i ii r r Hi MB Governmental Problems Dwelt On at Length in the Document. EXCLUSION CF THE Czolgosz and His Ilk Enemies cf the Human Race. THE MERITS OF RECIPROCITY, rrcldent Iefrnl the Working of tli Protective Tariff Construction of the Nlmragoim t'aual I'rf-cfl, and the Lay ing of m Calile to Hawaii and tlio Philippine Change in the Present AlUUlaLaw Recommended The Navy. A comprehensive synopsl of President Roosevelt's moge lo Congress Is given be low: To the Penate and House of Representative: "The emigre assembles this year under the shadow of a great calamity. On the sixth of September, President McKinley was shot by ail auarrblst while attending the Pan American Exposition nt Buffalo, und died In thai city on. the fourteenth of that month. "Of the last seven elected Presidents, he Is tho third who has been murdered, and the bare recital of this fart Is sufficient to Jus tify grave alarm nmong all loyal American citizens. Moreover, the circumstances of this, the third assassination of an American Presi dent, hare a peculiarly sinister signlncance. Both President Lincoln and President Car field wire killed by assassins of types unfor tunately not uncommon In history. President Lincoln falling a victim to the terrible pas sions aroused by four years of civil wur, and President Garfield to tho revengeful van ity of a disappointed office-seeker. President McKinley wo killed by an utterly depraved criminal belonging to that body of crliiilnnls who object to all governments, good and bad nlik-o, who ore against any form of popular liberty If It la guaranteed by even the moat Just and liberal Iowa, and who aro as hoatlle lo the upright exponent of a free people's sober will as lo tun tyrannical and Irresponsi ble despot. "Jt is not ton much to say that at the time of President McKinley' death he was the most widely loved man In all the United Ktatcsa while wo have never had any public roan of bis position who tat been ao wholly free front tho bitter animosities Incident to public life. - There could be no personal hatred of hint, for hr. never acted with aught but consideration for the welfare of other. No one could fall lo reapect him who knew film In public or private life. Tho defenders of those murdere.rou criminals who seek t.j rxcuso their criminality by asserting that It Is exercised for political ends, invetgh against wenlth nnd -Irresponsible power. Hut for this assassination even this btiae apology can not be urged." . Thu President speaks In the highest terms of the personal and public virtues of Mr. Mo Kinley. Describing the nature of the assas sination and the motive thai Inspired it, the message continues: ' Motive of the Assassin. "The blow was' aimed not nt, this Presi dent, but at all Presidents at every symbol of government. The anarchist, arid especially the anarchist in the I'nlted Mates, is morn! one type of criminal, more dangerous than any other because-he represents the same; depravity In a greater decree. The man who advocates anarchy directly or Indirectly, In any shape or fashion, or the men who apolo gizes for anarchists and tbftlr deeds, makes himself morally accessory to murder before the fart. The anarrli'st Is a criminal who.-'e. fiervertcd Instincts lead blm to prefer conlu lim and chaos lo the jnot benelicent form of social order. His protest, of concern for worklngmeu is outrrfguous In lis impudent falsity: for If the political Institutions of this i-ountry do not afford opportunity to every honest and Intelligent son of toil, then the door of hope Is forever closed against him. The anarchist is everywhere tint merely tho enemy of system and progress, but the dead ly foe of liberty. If ever anarchy is triumph ant its triumph will List for but one red moment, to bo succeeded . for ages by the gloomy n!g!H of despotism. Would r'.xcludn Anarchists. "T earnestly recommend to the Congress that In the exert lac of Mb wire discretion It should take Into consideration tiie coming to this country of anarchists or persons pro fcksing principle hostile to ull government snd justifying the murler of those placed In authority. No iimitcr calls more' urgently for tho wiKcftt thought of the Congress, "The federal court should be given Juris diction (ivft any nun who kills or attempts lo kill the President or any man who by the Constitution or by law is In line of succes sion for the Presidency, while tho punish ment for an unsuccessful r.i tempt should be proportioned to the enormity of the offvnao against our Institutions. "Anarchy ! a crime azslnst the whole human race: anil all mankind should band gainst the anar hist. His initio should bo made an often., against the law of mttlonti, like, piracy and that form of manstonllrig known as the slave trade for It is nf fur bla'ker Infamy than either. It should be so Iceland by treaties among nil civilized pow er. The Trust J'roblem. "The tremendous and highly romp! Industrial development which went on with ever accelerated rapidity during the latter half of the nineteenth century brings us face lo face, at the beginning of the twentieth, with very serious social problems. The old laws, tind the old customs which lind almost the binding force of law, were nine quite sufficient to regulate the accumulation and distribution of wealth. Since the Industrial chances which have so enormously liurroased the productive power of mankind, they are. no longer sufficient. - The creation of great corporate fortunes, ha not been due lo the tariff nor to any other governmental action, but lo natural ''cause In-the business world, operating In other countries as they operate In our own "It Is not true that as the rich have growrr richer the noor have grown poorer, on mw contrary, never before has the average man h. -ne. worker the farmer, the small tra-1 r born so well off as In this country and el the present time. Tbere bav been abuse connected with tne accumulation of wcnlih; ii remm. true that a fortune ac.umu fated onir on trend!'!"" of conferring lm- in, ti.ntl l .iii-llis unon others. uc cesaful enterprise, of the type which benefit II mankind, 'an only exist If the condition are uch as lo offer grat prizes a iho re wards of success The captain of Industry who have driven At. -nilUVlavKlMni actoii this continent, who have built up our commerce, who bav.) ..l,...,l nor manufactures, have on Ihe .,.u a.... ffreir eood to our te'ople. With out them the material development of which we are so Justly proud could never have taken place. Moreover, we should roognlze ,i im,ee linrtorlanee to this material development of IcBVlng a unhampered i. ,,. .nl.le with the nubile good the strong and forceful men upon whom Iho success of buaineaa operations inevnauiy !. t antlon I I'rged. H,iitii,ni,1 reason for caution In deal Inz with corporations I lo be found In the H.,i.,nl ciiimereial rondltton or to day The same buslnes condition which have produced the great aggregations of cor porate and Individual wealth have made Uieiti IL ,.i f, ir. in International, romlncr- claf competition. America has only Just begun to assume that commanding position in the International buslnes world which we he eve w more sun more u n.,.. . 'T. .V" ,r....,..t ii,nn.nc that t Ills noelllotl I not Jeoparded, espoctslly at the overflowing aiiunnanre oi i - rsl resource and the aklll, business energy, and mechanical aptitude of our people inak' ..e.l.n msrketa essential. I ndcr ucn con dltlou It would be most unwise to crnmp oi lo fetter the youthful lrngih of our ""Vi'latr o great buslnes enlerprle ran never have Its effect, limited to ''';" ... ii .,,r,..,l throughout, and while It la bod for every body, It I worst for those farthest down. The capitalist may be shorn of hi luxuries; bulslh wage-worker may l- f tvpn bur necessltle. "In fsetng new Industrial conditions, the latlen will treneral'.y be both utiwla and In- ettic. ve ur.lers uodertsken after culm Inquire und wllk rotn-r self-restraint. Much of Ike l.latlua directed at the treats would have Wn exceed :n!y iai blevaue had It -not ulso beri. i-at.rely Inetf ctive. In desliug wttti businos interests, for the iMrniirirtit to uu derlr.te t y rrudo and Ill-considered ligisla tion to do what may turn out to be bad, would be to Imur the risk ol SLrii far-reacb-ing nullnnal disaster thst It would be pr-(et-obie to on-lrrtake ncthi;;g ai all. All tbla is true: and yet it I slfn true that iheid are real and grave evils, one of the c'.-ef being over-espltaHZQlwui because of Its n, any baleful enns'-quencet: ; and a reso lute a.d practical effort must be u-aJo lu correct these evils. 4iovernment hupervUion. "It Is no limitation ypon property right or freed"tii of contract to reruire that when n! r'-eiv frnnj govei-umelit tue privilege, of doni- b!.'ine.i-s und"r rorpoi;.fo form, v.iitch f rce them from lndividut.1 rei-.nonsltiility, lis I rna'.ilis tlictn call Into their eriferjit ises the (i:jiTat of the public, tiny eh, ill do so upti-i absolutely truthtul repreecnt at itiea as to tl-,c value of the property in which the capi tal ts to lie invoted. t'orpori.tiona en-'ag-d in 'MTMute ccimtierce should be regulaterj If I y are fo-K.d to exercise a license work ing to tiie piibilc Injury, it should be as mi:' J the aim of those who seek for social bet rn:e;it to rid the business world of cr:-- i s of cunning r,g t0 rid the entire body p-ilH of crimes of violence, (freat corpori lloii.i exist, only because they are rriited am! rafeguyrdra by our Institution afid it Is therefore our right, and our duty to see thet they work In harmony with these lnsti tul 'ens. rubllclty Remedy for Trut. "The first essentlil In determining how lo deal with the great industrial combinations is knowledge of the facts publicity, lu the Intcreet of the public, the government should bam the right to inspect and examine the workings of the great corporations engngej In interstate business. Publicity Is the only au-c remedy which we can now invoke. V.'hut further remedies are needed in the way of governmental regulation, or taxation, can only be determined after publicity has been obtit'ned. by proccs of law. and In the course of ndrninlstration. The first requisite l knowledge, full and complete knowledge wlut h may be made public to the world. "Artificial bodies, such aa corporations and Joint stock or other associations, depending upon any statutory law for their existence or privileges, should be subject to proper gov ernmental supervision, and full aud accurate tnf -mutton as lo their operations should bo inr le public regularly at reasonable intervals. ' The large corporations, commonly cnll-d trurtii, though organized In ono state, always do business in many atatcs, often doing very little business in the state where they ere Incorporated. There Is utter lack of uniform ity in tho state laws about them: and as no stale has any exclusive Interest lu or power ovrr their acts, tt has In practice proved Im possible to get adequute regulation through state action. Therefore, in the Interest of tho wh'.lo people, the Nation should, without In terfering with rhe power of the states In the matter Itself, also assume power of supor vl . ctt and regulation over all corporations doing an Interstate business. This 1 espe cially true where the corporation derive a n .-.n of Its wealth from tho existence of Korie monopolistic element or tendency In It buineM. There would no no naroanip in ai.ri, flimervislon banks nro subject to It, and in rheir cafo It in now accoptod as a simple matter of courre. Indeed. It la probable that sun: rvlrlnn of corporation by the .National government need not go o far as is now the can) with Oil supervision exercised over them by so conservative a state as massacuuseua, in writer In nroduco excellent results. I believe that a law can Do tramen wnicn will enable the Nat onttl government to exr- is. control a ong the Hues a'.iove inuicaioa. proimnif oy tne experience kuiocu iuiuusu the pnsaage and sdmln!s:rallon of the lntor-.tut.-cnmmercn Act. If. however, the Judg ment of the Congress la that It lacks tho nc-uitntional nower to nas aucti an t.Mei a constitutional amenutneni snouia ae soti nltted to confer Ihe power. Tii. m should be created a Cabinet officer. to be, known as becrelary of Commerce and ind.iairies. as nrov ded In the bill introduce.i nt t:ic last tiesmon ot trie uongress. n mourn be his province to deal with commerce in us brcad-at senae Including among many other tu-,ngM whatever concerns labor and ail ma lore affecting the great business corporation anil our merchant marine. Restriction on 1 mmlsratlon With tho solo exception of tho farmlnt; In'T'-i', no one matter Is ot surn vital mo riKtit to our whole people as the. welfure of the vage-workvrs. If tho farmer and tho we;r--wc,rker ore well on. It la anaoiureiy -ertain that a 11 others will be wen on, 100. It is thureforc a Dialler for hearty congratit lat on that on the whole wages are high"r to-day in the I'nlted Hlates than ever before in our history, ana rar niKner iimu in "j other country. The standard ot living ih hiso buner than ever uerore. every euori oi icR Isli.cr and sdminlstrator should be bent to .cir-n the nermanency of this condition of things and Its Improvement wherever possi ble Nut only mutit our taoor i proioci- by Hie tariff, but It should also be protected ao far as It Is possible from the presence in th'-i country of any laborers brought over by roiitrart, or of those who. coming freely, yei n present a standard of living so dc- pre:ii-u that tney can iiuo'thch u,u men n, the labor ninrkei and drag them lo a lower It". I I regard it as m cesfury, with this end in view, to re-enact immediately tne mw excluding Chinese laborers and to stret.gth- it wherever necepnary in orner to maau Ish enforcement entirely rn-uvo. Jo far aa pruct.ii.-ii tile tinner me corou.ii of government work, provision ennui. i no m.-i-J.' to render the enforcement of the einhf hoiir law eauy and certain. In nil Indus tri carried on directly or Indirectly for the I'n'tcd Slates government, women ana ran- drcn should bo protecten trom exeesaivo hours of lubor, from night work, and from We :U unocr utisnnltury conauions. The most vital prolilem wnn wnicn rins rolilitry. and tor innl lliauer me wuoic . Hired world, ha to oeai, is uie in m wl-ich ha for one side the betterment of bo cinl conditions, moral and physical. In large Hies, and for another sine tne enon m i with the tniiglo of far-n-aening quesuuns wb-ch we group together when we speak of bu.nr. Very great goon tins ocen aou m be acconipllahed by associations or unions 01 wate-workere, when manageo wun i tin .i:,iit and when fhey combine Insistence upn their own right with law-abiding re sue, t for the rlghiB of others. The display of the." qualities In such bodies Is a duty lo the Nation no less than to the association them es. Klnally, mere. must, aiso m m"x ', 1 .U.. ,,n,.nwn ..,,, I It, flfltor canes no acrmii uy n " , , , , , to safeguard the rlghiB and Intereet of all. l.'nder our t oiiBtltutmu mere is mui-u iiw acoiie for audi action by the aiaie ana tne municipality tlujn by the Nation. Hut tin points surh as thosu touched on above tho Manorial goveruuieui. ctiii e-.i.. "tiiir prcrent Irnmlgratbin law are unei'-hifii'tory-. We need every honest and effl eieiil Immigrant ntted to become an Ameri can rtll7.cn, every Immigrant who come here to riay, who brings here a strong body, a stout heart a good head, and a resolute pur. pore to do hi duty well In every way and in bring ' up hi children n law-nbldlng and (lo.l foarlnK member- of the community. Hut there should be a comprehensive law enact ed with Ihe object of working a threefold Im pmtruient over our present yalcrn. Klrst, we should aim to exclude absolutely not only all person who are kuown to be believer In anarchistic principles or tuvmbcr of an archistic oi.letlos. but also all peron who are of a low moral tendency or of . unsavory repti'ation. This mean that we nhould re quire a more thorough system of Inspection abroad and a more rigid system of examina tion at eor immigration pons, me miiiim lug especially necessary. "The second object of a proper Immigra tion Uw ought to be to secure by a careful end not merely perfunctory educatlonnl test some Intelligent capacity tn appreciate Amer ican Institution Bnd act sanely a Ameri can citizen. This wuiild not keep out all anarchists, for many of them belong to the Intelligent criminal class. Hut It would do wnat I also In point, that la. tend to dc crease the urn of Ignorance, ao potent tn producing the envy, uaplclon, malignant passion and hatred of order, out of which ittar.-hlstlc aenlitnent Inevitably prlngn. Finally all person hotild be excluded who are below a certain tandard of economic fit. nesi to enter our Industrial field a com petitor with Amerlivn labor. There hotild be proper proof of personal capacity to earn n Amerlon living and enough money to In sure a decent Hart under American rond1 tlnn Till would top the Influx ot cheap labor, and the resulting competition which live' rise tn so much nt blUi'Tiies In Ameri can Industrial life; and It would dry up 111 soring of the pelllentlal Rwlnt condition In our great cllle. where narchltlc organ ization bav their greateat poMlblllty of growth. Question of Merlproclty. "There I general rquleence In our pre ent tariff system as a national ponry Tho first requisite to our prosperity I the con tinuity and Inhlllty of this economic polity. .Nothing could be more unwise than lo dis turb the huslnesa Interests of Ihe country by any general tariff change at Ibl time. Doubt, apprehension, uncertainly rn exactly wluit wo wish to avoid in the Interest of our coin nnirclal and material well-being. Our xprl- ence In the past bus shown that sweeping revision of Ihe tariff are apt to produ e condition closely aoproiichlnfi panic in the buslnes world Vet it is nut or.ly possible, but eminently desirable, to combine with the stability- of our economic systi.-ri a aupple itietitary syeteiu of r.-r'prwiil belli flt aud obli gation with other tiations. Su h reelprocpy i au Incldri.t and result of the Tlrm etab lishinent a:id preAirvatlon of our present eeonoiuie pulley, It i-s specially piovided for in tiie preiieiit tariff law. "tlur llrsi duty iii to sr; tbat tile protection granted by !!;' tariff In every ase w here it Is nerd'd 10 maintained, and tha recliiror-lty be south' for to far as it tan safely be done without Injury to our borne industries. Just bow tar line is mu-t be determined accord ing to the. Individual ca.v, renieinotring al ways that every application of our tann" pol icy to meet our Bhifiltig national needs must be conditioned upon the cardinal fact that Ihe duties must never he reduced below the point that wiii cover the d''fer;.c between the labor coal here and abroad. The well-being of the wage-worker is a prime consideration of our entire policy of economic legislation. "ubltct to tins proviso of tne proper pro tection necessary to our industrial well-belnj? at borne, the principle of reciprocity must command our nearly sup)ort. i lie pneno meiial growth of our export trade emphasizes tne urgency of the need fur wider market and for a liberal policy In dealing with for eign nation. Whatever la merely petty and vexatious in the vay or trade restrictions should lie avoided. The customers to whom we dispose of our surplus products In Ihe long run, directly or Indirectly, purchase those surplus products by giving us some thing in return. Their ability to purchase our products should as far as possible be secured by so arranging our tariff as to en able us to take from them. those products which we can use without harm to our own industries and labor, or the use of which will be of marked benefit to us. 'We have now reached the point in the development of our interests where we are not only able to supply our own markets but to produce a constantly growing surplus for which wo must find markets abroad. To secure these markets we can utilize existing duties in any case where they are no longer needed for the purpose of prototlon, or in any ca?e where the article' Is not produced hero and the duty Is no longer necessary lor revenue, as giving us something to offer in exchange for what we ask. The cordial re lations with other nations which are so de sirable will naturally bo promoted by the course thus required by our own Intere.BU. "The natural line of development for a policy of reciprocity will be in connection with those of our productions which no long er require all of the support once needed to establish them upon a sound, basis, and with those other where either because of natural or of economic causes we are beyond the reach of successful competition, "I ask the attention of the Senate to the reciprocity treaties laid before it by my pre decessor. flnr Merchant Marine. "The condition of the American merchant marine Is such a to call for Immediate remedial action by the Congress. It Is dis creditable to us as a Nation thp.t our mer chant marine should be utterly insignificant In comparison to that of other nations which wo overtoD in other forms of business. . "American shipping is under certain great disadvantage when nut in competition with the shipping of foreUn countries. Many of the fast foreign steamships, at a speed of fourteen knots or above, aro subsidized; and ell our ships, Bulling vessels arid steamers alike, cargo carriers of Blow speed ana man carriers ot high speed, have to meet the fact that the original cost of building Ameri can shins Is greater than 1b the caee abroad: that the wages paid American oHicera and seamen are very much higher than those paid the officers and seamen of foreign competing countries: and that the standard of living on our shipa 1b far superior to the standard of 1 mng on the Bliins of our commercial nvnis. "Our government should take such action as wi l remedy therfo InequaliticB. Ihe Airier lean merchant marina should be restored lo tho ocean. "The Act of March 14. 1!!00. Intended n equivocally to establish gold as the standard money and lo maintain at a parity therewith all forma of money ui'-dium m use witn us has been shown to be timely nnd Judicious The nrico of our government bonds In the world's market, when compared with the price of similar obligations lsued by other nation. I a flattering tribute to our public credit. Thi condition it Is eminently desir able to maintain. "In many respect the National Hanking Law furnishes sufficient liberty for the proper exercise of the bunking function but thero seems to be need of better safeguards against the deranging Influence ot commercial crises and financial panics. Moreover, the currency ,1. -..ii,! ulinnlil rrtnAi mn,nnaivi to the demand of our domestic trade anif commerce. Deduction of Revenue. "The collection from duties on Import and internal taxes continue to exceed the orui imry expenditure.. The utmost caro should be taken not to reduce the revenues so that thre wll be any possibility of a deii'-tt; nut after nrovidina against any such contingency. means should be adopted which will bring the revenues more nearly within tho limit of our actual needs. "I call aneclnl attention to the need of Btrb economy in expenditures. The fact, that our national needs forbid us to be niggardly In providing whatever Is actually necessary to our well-being, should matte us aouDiy care ful lo husband our nutlfitinl resources, each of us husbands his private resource, by scrupulous avoidance of anything like waste ful or reckless expenditure. Ilegiil.-itlon of Hnllrond. In 1S87 a measure was enacted for Ihe reg ulalion of Interstate railways, commonly known as the Interstate Commerce Act. Ill' cardinal nrovlsions of Ihut act, were tbat railway rates should be Just and reasonable and that all simmers, localities, ana oninm.i riitles should be accorded equal treatment commission was created and endowed with what were supposed to be the necessary pow era to execute the provisions of this act. "That, law was lurgely an experiment. Ex norienco ha abowii the wb.dom of Its pur poecs, but has ulso shown, possibly that some of Its requirements are wrong, certainly that tho means devised for the enforcement of its nrovlslons are defective. "The act should be amended, The railway I a public servant. Its rate should be Just to und open to all shippers alike. Tho gov ernment should see lo It. that within It Juris diction this la so and should provide a speedy, Inexncnsive. and effective remedy to that end Atthe same time It must not be forgotten that our railway are the arteries through whien tho commercial llfeblood of this nation nows Nothln could Ire more Owlish than the en netment of letrisiation which would urilloces swrllv Interfere with tho development and operation of these commercial agencies. The subject 1 one of grent Importance and calls for the earnest attention of tho Congress. The messairo nolnt out the vnlue of the American forests and the necessity for their conservation, and urge the construction ana maintenance of reservoirs and Irrigating systems for the reclamation of the arid lands of Ihe West. Of the water rignt it ays: "In the arid state the only right to water which nbould be recognized I that of use. In lrrlimtlon this right should attach to the land reclaimed and bo Inseparable therefrom (Irantlnn perpetual water right to other than user, without compensation to the nubile. I onen to all the objection which opply to giving away perpetual franchise to the public utllltb of cllle. A few ot the Western slates have already recognized this and bav Incorporated In their constitutions the doctrine of perpetual slate ownership of water. Ilevelopnient of Hatrall, "Our aim hottld be not lmply to reclaim the largest area of land and provide homes for the largest number of people, but to create for thl new Industry Ihe best possible social and Industrial condition; and this re quire that we not only understand the ex isting situation, hut avail ourselves of the best experience of the time In the solution nf lis problems. A careful study should be made, both by lb nation and tho tates, of the Irlgattnn laws and conditions here and abroad. I'lllmalely It will probably be neces sary for the nation to co-operate with Ihe several arid states In proimrtlon a these state by their legislation and administration how themselves fit to receive It. "In Hawaii our slrn must be to develop Ihe territory on Iho traditional American llnsx. We do not wish a region of large cttle tilled by cheap labor; we wish a healthy American community of men ''who themselves till lire farm they own. All our -leglslsflon for the Island .should be shaped with thl end In view; the well-being of the average home mnker must afford the true test of the healthy development of the Island. Tho land policy should a nearly as posslblo bo modeled on our homestead system. "It I ft pleasure to say that It I hardly more neressary to report a to Porto lino than as to any tale or territory within our rontlnenlnl limit. The Islnnd 1 thriving as never before, and It la being sdmlnlsterc 1 efficiently and honestly. It people re now enjoying liberty end order under the pro tection of Ihe l iilt'il Ftii'i, and upon th'. fuel wn congratulate them and ourselves. Their material welfare must be carefully .,,! tculiiiiHlv considered aa the welfare of any other portloD of our country. We have given them th great gut oi tree access tor their product to the markets of the United State. 1 ask the attentlou of the Cougres lo the need of legislation concerning the pub lic laud of Porto Kico. Progress in Culm. 'Tn Cuba such nroeress ha been made to ward putting the independent government of the inland upon trflrm footing tbat before the preeent session of the Congress rloses this will be an ac o'upllsbed fact. Cuba will then start a her own mistress; and to thq beauti ful Ijueen of the Antilles, as she unfolds tbla new page of her destiny, we extend our heartbrtt greeting and good wlshe. Else where I have discussed the question of reci procity. In the ease of Cuba,- however, there are weighty reasons ot morality and of na tional interest why the policy should be herd to have a peculiar application, and I most earnestly nsk your attention to the wisdom. Indeed to the vital need, of providing for a substantial reduction in the tariff duties on Cuban imports Into the I tilted Sstates. t una has In her constitution affirmed what we de sired, that she thould stand, in international matters, in closer ur.d more friendly relations with us than with any other power; and we are bound by every consideration of honor and expediency to pr.3S commercial measures in the interest of her material well-being. The Philippine Problem. "In the Phlllooines our problem I larger. They are very rich tropical islands, inhabi ted by many varying triDes, representing widely different stages of progress toward civilization. Our earnest effort, is to help these people upward along the stony and dif ficult path that leadB to self-government. We hope to make our administration of the is lands honorable to our nation by making It of the highest benefit to the Filipinos them selves; and as an earnest of what we Intend to do, we point to what we have aone. Al ready a greater measure of material prosper ity and of governmental honesty and effici ency has been attained In the Philippines than ever before in their history. "lu dealing with the Philippine people we must how both patience and strength, for bearance and steadfast, resolution, our aim Is high. We do not desire to do for the Is landers merely what ha eisewnere neen done for tropic people by even the best foreign governments, w hope to do tor mem wum has never before been done for any people of the tropics to make them flt for self- government after the lasmon oi me reaiiy free nations. "To leave the Islands at this time would mean that they would fall Into a welter of murderous anarchy. Such desertion of duty our part would bo a crime against nu- manlty. The character of Oovernor iarr, anu of hi asHoclaten and subordinate is a prooi. if such bo needed, of the sincerity or our ei fort to give tho Islanders a constantly In creasing measure of self-government, exactly as fast :ib they show theioselve fit to exer ,.ine it since tho civil government was .es tablished not an appointment has been made in the Island with any reference lo conBioer ations of political Influence, or to aught else snvo the fitness of the man aud the needs of the service. . , , There are still troubles aneaa in tne is- innrio The. insurrection has become an atiair ot local banditti and marauders, who deserve no higher regard than the briganus or por tions of the old world. Encouragement, di rect or Indirect, to these Insurreetos stands on tho same footing as encouragement to hos tile Indians In the days when we still nao In dian wars. As we will do everything In our power for the Filipino who Is peacerui, -wa will take the sternest measures with the Filipinos who follow the path uf tho insur recto and the ladroue. , , , ' The time has come when tnere snouia ne additional legislation for the I'liiiippiries. Nothing better can be done for tne rsianus than lo introduce Industrial enterprises. Nothing would benefit them so much aa throwing them open to industrial develop ment. H I therefore necessary mai me Congress should pas law by which the re nounces of the islanda can be developed: so that franchises (for limited terms of years) can be granted to companies doing business In tliern. and every ' encouragement be given to the incoming ot business men oi every kind. ..... I call your attention most, earnestly to me crying need of a cable to Hawaii ana tne- Philippines, to be conunueu rroui uie n... Ippines to points in Asia. We should not dofor a day longer than necessary tue con struction of uch a cable. It is demanded not merely for commercial put lor pouucai and military considerations. "Either the Congress should immediately provide for tho construction of a govern ment cable, or cine an arrangement should bo made by which like advantages to those accruing from a government cable may be secured to the government by contract with a privato cable company.' Recommend Nlcaragonn ( an:tl. "No single great material work which re mains to be undertaken on this continent is of such consequence to the American people a the building of a canal across tho Isthmus connecting North and South America. While i, rifi,M-,i effect would nerhans be most marked upon the Pacific coast and tho gulf and South- Atlantic stntes, n wouni ui vrcntlv henefit other 'sections. It is em phatically a work which It is for the interest of the entire country to begin and complete nu soon as possible; It Is one of those great works which oply a greut nation can under tiike with Dronnects of success, and which when done are not only permanent assets In the nation's material Interests, nut stanu Ine monuments to its constructive ability. r nm irhiri in be able to aiuiuuiice to you that our negotiations on this subject with tit-eat Britain, conducted on both Bides in a mirii nt fricndl I no and mutual good w and respect, have reeulted In my being able to lay before the Senate a treaty which If ratified will enable us to begin preparations r.r n isthmian canal nt anv time, and which guaranlees to this nation every right, that it h'.a eve- afckerl in connection with the ,.Un,.i in this treatv. the old C.laytmi-Bu! wcr treaty, no long recognized os Inadequate to Bupply the base for the construction rind maintenance of a necessarily American ship canal, is abrogated. It specifically provides iimt the i'nlted States alone shall do the -cr.tr ,.f hniMliic and assume the respond billty of safeguarding the ennui and shall rneiihiie Its neutral use by ail nations on terms of equality without the guaranty or Interference of any outside nation from any quarter. The signed treaty will at. once be laid before tho Senate, and If approved the cnniniu ii then nroceed lo Kivo effect to tiie advantage It, secures u by providing for the building of the cnnnl. "Tii. true end of every great and free peo- ntA should ha elf-resiieeling peace; and tills iIm mn.t earneatlv desire sincere and enrdinl friendship with nil others. Over the ii, amriit of recent years, wars between the greut civilized powers have become less sod les frequent. Wars with barbarous or ml. barbarous peoples come in an entirely H,rT-,,t ctcirnrv being merely a most re grettnblo but necessary International police duty which must be performed for the sake nt the welfare of mankind. Peace can only v. .HU nnrtninlv Where both Side Wish , i,,. ii- hot more and more the civilized people are realizing the wicked folly of war and are attaining that condition of Just and Intelligent regard for tho right of other which will In the end, us ""i "" " lleve make world-wide peace possible. 1 he peace conference at The Ilngue gave definite expression to tins nope nuu ir.-n.-i ed a strldo toward their attainment. The Monroe Doctrine. "Thl same pence conference acquiesced In -i.,i,..t nt the Monroe doctrine as compatible with the purposes and aim of the conterenre. - . "The Monroe doctrine should be tne car dinal feature of the foreign policy ot ull the nniiotis of lh two Americas, a It Is of the L'nil'ed mates. The doiYflne I a derlnra ii..,c iiif there niunt 1iei.no territorial ag grandizemerit by any non-Amerban power at the expense of any American power on Amer ican soil. It I In no wlae Intended ns hostile tn, any nation in tho old world. Still less Is It Intended to give rover If) any aggression by one new world power at the expense of any other. It Is simply. a step, and a long step toward aaattrlng the universal pence of tho world ny ccurirr,l me iiwriBi iii.i u ... nonce on this hemisphere. "Thl doctrine ha nothing to do with the commercial relation of any American power, save that It In thith allows each of them to form such a It desires. In other words, It i. re.tiv a guaranty of the commercial In rtenemlenre of the Americas. Wn do not ask ..riee i hi doctrine for any exclusive com mercinl dealings with any other Amerlran stale We do not guarantee any tnte agulnt punishment If It misconduct Itaelf, pro vided that punishment does not take the form nf the acquisition of territory by any Mon-Americnn power. "Our attitude In Cuba I a tifnclcnt guar anty nf our own good faith. Wo have not the "lightest desire to secure any territory nt the expense of any of our neighbors. Wo wleh lo w-ork with them hand In hand, o that all of us mnv bo uplifted togethor, nnd w rejoice over the good fortune of soy of them we gladly bull their material prosper ity and political stability, and are concerned and alarmed If any of theui full Into Indus trial or political cbo. We do not wish to see any old world military power grow up on thu continent, or to be compelled to become a military power ourselve. The people of the America can prosper bet If left to work our their own salvation In their own way. Powerful Navy Irgecl. "The work of upbuilding the navy must be steadily coutlnued. Whether we desire it or noti we must henceforth rerogulze that we have International duties no less than inter national rignts. Kven if our flag were haul ed down In the Philippines and Porto Kico, even if we decided not to build the Isthmian canal, we should need a thoroughly trained navy of adequate size, or else.be prepared definitely and for all time to abandon tho Idea that our nation la among those whose sous go down to the sea In ships. Cnkss our commerce is always to be carried in for eign bottoms, we must have war craft to protect it, "So far from being in any way a provoca tion to war, au adequate aud highly trained navy is the beet guaranty airaiusi war, the cheapest and most effective peace tnaurance. The cost of building and maintaining such a navy represents the very lightest premium for Insuring paece which this nation can possibly pay. "Probubly no other great notion in the world is so anxious for peace as We are. There is not a single civilized power which has anything whatever to. fear from 'ag gressiveness on our part. All we want is peace; and toward Ibis end we wish to be able to secure ' the same respect 'or our rights In return, to insure fair treatment to us commercially, and to guarantee the safety of the American people. "Our people Intend to abido by the Mon roe doctrine and to Insist upon it as the one sure means of securing the peace of the Western hemisphere. The navy offers us the only means of making our Insistence upon the Monroe doctrine anything but a -subject of derision to whatever nation ehooBes to disregard It,. We desire the peace which comes as of right to the Just man armed; not the peace granted on terras of ignominy to the craven acd the weakling. "It 1 not posslblo to improvise a navy after war breaks out. The ships must be built and the men trained long in advance. In the late war with Spain the ships that dealt the decisive blows at Manila and San tiago had been launched from two to four teen years, and they were able to do as they did because tho men In tBe conning tower, the gun turrets and tha engine-rooms hfia through long years of practice at -sea learned how to do their duty.- . . "It' was forethought; and preparation which secured us the overwhelming triumph of If wo fail to show forethought and prepara tion now,- there mav cortie a time when dis aster will befall us Instead of triumph; and should this time come, the fault will rest primarily, not upon those whom the Occi dent of events puts In supremo command at the moment, but upon those who have failed tn nrenare In advance. -' There should be no cessation in me wum of completing our navy, ft Is unsafe end unwise not to provide this year for several additional battlfships and heavy armored cruisers, with auxiliary and lighter craft in nronort on: for the exact numbers ana char acter f refer you to the report of the Secre tary of the Navy, nut tnere is sometning e need even more than additional ships, and this is additional officers and men. To pro vide battleships and cruisers and then lay them up, with the expectation of -leaving thorn unmanned until they aro needed in actual war, would be worse than folly; it would be a crime against the nation. To send any warship against a competent enemv unless those .aooai'd it nave uweu ir-oineri hv venrs of notual sea service, in cludiug Incessant gunnery practice,, would be to invite not merely disaster, but the bitter est shame and humiliation. Four thousand nrblittonitl p.enmen aud one thousand addl tlonal marines should be provided; and an Increase in the officers should be provided by making a largo addition to the classes at Annapolis. Our rresent Naval Force. we now b.-ive seventeen battleships ap propriated for, of which, nine are completed and have been commissioned for actual serv ice. The remaining eight will be reaay in from two to four years, but it will take at leust that time to recruit aud train the men to fight them. It Is of vast concern that we huvo trained crews ready for the vessels by the time thev are comlli ssloned. t,oon snip: and good guns are Blmply good weapons, aim the host, weauons aro useless save m tne hands of men who know how to ngnt wnn them. Thn men must Vie trained and drilled under a thorough and well-planned system of progressive Instruction, wniie trie recruit ing must bo carried on with still greater vigor. Ti,r novnl roll t .1 forces are state organi atlons, and are trained for coast service, and In event of war they will constitute tue inner line of dnfense. Thev should receive hearty encouragement from the general government. -riiir to nrirlitinn we shou a at once pro vide for a National Naval Reserve, organized and trained under the direction of the Navy l leniiptineiit. and sub ect to the call or tne Chief E-recutive whenever war becomes immi nent. It should be a real auxiliary to tna i, enao ns: noace estari Isliment, anu oi fer material to be drawn on at once for matinlne- our shins In time of war. It should lu. composed of itraduatcs of the Naval Acad ay. graduates ot tne nuvui aiuiuu, uiuccin and crews of const-line steamers, longshore schooners, fishing vessels and steam yachts. together wth the coast population auuut such centers as life-saving slatious auu ngm houses. Ncod for Powerful Navy. "Thn American neonle must, either build nnd maintain an adequate navy or else make no their minds definitely to accept a sec nndarv nosltion In international affairs, not merelv in nolitical. but In commercial, mat tors. It has been well said that, there is no surer way of courting national disaster than to be, 'opulent, aggressive, and unarmed.' "It is not necessary to Increase our army beyond Its present size at this time. Hut it iB necessary lo keep it at the highest point of efficiency. "Kvery effort should be made to bring the army to a constantly increuslng statu of ef ficiency. When on actual service no work snvo that directly in the line of such service should be required. The paper work In the army, as in the navy, should bo greatly re duced. What is needed is proved power of command and capacity to work well In the field. Constant cure is necessary to prevent dry rot In the transportation uud commis sary departments. "The Congress should provide means where by It will be possible to havo Held exercises by nt least a division of regulars, and if possible also a division , of national guards men, once a year. "Only actual handling nnd providing for men in masses while they are marching, camping, embarking, and disembarking, will It bo possible to train tho higher officer to perform their duties well and smoothly. "A great debt is owing from the public to tho men of the army and navy. They should bo so treated us to enable them to reach the highest point of efficiency, so that they may be able to respond Instantly to any demand made upon them bo Bustaln the Interests of the nation and the honor of Ihe (lug. The Individual American enlisted man Is prob ably on the whole a more formidable fighting man than the regular of any other army. Every consideration should bo shown him, and In retur'n the highest standard of use fulness should be exacted from him. It Is well worth while for tho Congress to con slder whether the pay of enlisted men upon second and subsequent enlistments should not be Increased lo correspond with the In creased value of the veteran soldier. Mllltln Law Obsolete. "Action should he taken In reference to the militia and to Iho raising of volunteer forces. Our militia law I obsolete and worthlcsn. The- organization and armament of the Na tlonnl tlunrd of the several stales, which are treated as mllltln' In tho appropriation by the Congress, should be made Identical with those prnvldedi for the regular force. The obligation and dutle of the Ouard In time of war bould he carefully defined, nnd a system established by law under which the method of procedure of raising volunteer forces should be prescribed In advance. It I utterly Impossible in the . excitement and hntn of Impending war to do thl allsfac torlly If the arrangement havo not been made long beforehand. Provision should be modn for utilizing In the first volunteer or ganization called nut the training or those citizens who havo already find experlenco un der arm, and especially for the selection In advance of thn onlcer of any force which may bo raised; for careful selection of the kind necessnry la Impossible after the out break of war. "Thnt tho nrmy I not at all a mero In strument of destruction has been shown dur ing the Inst three year. In the Philippine, Cub nnd Porto ltleo It ha proved llBelf a great constructive force, a most potent Im plement for the upbuilding of a peaceful civ ilization. Eulogy "f Veteran. "No oilier citizen deserve o well of Ihe republic a tho veteran, the survivor of .fase who saved the union. They alt th on deed which If left uadon vault bavflv meant thnt all else In our history went roa nothing. Put for their teadfst pr6we In Ih greatest crlst of our history, all our ennuis would be meaningless, and our great experiment In' popular freedom aud self-gov ernment- a gloomy laiture. jsoreoer, 1111.7 not only left u a united nation, but they left u also a a heritage the memory of the mighty deeds- by which tne nation was kept united. We are now indeed one nation, one in fact's well as in name: we are united in our devotion to the flag, which I the sym bol of all national greatness and unity; and the very completeness of our union enable u all, in every part of the country, 10 giory the valor. shown alike Dy tne sou 01 mo North and the- sons of- the boutti in the times that tried men's souls. Merit System Endorsed. i The merit system of making appointments is in its esKence as democratic and American as the common schools system itself. Jt sim ply means that In clerical and other position where the dutle are entirely non-political, e.li applicants should have n fair field and no favor, each standing on his merits as he Is able to show them by-practical test. Writ ten competitive examinations offer the only available nu-ans in many cases for applying this system. In other . caes;' as where la borers are employed, a sysiem ui ieBti ra tion undoubtedly can be -widely - -extended. Tbere tire, of course, places where the writ trn competitive examination cannot be ap plied, and oilier where it offers by no means an ideal solutlon.'-'vbut where under existing political coTidiiions it is, though an Imperfect means, yet the,. best present means of get ting satisfactory resujts. "It is important to have this system ob tain at home, but it Is even more Important to have It applied rigidly in our insular pos sessions. The administration of these island should be as -wholly free from the suspicion of partisan politic as the administration .of the army and Davy. AU that we ask from the public servant In the Philippines or Porto Rico is that he reflect honor on his country by tho way in which he makes that coun try's rule a benefit to the peoples who have come under it. 1 nis is an mat we mmum ask, and wo cannot afford to be content with, less." ... V. ' , ' Treatment of Indiana The mpsK.isre noints out the defect In our present consular service, and recommends. the passage of bill now oetoi-e oougra will Increase its efficiency. Of the Indian problem tt says- In my Judgment toe time bub mieru niion n eiioiiid definitely make un our mindB to recognize the Indian as an individual and not as a member 01 a trioe. rue u Allotment Act is a mighty pulverizing engine to break up the tribal mass. It acts direct ly upon the family of the individual. Under its provisions uomo sixty thousand Indians . have already become citizens of the United States. We should now break up the tribal 'funds, doing for them what allotment does for the tribal lands: that is, they should be divided into Individual holdings. A stop should be put upon tha indiscriminate per mission to Indians to lease tueir aiiuimrm. The effort ubould be steadily to make the Indian work like any other man on his own ground. Tho' marriage laws of the. Indiana should be mado the same .as those of the white. ' " . ' ' "In dealing with the aDorigmai races things are more important than to preserve them from the terrible physical and .moral degradation resulting from the liquor traf fic We are doing all we can to save our own . Indian tribes from this evil. Wherever by International agreement tuis same euu u attained as regards races where we do not possess exclusive control, every, eaort should be made to bring it ahout. "I bespeak the most cordial support from the Congress and tho people for the St. Louis Exposition to Commemorate the One Hun dredth Anniversary of tho Louisiana Pur chase. This purchase was the greatest -Id- . , stance of expansion in our history It dol- initely decided ttat wo were, tu -groat continental republic, by far the fore most power in the Western Hemisphere The rational government should be represented1 at the exposition by a full and complete set f"The'bpeoplo of Charleston, with great en ergy and civic spirit, aro carrying on an ex position which will continue throughout most . of the prosont session of -toe Congress. I heartily commend this exposition to the good will of the people. It deserves all the en- . courageinent that can be given It. : "For the sake of good administration, sound , economy, and the advancement of science tho Census Office as, now constituted should be made a permanent government bureau. Till would insure better, cheaper and more sat isfactory work, iu the interest not only ol our business but of statistic, economic and social science. . . Growth of Postal gervlco. , "The remarkable growth of the postal ser vice is shown in the fact tbat Its revenue have doubled and Its expenditures have near ly doubled within twelve years. Its progres sive development compels constantly, increas ing outlav, but in this period of business en ergy and "prosperity its receipts grow so much faster than its expenses that the annual de ficit bos been steadily reduced from $11,411, 779 in 1807 to $3,923,727 -In. 1901. Among-recent postal advances ' the success of rural free delivery wherever established has been so marked, and actual experience has made its benefits so plain, that tho demand for its ex tension is general and urgent. ' "It is just that the great agricultural popu lation should share in the improvement ot the service The number of rural routes now In operation' is -6,009. practically all established within three years, and there are 6,000 appli cations awaiting action. It is expected that the number in operation at the close of the. " . i wilt reach 8.600. The mail will then be daily carried to the doors ot 1 700 000 of our people who have heretofore been' dependent upon distant offices, and one third of all that portion of the country which is adapted to it will be covered by this kind of service.' . Sccond-Clas Mall Matter. "The full measure of postal progress which might be realized has long been hampered and obstructed by the heavy, burden Imposed on the government through the intrenched and well-understood abuses which have grown up in connection with second-class mall matter. The extent of this burden ap pears when.it is stated that while the second-clans matter make's nearly three-fifths of tho weight of all. theimall, it paid for the last fiscal year only .'$4, 2:14,445 of the aggre gate postal revenue of $111, 631, 193. If the pound rate of postage, which produce the large loss thus entailed, and which was fixed by the Congress with the purpose of encour aging the dissemination of public Informa tion, were limited to tho legitimate news papers and periodicals actually contemplated by the law, no Just exception could bo taken. That expense would be the recognized and accepted cost of a liberal public policy de liberately adopted for a justifiable end. But much of the matter which eujoys the -privileged rate is wholly outside of the Intent ot the law, and has secured admission y.only through an evasion of it requirement or through lax construction.: Tho 'proportion of such wrongly Included matter is estimated by postal experts to he one-half of the whole volume of second-class mall. If tt be only one-third or one-quarter, the magnitude of tho burden Is apparent. Tho Postoffioo De partment, has now undertaken to -remove tha abuses so fur a I possible by a stricter ap plication of the law; and it should be sus tained In Its effort." . "We view 'with lively Interest and keen hope of beneficial result the preceding of the Pan-American Congress, convoked at the Invitation of Mexico, and now sitting at tb Mexican capital. The delegates of the United Stale At-C .tinder the most liberal instruction to co-operale with their collengue In all matters promising advantage to the great-, fnmlfy of American commonwealths, a well in their relation among themselves as . in their domestic advancement and in their Intercourse with tho world at Inrge. The occurrences arising from the "Boxer" outbreak in China are reviewed In detail, and 'the atop taken lo ecure lo the I'nlted State It bnre of iHie trade of thn Orient are ex plained. The message' concludes: "The death of Queen Y'r'for,s caused thn people of the United State deep and heart felt aorrow, to which the government gavo full expression. When President McKlnley died, our nation In turn received from every quarter of the British empire expression of grief and sympathy n les slnctra. The death of the Empress Dowager Frederick of (lermnny lso aroused the genuine sympathy of the American people; and thl Bympathy wa cordially reciprocated by Germany when the Preident wa assassinated. Indeed, from every quarter of the civilized world we re ceived, at the time of tin President' death, nBsurnnce of auch grief end regard a to loueh the heart of our people. In the midst of our affliction we reverently thank the Al mighty that we Rre nt pence with the nation of mankind; and we firmly Intend that our policy shall be ucb a to continue unbroken these International relation ol mutual r rpeot and good will. THU'IDOHF! ROOSEVELT. 1 White House, December 9, 1901, I V i - If 1. ... & .. .. f V ' I "II u ! l aholo lilatory of in wunu suun .ni l I