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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1901)
s i . c TU l! Q.(TXK 1 liillvil ti VOL. ZXIV. in) o. 2:2:1:;; I THE LOCAL NEWS- J - Court meets next week. iil Miss May Forciieiine up from Craw I M I.... r. - .. lyiu .UMiioitY mr visil.. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tebbet left Saturday tor western HiintH. Just received: A new consignment of nmn and boys clothing ut GERLACHH. If. 8. Parks of Cottonwood precinct pent hUlurdiy ut the County Capital. M. J. Gavhiirt whm in our city Monday 1d, Tuesday. We ucknou ledge a pleas rit call. Rev. Young, of f:hadrnn, oouducled Kpiseopal services Monday for the com-ntuciic-iiitls here. llietrick Nelson, of (Hen, was trans acting business Willi Harrison Merchants Hnturday. , Dr. Reynolds, live Crawford Dentist will visit Hrrriii once each mouth. Watch tliw columns for dales. I M. F. Hiirrinploii client u few day in Ilarriwin last week in lh lutrems ol t l!ls Forcts tind Ki)i-(dl cases. A coiiile of lox car knights were trimded m II iri ison Frubty but uns1 on the foilowing ilny. Tl Superintendtnt of this diviHton of Mm K'Uliorn i.isse I over tlm llasjinr line Friday in hidsiwiul fur. Th carnler work on tb fomnwr eial lintel is in active prnret uiulur the HUiervihiou of V. A. Uehter. More and Iwtter pod for tlm same monvy ut (lerliu lj'n tor than uuy oilier pliue, try Uikiu. ltHI II. M. Eaton, deputy laud cimxnu inn er, wan in the city Tuesday , leasuifj tlie kclioul Ui.ds of Skj.jx county, N.i, ft on Hie Elklioni wui d-layed in Harrison Monday until eveuiin; bv i lriken engine. A new iiiniue was! lwou;ht fioin t;iiadri)ii lull was delated ; at Crawford by hot box. Fence Posts Crl Witt will cut n.l pl iine fence (tonls at ten cent apiece. .See him at the Witt place or leave jouror.lir wnb L. (Jerlacli. County Treasurer-elect, J- I'avis lias ielgned Inn ponition witli Mamteller UfOK. uud dovola nttenlmii to boinediilies until the llrst of J.iuuary. IUe 15.u l lull now attends to lias wautof .VLiis teller uumeruus custumers. EilKelle Wilson of Hu-'f I'rei'incl liud the misfortune to have two valuable stuck of liny burned tho Friday follow ing election. It is thought that it Mm wur)t of an incendary who was di plimsed a 1 1 1 1 the result of the elect loo in Mutt precinct.. Sullicient innif liem! lucking lor legal proceedings, it is wins- pered that justice will be dieted out loi Mm ollender by another procesx. The undersigned will sell ut public auJyn ut lii farm e.istof Five l'oiols 00 Kc. 10, 1U01, the following tlescnlsrd prujiwrtY- 2 lioresl 10 head of culliu. UruiliiK ifiipliiiienl, household goods od otlter articles too numerous to uric Mob. Francis M. Suii'Ii. Cigarrette Law. . ' 8sc, 2W0 to 24.'' rfl, t:iiap. 33. Com plunl HUlutes of N.)lra k.i, lt!l Criiiiin "Unit Iwrenfler no person in tliisHiato tut 1 1 Mil, give, or furnish any c; Of cinttTilles, or tobacco in any of its f'orms, U any iiiinor under llfieen eirs of uK; Mint is any person i.r srsons in Ibis rtnie slmll violate the provision of till act, lie, slie, or Ihey shall, on con VwUoo, forfil( Blid pny lor em li nnd very anvil olfelise the sum of $'.'.V00. Tht liireufltr no rsou or persons Im thttHlata shall sell, iov uwnv, o fornwli ny cikmii or cigarette (inner It Uf form whatever to any minor HMttT Um K Of tweuU one. "If My nernonor srsinn shall violin Mn ffwvmioiis of ilii nut lie or limy sbal pt40mtf6 jtullty of u miMlemvaiior him)' pMkjMt to li Hn of not less tlMn flOO 00, CrjMloX(td 1200.00 nod cust of "Tbat anv Justice .if the. Peace of ih COUIltl' uheie .lull .1. (jU. u r.l...u ...jj-Jj IlilVf jllliMjlOlio.l Of KUt'll (jl -iSt- . J'That if any person or tersons after conviction under thi nut shall fail or neglect to 'mmediulely satisfy the judgment and costs rendered by siu-h Justic of the IVaee, the said Justice shall immediately who a. mittimus to any Sheriff or Constable of such county ComKi.nmlintr him to arrest such person or persons mid convey him or them to tlm coininon j:id of county, there to renirtin until the line and coMs iir paid or otberwiMj disclmii;ed accidinf to law." Small Pox. 'The following circulars have. Iprn Kent out by Um stale lsmrd of health and should bp tine a t tent mn in all fam ilies. It is not necessary to get scar, d" about the matter and thus multiply t.f. chance for smallpox gaming headway should it appear m this section, but it is al nnvi :i good plan to t.lo) that '-slitcl in time-' by Is-ing able to meet intelli gently any situation which may misc. Lincoln, Nb., October, VI, lillle I'uring the past two years there ,SIH Is-eua steadily increasing epidemic of small pox throughout the United Hlates. Many cases lui t Iwen mild, but, .1 has been amply demonstrated Hint, from these Jnild cases hti'i; often dveopt?d malignant, cases. present indications Iblvi.ti:!.. for i he coming winter in Neb raska, a more wid-pread and serious ep.'. deimc. h.n been known in (us state ( r oiafl, t, mi readily be con. I ml led by proper piarant iue and isoltiou It may lie p to I ej every case promptly. Ibu S ate Coard of Health haiie this d.iy in special ses.,ion resolved tliat It d. maud ol every praclttiotier of iiindicint- in the slat,? f Nebraska tbat be bliall rep.ut by letter every case of small pox coining- under Ins notice within twenty-four In. lies of Ins knowledge, ol saidcase. such report to be addressed to firorge II. ISrash, M. 1)., liei trice, .Sec retary ol the Hoani. h is furtber re solytd ,y b.uud that failure to make out. such report shall I.e. sullici.-nt, cause, un der (. hnpier !), Article 1. Meclio-i It. of the ( oinplied Statut. s ol NebrasNa lor PJ'tl, lor the revocation of the cci t.rt cate to priu in v. n: la-iue in' Nebr.cka ol lie! paity (ailing to mi.:,-,.-such lejcrt. Toe lioimi luriiit-t, tint ,uii!y Uoards of tiie several counties Is: organ izeil, as provnied lor in Chapter ; .1, Article ViJ. Section a of llio i:o.npi.ui Statute? ol N- br.iska. J-or tins gum.i.uv ol this .roles.-.ioo in the iii,iiai.tii pivveiition ol this disease, tie- lJ jar I encloses lieroivitl) a circular ol oiViruciioiia. LZii.A P. S.W'ACi.. Governor. FLOUT, Annuel (i -neial. W. K, I O vVLJCrf, p,,h. Instruct It. li. F, li.nlei , Lincoln, in. W. T. Joiai.n, Pawn. e ny, I .r. Geo. II. lin.Mi, Jieal.nce, i r. A l!.' hon'ieis, Oiliillm. S, cr. t n t',,.,inl o li.akli. bile and jieriualoligist the cou.'itiy ovdr nv nub. si tal ingly Ulaiii! their ileciaiaii.. ii, and Ilia opinion of tlm Me.hcul AsnoinUi.u nt St. Paul, in June last, was practically unanimous in il. clariiug our cpiJeonc to be smallpox, the chief diil u nity in our slate lor ov.:r two tai has hem its diagnosis. "1 Hud it dillii'ult to persuade, sonie physii lans, even, that smallpox can bo iiiint," was the lemaili to i ears ago ol It. C (). Prohst, ot ta.luuiiius, (tun,, s riuiiueut .Vcrelary of Mate lioaid and ol tiie Auicncau t'ulilic Health Associa tion, So then, when the physician funis a case in any community with the follow ing history, il shoiilil Im declared to be siwaltpox, uud so reported to the Jloatd of Health. 1. A primary stano of two to four day of malaise, who lieadache, buk ache, and possihli vonuting an. I giddi ness, with a teuin;ratiue of llll 5 i,, 10.) 1 , a') loilowed hy ushotly, papular eruption first upon the lain unit hands (when the patient should lj isolalid) later upon trunk m il i xtuuu lies, and finally upon palm and soles, (.f) which in IWu tlajs becomes , some ol the Vesicles iiuiluhcalef, ami liur pustuiar, with areola ulwnt them, parlunlui 1 upon tin- legs. (1) U hen the fever, which disappear ed w ith the onset or toe eruption, uiieu ifcii,H.-nt, paiticnlaiiy in Ihu seveier oases, though wholly uhseiii. in th mild est cases. , (fy lu len to fourteen days yellow cruKt & form over the eruption uud turn blown and dry, mid upon desquamation have inlillruteil purple spols, or upon the lace, temporary wjity elev.uiuiis and some I ones pus. Palieuls.wnh this history, hownver mild in Ioiiii, and mrson mtiuiately as sociated with them niter the erumion is established, should l qiiaraiilineil with Iheir own household, or at un isolated liospilul, no one IksiiIbs I lei phy'sician to K lo or i rum the same except uhiii cer-till'-' of the looul Uu.uU of Hi, uud in lormmil disililecl lull. j iiwi.Jd iKj (itiic.i uU-d rt iiijj a sitrn irocbtiuii'iy: ti -No el'l'ei-t Iin.l.t l, . pl;ice, and iiwci'siiti-.? iii ase Mualliox, llaiV.'d flMlii 1)1" slionld Ii.j l.iit thirl v fei t feci., tit.. i ... i. thi-4 ense with 1 !;c pr. ed to i i.e i. . i , rr ' i ' eorc the Supreme Court on one op- s,,...,l .M ru-elwl,,,. th, last .-isrt has , ca,w. , UllM tQ ft ,awyer fr()m ended. d when, upon Mmsulta! mn, the j tiio aoiith-astrni part of the 'state ar-pliysu-iau .r ihe local i ,ar,l :,nd tl f.mi ' j-xU.K liiH ruse. He was Pt b aat 6 feet ily think it sale, aid then wiih thorough j 1 inches tall, and bad a voice bo dc"p disiection under lh Hiipervisior of ti,e i that when I.e. spoke it rceiiipd like local Board. j the nimbi;::? of Xiagara. "1 will 'read.' When .several faiulies in a coroi.ooiii -i uP Kai(I- ''"' a work with wb:ch lire iitilTermg with smillpox it fr-'piu. Iv becomes the duty of the H.,,,,1 f Health to order the closing of schools and churches, and forbi t all puhhc ga'.h ennns. jltisiXl'f; ;tio I Shouid occur under the Hupervision of the Hoard of Health w,e,i the iaU case , a House nas passed the period ofd. iitiou from the palms and sol, sq'iam s, and i should I: us lollows; 1. In severe ca -i s destroy by (Ire the bi dding in contact with the patient that is of such a rial me ih-u in cannot be 'lodi il, and the suit, also, deiiiiainat ion. worn darine J. J-nv out looseiyall other infected or expo-ied material. o,.. ,., .t ,1,,.,,. ' o'ireaiis. eic. ain ih"ii s-t, free fol io. . io. nyue, U '... ol I M i! , i to e,i h cubic of air h ivui,'iu.i i si if. 1 pi;)?i", i i I ,c,'i ., o, oi- ii il I j i ,- I vi i i1 space, nil i ii n'.d ' Ml 1 Jl i' M ciMi'ks flp 'li Ti I i s if IV. I jt I sheets, a la a large nl nit wim v iiiuxur. ' IVel I Ilia win,..!. . I ... . , ." ' -ir- i. iw II nn ir SIX It ll in i I f roo n h ite I to 7 ) -1 or H ) 5 ! V fi-al f ih of ajioiraliH for t!,j F.C'- ev.i.i - ion oi loriu.u i uiy,- iir. very snccss-'! of trolley wires with the magnetic full but not iilisolulelv necessary. Or' Held w'.ileh would be s?t np at the pas luilf a house nmv be fumigated wiiil.- the 1 cf every ear it:iRit I '.erfeve with other is occupied. The louse should he thoroughly clea i ed ti illi a, hot, su ilim ite wat. r, UIO'K all dust, b.uug carlnlly .( ,.j H'oiiial surlaces. Carpets sli mi l In thoroughly rubbed u ith water. Sunshine and Iresli air are eneiiiies to smallpox. Suiph. r in. iv be burned in the place ol lot'iiiaid -hule, hut to" lei i fleclnal at least u pounds lo each 10)0 cubic leet miit be u.ed tliu rooms damp with steaiu and it Is ipiite as expensive, re iiliis lire, i loiiosive, and takes at least ittelvv hours aoLOS 11. TDVVNe. M. 1).. Medical Inspector," Slate Hoard ol Health. Ii, F. L.ul.y, M. il., Lincoln . W . T. Johnson, M. 1) , - Pa iv v'ty li. II. Brash, M. ., liealri'-e. A. H. Soiiiers, M. D. , On, aha. Stcmtaries P.oaid uf lb-alt1!. (hnaha, (h tuber 15. 1001. " HSr-lf.'2'?- C.'i rey Iteniw iairn picking i .sboul, over 111 i!us b cul I it v. and lis; yield Is gen,",, Ily s,ia:.. fact ory where the hail dal not". On last Weduesri.iv a hhi was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. .Sax ton. All paities doing well. (1. U. Tally is building a large ai.d coiiimodioiis poiillry boiis-i. Last week J. K. Arrn-r dehorned cat tle lor Messrs. Gla,-, I'arks and F.veisuu .Mrs. Lyon is visitin in Uraw ford this :oi k. If is rvporled Dial Mr. tiolden's folks have tint mumps. Albert 'aillers is home again. He bin been heiding sheep for Mr. Uolden this summer. An all days Lulies Aid and Miss.on sty iiifeling will b held at Mr-. 1. Si nai l's next Friday. V' understand that Oscar Slnnv has tii ken Mr. liobleii's slnep to kceli on shares for it term of venrs. Mnni Inliiiltlt. of I'rlniir. PrlnterB are responsible for many charming mistaken, and nomn of them admit the fact. Witness the volume of Hermons recently published which contained tho stnrtl'pR admission: "PrlnterB have nersccuted mo without a cause." Of course, It nhould have been "princen"; but no doubt the compositor whs satisfied. Pprsnns are (he especial br.ttu for the JokeH of the merry typeHetter. A Methodist milliliter Is reported to have said: 1 "Methodism Ih elastic, expensive and ' rrwhrr rraylnm Wire l iuklni;. ' prnKresslve." Wrb It Hhcer wicked- A st0,y ' (ollJ (,f 3 conscleDtlous iiesn that nindo the printer substitute mlr.lcterlal golfer who had been of "c" for "a," altrrlnu "expansive" (0 rrre another pastorate, much better (he more nhocklnjr term? The Bishop tnnn the on he held and wit 11 an ideal of St. Asitph, addressing hi old par- ?olf course attached. The fumily were Ishlnners some time ago at Cnrmarth- 1" cnthmihrntic pliiyers, il tppenlng to en, referred to his "younger and rnsh- ,ttl1 orc 'lay at tho minister's dwell er days." He was naturally reported '"ft 11 filend of the family and a golfer as having spoken of his "younner and himself met the riauzht'T in tho hall masher days." No wonder John Mc- !n(1 ankid h"r: "Ig your father, going Melll sai l that when be took up Ihe dally paper and read his reported ut terances be always sighed, "Verily, we die dally!" Chambers' Journal. HAD TO SKI? THE I ATIN. jwjrr' lJiulmrr.ibsmeiit. Itrfore Supreme i.lirt lui iil.hrs A inuseuient. "While I was in practice," says ' OI Kansas city, "l was your honoris are jio douM familiar Ulackstoni;.' The judgrn did not emila, althonqh there wr.s a decided twinkle in their eyes eh ibcy glanced at each other. The uiin read a few lines find then paid: "There is ref'-r-ence here, yocr honors, to a footnote by Lord (Jranville. I would have yotir honors pay particular attention to this note, because it is by Lord flranvllie.' The judges waited ex pectantly. The lawyer held the book in front of him, glanced at it two or three thnrs nnd then coughed as many times in Hither an embarrassed man ner. Everybody waited for several teconds. Fii-ally he s-tid: 'Your hon ors, I see on closer inspection that 1 thja footnote is in Latin, to I reckon I'd bettor skip that.'" RIGHTS OF SCIENTISTS. Tliey (lira Way in C.rinuiiy Only to Members or llio Ituyal rauuly. The strut railways of Berlin have reeently been fitting their Jineg with i' ectrlfity, fol owing ye.ns in the w.ike -if those of the United Statess. The Lectors of the Rt.lehsanatalt. the ini- j portal phys'cal and technical institute 1 of Germany, f.ared that the proximity ptteir experiments and t! v made rep . to tho gov si'Ltiee is) royalty aad owe:f:il tt:e :red not to ! rerentitlotis lo H-r.t erTec: e-ri:;:ent. In Germany cfteem'd only eecond to the governr.ient be;;i;; cl' street raiircads were or'' place any trolley win s vi in a kilo- meter (five-eighths of a r.Mle) of the ' Relehan?ta!t. As a wx't. and odd ly enough it Is to an American, the trolley lines of Chariottenlurg. when the approach of the imperial mauso leum, the emperor's memorial emirch and the ReichcanTtalt royalty and tc l"nre are run underground and the ears a-e eovipflled to cover the Inter I vals by mc ;ns of powr drawn from ; storage batteries. Artihalt piivem' nts ; a'.so rep! acid the old coblile I rtones in the sti-ee's around the j Itelc'e.sanf-.falt to prevent the jar ot' i t.rttrka from infuericing the delicate i instruments in the bi'.iidlnjs. Mot That Kind of Animal. V.'r.y back in the mounlaina of Ww . Vl-glsil i a Pre;!).! teriaa rai:;i::ter soa;. tlic.' aao 1"I1 in with come people v, feel. :cd to In tilted for ',he niiii floiisry efforts i.n win,!! he was lien: , i'a nB.u ie eu rutiiig near.y an cay an.. late in the afternaoa carne uieni eal in set in the mid.t of a woodiaad. r r toe uoor was a Hpiro, sira. .,!!- hi: lied worn- r., who grzed at him curi ciiKly. TI," Diininter ;p.-ke to hei r'Ho tecii.'.ly and made soir.e luquirie iv s iriiin"? th-? (iei.c,hl,orho.)rt. i!u Wiii a hunter, li e woman naid "Ai:-I U h a God-feai ing man?" aslte.; the preacaer. "I reckon so." came t!u slow reply, " 'aitiss he always takti, his gun with hi The vlaitor h ii--tily chaiiEied the r,,:bjei t and iiKpiirci, if l!u re were any Presbyterians in 1 he re!;:!iboriiood. "I dunuo," , said the woii'an, simply, "but there's a lot of fkins hamming up In the cabin; you can look at 'em and see if you can find any." lialtlmoio Sun. American I'rlntlns: Cheaper. According to a correspondent, a rep-ri-vf iilat'.ve of a provincial printing fr :i ra'lcd oa a Li;u.'o:i flr,-u which distributed clvcuia.s from which the I-ei titer's had b e.i removed. An estimate was pn pared on the basis : 1 a rnmtl ini ou r prom niiii ii, coiiHiu- leriug that the wor.-;s w':re situated in a rural di.'-tnct forty tniics from Um- ,1.,, o n rental wlileh In t!ie cltv votild not pay the ground rent, was much below what would be possible for a London hutise. Indeed, th" rep resentative was contiib'iit of (.Idfiinln .; an orilei-, but was thorongliiv lion phiSfCd when told (he price (piotid was considerably above that new paid. The firm's printing was done in Ihe United States, tho orders being gl vcti it) such ynanl tb s as lo insure tiie low- est frcisht charRCH. and uiter iddiiu? (he latter, lncludlnK delivery to the door, the cost turned out to be coiisid ernbly below that of the lowest esti mate yet received from any PritUh filTl (0 accept the offer?" "Well," the girl replied, demurely, "papn Is praying for guidance la the library aud inaiua j Is up stairs pMcklim," A'JTur.rj r Writer 1 II j or J,.io Autumn Seti la t faille. There is an j.w;'.iijirsiWp beau'y L; .:c aut'r.ia Iys, a iac!jvwue.-3 a. i list-: a r::aUo: f.-orr t-. j 'I'pviiy l.iCfii o:ci..ii d.-;, wh!;:ii can l. I ;ten at no ot'ne.- tlrue of tae year. Tre and ; r;:.: :K'. 3 in the movniug al." I sends the blood roir-ing throus!) ti t vi.lns as thoufh tinder the slini'jlous ! of old wine. These is life and l.K.y '; ancy la every breath. The sun ishLrt; j warmly Uiroush an attao.-;p!ie'8 of I tinted crivt-jl, and with d 'ft touches brii.-rs Into life the elurriberlag beau ! ic:s of t'ao a'itu;nn wooda. Banners of j ko'.H and frirr: rn en maroon h:rT : rrraeefhily on the .swaying b'T.nci.r:; 1 bright and sp'eidld ajjaiast tho j-.r-.-ci birkround. Sio'vly,: tit If to mar'.: the pr.s-;hi"T of ths eneirtntlnt' j .nerds, nets ('roi oic by cne t:o,r) l':.u tree-.s ar.J t.':c- oh i of s'ri':;'i:? re ; FCtmds thrctt-h the qi;i: t wocdiati-Is. I T!ie 8tre.ii:. is a little clearer and s mu.:e on Its uehb v bed a Ft I pwcrtav i;i thrr atitn.-s:; day?. T.-.i r!p"i!iag Ef-".'Gn romes slowly on. .tack Frrut is Jnrt severe ertons?h to hc!p old ?.,, In Epreac1!: his inc.i'n 'aiahle decoriitlo-in, and not kfir. enone'i to w'ther trie fo'i:-re and le-iva the tree bare and dre.i-y toe rael :n choly Rirtumn se-:e of the mo-e no t'1 ern pe t. ' lie days of this :;!. dl period la R iltimcro .i.n-1 t'ie nirrvyn'! iiiS corn try run lata wer'rs and tin '.vcoVs liito me Jt bsgjm while September tarries still, and tbfi mi.-.Sc of the'has not been dispe'.h-d until late Novemb-v i;:ys. There are no elrarer s!;i! titan those of Kary land, no b'lgbtar sua. no foUi-e which resiHinds more genercu -,ly to nature's autumn brish. Baltimore News. WOMEN AS FH1LANTHR07I3T3. . UUlioiM llnve Itemi lilien by 1'lieiu for Kilncatlun and Charity. Few real.. he much (lie cause of education and the various .phihiii tbropli; enterpriif's owe to the wornrii of the United States. Some of the I Jeet and prayer of wlia gifts recently hiade to women's cin;;es ! forec.losi'iire or ecrt.ih. be are noted below: Mrs. Joseph L. New combe of K .:w Yoili to 'J'uiane u.iiver sity, f3.00a,COO; Mrs. P. D. Armour of 000; Xirs. IJd:n .J. McFhciron' of New ark, X. J., to Yale college. ?::o.oni): Mrs. H. n. Schhy and Mrt". R. P. Flow er of New York, jointly, to the town of yVatcTtOW.!!. N. .Y... J'li'LOOJ'L' Mi;::- Huien Go-lid charities, $ 10' 'i'lis of As',: SJ 0.00D: .Mrs. cf Neir York, to v.irloi:.: .0 10 : Mrs. Va.13l1r.t1 Mar aud. Wis., to re'.igpja. f. F. Rvan of Now Yo k to rclirion. Sr.O.ilOV; Mis. Eii'tcne Kel ly of B'iffalo, t i n l glo.i. $2 0,0 0; M s. Kivimoie, iiluiau and Mrs. flyrii? Me Cornick to the I;n;n-:-ity of Uhir-i-ro O.OOO : Mrs. A. S. Giernnpad of To ptktt, Kati., t'j various ciiariiiea. S'.'"tO. Of;:'; Mrs. I.r.'tis;. Se'ier of Mlddin'o;) Conn., to relirioti, $!75.00: Mrs. Mar gaiet J. of liiltimrce to vari ous rharili:?, $l,"0,eil(i: Mrs. Mary .Shannon of Xewfon. Mai-s., to va-iou eclifgt-s. Sie;,5c0: Mrs. 0. S. rf'-b-eU of Fiti:!;bu 7, Jfass.. to various char1 Iks, ?12t..0-)P, and Mrs. V. II. Ami of Cinr!fnat to the TTniversity of Cln cinnati, ?H"iO,i'00 Ierid-s these seye-.V sums to the univc. sit - here, the total aggregating marly fr.OO.OOf). APPAr-ATUS TO BRAKE SHIPS. A Monl realer'M InVPllftou to 'heek Ver,- sets llohi!- at Full Kpeee. A contrivance for stopping oct-nn j vetyeln vvidie goin-j at normal speed, : : has b.-'en on vl -w in the Hoard o? J i Trade d.itiug tl.i.-. v-r-k. It Is a a iny ' vrn'icn nf .Mr. Louis Lneosf:', clii -i d. justice r f ti c court of appe'iis, v, l.trf has pi;tr ej,,., jt, T!e rpSaratin, ol which Mr. I.ico.-t.e ox'" lbited mor'els 'rfl a tank, consists of one or more pairs cf door;!, attached to eir.h side of a sMp, wV'f'i can tie opened bv steam, electricity or roer iros.--;d air. ' Tie doors are fitted wiih hitigija nnd iron bars, p-d offer a s ! i 7 re.-islance !o the water, aid (-"topping the Vf-:r-el witUiu a. few lmn.lred ie t and '.vi!b.-;t j any sumieti shncl; V.y oiuiiTie- nicy j one door the ship can be hroii: bt ! around much rfui'-k- r, tlinn can be j dope by her rudder only. The i'.vcu tion, which has hen submitfed to tho j Lrltlsli admiralty, has been viewed b" j a larrrn inimber of Ihe sbnyiia-; end commercial men oT .:ont;ei!. . w:.o were ter-.-t favorably impress-'d by it. Mr. Coo. V. Noll, ib'ef en of her majesty's r.M'i Tribune Ineer h'3 vritten to Mr. Louis I.:i'.'o:de In re'ra-d . ( ocVcvills end a r.;rc,it firm -f Wet to the device that, after 11 ihe .phailan cfdllrry owuera are nlroady -.. models, he b'dicves it to be pr.ieile ii.e . tabiishing theuis' Ives la the r-gfon. I on the lines shown, p factor of nafcty. Mr. encln goes fn ' of thi Alls'' ther rven tit" nopreinif the brake al'-ioltttely efl'.clT.t ' MtiR run up, and four cxtenr-ivn pri at"1 rnlcn'rled '" stop a seignin)? e riles lu've alreidy been bou.-,Ut for t':me;- gr in? at full spyed within her ewi l-Tigth. Less technical opinion h" 1 be "ti als ) frivo'-alilv .it-prest-'d w !h M . Iieosle's device. Montreal-1 Quo.) IMimhlllly of ryprMit H'ooil. Reetlons of old water pipes of cy- preoa that had been underground and loId faded spccir.icn of fea,i:ilnity, Il in use for nearly a century were re- ,L,1 mnh-t, rhabblest of ctothoe. tently exliumed nt New Orleans, and . "Von more time prnylv.;. lo the mirprlH of ail the wood was per- - "' Pi'lr.king?" ashed tha preacher fectly jirercrved ami as hard as when 'taking li'i- ail In. The p-jor old crca laid. They were part of (he first wafer -did -prayed ail the tlniJ. works syptem of the city, and It ln'Pi hiked nut ut all. "You go straight (bought the wood was from trees 100 Ininic,' adnionlslii'il Junes, "nnd put vcars old when 'luld. t'1'10 Vr pi lulling" Professional Cards- GltANT (H.: lTILiiu. Prompt attention given to a'i :v matters in Ju.-t jce, Uocntv 1Uid n Gourls, and Iwfoi-e the United Land Oliice. Fire Insurance written m ii, sotnpani'-s. KTLegai papers carefully m,,,. Hauhisos. , ,. , W. J. O'Fiitii.eli, - - t -io:- Will Pr.-n (ice in All Court, f-'ccia! AtietiUan t'jifren f.; J ("cij IJtlsillCSS. ClIll-tli!N III;'" nil .1 . ... eu io me hi; i receive ' p:'i!;i(i' vt.-.itli H iidtisoN J. E. PHIN'VFV. M. !). I'l-yiscian am! s,i All calls given prinnp: oilico in ii-U .-jU:, -HAKUISON - M.l.i ;rc,:ii. l'H I IOSS. K KOIIW Kli, I ii!Ai i:ii i; -n.a, I.iiiiilioi-, HurucsN, a).:i :.-, Ji"Hin ait:i J'coi!, Uoors and Wimlinvs, Heavy ILn u'-.T.i.'-c ''.Tll'ii TO NON-KI-.sll V.-T 1KF02A.T To Aaierlei; . lave-tu.ent i oi-ip-.iny, s -.-I'lonitioii. "w. .1. Ho-.l,.i, u'le-.s-e true c'lr";. t ...I Ijlilhi; In knov.'ll to piftlaliff. H. ft. l.iui by vim i. i rue ni'iin' u iniknowri, iruda-n noli I'm deal (li'temonit. Vim ii n ft imeii of yon wiil tike n.-.u.-e t!, iirnli Vi'lsrjom ir.intil'i IPrt ii-: ,, ,,; ; in She Idstriet Court of !m,u ,,- :; , l ib .1 -- of October l'.M . . r . r ' ' with Hi: nib Wisdom am! T r .,: vVI .i hen s of Am on ), il i..iio r, .ii-.'e i.,. ; ti;.e. i,h . the south hair cf tin- nortl.v : ..e.nrti.!- , set-lien tft'llvrt nnd !1im nor;; 11- 0; 1 ! uoi-tliwi-.-t ipiin ter of s- rliuii tlr. : j K.wn.-h'iji thirty-two luijlll oi .snft " : I llu-ee'we-1 of the Ml prlncip-i 0.1 r:"!-,ii j sioux 1 inoitv, Neb.-nsii.'., :iil i'f-.i b- n j- ; I the hti.t -, coanly and schuo: lU- .- ict I levied sgHiust Ml.l luini f.-rtb:' yvt.t I l-'A IK. ls7, I' le, IWiiil l IKi!, tb.-l , 1 Ofiuntir n;y bo h id of tini :i-.:o.iei -bi - ! sKibl tui l'c::s. licit said p;eiii.--..i .u,:?b" : cried to tie sold to. satisfy thiininonnt 3ou j to be due 1 iteroon , yon mat e-' c a oi 1 . i eiBV be foi i'rinse(i arid foi'ev.-i- in-r'- .! el j riiriit, title, intei-e-.t or eijait of rt '! eipt j in nnd to the s-.oue and for ijriirri v'-icl, j You :u reijui! ed to snsMer .-iiJ oetin i on or before the L.1Lii day of Noiembi r !,'i': 1 Sjir:,;, '.ViydnTU. p!'liitCf 15ur al g fiinn li. ein . A bi:r:al refo: a: t?:,ck-i l;u.; rf "i a HUle tfiwa in Cs'lforoii-t Obc ; bt i :embers has been e:ig'.:"r--'.l a "!'!... f 'da and ariCTher :c; gravo-iil--The cofSn a are to bo atene by i!i('ert"d:er, ar.d a trat n-aon U 'e.'fe tha place of tie.- 1 "jiVi;-fiori .' ' '::;.:. The ij.ot!rneri wiil waik :iv comofoiy, and t' c p '! con, of ': ''.rru -ft'ill l ab:i:tt On the -ersio'i of death, each u-.enibcr of ih-c.";--'b";:.ilioti is espsctci lo tender t"--i ;-s:: ir.iit" thai" he cfn itli;, f8ti... .-.-1 to alti nd Ihe funeral'. TUe p,o ro feci that, fashion end pTide ger.. -iliy ftaiid in the "way of funeral reff.vr; -!' that it is only br urgahh'-'' cin o!" .'-'id that r'o-if run - l.t mr.i ii-i'iui iiuie nun uie-rs. A rci!;;i!ka ile ditel with .-.aiei war ''glit ntcntiy at a quI.h sp it oa tb. late ot (J. nil t Utuocauachl, cvir eghoru. The coriiba taftts were Si 1 or Cibo Fcrrini of Leghorn, and Liru l"i:aiit ito Rivera, of tea a Jury. Th' I.: ,.-"i at 1:30 aicl elos'd ' ' !!:lu p. in. Fk'-Hi'i'i th is lasted ox vtly f.vo li.'i:;-, '1 :;rre re reveiH , and ti; a total ( a ycliifi fr-h y.;U9, bo Ig'.t ads. ( ,vo 'r j 'i:;::i -:" 'iw-nty I I ll'i'Si li let' r.r. I sOu-.ImP t:::d ; n!'i jr her iLilUlul t,:ade M'ltulfa. ; and "ar and :r.'s e:c::;; A'tlioa b' at foiiy mi :.l Wiih ii M. Ili-Ii;!;!,, Cnnl rielf1. An important new coal fidd h'tr Iv. ("Isi ovevi'd In the P.f'h'ian tiro' LFi.b.ira. Seven dl'.t'"i(.et re-..;,ii ;. l-.imwn lo e.lst in the districts o' .v: and Opglabbcek, an) th'; rnunur p, ' plan iron and bhiib:;iid',iig etc: p.iay n' 1 (o b a reat . c.-" c-Ul" ate buildinr; e-i":r ire im-i John H. fl'.a'-s, wntks In th" new cord crntT Wcr' liner Tnn's.sin. ,inc plant is arriving dally by the ir-:?. Mr. Noil. pr'- 'lead, collier and paddling vFI: -s-i -(l , chart iF'Hn. I Lin Uiui-blKil, Patn JiMiei. in im.; of li ti snrmoiifi tooic wouicii 10 1.1. :: (or spcii-i.ig moil Hum in thaa in praying. "I," Uheie's a wo.iiiia here," be screamed . finally, "who praya morn Ihaa she . p'l I uUh, let her island tip." One poo" ) 3l l, v it VP 1 . "if. ,r4..vx"'."''--T3'