Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 05, 1901, Image 1

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Harrison Press -Journal.
UmU MmUf With Iw Harrlat toa
the Beaeh. The Tawn full of
DUtlnjruliikd Lawyer and
Visitors. A Heavy
Jaaara Farce Arajaitted.
Wiiat is probably the heaviest docket
ever held ia Sioux county convened
Monday with Judge Harrington presid
ing. A large attendance from all parts
of the county in in evidence throughout
our city and great interest in mani
fested in all proceeding of llie court.
Four criminal and 103 civil cases are
on the docket. The majority f Hie civil
cam are foreclosure on land hy the
coutv for taxes.
L ifhe criminal cases are: Two murder
J?aes, one assault, and one grand Inr-ceiK-y
case. The hmMiuII in ho is t lie State
ol Nebraska v. Frank Hughson for an
alleged assault on H. 11. RuHsel. The
grand larcency case is concerning an
alleged hotse-steuling affair by Nel.
ttMeiiburg. Tlte murder trials are:
Hlate vs. Frank Force, und Sute vs.
Clias, Bussel. Tlie Utter is for reliev
ing, the recent decision having been re-
Versed by Hie supreme court.
On Houdy the lime was taken up
principally with the niiuor cases ami
two divorce cases. Mrs. Lt.zie ilixon
ami Jno. iJeckmeii were a ran led divorces.
The former for adultery which was
privjn to ithj satisfaction of the court
and the latter for deserlion.
TUw. I' e, John E-rt. John Blom
Ijerg, J. (.', Madsen. Henry Dickniaif and
Mr. ami Mrs. Hollau were iiiiule citizens
ef the United Slates l.y llie court oo
taking tin oath of allegiance.
Tuesday the time of the court was
tak.ui up ail day with obtaining a jury.
H was nt until 10 o'clock a. m. Wednes
day tliat a jury was Anally sworn in as
follows: Lester Oane, A. C Culler.
Pirt ey, Philip Dunn. Carl Bsller, Kl
Pelriu, Alfred LeithoiT, Orin C. Tally,
BobC Harrison, James Nelson, Curl M.
Lu and Nels Peterson.
Afler a recess of live minutes, the
oeniiig statement of County Attorney
Ite outlined what the stale would en
deavor to prove. . He said that they
would tlxiw hy competent witnessestlv.il
ou Um ltb of last Jue Franklin Force,
father of the .defendant, had came to
Harrison and ttirevd liis son over to the
sheriff with the statement that lie had
sliot and killed Harvey Russel: that the
shenlf, acting as oiri,ner. Imd impaiK-lei
six lawful men as coroneis' iirv and
held an iiMiiel over tlw body of siuij
Harvey Russell then lying le:id; that
they would prove hy the conles-sioti of
tlw -iuiirr himself that he hud seen
Harvey Russell upprmching from the
top of a ridge ulsjut one half or three
fourths of a mile distant; that he ha I
taken his glaaiwl watt lied some cattle
while Russell traveled a distance of one
half mile in a continuous trail as shown
' by tracks; that the llrst shot was llred
across the abdomen, lied was not fatal;
that Russell turned and was 25 to
yards away when second shot was llred
which went into the body near the heart
anil, was a fatal shot; that the third
shot was Hred after the body had fallen
from lite horse and had been drugged by
a foot in llie stirrup out of sight iu a
draw where he was lying helpless from
the effect of the second shot; that it had
penetrated his skull, having entered at
the clieek and had left a wide track, liav-1
ing been separated like an explosive or
. soft-nosed bullet wan apt to be; that
I there was ou danger at any stage of the
shooting tu tu defendant; tliat he tied
y first admitted llie Uniig or llie hrst two
sttote and later tflien being showu tire
vtdeuoa of a third bullet had admitted
It; Uutt the deceased wus unarmed and
iu death struggle hail pulled hair from
his head which was found in his humls at
Jllie coroaer's iniueHt.
I M, F. llarringlon, of O'Neill, tlien
lade (tie opening statement for the de
tow He did nut outline any course of
;tion which would be followed, but
mply asked the jury to withhold their
slginent until lue "wild and extrava
tut statements," as he termed them.
tlie prosecuting attorney, sliould be
tiveo and given a ciiance to be contra
L'ted. The llrst witness for the state was Dr.
hinney. He testilled to making an ex
liinulioa of the body after death and
Wing three bullet wounds, two of
lich might have been fatal, and that
was possible for deceased to hav been
Ive three or four minutes after the
ot iu llie ulsluiiieu had beeu fired.
WIm-ii Um next witness fur the state
as brought on the stand some startling
krvlopiuerits were brought to light by
W defense. These were 'n regard to
Jim adiiiissubiliiy of Um confession which
James Force is sukl to have made to
Various irties, princ!silly the hheriff
Vnd county lillorney, after Um shooting.
js (lux was u ijik-sIiiiii fol' the i.'oiut
Imu I . . llus i.l. , I. A 'iii.u uta, AVmitb.il I
from Um room. The defense held that
this confession was made while under
lite influence of threats, inducements
and hopes of reward held out by the one
in authority. The state brought on the
sheriff and county attorney who testi
fied Umt no threats or hos of reward
had been held out bv them. The county
attorney, moreover, told Um defendant's
father when he came to him with the de-
feialant that it was not necessary for
him to make admissions until he had
The defendant was brought on the
stand and testilled that he did not hear
Mr. UTouneil make the abov- statement
to his fatlier and tliat he was 20 years of
The real evidence which ultimately
carried the point which Um defendant .
counsel wished to make was Mrs. Force,
mother of the defendant. She was
brought on the stand and told her storv
while Uiose in the court room held their
breath and listened fur every word. She
told how James Force came home on the
morning after the killing and found her
in one room while Iter husband was in
an adjoining room. After talking to
her sou for a minute or two she went in
to the room where her husband was and
says to him: "James has shot Harvey
Russell." Mr. Force immediately
ordered Frank llughson, who was chop
ping wood in the yard, to get a team and
went into the rMim where his son was.
On entering the room he told his son
th.it lie must go to Harrison and tell the
county attorney nd sheriff alt about it
and ir he did so he would go free and if
not he would lie convicted. James had
replied th.it he did nut want to go until
he telegraphed Attorney Harrington and
hud talked to him as counsel. Mrs
Force i: reed with her sou ia this purlieu
lurand immediately Mr. Force jumped
ti the comer of llie room and pulled a
shot gun and pointed il at James saying
'James you lire my prisoner I have a
riu'htto arrest you and you must go to
Harrison ami tell all alxmt it" The
three came to Harrison and thev tele-
graplMd to Harrington lor his services
No one lieard this conversation except
Mr. and Mrs. Force ami James. It was
lirst told to Mr. Harrington a little over
a Week ag w hfii he was here.
This being all of the evidence on this
point Um attorneys submitted Uieirargu
ments U tlw court. The court sustained
the objection to Um evidence being
brought in u ml the state t case .lad re
ceived a blow from, which it w.is a very
hard thing to recover. They asked lor
hort counsel l see if it were possible t
llnd a shred of evidence or, which to
build 1'ieir case aoe.
At 7:30 p. in. the court convened anil
Ihe state called H. H. Ruswdl to llie
stand, Mr. Ruswll told of Several con
versations which uccured iwlween him
self and James Force and between Har
vey Russell and James Force. They
were relative to range trouble , about
tlwir cuttle, and Jmues hud talked of
shooting, using the expression, "there
would iw de,id (ajople down there," and
Uiat Force's catile should, continue to
run where Mr. Russell objected lo their
being. Miss Belle Russell, sister of the
deceased, awl Frank Russell, brother of
the deceased, were both brought on the
stand. They Jstifled that Harvey Rus
sell did not have a gun on Um morning
of the killing and was not in the habit of
carrying a gun of any kind.
With Um testimony of L. C. Wright.
one of the coroner's jury, Um work was
completed for the evening. His testi
monv was relative to the uppearance ot
tracks noticed at the scene of the killing
and the lay of the ground in that vicinity.
Thursday the time was taken up wilh
trying to introduce evidence of the con
fession, but it wan ruled oi.t and there
being no further evidence, shortly after
dinner the court instructed the jury to
bring in a verdict (hiding the prisoner
not guilty, which was done.
(Continued next week.)
Franklin Force has been very low dur
ing1 Um' last week. At last reports he
was some improved.
Mrs.Chas. Hanson, who has been sick
fur some time, is not much improved.
Htomach trouble seems to be tlie cause
of Iwr indisposal.
Fenca Posts
Carl Witt will cut and peel pine fence
posts at ten cents apiece. See him at
the Witt place or leave your order with
L. Oerlach. l 4
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Claudia O. Hester to Mr. (leorge O.
Palmer at Um residence of Um bride's
parents, Tuesday evening, Dec. 17, at 5
Mis Mary Moravek came down from
Lusk Wednesday night and stayed over
until Monday, participating in the
Thanksgiving dance and visiting her
relatives in the meantime.
Carey Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice are at Bo lure this
week holding revival services.
Comity Clerk Rauni spent Tiianks-
giving wilh his famiiy.
Iva and Clarence Hpease nnd Clarence
Rauni who an nttendi-ig the I.'liadron
academy, spent Thanksgiving at home.
Andrew Procunierand wife, who have
l-en making an extended peddling tour
in the Black hills country, are at home
once more.
Tlie literary and debating society
grows In interest and attendance at each
succeeding meeting.
Personality of Hsblbnllah.
Habibullah, the sutc.eaaor of Abdur
rahman as ameer of Afghanistan. Is a
handsome young man of 30. with dark RANT GUTHRIE.
hair and mustache, sallow complexion I
ind a pair of large, rather dreamy
black pyes. He has neither the gi-
,nuc irame or Auaurranman nor nis i ,imtleis in Justice, County and District
ommandlng presence. But by all ac- Court(ii amj Mon thf v
Lh h . h """I f ,? ? I Land Office,
who has had a great deal of adminls- .,. ,
trattve rw.ri.T,..., an,! ! nnuaoaoH i r lre insurance written in lelll l-l
Professional Cards.
Prompt attention given to all
V. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va.,
says: "ror loorwtlian a year l sunerea
from lumbago. I dually tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me en
tire relief, which all other remedies hud
failed to do." Sold by J. E. Phinney.
Among the distinguished legal talent
in attendance at the Sioux County court
is Judg Hamer of, Kearney, M. F.
Harrington, of O'Neill, Judge Crites, of
Chadron, and W. H. Fanning, of Craw
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his farm east of Five Points
on Dec. 10, 1901, the following described
property. 2 horses, 10 head of cattle.
farming imphmeots, household goods
nnd other articles too numerous to men
Francis M. Smith.
Instructions liave been received by Mr
Pontius, our genial station ugent, in re
gard to use of the Andrews telephone,
A charge of tweney-five cents will be
made for a convejsatioa of five minutes
duration or less.
Dr. Reynolds, the Crawford dentist,
will be in Harrisoc. at the Harrison
House, December 13, 14, 15 and 16. AM
those wishing to save llieir teeth can do
so by. having Uim (tiled and cro.vntd.
Teeth extracted without the least puin.
Come in at once so you will have time
lo allend to your tcelh. 21-2
8. Crawford wus in the city Tuesday
and announced while here that he
challenges any literary society to meet
him iu deliate on the question, "Resolved
that a high protective tariff is for the
best interest of the people of the United
Suites'." He desires to tak . the atlirma
live side of Um question.
There is rejoicing at the home of the
Harrison Huu. , Mr. Wright did n it tall
heir to a million, nor was he elected to
be president of the United States. All
tliese things pale into iusignilicance when
one knows what really did huppen. It is
a girl, born Friday, and we haven
smoked our old pipe since.
Miss Kendrtck spent Thanksgiving at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Marsland.
Just received: A new consignment of
men and boys clothing at OERLACH8.
Win. Hourselt has been quite seriously
sick the sist week, but is improving.
More and better goods for the same
money at Uerlach's store than any other
place, try them. 10-tf
Miss Tus;Mr visited with Miss May
I wis, at Andrews, during the Thanks
giving holidays.
W.tNTKti Fifty Iwnd of steers to keep
until Um llrst of Mav, next. For srtic
ulsis s'IiIiv-m, lu 51. Harrison, Neb,
Paul Rosenlierg. of Sugar Loaf p-e
cinct. is in attendance at the court. He
reports that grey wolves attacked his
bunch of cattle ou Saod creek and drov
all of them from the range except one of
the best' cows, which was attached and
crippled unto death. From examina
tion of the tracks near the injured cow
it is evident that Um wolf, after crippling
the animal, mounted his horse and rode
away. "
The Dance.
The Thanksgiving ball was well .at
tended, notwithstanding the fact that
had been very little advertised.! Thank
giving day was one such imi only North.
west Nebraska can prtxlu-tt and this
gave an excellent opportunity for all to
attend from a distance. Many came
rom all directions and some as far as
0 miles away, notwithstanding the
lact that Uvtre were other dances cloHer
home. The excellent reputation whic
Harrison dancer bear, coupled with Um
xoelleflcy of the music which is given
by Harrison musicians accounts for tin
The Thanksgiving ball was no exception
lo the rule and everyone went home
feeling that they had enjoyed themselves
to Um fullest extent, and wishing that
the time will not be inr distant when
Mr. Dunn und his excellent orchestra
will give another of their excellent
WhMe Caie Mt De.lrahle.
White cats are in general wa
more aatage and Imi Intelligent than
gray or tortoiM-shell. Many of them
have blue eyes, and all such are Mid
to be atone deaf, bene they are mm
desirable in the home.
One evening during Jthe past week a
p.irty was tendered sergeanl ana Mrs.
Ruse and their lady friends by Stewart
Sager, 1st Sergeant Aver.; and Sergeant
irry. A very dainty repast was served
and Um evening was interspersed with
usic, vocal and instrumental. Several
leasing selections were rendered by
Sergt. Ayers, who is a good singer. The
guests were Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Thomas,
rs. Emery, Mrs. R ise. Miss Allen, and
Mr. Olett and Sergt. Rose. All depart
ed for their homes with many pleasant
memories of the eve,
A number of inhabitants of the fori
assembled at the Post Amusement Hull
on Thanksgiving evening and enjoyed
themselves at dancing, etc. Music
rendered hv Mr. Welling of 'nwford.
A 'battery of Held artillery has bet n
booked ior station at the post, which
will greatly increase the enlisted
slrength, the authorized nmiilier to each
battery being 160.
Mrs. Oemier aud little one, family of
Post Conmiissiry Sergeant Gemier, who
preceded them, arrived here on Thanks
giving day.
On the evening of the 29th ult, the
onniiuissioned officers and their ladies
passed an enjoyable time at the Post
Dm .-euglar muster and monthly in
inspection of Ihe command was held on
Um 80th ult.
It seems Unit to. F, 10th infantry, now
t this post, and which was booked for
Fort Crook, bus been erased from the
First Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon Petr
E.ehl, U. 8. A., has been ordered here
for duty, relieving burgeon A. H.
Simoiilon, who v ill proceed to his home
in Birmingham, Alabama. . This in
obedience to a request nmde by Surg.
Simonton sometime ago, t
Mrs. Rsm will discontinue teaching
school after the holidays and resume
her dancing classes at Harrison, Chad
ron and Hay Springs.
It is understood that Private Landen-
berg, Troop D, 13lh cavalry, is now in
conlliienienl at Crawford, accused ol
breaking into one of the depots iu that
The new hospital will be reudy for oc
cupancy about the latter part of Janu
ary next.
Our post baker, Private Daft, Co. F,
10th infantry, h.is applied for a transfer
to his old company, (E 10th Inf.), now
serving in the Philippines. Pvt D.ift is
an efficient baker and will no doubt be
greatly missed should his application
meet with approval at the war depart-
much personal courage.
riare fur Itvor-e-8eeker
The District of Columbia is rapidly
becoming the most popular place in
the United States for ipigmated cou
ples to . seek separation. Scarcely a
lay pa(e8 that the court of this city
sre not asked to grant anywhere from
three to six divorces, and In nine cases
nit of ten the applicants are accom
modatedWashington Letter.
A Kovel War ot Driving.
A man riding a bicycle and driving
horse at the same time startled peo
ple on a Philadelphia street the other
lay. He held the reins In one hand
'.nd guided bis machine with the other.
His feet rested upon the coaster and
the horse did the rest In and out
among the other vehicles be guided
the animal and all along the street
people stopped and gazed in wonder.
tSTLegal papers carefully drown...
Harhwon. - nkw .ka.
M. i. U ( onnell, - - To. Atfi riiey,
Will Practice Iu All C'oarts.
Special Atteutloa Ulreu to Laml Of
flee Business.
Collections and all beslnen nitrat
ed tome will raw! re prompt attrnlfxu.
IUkrkox - Nebraska.
KoMsMrit Han C'smeri Fiends. '
President Roosevelt has had the big
states of the White House closed, de
priving some thousai.d or more fed
eral clerks of the privilege of taking a
bolt-cut borne from work. The
President's children romp in the
grounds and several times recently
they have been annoyed by camera
(lends. To protect them, he says, he
Phylsrlau and Surgeon.
411 calls given prompt utleuUoa.
Office in Drug Store.
Lumber, Harness, Saddles,
Grain and Feed, Doom
and Windows, Heavy Hardware.
To Amerlvuv. Investment Company, a eor.
poration, W. J. liowdeu, wlione. true ehrts
tiiin nume is known to plaintiff, K. S. crins
was compelled to order that the gates hy w hose true name Is unknown, trader,
be kept always closed. I non-resident defendant.
1 ou hiki nscli or yon will tnke notice ths
Prefer the Old 8hlftl Wy. Suriili Wisdom plaintiff tiled ber petition lit
Tired Of owning their own homes 3Ue District Court of Sioux ceunav on the
ind making their own way in the
world, 200 Pottawatomie Indians living
on one of the reservations north of
Topcka, Kan., will petition Congress
it the coming session to permit them
ro sell their lands and again become
wards ot the government. These In
dians and tbelr ancestors have been
living on this reservation for the past
(0 years and many of them were bom
Mnrconl of Irish Deaceot.
, Few people are aware that Slgnor
Marconi, who is soon about to get
carried. Is the son of an Irish lady,
the daughter of Mr. Andrew Jameson,
v ho had a famous distillery "hear Ka
niscorthy, which ceased operations in
1840. Of his two daughters, one mar
ked Mr. A. S. Davis, and the other
hecame the wife of Signor MarconJ.
whose son is the present world-famed
hero of wireless telegraphy fame.
Utile People Msrry.
One of the most novel weddings ever
solemnized took place recently In
Dayton, Ohio, when Mr. Sherman Pot
ter of that city and Miss Nora E.
brinkley of West Alexandria, both of
diminutive stature, were married. The
bridegroom is 38 Inches In height and
Ifith diiy of October 1901 sKsinst Impleaded
wltliSHrub Wltdoin and Leon Wisdom
heirs of Anron O. Wisdom deceased, the oil
jucl und prnyer of which petition Is ths
forecloscure of certnln Hons tor taxet uno i
the south half of the northeatt quarter ol
oectiou twelve and the north half ot the
northwest qusiter of section thirteen all In
township thirty-two uojtti of range fifty
thiee'west of the 6tli principal meridian In
"iouxConntv, Ncbrnska, snld liens being for
the static county nnd school district taxes
levied AKuinst said laud fer the years ItW,
IS5, 1896. 1897, lRDs, lSWsnd IfOO, that an ac r
counting may be had of tlie amount due on '
wild tax liens, that said premises may be de
creed to be sold to satisfy the amount found
to be due theroon, th.it you and eaon of yon
nay be foreclosed and forever barred of all
right, title, Interest or equity of redemption
In and to the same and for general relief,'
You are required to answer said petition '
on or before the 25th day of November IfOl.
.Surah Wisdom, plaintiff.
"I have noticed that the sale on
Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tiihlels
is almost invariably to those who. have
once used them," says Mr. J. H. Welier.
a prominent, druggist of Cascade. Iowa.
What better recommendation cool I any
medicine have than for people to call fi r
it wiien again in need of such a rein. !y?
the bride an ini h taller. The ceremony j Try them when you feel dull after ei.'
Plrron as Hplee.
The Austria government hss de
'.prmincd to treat carrier pigeons be
.onging to another power as spies. It
alleged that pigeons can be so
marked hy the senders as to convey a
nestage without carrying any note
.inder th wings in the usual way.
German military authorities have been
firartlclnc with pigeons in a way com
plained of by the Austrian authorities
t.y letting them loose from Austrian
territory and marking them with se
cret rlgns known only to the German
military authorities.
Woman Still Korglnf Ahead.
V.'hen Bli-hop Potter of New York
was asked the other day what he
thought of woman suffrage he made
Ihe diplomatic reply: "My dear
madam, I have got away beyond that;
was impressive.
Problem for Agricultural Department.
The dragon-fly is the natural enemy
if the mosquito. The Department of
Agriculture has discovered that the
English sparrow, among its other of-
for.fclve traits, is fond of young dragon- j
lies, called "nymphs." When these
merge from the water and come out
vith winss, the sparrows catch them
by the thousand and destroy them.
This. It is believed, results In a greater
orevalence of mosquitoes.
French Minis- la Knjlsnrt.
A French syndicate has been form
ed for the purpose of mining Iron and
coal In. the vicinity of Djver, England.
Extensive mining rights have been
acquired In the Alkham Valley, In the
south of Kent, and not far distant
from Dover. The boring Is to be un
dertaken by French laborers under
the supervision of skilled engineers
from the Pas de Calais. A new dia
mond drill is being erected for the
work. Kent Is very rich In Iron ore,
and at one time was the principal Iron
producing district In England. At
various parts of the country may be
seen closed Iron mines. The reason
for their abandonment was the scaro
ing, when you have a bad taste in your
mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or
when troubled with constipation, and
you are certain to be delighted wih tie
prompt rel ef which they afford. For
sale by J. E. Phinney. .
I have a few words to say retrardnu;
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Tl saved
my little boy's life and I feel that I can
not praise it enough. I bought a Isifl le
of it .from A. E. Steere of Goodin. S, I) ,
and tvhen I got home with it tlie poor
ba' y could hardly breathe. I gave llie
medicine as directed every ten minutes
until be "threw up" and then I thought
sure he was going to choke to death.
We had to pull the phlegm out of Ins
mouth in p;reul lonv strings. I am
positive tliat if I bud not got that liottle
of cough medicine, my bov would not be
on earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood,
Iowu. For sale by J. E. Phinuey.
History Biased on Trees
For six miles through the forest of
Hancock and Wood counUea, Ohio,
' . m.L1a k.n ..-U I
ty of coal but at Dover and at otnet may oe u ""
places rich seams of coal have been treetops, the once open space bein,;
discovered beneath the Iron ore strata, grown thick with smaller timber. It
o that there is every possibility of the telli the story of Gen. Hull and tiio
Iron mining Industry in this part of army that blazed its way north to Fort
Mfligs in tne war ot isiz. un several
farms near Vlndlay are still f oun I
sections of the old corduroy roadway
England being revived.
Walking Mstrh ou Shipboard.
A feature of the voyage of the ouui oi u.e "" lu- "
steamer Coptic, from China to Ban f"l to gain a passage for the army,
v 1 . av..rtv wslkln I The logs are well preserved and are
I am trying to make the best term. ' mtttcn. 8'xteen of the passengers en. , fnd from two to live feet under tho
with the sex that I can obtain." This
brings to mind the motto of William M.
iivarts when asked by a lady If ha
i id not think that woman was ths
test Judge of womsn. He replied:
'Net only the best Judge, madam, but
the best executioner."
nnsteu's I.llerarf Pre-Pnilnaner.
Boston adduces as further proof of
htr literary pre-eminence that h
pent six dollara per capita for stamps
last year, against the three dollars ol
Nw York and th two dollars and
igHy-."vn fnt of Phi!sdl?his.
. a , .nn.minn Tho deck was SOU. II s at lue ciuse vi uiol uie.n-
measured and from 6 o'clock In the, "rable campaign that Col Flndlay
morning until 6 o'clock In the evening --amped on the south side of Blanch
the contestants walked encouraged bird's fork of the A'iglalsa and estab
the plaudits of more sedentary pH th "ldt"T'kde fort MtDei
sengers, who drew up their deck after him, Fort Flndlay.,
chairs close to the space allotted to
the walkers and watched the match.
Lieutenant Helnrlrh of the German
army was the winner, walking
miles. A. J. Flaherty of the Pekln
consular cadpts was second with a
score of 11 miles.
A Cemperlsna ef Valae,,
I Taking 18R6 as a fair baala of raluet
during the late agricultural depres
sion, nine staple crop for this year
represent an increase in value of orar
7OO.f)0n,POO. Live stock la worth li,.
1 000.0O0.fKi more now than then. Or
anac Judd Farmer.
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