Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 19, 1901, Image 6
4mm Pe oD t!artb GoodiwilUtQ - Light the fires of Christmas tide: Kindle Uiem well with oil and pine; Build them big, and deep, and wide: Ltt their light through the ages shine. Shine on the path of the rugged past. V nere mankind has LiKht up the path to a Shadowing up through Cast on the logs; make the flames leap higher; Pluck from the boush and mistletoe To the bpirit of Christmas time aspire. Peace, good will to friend and foe. Pi PefP nrt rt h ti rl f HftnrWhln f rtl ( Undimmed as the light of Bethk-bems A grander and sublimer view F itsoF? mj Comes with that light through the ages fir V-V A ,,eath in Ufe- and 1Ife ln death- 1 lU a VlvO Ring, Joyous hnils, throughout the $(fj)i ' "or now 's 1,orn ne Prince of Peace, iSLz LW-mH Vt And he "Love" among us now; J Mf v nywl IJW King out, glad bells, and never cease. Viavll Ifr SANTA CLAUS, V. S. HE big blond mechanic looked awkward and out of place In the crowd of women shoppers at the toy counter. He seemed painfully conscious of the sharp contrast between his old working clothes and the stylish dresses of the ladles who jostled him on either hand. One given to studying the faces of ChriBt maa shoppers would easily have read the question which makes Chirstmas the most pathetic as well as the happi est holiday in the year the question, "Can I do it with the little money I have?" At length the man caught the eye of a sales girl, and leaning over the counter said in a low voice: "Say, miss, I've got a little feller at home that's been talking for months about Santy Claus bringing him a horse. I'd like to get him one If I can afford it. How much is this?" and he pointed to an equine paragon in front of him. "That is three dollars," said the sales girl. "Best grade we've carried. You see it's covered with real horse hide and ha3 a real hair tail and mane." The mechanic shook his head hope lessly. "Yes," ha said, "it's a fine horse, all "THAT'S EASY." right, but I can't pay that much. thought p'r'aps I could get something for a dollar a smaller one, mebbe." "Im sorry, said the girl, sympa thetically, "but we cleaned out every one of the cheaper kind this afternoon . and this is the only one that's left of the three-dollar lot." Then suddenly her face lighted up. "Oh, say," she ex claimed, "wait a minute." She dived under the table and came up with a counterpart of the horse they had been discussing; a counter part, but with a broken leg and minus that very useful appurtenance, a tall, "There," she said, "I Just happened to think of this! Somebody nocked it aft the counter yesterday and broke the leg. The tail kept coming out any wav. and I xuess it's lost dots'. Yos sould have this for a dollar. Mebbe you could fix it all right." The man examined the fracture seri ously. "Why. that's easy," he said. "All it needs ia to peel the hide up a little and splice the leg and then put 'on some of old Peter Cooper's salve. Make it as good as new." "And perhaps you can get some aorsehalr and make a tail. They're Mist tied in a bunch and put in with a plug." "Oh, 111 fix that fill right, miss. I've pit as old bristle shaving brush that '. can use It'll be real stylish one of hem hobtalled coach horses, you now." They both laughed. "You're mighty good, miss, and I'm obliged to you." "Oh, that'a all right," said the girl. "I know how it ia Chrlatmaa times yself," and she sighed aa the cus todier tamed happily away to play bis part of taata Claua, veterinary aur- of the Pratvytarlan aa eoattl- X Sanaa It aad hit eoadja- McD journeyed through: life more vast. the starry blue. tors on the model of the ecclesiastical polity of Calvin, having taken such firm root in Scotland the festival of Christmas, with other commemorative celebrations retained from the Roman calendar by the Anglicans and Luth erans, is comparatively unknown in that country, at least in the lowlands. The tendency to mirth and jollity at the close of the year, which seems almost inherent in human nature, has in north Britain been for the most part transferred from Christmas and Christmas Eve to New Year s day and the preceding evening, known by the appellation of Hogmenay. In many parts of the highlands of Scotland, however, and also in the county of Forfar, and one or two other districts, the day for general merry-making is Christmas. Twine the bittersweet and holly Arched above the hearthstone's glow, Joy, not melancholy, Came, indriftlng with the snow; In each face the frost's a-tlngle, And afar on (lying wing Comes the sleigh bell's rhythmic jingle, Through December Journeying, Set the board and auk the blessing For the bounty amply spread. In the simplest word expressing What a loving father Bald 'Peace on earth" for this Is nearest When the snows with us abide, And the winter air is clearest In the hush of Christmas tide. Bring the old musician's fiddle, Relic of the bygone days. Send the fairest down the middle While the lilting music sways; Light of foot and quick of laughter Swing the dancers, toe and heel. As they pass or follow after In the quaint Virginia reel. Deck the tree and light the candles. Let the stockings all be hung. For a saint with furry sandals O'er the housetops high has swung; And bis reindeer steeds are pranrlng Through the star-bespangled rime. And the moonbeams pale are glancing In the merry Christmastime. rORTUNE IN THE MISTLETOE. N Oeorgia there is a farm devoted to mistletoe and holly growing. It is owned by the Cartledge family, consisting of mother and two daugh ters, but the daughters do the farming. It all began through the fail- ure of the cider sister to make an Immediate triumph ln art, to study which she went to New York. She realized in the great city, as she never could have In ber rural southern home, that talent for art Is too general to leave much hope for sneclal distinction, and wisely con cluded to turn to something that would bring more speedy results. Be ing an observant young woman. Miss Cartledge noticed that holly and mis tletoe brought extremely high prices and bethought her that on the 500 acres at bone in Oeorgia both grew In wild abundance. She returned borne and she and her sister began to pre pare for making the neglected luxu riance of marketable value. In the months of January and February fol lowing they set out ten acres of young holly trees with their own hands. Their colored farm hands would not plant a holly tree for worlds, aa tbey believe that If they did tbey would die as soon as the tree became tall enough to cast a shadow the measure of their graves. Last Christmas the sister found the trees so grown that they required thinning out and the treat that were removed were sent north for Chrlstmaa treat and brought high prices, aa they were symmetrical and covered with large, rich berriee. They plant the mistletoe berries under the bark of old oak treet In a crack or hole, where they caa get hold aa tbey gaiusjiitta. The prime aialatar of Holland, Dr. Abraham Kayper, haa broke the rec ord by being the Irat doctor of divini ty and preacher to bold that poaiUoa, A CHRISTMAS WAIT. By Emma Alice Browne. Break In the dreary East, and bring the Light! Rise, holy Christmas morning! Break and bring The blossom of our hope the stainless Kins For weary Is the night ! Strange darkness wraps the haggard mountain rim; And worn with failure, spent with grief and loss. From the pathetic shadow of Ills Cross We yearn and cry to Him, Sad pilgrims, burdened with tmshrtven sin. Oppressed, and cowering 'nealh the chas tening rod. We humbly seek the path His feet have trod. And strive to enter ln. His anger Is so slow His love so great Tho' we have wandered in forbidden ways. Spurned end denied Him, all our fruit less days, He calls us long and late. We are so poor! Of all the squandered years We bring no tithes of oil, or corn, or w ine, Nor any offering to His spotless shrine. Save penitential tears. We are so friendless, In our abject need We can but cry to Him in bitter stress; Yet He will not dpise our nakedness, Nor break the bruised reed. Hard was the lot for His contentment spread; Rough was His garb, and rude Ills lent en fare; In all the earth He had not anywhere To lay his weary head! His patience Is so long. His wrath so slow, Tho' mocked and scoffed. Insulted and denied. Beaten with many stripes, and crucified, He will not bid us go. By all the angufshe of His laden breast The bloody sweat the sleepless agony The pang and pennance of Oethsernane l-ie givem me weary rest. Break In the dreary East, oh, morning! Rise With healing In thy holy wings, and bring Fruition of our hope the promised King, And blameless Sacrifice! A sudden pulse of waking life we hear Throb in the hush of hollow glade and dell; The hills take up their olden canticle: "Behold! The Dawn is near!" And far against the soft auroral glow, Peak over peak the kindling summits burn; The vales, rejoicing, seem to lift and yettrn Thro' curling mists below. And far along the radiant heights of morn A sudden burst of choral triumph swells. The sweet Te Deum of an hundred twlls And lo! "Messiah s born!" And all the burden of our grief and sin Is lifted from our souls forcvermore. As humbly knocking at the Master's door He bids us enter ln. The Dominie used to complain some times about the character of the stories I the rest of us told. He said they were ! too economical in their use of the ele- ment of truth. And truth was to cheap, and also so Interesting, be would say. We were always ready to admit that It was interesting, but were not so free to acknowledge its cheap ness. Like other exotics it seemed to us expensive. Fiction, being so much more easily produced, appeared to be the true mental provender ln tho Corn Cob Club, a social institution where we decided questions of great pith and moment by the aid of the civilizing and ennobling Influence of tobacco in cinerated In cob-pipes. The Dominie had quit smoking when be entered the ministry, but be always said the cobs tmelt good, to we bad hopes of bit reclamation; betides, the air was usu ally to thick that be absorbed enougt to bring blm up, In a large measure, to the high philosophic plane occupied by the rest of us. It happened on Christmas Eve that somebody told a ttory appropriate enough to tho aaaton to far aa the sub ject went, but palpably Impossible con sidered at. a happening. At least the Dominie said It was, and threatened to ell a Christmas ttory himself; and belag eounaeWd by the Protestor, who waa claaakal la hit laaguaga, to "Mate away," the food man com piled aa fo- There used to be a young man named Stanwix who was rector of a church at a little town in New Jersey called Appicburg. Very amiable young man, not long in the ministry, and un married. Nice-looking chap, too, and a bright fellow, but he had his trials at Appleburg. Mainly it was the wo menthey thought he ought to marry, and of course they were right But thinking so wasn't enough for those dear Appleburg ladies; with the true feminine desire to help they resolved to nee that he did marry. But here again they showed a universal femi nine trait by refusing to combine and work together. They all labored hard enough, but independently, and each with a view to inducing the minister to marry a different woman. It had been going on thus for some months when Christmas approached. Now of course there isn't much you can give any man for Christmas slip- "WHY DON'T YOU GET MARRIED?" pers and pipes and shot-guns and slip pers. And in the case of a parson it's still worse you've got to drop off the pipes and shotguns, leaving only slip pers and slippers. Of course there are book-marks and easy chairs, but the first are trivial and the latter expen sive; besides, if he is unmarried ana you are of the opposite sex, and in the same state, you will see that you ought to give him something made with your own fair hands, and you can't make an easy chair. So slippers it had to be for the Rev. M. Stanwix, especially after his landlady had been sounded on the subject and reported that the poor man didn't have a slipper to his name. Well, the result was, of course, that the whole hundred and thirty-six mar riageable ladies at Appleburg went to work on slippers;" and a few of the flock who already had husbands also began slippers, out of the goodness of their hearts, probably, or maybe think ing that they might be widows some day and might as well have a pair to their credit The slaughter of plush and embroidery materials was some thing cyclonic, and the local shoe maker bad to sit" up nights pegging on soles. Even unfortunate little Jane Wilkinson went at a pair hammer and tongs, though everybody said she hadn't a ghost of a show. In the first place Jane was too young her older sister Katharine was conceded to have a right to enter for the contest, but it was universally held that Jane had no right to compete at all. Besides be ing too young she was really nineteen or twenty she was also plain. She might have a certain girlish prettiness, but not the beauty which the wife of so handsome a shepherd as tho Rev Mr. Stanwix should have. Further more. Jane was in no other way adapt ed for the position she had been good deal of a tomboy, and was yet, for that matter; she was frivolous and careless, and was always putting her foot In it. Tha first time the pastor bad called at the Wilkinson house, and while Katherine was entertaining him in the parlor in the most ap proved and circumspect manner, Jane bad blundered In, and Inside of Ave minutes asked him why be didn't get married all the girls tald be ought to. Jane had explained to everybody thai she meant it at a joke, but It haa generally been pronounced Ill-timed and In bad taste. But poor Jane kept working away on her sllppert regardless of the talk Everybody tald that Jane't slippers wouldn't fit, or that they would both be for one foot, or that the would get the haelt tewed on the toe end. or something. Jane Anally put on the Anlahlng touches and then packed them In a pasteboard bos and tied It with nink ribbon. Tbaa aha got har other Christmas prtttnU ready. Bbe had a lot of hand kerchieft for aa tuat, and a taopping bag for a married Bister, and a little knit shawl for her grandmother, and a pair of skates for a' boy cousin, and various other things for divers other persons. Including a fine meerschaum pipe and a pound of his favorite smok ing tobacco for her brother who was at college, and who wouldn't be homo till New Year's. Each thing she care fully put up in a box or bundle and laid it away. The day before Christmas was a never-to-be-forgotten time for the Rev. Mr. Stanwix. Slippers just cams down on him like an Egyptian plague. Along about four o'clock Stanwix got crowded out of his room slippers piled half way to the ceiling and had to put a chair out in the hall and sit there with an atlas of the world in his lap writing his Christmas sermon on it Mighty tough sermon It was, too, and got tougher as the slippers contin ued to arrive. Fact is, he waa getting pretty mad; and every new pair sent his temperature up five degrees. Con sequently, at ten o'clock he was just boiling. Of course he couldn't swear, but the way he tramped up and down that hall and ground his teeth really amounted to the same thing. The arriving slippers now began to fall off. or ten minutes nothing came, and he was just starting down to ask the landlady if she couldn't put a cot in the hail so he could go to bed, when in came another box. It was from Jane Just her luck, of course, to be late and strike him when he was all worked up to the bursting point But let us draw a veil over the scene right here and leave the poor man alone he opens Jane's box. It was not more than half-past nine the next morning when the Rev. Mr. Stanwix mounted the Wilkinson steps and tugged at the door belt. He asked for Jane. It seemed rather queer, but they uBhered him Into the parlor and sent Jane in. Well, to make a long story short. It wasn't ten minutes until he had the thing all fixed up.. He had his chair drawn close up beside her end of the sofa. "Jane," he was saying, "I've loved you ever since the first day I saw you, but I never knew it until I opened your box." "Then you liked them, did you? I'm so glad." murmured Jane. I should say I did! Why, it's one of the finest meerschaums I ever saw, and that tobacco used to be my favor ite brand at college. But, Jane, how did you know I used to smoke, and was dying to begin again?" Jane had stopped breathing at the word meerschaum. Now she caught "MOVED INTO THE HALL." her breath, and for once in her life rose to the occasion and didn't put ber foot In It She simply looked up at him and smiled demurely. "Oh, I guessed It," the said. "It waa the best guest you ever made. I should have died last nlgbt amidst that awful landslide of slippers if I hadn't tmoked about half of that tobacco. I mean to keep on amoking now that it, If you don't object, dear?" -f Jane scored tgaln. "I rather like the tmell of good to bacco," she said. Saturday Evening Pott Oaly rreaMeat Wlthoet aa "A." President Roosevelt it the first oc cupant of the White House in wboM name tha latter "a" doet not appear Not only haa that letter appeared in the namea of all previous Pretidenta but alto In the names of nearly every one of tha 61 Americana who have re ceived votet for Praaldent In the elec toral coiTeae down to William J. Bryan. There are only eight excep Uoaa to thlt rata. It it generally known by tblt tlM that "Stephen Adams, the compontsyv and Michael Maybrick, the barltoaa singer, are one and the same person. An interesting fact conce lng tha first singing of "The &lr" not generally known, viz., that Mr. Florence Maybrick was the one who first sang the words which have aldea so materially In making the "Stephen Adams" famous. It wat aboard his yacht that Michael Ma brick composed "The Holy City, and it was ther that Florence Maybrick first gave voice to its melodlout strains. Costliest of A" Monomenta. Mrs. Leland Stanford Is determined at the university at Palo Alto, Ca luui iu.. m - t.li founded in memory or ner sou, .u... be one of the greatest educational in stitutions in the world. The magnifi cent Taj Mahal, that wonderful me morial tomb at Agra, in India, cosl 116 000,000. but this is less than the endowment of the Stanford university. The one monument Is but a master piece of beauty, the other Is the sourcs of education and Inspiration to higher achievements for the countless thou- i i tha vcaru tn come. Mrs. Stanford has given her entire time and attention to her son and te ber hus band, who bequeathed to ner tun uu of affection. How lbs Kw Egti Helped Him. William II. Leonard, Tammany can- i didate for assemblyman, was compu- j mented on his fine voice at the closed of a campaign speech and was asked what be took to produce such pleasant tones. "It's a secret," he said, "but I don't mind letting you in. I swal lowed three raw eggs on my wiy w the hall and kept one in my as a reserve. I sat down on the pock et and now I don't know whether it was that egg or the other mree iuai did me good." Col. Jack Astor's Invention. Colonel John Jacob Astor has patent ed a marine turbine engine to drive vessels at high speed, whlcn is nigniy praised by the experts. The Actor tur bine differs from other forms in that it has no stationary parts other than the Journals and foundation frames which carry It. The casing of the tur bine revolves as well as the shaft, but in nn ononsite direction. While the shaft propels ono propeller, the case, whirling ln the opposite airecuim, moves a second screw, both screws driving the vessel, rtijrslclsns Much Interested. Northport, Mich., Dec. 9. The medi cal men are Just now eagerly discuss ing a most remarkable cure of a severe case of Kidney Disease in this county.i Mr. Byron 0, Leslie of Northport haa. for years been a victim of kidney de-. rangements, with all the consequent, pain and annoyance. He was gradual-' ly growing worse and as the disease advanced he became very despondent,, often wondering If he would have bJysL endure this suffering all his lifetime. 1Q But at last he found a remedy that cured him in Dodd's Kidney Pills. He was much pleased, but did not say much about it lest the good effect ha experienced would not last Now, however, after months of continued, good health he has concluded that he Is permanently cured and his an nouncement of this has caused a pro-' found sensation among the physicians, and the people who knew of bis appar ently hopeless condition. . So PIscs for Phelps or ft too. In some parts of Peru for example,' in the province of Jauja hens' egg are circulated as small xolns, forty eight or fifty being counted as a dol lar. In the market places and in the shops the Indians make most of their purchases with this brittle sort of money. One will give two or three eggs for brandy, another for indigo and a third for cigars. These eggs ero packed In boxes by the shop keepers and sent to Lima. From Jau ja alone several thousand loads of eggs are annually forwarded to the capital. Catarrh Cannot B Car4 with tOCAL APPLICATIONS, is they esnnol reach the seat of the disease. sturrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must lake internal remedies. Hsll fstorrh Cure is taken internally. nd acta nir'.tly on the blood snd mucous surfac. Hall s Catarrh ("ure is not quark medicine. It wa prescribed by one of the best physicians in ibis country for years, and 1 a regular pre- hcnptlon. It Is composed 01 me oe wnici known combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surface. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients I what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for ttlmonlls, free. F. J. CHK.NKY a . Props., Toledo, tt Rold by druggists, price Tic Unlit Family Pill am Um best Some men's idea of being a Chris tian is to look solemn. Plso's Cure for Co:'impMon ! ot jnfaiHM medicine for coughs snd colds. N. W. aaaau Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb, 17, 1900. Don't wait for opoprtunlty to call on you. Go and meet it half way. REb CROSS HALL 1ILCE Should lie in every home. Ask your grocer for it. Large 2 oz. package only 6 cents. Haov is the man whose smile la toe same ln prosperity and adversity. inany good physicians and nurses uae Wizard Oil for obstinate rheumatism and neuralgia. It's the right thing to da If a man thinks only of himself ho hasn't much use for brains, Half an hour is all the time required to dye with PUTNAM FADELK8H DYES. Hold by druggist, 10c per package. He who follows his own advice must take the consequences. Stop thn Coach and Works Off the Cold LaxatlTsUroojoQuioluaTaUeU, Prleal Some people spend a lot of Uma la regretting things that never happen. DO TOIB CLOTHE LOOK TBXtOWf . Than use Daflanc ftarrh. It will tbem white 11 t-s. for II cants. When bread la cakes art excellent wanting, ontaa