M her. tlia Plana Oat lla ;rt. Jum 200 years ago there lived, at the court of Prima Ferdinand de Med ici, a I'aduun harpsichord maker, by came Hartollomeo Cbristoferl, a man of great inventive genlua. After In numerable experiment be solved the problem, a lung (standing puzz!e to the muelral Instrument makers of the pe riod, how to make a satisfactorily working "keyed psaltery," and by the method he Invented of overcoming the difficulties inherent to the task, pro duced an instrument which was the undoubted ancestor of the pianoforte of today. For the piano is, in essen tial, says a writer in the Cniversal Magazine, a dulcimer with a fitted key board; it is not simply a modification board; it is not simply a modification of the old harpsichord. The latter, it la true, did possess a keyboard, but the depression of Its keys caused a "plucking," harp-like action on the Ftrlngs nnd not the striking of a ham mer, with controlled rebound, the pe culiar character of the newer instru ment. From 1709 the (lute when Christoferi made hla four "keyed psalteries" the piano, at first slowly, but afterward by leaps and bounds, went on Increasing and Increasing in' popularity, until now its manufacture has become a great industry. A Ilrnllireut Inmltnllnn. ( J The New York 1egal Aid society, of which Arthur Von Iiriesen, a weal thy lawyer with a lucratice practice, is president, Is wholly supported from contributions from the purses of weal thy men interested In the work, and It has accomplished a marvelous amount of good. "A poor man or wo man," said Mr. Von IJriesen recently, "may have honestly learned by hard labor an amount of money. Payment is refused. A lawyer is consulted and If the sum is not promptly obtained the cost of redress in most cases ex ceeds the sum due. Thousands of such caes occur in New York yearly. Right then and there an anarchist at heart Is made. We take such cases up, ac cept a retainer of 10 cents to help our client's self-respect and collect t!w money. That represents the totui charge, and even that Is not always exacted. To date we have collected over $865,000 for 115,000 individuals, who otherwise would have been uii Justly deprived of that vast amount of money." Lies are always in a hurry, but the truth contentedly awaits its turn. Brooklyn. N. Y., Nov. lfith. A medical authority says; "In many fnmllltn throughout the world Ourflt-M Tea ofti'ti taki h th plate of the family physician, for practlrnlly everyone Buffers at times from dlHorrtiTB of stomach, liver, kid neys or bowils. Ortalnly, from no oth er mcdlclm- ran such kuo1 results he obtained. This Herb ri-mtdy makes peo ple well, thus greatly increasing their capacity for enjoying life; It Is good for youi.g and old." May stsrid mi Cur I'latform. In the district court, Boston, Judge If. W. Hragg decided the other day that a man who stands on the plat form of a railroad car could not be forced inside and dismissed a com plaint against the defendant in such action brought by a rahroad company, who alleged that defendant, by re fusing to enter the car when ordered so to do by a servant of the company, and who persisted in such refusal until force was employed, thereby committed a breach of the peace. Silver Chains tn Hlyls. Silver Is once more in vogue for Jewelry of the simplest sort. In Tar Is Just now women are wearing very long fine chains in silver hardly more than a hair in thickness and suspending from them single unset gems. Sometimes this gem Is a ruby, , sometimes a dlumond emeralds, ma trix turquoises are also seen. But the' most popular Is, of course, the papphire, this being a sapphire season, so far as both colors and Jewels are concerned. - Grrtnany Kick on l'orelsn Students. Germany is beginning to object to the number of foreign students in her universities and technical schools. The latter have protested that something must be done to keep foreigners out, as out of 11,311 students In technical high schools In 1900, 2.017, or more than sixth, were foreigners and of these 89G were Russians. Adam was the ono and only man created free and equal. Tain Wizard Oil. Use the last on the first and you have neither one nor the other. Our real losses In life depend on our voluntary losses. rCTNAM FADELESS DYES do not pot, streak or give your goods an un evenly dyed appearance. Sold by drug gists, 10c per paekajfe. Kinging In sorrow is the sign of God's saints. "Irs, V Imlowi nixithlng rros. 7orchl:irn rwiir'n aniMi tn nmi. rwi iv (sLiuisUim, slisyi paia,cun wmJcuiic 'c a UjUi v Many a hard chain Is made up of soft snaps. ' Mother Cray's Nwert i'owijars for Children Bnwnfully used by Mother Orny, nurse !n the Children's I lomo In New Y ork. Cure Feverlstinoss, Bad Htouiaoh, leolhlng Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At all druireMs. Sjc. Hainple run. Ad- dre Allan H. Oliu.ted, Leltoy, M. Y. The world la never cold to the warm hearted. Making IIoa. llappy. Anything that contributes to the happiness of the homo li a blessing to the human race. The thoughtful house wife, who understands her reapona! bllltlea In the great problem of mak ing the home all that the word Implies la ever on the look out for that which will lighten the burdens of the houae- hold without lessening the merits of the work done. That li whr nearly every well regulated household Is us ing Defiance starch. It costs leas and goes farthest 8liteen-oi package for 10c. If your grocer hasn't got It clip this out aad give It to bin and aek aim to send for It. Made by Magnetic KILLING TO CURE PATIENT. The Old-TJtne Method of Weeding Feb pie to U.alh. All kinds of cures for rheumatism, from baling to vibration, are now be ing exploited. This disease, Judging from the amount of space devoted to it in the public prints, Is getting to be more and more a common complaint "Tip"' seems to fairly revel In new and wlerd cures for the affliction, and the patent medicine advertisements set forth a tempting list of remedies. Probably the reason that people with rheumatism did not talk so much about it In the old days was for fear the doctor would be called in. One has only to look over an old medical hook to realize that a visit from a doe tor a hundred years a go was no Joke. Here is a book on "The Practice of Physic," printed in Edinburgh in 1784 a hundred and seventeen years ago. It is written by the foremost doctor of his time, William Cullen, professor in the University of Edinburgh, "First Physician to His Majesty in Scotland,'' and member of ail the learned socie ties. In its day "Cullen's First Unes" was the greatest medical text book in the English language. Now this is what Dr. Cullen would have done to "Tip," or any other seeker after a cure for rheumatism. The learned doctor says: "The cure requires in the first place an antlphloaJstic (inflammation cheeking) regime, and particularly a total abstinence from animal food and from all fermented or spirituous liquors; substituting a vegetable or milk diet. Blood-letting is the chief remedy In acute rheumatism. The blood ought to be drawn In large quan tity and the bleeding to be repeated in proportion to the frequency, fullness and hardness of the pulse and the vio lence of the pain. For the most part large and repeated bleedings during the first days of the disease seem to be necessary." In addition to these gen eral bleedings the doctor recommends local bleedings wherever there appears any "swelling or redness." New York Press. St. Jarobs Oil fur Chest-CoMs, Itroa olilt la, Croup and l'leorlar. An outward application for bron chial difficulties Is many times far more effective than syrups, cough mix ture, cod liver oil, &c, simply because Jt penetrates through to the direct cause, which Is, as a rule, an accumu lation of matter or growth tightly ad hered to the bronchial tubes. St Jacobs Oil, possessing as it does those wonderful penetrating powers, ables it to loosen these adhesions and to Induce free expecto.-ation. Cases have been known where expectorations have been examined after St. Jacobs Oil has been applied, and the exact formation was clearly shown, where the adhesions had been removed or pulled off the bronchial tubes. All Ir ritation of the delicate mucous mem brane qf the bronchas la quickly re moved by the healing and soothing properties of St. Jacobs. Oil. In cases of croop and whooping cough in chil dren St. Jacobs Oil will be found su perior to any other remedy. St. Jacobs Oil is for sale throughout the world. It is clean to use not at all greasy or oily, as its name might imply. For rheumatism, gout, sciat ca, neuralgia, cramp, pleurisy, lumbago, tore throat, bronchitis, soreness, stiff ness, bruises, tootlnche, headache, backache, feetacbe, pains in the chest, pains in the back, pains the shoul ders, pains In the limbs, and all bodily aches and pains it has no equal. It acts like magic. Safe, sure, and never failing. Ilrrllu's t- luld .xchuks- A child exchange that works well is a Berlin institution. The poorer peo pie of the city who cannot uftord out ings send their children to country peasants and receive in return for an equal length of time peasant children who want to see tho city. HYGIENIC BATHING. PiiMlo SJ trimming Pool Dangerous to Public Health. The dangers of the public swimming pool should not be forgotten by those suddenly interested In the subject of cleanliness among the poor of the cities. The proper methods of bath ing are four: (1) By the bath in ocean water at the seashore. For only a very few of the entire people, and for but one-fourth of the year is this possible. Such bathing, like many other kinds of bathing, is not for cleansing the body. (2) Iiy the bath tub with pure water, possible only for the well-to-do, and a limited number in public bath houses. (3) By the spray or rain bath, the sole meth od advisable In public baths, and es pecially if supported by the benevo lent, by the state, or by city appro priations. (4) By means of sponge or towel at home, even with only a few gallons of water. This method should be encouraged by hygienists, physi cians and all those who would dis criminatingly help forward the cause of the public health. The free swim ming bath for the vast majority of our people Is Impossible to provide if the water shall be pure, and it is impos sible to keep the water pure when It is provided. We leave out of tha count the not-to-be-sneered-at fact that un less tho bathing 13 done unclothed, soap and cle nliness are not thought of, and, even at best, modesty, that hardly-won virtue, Is not encouraged in public bathing. The only Incontest able fact Is that the public swimming pool Is a danger to, not a promoter of, the public health. The newspapers, the politicians and the selfishly charit able are right in their efforts to en- courage cleanliness, but the mere de sire to do good nowadays does not pre vent the flanl result from showing wasted effort, and, not Infrequently, positive evil. Science should ballast our sontimentalisra, and nowhere more carefully than In socialistic experi ment and fervors. Philadelphia Am erican Medicine. King of Denmark's Palace. Fredensborg ie the largest of the King of Denmark's palaces. It has an imposing exterior, and Is surrounded by wonderful avenues of limes, but is extremely simple in lta Interior ar rangements. The bedrooms are small and furnished in the plainest style, and there are hardly any dressing rooms or wardrobes. A very wonderful , view may be had frutr. the palace roof, which Is made entirely of copper. This metal Is much used In Copenhagen; lome of the steeples have copper steps py which they can be ascended. Rosen Dorg had a handsomer exterior than Fredensborg, and la full of beautiful artistic objects, Including, It is said, the finest Venetian glass In the world. Serum for Hnake Hit. Dr. Calmette, the director of the Pasteur Institute at Lille, Is the dis coverer of a curative serum for snake bite. He was severely bitten recently by a poisonous reptile, and at once gave himself an Injection of hla cure. His hand swelled badly and acute fever et In, but during the same day he was well enough to attend a meeting of the general committee of his department tad to make an argument In favor of t grant of money to a sanitarium which he baa founded at Lille. On the following day he was perfectly well, having thus afforded In his own per son, albeit unwillingly, a convincing proof of the efficacy of bis remedy. It Is as easy to draw back a bullet after discharging the gun as It Is t recall an unkind word. INSIST OX GKTTING IT. Some srrocers sav thev don't keen De- fiance Starch. This Is because they have a mock on hand of other brands contnin- ltK only 12 oz. In a packHKe. which tney won t he able to sell lirst, because u- fiance contains 16 oz. for t he fcame monty. Lo you want 11 oz. Instead of li oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance Elareh. Requires no cookinu. It is as easy to draw bark a bullet after discharging the gun as it Is to recall an unkind word. Bow's TlilsT We offer Ons Hundred Dollars rrwnrrt fnrsnv eaks or Catarrh thai cx.suot be cured by Hall s Catsrrb Cure. f . J. UHtM1.! a.x.t rrops.. roieuo. v. Wa. the unUersiicaid. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 y-ars and believe talio perfectly honorable in all business transactions snd financially aole to carry out any obliga tions made by their arm. Wext & Truax. Wholesale uruzgisis. loieoo, O. : Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale DrutfKlsts, Toledo, Ohio. Hall ' telarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing direct, v upon the blood and mucous surfaces it the sysu-m. Testimonials sent free, frica 16c per bottlij. Isold by all itruiririau, Hall s family fills are ne oesu If a man is a genius his neighbors all say he is crazy. C,nd in One day. Tnke Laxative Bromo QuiDine Tablets. AH druggists ref u ml inouey it it f alls to cure, ioc The smaller a man's wit the more pains be takes to show it. ON CKTTISO IT. Some ttrocers nay they don't keep De fiance Siarch becuuh they h;ivo a stock In hand of li! nr.. brands, which they know cannot be fold to a customer who has once used th 16 oz. pkg. JJetiunce Starch, for sumu liioney. Trust your secret to another and it will be returned badly soiled. Are too l'ing Allen's FoofFasef It is the only euro for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken irto the shoes. At ail Druggists and Shoe Stores, 2Gc. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Oimsted, LeKoy, N. Y. TOOTH POIYDER Tbt bust that Monty and Experience san. produce. At all stores, or by mall for the price. HALL & RUCKEL. New York. 25' a asii ci. atl ti n n W rrtHi-s Browns oreiii Ktroc y rm mv. cn ... 1 .11 U.r.nr rWaso-c Ailrlrsci O. fiiKLPci BltOtt.'i, fft Bniutttai, Keturgfa, 3.1 -Auwourr-rai ""to EYES AKD EYELIDS fVtoa MS anf. Ml Oram'' WBluUr S INDIAN VE0ETA1LE PIU CO.. Nv Vfc "v . . . mm If afflicted with om t ye, us Thompson's Eye Water Uw.,i"aa)BWaii'iiej MS V V INCH ESTER "LEADER" and "REPEATER" SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS are used by the best shots in the country because they arc so accurate, uniform and reliable. All the world's championships and records have been won and made by Winchester shells. Shoot them and you'll shoot well. USED BY THE BEST SHOTS, SOLD EVERYWHERE aaSaWWKiMa "ST U NION'MADE A 'miser's face Is like a banknote; every line of it means money. PONT SI'OIL YOITR CXOTIIES. Vm Ited Crotes Ball itlue aud keep tbem white as suow. All groc.er.-s. 5c. a package. When it comes to drawing convey ances, lawyers are almost as good a3 satdonkeys. The nightingale is no more inter esting than the midnight cat to the man who wants to sleep. INFORMATION CONCERNING the INDIAN TERRITORY HOMES, BUSINESS, INVESTMENT. MAP, LAWS AND TREATIES. Compiled by U. Se Indian rnd Appraisers. I'rfco 50 cent. l$U. TICK. PUB. CO. X'osUge prepaid. MuBkogee, Ind. Tw It-! " iv . SOID ySHOES-i 'DEALERS L. Donirla Si .00 Gilt Kdue Lino Cannot Be fcquulod At Any 1'rice For Kore Than a Carter of ft Ceniirv the rtiDUtation of V. botigias JVi.oo and ua shoes for tylo, comfort ami wear has ex celled ail ot her inakee sold ut these prices. This ?xcelJint rojmtfition haftbtton wonbynieritalono. V. L. Ijoutfl-'L &hfas have totrivo bcttr sat isfaction than other S't.Ui aui ;s.50 shoes bocauHO his reputation for the best f&OO aud $&JW itaoua must be maintained. W. T. Dontrlas $3.00 and 63.K0 shoos are mado ot the name Llh-erruie leath ers UMd in &A.00 and shoes and are Just as good In every way Thft standard has alwafS born phoxd bo high that the T" r tot To.c.i ivoR m orn Value for Lis money in the V. L, Douglas fs.cornd fei.E(ehof s than he can tfet nlBcu-hcro. W. L. Douglas tr,;ik nvd lu lls more 3.00 and t hots than any other two manufacturers in the world. FA.iT COLOR EYELETS USED. Tnslit BDon havln W. L. Lonslas shosfl vua duos aa pries bx?mi An Lattom. Kboe. sent auv- ana 26 cents additional mr car me. 'Juice measurements 01 tirea ; size ana wmm usually worn ; plain fir fn r trwi ; hnavv. medium or light soles. Wifrf-TfTTTri,.. . ....... i tjn unilinv rtir-i-t ftnm faptntv to wtwrrr at nnn ntvillt i and the liett fchoe d Oo Ike ..iLnaiii'HW 4 Don't let your grocer sell you 12 oz. package of laundry starch for 10 cents when yoi can get 16 oz. of the very best starch made for the same price One-third more starch for the same money. Has No Equal. mi I W 1 REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED FOR 1AUNDRY PURP05E50NLY Jit mm mm ill' Mr .ill' i J MM ,'H1 4 'j:J ..ir .fii t .in' KM. 4 To the Dealers : GO SLOW In placing orders for 12-oz. Laundry Starch. You won't be able to sell 12 ounces for 10 cents while your com petitor offers 16 ounces for the same money. DEFIANCE STARCH IS THE BIGGEST THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE. No Chromos, no Premiums, but a better starch, and one-third more of it, than is con tained in any other package for the price. Having adopted every idea in the manu facture of starch which modern invention has made possible, we offer Defiance Starch, with every confidence in giving satisfaction. Consumers are becoming mors and more dis satisfied with the prevalent custom of get ting 5c. worth of starch and 5c. worth of some useless thing, when they want 10c. worth of starch. We give no premiums with Defiance Starch, relying on "Quality and Qua.ntity" as the more satisfactory method of getting business. You take no chances in pushing this article, we give an absolute guarantee with every package sold, and authorize dealers to take back any starch that a customer claims to be unsatisfactory in any way. We have made arrangements to advertise it thorouirhlv. and you must have it. ORDER. FROM Y0VR. JOBBER.. If you cannot Jet it from him, write us. v f ' EXACT SIZE OF 10 CENT PACKAGE. 72 PACKACES IN A CASE. AT WHOLESALE BY McCord-Brady Co., Omaha. Raymond Bros. & Paxton & aallagher, " H. P. Lau Co., Allen Bros. Co., Hargreaves Bros., ileyer & Raapke, Grainger Bros., . Bradley, DeQroff & Co., Nebraska City. Clarke, Lincoln, Itarab Co., Omaha, Neb.