Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 05, 1901, Image 8

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    STCC3 BRillDS.
fmm Jorassl. Ul iillih your trnul, like
t ha folk lata, (or 0, per year. Each ltd
4!lu . al Brand cut. fcverv tanner or
raacfcaaen In Hioui and adjoining- counties
atoald advert ubs tairtranda in TheJoI'B
,aa It eirralatea all over tlie atnt. It
aay ha tlie uieaaa uf aaving money for you
ccnn oriMtDn
99uu nt.i.Anu.
For the arreat unil ronvlrtion of any party
part 1m atmltuK in- liliCrlnn any branda
n atoek brlwiging to the underala;ited par
r. K. J AMT.
60. 117,
on left lilr
n 0 s j is
eft blp of rattle. lot Ottli-e, Hewitt,
Hloux County. Sfliraoka.
Horace branded
on left ahoul
ler branded on left ahmildar
and Cattle HI on left Hide.
I'oal OWee Adilre",
I'atrlek, Ijiramle f."o. Wyo.
(.tile branded Wzl- t on lff aide
florae branded sVaW 11 on left ahou
Ider, range cm .'oJ.Ikt (reck.
Any alock liranded an shove beliis; eatray
ad from my ra'iare, discovered by any body
a giving inn Information will lie rewarded.
Addraaa. r'l. I&uldnaoii, Nebraska.
florae branded on
Cattle, same on left
left xlioiilder and
111 p.
Sfeaap barndad
ttaek of Mleep.
on l-aek or I aral on
Kaaxe on Soldier ( reek and White Ulver.
Addreaa, H. BoMuwii, Neliruskn.
Own the f.ltlow-
lac brand m eitli
rt Alau HQ on ent
ile aad aira-
cattle oolftlde
lioraea oa ia(t
mo aider.
Haas on Mlver "prlnta and t of stata
la. I'oau.lHce llarrlami Mb
Branded on M I nbimkler of lioraea
- - ind on lft aide of rattle.
on r.aiit aide
rbjfht lde of rattle tori.
' aBMfMoa White Kiwr. near film.
atUfl ad.treaa, liien, Nt-ltraaka.
SBrandod ou lef t lilp of LV.ttle
and an left rneeV ot Horae .
Mange on IX-ep Creeir.
Adivas, Iteew Creek Live Slock Co,.
J. II. lUl.UKMT, Korenuin,
(ilen, Srbroaka,
I The brand reprewnU'd in Mils not ire
t and branded any wrwt ou Jtift aide
af eattte, aad uvrr-aap -Vt Tea 1 1 the
nr Hlw,r
I Also tbe aaas Ira ad on left I hlrh ol
awraaa, laaaaif- to the itnderaiKaatl.
Maa aaanr aiaat aprlna;, annlli prt lo
uty. I'll tm.ua Nkwm i.
Harlau. Mebraka.
U'liKKT .
: JB 0
Am4 ral
I left aide (if nhe aUiek.
and Mia
i Imt t abla and litp.
lUaajaaa Kaanlnf Water.
raalifai aaVlraw, llarriaou, VrlrnAi
oa riaiit tkifk .
rajht Jaw Alan. bare
Maraaa aaxj oa
C -l "MUtte A!,
Ml tM
Nafflam. Mai ('a Kaafaak
VC3i CaaaaV J aW( aVe.
"l 1
tftUM brand
4aaaa aa taat f ' "' 1 j
rat mt iM I J
mt .i4a V.nl. V
J. 1. 1'riK-tor.
Cattle Rrundeil
left In p.
Alao lioraea Branded the 'i m left
ahonlder. Ranir. SoutbweHt of
Andrea s. l'ot (ce A ddrena
Cattie branded
I'. O. Addreaa
D) Harriwn.
Cattle brand
ed on left side
aania ax cut
and horae
branded on
left kbuulde
KUne as rill
are the property ot Andrew Christian am
rant(e tributary to Van Tiiwel prinf(H.
Kirtley. Wvo.
Cattle branded
S I.ErTllK
Pot Office Addruat. Chadron" Sebraaka'
Cattle brand
ed aiune as that
on ?nr, either
left hip or on
left Hllolllllf r.
llorws branded with any of nliove branda
Addrem, J. A. Amii:kik,
llarrixoii, Mi'hrukt.
Horse and c:it-
a ii n I tie branded on
I I U either side same io
IS - on rut.
Ami Cattle branded M on lidt
side, and llorsas on ; rt y) j
A'ldress, lliaiare, Nebraska.
V:ttt limn!!
on 4rt hip mxj
A a HHIIja- ll iiitr t
r- v.
on left Jaw, shonlder or Hank. Also llorsvs
branled I 111 on I1 1 flank and
I all on left s'loulder.
Kan ire on bead of Van Tassell creek, Wyo.
a"i'otofltee a. I U res. Harrison, Neb.
'attle brand
eil on left side.
Itance on
Kunnlic Water
ri. O. Addr
Harrison. Nebraska.
Cattle brandet
lie left
KMlii sad K5:c on
der f horse.
Alao aoiue of the llorws
tie are branded on side
shoulder some as desertb
abote b.iaud.
Addntsa. Ilnrrisxii, Sebraaka.
Bt.'SKK? r. E Et'K.
Caitle Branded
Kanire on
on lft lde
Also Cattle braued
sbo.ilder or slile.
Kan ire mi j
on left h
UunulliC Water. P. o. Addresa
Aa;ate, xebraska.
Cnttle branded
any where on
left aide of tbe
Range on lral-
rle I off and lion
roe Creeks.
Addreaa, Harrison, Kela-aaka
Cattle hrsaded
f J and Cat.
LaJ and lite
I'd lor the
I g on left aide.
Cacti arand.-d f' I ua left
Kr I Ma
CMUa kraaded jpw I aft Hip.
HhjiRT WC3BK, foreni m.
Press-Jon rn t 1
TncnsDAT, UEi 3, 1901.
Um. A. PlalppM, Editor.
official Paper
of sioux county.
Dollar Per Year.
Government Wins in Fence Cas,
The case of the government va. A; A
Spaugh for fencing governniect lm
rami up for trial last ek at Cheyenm
the jury returning t. verdict in favor
tiie government. Thi ha u
iructed considerable utUntion in Hi
section on account of the bearing it mu
have hereafter on those who have ac un
limited amount of government land siii
ro"nded by wire fence. The de.cisioi
means a deathblow to the rane hog aim
a victory to the sruall stock grower. Ii
means the ranchman who doe not re
spect h'S neighbors' rightu to the public
range, but inaisU on crowding tlieru out,
can be eamlv and elrectua!ly curbwl.
Tlie penalty prescribed by law for
fencing government hind is a fine "
to exceed $1,000 or imprisonment not !
exceed one year. Tlie court gave Mi
Spuugh until tbe first Of next Januar
to move the wire and posts off of gov
trnment land, at which time sentence
would be inipoaed according to th
menu of the rase. It is estimated tim'
it will take 80 men 30 day to remove
the fence.
In ipeakinir of the decision tins L'lril
mie Republican says the re.su It will b
lar-reacbing. It means that the public
domain must be left free for the us-ol
the public; tiiat no man can fence any
po tion thereof and say, "This is mine
and all others must keep off." It means
that ranchmen must secure some kind of
liile Ui the lands they seek to control.
This conclusion is a stepping stone iu
the state's development ami, white caus
ing many fences to go, will lend confl
Jence to small ranchmen thai individual
rights are not to taj ignored. More land
tilings will lie made for the purpose of
actual residence and fewer in tb inter
est of large owners wno seek to make a
fortune and then move to other states.
It was shown in tlie .SkiiiIi case that
300 enclosures such as his would cover
the w hole state. Lusk Herald.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Harrison, Sioux County, Neb., Nov.
19. 1901. The county commissioner
met as per adjournment. Present, (Joiii
iiiissiiMiers Rohwer, Meng, Lewis and
The following odioial bonds were ex
amined and on motion approved:
Tl omas Nines, overseer highways,
Hat Creek precinct.
Thomas limes, onalable. Hat Creek
iirecincl .
" Peter Peterson. asesMr, Auteioiw
Pat Lncy, coroner.
Charles Newman, assessor, Slieep
Creek precinct.
Carl M. Lux, justice of tlie peace, Cot'
tonwoiaJ precinct.
The bisird proceeded to ascertain tie
an ount of taxes due the countv fioin
the several persons h iving claims llbd
against the county so the suliie can l e
Oil motion the board ndjiurtied till
Nov, 20th, at 8 o'clock a. m. . t
A m A. Rack, Clerk.
Harrison, Sioux routilv, Neb., Nov.
20:h, 1901, at 8 o'clock a. m B atnl
met as per adjournment. Present. Com
mission rs Rohwer, Meng, Lewis nd
t lie clerk. .
On motion tha county treasurer is in
structed ami is hereby an ordered to
trin-fer the following amounts to the
a-nttttJ far;d. mil '
Rralge lund lrlM ge-i'l fund 1901 $ 37 88
41 m
i 1M
3 M
14 75
50 97
tm 20
From .county rood fund to general
fund. 1901: 1W9 0 99 94-91 997, 40
From KacMal debt fuial to general
fund, 1901 : mi-91 98 96 07. $70 00.
From ireneial fund 1194 to general
fund, 1901, flM 00.
(OniiliiMicd next areek.)
Aa arljr Cam ai tail Faatary.
Tbt Brat chemical factory opened n
tbla country waa in Saletn. Mmm., In
1111. At trat imt olijtloB iu
made to tbe aaUbllsbiMnt of tba fac
tory, tbe persons living near clftlm
Ing that th ftMi of tha cbralcal
poisoned tb air mad made Ufa Utol
erabla. ' Ckaattr mt "Baras Rmry Wife.
California la to have a ttslajM pbll
eathrotle iBatltiitloai la U clrla
noma wbleb ar beta balR ky Mn.
f. M. Saaltk. wlfa of tka "borai klag."
Ifia. Aalta baa ivaolvsal to arorida for
m (IrU. koaatag taoai la taw cot
tagaa. Hoaialaaa gtrto of all aaaa will
mn poae tke colony.
a ties Are Kailtled la Mar Com-
fur labia aiaaplaa AaarlaMala.
The servant girls throughout the
country are asking that comfortable
sleeping apartment be assigned them.
As a rule the bedroom of the "hired
girt" Is the most cheerless and con
tracted in the house and It la no won
der that she seeks to fly from it on
every occasion that aha receives an
Invitation to spend an evening else
where. Every charitable Institution
in the country built for pauper and
orphans Is fitted up with steam heat,
hot and cold water, and the matrons
take great pride in showing visitors
the bathrooms with all the modern Im
provements. And It is not strange
that girls who work for their living
would like a few of these privileges
that are given to those who are living
on charity. It Is not too much to as
sume that the girls who live In our
homes and who cook our meat and
bread for us to eat may possibly have
the same ambitions to keep clean and
ccm'ortablc as those who are living In
charitable Institutions. It Is not golnx
beyond th? bouni s of all rea on to sup
pose that If a girl Is earnlns her ii'v
Ing she has a natural desire to be self
respecting and might like -a cioset to
keep her clothes where the moth and
dust doth not corrupt that she may
like an o portunity to take a b:tth one
In a while and that she may enjoy a
decent room.
"Mt. MeKlnler."
A bill will be Introduced Into the
next New Hampshire legislature
.'hanging the name of Mount Pleas
int. In the Presidential range, to
'Mount McKinley." There Is preva
lent for the change, Inasmuch as, be
sides the Ave early Presidents, only
those who have been shot by assas
Ins have had their names given to
mountains. The name Lincoln was be
ttowed on tbe second highest peak of
the Franconta group, and "Mount Oar
flold" displaced Haystack mountain In
Crowing; Rooster a Nuiaane.
This is a portion of an omcial no
tice Issued in Cape Colony: "For ob
vious reasons the present cock crow
ing by night must cease. Residents
of the town will, therefore, please ar
range not to have more than one male
fowl of a crowable age In their pos
session after the 18th insL"
Dropping Kpanlah Title.
According to an order of Gen. Wade
In the Philippines, hereafter in the
business or social address the Amerl-
can "Mister," "Mistress" and "Miss")
will take tbe place of the Spanish
"Don," "Benor," "Senora" and "Seno
rita." orlta of ta "laraatrr".
, The term "Infantry" was first used
by tbe Spaniards in the wars with
tbe Moors, to designate tbe bodyguard
ot a royal prince or infanta. Jt was
extended to the entire body of foot sol
diers and finally adopted throughout
Abolished Hutel-Kanuera' Lleeasa.
The board of aldermen of the city of
t. Paul. Minn., has passed an ordi
nance abolishing the licenses of the
runners for tbe hotels. Those runners
that now have !lcene will be allowed
to continue until the licenses expire,
when no more will be Issued.
Cireat Btaaen af Root.
It has been remarkad as a serious,
fact of science that a person cannot
feel pain in two different places at tne
same time. To be suio. there are peo
ple who maintain that the place some
times covers the entire body, but that
does not Interfere with the general j
theory. A certain dentist, whose '
name and address are not giv;n, is a '
stanch adherent of this theory, and
has once or twice sought to demon
strate tbe truth of it by jabbing his
patients in the arm or leg with a
heavy needle Just as he extracts tbe
offending tooth. One day be got bold
of a particularly stubborn tooth, which
gate him no end ot trouble. "Here It
cornea odt at last:" he exclaimed as be
felt it yielding, and at the aame time
be plunged his needle Into tbe pa
tient's leg. "There," he said, tri
umphantly as be held up tbe forcepa,
with the tooth aecurely wedged, "we've
got It, you soe! " "Yea. I see.," replied
the victim, ruefully. "I knew It waa a
big ot. ECd I was afraid It would
romc hard, but I never supposed tha
roots went so far down as this," and
be rubbed tbe spot oa bis leg where
tbe doctor had Jabbed him with a look
that was partly awe and partly pride.
ailll Adraaelaf.
Th fashion of wearing fobs or band
on:e black watered ribbons, wltb an,
engraved Jewel or signet ring attached,
has heretofore been exclusively a
masculine one. This summer we see
young girls and young women wearing
the aafaie dignified ornaments. On lit
tie girls tbe use of fob ebalat look
rather odd, because you never see
hoy wearing one; fobs and fob-cbala,
cwela are a prerogative of adult.
Seal rings are not worn by children for
various reasons, but any young woaaaa
may wear ooe with perfect propriety,
provided she does not usurp the right
if bearing arms. Philadelphia Record.
aUaaaraaal Mlarfe af Waeat.
There la a remarkable wheat stack
oa a farm near Stradoroke, Eagland. ,
it waa omit la 1171 aad the owaer
Bade a vow that be would never
thrask it until It realised fi a sack,
a price- wkkk baa aevar bee offered.
The stack ataads oa aa Iroa support,
two feet froM the ground and la la aa
excellent aUU of afaaervatloa. It la
estimated that tke stark coatalas 2M
Marsteller Bros,
Are now prepared to show
lb. is a problem solved in
8 boa Rconomy with a hand
some balance at the end of
the year when 8elz School
Shoes are purchased exclu
sively for the children.
No manufacturer in the
world builds a line of
sh'S aa extensive
durable handsome
and low priced as th
Sell Children's Shoe
thia year.
Look for the sign of "Jdz."
It marks the PopuUrDtaler.
Sell Shoes for Men.Woroon and
Children are Satisfactory Shoes-
Price Quality Comfort Style
I .. Maaufartarm af Hnoti
The Commercial Bank.
C. F. Coffkk, IVcintleiit. V. W.Clarkp, CaiOiier
Chas. C. Jamkmin. II. S. Clakkk, A. MNini,kt
Stockmen having use for it
us to haiirtlu their
4Ve are prepared to take
DniiKt's Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnisvhes.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
F. E. M. V. II. H. is the li
to anil froni tlie
HKAiiwiMii) am hot srmxt.K,
F K.sJI.VR.rt. Im.r talilc
lining Weal. (.oliis fat
o. S, n.ljcwl, io;.Vi Sin. , inliil
Ji E w
r. lkition
Nw Plataa Throughout
25.000 New Words
Phraaaa aad Oeflaltloaa
0 Prepared under the direct
auperviskm of W.T. HARRIS
Ph.D., LL.D., United lutes
Commiaaionor of Education,
aaaiatad by a Urge corps of
compstoat aoeclallsta and
tUeb aladie. g!44 Pages
aoaa lllalrallaa
Bttr Them Evar for Homa,
eMa!, lad UfflCO.
Wa alas aaMlah
Waeamfa CaOefiate Dkntocavy
with Oawaaryal Baseusa Wares aaa paraaaa.
" rirst daas la aalltj, aseoad claaa la aia."
rlaiia aagaa, sic af beta
prlnttlwU, Mam.
ii in: i. ..i.i.ih,
l'alt l.ran.lH
aa slnwn i ir
I It Hh
I ft , r 1 1 al.
Hai,at on Mui.'
Ming Wal. r,
f, ll. Ad'treta, Maryland, Xrlir,
School Shoes
Art tor Ml Ubtrtir ajlL
Srli "sire!"
.Si '
. V. ill ll
and Slat! In tht World.
bank at this jxi'mt may rely ot
entire Hanking hunines.
care of our trade at all tirnesfr.
'Oa5OaeKa3aeeOOe 3
A, T. ItrciilHov.
r.ranil eombl climljl- bWbbbm ,,,, ,t ,(
r-.Httl(t lloiM.-iiaiiii 3sS:ion rlfal
eaV Cuttle all. I, ho,
Kaiiga nil Kyle I rem,
l'(l Ofltce, (,len Nehratks
Stank bramlei
on nk I
ll or lilp. AdUre... Kd. uWT, roretnaa.
Harrlaoii, Sri.,
. H. KKS.L('Y.
( atlie Brandc,
on Itlajbt Hip er
P.O. Addrra. (ii.afi.rd, tbrssha.
."sheriff's Moitpnie rnreclrwure Sale
By virtue of a Judffi-ment and deerea af
.urvr oMire irlvan In the .ll.trlrt eonrl of
ious rr.untv, Ki-brmka, In furor of J.
la Uioaue, Aaaltfiii'i. i.f th W ratara farni
!t tanite (ompanv, a. plaintiff, and af tin
.t Andrew Piocmilar, M iry I'r.wnnler aad
Att MiH'ilnlock, aa d. fandanta. on ik
a diiy of tceiulr A. I. Itoi, al tan anlovh
In the fnriman si Hie raat front door af
the mart tw.n In llarrlaon, In aald antral) ,
aril llifollnnadearrlM real ratal;
Ibe eaal half of aarllun thirty te (Mr)
in toa-aahlp llilriy llirrr () north of raaea
fllty ibrt-eir) veal, n Stout, rooaiy, hah
raaka.at pahlir anrtioa lo the hlgaaat Me
der for raab iu aatl.f y aald drrr.
Ales nmry, alter ff.
A. W.ITIlea, Atlofiie) for plaintiff.