y, HaRRISNPrESS - J OURNAL. VOL. XIV. UARlSOISr, NEBRASKA, THTJBSDAY, DEO. 19, 1901. Ts3 O. XX V Y 1 - ! 1. 1 TIIE LQCfcL CEViS. Miaa fteuluh llmrtia came down from Li'.ais Friday night. Just received: A new coimiirnrnent of and buy clotliinff at GERLACHS. Wasted -Fifty bead ofj steers to keep until the lint of Mar, next. For partic ular addrw. Box 54, Harrison, Nab. Farther Hctiarli wtslie to announce . Unit tlrrwlttia services will be held at the Moatmae church on Christmas day at 8:00 and t-JM in Ute morning. More and better goods for the Kime I kKMMV Ht Of rlach's store titan uny other Anlaca, try tberu. 10-tf Franklin Force and family left Tues day night for Crawford with their house hold goods. Tliey expjet to in ike thai their home. Palmer-Hester. A delightful home wedding occured Tueeday evening at the home of Mr. und Mm. O.W. Hester. The contracting parties are well known in Northwest Nebraska. Mr. Palmer has been for a number' of years the junior niftnhur of tlw lrm of Butler A Faiiiier Bodarc Geanings- H. T. Mclntyre, St. Paul, Minn, who I him been troubled with a disordered Ktonmcli, says, "t Immlierliiiti'ri Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more goH.I tlmn anything I have ever taken.'' For sale tv all druggists. Anybody who thinks that this mnrat educator will refuse u lead of wood on subscription at any time cm have this lielief refuted by tins eiragrupli. We will take wood in any form on subscrip tton just so it is wood and will burn. There will he a Christmas tree with utmronnate service at the Methodist uSnruh on Christmas Eve. A cordial in vitation is extended to all to be present. of Cliadron and Guernsey. Last summer th flrni moved their store in Chadron to the promising little town of Minitare in in the irrigated portion of the Platte valley and have since then been enjoying a good trade at both their locations at Guernsey, Wyo. and Minitare, Miss Claudia G. Hester has spent the major part of her life in Sioux county and is widely and favorably known to Sioux oounty residents. The ceremony which made the young people man and wife occured amidst a small circle of friends and relatives. At 5 o'clock the bride and groom upsnired in the parlor and in a short time Mr. Yoiingnian had said the necessary words. The beautiful and impressive ring ser vice was used. The bride wus dressed in a gown of pearl-grey silk, trimmed in white ap plique and earned white roses. The groom wore dark. After the ceremony came congratu lations and a social lime until dinner was announced when all sat down to a bountiful feast, served in courses, which left no trace ol that liu igry feeling with those participating for days to come. Numerous and elegant presents were left by those preseul aud sent by absent friends. Those in attendance were: Mr, and Sirs. Hoimell, Mrs, Henry, of Lusk, Wyo., Mr. mid Mrs. Oiinger, Mr. and Mrs. V, A Hester, Mr. and Mrs, Gerlach, Mr. A. McUmlev, Mr, Geo. A, Phipps, of Harri son. After dinner another season of socia bility and then came good nights for all, Tlie Western Union Telegraph line was down between Harrison and Lusk for n short time Friday . The brenk was a lo cated Saturday three uii'es west of Van Tkapll. New Yar' Holiday iXUUa. To all point within 200 miles tickets will be oa mile at thin station as fallows: Dec. 34, 2.' and 81. lll. and Jan. 1. IMS. at one and one-third fare for round trip-- Continuous pusw in both dis"jlkc with Dual limit to Jan. 2d. ' ' E. F. Pontiuh, Agent, Winter has arrived at bust. Sudden, sharp, and decisive. We hear of several who had their ears nosd ami feet frozen last Friday, which was by far the old est day we have had yet this winter. Rev. Sloan and Kice began protracted Meetings the llrst Sunday in this month and hoped to lie able to continue them for some time, hut Hov. Sloan was tukin II with an attack of L i (iripp and was obliged to go home. The meetings were closed for a time, Mr. Kice hoping to re turn in a few days but the sturm preven ted him. The members of the Womans Mission ary Society met at Mrs. H. Zimmerman on Wednesday the 4th for the purporse of reorgamzaing. No meetings having Isjen held the previous year owing to the fa;L that their President, Mrs. Rice, has been unable to meet wil.il litem. The society is now in working order aud good results are hoed for this year. The sale at F. M. Smith on Tuesday was well attended and we understand everything sold brought a reasonable price. They intend leaving soon for their new home in Washington. We are sorry to lose another of our neighbors. but our loss isanothers gain. Mrs. F, M. Hall, who has been quite sick for the past wtek, but at the present writing is some better. James Wilson recently lost another yearling by blackleg. He has hid the remainder of his calves vaccinated. The snow fall I us mide it dilllcult for stock to graze and some have commenc ed feeding their cattle. Ziekel aud Clio have been absent some weeks. While we look for their iUms each week and wonder at their absence. overseer of highways, Warbonnet pre cinct was on motion approved. On motion board adjourned till Dec. 20, 19111. Wm. J. A. U.U-M. Clerk. Professional Cards. Water Power l Mighty. Gigantic water power developments lie Alps. There are now in the French Alps 48 factories tomobiles. svopiied by 250,000 horse power, elec trically generated. Engineers estl- "'" w"rk ou ",M1 ri,D' '""" mate that 3.000,000 horse power Is no Hunyan took the otherwise uneta turmlng to waste in the Alps. i ployed hours of three years to finish I pilgrim's Progress," which was writ Wsips storm a l..iive. ! ten almost entirely In Bedford jail. A story of a curious battle bf-twern xnp "Holy War" reinired but one vear. beeg and wafps comes from Sempering-j bain, England. A band of wasps en- tered a beehive in search of honey. : Wagou AcrlilouU Take the l.- I. j A Paris eporting paper keeps up its : statistics designed to show the raiity Oi catastrophes retiming from the ;-u- GRANT GCTUKIt. tomobillsm. It states that during t.ie ; AttnrnOTr ot 1 qui month of June ' persons were killed ; At tUll IC J alL3W . and 774 Injured by wagon accidents; j Pro (t .lttention jveu , m , 18 killed and 228 injured by rallwa- s; jn 4 killed and 124 injured by bicycles, ' - . and only 6 killed and 60 injured by au- V 1 j ft11"- jmi-.r. ! Fire Insurance written , in . r-ii l . L-empanies. tyLegal paers carefully tri-. - -Hakrison. ' - Nw.it s While the wtnr months are issing hv it would not tike much tiuirf to mjikI in a letter from your iieiji-liUirhoml to ll hj lKKv.'on(XAl. Kvery thing you need for Ue work will le furiiishel in cjuding the PRKi JdtrKXAl.for a year. I use and nrescrilie Lliamberhan's CoMgh Remedy for almost alt obstinate, coiwlricteil coughs, with direct result. I prescribe it to hildren of all ages. Am glad to recommend it to all in need ihkI seeking relief from colds and coughs und bronchial afflictions. It is' non-narcotic aud safe in the hands of lite most unpro sxional. A universal panacea for all mankind. Mh. Mary R. Mh.ks!y. M. 1)., Ph. II, Cluciigo, III. Tliis remedy is for sale by all druggists. PRJOr) Jot'liNAl. man eKfsicts to ' niglrt for a short visit with rela tftM franklin county. He will eat hnuer with his feet under ra table ajtu win niase a nnori vieit ill Lincoln and Omaha returning in about a week. A Warm Essay. In n little country school not far from Princeton literary exercises are Indulged in every Friday afternoon during the term. A twelve-year-old boy read an origiral essay on "The Nawsjupwr." This latter-day youthful Solomon treats his subject thus: 'Newspapers are sheets of paper on which stuff to read is printed. The men f,..tk ovy the jsifier U, turn if their iiamer, is in it, and the women lute it to put on on shelves and sich. 1 don't know how uewspaers came into the world. I dou'i. think G'sl does. The B.hle s iys nothing alioiit editors, and I never heard of one being in he.iv.m. 1 guess the editor 's the missing link the lellnws talk aUiut The lh st editor 1 ever heard of was the teller who rote up tlia ll.juil. lie has brfen here ever hiim h. "Some ediUirs Iwlong to cliim-h and some try to raise whiskers, Ali of them raise hell in their neighborlnKHl. and all of them are liars; at least all that I know and 1 only know one. Editors never die. At least 1 never saw a dead one. Some time the pawr dies and then people feel glad, but some one starts it up again. Cdilors never went to school, because editors never got licked. Our paper is a mighty Hxir one, but we take it ho ma can use it on our p;,nlrv shelves. Oni editor don't union til to much, but paw says he had a poor chance when be wus a boy. He goes without underclothes in the winter, wears no socks, and has u wife to supK-rt him. Paw hasn't paid Ins subscription in live years and Uou'l intend to." Princeton Record. :i 00 . 3 00 . a oo . 3 00 . it (Ht Commissioner' Proceeding. (Continued from last week.) Sugar Loaf precinct: Robt. Harrison, judge ,.. A. P. Rosenberg, judge A. J. Greenwood, jiidge H. W, Six Ion, clerk J, E. Arner,. clerk.. .... While River precinct: W. A. Rodgers, judge Nels Peterson, judge.... John 8( ray, judge '.. J. reber, clerk S, Mcintosh, clerk War Bonnett precinct: Ieonai'd bunt, Judge James Johnson, judge. E urloo Rates. To Annual Meeting State Teachers As sociation at Lincoln, Nek, One fare for round trip from all xiints in Nebraska. I late of sale Dec. 31, Jan. 1, (Jo. si returning until and including Jau. 4th 1W02. Contiuous passage in each direction. E. F. Pontious, Agent. Kv, UIiInm:Ii tilled his regular ap poin linen t at the Heniniingford (aithohc church, Wednesday. The reverend gen tlemen reporU that his new residence building at Montrorte is rapidly upproach iuK completion. It is Mr, RilMclp in twilion, so tlie Herald is informed, to stabliidi a M'liool at Montrose after avwhil in fai:t to build up a nourishing little town there. Heniniingford Herald. Ivut week this locality was favored ifi alsjut fpur inches of snow and on Sunday the elements started in to im prove on this by adding several inches more. This time ths snow was tu-uoin-sMiid by heavy wiod from the north and continued for 18 hour witliout abate ment. Trains from the east Iwva been nereral hours lata all week. - It is not Ihoutf'il tliat that stock losses will be very heavy xcit furtler west in Wyo ming where several heherder ami worn slieep are reported peri shed. Masquerade Ball. The Star Ochestra, of Harrison, will give a masquerade lull New-Years Eve Dec. 31st at Andrews Hall, Harrison. The lull will open with a grand march. i!:i-!J I lliul i;haixljerlairi's Cough Remedy is an exiMillent medicine. I have lieen suf fermg from a severe cough for the l.tst two months, and it has effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recommending it.- W. C. Wockkkr. This is the opin ion of one of our oldest and most respect ed residents, und has been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy and lie henellted, us was Mr. Workner. This remedy is sold by al. druggists. the Try them When you feel dull lifter eating, Wheu you have no itpiwtite. When you liuve a bad taste In mouth. When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated, When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. They twill improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate vour stomach and regulate your liver and bowels. For ) by all drug-ginls. :i oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 ..... 3 00 Tho bees noi unnaturally defended their property nnd tried to turn the enemy out. They were, however, bad ly beaten, and the wasps gained pos session. Whon the beekeeper exam ined the hive later on ho found that nearly all his bees bad been killed and that the wasps were enjoying tin fruits of their victory. ArivertUinK Pedtions 'or I'sriloin. The governor of North Carolina has cotilled the people of bis fctate that all netlilons for the pardon of ccnvicU j must fir.st be advertised for some length of time in the newspapers of the locality where the offender lived or where the crime was committed. Woman Pcr.rn lit Knpsrlee. An Independence woman said that when she died Bhe was going to ask 'Shakspeare if he really wrote all his Crusade AKlnt Fat Polleemnn. . himhsnd HUfJirested that A crusade is on in Jers?y City , rv.o'h!tr Willie would not be un there, i when she cr'ckly replied: 'Then you; ask him. .eoaosna irvas.; negisiei. 31. J. 0 Council, - - Co. Alter,) j Mill Prni'tlce iii AlHIourts. Special Attention (Jivea to Laud fif lice IJiisiness. (Ullcctions and all business initnio ed to me will receive ininip(, attention,. IlAIiHrSOM - NliBliASICA. against fat policemen. They must get down to fighting and running weight I The other day a thoroughly equipped gymnasium was opened and ordars were issued by the president of the police board and chief of police t every policeman to report at the gym nasium at certain hours for exerclsi necessary to reduce them to athletk proportions. Site of Famous llattle. Bergen, a little village in Noord. Holland province, close to Alkmaar, is, the site ol famous battle between the Russians .tnd the French, who wera assisted by the Dutch, In 1799. A mon ument wus recently unveiled tlK're In memory of the Russian soldiers who perished In that engagement. I'nijumtiiin of German Cities. There are in Germany 412 cities wi(!; a population between 10,000 and lUOOOv each. In IS1G the German empire ha; 24,833,000 inhabitants; in 185'., 36,111. 000; and 'v. 1900, 56,315.000. Folly of Aiding Slcli lleRears. tiegear was anesieu m uiu-i A recently, wita Park. Queens OoroJgn 5C10 on his person. This is a t&np'.t uf one of trie classes of the transp ge nius which foolish charity supports in wuihk-ss Ufe.-S;)riugfield Republican Cues for the Snnflower. Olive oil has many uses but more sMb'titutcs, and few salads are com- J. E. PIJINNKY. M. I). . ' , Phj iscian and Siirgenn. All culls Kivmi prompt iitlentiun. OitiH in 1 n-uu Store. ' -HARltrSON - NEHUASKA. K. KOIIWKH, Lumber, 1 1 an less, Saclillt'N, (ruin and 1''od, Doors aiil Windows, Heavy Hard warn. NOTICE T() XOK-RKSIDE.NT 1KFKNI)AKT Taught ;ard!Milii!r !iy Kain:l. V.'hen the present Archbishop ol Canterbury was, nearly half a century aco. nrinctnal of a government train ing college for teachers, he a'.waya 1 newspaper, this Is soon to hnd a made a point of personally Initiating : sturdy rival in the oil of the seed of his Etudetits into the mysteries of gar-1 the sunflower. Experiments mado by dening, and piled spade end rake la German chemists have convinced them his shirtsleeves as a teacher and ex 'I'D Aiiierlc.iiY Investment (,'onipnny, a efr. puriition, W.J. liowdeu, wliosu true cfrrl tnin name is known to plaintiff, K. Orais by liop,R true inune in unknown, trustee, non. resilient clcieiulanl. Von und ':ii'li of yon will take notice tlm lHaruli Vlsdo:ri plalntil't tllett her H.MtlDa is yiic IMstrict Court of Hiuux counsv u. the Uitli ,lay of October -l'.IUl hgain.st impleacle(.l with Sarah Wisdom and Ixjona Wisdom heli-Hof Aaron (I. W lMdoni deceased, the ob I, -ct ,m,l triv,l- of Whu-h licti'inii 14 tlia pounded without the aid or one or , i()r(,elOM,r(. of (,-taiu liens tor taxe upon trem. Cottonseed oil is a favorite sub- j tiicHouth half of the northeast quarter ol Etltute. but, according to an Egyptian j section twelve and tliu north ha'f ol the ;i oo 3 00 It. L. Ke-d, j.ide 3 0 L. L. Wilson, clerk 3 00 John I'lunkett, clerk !! "0 Whistle Creek precinct: Octave Harris, jiidK 6 Orville Wilson, judge 3 00 W.H. Nicliolson. jud,'e 3 00 W, L, Ashbrook, clerk 8 00 I'eter Allison, clerk 3 00 PKKSOSS UKINOINO Kl.WriO.N HKTI KNS. J. H. Mcintosh, 1 day and 50 miles f 4 ")0 50 ' 4 50 "11 ' 2 HO " 40 ' 4 00 " Id 5 HO " .V) 4 50 " Hf':j'f'. 4 30 i- 1 " 2 05 " 20 " 3 00 " 30 ' 3 5i) HO " 0 00 " 00 " 5 00 " 120 " 12 00 umplar should. " Koort for I.itrrory Ieple. An English writer tliinUs he ha-, discovered a food particularly adapt ' ed -to the. literary man. He ascr- that apples, raw apjnes at thiJ, art ( th; bpst diet on which to feed gcnlu's. i hut that they should be eaten as tht children eat them, skins and all, aivt in sufficient quantities to be satisfy ing The Commoner Total Population and the Votori. it aeenis. or tlie avaiianiniy ot mis cheap raw material and it may become shortly a valuable article of commerce. It is said to be convertible, to many uses and, besides having possibilities as a lamp oil, may be used for dyeing purposes, and will be of service in soap making. New York Press. . PUCKER UP AND WHISTLE. Doctors INx-lnre the Practice Is Pro motive of tioori! Hf-aith. Another prescription for promoting iho health of the general public has northwest glial ter of section thirteen nil iu township thirty-two nojth of range fifty three west of the Ctli principal meridian in atoux Coiintv, Nebraska, said linns being for tlie at. itp, county and school district tuxes levied nuainst said land fcr the years li!94, It-OA, law. ltW7, 1(-!W, lKtui and 1WW, that an nc counting may be had of the amount due on s-ald tax liens, that said promises may be de creed to be sold to satisfy the amount found to bo d'lie.tllfcrooii, that you and each of you may be foreclosed und forever barred of all right, title, interest orecjuity of redemption in and to tho same and for general relief. You are miulrpd to answer said petition ou or tMifore thfc 26tto day of November IWW. Sarah Wisdom, plaintiff. snd Swe- t'arl M. Lux, B. L. Keel, Win, Houiret, " J,(), Wilson, " Solomon Story, ' Win. (Jayhart, " K. V. Lindsey, " A, L. Liethoir, " J. H. Bradley. " r. oseuls?rg, " tlharles Newman," F. B. O. l-oskett, 3 The following claims atrainst Sioux county were taken up, examined audited arid allowed and vurrants ordered drawn for saiiiit: On bridge fund : It. . Smith, spikes, 3.00. Fall Kiver uunty, So. Uak., bridge, 131.15. iMeckman & I icy. livery lure, J.OO. Wni J. A. It-ii i in. services, $57. 15. John E. Macseller, services canvass ln board, T"2.0t). W. H. Davis, services canvassing boanl, if2.00. Frank Nutto, repairing bridge, fil.00. J. II. Burke, services a.-t county super intendent. W'i'K ltibert Kiel, Use of building election purKise, $2.50, Sam Tebbett, boartlinff prisoner, $1.00. 1 (', I,ewis, services as county coni missioner, $25 W. E. llohwer, servbxis as county com missioner, 21.05. Jens C. Meii, services as county com missioner, 21.25. John Maisleller, in lieu of road war rant No. 1, 27. On motion the road petition of Wni. O'Connor and others is hereby layed over on account of there not being a bond on Hie to cover exwnneH in case said road should not be allowed. On motion the bridge petition of M. J Uuyburt and others is hereby allowed and Jens C. Men is hereby appointed to draw plans and seoilications for said bridge. The olllcial honil of Sam Thomas, tv.. ,.,1 ,i,lnr ifrttn ba T'.iltor I Vii.i,, tflvpii nut. llV GRi'r.i"!! d Ftates in 1'JOO was within a small frac I dish doctors, who declare that notnmg lion of H.JOO.OOO, and the total popu tends more to a robust physical frame lation of the country, including ter .than the practice of wh.sUing. But rltorles which have no vote on thi they insist upon a systematic and con K..nHnn woo 75 ntifi nnn Pra, tl ,tt ,.fi'nrt on the Dart of the benefi ciary I'ii,l schools nave ireru who're on of the chief exevc-ses con lsts in lying flat, bach downward, on a table and simply breathing and ex pelling air from the lunss with regu larity and vigur. Dumb-bells and In- .. .11 ln,l V.ir tho dian clubs have neea unca.uu rally, therefore, there was one voi cast for each five and a half inhabl Vniversal C'orkroftrh. The "ommon cockroach has spread throughout the civilized world by means of ships. This disagreeable bug comes and goes on ships almost as advanced health ctilturists in these in- freeiy as the rats. 1 he two seem to 1 ftjt,t!ons. live together amicably and they mon-ij)fe ana Ktren2;thening oprilize the hold cany foodstuffs. of the ships which iframo aKa,ur,l sickness whistling is ABOIlT THE GREAT AUK. Last of a Noble Kace or Bird Wm ' DiHpeared. A few days ago an egg of the great auk was offered "or sale In London and after a spirited competition was knocked down for $1,222. The price seems enormous, but when it is re membered that there are only, as far as known, sixty-five of these eggs in existence the wonder ceases, as there are many more collectors, whose col lections would not. be complete without this coveted possessions. The eggs, of which a single one alone was laid in a Ecasoii, were deposited on a ledge of .-!.. . 1 J- U n n c Old I Tl 1 . H T V As a met nod ot prolonging i rocK ciose to uk oca, a,o the human: of the bird to travel on lanu woum nred. i,!n It from seeking a nesting tin I. - i J tV, rv VimIiV Is-tid to be beyond compare. Develop- ; place lar trom me snoie ami In'.ent of chct and neck rauBcles Is one : ,uk would be enabled as soon as pie ;0f the 8pvial navsntases claimed tor Mble to dip into the sea. The great ,, ,...!. t.ntip drrn breathing is ' auk is nelieved to be extinct. ' The The KaUflr'M PHlsre. In the twefity-odd paitces of Genua, i Kmperor son e 3...U0 s arc employed, abc-ut C.OOu of Irir Wil-lien hlWTM lnifi! course, required for keeping up cstab , . ,.,,,... Resides tho good observed one which had been caugDi ll.shments on this srale, and the Kin- iha nm-former's general hv some fishermen in the sea near si percr's total expenditure is estimated U) there ig an advantage in know-j Kii,ia. It was brought on board the ng how to whistle well. U is recog- ed as a certain form or musicm an v vnnti ! ,nr cr,,,.! whliitler. as it Is latest account of a living specimen wan t 2,000 of ihoiie be ,ot "'.rjaie to draw In the breath i given by the late Dr. Fleming, who in n;;e Interna is, o . " t 'rtllrine the intervals of the 1 1821 was cruising In the Hebrides nnd i i .. i, exit in. "" ,, . , , .t.i.i. v.i kun ranrllt Ht some $1"5.000 a day. Crow tli of Itoys and C.lrln. At 6 years of af;e boys aio mainly taller than girls, but at 7 years the girls catch up and either outstrip tlif boys or hold their own until 9, atter which the hoys tai.e a fresh stait am. maintain a good lead for two years At about 12 yr.'.ts the :il8 ailddv.il: become taller th'in the boys, coiillnu lng so until their flftenth ytar, w'lfi" the boys finally regain their superior ity In st.'.inre and hold it perniancntly nl- tinrl ft a Riich 1s capable of giving pleas ure to the listener. Chicago Chronicle. Olrlt That 'TalL" The English anthropologist, Francis Galton. tells of a conversation which he had lately with the president of a college for women. Mr. Galton uslted this iiidy about, the subsequent rawer yacht by the sailors and tied by the log a big bird of about three rcet in length with a large beak and wings of very small size, with which It made no attempt to ny. Its waddling gait was most ungainly and difficult on the imooth decft, but when, still tied by the leg with a long rope, it was allowed to sock its food overboard it was as- the rapidity wun water. The tonishlng to see Hrsln-V!fht and JtMitnl pnwnr. It is stated by an authority that the weight of a man's brain has nothing to do with his mental powpr. Tho rolder the climate, the greater the slzo of the brain. The largest heads of all are those of the Chngatches, who live very far north, and next come- the heads of the hups. i. i,.i.i fm.n iv,n which it (swam itnnef OI tlie gills w no 6'" ,.. : - ,,,1,1, .nnlri college She answered Unit about cms- wings, used as propellers, with rapta third of them derived real profit from beats, aided by the feet w 1 thnir education, that another third through the sea with incredible swift profited very little by it. while the! new. and the boats had hard work to remaining third were an ab:-oluto fail- keep up with it. The amusement at .. . ... !, ,itv, Hiuuotrr aa one day tire. And what becomes oi ui'-ae lungm uiki .m "Oh, when exercising in tne usuai umuuc-. failu-cs?" asked Mr. Oaiton. they're the ones who marry." the rope broke or became detached and this last scion of a noble race dis appeared to be seen no more. Chicago Wire lni for Hay Fier. more victims every year, In propor tion to the population Is embodied in a small disc covered with wire game, which Is Inserted ' ho ww'-U. Tho "I,ot Forty." is a tract, of land In Taw- well county, minors, lying along inn The fitrlss Tench llnmocrftry. rue swtss gin is taugni to ne num- jeW8 ble and practical from the moment! when, at the age of 4. she enters thfc' Infants' school, until at 18. when shii There returns finished from nension. There The newest Ideas for mitigating hay ) absolutely no difference between thn, Mackinaw river, which consists of fever a disease which seems to claim treatment of the manses and tho continuous series of abrupt and deep 1 classes. Thnv sit touctber at school, ravines. Not a foot of the tract could are taught the same subjects by tho be cultivated. The ridges are full of Ramn masters, receive the Bame Duulsh-: fox dcn, wolves are occasionally mcnt and the same praise. found, and turkey buzzards hover over it in large hocks, i ne tract is Known as tho "Lost Forty," because no ont knows who owns It. For years It ho been used for trading purpose and many unwary persons from a distance Kolie of Muk-Ol HI. Ion. The skin of the mtit-k-ox, which is a denlien of the "Barren Grounds" und I'realilcnt Rooscvnll's lloro, President Roosevelt's new horses, Admiral and General, weigh together , t a Arctln reffinn of Canada, haa taken n 9-.n nnunila ThA cnachmon unn font- Ihe plnce of that of tho extinct huf-i wear red, white and blue cockades av advanced money upon It and v . " I 111,11 : , . Im ... mil iumi mlw falo for sleigh rohes. It varips in whlch was the badge worn by Jcffcr prbe from 'M to as low as $5 for a1 80nlan ncrubll"ftn until HSS. poor article. taken mortgages In various sums, oiljr to receive a questionable title to worthless piece of land. 7- v.. We 'V. : V I' I'