Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 19, 1901, Image 3

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    The Diamond Bracelet
Author of Eut Lynn. Etc.
CHAPTER XL (Continued.)
"Even than my love; Alice, you like
to more than you admit Unsay your
words, my dearest, and give me hope."
"Do not vex me," she resumed, In a
pained tone; "do not seek to turn me
from my duty. I I, though I scarcely
like to SDeak of these sacred tilings,
Gerard, I have put my hand on ibs
plough; even you cannot turn me
"Tell me one thing, Gerard; it will
be safe. Wis the dispute about Fran
ces Chenevlx?"
He contracted his brow, and nodded.
"And you could refuse her! You
must learn to love her, for Bhe would
make you a good wife."
"Much chance there Is now of my
making a wife of any one."
"Oh, this wiil blow over In time; I
feel It will. Meanwhile "
"Meanwhile you destroy every hope
ful feeling I thought to take to cheer
me In my exile!" was bis Impatient
Interruption. "I love you alone, Alice;
I have loved you for months, truly, fer
vently, and I know you must have
seen It."
"Love me still, Gerard," she softly
answered, "but not with the love you
should give to one of earth, the love
you will give to Frances Chenevlx.
Think of me as one rapidly going;
soon to be gone."
"Oh, not yet!" be cried In an im
ploring tone, as if It were as she
"Not Just yet; I hope to see you re
turn from exile. Let us say farewell
while we are alone"
She spoke the laat words hurriedly,
for footsteps were heard. Gerard
snatched her to him, and laid his face
upon hers."
"What cover did you say the book
had?" demanded Frances Chenevlx of
Gerard, who was then leaning back
on the sofa, apparently waiting for
her. "A mottled? I cannot see any
thing like It."
"No? I am sorry to have given you
the trouble, Fanny. It has gone, per
haps, amongst the 'has beens.' "
"Listen," said Alice, removing her
hand from before her face, "that was a
carriage stopped. Can they be come
Frances and Gerard flew Into the
next room, whence the street could be
seen. A carriage had stopped, but not
at their house. "It te too early for
them yet," said Gerard.
"I am sorry things go so cross Just
now, with you, Gerard," whispered
Lady Frances. "You will be very dull
over, there."
"Ay; fit to hang myself, if you knew
all And the bracelet may turn up,
and Lady Sarah be sporting It on her
arm again and 1 never know that the
cloud Is off for me. No chance that
any of you will be at the trouble of
writing to a fellow."
"I will," said Lady Frances. "Wheth
er the bracelet turns up or not, I will
write you sometimes, if you like, Ger
ard, and give you all the news."
"You are a good girl, Fanny," re
turned he, In a brighter accent, "and
I will send you my address as soon as
I have got one. You are not to turn
proud, mind, and be off the bargain, if
you find it's offensive."
Frances laughed. "Take care of
yourself, Gerard."
So Gerard Hope got clear off into
exile. Did he pay his expenses with
the proceeds of the diamond bracelet?
The stately rooms of one of the
finest houses In London were open for
the reception of evening guests. Wax
lights, looking innumerable when re
flected from the mirrors, shed their
rays on the glided decorations, on the
fine paintings, and on the gorgeous
dresses of the ladies; the enlivening
strains of the band Invited to the
dance and the rare exotics emitted a
sweet perfume. It 'was the West End
residence of a famed and wealthy city
merchant of lofty standing; his young
wife was an earl's daughter and the
admission to the house of Mr. and Mrs.
Lady Adela Netherlelgh was coveted
by the gay world.
"There's a mishap! "almost screamed
a pretty looking girl. She had dropped
her handkerchief and stooped for It,
and her partner stooped also; In his
hurry he put his foot upon her thin,
white dress, she rose at the same mo
ment and the bottom of her skirt was
torn half off.
"Quite Impossible that I can finish
the quadrille," quoth she to hlra, half
Jn amusement, half provoked at tho
misfortune. "You must find another
partner, and I will go and get this re
paired." She wont upstairs; by some neglect,
the lady's maid was not In attendance,
and too Impatient to ring and wait
for her, down she flew to the house
keeper'! parlor. She was quite at
home In the house, for she was the sis
ter of Its mlstrom. She had gathered
the damaged dress up In her arms, but
her white petticoat fell In rich folds
round her.
"Just look what an object that
tupld " And there stopped the
young lady; for Instead of the house
keeper and lidy's maid, whom she ex
pected to meet, nobody was In the
room but a gentleman a tall hand
tome man. She looked thunderstruck;
and then slowly advancing and star
ing at him as If not believing her
awn eyes.
"Mr goodness, Gerard! Well, I
should just as soon have expected to
meet the dead here."
"How are you, Lady Frances?" he
said, holding out his hand with hesita
tion. "Lady Frances! I am much obliged
to you for your formality. Lady
Frances returns her thanks to Mr.
Hope for his polite Inquiries," con
tlnuea sne In a tone of plguo, ao4-fcon
orlng him with a swimming ceremony
of courtesy.
He caught her hand. "Forgive me,
Fanny, but our positions are altered
at least mine us; and bow did I know
that you were not?"
"You are an ungrateful raven,"
cried she, "to croak like that. After
getting me to write you no end of let
ters and all the news about everybody,
beginning 'My dear Gerard.' and end
ing 'Your affectionate Fanny,' and be
ing as good to you as a sister, you
meet me with 'My Lady Frances!'
Now, don't squeeze my hand to atoms.
What on earth have you come to Eng
land for?"
"I could not stop there," he returned
with emotion; "I was fretting away
my heartstrings. So I took my resolu
tion and came back; guess In what
way, Frances, and what to do."
"How should I know? To call me
'Lady Frances,' perhaps."
"As a clerk; a clerk to earn my
bread. That's what I am now. Very
consistent. Is It not, fcr one In my po
sition to address familiarly Lady
Frances Chenevlx?"
"You never spoke a grain of sense
In your live, Gerard," she exclaimed,
peevishly. "What do you mean?"
"Mr. Netherlelgh has taken me Into
his counting house."
"Mr. Netherlelgh!" she echoed In
surprise. "What, with that that "
"That crime hanging over me. Speak
up, Frances."
"No; I was going to say that doubt.
I don't believe you guilty; you know
that, Gerard."
"I am In his house, Frances, and I
came up here tonight from the city to
bring a note from his partner. I de
clined any of the reception room, not
caring to meet old acquaintances, and
the servants put me Into this."
"But you had a mountain of debts
In England, Gerard, and were afraid
of arrest."
"I have managed that; they are go
ing to let me square up by Install
ments, Has the bracelet never been
heard of?"
"Oh, that's gone for good; melted
down in a caldron, as the Colonel calls
It, and the diamonds reset. It remains
a mystery of the past, and Is never ex
pected to be solved."
"And they will suspect me! What
is the matter with your dress?"
"Matter enough," answered she, let
ting It down, and turning round for
his inspection. "I came here to get
It repaired. My great booby of a part
ner did It for me."
"Fanny, how Is Alice SeatonT"
"You have cause to ask for her. She
is dying."
"Dying!" repeated Mr. Hope in a
hushed, shocked tone.
"I do not mean actually dying this
night or going to die tomorrow; but
she Is dying by slow degrees, there Is
no doubt. It way be weeks off yet; I
cannot tell."
"Whero is she?"
"Curious to say, she Is where you
left her at Lady Sarah Hope's. Alice
could not bear the bouse after the loss
of the bracelet, for she was so obstin
ate and foolish as to persist that the
servants must suspect her even If
Lady Sarah did not She felt, and this
spring Lady Sarah saw her, and was
so shocked at the change in her, the
extent to which she had wasted away,
that sho brought her to town by main
force, and we and the doctors are try
ing to nurse her up. It seems of no
"Are you also staying at Colonel
Hope's again?"
"I Invited myself there a week or
two ago to be with Alice. It Is pleas
anter, too, than being at home."
"I suppose the Hopes are her to
night?" "My sister Is. I do not think your
undo has come yet."
"Docs he ever speak of me less re
sentfully?" "Not he; I think his storming over
It has only mado his suspicions strong
er. Not a week passes but he begins
again about that detestable bracelet
He Is unalterably persuaded that you
took It, and nobody must dare put In
a word In your defense."
"And does your sister honor me
with the same belief?" demanded Mr.
Hope bitterly.
"Lady Sarah is silent en the point
to me; I think she scarcely knows
what to believe. You see I tell you all
freely, Gerard."
Before another word could be spok
en Mr. Netherlelgh entered. An aris
tocratic man, with a noble counte
nance. He bore a sealed note tor Mr.
Hope to deliver In the city.
"Why, Fanny!" be exclaimed to bis
sister-in-law, "you here?"
"Yes; look at the sight they have
made me," replied she, shaking down
her dress for his benefit, as she had
previously done for Mr. Hope. "I am
waiting for some one of the damsels
to mend It for me. I suppose Mr.
Hope's presence haa scared them
away. Won't mamma be n a St of
rage when she sees It, for It was new
Gerard Hope shook hands with Lady
Frances, and Mr. Netherlelgh, who
bad a word of direction to give him,
walked with him Into the hall. As
they stood there, who should enter
but Colonel Hope, Gerard'g uncle. He
started back when he saw Gerard.
"C a can I believe my senses?"
stuttered he. "Mr. Netherlelgh, is h
one of your guests?"
"He is here on business," was the
merchant's reply. "Pass on, Colonel."
"No, sir, I will not pass on," cried
the enraged Colonel, who had not
rightly caught the word business. "Or
if I do pan on, It will only be to warn
your guest to take care of their Jew
clry. "No, sir," he added, turning to
his nepEew, "you can come back, cau
you, when the proceeds of your theft
is spent! You have been starring It
in Calais, I hear; how long did the
bracelet last you to live upon?"
"Sir," answered Gerard, with a pale
face, "it has been starving rather than
starring. I asserted my innocence at
the time. Colonel Hope, and I repeat
It now."
"Innocence!" Ironically repeated the
Colonel, turning to all sides of the
hall, as If he took delight In parading
the details of the unfortunate past.
"The trinkets were spread on a table
In Lady Sarah's own house. You came
stealthily into It after being forbid
den it for another fault went stealth
ily Into the room, and the next min
ute the diamond bracelet was missing.
It was owing to my confounded folly
In listening to a parcel of women that
I did not bring you to trial at the
time; I have only once regretted not
doing it, and that has been ever since.
A little wholesome correction at the
penitentiary might have made an hon
est man of you. Good-night, Mr. Neth
erlelgh! If you encourage him In your
house, you don't have me."
Now another gentleman had entered
ami heard this; some servants also
heard it. Colonel Hope, who firmly
believed in his nephew's guilt, turned
off peppery and indignant; and Ger
ard, giving vent to sundry unnephew
like expletives, strode after him. The
Colonel made a dash into a street cab
and Gerard walked towards the city.
Lady Frances Chenevlx, her dress
right again, at least to appearance,
was sitting to get her breath after a
whirling waltz. Next to her sat a
lady who had also been whirling.
Frances did not know her.
"You are quite exhausted; we kept
it up too long," said the cavalier in
attendance on the stranger. "What
can I get for you?"
'My fan; there It Is. Thank you.
Nothing else."
"What an old creature to dance
herself down!" thought Frances.
"She's 40, If she's a day."
The lady opened her fan and pro
ceeded to use It, the diamonds of hei
rich bracelet gleamed right in the eyes
of Lady Frances Chenevix. Frances
looked at it and started, she strained
her eyes and looked again; she bent
nearer to it and became agitated
with her emotion. If her recollection
did not play her false, that was the
lost bracelet.
She discerned her sister, Lady Adela
Netherlelgh, and glided up to her.
"Adela, who Is that lady?" she
asked pointing to the stranger.
"I don't know who she is," replied
Lady Adela, carelessly. "I did not
catch the name. They came with the
"The Idea of your having people in
your house that you don't know!" in
dignantly spoke Frances, who was
working herself into a fever. "Where's
Sarah, do you know that?"
"In tho card room, glued to the
whist table."
Lady Sarah, however, had unglued
herself, for Frances only turned from
Lady Adela to encourage her.
"I do believe your lost bracelet Is
in the room," she whispered in agita
tion. "I think I have seen It."
"Impossible!' responded Lady Sarah
(To be continued.)
Document Actually K Irked Oat of Hoaio
of Common.
Sfr John Knight, a stout old Tory
member for Bristol, who In tho year
1693 proposed to kick a bill out of the
house of commons, got Into sad trou
ble. It was a measure for the natural
ization of foreign Protestants, and Sir
John, In the course of a violent Invec
tive, exclaimed: "Let us first kick the
bill out of the bouse, and then let us
kick the foreigners out of the king
dom," this observation being aimed at
William's Dutchmen, If not at the king
himself. But what Sir John only pro
posed to do with this bill the commons
actually did with another obnoxious
measure In 1770, says Good Words.
The peers had presumed to alter a
money bill by striking out a provision
which offered a bounty upon the ex
portation of corn. The commons, In
dignant at the treatment of their depu
tation, who had been contumaciously
ejected from the peers' chamber, and
further Incensed by the fact that on
another occasion Burke had been kept
waiting three hours at the door of the
upper bouse with a bill sent up by the
commons, took the present opportunity
to show In emphatic manner that there
was at least one privilege on which
teey would not allow the peers to en
croach. The amendment was promptly
rejected, and with It the bill. The
speaker tossed the document over the
table, and members of both parties, a
they went out, kicked It toward the
A Machtas, Me., bouse which was
built In 17M Is retilviag Its third coat
of shingles.
The Water Supply and Iti Effects on
tho Public Health In Large Cltiea
Corloua Frost sereena Tooth Powder
Water is the most essential to ex
istence of all that man puts into his
stomach Indeed, the only single thing
he cannot live without, and yet there
Is nothing we eat or drink that so
frequently carries in itself the germs
of disease.
Thi.rg a finite prnnp of diseases
which, because they are specially lia
able to be spread by means of drinking
water, are called water-borne diseases.
Among these are such scourges as ty
phoid fever, cholera and dysentery.
Mineral poisons are occasionally dis
solved in water, and exert their in
jurious effects upon those who drink
it. It la obviously, therefore, a matter
of the highest importance that the
drinking water of a household or a
holding the post, and he decided that
city should be in Its purity above re
proach, but the problem for the ordi
nary man is how to determine this
The appearance of the water Is by
no means conclusive, for it may be
beautifully clear and palatable, yet
contain myriads of deadly bacteria;
or it may be muddy and of a disagree
able odor and taste, and yet contain
nothing of a really harmful nature.
The only way by which absolute cer
tainty can be had lies in a chemical
and bacteriological analysis, repeated
at regular intervals.
But elaborate and repeated analyses
of this sort can be had, as a rule, only
in the case of large communities with
a common source, and are not at the
service of the individual who must
look to his own supply from wells or
springs. In such a case one must judge
of the source by Its surroundings.
If the neighborhood Is thinly set
tled, and the well Is forty or fifty
feet from the nearest house or out
building and on higher ground, one
may use the water for drinking with
a reasonable sense of safety. The
same is true of water from a spring
which issues from the ground at a
level considerably above that of the
house aud barns. But If water is
drawn from wells in a town or from
a well near the house or outbuildings,
or below their level, or from a spring
similarly situated, it is almost sure to
be contaminated occasionally, If not
constantly, and so is the water of a
stream except in an absolutely unset
tied country.
In California, where fruit is fre
quently damaged by sudden warming
at Bimrlse after being exposed to frost
at night, it has been found that a
screen of lath, poised like a roof above
the trees, serves as an effectual pro
tection by preventing the too precipi
tate action of the sun's rays. Investi
gation has shown that "air drainage"
plays an Important part In the preven
tion of frost, little damage being caus
ed by the latter in places where the air
Is in motion. Wherever the air is
stagnant the Injury from frost is found
to be most marked.
Heretofore it has been common prac-
tire in tooth powder holders to pro
vide a receptacle which may be shaken
in the hand and a portion of the pow
der dischareed through a small orifice,
or to support the holder upon a fixed
hnsn and to discharge the powder
throueh a bottom opening having a
gate or valve. With both kinds of ap-
naratus it has befin found milieu It to
discharge the powder freely, especial
ly when It Is composed of precipitated
chalk In a largo measure, this powder
having a tendency to pack In the hold
er so as to be discharged through the
small aperture with difficulty. John
S. Sanger has designed a receptacle for
this Dumose which has no shoulders
adjacent to the discharge opening to
retard the passange, as the picture
shows. In place of the ordinary top n
pair of flat hinged Jaws are provided,
sloping at an angle from the sHes of
the holder, and having rear extensions
to bo grasped by the thumb and finger
in opening the Jaws. As the opening
extends across the entire length of
the Jaws the discharge Is made simul
taneously throughout the entire length
of the brush. Should the powder
eventually become caked tho brush
handle may be Inserted through tho
wide-open Jaws to loosen It.
The remarkable fact that the earli
est known ancestor, or primitive type,
of the modern whale bore heavy ar
mor on Its back, in the form of strong,
bony plates, has recently been set forth
by the German paleontologist, Dr. O.
Abel. The plates occasionally found
associated with remains of the pri
meval form of whale, the extinct seng-
lodon, have generally been regarded as
having belonged to gigantic tlrtles.
but Dr. Abel shows that they wers
part of the skeleton of the senglobon
Itself. They resemble In their charac
ter the Impenetrable bony shells of the
huge glyptodonts that formerly In
habited South America. The sugges
tion is made that at the time when
they carried armor whales were amphi
bious creatures, living on the coasts
and needing special protection from
breakers and from sharks.
The object of the invention shown
below is to Increase the utility of a
lady's dressing table by the addition
of a secondary mirror, which Is so
carried that a second image or re
flertion is obtained, thus enabling a
lady to secure a full vier of the back
of her head and yet leave both hands
free to deal wath the hair. This addi
tional glass is suspended by two hing
ed arms from the supports of the main
mirror, provision being made for ex
tending these arms and holding them
vertically, when the glasses are in use.
Where only the single glass is pro
vided frequent resort must be had to
a handglass, and thus both hands are
rarely at liberty at the same time. The
result is that much straining of the
eyes occurs and the task is rarely per
formed to the lady's satisfaction.
While this new mirror Is handy in use
it is also conveniently disposed of
when not needed for the toilet, resting
either flat against the large glass or
serving as a cover for a jewel or trin
ket box placed on the table. The
patent on this arrangement has been
granted to Samuel Brentnall of Eng
Sir Harry Johnston, whose discovery
of a new species of animal in the
Uganda Protectorate has excited much
interest among naturalists, brought
back to London and exhibited there
early this summer a specimen of a
gigantic species of earthworm which,
when alive, was about three feet long
and as thick as two fingers. Even
larger species of earthworms than
this exist. Ceylon has some giants
of a blue color, that attain as great
a size. In Cape Colony and Natal
there is a species, particolored, green
above and yellowish beneath, which,
It is averred, sometimes attains a
length of six feet. Giant earthworms
are also found in Australia and South
Much attention has been attracted
in England, and some apprehension
aroused, by the discovery of cracks in
the walls of St. Paul's Cathedral. Ex
perts think that the opening of un
derground railways and sewers in the
neighborhood of the great structure Is
responsible for the damage. One of
the suggested methods to secure the
safety of the cathedral, at a cost of
about $1,000,000, is to underpin its
foundations by carrying them down
about 35 feet to the solid blue clay
which underlies London.
New Fuel for German Ships.
U. S. Consul Hughes at Coburg re
ports that the German navy and some
manufacturers are using a new fuel
called "masut," an oily product from
German brown coal. Tho coast de
fense vessels are fitted for th6 use of
this oil, and some battleships and
cruisers are arranged so that they can
use both coal aad masut. Masut is
said to have one-fourth greater heat
producing power than coal, and Is
easier tc handle, as it Is necessary
only to open a valve in order to fill a
A New Telencople Gun-Hlgtit.
Sir Howard Grubb, the celebrated
Irish telcscopemaker, has invented a
new form of telescopic sight for use
with a rifle. Neither fore nor back
sight is employed with this contriv
ance, but tho shooter, In taking aim
looked through a small lens which, by
an optical device, throws an Image ol
a bright little cross In front of the
gun and in line with the barrel. This
Image serves as a foresight, and by
simply holding the center of the cross
upon the object aimed at, the marks
man takes his aim. The Invention it
shown at the Glasgow exhibition.
Alligator and Crocodile.
Alligators, according to the late Pro
fessor Cope, belong to a much more
modern genus than that of their cous
ins the crocodiles. No undoubtedly ex
tinct species of alligator has ever beet
discovered by geologists, but those an
imals ar3 fast being exterminated at
the present day on account of th
value of their hides. Alligators ar
found In China, as well as in Nortt
America! the crocodile exists In Af
rlca, southern Asia and northern Aus'
tralla. The crocodile differs from tht
alligator In preferring salt water. U
fresb and In being more vicious In IU
fTtn 1TIT7rirv-i ' m N
r oast Pig. In the first place,
I jl 1 never roast a pig over
I fJJ five weeks old , and three
jLiYi weeks is the better age. Do
not trust to the butcher's
cleaning, but go over every part
of the body and give a thor
ough cleaning. Roll up the ears
in greased cloths, to prevent their
burning; stuff the pig with stale bread
dressing seasoned with pepper, pow
dered sage and butter. In stuffing the
pig leave room for the bread to swell,
and sew up neatlv. Skewer the fore
legs forward; the hind legs backward.
Rub all over with butter, dredge with
flower that has been seasoned with
salt and pepper. Place a piece of wood
between the teeth and stand on the
rack In a dripping pan. Roast In a
moderate oven, basting every 15 min
nutes with melted butter, to which a
little boiling water has been added.
The time for roasting will vary from
2V& to 4 hours, according to the size of
the pig. The ears should be unwrap
ped the last three-quarters of an hour.
To serve, stand the pig In a large
platter with a garland of cress or
something green around the edge. Put
a wreath of parsley around the neck
and something in the mouth a lemon,
or apple, a bit of cauliflower or any
thing effective. The dishes comple
mental to roast pig are apple sauce,
turnips and sweet potatoes.
Plum Pudding. The best plum pud
ding being the worst indigestive con
sequences, I offer a modified recipe,
which I can vouch for as "perfectly de
licious." Three-fourth cupful of mo
lasses, one cupful of brown sugar, one
cupful of finely chopped suet, three
cupfuls of bread crumbs, two cupfuls
of flour, one cupful of sweet milk, one
cupful of mixed raisins, citron and cur
rants chopped, one teaspoonful of soda.
Sift the sugar into the molasses and
add the milk and suet. Mix the soda
evenly through the flour and add the
fruit to It, tossing it about to insure It
being coated, then put into the wet
mixture, adding last of all the bread
crumbs. Boil or steam In molds for
three hours. This pudding may be
made a week before using, one being
careful to reheat thoroughly the day it
is used. Just before serving pour some
brandy over the pudding and set it on
the fire, so that it will bo enveloped In
a blue flame when placed on the table.
(In three agefj.j
No mind Is so great that It CWUOt fet
Influenced by a small one, '