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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1901)
Sit MnrsteiJer 1' f - f ?- 5 r i "J; , 2l gl4 ..tfi !,. .it-. n t . ! -0oyM V r UI l"K (-.1 ,t jClf !- .t f.r ttv ( tils', li )' ir Us r.-s H.vii Hit you se:o reward. for Ue arrest and conviction of any party jja. prtsrttMug or disfiguring any brands alias. fceWlifcttig toihe undcrigue. pur r. K. JASttT. EO, 117, IS not left Ja- on tfi hip ot cattle, stioux Comity, Nebraska. vi KWec. iifwitt, JIIHX T. SSOW. tMoisea .branded yTjj on left stic.ul- pier ill'lUllled Oil U'ft "llfMlllIlT unit ('utile PIY jn l'" 1 side. rVs.t tltiee Address, vfrurlck, Laramie Co. Wyo. ,( Ull' ItrUUtlCd gtyorw branded on left side on left slum llder, iiii m foldier n ck. Any slock branded a above hchig estrny td from my nitge, discovered Ipj' biij- bisly 4b giving me Information will Is rewarded. Address, r'l. kobinsoti, Nebraska. J. U. PAKKKIt. pilorse branded on ,Cattle auine left I l t shoulder anil hip. ' dlheep barudad IMk p tyieep. on Puck or 1 jm on Hang oa Soldier Creek and White Kiver. Address, r'l. Kobiiison. Nebraska. JOHN' A. HANSON )fn the follow Jnghruud oueilb r: W-l A lau HS on cat rlle and liorsr ,mtl as on lftsido jaonu-K on left Muuiwr. Kanfe on Silver Springs and east nfmnH jlac. Puatoffice Uarrlxoo Nub . TIC'KKK. , A flraiKled on left abonlder ot hopicii t fltn,l "n lft ulile of fattte. And Mil I lr 2L on r.xl't ti'li Till on rtlflit Me of cattle too. rKiuife on Whit.' Kiver, nonr lili.-n. TostjOnlec ail lrt?, (.Ion, NebrnaUa. JKKP( KEKK UVE STOCK Co. Urandiil ou left hip of ('tittle and on II I t cheeV o: ilorc . Uanirc on Ieep Create. M dxemt, lh't-p l ii-ok Live stock Co,. J. II. Halbkut, Koreinaii, len, Nelimska. CHAtri.KS NKWMAS. The brand rerewiitl In thi uotlee and branded any where on li'ft iile of enrtli'.and over lap .mt from the rlKlit ear. Aw tile wiine tninil on left thigh or horeN, lieUiiiK'i to the nnilerrtipited. Kaaife. near Kjtt Spring", aouth part lo fHimx looiity. Nkwm h, liarrlwiii. Nehraska. JU KIStT ft H.NS. Jt'attle liraitd f miur as Hi-it fto cnt on eilh JT Ule of an I- 3 yart am ' ou Itiinniiig Water. fAaaiOIBre ad.ln ., Harrison, Nebraska. nramlfsi r- u on right ihiIi ami shoulder and on right Jaw Ala... 1 have tT3t ou let I thigh llnrrloa, siom ( o, Ni l.rnska YO. MAo. eff ld. "'V Wsfef -Tins oryici s 7? rrryart am ai Kitii. i i k -i iMf . nil Hll. pjj n:i hi t side and hip. X1-,. i.rv - I 4; ..HI,t'T. KiW Viv:h lot' - i J. L. 1'lflN I Y A MlSi. Catt r liraniled I'. (I. AHdrtwa, till hi t ile. liurri-nm, .Veb. AMUKW CI1I!1TI N t'tt.r hnirsii rt on U'tt Ht-U Mlitll A cut ami hurt'! hi iiucli d on i r- fp. :vf-r-r Mr V' Z- IX li-fl xhoulde Katm' a- cul ChrifUuti uui are tlw property ot Arnliew ranift- triUutary to Van Tael SprhiK AtdreM, Kirtley, vn. J. I.KVEIC Cattle bramleil N T 1 1 K Co-it (tfl'lw 'ilri;-t-t. 'ha'Ir'Mt Nfliruka ( atlletir.Hiiil cd riaiiKr a that on ''lit, either left hip or on hi t shuiildcr. llorttea hraueleil with any of aiaive It. mils. AUlre-s, J. A. Amkkso, llarri-oti, Xi-hiak. .NtlL JUKI! AN. Hir. muiI cat tle U'tiiMif'ti oa And Cutt!' ItrHinUt! Afhlre, lioilare, Netjrti!tk.i. KKT KAIl.NKT. Cattle brui'tid on let t hip mi'! Mime on tin- let t , Mild 1I1H. ou Hor:-e. . li llorKes hi united J i I i . i I 5TW L. I PUP r jl OH lilt t EfflJ j w on li'ft Iiiw, stionl'ler or flunk, Alo Horne;.: , , ' ! fiwhtiiig in wliu li the eleplianl is conspi branded on left (tank and ou left :iouiit-r. Uaiufe on head of Van Tae!l creek, W yo. I'oj.1 iiflli-e addrr, llarrhi. Null. 1IKNKY WAIl.NKKK. ' '.'little brand ed on left side. Ilange on liniini'ig Water Creeek. !'. O. Address llarrlKou, Xeliraska. KftAXK SCTTO. Cattle branded dile and same 01, ler f horsi's. on ihe hi t hi I hIioiiI- tie ill' ImimliM! on S1'' !iiMilfrr Mimr J--ril - A'littv-M, Uhi j l-ti, St-bi-jt-kH hvoilKItT F. S Y.V.i'Y.. Cattle I'.ri'.ieh d ICange on on lelt spie AlfO ( vllle hialK'd H'm.ililer or side, ttaiiireoo tilliinltig IV liter. I Ml left It o, t'1rei4 Again, neia-tik!. SAM IK I. KNOUI. Cattle rinatJ liny wlM-n- iMt hit 4,ic of ,u ! an I mill. lis lice on I'rnl- lle 1 i ; nd Str.ii r' Creek. Address, ll.-irrl-oii, Nebraska Cuttle branded on left side. Cultla brati iisl on left (aide. CsftH. bmadefl IIKMIfT pr, rorentirt. Add w., 'H:i; Xeb m LiJJ lii.rt cm. I SF3T13 ' ami the i baanH el lor the Farf ... Jtk I 33 i i . J3 j On lf( IMp i .. .. I h!i(i., I'tl. for. ! .TOt KICK AT IHI! ! KNTKICKH IN T1IK V TTKU O K KICIA L l'APE K OK SIOUX COUNTY. i Dollar Per Ytar. J. B. Burke was ele-len tountv aujwr interitent of Sioux county on petition, receiving mont votes lhan both the party nominee. This is a rare oerurpnev, and it takes a mighty popular mail to bring it alamt. (Hiadroniau. Pivsulent lioosevelt ha a lertiiiily done a very cotumendabte net liv t:ikin the aiipoiiitmcnts in the regnl.-ir army oul of polilHH. Now if lie vtill jict take the army j.lf oul -of politics hy reducing it, aifl hy reoniliriff it from its irusMim of oimpieat hut, pslia! you can't expi-cl liMi tn ii -ti from a Keptildicun. A travellidg engineer for the F., K. & M. V. li. H. waa n tin- city one d.iv this week and expiei-sed the .opinion that the amount of 'money raim-d hy the ciliz-ris of Ktonx county could not be duplicated hy any county in tlie slate. This is cer tainly a rmarkat'e tdiow infT and it is a I the more so when one takes into lonsidfr aiian that. Sioux ccunty is buioiik the lo est in regard to the tuimlwr of popu lation of any county in the slate. The amount is now nearly Jfl-'KM), Recent events prove that the predic tions that all the r iiiroads of III-' country would he under one management, have nan ly come to pav. S line of the jtov e 'iters are talking at rotvl.V of enforcing the laM on the statute Itooks in regard to parallel railroads pooling, if these plans are really cousumated This would he too awful to think of a law really enforced iiirainst a l.irse corsi'-,itioti We feel like siyiu' (ice Whiz, hut it milit make the dear governor change their utiiids, so we won't. "Eiiylxaly kin w hip a elefant vvlientliair unit t Iffants nrotmd.'' remarked Josh Riilmys, Th remark has a deep slni fi ain e lo all u ho study in closely. M n who denounce Kovernmenlal ahus-s for p ilitn al effect, and then make no effort lo reform those a'.nises when opiortuuiiy affords are men who boast that ih"V can hip elephant when liiere ar no ele phants around To stand up and affile for ovei iiiiiental control of trusts nuiicVt the plaudits of a great crowd, and then assume responsibility and r fuse or neg lect t c'l-ry i ir, t i i.i-,i ix,)fjit.i in iiuiiliC addreaNL's. is a snecies of eleoh int cuous by its uh.-etce. When the ele phant is present, there is no sign of strife. Hi-! i'om. iioner. Ir igit'cn Measures. A tin; time rf the sesnn of i'onress draw nigh, a great m.tiiv pt'oltahle anil i iiprobau.u bills are i-ing ilin-uwl bv the J 'res of I he country Tliere .seems to tie u widespread opinion Ilia'. t..nne thini? will l done m regard f Iheural lands of the West. Several measures have Wi proKised hut it is not know n that any dfim!e agreement, hrm It-'en reiuhed liv western congressmen on a measure. One of ',be nieasun which has attracted attention is that of leasing all idle government lands for a riod of years and placing the money thus ob tained in a fond for buildup reservoirs for irrigation purposes. The principal objection lo such a hill is that it would give the men ho control large tracts of land the best opjairt unit y to obtain these lands and crowd out all the smaller prop- erty owners. i llHrelo.'ore it. has been possible for eastern coniessiiien to iilitam appr..priii-j ti'.tis for ar.y iet hotihy (hey might have. nrlit have litere isnodonid lhat millions of doll ir. haveliee.t spent in this w(lv wl.h h has U-ennoinaleral mlvantage hitl- .1 try at large. One reason that these i,p (iropnaiions are possihlt? is 's-ause the eastern men httvB si.,, toK.-ther on prop, oi-H.o is of tins kml. It seems thtui thai rf the West is to ui - compiish any tlmig it most do likewise, It has lieen sitij niitlioritiitivelv tliai MJ H,, rr.,rvM,,lU.,Vm WHh. i of the Urtth parnltel, wldcli isnlsjut the line between Nebraska bihI Wyoinintf. huve Hgrreil oi a land leasing lull wfncti will lease th' tiriiNx'iipied governmettt lauds for a m.'iimI of leu years with the privilege of re l.ii-in' at Ik end of iliitfr- time for nnotber ten year. ''hi mnnev liiiisohlaineil will Ije usetl for irrigation polioses. Jf m)i h i. Hie cn., tins hill at amis a good rhittice o being passed, and if it is passid it iMtrtuiii.y uiwtiis that lha "little men nitt-t (five way lo the '-tag" , , Pita l.(s.rtliilv nnf tbiMble, hut if n Mil can he fi-annal wlj, h will make ijrop. ertjr ewmrrs, whether Ittrga or small. tttoraactir, trl on,ir iiV.lingsso Owt eat ! tic and shee busmesa will not b so i intn lt Kiiesst-wtnli, mOI .tlM"it crowdino ' lik. .rt...n. - . , ' i -"Miri inourill IHMUHn ItllT . mm . f it ; ' i-rr'it i. I'O i.t . i til v. if i-iiiie lo u luilil li' t-K'l; Lilt that i t-. r ' tullllv 11 h.iwi', t llllll'e ilf. i.ra ' li tint mil'j.i-l l-t Uieni I I rmilit In lilit l-rh" n,ulh S'MKl ""'.v ,0",e "f llKUSSIntl. 1 not lie nlnnnij that all will ronie at dine liiil send tliem in for (luliliLiition. HUNTING THE PRAIRIE DCC, IadlaiM Kateeui Tliaui a thole TatMa Itellcaey and Ran Tham Dnwa Many of the wpstern Indlau tribes regard tbe prairie dog as choicest of game aniiiiaib. jo in particular, while he prevailed upon to eat rabb: fond of fat prairie dogs. 1-arge com munities of thetie small animals abound on the western plains and the Navajo has resorted to many itmenl- j ous methods for trapping his coveted dainty. One of them Is by the aid of a bit of mirror placed at the en trance to a burrow. When the animal ventures from bis bedroom, deep underground, he sres a f miliar Image mocking him at the front door and he hurries out to confront the Irarm- deut Intruder wh -n he li pinned to the ground with an arrow. IS-tt the most effective method is what the Indians call the rain hunt. As foon as the fcte,at!y downponai of summer rains be gins every Navajo v.ho can waik re pairs to the prairie dog village with hoes, sharp sticks or any digging Im plement. With the:e they hollow ont trem hes that will lead the .storm into as many trenches as possible. Soon a little stream Is pouriiiK down each 6mall home and the Inmate, much dis turbed, pops out to see what the mat ter can be. Many of the animals re main tinderKround until they are drowned and their bodies float to the But face. After such hitats, in which many pounds of prairie doga are gen erally secured, there is a feast for many days In the Navajo huts. NTENTMENT. Keltic Sai'illsJ n itli One Lot li a II tie Slats or HI I lid. Contetuent t a precious posses sion. You wl o have thia jewel caie for It carefully. Let i:o t.torma durken its beamy for a moment. Add to it day by day th precious stones cf meekness and quietness. - Be thankful for the Gift "of waking ctheis happy. Con tentment in a f ii'ile is like the bril liant sun shedding its light serenely ot all around. Oh! fur the mind that can pacs by the splendors of this life and yet not th?ra; the rosy chccki'J girl in btole( gown and f habby bonnet who can look at her wIl-drcjised neighbor without cn acb- ia, envious heart. Oh! for tbe Hpirit of the man who, h: ho ding his fiieud ride by In a splendid carriage, can still go calmly beck to hit plow or hoe with- out a b'tfer thought. Such a one is truly as far above the sneers and j laughter of the un!h;u'tins; as Is beav- ! en above ca'tfi. Con'.cutment Is that j rynlf ty of some mindj that makes the j possessor hanjy In sj lre of revcrs?'B or j rrJsfortUD?. Do not worry; it does r.o T.ood and me ely rir.d;;s you more dis contented, and unhappy, tt w?ars on your nerves, make yon angry and cross, and leaves yon in a state of rr vrtis pioj-tratlcn, y,o that, when real trrjb'e comes it finds you unable to manfully cape with it. If by strong am tiiioj and hard work nn'joir part yr.u r?-.not better your condition in life, be S3t.isfied with your let and let your SK'lie cf contentment mnke some sun chine in the lives of your less favored friends Mrs. W. H. Ciandail of Stan ton, Ala., in Pennsylvania Orit. Wild Animals Hint Coma High. That la:ge sums of money are spent on Eoologlciil gardens every one knows yet few persons have any idea of the uctual market value of the more inf pcrtint aniidals in such gardens, and for this reason an article on the sub f"rt by Herr Ernest Pinckert. director of the Kcrdin in Lelpslc, is now at lr.:ctiiig attcaticn in Europe. A com mop Real, he says, is worth only a few '.ollar. but one of a lare species costs from $UoO to $ 150. A lion is wortb from $130 to Jo'CO, according to its age tnd race. A Siberian tiger costs $1,0U0, u.noai ilfir J..0U and a In, i. 'tiy$:po. Tho price of a good zebra is ni;t itss than f.00, ann a good bison U'':;s ISOfl. wi.lle an inferior apurlrocn :(an l;6uKllt ror An African '-'!l!'nl' ?nCOt be boUcht for lkM than 7'( '1 7 .,' . , tiidt of all exotic animals there u I ardly one which is as costly as the Ifitnffe, tlie lowest prlie for such an j , ejmni being 13.000 und the usual prim from 14.000 to $.",000. Many of the "-nialler animals in a zoological garden lire also histh-prlced, one reason being I l!iat for many rnr anitnals there Is a 'ompetltion, not only among manager of zoological gardens, but !s among proprietors of circuses and oilier traveling shows. , Water Work Through cjlarler. r This fall the waters of the Marlclen e, near tbe KKglhorn. In awitzer land, bare again worked their way pVoiinh the great Aletsch r!acl-r. and the lake Is now empty, For two day.; the Hhone valley at Brie was flooded the water carrying wtih It great blocks from the glacier. "awlr farla Sam. It Issvery wiiked of Lofd Ro-ber so tell the Kngllsbmen that Uiey roust j Re - tie, like ths Americana " lB, expert to Xrp np with tlia " emmerclal procession, x0tu f ' " " ""'rw "leriji to u t " l-alAsf action end anaa- rom-; eiarrncy. twaion HeraM. j . .a. A i - one of the ! S VVl Tfee Nava- J cannot be 1 I t Is greedily 1 1 yil :o now pieK:rci lo "AN 'AA( l NT LI X 1 OK n It in a problem solved in Shoe lonoiny with a hainl ome balance at ths erd of the year when Selz School Shoea are purchased exclu ntveiv for the eiiiiiiien. No mtinufHcturer in ths world builds a linn of shirt's as ex', naive d u rn ble handsome and low pri'vtl a ti.e HeU Chiiu 'ti'a Hlua s this yoar. Lock for the Mgn of "ScIj;.' It marks (he PopubrDea!er. Rch. fciioes for Mr-n,V.cmcn tind Children nr? Satisfactory Shock Price Qiial i ty Com f rt -Style. j j i;" -j ! KjJ i SELZ, SCHWAB & Urgent AVanufacturcn of BooU The Gommeroie HARRISON. F. Cokkkk, l'rcsidfiit. Ch as. C. J v i ksi in . 1 1 ; S. Stockmen liavin list-for a us to liandle thcii' KWt a iv prepared to lake THE PIONEER -'-' l'aints, Oils. Varnishes, 1 .ook's find Stationary. J. E. PI i INN EY, Proprietor. -5)) fa l . j O ij Ji t Q jn i f Korth-Western LINE Y. K. M. V. K, H. is 'i- and from the BLACK HILLS, UK MiV.'l I'll AM HOT sf'lilM.s, SOUTH DAKOTA. V. V-.l M. V II. il. lime titldr. (jolng West. (ioing t-'iiit ti, tidied, Ili:.'i0t No. li, mtsed 5lo. JUcjT ISSUED ! E. W EiJITION "Webster's International Dictionary New Plates Throughout 25,000 New Words Pbraaaa and Daflnltlona f Prepared under the direct supef vi.kni of VV. T. HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a Urge corps of competent specialists and editors. tVIca Bladlnsa. t gJ64 Paaa SO0O Illuatrallana Setter Than Ever for Home. ocnooi, ana urrtce. W aim publUh Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with I ,Krarva( Scot I ih WmA and ItiraMsi. " FirM claw In quality, Mcwd clau luiiic." Sprclman pages, etc, of both book, moI an apulication. 0.6C.MERRIAH CO. Publleherc Springfield. Mate. 'rhine lnfar. p.e W'i'fe iiopiKT was once a wit in In a suit for slander, and the op p. Ing eit:nae in the t-nittrot ni said; "You are an ador, I be'levo?". "Yfe," replied Hopper. "Is not that a low catllnK?" "f don't krow. but if so luneri latief ' tlnn my fitthrr a that I aw ratarr prfrmi or II. "Wrtat w is i onr fatrer's e line, msy I oak?" -Ilr i fi Inwyer," M Moppir ! wrntoti 1 yjrrtnnxuiJ tmmuKjn J ifKlf04Tt I VKTaaaw School Shoes Art tor Sli "Llbcrtr BIL St i "Bmbler. StlJ-Sivrl" CO., cmCAf and 5hocj in thcWarld. NEBnAS:A. . I'. W.Ci.ARXK, -asJtier ( 1 i.a irtc i:, A. MVfii x r. k y hank nt this inint may rely ot ti:itirc j:uikinx hii.-'inc;. care of our trade at all timrv PHARMACY. I: w vr- 's' A.T. Ill'l.llsiiV I'l uid einiila ilolltil i'I "little Horses sane on let l on rluht m. lit (.lit righ Cuttle nil il. hiu Kaiig- oil Kyle ties, l'ot llllii-e, Uleli ehrnkfl J- It. Ill ti:k. Stork lira mils right I'lf or hip. Addrex, t il i.i her, Koreinsn, Hiinison, Nl. A II. KKN.Vt.DV l'fl Mimilder f. (!. Adilirn., I it li li, Ki I i,kn. fhtrlirv Moiigace I orcclosttre Hale py vlrtm-cf a Judgt nu nt and de era of fiirwjn.iire given In ihe .ll.irlrt court if' s tan loiliitv. l llrllkll, In lnvorr.f J Ij-w is lii sue, Asstgutss lit the Western farm Moi tguar Toil. jiiniv, plalulllf, ami again t Andrew I'liaauiler, Mary I'ris-imler aid isc McCifntiK'k, uh di feiidanU, I a ill on Din JihiV of fa'ceinber A. D. ten arlwk In Ihe lor .'main nl the east front door of Ihe isairt liinise In llarrmnt, In s.ild rnnnir, j i-ell the loltott Uig ih ribe real ,tsl; j The east half of section tinny tao (."t) In tuwslitp Ihlrly tlnee tMf north of raits j fitly three t.'ft) went, In Sinni eonnly, I rnskn. nt public snetion to the highest tdn lb r fur i-s.h lo mitlsly satd dneree. Ales l oary, Hier ff. A. W. f'rttei. Attorney for plaintiff. 'J UK I'ms-JtoxM. ';$froo 1 i M 1 Bank. i Cvv? A w'Ai LV I lfjeHr t i5-t V''