Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 21, 1901, Image 1

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    Harrison Press -Journal.
. E. P. Maine and wife return! yester
day from an extended visit in Montana.
Andrew Christian, of Pleawtnt Ridge,
purchased a windmill of U. W. Hotter.
Juct received: A new consignment of
id boy cIoUi.dk at GERLACHS.
Owar Ward arrived at I tome Monday
night for a sliort visit witli hie family.
Mi Katie Bourrett
from an extended visit
Pierce, Neb.
returned Friday
to Chadron v and
ft Mrs. Myrtie Hester returned fnm
(sTawford where idle has bean having
dental work done by Dr. Reynolds.
.Dr. Reynold, the Crawford Dentist
will visit Hrrrison once each mouth.
Watch these column for date.
' Marriage.
Mr. J. T. Watson and Mr. Matilda
Olbricht were married by Judge Burtelt
yesterday at tlte crunl.y judge's otttc..'.
Mr. Watson known far and wide a the
most successful slayer of grey wolves
titat ever gave them chase and resides in
Whistle ('reek precinct. We are not ac
quainted with tlte bride, but no doubt
she is a worthy lady to share with Mr.
Watson his joys and sorrows. Here's
hoping that the sorrow of their wedded
life will only come often enough to make
them appreciate lite full value of their
joys. Thi newly married couple will rt
side in Sioux county.
A general court martial whs in session
a few days recently for tlie trial of gen
eral irlsners at Ute post.
' The post telephone system, under the
supervision of Ordinance sergeant Hose,
is now in perfect working order, "Hello
Central! give me beaveo."
The troops were paid off on the 131b
inst, and tlie boys have been enjoying tlte
benefits thereof except tlte nsunl pay
day hop, which has to date failed to (ire
sent its appearance.
Vounl Solo-Selected
Miss Georgie Miller, Hemingford
Reading and how to teach it
BP Cromer, Mitchell
Uiscnraion. Miss Florence Leo, rlmdrno.
Primiry Reading with special Reference
to Polktrd methods
Miss Busie R. Fraser, Alliance
Discussion, Kiss Leah Hark, Crawford
Vocal Solo. Melected
HIM AwrnM. If 1-idlaliru.llfrh. Alliullf
Tlie hospital steward and bis assistant nf th. att .4ri.
were entertained at dinner recently by
their immediate sierior.
More ami better good for the snme
money at Gerlach s store lliau any other
place, try them. 10-tf
TIsj foundation for VV. H. Wright's
hotel is about completed und seven I
load of dimension stuff have been huulei)
during tlie mst week.
Mrs. Ilreiper left yesterday for her
home in Colorado after an extended vinit
with Iter sister, Mrs. (loliiiiHM'ortb, and
Iter mother, Mrs. Dietn. Mr. Hoilings
worth accompanied her to Oriii Junction
( ounty 8uierint'iident Burke visited
scIiooIh in lite north eml of the county
last week,' He was much pleased with
the new te.icliers he met and with the
evidence of go-si work that hu found.
H. A. Praldy, -Harrisons uptlar black
mKh, done soine much need! work un
tlie IW9Jorimi. paper cutter this
week. We are now in elutpe to do your
work iu a satisfactory manner.
The ladies of Harrison are rejiiciKtd to
meet at the home of Mrs. Hanson, Wed
"nesday afternoon, Nov.' 87, and Join.the
Ladies' AW Society.
Mks. Ma Mahstri.i.er, 8e-y.
Jam. IL Cook, of Agate, was in the rity
yesterday, mid while here culled on the
Pwre-JoCttNAr. man. Mr. Cook expects
to. attend the National Live Block con
vention in Chicago next month as a delegate.
We publish the following interview
with Col. Hunter, which appeared in
Saturday's World-Herald, to sliow what
the-people think of tins territory, which
may f be some consolation to those wlio
are bol snlisned witli their condition and
are expecting to find sometliiug bel ter.
Mr. Hooter's ranch is located near An
drew a. about 20 miles west of Crawford,
and was recently purchased from Frank
lin Force:'
Colonel J. K. Hunter, popular onto
fame for his warmth of geniality and his
gracious presence, was at the stock ex
change yesterday with three cars of cat
tle shipped from bis - rauch in Sioux
county. -, .a- , .
Colonel Hunter bus many acquaint
nncef tlirou'liout the state and many
friends at the e xcliange. His companion-
able spirit and his irrestable persoiial
iiiuiml.sm has niude him popular every
where. For years he wus a leadicg in
surance limn of Omaha, but recently he
bus devoted his entire time and attention
to his much.
"I will try and be modest about the
ranch." the colonel said to the World-
Herald yesterday, "1 can simplysay that
it is tlie llnei-t, ranch in Nebraska', which
you know, means the liuest in the world.
"Tliere i little knuwu here about the
country out tlit ic. AW miles from Oma
ha. o more beautiful country .ever
laid out of doors. And the' White Kiver,
well, it's a dream. That famous stream
is always full of ll.sli, ami ot the finest
trout, too. It's a great stream and an
ideal siwt for tourists during the sum
mer." Craw foid Bulletin.
Stock Letter.
Receipts of cattle liberal, 12,000 for
two days. 8upply of corn fed cattle rimuJt
but market steady to strong un good to
choice grades. Half fat and snort fed
beeves dull and slow; sale burelv steady.
Cows and mixed stork in liberal supply;
market steady to strong on all grades.
The trade is s lockers and feeders is strong
and active. Good, flethy feeders are in
best demand and sell ijiiickly, while me
dium and , common grades are slow and
uneven sale. Range beef steady to strong.
Nye A Buchanan Co.
L. B. Carey, Sidney
Grading country schools.
Miss Vivian Lawerenoe, Ellsworth
General Discussioo
The importairje of elementary Agricul
ture io our schools
8. IS, dark, cody
LHecussiou, Geo. w. Myers, Harrison
Duet, Selected,
Misses Lula Duncan and wilma Frew
w. A. Clark. President State Normal
- Business Meeting.
Fence Posts
Cnrt Witt will cut and peel pine fence
posts at ten cents apiece. .See him at
the Witt place or leave your order wit
L. Gerlach. 1S-4
C. I. Plympton and family left yester
day for Needles, California. Mr. Plyiup.
ton's mother and Mr. Hutching' family
of Crawford accompanied him, while Mr.
Hutching went with the car containing
household good, stock, etc.
Mr. Bieser, who came down from Har
rison for medical treatment, does not
how signs as yet of subsUntiul improv
nient In her condition, being somewnal
better at time and then worse again.
Keuratgia appeal's to be the principal
ailment. Crawford Bulletin.
Bodarc Geanings.
Sheriff Uargan informs us Uwt after
much aad earnest solicitation from the
UthoHties here, Ute Miperintendent of
the hospitul for the insane at Ijnccln has
coasenled to receive Joe Kramer, the un
fortunate lunatic who has beeo conlhted
in our county jail far several week. Tit
beriff will gn down with him tomorrow
night The Chadronia.
Tuerday of Inst week tlie Scheafer hoys
haled a c Jrlo id of bay at tlieCVitfee ranch
which Wm. Miil-r and J. Anderson
hauled to town and sbipied to Mr. Coffee
at ClKHlron. .
Irven Ruimernnin. bo has lieen herd
ing cattle all Minimer on Old Woman
creek, turned over the o;ittl to their re
spective owners the ttrst of the week.
Mr. Miller Ims taken a small hunch of
calves to winter for Miss LucjjHill. They
were delivered at bis place last week.
John Eberspeclier has just purchased a
line double-seated boggy, handsome in
upearance. yet comfortable and strong
enough to drive over any road.
With sorrow we announce the death of
the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dsn Jordan,
who died Tuesday, Nov. 13, and was in
terred ut Montrose on Thursday. 4'Of
such is the kigdom of heaven."
We wish to announce here for the ben
eflt of those not In attendance at tlie ser
vice lant Sunday that Be v. Rice's next
aptaiintnient here will be December 1
Rev. Sloan will accompany him. There
will be preaching at 11 a. m. and at 'M
p. ni. Dinner at the church and all are
Invited to come and bring a lunch. Even
ing meetings will follow during thr week
and longer if it seenta desirable.
M. A. C.
Game Laws.
Forty states prohibit the export of oer
lain specified game, and thirty' seven of
these forbid shipment of quail killed in
the state to points outside the state.
This is right. The game belongs to the
people of the state, and there is no state
where game is so abundant that the sup
ply is greater than the demands of its
own people. Moreover, the right to ex
port it is a temptation to exterminate it
for the benefit of others. It should be
limited to Utose fairly entitled to enjoy
Tlie importing of the name from for
eign countries, and from one state to an
other under reasonable limitations, for
breeding purposes, is manifestly right in
tlie line of game protection.
If a law could be enacted forbidding
any cold storage company from having
game on storage tea days after the be
ginning of the close season in any state,
it would be a great measure. At prese-it
the cold storage oompanies All their
shelves with game, and serve it at all
seasons in spue of the law. Tlit v are
greater temptatiao ie slaughter than all
tlie other things put together. And sucl
stuff it is! A quail or sniM that ha been
on k'e six month", served, as it so often
is. upon the oeenn-linor iu July or August
is no better thin a sour piece of white
onk chip. Yet, to enable them to indulge
in this class of nmntl, the laws are luore
grossly violated than for any ether rea
son. From ''Tlie Awakening Concerning
Gamer bv John S. Wise, in the Anuri
can Monlklf R;vUw of Review for No
vember. -
Mrltber angar Wer alt.
A story is told of the energy ani
vigor of the Archbishop of Canter
bury. At the last church congress his
grace bad Ukn part In an absorbing
dlacuMlon. followed by a vigorous
epeech to a men's meeting and an ad
dress to an overflow meeting, an3
waa about to wind up the day'a activ
ity by a walk to the railway atatlon
and a lite journey back to town to
be ready for the ordlnatloa of two
htabnns nn the morrow. "May I call
a cab for your grace?" anxiously In
autroil a rWrvman. who feared tile
effects of exposure after to much ex
ertlon, but the archbishop gave him
briefly, yet firmly, to understand that
his sympathy was misplaced. A lew
rarda further on another clergyman.
raonir.lne that the head of the
Church of England Is no longer young.
n spite of bis air of leonine robust
nsas, stepped across ana oegi(ei m
grace to allow blm to ball cab.
What forr Mkrd the archbishop,
with some abruptness. "Why. your
rraM rsln is eomlnK on." "Well. If
you arc made of sugar, I am not.
reloloed the archbishop, a he sturdily
strode forward.
Wreak Mer.
An exchange quotes the following
roDveraatlon between husbaad and
wife. She suddenly addressee blm:
"What are you rending so ajMorbrng
ly?" "It's new Scotch novel." "Oh."
criaa the wife with enthusiasm, "I'm
no fond of those dear dhlect things!
Do reed me a little!" "Can you un
derstand it?" "Can I understand It?"
she repeats, loftily. "Well, I should
hope anything you are reading need
not be Greek to me!" "No, but It
might be Scotch." "Well, go on.
read Just where you are." " 'Ye e.
Blsple,' said Duncan, doucely, 'I
might bae mair the matter wi' me
than ye wad be 'pterin'. Alblins ma
een Is a bit dracsltt, an' I'm hearts'
the poolses tbuddln' In ma ears, an'
ma toongue Is clavln' when it snd be
gaeln'; an' div ye no bear the dtrlln'
o' ma balrt; an' feet the sbakin' o' ma
bond this day gin I gat a glimpse o'
ye, salr birplln' like an auld men?
Dlv ye nae guess what's a' the steer,
hlnney. wi'out gaein' it malr
words?' " "Stop! Btop! For good
ness' sake! What in tbe world Is the
creature trying to say?" "He Is mak
ing a declaration ot love." "A decla
ration of love! I thought he was tell
ing a lot of symptoms to his doctor!"
Prcfoxloncl fenlx
Prompt ataaatoow give to all laga
Matters in Jfaatjee, Cocnty and Dislni t
Courts, aeal before the United tn"
Land Oltice.
Fire Insurance written in reliahi
rTI'gal papers carefwlly i!r;i
H. 4. UX'snnell, - - IV. .tllrrmry.
WiH PrndlM in All CorU
Kperfart .tttentlon Given to IjmI ftf
ire BhsIbsss.
Collectrnmi and ntl basinmr sri'
ed tease will receive ntnt sttenlitm.
Hakrmon - XnHMtA. ,
j. J. E. PH1NNEY. M. I.
l'hyiwrlas anal Marges.
411 csll givun prompt attention.
Ortli-e lu Hni .store.
The football arrived Saturday and Sat
urday afternoon those who know the
game and those who want to learn spent
little lime getting acquainted with the
tuystrieaof the pigskin. If enough in
terest is manifest, it is exiected 'that a
team will be organised and an attempt
mads to get some games with neighbor
ksg towns.
The families of J. II. Lacy, Jos. Lod
wig nsx Wm, Miller left last Thursday
night for Garnet, Kansas. Mr. Lacy and
Mr. Ludwig (Wt Tuesday night with tlie
housthoM goods and stock and Uia re
waindar followsd Thursday night, This
will must quite a vacancy in tl e Lacy
nsUlnnwnt. They will ba missed by their
'tunny frieods and aeighbor in Hiotix coun
ty who will join with the Prbw Jotst
M wisriing them abuodaoce of suevsss
nd unhoundeil m;frfty In their new
Post Com, 8ergsnnt Chapman left for
his far eastern station a few days ago,
upoo being relieved by Com, Sergecnt
mOemier. Mrs. (Jhapmnn and the little
oies will remain at the post Indefinitely
Mrs. Strightnsy, whose husband is a
mhmber of Troop "A," First Cavalry,
now m tns i-niinppinea. irt the post a
fev days ago for her horns in Washing.
ton, D. C
II. McParland hna cloeed his boarding
liouss. This may give the "Bureau of
Information" rsstumnt nn increase of
businras. If r. MvFarlnnd and family havs
returned to their former dwell log,
Mr. Josephine Emory, of Omaha, Is
visiting Mrs. Row, at tlw post.
The o fit oars and their ladies passed nn
enjoyable evening a few days sinus at the
post hall.
It is now understood that company "P
Tenth Infantry , which forma a part of tbe
command, is to leave for Fort Crook
4ouitime during the prcat invalh
Teache't Auociation
Below we print a program of the
Northwest Nebraska Teachers Associa
tion which will be held in Alliance Nov
ember 24 and 30. It is to he regretted
that the association was changed from
Crawford ns the connections are such
that the teachers from tlie east and west
on the Elkhrirn cinnot make the trip und
return in time for llieir schools Monday.
While it was located at Crawford it was
convenient for ull to attend wIk desire to.
This association should be very helpful
to teachers nod it seems that it was very
unwise to cltange tlie location. Tlie ruil
road will givs a rate of on nod one-third
fare for the roiindptrip.
Music Selected
High School Chorus, Alliance.
History in Country Schools,
Win. L Fraser. Hyannis.
Discussion, A. A. Miller, Gsring.
Tlie Object of Education
. W. H. Kramer, Crawford
General Discussion
Music-Selected Chadron.
Address, J. L. McBriea, Deputy State
Correlation of Studies io theLowerf trades
Miss Lulu Evans, Crawford
Oensml Discussion.
Vocal 8olo-8slected,
Miss Wilma Frew, Alliance.
Address of Welcome,
W. H, Barti, Alliance;
Response. W. C. Phlpps, Chadron.
Music belected,
A prehisiunc caaoc- was dug tip re-
rnntly In a bog about nre miles trom i
rtiitigaMnoT, County , Tyronn,, Ireland. ,
t is srooped iit of an oak trim., MJ si
eh long, three feet w!dB. and eight
een inrnes lep. ii nas a nui tumir
st tbe bow, evidently fcr mooring and
ai;lnfe. ind hIpo two luga at tns
;et n. In the nacie bog a woman's
Hxly was i.Ucoverod In a remarxBoiB
;tae of preservation. Accoraws
medical opinion It has lain there for
J00 years, but the peaty soil had pre
served it.
awraa tiernhsnll's RoassaCle Hsblts.
Mmr. .Sarah Bernhardt goes to her
romantic castle to escape civilisation.
She only sees two or three intimate
Meads there and swmds' her Urns
yachting, boating, fishing and gener
ally rpeaklng. lives aa much on or In
the seas as possible. One of her pst
hobbies Is. collecting curious marine
nlants. Of these she has soma remark
abls apeumens, which she has usea
aa motives for decoration In leather
and metal work. This year Mms.
Sarah Bernhardt went In for yachting
a great deal.
The Objection Rsaaove.
President Tucker of Dartmouth has
been In the habit of apendtng his sum
men on a New Hampshire farm. The
family becomlnar dissatisfied with cer
tain details the proximity ot the pig
pen to the house, and the manners of
ths servant girl he wrote to the farm
er that he could come no more, and
mentioned these objections. In a fw
days he received the following concll
latorr reply. "Hear Sir: There ain't
been no bogn since you left, and Han
nab has went.''
Indian Almost a MHIIonstre.
Peter Chiudo, an Indian, died recent
ly in tbe Silver Creek (Wash.) mining
t'lRtrlct within a few weeks of being a
millionaire. He had demonstrates tne
correctness of his belief that tbe ledge
cn his claim contained almost 1m
meaaurable wetlth In gold, silver and
copper, when he was suddenly taken
with hemorrhage of the Kings ana niea
In the hospital. Chlndo natj worxea
in comparative poverty for seven years.
IntNvtdwslltr ct the Telee.
No man can disguise his voice in
talking through a telephone. Every
person has some little peculiarity of
speech that, no matter how Inflnltesmal
it mar be. is sure to be accentuated
and made mors recoanisnbto over the !
wire. The man who has a sharp rinc ,
in bis voles wilt seem to speak more j
sharply, a gruff voice will be made
mors gruff, and by the same rate an
Inatneere voice is given a greater tone
of insincerity. Philadelphia. Ketord.
Ow rfsKtast WemM.
Man who are accustomed to say and
think that women can never be mathe
maticians will be surprised to know
that, according to ths annual roister
of the American Mathematical Society,
no less than twenty two memsert of
that society are women, and that a
woman. Prof. Scott, W a member of
ths council. Late statMfc slaaw tkwt
In tbe public schools of this country1
girls are most proficient in mathsma-
tlca, boys In history.
Lumbcr, Harness, rjerirlles,
Gru.ii i and Feed, Doors
and Windows, Heavy Hardware
TwAiwertKHv Investment Oompsnr.s cor.
porstlnn, W.J. ilowrlen, whuse trne curie
tuin name Is known to nisuiUll. C. 8. eras
1y Shane trae name Is unknown, trustee,
nn.nr!(l(nit !-tendtit.
Yon snd cacti of you wtlf take notice the
Sursli WliKtom ptnlntlfr flled tier ietltton Is
She lllstrict Court of Sioux counsv on. the
16th lay of OcioIkt 1W1 asliisl lmplewled
withHsrah Wimlom sml lsoas Mr'isdom
hclreof Aaron O. WlMlom deceased, the ob
ji.-ct aud prayer of which petl:tos is tbe
fnreclwpnm ef certain liens tor taxes upon
the south half of the northeast tuartmr el
section twelve and the north half ot the
aorthwest qusiter of section thirteen alt in
UnrnaMp thirty-two noitb of range flfty
tbreeeatef taeCth principal meridian lu
Stous Cewntv, Ncbrasks, said liens being for
raw sSste. county sad scboo) district (sate
krvscaaa-ainstisUd land fer the years KM,
ISM, ISM. WT, Has, IMS ana !S0, thit an ae
eoimttac may be aeete the amount doe on
sVkt tax liens. Ast ssttf premises msy be de
creed te be told to satisfy the amount found
tobedne. theroon, thjtt you and each of yos
may lie foreclosed snd forever barred of all
right, title, Interest or equity of redemption
in and to the same and for general relief.
You are reqntrsd to amnrer said petition
on ur before too 2Sth day of November ICSt-
' aars Wtidsea. ntatntlff.
ColaIABw la. Three Deaths.
President McKinley's death orcurred
on the anniversary of the death of the
Duke of Wellington, who died Septem
ber 14. 1862, and also on tbe anni
versary of tbe death of General Mont
calm, who" was killed September 14.
1759, at Quebec
Jewelry at Baaslaa Crt.
The young Empress of Russia, It Is
said, cares little or nothing about
jewels, or Indeed, about any kind of
finery, and In this respect presents a
striking contrast to hsr mothsr-in-law,
the still young-looking and even
pretty Marie Feodorovna, whose Jewel
casket in the days when she was Em
press was the most famous in the
world from a gem point of view, hard
ly second even In the matter of pearls
to the collection of the Empress of
apateaj War SSailai.
Senator Bnoup and Gen. Eppa Hun
ton "were swapping war stories tue
other day, and the talk ran upon great
1 losses in s single battle. "My regi
' ment," said Gen. Hunton, "had "been
reduced from its full complement to
200 men when It participated in Plck
j ett's charge at Gettysburg. How many
men of that regiment do you think
i came out or mat coarse aiive: ne-
Shoup could not guess.
" said Gen. Huntoo.
Kra Cawstantuteple.
"Era of Constantinople." extert-
Aa Alpfcaretfeal foertoMp.
"Yes,", said tbe fair young girl. "I
baa a great many alphabetical court
ships while I was In the country this
summer." "Indeed?" he murmured,
not knowing what else to say, but be
ing anxious to get at ths next para
t.aph. "Yes," she continued, "you
know I would roll my eyes, and then
he Jaya bad to follow the eyes, didn't
hey'" After repeating the alphabet
in to the
inclusion that the fair young thing
new whereof sba spake. Boston Aav
Irsn. .
Tlie Trelh tf U
"It's my opinion." said Mr. Medder
grass, after complimenting the grocer
on the fact that the atore had been
furnished with a new stove for the tall
loafers, "that some o' these here navy
officers Is work In' for the coal trust. I
b'lleve that's why they didn't tell
Schley about their coal supply boldln"
back on blm till prices went up another
half dollar on ths ton.' Baltimore
Nm-Caasalallve Btaek.
Nnn-iiimulatlve stock Is stock on
alvelv aaooted in the Greek empire.
Illke several others, began wtth th
I foundation of the world, whlen It ftxed.
i at B. C. 5508. This era was generally
! followed by tbe auherenta of tbo Greek
I church and prevailed In Russia until
tbe reign of Peter the Great.
A Versatile Earl.
The Earl of Crewe Is perhaps tn
most versatile of English noblemen.
He is noted as a writer of verse, as a.
bibliophile and es an art connoisseur
and critic. He has also held snvera!
government positions, and from 1412
to 1895 was lord lieutenant of Ireland.
I4 te Amb4 Bswla'e Thrmie.
The young king ot Spain, who la
nearly U rears of age. will begin prer
ently a series of visits to the courtn
of Europe, and will main bis debut In
the world as a floiablnc toexb to hi
roval education. Next Many bo as-
which ulvldenda unpaid at any time MDdB tn throne. Ho sea been
are not necessarily to be paid there-; fjy educated and known- English,
after. Cumulative or preferred exock 1 french and German as well aa Span-
is entitled to a amaenn neiore any jin
dividend Is paid on the common or
non-cumulative. New York Sun.
Bale Agatatt Tas-nodg'-
At Cotta, In Saxony, persons who did
The Metrle System.
The metric system Is to-day eom
nulsorr In twenty countries, represent
ing more than 800.000,000 laBshltantar
I. J" part we came to ths not nay their taxes last year are pub- j Germany, A iistrhv Hungary. Belgium.
lUbed In a list whirn nangs up in an Bpeln, France, urseco, uaiy. jcuit
restauranta and aaloooa of the city. lands, Portugal, Roirraania, Sertta.
Those that are on the list can get , Norway, Sweden. Bwltisrland Airgon
nelther moat nor drink at these , tine Republic. Brail I, Chile, atexleo.
places under penalty oi ks vt. .
Tke t'aars Rskalierawe.
Queer slorlei about the csar are cir
culating In Germany. Dinner waa kept
High Hcbool Chorus, Alliance. ' waiting recently In too Winter Pal-
Lecture "Thi country editor. I'
Ool. A. L. Bigbr Lincolo
Violin Solo Miss Pearl Berts. Alliance
Vocal Solo- Selected
Miss Ruth Hager, Alliance
How te arouse the late rest of school
Miss Fannie Berry, Antioch
Dtscussioa. 8. U Martiu. Rushvil'e.
Tbe ttsuhor out of scliool
L. M. Oberkvtter, disdroti Acudcmv.
ace at St. Petersburg owing to tns un
expected diss ppea ranee of the Imperial
pair. They had taken an afternoon
aleighrlde accompanied only by a lady
In waiting.' and an Indiscreet witness
declared that hr had asm ths alelgh
standing near the edge of a lonely
wood outside tlw dtr, with tbs two
ladles In It laughing Ilk children.
While tns caar of all ' tbe ' Ruasiaa
hopped about on one leg In the enow,
flopping his arm and croaking ilk
Peru and Venexuela.
Where Brrea Ws
Another birthday of Byron baa last
passed, and still the long prosoJatdl
memorial to mark the spot la oonspieii
ous by Its absence. The plaos of ths
poet's birth la ths corner of Holloa and
Oxford streets. A large drapery em
porium covers the alts, and thai feus I
nesa station ery bears ths poet's busts
In ths- right corner. But Bjrroolten
huaeasihst Ulrts la
A whole Italian girls' boarding
school was Imprisoned for smuggling
at Maallanlco, on tbs Swiss frontier.
Ths teachers were la ths habit of tak
ing tbe forty girls out on daily tramps
la procession, walking two by two.
The walka led so often over the bor
der that the custom boose authorities
became susnlclous. stonned and exam
ined tbe rouna women and louo! tnoir ' ' anarbl bvat ootsldo.
clothes full of rtgara. cigarettes and ; wnr derston4 wwMd rs
tobaeco. They here figured out that B'c " "ronso one rtssorod ywtrn
k.ir ii i, mm arnHb nf ago on arronni or STrwrinrni ana
forbidden goods. ( Uona. txmdwa Rprsa.
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