Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 07, 1901, Image 8
- STGCX BRANDS. TB Juuaftfttwltl NiMh jwir brand, Ilka 1 Ho f oflasMM-;, for ; , ier year, fcaca ad Nilli...ai vraurt TTi cetiu. (,iprr tanner or taMkaMa la Muux uul adjoining counties taenia advertl their brand tu The Joca MlH It Mrcnlate all oer the slate. It way h tlM luaaus of anvi ug inoner for you S5C3 RElVJUtO. Far tlM arrest and conviction of any party f parlta aUaling or disfiguring any brantl Mask belonging to the undersiened par Cattle lilnii(J.ll tu l-ft llljl. 1 r TlllTWDAT, NOV. 1901. Also Hnnnn JMraiuli-.! the " e on It-ft shoulder. Ukmkc, j miles sutlic-t ot Andre, fu-t lc A d Ire. Ilarrikon.Nt.ti J. K. I'lllSVEV A SOX. F. K. JAJiKT. Brand I eft ii7.ra amm on left hir on left Jaw, ft Up of Cattle. foai Uce, Hewitt, loaz Canary, Nebraska. " o JOHNT.nSOW. Morse branded oa left annul der branded on left shoulder and Cattle pJJ on left aide. Foet (Mice Address, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. tattle branded UEUKUR 8W ANSON. (tor branded on left aide on left a boa Wet, rli mi rldirr t trek. Any stock branded as above belns: estrav ei from my ra-nje, discovered by any body giving me Information will be rewarded Address, Ft. Koblnaou, Nebraska. snarse branded on I left shoalder and Cattle aameon left LJj hip. sweep oarnuwi MM on lck or I v.v feaek of sheep. Basse os SeUSlsr sk mui WUiur Kivrr. Addreaa. Ft. Bobinson. Nebraska. a JOHN A. HANSON Owaatlte Mlow-tagbrsodaaeiuY Akw HfJ on rat tie aad horses cat Uo leftside hwraen a left aoulder. Bang on Silver Hprlnr aad east of nut la. PuauHBc Harrlano Nti 4.8. Tt'CKEK. Branded on left shoalder ot horses JtnA on left aide of eattle. BlJ 1u " L-Z1Z-J on r'.ght side right side of cattle too Bang oa V niu River, near Glrn. . rant Oaso address, (ilea, Nebraska. DVBTCkKKK LIVE STOCK Co. 11 'J"! Bramleit on left hip of Cuttle JjLI " hee of Horse . Ran ge on Deep Creek. Atimm, Bees) creek Uve Stock Co.. . It, lUkaarr, Foreman, file. Xebraeka. rtlAKLIt KKwMA. I Twe brand repreatinted In this notice and branded any whore on left side of cattle, and overlap -:nt from the -jrwntear. I 1 Also the same brand on left thijrh of ' 1 boraea, Is-long's to the undersigned. Baas near East Springs, sooth part fo inty. Caum r Haw am. ' IWrtaou. Nebraska. OCBKKT SONS. oal ansa as that t 11 I mm eat on rta- I lJ J ,v u : a Cuttie brnitded P. O. Address, m on left slit Ilnrnon, AN'UKKH t'HKIsTlAX Cattle brand ed on left sdde same as cut and horses branded on left shonlde same as cut are the property of Andrew Christian anc range tributary to Van Tassel Kpringi. Add res, Kirtler. Wyo. Y i IP J aaaassaasaMSWasBSHssBssHBsJ J. I.EVICR. Cattle branded At- t.fCFT SI Post Office Address. Chadron Sobra-ka' BIIEWSTEB A Co. Cattle brand ed same as that ent, either left hip or on left shoulder. ramp mm uuise liruiiuud with any of ulxive tir.uiu Auurnv, J. A. AviiEKSOi,, llurrloii, Nebraska. lini. A. riiipps. Editor. ENTER Ei IN THE INJSTOKriCE AT HA R RISOS NEIiR. AHSE(YNU CLAM MATTER OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. i Dollar Per Year. WHY? Our local contemporary takes occasion to exploit the fact, last week, that he had not picked out anyone on the opposition ticket for defeat, and had refrained firm htapidg personal abuae on the ortpoaition candidates. This is easily explained by Mm fact that the Fusion candidate would have profited more than anyone by auchabuw, because noth;nf could be mid of them truthfully which would not be to their credit. As a matter of fact articles which were copied from the Omaha Bee were the only evi dence that could be noticed from a care ful perusal of the Sun' paea, which would indicate that a campaign was in progreKH. Possibly lie was afraid to bring his candidate out of the woods and lei people look at them, or perhaps they were a little particular who brought them out. Relief Fund i The money for this worthy fund haij continced to come in since ou,- Inst iMie. j Tle citiz ns r.f Kiniix nod Ilaues count ! j ore proving that their heart are large enough to refuse to allow a reflected citizen in their midst to lose everything without helping to share the burden But the list ha not yet reached what it should be.THEPRE g Jo"RNAMhere!or, ie quests a!! tuFtnitriuute is-fore ih next ir-iue. You wiii not mis wlmt your share will be and in the end tlie amount of good done will be a sourse of everlast ing gratification. Ttios Hines 1.', 00 fieneral Agt Dee ring Harvester Co 5 00 Marsteller Bros Are now preporerl to show AN R LI-CO A XT LINK 01" SELZ TAKING BATHS IN FINLAND. SKIi.JOUKAX. PUP flnrsei and tie brandfrd cither sirti; sain on cut. And fattlo lirandnl " Me, aad Horses on left aaol nn if t LMI- Address, Rodarc, Kehraska. BERT EARNEST. 3 Cattle lirnndcd on lKt hl aod same on the If It Jaw, -ami same on Horses. Also Horses branded on left Jaw, shoulder or flank. branded on left flank and ou left shoulder. Range on head of Van Tasaell creek, Wyo. WKOst Utile add res, Hitrrlaon, Web. Also Ilorae HEXRY WAKNKKK. Jattle brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water reeek. s-'. O. Addreaa IlarrUnn. Rebraska. ERAMK JlfTTO. n Utt eM vf nhe stock. n left aMe aaat kip. antMsnwidBy Wiw, fnUaaen addreaa, Rarrhran, Xebrseka MVnft aannnntnlWl -TT rtams Onla. AaWrans. Merend Jaw Ala, bav left tbkfb 4 narrlann. Hnns' r, Kekl Cattle branded id and same on der sf horse. Also sotneof tlie Horses tie are branded on side shoulder soiiiu as desciib above baaud. ou th left if leftshonl- m1J and Cat. i 1 snd the I ed lor the Address, llarrlaon, Neltrask. ROBERT t. NEECE. Cattle Branded ' KaiiRe on Also Cattle hraaed liotilder or aide. ianRe on Running Water, on left Side on left h F.u Address Agate, Kebraska. RAM CKL KNUR!. Cattle brands any wnere o left aide of tb animal. Range on Pr rle l;og nd M roe Creek. Address, HarTtaon. Ifebrnaka clacb iior noRr. r 6 sQLtiMHkX. :l . . A,r -' III, 1 3 on left M. IB, It st hods by Whlek tne Cleans Their Bodies. A primitive sort of Turkish bath Is Indulged In by some of the Flnlanders of northern Norway. In winter In this part of the country, the thermometer averages 40 degrees below zero and water bathing Is not practicable. These Inlanders, unlike the Ijniu farther north, have an Instinct for bodily eleaulinesa, and manage to preserve it after the following fashion: Paul Du ChalllL, who knows from personal ex perience, declares the method fine. Bach hamlet has a bathhouse for com mon use. It Is perhaps 15 feet long by 12 wide. It boasts no windows and only when the door la opened can air or light enter. Bathing day comes ones a week Saturday. Early In the morning of thai day wood is brought and a fire started. When the stones become hot tb3 Are U put out, the place cleaned, a large veisel ot water and some slender birch twigs brought in and the preparations declared com plete. As so dressing room Is pro vided, toilets are unmade and made in the various homes. It is scarcely nec essary to add that no time is lost In the progress from the home to the batbhotihR. No clothes and a tempera ture of 40 degrees below ero are in centive to haste. When all the men and boys are in the bathhouse and the door closed water la thrown upon the hot stones until the place is Ailed with steam. Perspiration pours from the rweltering bodies, yet more active ex ercise Is demanded and switches come into play. Each bather lays on his neighbor with a will until "Enough' la cried. Again water Is thrown upon the stones, more steam rained and an other switching Indulged In. As may be imrgioed, the bodies are now ai red as boiled lobsters and the blood circn- laflng actively. A roll In the anow completes the novel bath. Philadei pbia Times. for PREMONITION OF DEATH. Btraars Ca f Sailor. T.arbed by Admiral Kvana. Id his ftUtGbio&TSvhy. "A Sailor a Log," Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans relates a strange instance of nremonl- tlon which a fellow sailor had the nlgbt before the attack on Port Fisher In January, 1865. He says: "We had oa board the Powhatan a fine young seaman named Flannigao, who came from Philadelphia. On the nlgbt of the 14th of January he came to my room with a small bos In his hand. nd aald to me: 'Mr. Evans, will you be kind enough to take charge of this box for me It has some little trinkets In It and give It to mr sister in Phil- adelphlar I naked blm why he did not deliver It himself, to which It replied: i am going ashore with you tomor row, and will be killed.' I told him bow many bullets It required to kill a man In action, and In other ways tried to shake his convictions, but It was no use he stuck to It He allowed no nervousness over It, but seemed to regard It as matter of course. I took the box, aod, after making a proper memorandum, put It away among my things. Oa th afternoon of the next day, when ws were charging the fart. and Just as we came under lire, at about M0 yards, I saw Plannlgan reel out to one side aad drop th first man bit. wltb a bullet through his heart. I atopped quickly to his aide aad aaked If ae ware badly burl. The oaly reply wa a smile a be looked up lata my nee aad rolled over dead. The boa was delivered a be requested, and I afterward assisted la getting peBatoa tor Ma aieter." F3- left rw Off Lett JUe. A wit girl l Onrflett. Kas., ties aa apraa around her waiat whenever ibe to bar "eteedy" ooamlag. aad Wbea be lets him la abe bluahes asd as- aerself mm the plea that aba baa 'aeipiu xuaav''-lUaau City Lewis Oerlach L C Wright C Sovder H Will Dickman a Lacy Ananyuious Grant Guthrie J W Rd A 1'or.ivek Mrs 8 Jordan Press-Journal Prof Meyer J B Burke II B Earnest P Bourrett W B Bourret M J O'Connell J F Bourrett Ernest Lyan C Eastle B L Smuck H Dickman E B Lyon C F Grewell V L Hon J A llanaoo 8. Sides S Seaman Mr. Carpenter Ananynious C Newman 8 J Leeling W J A Raum Marsteller Bros Crawford Bros H Summers J A Anderson J W Hunter A Lowry . 8 Knori RLKeel A Ring P Peterson P Wiedenfield J L Anderson Joe Stuxtnv J. Dunn A.T. Hughs )0 T. William J EIrH her H. Vol k man M. J. Wright Lee Garner Elizabeth Wright John Darin K. P. Lindsey Phillip Dunn 2. F. Antrim ChuK. Wright X. AoilrrNoo O. Tietze H. Warneke M. 0, Pounds J. II. Bieer (rl Corbin 11. rW . F. Deuel a. Kuhwer W. IL Ptullipe M. Kufiiing' F, Bloonii.urg M. L. Bvrney Paul BrewsUr Roy Maine J. H. Lacy Rich Dunn B. Langworthy C. Unitt Vf. E. Belden. Oscar Hanaon F. Curri , F. Bctchem F. iMeater Av Knori . D. W. Hamaker. A McUinley Aahtoo W. II. Dnvut Jo Dunn Mr A Ctiristiao J Hturdivant JLXay M Corbin N Engebret A Rosenburg Jack Mettlen Mrs Wenleniaa LC Lewis 00 00 40 00 1A 00 5 00 5 00 25 00 2' 00 2.00 25 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 25 00 25 00 5 00 13 Oo 25 5 10 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 25 00 5 5 00 5 00 10 00 75 00 14 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 25 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 oo 2 Of) 5 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 a oo 5 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 IS 00 1 00 1 00 15 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 '5 00 2 00 1 00 43 00 5 00 5 00 1 OO 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 5 (X) S 00 S 00 10 00 25 00 5 00 S 00 10 00 110 30 00 3 00 3 00 0 00 J 0 00 5 00 5 Ou S 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 1 00 10 00 School Shoes UwM'UHtnM SU -timsW s.i. n,i It la a problem aolved in Shoe Economy with a hand, some balance at the end of the year when Sels School Bhoes are purchased exclu sively for the children. No manufacturer in the world builds a line of shoes as extensive durable handsome and low priced aa the Belx Children's Shoes this year. UforttM(ijnorSe(z.H It marb the ftxpularTJealer, Selc Bhoes for Men, Women and Children are Satisfactory Shoes Price Quality Comfort Style. SELZ, SCHWAB & CO., cmc aqo Lvecst MaMiutctttrtn of Boots and Shou in th Warkl ir 7 AT www mesaaB The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. i) DIREOTOBS, C. F. CorPKK, PrvHidrMit. F. W.Clarkr, Cnnhtit Chas. C. Jamkson. H. S. Clarke, A. McGiHMtrj Stockmen liavinsr iiist; for a bank at tlii ivnnt may rely ot us to liaiifllri their entire Hanking bunines. We are prepared to take care of our trade at all timeB. 40eeeoe444Ceoei oeo40044oeoOeeo404 THE PIONEER PHARMACY. IruKisst's Sundries, ' Pirit, Qi Is, Varnisshes, Books arid Stationary. J. E. PHINNEY, Pfoprietor. I f READ! READ! READ! of ech month All at my office at the depot Teeth pat I will visit Harrison on the l"th those wishing Dental work will iind me at Mrs. E. V. Pontius' parlor. You can have old broken teeth crowned and saved. in the mouth without a plate. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain and all operation without pain. Take good care ot your teeth and you can eat and digest your food well, and have tfood health and sweet breath. All work fully guaranteed. DR. F. D. REYNOLDS. garaa frlttl a se. A young aiaa who l.vca la German town was thrown frtm a crowded trol ley car rereatly and sustained a severe sprain of the hand, which necessitates hla carrying that member la a sling "I. didn't mind this so much nntl President htcKlnley waa aaaasalnated,' be said, "bat It la aa aMaal fact tail ainoe then I hare become an objeet o lueplcioa. Caolgoes. yon know, had a fake bandage oa hla hand to conceal the atatol. Well. Immediately arte the shooting I noticed that aa I wilk ed along the alr:et p opl w;oW look tt me aakaaca aad lara ta watch m actlmw. f thought It rather Strang that I should attract ao marb atten tion, aad then It dawned an ma that 1 Ijrkt ae takra for aaother C sol goes It la raj?," aald the yoaag man. ac rordlaf to the Pblladelakla Record what .a flight eolactcVBec will torn- ) North-Western LINE ' E. , M. V. 11. R. is the but to and from Mm BLACK HILLS, DKAI'WOOI) AMI tiilT srRlNUf), SOUTH DAKOTA. F.E. A lf.TB.lt. lime Utile. , Going Wast. (Joins' Fast 0. 1, mixed, 10 10 ( Ho. (, lulled 7:tf a.t. nvuimtm. Brand eonilil donb of oaf tin. Ilurae saml!I shonlilar. out rtaht atlle all deborix m left slil rigl lil Range on Kyi CYe, l'ul Office, Ulen Ndliraska ear i-olUt-, J. K. Hl'WTKR. Mufk lTanlei; aid or hip. rlirhi Address, Ed. Rashvr, roremsn, Harrison, Keb. A reedier Was. One kind of waap found la Bragll and Ou'.ana u kea Ita Beet of a bril liant white Disteb-mrd suspending K from the kliteat braaebea of the trees. ao ae to eteia tk atUaUoa of the laoakara, which, la tkoaa regl'ms. ClherOr'. If ...... - i. . . K"e "recioeure Sale helrl.of . jndanmeai ,M derreVnr for.lonre given ttm m.,rtp, Is Hrowu. Assia-n. of Western rarm ornraae Companv, plaintiff, and ml. .fTun'"' "r ZoeMol Unlock, ssdefendanu. liii- JLl l.y of Dinner a. 0 m. at the oonrt Ikxik Harrhon, In sM ron.iV The mux h.if u Mlm 1 J- loenahlp thlrly-tbr. ,,, north aiZ fiy thrs (M) e. I. lna, .. ra.ka, t pnblle aeelion to th hiffMM .1. darfofeabU,itWFMMl,nern. r.o. Uaua auk as nglaaaaat ImBraaiioa.' lav a troablaooma aaMt of laenetigat- THE ffjCO ''.' .i.'M. Av. .... ke ararytiMag, eyt fcoraata aat.