Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 07, 1901, Image 7

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    Electrical apparatus used In mlntcg
In this country Is eatlmated to bo
worth about 1100,000,000.
In. Wliiinv'l HfMthlnv ftTTIIB.
arebluirai taatf'nf, oftem the iuki, reduf tv
u allay pal a.eurea wlua couo. "
Great souls are always loyally sub
missive; reverent to what is over
them; only email mean souls are oth
erwise. Carlyle.
Aatiqua Statutory Hli Fad.
Stanford White Is one of tbe largest
collectors of antique statuary In Amer
ica. Nut uuiy Is 2iia house In Granr
marcy park. New York, a veritable
museum of Greek and Roman art, but
the lawn Is 11 1 led to overflowing with
other examples. .
' Not Infrequently a young woman
finds It necessary to launder a shirt
waist at home for some emergency
when the laundryman or the home ser
vant cannot do it. Hence these direc
tions for ironing the waist: To iron
summer shirt waists so that they will
look like new It Is needful to have
them starched evenly with Defiance
tarch, then made perfectly smooth
and rolled tight In a damp cloth, to be
laid away two or three hours. When
Ironing have a bowl of water and a
clean piece of muslin beside the iron
ing board. Have your Iron hot, but
not sufficiently so to scorch, and abso
lutely clean. Begin by Ironing the
back, then the front, sides and tbe
sleeves, followed by the neckband and
the cuffs. When wrinkles appear ap
ply the damp cloth and remove them.
Always iron from the top of the waist
to the bottom. If there are plaits In
the front lroa them downward, after
first raising each ono with a blunt
knife, and with the edge of the Iron
follow every line of stitching to give it
distinctness. After the shirt waist Is
ironed It should be well aired by the
fire or In the sun before It Is folded
and put away, rays the Philadelphia
Same Old Voice.
"No man can dlsgulRe his voice In
talking through a telephone," said an
exchange operator to an interviewer
recently. "Every person has some lit
tle peculiarity of speech that, no mat
ter how infinitesimal it may be, is
sure to uc uctuattui auu 2nSi6 H1CC
recognizable over the wire. The man
who has a Bbarp ring in his voice
will seem to speak more sharply; a
gruff voice will be made more gruff
and by the same rule an Insincere
voice is given a greater tone of insin
cerity. Tbe speaker who chews his
words has no chance at all with a
good, lively 'phone. He may only con
tort his speech very slightly, but the
.'phone w!IJ do the rest, and at the
other end of the wire his remarks will
be about as intelligible as pied type."
lares and Tragedy.
, In the course of his address to the
students at the opening exercises of
the Baltimore Woman's college last
week, President Gnucber said: "A
womanish man Is a farce; a mannish
woman is a tragedy. The enlargement
of opportunity obtained through edu
cation secured in such institutions as
this la attended by enlargement of re
sponsibility from which you cannot
escape. Your highest Ideal should be
a womanly woman."
Oxygen In Commerce.
Raoul Plctet, the Swiss Inventor and
chemist, has effected a remarkable dis
covery concerning the manufacture of
oxygen upon an extensive scale for
commercial purposes. The inventor
has been engaged for three years upon
this Invention at his laboratory In Ge
neva, where he Is professor of chem
istry and physics.
In Memory of Tien Tain rjero.
A memorial portrait of Captain Aus
tin K. Da via who was killed in the
attack on Tien Tain, is to be placed
in the Carnegie library, in Atlanta.
The library building occupies the site
of the house in which Captain Davis
was born.
The I.lfe inarL' blunt to Harry.
The tallest officer In the English
army is said to be Captain Oswald
Ames, of the Second life guards. The
captain stands six feet eight, and is as
finely proportioned as he Is tall. He
Is to marry Miss Violet Cecil, daugh
ter of Lady Francis Cecil. Miss Cecil
la petite and fairyllke.
Carrlnaa Dyeing May Indaea Blood
Among the various forms of metallic
poisoning to which man Is liable we
we must not forget that innocent as
tin may be as a lining to "tin" vessels,
some of its saHs are by no means
free from poisonous qualities, and
when absorbed act seriously upon the
nervous system. These salts are often
employed in dyeing. Properly used
they act as a mordant, but it is whis
pered that the manufacturer is not
always sorry to find that the excess
of the salt is not removed, for when
left It adds weight to the silk and silk
Is valuable hence many troubles.
Colored stockings often have been ac
cused of causing poisoning. Not only
does the pattern on the stockings
sometimfs cause eruptions on the
legs, but in some cafea poisonous ma
terials have been absorbed into sys
tem. Arsenic, which in the early days
of aniline dyes was often present, used
to be the incriminated metal. This,
however, is a mode of arsenical poison
ing of which very little has been heard
for many years. Now it is tin which
is arraigned. A case is reported from
Vienna of a woman who suffered from
attacks of partial paralysis In the low
er cxtremeties, with anaesthesia, a
sense of coldness and ataxic gait. She
had noticed that whenever tbefce symp
toms were most pronounced her feet
were colured yellow, and It was found
that this staining was derived from
the light yellow silk stockings which
she wore. On analyzing these they
were found to contain quantities of
tin. Careful chemical examination of
the excreta showed that they also con
tained tin, so that whatever may have
been the cause of the symptoms there
could be no doubt that tho patient had
tin in her system. The moral seems
to be that pers-ms who perspire should
not wear pietty silks next to their
skin unless they can be sure that they
are not dyrd with colors mordanted
with tin. Posnb'y there may be in
this case have been some carelessness,
and It may not have ben the metal
combined with the co:or, but rather
the excess, which had not been prop
erly removed, that did the mischief.
This, however, will not affurd much
comfort to the lalles who buy silk
stockings, for how are they to tell
whether any particular color Is safe or
not? It Is unfortunate, but It seems to
be the fact that In many instances col
ors which are ' fast" enough In relation
to ordinary washing are by no means
incapable of solution in perspiration.
especially when this natural secretion
has been modified by the various fer-
rnentive changes which It Is apt to un
dergo. The Hospital.
The demand (or electrical ventilators
In India is ahead of the supply.
It aeoms awful selfish to hear peo
ple talk of wanting to get closer to
God than God is to their neighbor.
Shirt Walat We men.
The shirt waist proved a great In
vention. Nearly every woman wears
one. The only Inconvenience about the
shirt waist is tbe trouble In ironing
caused by starches that produce that
hard, nerve racking effect Defiance;
starch contains a chemical Ingredient
that does away with the trouble. Ask
your grocer for it. 81xteen-oz package
for 10 cents. Made by Magnetic Starch
Co., Omaha, Neb.
an Mai nhlBft nf edllinllon Is to
air children resources that will en.
dure as long as life endures. Sydney
smith. ,
Dawraaas CumI Be Cars)
ly lorsl applications aa they cannot reach the
dfatiaxd portion of lite ear. There la only one
ay to cure deafneae. and that la by consti
tutional ramndtea, Deafness is earned by si
Inflamed condition of the mucin lining of the
Koatacblan Tub. When thla tuba la inflamed
tain bare a rutntilinir sound or Imnerfert bear-
Ins, and when It I rnilrely doom orarneea u
the result, and unler the Inflammation can be
taken out Bnd thla tube reatored to Ita normal
condition, hearlnc will lie aeeiroyea loreTer;
welsh la neihlna but aa Itflamed condition of
tbe murua aurfarea.
We will lva One Hundred Dollar for any eaas
Of Deafnaa (canned br catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure, Send (or
Sirouu, ire mm fc ft
Boll. Of Prtuf riot. 7Ks.
Hall's really y ilia are tbe beat
"Bobi" la Great Swordaaaea.
Lord Roberts has bad few equals In
the handling of sword and lanes. He
was always especially fond of tent
pegging, and so excelled In the diffi
cult diversion that he carried oft tbe
first prise In the Indian tournament
from the whole Indian army wbtn be
was already past bis 60th year.
How the Paving- Value of Aaphalt W
Brought to Notice,
All forms of bituminous pavements.
whether manufactured from natural or
artificial asphalt, are in fact artificial
stone pavements. The industry started
with the use of the natural rock as
phalt from the mines in the Val de
Travers, Canton Neufchatel, Switzer
land. The mines were discovered in
1721, but It was In 1849 that its utility
as a road covering was first noticed.
The rook was then being mined for the
purpose of extracting the bitumen con
tained In it for Its use in medicine and
the arts. It Is a limestone found im
pregnated with bitumen, of which it
yields, on analysis, from 8 to 14 per
cent. It was observed that pieces of
rock which fell from a wagon were
crushed by the wheels, sad under the
combined influence of the traffic and
heat of the sun a good road surface
was produced. A macadam road of
asphalt rock was then made, which
gave very good results, and finally, in
1854, a portion of the Rue Bergere was
laid In Paris of compressed asphalt on
a concrete foundation. In 1858 a still
larger sample was laid, and from that
time it has been laid year by year In
Paris. Krom Paris It extended to Lon
don, being lalu on Threadneedle street
In 1869 and Chcapslde in 1870, and in
successive years on other streets.
The impression his been general
that the Latin races are peculiarly Im
aginative. Mr. Marlon Crawford holds
an opposite view. According to his
experience, people of very temperate
climates are the reverse of imagina
tive. It Is only In the extreme north
and In the south that this quality of
the mind is highly developed. Crawford
asserts that the Italian people have lit
tle Imagination, and cits as proof of
this the Italian custom of presenting
the story of Bethlehem on Christmas
dav with fleurts of various slz?s. He
thinks the use of these figures to sld
th Imaginative proves the Imagina
tion defective, Fairy atorles and ghost
stores are practlca'ly unknown among
the Italians, who are Incapable of de
veloping for themselves any mental
picture, and depend upon story-tellers
tn draw these pictures for them. To
this day it is a common sight, capeel
ally in Palermo and throughout Sicily,
to see tbe Itinerant story-teller with
hla back to the wall, surrounded by a
great crowd of Interested auditors fr-r
whose benefit be recites thrilling tales
by the hour. , It seems then, that In
the matter of Imagination tbe modern
Italian la like the Roman, who had
many fine qualities, but was deficient
In originality. The best that he had
was borrowed from the Greeks.
Youth's Companion.
will uwf no other. Drfatnre Cold Water
Starch ban no equal In Quantity or Qual
ity lu oz. fur lo cent, other brawls
cuuUiin only 12 oc
Saying mpan things is the one. bad
cablt cultivated mod assiduously by
the average woman.
I ass sure Piso'a Cure for Consumption saved
my life three jeare ago. Mrs. Thos. R ) bolus.
Maple Street, Norwich, N. V., Feb. 17, Ilu0.
Chronic kickers give the world many
an upward boost.
Foolish and obstinate people alone
miffsr from neuralgia or rheumatism.
For they can always secure Wizard Oil
and cure themselves.
When a woman marries a man to
Reform him the poor fellow is up
against heroic treatment
A tllltterlns Saltan.
Arrayed In all his state clothes, the
sultan of Johore Is a glittering curios
ity. Ha wears gems worth 112,000,000.
They sparine In bis crown, on his
epaulettes, in his girdle, and In hit
cuffs. Chicago Journal.
If so. ukb lied Cross Ball Blue. It will make
them white as snow. 2 oz. package 6 ceuts.
Some men have reasons for doing
things and some have excuses.
The young man on a salary of JG a
woek iu apt to think his best girl dear
er than he can afford.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's
Rons, of Atlanta, Ua. The greatest dropsy
specialists in the world. Read their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
Some men are so liberal they are
continually giving themselves away.
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Rod Cross Ball Blue
Large 2 oz. package, 5 ceuts.
AH the world loves to laugh at the
love letters that are read in court.
silk, wool or cotton perfectly at one boil
injf. Sold by druggists, 10c. per package.
They who have no desire for holi
ness will find no delight in heaven.
PTC Permanently curod. No ntoor nerroannem after
rl I d tlrrt day'B umj of iJr. KliDe'a rent Nerve Kestor
er. Bnd for FICKK 91.01) trial bottle and treatlra.
LIK. K. 11. Kl.lK, Ltd.. 921 Arch Street, Flilutdelplila, ha.
The wise girl always rearranges '.he
parlor furniture immediately after a
yojng man has called.
m r I ... JS43
ic j
2 oa ti- INkS
-z- k. ivl
O iCPV "lw.LDoug"i$4Cl!tEdgoLine
st An9 Cannot be Equaled at Ai:y Pnce
tirwji for ivlfl tsomfort and wenr ha& excelled I
all "jIIht makes Mid t.t thfe prices. 1 oil t-x-J
ppueuiKi'Hij-tion uas we a won uy nipni nitmvM
.l,.llUiil&& fUU-:R h&TP W Vive IJtTr I
action tuan oilier &(.( and I
toes bf-auwhisTviintatliJii for 1
tf rsw. ITie best :.0and &:.Ii eho niurt be mi.in-1
KohiirhUiat t ie wearer rinwivtd more v.iIuh
for hi inorwy in the W. L. Dmvla f;i.u0 andl
sjiO thurf tUs.n he can fiThfr. SV. I.1
Catalog Frec
Joi:(rins makes and wlln more $?..0U and W..vi shoes thu
anv oilier two mania ael nrr in Ili weld, h k', Hoi
Kvflt Ult'd. W. L. llnfeKflatS $ ( .60 sh' Sr- ICftd
of tk fcijrb trad leather used ia $6 ad $3 mbotta. acd
an Jaoi svs trooo ia eTf way.
Soli by 63 lintiQlas stores in A?nrican cifies teUinQ direct from actory
w weaver u oneprnni; ana ute org i snoe urate rs evrry wnere
IuxUi upon jlnTlBf W. I, louglu aooa with naaio
and prlrv aiampfA oa bottom. MtOS fieiit flKy-
whrTH on receipt of price and Vte. mtdi-
uonai inr vxm&uv. iaj;e mtrsure
mptu.H of foot ha shown : atata fclvla
usual worn: oluinorcarj
toe ; heavy, mediQm, or liK'it soles.
W. L. Doucrlaa. Brockton, Mass.
Honesty always thinks itself in debt, j He who refuses to trust rejects truth.
NOV. 30
0 T9S,
ftor ser snvr PiMtro
tOO tAtt. ,
" TT TWf
tliio li
PSwclX Twist Tass being equal to one of others mentioned
"Oood Luck," "Cross Bow," "Old Honesty,"
Master Workman," "Sickle," " Brandywine,"
Planet," "Neptune," "Razor," "Tennessee
Cross Tie," "Ole Varginy." a
Our new illustrated
FOR 1902
will Include msny articles not shown here. It will contain the
most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and wilt
be sent by mail on receipt of postage two cents.
(Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, 1902.)
; -
Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1902.
Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages
containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to
4241 FolsomAve.,
St. Louis, Mo.
tool ser. f. eso tacs.
10 tabs. usMHiicrcific curroiACCO
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Barren tmia tteacts: teiAes
St CAR Sii "' SOTACt.
SAcr akq pippm ser. jgjjjwl
. tah MCASutc. nsomr
PCf aa qaht.
l xwves Miwrotn.
aMaaMBmwaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaBaaaaaBBBBaaBBaaaaaai ' TS TAGS. 1 M
aSCa HA0UH ' OAtml "SSaJjSI Altu tUrtATM awr tan., itwrttt. " ''aiaaaa
MmmM. jjjgiT'l