n giv
ing to Schley their sujj,ort ,for Presi
dent, While Schley, Itewey ,aJ Miles
have, been vindiea't-d in the minds of the
Anjerjian people, in regard to what they
did as .stifle rs. U'i f'ems hardly, to be
saltjcienlto think that they would be
good democratic nominees for President
oraven tlml they daiip tiig nomina
tion. The Schley boom in Nebraska will
doubtless serve a useful purpose, how
Cam branded
side alul same on
der y horses.
Also some of the Horses
tie lire branded on side
shoulder spine as describ
abpe Laand.
on the left
left shout-
nr,d (
lBkl and
led lor
sad this
aafaon Rnnulnji Wafr.
PBelOflre adrastj Harritonj Hebraska.
fipn grandad ,pn rlght tljih
and shoulder ond
I j j J pn riirhl Jsc Also
braiwtad'j I oa Ml ltotii
. Karrtotn, Mam Ca. Natu-aMs
If iff W ww t r t
Address, Hapiaan, Kebraska.
Csii'.f Branded
Itange pn
on lef siilp
Alq Cattle braaed
shpnldrr or sidu.
Hantfe on
Biinnlp Wiinr.
on h.ri h
I', o. Address
Agate, siibniska.
iM Kl. KXOItl.
CaUle branded
any where
left s'de of tlie
Bas(e on Pral
rte I of jnri Mon
roe t.'roeks.
Address, Harrison, Nebraska
I 0
wake yp,
Tlie following clipping from thjs Lusk
Herald illustrU how our enterprising
neijflbor ip the west is preparing to cope
w;m any hituation l;iul my an.vi 111
line of fighting fire.
"Tlie special election, held last Thurs
day lor the pnrjjoisu of voting on addition
al wter bonds lor tpe town, passed on
as quietly as though lliern was no elecl
100 je;og held at uj. T;ru y.ta hltle
interest taken in the rtvilter on account
of ajl being unanimously in favor of the
roposltlon. as will be ntiown by the vote
cast. There were but people who
voted a little njore thai) or;-tbini o(
thetowp all fast in favor of bonds.
Tlie b'eje house is under full headway
now and wjth a few more days of fair
eather tlie boys wilf have it completed
and ready for use. The memlr of tht
company are doi;j tlie work on the
structure, U us saving a carpeuter bill
on the aine.M
While tlje toprography of 1,9 country
around Lutt lends itself to a water sys
tem ip a way which is entirely lacking
aroundjjiurrison, yet J.his is not suflicient
excuse for the citizens of llarrmon ig
noring the matter entirely, Il is tlie uni
versal opinion t)at a water system, would
have to be a voluntary affair with our
ci t liens an the condition of tlie city
treasury would not admit of a bond is
sue. Why pot start the work now? The
manner in which the citijter.s of Wioux
county responded lo the appeal for Mr.
Wright and family proves that tley are
not lacking in public spirit and ciiaptv.
This ougljt to be uroof that a svntem of
water works can 1 installed in Harrison
by pop"'' sulsprjpiif!!. Wny ak
up, lay our predjudice aside, call a
mass meeting of the citizen, decide on a
possible plan and appoint a committee
to arrange dfiuls aruj another to get
subscriptions, It is certainly latttter to
send a little money before a lire than to
lisa all, We surely cannot afford to let
our reigljVir on tlie west, who is a com
petitor of ours iu slicing for our busin-
, stow nio.-e ppUhc spirit and unity of
purrs we than wa.
Why not walje up
1 l-i r. hi.nli. I"
, -S y
til . w.
' -.1 n '
Cat! la bf anded
Ctts ajtandad
CaUkr bra ided
on left side.
a left
On Left Hip.
,rei;t;ive public attention
for tins course if-tLi40 ae very plain.
The proniotors of this bill are men who
lealuelully that ninety per cent of tin
citizens of this western country do noi
wail t any such measure to become r
law. The other ten per cent is com
posed of people who have large laral
holdings and would 1j enabled lo I tan
enough government land adjoining them
t,K;ote7.M all small stockmen enlirelv
out. When this has been ,icconipilhH:
they w ill have thiii to suit tbeir 01
sweet will and consolidation of all
their interests into one gigantic live
stock trust which controls the livestock
output for the world is not very far,dis
tant. WhenAVet '' comes, organized
captial will dominate the West as it now
does the Eiist and nothing will be left t
the poor man but to work for these
trusts at what wages he may dictate,
Visionary you will doubtless say
but so were tlie prediction of students
of the tendncies of our times a few year
ago called yisionary wen they medn-1"!
that Uf large interest would be consoli
dated in a. few years, yet these consoli
dation have come and organized labor
went down in inglorious defeat before
these great powers only a few mouths
Now is t,be time to stamp Jtjii meaytt
out and a little work now will mean
more than a great deal after the measure
his secured acme headway io Congress.
The capitalists have been at work for
several months projecting their pluns
and laying their wires, but all the timt
keeping the measure from the public
ilonest uien do wit fsar publicity or mei
who are working for the greatest goot
for the greatest nuinlier.
It is therefore necessary that the peo-
pla.o.f l)vs tsectiuo wbo tun interested in
the wellfare os tlieir intexetLs, act and
act at cnue.
The attention of the newsfsiRers of
this section is called to the need of im-
mlia1tB action. Tj'' co-orpnt,iop is de
sired in pushing tle work of, informing
our representatives in the National Con
gress to what the sentiments really is h
the people who live here anil exct t
build up this country aa a land of homes
If tbe sentiments of the people can b
shown u'M:'ssfully to the,Nat:onal I'm.
great we will have little to fear, but tin
danger is in allowing the capitalists ti
cover up facts and make tinfoiindet
pretentions of dog the fair thing to all.
. . . u
kjet Li 10 tie w spj a uwi ...v ,v. -
have thejr voice heard at Wa.-hingtoi
even though it must go over the long
distance telephone oPjeUtion.
Jt ia a problem eolved ip
Economy with a haqd
aome balance 'c the end of
r the yr whenSel School
shoes are purchased excip
ively tot the children.
Ho marjufacturer -in tbe
world builds a .Una of
ahoea at extensive-r-durabln
and low priced mm the
Selx Children' hoee
tttl year.
School Shoes
SU "Rlrsl.
H marks the Popular Dealer.
8elz Shoe for MeD. Womea and
Children are Satiafactory Khoea
price Q ua 1 ity Comfort Sty le.
6ELZ, SCHWAB & CO.,chica(M)
Ltrtut ManufacturtN ef Sooto 0e Siect lit th WerM.
1 LLg! MZU&Z,
I 7
rx v--
The Commercial Dank.
C. V. Coffee, President. F. W.LYakkf Cashier
Chas. C. Jamkn, 11. S. Ci.akk A. McGisaier
Stockmen having uho for a bank at UU jxiint may rely oc
ue to handle their entire Daukiiig buniues.
We are prepared to take care, of our tradw at all times
DruKiiifcit's Sundries,
Paints, Oils. Varnishes, '
IBooks find Stationary.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
' Bird Hams.
The irrebe, which, by the" way, la
more often found In fresh water. It to
called from tbe "krlb" or creat of
farthers on Ita head. Of other wfld
fowl, the duck by Ita name Impliea that
It la a diving bird, one that duck Ita
trad under water; the coot li the "bob-
Ullrd" water hen, and (be n!pe U tbe
l WMIait la Ja.
Arc'ntecU In Japan make It a ml
:r?r to eonatmct a bail4ng over
iii-.r ttorlet in height, frr Smr H trlil
fill diirtng an earthquake. Earth-
makoa are frtqurot there. Soaaatlmea
w haw two In one month, bat the
causae ia sIWrm (rest
I eft-Handed People Are Proflcieal I
Hay f bat Astonish Jne,
It U not wise to poke fun at a left
handed boy or girl. They may develop
qualities that are unattainable by those
mho use their right hands preferably.
Children yho have fallen Intc this
habit of using their left hands should
not be taught to do violence to a
strongly implanted instinct and uae
tbe right baud whether they will or
no, Such a training nof. only inflicts
upon the ihlld a useless amount of
hardship and Inconvenience, but may
do him serious injury, eyea to depriv
ing him of the power of speech. Ac
cording to tbe latest scientific discov
eries all manner of havoc may be
wrought with the brain by tbe adop
tion of this mistaken method of teach
ing left, handed children, to u the
right-hand. This discovery is the re
sult pf experiments lately made at the
University of Chicago, which has gone
more deeply Into the modern subject ,
of "child study" than most of the unl- j
varsities. It is Professor Hmdy, dl-i
rector of the department of pedagogi- j
cat Investigation, who has made the
most fruitful experiments with the left-1
banded. He discovered that by far the 1
greater majority of mothers looked
upon lrft-bandedneas a a defect to b
overcome at any cost ana mat iue
child was ia consequence forced Into a
noat uncongenial system of training.
The greater number of children so
trained, cays Professor Bmedley, are
defective in speech. Br endeavoring to
substitute the use of tbe right hand
the nice balance ot the brain is dls- j
turned and besides producing far lew1
mantia) dexterity the porr speech 1
may alao be Impaired. It Is also a
matter of record that left-handed per-!
aca are In gamea of still mora pro-
.Oclent than those who art rlfbt-band-
ed. Ctjlcago Chronicle:,
Oaras TkMsy Carers Kverytalag.
. Soma one baa discovered that sun
stroke Is only the work of a microbe
of peculiar shape and kind. It only
remains now to And the germ which
causes people to freeze to death In
winter time. The germ which Invade
tbe physical anatomy that baa been
at rack by lightning nnd tbe bacillus
that plays bavoe with persons . who
art ran over by railroad tralna can
be bunted on aad Identified: later. '
. E, M, V. li, K. is the lawl
to and from tlie
liKAIVll ASH lltrr NI'KIStiS.
F.f. l n.VK.A. lime table.
Uolpg West. ioliiK Kasl
So. S, mlel,.rIU;M I S. . niised 7:V
' '' T
Cattle brxnileil
4 " Ii a
1 left shin a 1th
I tSl lsflonrelipis-d.
m I Ititnue on Run-
' 1 ulna Water,
I. (I. Addros, JUnrslaiiil, V-hr.
1 Sf
wtnma's j
Nw FUtn Throughout
29000 New Words
ffcraaM ad Deftalttoas
S Prepatad under the direct
auperrialoo of W.T. HARRIS
Ph.p., LL.D.. Uniud States
Cowmiaaiooer of Rdoaation,
aaoaMsa) by a large corps of
eompstant spseialiata and'
IVIcb StMbaga. 0 SIM Ma
INI lllustratleeta
Sottor Thau Bwor for Homo,
efeool, sad Officn.
We sum Bublisk
Webster's CotlscUta Diatlonsry
with Utoessrf ef SeettisfcWetSi sad Pfcrasn.
"first tie IB eashrf , sscesS d to siss."
a saaes.ett.ef both
seat es BasUcBMee.
Cssrtacflsli, Usum.
A.T. III'lillHifN.
Krand eumbl iliaitil.
of rattle llursea sbiim
IXtt nt out rlalit
-j 1 IS.I.I. .11.., I
kaaS 1 ",ie mi ueuur
i.iuiKr on Kyle CTuea,
Post Office, Ulen Slebraska
in left sfala
in right
ear vat 1 1,
i U. IR HTKIt.
ataek brand:
side or hip.
Address, Kd. Itsher, roreuiau
llsrrlon. Heb,
A. K. KKKMt-Ut-
CMl Brande,
Klght Hip
P. 0. Address, L'r ford, Kebrasks-
gn. Maftoir.
CIH Brsniieu
Sufi sa Raa
I 'ion left ana,
I " aing Water
Address Aaala, Vefe.
IserrtpUaM ateBSse Tefes TeM, ,
Of tbe 1,500 defective votes Mat nl
tbe recent election In New Tori mora
than half. I: la asld. wrre ran dared
void by inscriptions alaaed at lUyor
Van Wysk, aucb sa "Aaybsdy bat
him." "Not ths les randidaU," and h
forth, sometimes the nam and sV
dresa of the voter wars 10. Cbteni
Clironlcls. .