Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 12, 1901, Image 1

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    v 1
if TT
Ittiswell Case Is (rruiito.l ( limine
r Vrntic. l Koiil,ur h
not OuillT. A Nummary
lf Civil OlM'H.
The work of the district court of
Sioux county fifr the lH-eeinlper term
was brought to a close last Saturday
Aftr the Force case had lieen settled
t lie court took up tlie work' of trying
the case wherein Nels Rosenberg was
charged with grand lrcny. Nls
Switibunk was the complaining witness
and alleged that Nets Rosenberg had
stolen a horse of him which had subse
t(ientlv Uwo fouml in HoseidH-rgM pos
session and recovered. It seemed from
the evidence given that tliere had been
several iersoim implicated in the deal
and it was therefore imissihle for the
jury to fix the crime on Mr. lio.-unlier.
He was therefore declared 'not guilty,"
In the Itiissell murder case mini Tons
allUluvits had lieen Med by prominent
residents if Hiotix county, slat tug t !ia t
they did not believe Mr Rus-ll ould
receive a fair and impartial trial in
Sioux county. There lieing no relut ing
evidence the court granted the change ol
eiiue and the case will be tried in iMwes
county at the leiiu ol court winch meets
Jan, li.
The Vase wherein the Mate ( roscetiiev
Frank Huyhson for alleged assault, was
Milled oul of uiurt ui.il vas tbel'-lore
The civil cases on the docket were
principally com ernuig the fon losure id
laud for luxes.
Hber cases were:
James II. UooK vs. Charles Hiebl",
County Ireiisurer, I'lainlilf allowed lo
(lie petiliol. inslauter upon payment ol
all costs lo Jute.
wdlwr F, HI ie nurd vs. Marv J. Linu-
(llilll, colli Hilled.
Lucl'idu Uoiiii vs. Patrick w, Dunn,
Sarah Jordan vs. Nebraska Security
company, dismissed,
F. F.. .laiidt vs. Sioux county, con
tinued, Allien F. Mall vs. Sarah C. Basset, et
ill, colli billed.
Jacob Marking Vs- John Garrison, dis
united. Iwts Wohlheter vs. iMkola L lati i
Trust Co., dismissed,
E. Sarles vs. II. tollman, et ill, (lis
Nels P. Roseuliertf vs.. Ii. & M. R. R.
(a,, l-oiiI intieil for deinurr. --
Fraficm M. Smith vs, unknown heir
Ausoii Ii. Soiiiliw u k, disniissetl.
Mailer of Kile of lands ol Joseph P.,
llovey, deceased, confirmed and deed
IeMH Tirown, assignee, is, Andrew
Pi cs eiiier, et al, contained.
Joint (Mran.ler Vs. Allred I.iinlber,
dtsiuisseu at cost of pbiintill'.
w. II. Fa'tntnf and A. w. Criies vs,
SioiiK county. Judgment ol if liKl lound
for ijlainlilfs with interest al seven pel
Thoniii B, Snyder vs. Joseph Stutili
Vnnt, plainllir allowed III! (lavs to reply.
('liurUiH firown u. Oeoie James, et al.
lielendatils culled and defaulted. Trial
for pbiintill'. Decree $l!l"i with interest
ul 10 per cent on moi liie and sev'eii
per cut on Uixes.
Philip H. I)unn vs. Samuel M, Thomas.
Ik-miiT withdrawn and deleiidaut al
lowed lo lile jnstanter. Plaintill' allowed
.'W di lo reply .
li,'tfert Rohwer vs. Jerry F, Will. Je
fenduut calletl and ilelaulled. Trial lor
pluiuliir and land ordered sold.
Thus. Ii. Snyder vs. (ieo. w. 1,-uke, et
al. Ieiinirr overruled atsl defendant al
lowed lid t.i to answer.
1 i'eison & West IV), vs. II, C, I'siier.
Motion Hiisluim-d and alias siinmiuned
Voted. j
I). Keniler vs. C. L. llasliiiKs anil
Mary Hastings. iJvfeiidimts culled and
defaulted. Find for plamtiir, llciree
f ft!.), 4S with mlerest ut 10 per cent.
Sarah Wsdoiii Vs. heirs of Aaron wis
dom. IV-li-nd. mis called and ilelaulled.
Founil for plaintill'. Ilecree v4.b"i with
interest ut ID per ceul. First hen.
Henry (iulii k vs. Thomas B. Snyder,
t il, continued.
IIIimsIk-ocsI H. ('utter vs. Win. If. pu.
Icli, colli miied,
William Si -Meyer vs. Minnie Werde
nian, et al. Ileleiidaut called and do-
faulted, round for plaintill ii t.K wiih
interest ut 10ercvut, First lieu order
of wile.
Anna I.. Fish vs. Abraham Abrahams,
IV-ftiiiliint called and defaulted. Find for
pbiinlilf, Judgement for )-VJ with in
terest al 10 ier cent.
Anna I, f ish vs. .lames II, (irecn,
Ivlendant called and defaullisl. Find
for pUinlill'. Jiidenieiit fjfiyj with in
terest ut M per cent.
Charles Kunscll was taken to ( 'hadron
Halurday ntgl t by HherilT Ifcirjfun of.
Dawns county, where l, ill remain mi
I Lis trial in January.
Jiiwt received: A new eonsijrnnie nt of
men and bovs clothing- at (JEHLAOJIS.
Mrs. ii, istensen, of Andrew's, was a
Harrison visitor Tuesdav.
Snow to the. depth (,f several inches
fell Tuesday and Wednesday,
A. Item-hell js visiting; with A;
Pontius and family this week.
The frame work for w,
new hotel has fieen raised.
ii. Wright's
The I,agiifc Supper Friday night was
well altemled. All report a oou s.juare
Mr. John Ueadle urnved in Harrison
Saturday from Minnesota with a cur loud
of Hist class durhaui hulls.
More and better goods for the name
money at Gei'luch's store than any other
j place, try lliem.
in salesinati by the name of
at the M, K. Sunil
j Hl,"dav a'ld at the Junior League,
I use and prescribe . hamberlian's
CotiKh I:u,, dy for almost all obstinate,
coiisiiii;t, d coo-!is, iviili direct, resollt.,
I prescribe a to hildreu of all ages. Am
Klatl lo i-ei-oitoiienil it loallltt need iind
M.ekiH), r. li,-l I r ,ni i-olds .iiid coughs and
I ron. lnal ullla Hons. It is iion-iiaicolic
and sile in tlie bands of the most unpro
lessloiKil. A universal panacea for all
mankind. Mi:s M.vltY l. Mij.km,v.' M.
D., I'M. 1)., i Iiicul'o, III. Tins reined v is
lor sale bv all driiuyisis,
The town weirs a deserted air this
week with 11 the court visitors none to
then-homes. The last ol them lell Sal
urday nielli.
Cbrtstmas and New Year's Holiday
Rated. To ull points within L'lH) miles
tickets will lw on sale at this station as
rollow-s: lc, ii, 2' tind 31, 11)01. and
Jan. 1, 100J, at one and one-third fare for
round trip. Continuous passage in bolh
directions w ith linal limit to Jan. and.
E. F. Po.NTIts, Ajetil,
. k. .
Masquanda Bill,
The Star O- bestra. of Harrison. il
irive a ui.isooeiiele b.ill New-Vears F.ie
I let- 3i-t.
U. Andrews II. ill, tT.trriHon,
InMe.td of the tiMial method
of selling lit keis, iioiol
"i.l lie si, lil i
and everyone Huis I given a fair!
chance. The ball will opm wi i h a granil j
march. "3-1
I Ibid I 'h iinliei lain's ( 'oiieli Hemedv is
in excellent Mi-ilii Hie. J ia ve been si I f-li-ring
Irom a severe cough lor I he last
two mouths, anil il has ell'i.-cted a cure.
I have greet pleasure in reoounneudieg
ii. -W. 0. UIX-K..KI:. This is the opin
ion of one of our oldest and most recpect
ed residents, and has been voluiitatllv
given in :t n bulb Ihat others may try
the remedy and lie lietielilcd, a- was Mr.
Wookncr. Tins remedy is sold by all
Snow to tint depth of two inches cov
ered the ground Friday morning and
Home more fell on .Saturday. Hockmeii
report that il ill ln-nelil uiufhot injure
the range as it adds necessary moisture.
Fence Posts
Carl Witt will cut mid pee! pine fence
posts at ten cents apiece. S-e. him at
tint Witt place or leave jour order Willi
t: Cierlach
The dray tea wncd by lliikman
and Iuoy took a htllo rim up 31am
street on their own account .Saturday.
They were caught by F.d O'Connor on
horseback out ol town a, short distance.
II. T. Mo! n I. v re. St. Paul, Minn, who
i i i i i . . i .
ii. is is-i-ii iioiiiiieu witii a disordered
stomach, says, hamlierlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets do me morn yood than
anything I havw over taken." For Mile
bv all drtiggisls.
A telegram lo Mrs. Wallaco from the
warden of the hisiii.n hospital at Hast
ingf , told of the death of her husband at,
Ihat place. It was sent in euro of the
ltsv master ana wits lorwarded tr her In
)r. Keyuolils, the Crawford dentist,
will Im in llarriHor, at I lie Harrtson
House, lleceiiilxT lit, 14, laiind PI. All
Ihosa wishing to save their teelh can do
so by having thern lllled mid cr.iAnd.
- ...... i . . .. . . . .i , i ..... i
,W,M '"'- """'i. ,.,e least pain.
' "'" "l '"" " .v" Wl" "'"'
to atleinl to your l-elh.
Mr. II. S. ( 'lark. Sr lv. ..., ...
First National B ml; of r.siou. lo-.ia,;
accompanied l.y his son Marry 8. Clark!
and wile, stopped over for a few d.ivs
ilh F. H Hark and family, fhey I
were en,..,ii to the ranch of M. S. ( lark
Jr. at Warren, W'yo , where they wi
spend the winter.
Exriirxio.i Rites.
To Annual M-etmg Slate Teachers As
socialnm at. Lincoln, Neb..
One fare for round trip from all points
ui Nebraska. I Jutes of sale Dec. lil, Jar..
1. (icfd rel urning until and including
Jan. 4th llfr. Commons passage in
each direction.
K F. I'ontious, At;-nt.
Mrs. F. v. ( 'la. ke and son Fred left
Monday nilit for hicano where they
will spend the boliila,s.
A letter from Mr. Ply nipt on to F, w.
Clarke stales t hit they have arrived
safely at their destination in California
and that all are enjoying ood health.
Harry Morion of Chadron w tw in
cily Monday looking for a location lor a
temperance billard fall and cnudi
Hcbn.-ip. He has as yet not decided
wbelher he wiil locale here or not.
The PitussJoriiSAl. is desirous of se
i u-ing a good, live correspondent from
every neighborhood in Sioux county.
Stationery, stamps ami the Pl:Kss Jocu
N Al, will be furnished to all who w il'iake
up Ibis work. By the wai . what is the
matter with our Pleasant Ridge corres
pondent? I,et us hear Irom Zekiel if he
is still mi inhered among the livuij,'.
Try them
When you feel dull after eating.
When you have tio appetite.
When on have a bad taste in the
When your liver is torpid.
When your bowels are constipated.
When you have a heaila.ihe.
When you feel bilious.
'lliey will improve your appetite,
cleanse and invigorate vour stomach ,.nd
regulate your liver and bowels. For
sale by all ilruggisls.
W'AN rti) - Fifty be:
until (he Hist of M.w ,
ular- address, Box ol.
d of sleets to keen
next. I'm- pa etc
llariisoii, Neb.
A listic encounter was endulged in
llo'iday by two ol our r-pHcteii em., ns.
The reuit was a i Miupleie i-i.n-i-sv.iit b
the d.-f. ud ml and Ih-tc.iso was til.;iiiis..i d
at h.. cost .
! '
! Co n in i ?i oik rs' I'm
( .'out timed from last week )
On motion board aiij mnied to Nov.
Wm. J.
A. Raoi.
Harrison. Sioux count v
Neb . Nov. !
per adj .urn- I
'.'I. l'.MIJ. Hoard met as
I meiit. Present, '. 'oiiiioi-.sionei ,inv,r,
31etig and L is aril Clerk It nun.
The following claims against Sioux
j county were taken up, examined. audited
! and I lowed :
Alex Lowry, care of j-nl, $1(1 .V).
till, .'ill,
lil ."id.
" " " oT.oO.
" " " ' li!) 00.
I lell O'Connor, wood, if I. To.
(ieo. A. Pltipis, supplies, itl'i W).
W. O. Patterson, services as jclor and
biariiiug prisoner, taaimed j.,10: al
lowed :,".i-l..ri0.
Freitionl Tribune, supplies, SI li.").
Freoiont Tribune, election supplies,
Fremont Tribune, supplies, if l (III.
limine, i iuntiev and li Him, acl mg as
board of insanity :
(iiant Guthrie, :H,00,
Or. Phmitey, (! 00.
Win. .1 A. Rimi,, f'.l 00.
Fred Lielholl', cariiitf lor iuKine man
Oi:o. A. l'liipps, printing, if, . i'.
oyon oros. &, b,th r, repairs to court
hutise, ifOO.IJa.
Lyon Urns. & Ktler, lalxu on court
house, l 111 -iX
W. O Patterson, j iil guard. JT7..r0.
Sehool district No. 30, use ol building
for election purposes, f'.,.,"i0.
Kl.r lliiN" OITii'KKS.
Andrews precinct ;
Fd Pusher, judge
F. K, Ltethtdl', judge...
M A. Ilinnon, judge...
l:l 00
3 00
il 00
il 00
il 00
I A. L Li ! boll, clerk.
Frank Iiwts. clerk
Antelope precinct:
H J. Iah ing, jud'e po
S . Htory, jn.lj,' ()()
Oscar W, Story. pid,'B ; pp
A, I Kintf, clerk 8 (Hi
l'eter l'"trson, clerk I) 00
llowen precinct ;
W. I', I.yon. judge 3 Oil
J. I'. Ilourrei, j'ldh'e :) no
IV 1' J,i'itls,IV, judg
li. M l.l.y, , Ink
W. H. Davis, clerk..
'ot.tonwnod precinct :
F. M. Nimtb, jmlire
S. W ( !iirev, judge
' 'arl M. I.ux. judge
'barb s K. is e, ,.erk
'buries N. (ii-ov, i lei k
I lat I 'reek precinct;
J. H Hr.ullev, jud
Herman H,bli,.n, judgn....
.1 H. Montgomery, judge.
Fred C. Tschhold, clerk
T. M. Hall, clerk
Montrose precinct :
Peter Weidenliel.il, iudtre
: oo
:i oo
:i on
:i oo
s oo
August R.nimgiiril, judge..
Solomon Borkv, judge
Win. fiaybart, cbrk
J. .1. Vi'jHserbui-j.'er, clerk ...
Running water precinct :
W, Ji liourret. jude
M. 'orbin, jod-'e
W. Rickard, judge
J. II. Hi'eser. oh rk
3 00
il no
ij oo
8 0(1
3 00
J. F. I 'ook, clerk
Sheep i 'reek precinct :
James Si .rrlivanl. judge
I'. 11. O rowel I. judge
H. A. Keating. judi:e .
W. R l.rris, clerk ....
i li. tries Newman, clerk .
Snake Creek precinct;
(i. K A lent t, jmiye
J din ( 'urraii. judue
3 00
ii 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
Thomas ( 'urraii, jutlg
F H O FosIfeM, clerk.
Win R Wright, clerk
(Continued next week.)
TTould Knllier Teach rillplii.)8 Tllllii
il itsliii tKl's Children.
Mrs. Fannie Wadswnrth of Milwood.
Neb., seem;! to have litilfi or ser.tin pti!
in her make-up. At least she does mil
Rprr-nr to be endowed with an over
weaning love for the children of her
hnsdiand. The telesraphic coi-p:-;io;id
pnee in the Insular division of the
war d-purtment discloses that a
"Mirs" V.'ndbworth of the af cirewen
tinned t n in Nebraska some time
ago iippiit.l for on appointment as
tei''her in the public sehoois of the
l'MIIpiiiner. and received the desired
commis.-don. which tarries with it a
good salary. Suhceipiently a dispatch
was received by the hea;J of the insn- .
Iir' division signed "Gecrgn Wa.hi
worth," which f.aid "Mrs." Wai!?-'
woi'Lh could not go l-ecaiise she bail j
vouiuT chlH;r.'-Ti to look after. The i
h'.liy was asl.e'l teb'rapliically a!)o'.tt
this new d-'volopme.-.t by a win- tie
pai'ttr.er.t oll'.tial, si.d wired hack that
"the e;:i '(iren were her riusbari'l V. i.v
a ,'oi-nrir wit.'." and ste Vi'iyhcil lo r
ap'ioitttj'ipr.t to sdand. Then she g d
en the care, ero-setl tlie line into Kan
sas am' v, ireil the war depnrtm ut fur
tr.'ins-'pt.r.ntlnn, reeeiverl it and railed
away to Manihi. lravlng "George"
with the kills to lioi ..
i si.e v. rj. . .j at iiar.ii.
Ocdtimt'i.ni Cinist Hi In.- ISiMdworli
ami Urli,k;m; oiro.
The Wolf :a of tn - F.iolir Fe.liar.
tribes a:;, not iml.il nt In their h.bita,
1-iit. at t'i 1 l-oiets ai-.'-a.'.r !i:;i; s'me
thing to or-rtipv ih-ir lin e. Thoy do
far more work tiiau th mm. b:.t lliey
'''" 't know vc.y much alvmt niode-n
i'oit eke-p n in til ir log ct'.I.-s th-y
lave a bed in one ctuuer. a ttiink
against the side, bead eurtrilns on tlie
wall sometiier-s and a ,.tr-gL. utove as
near f'e center r.s possible, In the
rtove a roffep pot and tea kettle are
always resMng and are Ifnt constantly
lil e I. Tic Si ux worn n 1 1 an fnve c
ate coffee d : Inker. Shi heiieves ilrmly
In Its eflieiicy es a univenal inedi.-ine.
The eon It Im; opcialons go on outdoor
in th- F'ipinii-r, wIMi a primitive ar- 1
range.'iit ut of cro. s-pelet to support '
the I.itCe. I:, t'-e r 'lot.n-s ;l,- wo nen
ate always b"nv t'oiir; s'm,, kind of
..e;i.(,v.ork. V.'h.-.,, vr-r n sfii or
Inci'h'ir f-ts m.inie-l (). .-ny oth-
e.tue oft i :-b fir- Sioux wr.-.ian
P-'itf-.i a fi : it. K!i: will j p rid her licit
crd in a hi-; cnlor tainim-nt. Then
they all drrs u ) in lb Ir gayest co nrs,
naint tin it- fites and nut on ail (he
hvork they em on tii'dr children.
dress h i l apliclty lt:,f If. II is
v.-!', two seam.'-,, one r.t either
Ide. It is short. In the b-trk and front,
ml long in the fiider. In addition
ihey urttally wear a long h rded b-!t
ind a Rhav.l, They n vnr wear head-
e.c.ir; even on
ro hatlerg.
tile holiest days they elm. The ribs of the boat are seeure.l the typ" or the fruit when left to d
lo the sides bv tree-nail I. while thu generate nnd to which W w.-cild cm.il
A .. ton 'n.ft.
It was probably known to nearly ev-1
eiy RuiiiHii citizen how trie mortar 1
which crmented the slonen of Ihelr
buiidliiKH was made-Just as it is 1
known to the majotlly of people that
the prlncip.il Ingredient of liiiglbdi
ninrlar is street Scrapings, says a Lon
('nn newspaper. Hut, the know), rto
belr.K general, nobody wrote it down,
nnd In time, as the Romans shlfi,
Ihelr buildings upon slaves and for
eigners, the recipe of their mortar wa-i i
loct. So far It has not been dli-cov
ered, though the secret of It Would hi
Immensely valuable, for tho cemenl
outlasts the very stonea wlmh i
The lin'dert work about a polir.ir'
Job Is ' tiinj IL
23rA.S 13133. 12, 1931.
Oil .
00 I
oo !
v.OMr j et c-::y4 ncp.n.
"heir Karviem ire S.oisUt ll.iu.e of
Theli- Kan l-Jlirit-uej.
Wcniofi ia mis country have an yet
.piuie I: ut. little jif.idvvay in the service
of the railroads, but 'in Prussia the
.'end cf t!if Etcte railways has an
oiinppd 1 1-.nl- fie- I'm r.
" "'j women as po?Hb!e will be employed
4 00!)y tli.-ni in those po-ts suitable for
Hioir.eii. They will hold positions at
3 00 the ticket offlcps, tolc;ra;.h offlew. be
8 00 telephone clc;ks at the countin? of
;j oo fices and at the go'.d-i oTccs. In Prus
.) oo sla a great number of wjaion are al
ii 0o '"'a!y eniIl".ved in varloit : government
)osr.s and each year tee;; fresh open- I
Inss mado for them. hi Germany j
there are numbers of w:;-:-en dentists
as well as doctors, and ruiny people j
prefer to have their teet j attended to I
by a woman, and child,- n seem less !
"''' ,us ncn a woman attends to
tfjcm. In upitf! of this, however, the
women dentists are riot bo popular as
women phy.-ichitjs. Many men den-
I Ui.. t
'..s;a cave women ass hst.il! ts t
eir na-
i cms ending tlua a peasant arrange
ment, for though the assistant dons
not actually step the troth, she is
always In the room to help her em
ployer. MiurPHilon for the Imrltable.
A philanthropic woman who Is
much Intere.-ted in the children's ward
of a hospital 'is piecing a coverlid for
the bed of one patient little incurable
3 00 that will delight his cruelly tried soul
3 00 and would be acceptable to many an
ii 00 otc.or small invalid. The quilt is
3 00 made of flags and is just the sbo of
o (,() the bed and -iot intended to be tucked
in. The flags ar;; the little silk ones
of all nations that are cheaply bought
in quantities. Each has been lined
with a firm muslin, as the silk is too
poor a quality to be durable. The
flags are put together with a simple
feaiher stitch, the quilty being made
up with wo:.! batting, whl.i Is both
light and warm, a thin silk used to
hr:o the other side. The idea was sug
gested to the hospital worker by the
pleasure her little nephew took in a
qu'li of the kind whi.;h his mother
provitie.i ano Kept to interest mm on
his occasional sick days. While in
theory tl.e normal child ought, not to
have enough siek days through the
year to be specially provided for. in
fact, thanks to our process of living
ami eating, he is quite likely to. and
this bit 'if bed cheer is by no means
to be despised. The same idea may
be applied in the making of a cushion
f',r a window seat or couch of a boy's
room.- New York Evening Pos0.
M'cinntl Still l-ereln- Alina-I.
I -. iK-i: ill.- ;n-p IV.tcr o New Yorli
a; d il:e other day what he
tl. ')i'ghl of wunifin F'.iffrag? be made
l.:e dipion.'itic reply: "My dear
' vihiu. i li .it got away beyond that;
; I trj ing to n.ako the bt. terms
viih Hv -j:; that I can obtain." This
;t.:iw; to miii.-l l.e motto of William M
ICvaris vh.-Ti t.sk d by a lady if he
' id r.ot thin I? that woman ws the
I' 'ft Jndr.p of woman. lie r- pi Ind:
. 'Net oi ly the best j to .?.-, n.Rdaip, but
j ilie he.-1. exe-'' 'c,n"r."
I llotllir tll!-';l.
""' - !;! . do'.la: is a vacation cf til
fjorr mi word thaler, and l he 'anisi
v.ii-'i (ialer. The nurre aroui about tn
yc;!! Mi'11 in Germany, the Counts o
;-a!i;k wolf then coining ounce p.erie;
iro,-., Mivcr oiHameu u, ,;-,. uii.-a-i, a..lfanins eft to a serious extent. ' Ta..
.lo.hi .ri ihal J'. ol-.! rr.'8 Dale), ia Ho-1 apprehension, however, will cause r.o
beaiia. which g-iined such high repute ! distress upon an extended s.cale, as tin
as to become standard coins: wln-ix e laH(e tw , deliberate crsati.ro that
tlie name jo.tcnims-tnaier, wnu-n nnai-
ly. tor si'orlness. tooK the form nfi
tha'( r--liter:illy a "valley niece." Thu
denvalion of the dollar mark (f, has i
bee.! variously aserined to 10 a eombi-
nation oi ine inu.ais c. .1., meaning
the lTnit.-(l States; u'l a modi flea I ion
of the liRtire S, a niece of pight Iie!ns
forreeily Indicated by the eharaiti:
8-S. (3) a form of U.S. which marked
tile Roman unit; ( t.) the contraclion
of !' and S employed in Spanish ac
etdi lis to indicate pco; (.') a device
t'or.nerly seen on the reverse of (tie
Kp:nl-h dollar, and again since ISIS,
on tbe peso duro, representlni; the Pil
lais of Hercules, and round raeh a
tern! I displaying the Inscription 'This
ull ra."
Odd llsrinc TCellc.
An ancient ship was reeenlly dis-
eovtred in the bid of the old River
I-ea, In Kni;land. 'Die vessel, found
at a dep'.h of seven feet below tbe
fcurface, is about (illy feet long and is
eoni-.trtii t-d of oak I hrottghout, with
the ex.cpilou ol the keel, v.hioh Is of
; timbers are n.-i-iiml witli crude lion
jnailH. The llonr boards are fa.- tened
loeether w;lh nrd's and the calkin;:
Is done with felt. Anthpeji lans thir.k
II ielong-d to (hp lleet with wh!o
King Alfred I h-Croat rotnrht te Danes,
iioh Japs siioiki..
The Japanese smoke In a very pern-
liar ni.uii-.er. The pipes have very
small rneial bowla, with bamboo stem?
and metal iiioul bpieces, and only bold
enough tobacco for three or four
They use a tobacco which is
cut extremely fu,., nnd looks more Iik'-.
a light blonde hair than tnylhing cIm".
It Is of a very good quality, however. .
Tim Japs lake a wbilT of smoke and
inhale It. letting it pass out through
the nostrils. They rarely smoke more
than one plprfu at. a time. Chicago
I Professional Cards
I Atlorney-aMaw.
Prompt attention given u ull b-ir,,
; matters in Justice, (Jocty and lJ,si, ,t
courts, and Wore the United hi.,
Iind Olli e.
Fire Insurance
i&" Legal parscarefn!lv lr:.n,
.V. J. 0 ('(IIMIClI,
iiJ'l.- ,4.
- (V. A!lM,wy
Mill I'rarlice in All CouvU.
Niivcii.1 Altenlitm (Jivwi ti U., l Hi
!lcc lliisiness.
nlli'tions iiutl all liusinoss i-irlni.i-"d
10 11,(1 " ill receive pnmipt Hu,i.r..
Hahiu - XumasKA.
I'iivisciiiii and Suramin.
H .-iillSKlven prompt iittentiori.
OHiee in lirnK store.
"lKAIRR nis,.
Linnl.or, Ilurness, SiuUlWs,
j (iiain and lVotl, Doors
and Wiiulnus, Heavy liiiilnni'.-.
V-'TK-K TONW.i-H! Kr.T I) KKKSf) A N'TS-
T" Americic Investment ( o-npnn v, a cor
"'.-.it;,,,,, W.J. i,vden, whose true chris
""" "'"' ' known to plain MIT.- K. . rmfi
y " lio- true name Is unknown, tTustcc
ion. reside nt detui Hhlllt.
Von ,ol eacl, of you will take noUce Hti
(.ml, "isdoiaphdntilt tiled Her petition I..
'I'-I'lstriet Citirt of .ix csmisv on tli
' " bivofOe.oher iro, !l(?.,,Mt , ,,,. ., ,
withsanil, Wisdom and Lco.m Wts.lo,,,
iK'iisof A.-ooi, (,. VVisilo,,, deceased, the. oh
,c't nnd prayer of whielT pett i,m ls tlm
'""close,,,-,, of certain lies tor taxe npc, ,
'he south li:.ir ,,. 1!0rtl,s, ,1UHrt(1. ,
'eetmn twelve aid the north ha'f ot tlie
northwest u.iai ter ol .section thirtce . all la
township thirty t,.o o.,li of rung., fifty
Ihree.west of the ml, principal meridian 1
-iciitxfontttv, NebiM.sk.,, said ilea., being for
ihestat... comity and school district tHXcy
.vied against snid land fer the vears If A
."I..-,, ih::,;. it(l7, i.,111, !:,,, m,K h a '
oantiPff may )(, had of the amount due on
ild lax liens, that said premises may be de
creed to he sold to satisfy the amount found
lobe due theroon, that you and each of you
tav he forerloKt'd nnd forever liarred of j.i;
riMlit, title, intc vst or equity of redempt'oil
in nnd to the same and for genera! relief,
"You arc. require.! to answer val1 petition
on or hefnre tlie '.5ili day of Noveinher Ifflt.
sr;.h Wisdom, plslntilf.
A FIoHtlnff Cobbler's stiop.
A flo,-.t:ng cobbler's shop is cce rf
the features of the Penobscot Bay i .
land life, (apt. W. 0. Cottle, in I ..
rloop, Yankee Nation, going fro i
rlacp lo plaa and giv ng attention
mending old shoes and boots wh" i
the per pie may save ir for his comin .
Capt. Col tie has a nev dog as a co .
panion to take the place of Jip, .
wai with him for many years.
Kear. :ty of Snails In Franc.
Some alarm Ia expressed by m! ci
Paris cpieuteg hecaune the supply '.'
niaih; rf the finest quality seems to .
carries h!s house
upon his back h
r.ot been world-wide. In fact, it h,t.
never rained much cm-iml ontsldo .
thp T.a)ln T!v, and h;yond t!le bordor.
(:t Fran,p i)sof the ,,,,. of F0,.,
mcts who have extolled tbe snail as
table delleuey of the most de3irab;
sort has not been a long list.
I'.roiicht Apples ti Ki.flllii.l.
Of all the productions of the vege
table woild which the skill and in
genuity of man have rendered cc:i
ducle to his bapp'ness and to the
inert ape of his enjoyments the appl?
rtamks foi ward as the most conspicu
ous It is now a fruit crop of univer
sal growth, and although the moi.t
beautifully sun-stain, d examples reacb
nr. at various periods o the year froia
Canada and California and the tern-
pet-ate regions of our great Australia!
eolonlfs. for flavor none of them eqm
those ',rovn in Kngland. The gard - .
apple la lalleved to have been intr.
tlu.cd into Ftrltuln by the Rxue.s
and the wild apple of our hedierows !
lly return but for constant culture-
lauidon Telegraph.
Mslorworku of Two t'ltlos.
w Oilcans, a city of neui ly ;IO,?'i
po illation, consumes less than 13,(.Cn .
000 gallons of water daily, Tho to 1
cost of tbe New Orleans water wur '
wa ? 1X00,01)0. St. Ujuih baa b;)c :
J20,()0(l,(i(iu for tbu name purpose 'a a 1
has a dally coutmmption of 60,000,01
'"'I l'l'Hl'tlilii.
Or.t. 2lh was the two hundredth an
n'v' ruary of the Incorporation of tl .
rl,y "f Philadelphia, which, In 17(1)
" already a town of nonm . 1,50(1
huisrs, with more than 5,000 Inhahf
tunta. It was laid out an a parailob
Frnn between t:e two rivers.
1 " 1 r, r 1. , 1 - . , - 1 , 1 .'; V r-Z .aw"l--ff r! '