Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 12, 1901, Image 8
..r I 'f, T t ."4 V S i UK bHAMJS. T'U 1 H l. ill i'tt i-l V"ur trimi-l. itU" t H- I it inif, l' j r : 't, t"'r r- 1 ;tir rii.irnil i'((, ,vi'v t!.rMt or ruiM-rnnii in Mti m i looting romillf mtouh! i4.Uvit, tltWr hr..uW in ThkJoIK u H cimtl;tl. at! (tr 1 1 1- tHt. It inny lr !! tncuHrtul' avhijf money lor you $500 REWARD. Vttr Him arrest itnal eon action of any party 5 pur Urn stealing or disf!i;iiriiii; any brands ii stick bclmiidnt; to tlie uiiderslKned par r. . . I T I . u r n i i K. K.J.VNDT. Brands 60. 117, - B on iff t hir eft hip of ChUU-. :4u.ix County. NfhrnMku. m on Iff t Jaw Post itJicc, Hewitt, jomn t. snow. Horses branded on left shoul- r bruii tlt-i on l'f t shouMer and Cuttle Pit fm left Mill1. Post Office Address, .Patrick, Laramie Co. M yo. (IKOiti.K SU 'ANSON. 1 ,('! le branded .Hrw brand's! on left aide on left slum Uter, rnntre on Soldier 4 k. " Any stm-k hritudcd km alaive. bciinr estray ml from my ran.-, iliacovcre.il by any lioily .ag-iving iiih information HI le rewarded. '' Address, VI. Itohiusnii, Nebraska. J. !. I'AKKKK. .HVrsrs branded on .Cattle hhihu un lJ't ,hep baruded ,ts?fc of Mteep. left shoulder ami hip. on back or Kan ui- on Soldier Creek anil White Illver. Address, r'l. Uoliinson. Nebraska. 0nUip fnllfiw-'tiihrndtjiipiili- kt: JOHN A. HANSON A Is-1 HG on i'at - fl and borsi-- i ratrWon K fiife .harm.' on left Range mt HUver Sprint's and east I lie. VoKtoftice llarri.son Neb J f. Tl-CKKR. rirandcil on Ml ahouWIpr of bor'a ind on lft MiUe of cattle. Knu on ixll And till-. TMoon I i . 011 riffht wiit right ile of cnttle too. KangpoH W'hiUi ltiv-r, nfirfl-n. pV-T.r VJLY.V.K I.1VKXTIK K Co. llraiKli'il on U'ft hipof tVttle and un leftidierV 01 ilorito , KilUKOII l)H')(rrC'K. At drett, lifi'p-CpfH'li Avt Stmk o,. ' ' J. II. IIuhkkt, KortnaM, m I'HAUI.KS NEWMAN. Ttoe brand rrtromntiid in this nolir anH brandd any whrn on left nlde of rattlf, and over lap -Mil fioui tlie rlKbt ear. AIho the name brand on Iff t tUili of hor-u-x, li-luiiK to tbf niiili-rl(.'iiiiil. Uanir- near Kaot spt'iiiK-, wtuth pari lo tion county. Liiaki.kk Nkwm .n, ftani'it. Nffcrufcka. HOt'ltKKT A SONS. Cattl brand ad iMni! nt that mi rut on nth i . er Hid" uf anl- i wial J And following on b-ft it of in 111-. wmm And- And till- on lft ldf of 1m wbx'k. on li-l t Uti' Riul hi p. Nanirron Itininlnif 'Ut. I'oaUKIIcr Hihlri'xa, llnrrlion, N-briHr. E3 on riiflit thiifh branded and ohonlih-r and on riirht Jaw Ali, havr llorarn hm1ll I J on Irft thigh X7a Pout OfnrXitiMrrM, llarnoii, ivna ( o, Nrbraaka Hl. V AtON. 4 IM Brmadad 'i iiiks m Ban rr-ri on :ft nidi' nu( Wati-r - A44rOT AiraU. Mb. PRISTIX(;TIIIS OFFICE i nit - C.r.iid.- Al-ei llor-M-i Hraii"b-t tin- -a I' " Hlionl'i- r. Kiinffi. s. u;- l Aiiitn-ttK. I'o-l op,:--A t-1 1- i- j llnrriiMi!!,vrl ? J. t.. 1'IIIN K V . MiN. Tin iislMV, I K ', . 1.' IIiOI. i-o. A. rhijiji., Kilittir. i.M i:i:i:i) in tiik I'o-ron-i' i. at in'! KMiN Nl.l'.i:. AsmKcoM) rl.v-s MM''..lt f'uttit lirandi-il 1". O. Addre-w. on It-tt mIiIp. HarriMni. V. OFFICIAL 1 'APEH I I OF SIOUX COUNTY. AMiKKVV ( II KI-TI AN at tli- liraiitl tii ltt t -.i'lf hilllH Ii' rut uihI horu4 luauMffl uu h-tt flioiiMo Hilllie H CUt Mif thf pro?Krty ot AmlifW Chritin hih ruiiK- triltuiary to Van Tawl S)riiiKH. A.llriHf4, Kirtlrv. W vo. Dollar Per Ytar. L..'! (.". iuf, ill 1 , .. r I . f.'i'i. for a:--t.;."7 Ho: !l J., :.. .-: I the ""icyal an.! LM fiA" gadi.- i: g:, r. u.m whiin "ome an pxei -ri. c, if ;.s alWctif. n tennis, mor" el. t . ;n: th-! i-roqjft a 'it inure t-nthrs!:n tu a y of tlifsf wh n on I he initiul ili .'i . lies hale Leea ovonanie. ToUlujr lud-;-iid-nt of Xo-.rM. fount '1 ! -it. y is r.ol an ol(fil;ci;t pi tiont. Smiift lime ago his iihy.--ici.nii told him not to walk or rid ou liorce back, but lis did what he pltascd, rc :;:a:kis:g. "I know better i li a n a!: iihyduiniiM what is good fur me." X I a rstel lei A re Bros now jiivp.'uvi 1 to show AX KLKOANV 1,1 NIC K School Shoes Tin- T!iiij .Mimrho, "Hands up!" ttfrnly comnundTj t:.. fOfiiuau as he EtfT)i)"iI bfforp a 1.u:tv- - k -i. i inir r:d--ti'i;in in a lonflv- f.nli,:rlj an 1 : ttVl Mil"is the nstiiiu of a iii;ii;;iziii, tin- ((,,?(,( , r,.Vo)ver muzzle in his fare ! Wft initial ntlllllK-r Of Wlllcl) "ill U;rif;ir ill Tim nnr1.ir..-t 1 -It.-.,! nnnni.t, . , , 1 iSjl April, 1902, rroitt Allin. N-l. Ita motto, snatch the pistol from the robher a:i'i "Hull Ambition. True find NnM Living. knr k him (low n with onp fi'.l blo'.v I'ulturf, t'h.irmH-r." . roin s--. lli.il it will "How dare you try lo make m- miss a lw;i hi'-'li . lass ' rniusixine and n,f. id s'wt "ar when they pass only once an I hour: exclaimed the pedestrian an- iTilv. T'lf-1! he n:rr!c-d on 'n in d;irk liess Ohio State Journal. It is 3 proh'.eni nolver) in J. l.KVKlt. l attlc branded )N I.KrT.MUt lot Office Addri-MM. t;liadron Nebrai-ka-llliKWslklt Co. ('utile brand ed name iim tlial on "tit, irltlnr b-ft hip ,)r on left Mhonldcr. tlor-vM! hmrt'tnl with miy of kImivp br.tmU. A'M rt J. A. AIKRKO4 llttrriJti, Ni'liiHkii. I i i t t Him West ran 1 niml. TIib l'1'.loss J jul'RNAL Is n.it ac iainle.1 Willi tlte flo ors hut li'ipeH that tile Mirr-M l if 1 1 they merit niav come to the their en deavors. The Held which they propose to cover is certainly a broad one and one hn h caniiut lie loo thoroughly hroiiyhl la-lore the M-o;le, NKIL JOUOAN. PUP H or ami fat- IU hraitdftt I'HtllT it on rut. o:i 4ILItlf ,l Ami C;tttl" hiniidi-d nUif , nit'l IIorH on ff t j A'Hre.-m, INwlarr, Ni-Ir)ik. KKT K AlSNKsT. Some live or six weeks ao, a lire oc curred al Harrison, io the adj .nuns; county of Kioux. winch UeMr.vd the home, together with ev.-rv piece oillurii ilure therein, of a worthy citizen of the town. I lie propei ty w as useJ as a holel. and it wan tin; ow tier' only means of pro vi.liui; fr hmiMflf unO family, lie con ducted a model little hoMleiry, at which the traveller Was always sure of u Wel come and kind treatment. He was a tiood ninn as frorxl as the average citi zen -ana hi wife was a lady. There was not one dollar ol insurance unrin the property, and the jwojile deti-rmmed lo come lo the rescue, which tliey did, and last wee!:' Harrison 1'resS Journal slates that some 1"0II li t I lo en raised. What a testimony is this to Ihe generosity and all-round worth of the people f liltie Sioux anions; ll.e smallest 111 point ol population of any county in the. state. HemliiifUiid Hi-rild, .MURDER. Another reat. murder trial has pone into history m S.oun county. All the ru pulsive and leri ilile details 01 Ihe awful tragedy have infen tohl before tlie people and have umie into record. S.mielKidv is reSjMui.sible for il. Who it is noun- knows except, probably, the jiUiliy man him self. But that man w ill prob ihly can y with him into his grave a nfuiily ecu scieiti-e vluch w ill make all other punish inents pale into irisisjuitlc-ance. Hut whether he d.ies or ilocsu't. the seen, s ilorjM-s bramled on h-l t Jaw, shoulder or flank. Also llorM.-. branded f on left flank and I ballon lei i i!)iiiild-r. lift n i;e M head of Van Tall rre-k, W yo. 'l'ot Office adilres, Harrison, Seb. I1KNHV AliNKKK. Cut tie brand- W W' -d ou If.ft side. Uan'e on UHtiiO-iu; XVater Crets-k. IP.fl, AiblriMH Harrison, ."ebra-ku. H1ANK Nt'TTO. Cuttle branded sldtj and Manic on er f horse m. .vImo some of the llor- tie ire branded mi sll Mlioul'ler Monic 11 m descrlb ahove baaicl. Cnttv branded on lei I hip and stum on 1 lie lei t i jau, and -.one ) which lollotd tins: Iraijedv line lft an n llor--es. A Im.j , , , . ,i i , n irineuoie lllltresiiii on in - oitnos in .in who listened lo the vitness.-H as Ih-y t s tilietl. lh'j s- cne ol iho old, tmuid father and broken he.ir'el sisiers ami brother uh lh.- lold of Ihe liud i;x ol lb.- Iily and I he pel lot miuy; ol He' I. is! s.,u riles could tn-t hut haw lelt hi mII heal Is a feeiinj; of pity ami .sadness tnal sui ti ihtnsia i-.iuld le. Willi all these terriiib' scenes fi-h tu our m nds ii- u no! lit in- that we sln-u u see the reasons Iron) themV t. is an a'.vful tltuu; to take lie- lif.- f tmotber. Not onlv is it a terrible Mm to ha ve on one's mind, out there Is aii- iluiely iioiluo to l galled. It is all loss ami no 11111 Surelv no onec.nl ihsp'ih; la it f..ct. And if it is pnditless. uho will care lo tejeal it, mid thereby c wry with bin) to his crave a nuiliy conscience, which ncls in. accus'!? Surely hen one is tempted 111 a moment of anijry frenzy lo take tie life of a man who in Ins heart be k ites, he will pause and Hunk of Ihe sorrow 11 w il cause and 1 he iiofit h-s-ness of it all. And if he pauses and thinks he wiil sur. lv not let bis frenzy lead Inni lo take thai which In: cannot retruu. the hie of an-' other. on Ui l-f t ! ft hIioiiI- . mil Ahln:-Hr Ilnrr!M n, Nclirik;i. KOI1KKT V. NKKCK. m ,tl H...i,U.fl K:ntfi- 011 Al-n (! Iinoie.l Iftjl o'i left h MUoalder or side. Uaui;! 011 Uunnlnil Water. I', it. Address AlC it., Kelrawku. fWTVA. KNOItl. Cattle brandisl any wiu-re on left aide or the MtllUllll. Kiinife on Prat tle 1 en and M011 IIM! Creeks. A'ldrrsM, llarVlMOit, Nebraska Cattle branded Cattle branded Culllc bra.ideil on left nlde. uu left j.Mde, On Ufl flip. UKIiUY r .'r', Koreimoi. P.O. AddreiM, Gln, V:i. Clean IVrmii Amnnic Lepem. In the h-prr bfttle :ni nt ou the inland of Molakai, there vi re 1)09 lepers and 1C4 "rleau" peiMU.8. The genera! opinion v,iih that the "iltan" would In time become leprous. Nearly l,Ju( people arc lioittt d, fed and clothed fui about f.Mi.OCO a ar. A...loi .mi .. 1 lie Il.lti Ir !. The r-,.1.1 n lMri(. oi it:e a.a.Vf- pi pu lat.ion ( f the Aleitlian c.iiiiu of islands Is told in a rejiiit ja.st received by tie. nvirine hotplial a-rvlce from Mr. P. J. Thornlmry, itr. ,!. io'.a-it surgeon at Dutch harbor, Alarka. The report 3aij that fonurrly tl.tre were 120 vil- j luKcs on the i.-landii with a native population yarioii:.!; csLinsnted at fro:n 1.500 to 2.50 1. Nc w, in the same dis trict there aie only 10 villages ami l.OoO liiluiblfants, exclusive of whites, ?f whom 300 are creolog (mixed bi'cvd with RufSiari and other tia'ioiiallties) tnrt "UO natives. f'hoe Kcoiioiny with a harid a'lum balance at Ihe 11 d of the year when Selz JJchool Hliis'fl are purchasfi! exi-lu-Hively for III" chili'.ren., No Rinnufacturcr hi the world builds a line of hboes as exutisiv d u ra b!e handsome Bod low pricei as the Be 1st Children's bhocs this year. Lock for the sign of "Sclz." It marks tlie PopularDci!? r. Rclz Shoes for Men, Women and Children are S..t;R:'act .ry Hhis-s Price (uaiity- Comfori Style. SELZ, SCHWAB & CO.,ctncAOo l -rirtst Manufadurerj of Boots and Socts In the World. 1 t'f?'5 f 1 a , . jm Kit lor Sell "hiherty Belt 3 psi.-r7i .f-V Stli "Ri.iiibltr." I 'v'sK. iel Bank. ommerG HARMI30N. NEBRASKA. DIBECTOIS. F. CuKI-KK. 1'lCsi.lclll. F. W.Ci.vuk;-, Cash'MT. !f. S. ( 'r. !:k--( A. NMiIni.f.y ('HAS :.six. B ll'-r Tnben of 151 Mi-inwr. The boiler tube; of a !jn;r, if plaeerj In a tUfalt'ht line, would re:uh neaily l-n mtleo, and the co::dcns r tubes y.orc than twenty-hve miles. The lo tal number of separate pieees of su-el In the main Htructure of the ship Is not I !e-s than 40.000. StockuiPii having' use for ;i lank ;tt t!ii- p int may rely ot ilk 1o li;!iii!i' t h f i r .ill -).re art' iiifpart'd to lakr can re lilHlU'5h 'A' uur tnt'lf at all tinipsfr v s " - -- - - - - 1 Msrarabo C onsul on Mosqiilt'MH. To diive out the tno,sfiuito, (Vinnul 'Itirr.arher of Uaracalbo, adviues th.; plar.'ins of cat tor oil Lean in yards end about bui'ullngs. lie says In I.t.owd from p '. ruonai expericiu:e that ribere the raster oil bean grows no i.:os'ttito or other blood-HiiiUIng ln icct will abide. The Commoner It o IS THE PI0NKKK PHARMACY 3) !? o Ijniisi's Sundries, l'.-iints, Oils, rarnisheS, Hooks .'Hid Station a ivy. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. Ciravaii flabbtnK In Tr!pn:l. CarEvati xqVmx. In Tripoli n;r-mi a-i trofitable as hcldine v pay t.-ai ns. :e r,ipiuicu iiv .irai.s at a pi.'',!iQ r- l'od Datnerctnon ('(nsistcil f it nen ' t'tr'f!?. lndon with corn. Ivory, ostrich ! loOfOOOC((OOi'iCOi00OO f-athc-:" and s..i!U, all valu 1 at J in Hie fitht 210 m.-a were i.::i. j. An Iij-l'-peiiUent Jl.itik "Vi'c d-;ft t wsat iiiy .uu; d-;o-: Is in" a'nn an ituiiau (Kan.) uanl North-Western h.if. fot'd ta IU. frci.t daor. The ov..i ;-i, f.ay they have more money now lh,ni tl-ey can place and don't care; io run j 1he i tb't of kf-f ping a hit more money ' iv lib h they can't make earn them! fcomeihlug. v....lACTrl in lett:."::. I'. M. LINE I!. U. Hit Im io anil tr.i BLACK KILLS, Few Ttili.M In F.ducntlioi Mori ant TIcjii 1 h . Import- The utipn-jntcndHit of gfh'o!.-' In larse Auiorivm city said reciitb" in a private conversation: "1 make it point not to en?a;e a teacher until I have reeeiic l l. l-;ter from her. Ex- . perlence haM taught nie that letters j are wonderful reveukrs of character; and sometimes applicants with whom I have h'-en particularly pleased in a personal interview have failed to rfi cefve their appointments, simply be cause they 'f-'ave themselves away.' as the boys say, In their written com munications. There I have diffovfr d the csrclcM-rie?8. untidlneiiS. Ignorance Inaccuracy, Indolence, narrowne.-s and other traits which had been concealed In a brief conveiat!on. but which ' should have discovered to toy forrov had the wrlt-M become tcacVrs i: my Bchool8. 0:i the other hand a I 1 tfr- hps Hjnt:rTl'i? MhOWtl P'- thn Jii applicant of whom 1 felt doubtf1;! . seused the firmness, the accurate tr formation and the IiIkIi Ideali wl.lc Tour TVrrllorle fssektwa amiMlon, There cc four teritorifari n:i nr, adtn.'-rinn Into the I'nlon as fctateo ind acronlinir In ail nrc-dr-nta t'"e lave a better chance of succicdin? In he matter iu Co!!sr.-r-s, especially iu tuvance of a p:eKl!f-nt!al election, If hey are of the same p'jli'lcs as the ! I conrlder essential In thoM who 11 ;oxnln.iat party in Washington. Of 1 dertake th:t (raining of our boa a' he four, three, Oklahoma, New Mex- girls. Natnrally, 1 Insist upon ha (0 and the Indian Territory are gen- inf? our pupils taught the art of If ra!ly legarded an Kepebllran. and tr wrtlln. for I confclder f-"v tul" nly one, Arizona, as DaJiocratlc I In education more Important. Tr boy or girl who will take pains I rlte. In a clear hand, a earcfu'1 thouhlout, well expressed lr'.t without mistakes in spelling. Krnv mar or (.rraiifrrntit, can almost ' ways he relied upon to do other th!nv well." Thlf. Is the testimony of prominent Huritor. Let us hop that his worU will Im-plre many ' t!:i n lcltf ' HI. All'.! 1 u!i AM lin'l -I'hiM.s. ill l,Mv.l)l.. I , V. V.. A . It. 1!. Illl.e tat le. a 1 j iiolnii West. I.oiiiis Khst I In. S, 11,1 1! l(i:.'HNo. 1., niiTi! ; I , 1 " "' " I ecl Ul, 11AI!1:. t I otts 11 '' I n.i : i : !, j 11- 1. -j W Ji ' "S S; I U 11 ..I I VW.iJSF- !. . r ; P.m. ,.Vr- .. arsVi. V.ir. mm v 4 m m'jr- A.T. (II I. IP Pi tnd r im In ilonld lloi -...,, U&iU nnl rll'l mm on left d "ii -rlht ..'ew York fiun. Kplta;ili for Kqnliin. A recent number of the Westminster Oazette contains the following obitu ary notice: 'Mercifully sent to sleep ,t Landsuard, full of yens find honor, Freedom, a ci-cptnitt mi: be!o:ii;l3i to Dr. Cowper. She was bred by ma .nd was named 'Freedom' by Mr. Bart- t 0Ilr yon(, p,.0pio- to perf-ct lett on account of her a!. solute free Ion of movement when quite a tiny filly. In her best cViys :'e would la bard to pass on any roa l." reives 111 writing." "the noble art .Selected, of le; II ( fl ti. I KImmi Ulver I't.wrr. Swltze I i".i(i p'l- inis n o..; 1 1 Pnu tlrlmlm t'lihir..! I...... " ,"" '"',,""""'! Uor CVIlnli l I. .)..-! .fc ""' I'll'.' I .I'M 'i"li'U III. . ftaff of the Paris Finaro. think; thati "ve8 a!1 "", 't r.,-i.-, tt, ..t(iii. s a. ci,. Ib.lc nri' pilvotv Icihlintc (.ml merly monopullzed by dlplomncy and i !'':1''' '' B lr,M 1 : 1 . v. ,. ,lr..fl.Mfc..ll. ... ., I k.I . I .. , 1 ii'an, v 'i 'i in' ,1 is r 1 . o i-'j t 11 .1 ciio, ; mom ui.'.oiiiit of power .5 if. 0. '; :f tnr i-n 1 1 a !'.- and 111? iUiiic ev'N.v vv.ier re nuppllcd by Ine ii alimei sl.i v,,;f falls, while luat evd powr to an In rnlriibble oif-nt cab be derived fro;. rrain rroio writmi; on any tviu.'ect w,,;i which they have not at bast an c- tneutafy acciiiaintance. If this plnn' were follnwed everywhere he that twenty yeiir hence the peaco of tbu world nr.ulrt be assured. the same source. 1 'A l . T TOiS.TT.-TS Xtiv-sji I a J U C U lrrrrieiTALl 1 r f j EsITION Webster's International Dictionary New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Fhraaaa and Duflnltlona 4 Prepared under the direct supervision of W.T. HAKKIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent apecialiitt and editors. Klch Bindings. 0 2164 Pages 000 Illustration Ratter Than Ever for Home, School, and Office. We ilto pnlilith Webster's Collegiate Dictionary wl.1i C.liHtsarvnf Hcnmth Word and I'hrasM, " Hlrtl clam in quail. y, Kcimd data In i.t." KiM-rlmtn psr ele. of both Wkl ant on applkation. G.6C.MERRIAM CO. Publisher Springfield, Mean. I ww.nKi i .tSav "fie all d-P.;. K.lliLf: on Kyle Ciefk, P'e-t M.e... I, If l Nebraska J. It. Ill M tli. Stoi k brnride. -Id or l::p. uli. s, ;d. . iln r, Fni-emnn, Hnr' lon. Ndi, . K HWM.Id, 1.1 1 I'riilnle, on li'lflit Hip 1 hnuldi r I'd. Ad.:r, .', I it mi, rd , r 1 1 iMikn. sh.-t IIV V.-itji.-.ee Kr.rfrloaiire Sale l tirineof u Jn It- no nt and de r. of fori -.ofiii. (flu-:. n i lit district court of 'OH Hlllill , ,'o bliokll, III fl.Mir ol J Lew i. Pli iti.e, U-lltnee ol the Uc.lelu )lrm iim tifi i(e i.ii ininv , ! til ii.iillf, and nafaln I Ar.dii-- I iii' iinl'-r, d o v I'loi uuiei u d in X' i .Inioek, udi Ii -'id oil-, I villi m thft t diiv f i i einl ! A 1. I'.H, it r ten i 'ini K iii llu- fm ni,.ni i.l M e i front dirfir of the mini bmiM' In Harrloui, In i. i-ouniy, rill I be lolli.u Oik I). l ile-d rent estate; Hie ca.t half of Mfi t'nn thirty Ivn iTt) in I. vn-liip thirty H.iif ;.t!i noiih of rsnee fifty three '.'I. at, In t u n cm.iily, elr riisl.n, at I'nl.l.r inn don to the hicliest bin drr tor i-arli to aali.ly said decree. ' A!e. I onry. 'h'-r fr. A. VV. (rile,, A tli r.n-j lor plaint ff. TIIK I-RrSS-JOI RN , I J .(A-sf . 'j '