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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1901)
-t -.r) .It., 5 RRISON rRESS -J OURNAL. SAJRjRISQlT, JSTEIBASSZA, THTJB3DAY, OCT. 31, 1901. 2Q O. X VX IX ( Ha 'i icm m& Br". It ting tb"rr wsrs 24 (his werk. dentist Nov. Mth and 17-8. ' atew e building a warehouse Jof tsfcstorebuitdiag. .'jrget about tha dance tomorrow JeYerytedy will be there. jeere have been' t work of. the dat far tbe pet week. i ; Volkman left Saturday night ao s-iait relative mkI friends. f;f ;jr Treasurer Serrs was in the art of the countv last weak, ahak jde frith tbe voter .V . jet," Clerk Ritum vent a few dsvs ,iet Io Um noiith eod of the county. if 6 rina; election supplies. lend better goods for the mum; at Gerie h's store thaa any oUwr k try uteeu. lutf 1 Mvrtle Heater went to Crawford Special Notice! By an oversight the nominee for coro ner have been left off the official and arnpl ballots, lite re is pleoty of room to writ these names on tha margin and this will be legal. Tha nominess are P. Uusy, Peoples Independent and Democrat aad B. L. Suuck, Republican. F. Blomberg, a former resident of Sioux county, who ia now assistant road maktar on tbe Bella Fourcbe branch of Um Elknorn, was shaking hands with old friends Monday. While in the city ha called at PtuoM-JoaafAL headquarter aad left the wherewithal to supply him self and family with tiie news for another year. Koow all man by these pruents'that I have this day leaned to James L. Ander son for a valuable consideration for the term of one year and seven montls be- gtniug Oct 4:h 1001 anroding May Is 1003, all oMha South half of sec. 8ft, al so the south half of the ".northeast quar ter and the south half of the northwest quarter all in section 85, twp. 34, ratine 63 in Sioux ounty Nebranka. Reserv ing the right to sell and this lean tr initiates when sale is made. 14-4 M. J. Hlewett. containing the sad news of the death of her brother Orson's son, a promising young man of 93 years, who was junt completing his last year in college. A Utter from our old friend and one of Sioux county's piooers, I Ma Kleio, now of WetehWr, Pa., state tint bis milk ing machine is a success, and they will soon be running tbe factory to iis full est capacity to supply the demands. He ha worked faithfully on his invention for five years and now is ready to reap the reward of his work.' Since June 17 lie haa milked 40 cows morning and ev ening; and has fully demonstrated that it is a success. Two men can do the work in 45 minutes. On a test one man milk ed 20 cows in an hour and snys it ia eas ier than to milk 12 by luinrt in the name length of time. The price, of l lie ma chine is within the reach of all dairymen as it is about 15 per cow. Mr. Klein has organized a slot company to in:inufa,:t ure and sell the in:u-hino of which hfi is manager at a salary of 1,000 per year. Wearegludlo note his prosper!' v Hir1. will state that vitiilii lie vva.s wnrktug on the first mnchme we to k fin interest in it and while others Were laughing at DanVtin culf, ye scribe, encouraged. l;im to go ahead. Wh tuiva the honor of owning the cow that tho tin calf Crst siiclifd, or on wl icu tb invention was flrnt tfsld. A Fatal Accident. nndolpli li.ilfinan, Hjjcd 17 y-irs, was JT nilfbt aud remained there this aix-idvotiilly hliot und killtd 1 ixt Hurnl-y llfor Um nurtiose of liuvink' some nar M.-irnland. H and iiis brot.h-r wer I l work dan. V B. Wrlffbt, went to Whitney Satur !jht and iitd at Unit .Iik mid awford iwveriil days, lie ruluri I Ilia family Tuesuay. 1 0U.tSlliams left today with his fam Heasaat Bidge. He expects to jk the w later there ia order to have a tor his cattle. , X . Pelrea was in from Sugar Loaf XaMt Monday and remitted for the re- of Uw Puh-Jociuial visitatloo ,,1a$ tba past two years. , going duck iiMiitifip when they saw a lii4:eo hawk. Kixlofph ulightml from the huyv.V and in lifiiti); lliognn out, tho hafniiicr caogM in a Ioom- b'rd nod ds- tiiirp.-l tin.' eonluojs of the jruti in the left ruin. Hi was Ij.knn lo MarNiiuid bun div roKlit and lii renming were inU-rrtd in the M.irsland cemetery Tutwiuy afternoon. ''jsyjr White arrived Tuesday from Bluff where ba has been working railroad oootrart and expects to re iio wdgk on a ditch contract. ' $l Hunter arnvea rnaay ana spent ji days in Una vicinity looking after Ha abifpsd two ars of Thursday and want with tham to f A rastrurant and short order house' is JssMhiag badly needed in Harrison aed ia bains; put in by W. B. Wright. MM)btr tha place first door south of ioaay's drug store. fluujre aad family left Wednesosy of last week for Chicago where y will maka their future home. Mr. B expects to go into businosa with '1 YfA daai waa eomoUtad Friday whereby Bv. ... I jayy Will bacomea tba poaseaaor or tna rritaB Boo as. Landlord Tibhata has pad Into tha property formerly occu k3t by Mrs. Will. 1 Ha will remain io LJtrrkaa for some time. This Number of the Prhhs Jocrnai. will visit the homm of all the voters of Sioux county. We take this occasion to sav to you who are not lubscribers that we should be pleased to have you on our list. We can give you a paper with all the peneral nnd lo cal news which is worth reading for C2 weeks for One Dollar. Although this number is largely taken up with the binp raphies of the fusion candidates, as a special feature, we take pride la callic' your attention to tbe fact that we have tha largest and bast corps of cormpond- ota of any psptr iji this territory. Through than- aid and by our own. efforts we are able to give you all tlie tiews all Uw time. Subscribe now nnd be posted, Public Sale. XT. K Wright and family are busy this with arrancmenta for putting in kraatJMiraat and short order lusa in tha aautb of Dr. Phinoey's Pharmacy. Ximf expect to ba rsady for business prttirday. Oraai Outhria raoaivad a talagram XTaawaaday aftsraooa iaformiag him of tdkfyfWh of his father. He left tha same fjtgKg icr waanmguM, u. v ssr. uuuine Sr.. waa an eanpioyaa of the treasury de fer over thirty years. Tha Luak Herald is authority for the SUseint that tha stockmen in the vicia Cj f Luak are haviea; eoaaidarabte tmm over the adjustment ef division raaoa tbe ramres. This is a big q t'jm mat oee wrhieb must aeeeUladpar CSMMljr before asaay y I will eell at my place, 7 'miles north west of Harrison, on Thursday, Nov. 7. 1001, Ute following desuriUsd property ; ft I lead Horses 1 Hare, 3 yrs old 1 Mare, 8 yrs old . 1 Mare, 4 yrs old 1 ftekling. 4 yrs old 1 (ielding, S yrs old , 1 set Harness. 1 Lumber Wagon. I Spring Wagoa ne) I 16-in Stirring Plow 1 lever Harrow . 1 new Disc ' 1 Mower 1 Hay Hake 1 Biader 1 Cultivator 1 Milch Cow 1 Cook Stove 1 Heating Stove S doe Chickens 10 Urns Hay 100 bu. Rye Household floods and other article too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of $10 nnd under. cash; all auiuaovrr $10, a cre.I'.f of 10 monUis will be given on approved iiM.'H bearing 10 per cent interest; ' percent off for cash. ' 8ale to commence at 13 o'clock. J. 1L Lacy. E. A. Bl'4BU)W, Auctioneer. $ Carey Items. Ml 1 tXKtfettCfc WX. tSKCritBi Wiek ago lust Satturdy whtlu UxrtU y B;.xUm aud O. (!. Tally were hunt trig tor rabhith on Ihb torrx r'l. place iu thu btul lands Um y came upon a large bob c&t which Uity mcccedtd in kitlinp. Tlitj an linal wat Uu I .rr. t.1 ot itli kilo ever caught in thece parte 1 h literary society orfcMiir'd in Di'-t No. 4 aortic wcuks ajjo if proving a decid ed tucc'sss. At thur Ust mretitig th had a lull boutie, many took pr.rt i.nd all seemed to tnjjy Ih'mwiHeiJ. Th- focUty meets t:rry two weeks. The uhxI ing will bo Friday eve, Nov. 1. .Ail ere COidially icvitid. LaM Monday liawrt-oce f'ideE rret with a painful ucuidVot. While. (T't'S r'!l wood on John MecKui'e pl;,c he ipl t tub bor cf hie big toe. -The wound h not serious hut will lay him up ttr vwine ticc. As annouoced before, the Bible lostituti which it held hero annually by C. II Krady ot Bithngo, Kont., was o'ord on Tuesday, Out. 25, and five day was de voted to rbe study of the P. ntat. uch and a pleassAt and protlUhle. , time war i p- nt by those who attended. ' The' Institute ocourriug at Mich a hu liiue p-v oUd icuty from attcwS'uj; who would bavt liktd to, Thoij pttwut from a di-tance wre, Huv. J. B. Ourr.-ue of Omaha. Mr. D., and Krs. I'iln of Crawford. . Suuday tlieclcgioe ilay and 73 persons wore present. County CUrk Wm. J. A. Htum tod wife were present one afternoon ut tbr institute. II. J. I'outidV was shaking hands frieods in this locality last vreck. Come agate, Mr. Pounds. TtltCTHT all my neighbors in order to cripple my financial standing. Mr. Raum is J very systematic and a more competent man is not, io the county. It is also true that the longer a man is clerk, tbe more val uable he is to the county nnd the courts which convene from time to time. He is universally respected and will hint. ed. I am one of the school board on Wnite river and Mr. Burke has been the best county superintendent we have ever lind. I feel greatly interested in the cause of education and the training and culture of Uic young and this office in my humble judgement, is the highest office in tho county, for the common good a we nil feel factors of commu nity Mr. Burke is a man of high mor al standing and alive to nil interests of hiscallitig. The youth of America have n responsibility with Done but a thought ful mind mind can fully appreciate. The (jreieoc is a pr-riwl in tho history' of our unty, of no tme'A iDlrest nnd that In terest in grith' increased in viw of the character and tiaining the, youth of the nntion. To plsee bnforc tbem worthy motives, the peruruit and sccomplish- rnent of which may ceii'if: ambition to have its fullest piny in vror'hv of regnrd. In conclusion X viil simply say to the raotlisri who bivtj d,i;p int-rcst in th wcltare of the ir d'-sr ciiii'Jrec, and good children are f moig the flowers of earth, thar your huhh: hd and all your Voting fnerdij rhonld go to thy polls nert Tucb y uod e.usl tni-ir b .Hot f ' J. 3 Bj-Ic vho has tie.n a e.rit to the. cfiunty nnd en honor to the Obitiou of which hs is a csodidaU and u will never regret it. Uled Oct. 149 lt01. Yourn Very Respt. Jt 1,0 liurrone'lS. , The TOters of WaHooaet prsctoct are tatefcy oUfled that Pat Lacy ia a ceo Oatefor aaesor. Through an over :zht hla nana does not appear on the IlPt, ewt bo ta a good maa for the plan t it will be fa order to write hi name CiUebiaak apaos provided for Uiis pur- faaeoa toe eallot. Owin to miatoke made la edvertis- fcx at Csoaor our repreeenutive waa de- re4aday coeapelllng her to teee out .-'.JWrleoa. Wo regret this greatly but t 31 amd m etegaat tloe of bets to Cajftaaaia MM Saving. M. M mith 4k Co. and it was while fighting with this regi ment tlBit he received the wound which made him a cripple for life. Before this time, liowever, he h:id seen and been an active participant in many of the heaviest battle of the Civil war. Among these might be mentioned Spottsylvania, where every wax shot from a inrare oak tree litar where his regiment was , stationed and in which the Union forces' surprised and captured 12,000 prisoners before daybreak. t After the battle of Cold Harbor, in whicnMr. Raum was wounded, he was left on tbe field for four days with no chance to dress his wonnd rind nothing to eat hut a little hnrd tack and raw bacon. He was taken to tbe hospital nnd remain ed there until Nov. 18, 1864, wbeo he was t;iven his discharge from the ser vice, being incapable of further service After the. war ha returned to his home and remained there until 1388 when he removed to Laui iuiter county. Nebras ka, where he too a homestead of 80 acren. He. lived there three, yeara and during that time lie. was married to Miss Virginia 8. Ross in Green county, Ohio. it only lived in Nebraska three, years at this time and then turned his steps toward his native state where lie resided 4 more ye.ars. Fiom here he went, to Appamatox, Virginia endavqriog to dig a livelihood out of the soil of that state. Fie cooclded however at the expirution of that time to try Nebraska t wo lind accoruingly im ; migrated Ij Frontier county where he r.sed his pre-emption right. Ho only ri; raained here three years nnd then came to bioux cojinlv in 1B78. SinM thai) time. ho b.s resided in this county and is known hy all as one of Sioux county's most ro ffMCled and cooipe.tent uitiz"i's for ilifc pobiiion v. hKh he has fit Id for the pr at two years. During thia term he 1ms Hindi; a best of friends, a maty huve come to know l.iui w ho had not melh.iu Ufor.-, hLC to Know iniu is u n-bpeci and tiJmire him. His a'jilityio fill iho j. butt, v- uiii'tone I, ad tm majority .'. ill roll up in flying manlier when titixt 'j utuli.y tioi'jtt arjuniL Professional Cards G BANT GUTHRIE. Ittorney-at-Law Prompt attention given to ll !!; Batters in Jutt'n-a, (-ot-ity aad l.'i-i rict Courts, and bufure the United SiUile Laod Office. Fire Insnr.uw written in ruliahb aompanies. tyLegl ,:iper i nrefully ilruwn. Hakrison. - Nrw,o M. i. O'CotincH. - - Co. Attrrjt-r, - WlUPrartliv in All Conrtt. Moecial iJiru to Laud Ht flee Business. Collections ami all bintlm enti-tit-d tone will receive pvinnpf s'tiKtiun. Harrhon - Nkbraxiu. E. PHINNEY.M. I). Pbjisrlaa and Surgeon. Ill CuliN given prompt nt:i:utms. Offlee In Drtia Kture. -HAItRlHON - NKUHA4KA. K. ROIIWrER, 'ikalkb iii nn Lumber, Harness, Satliite--., Cmju and Feed, Io!i-m and WindowN, Heavy Hr.nhviro. KOTK'E TO S0S-RE3IDEST DK?.:: ,1 AN'TS . Ki r County Judge. W. O. I'A't'rKliSON. Wr. VrtU'r-i'i v. at- horn tV-pt 25, 1847. Btrriiit coui.t-y. Mich'fiio. lle-cainc gniitiiHt.-rn Ki-hr. !t.. in lb31 and , uru.J M Ni-n- y K'Kb'.i,-' if. rc , .o ,l..n. 1, 188.V '!' i t.iW. n h.-v. '. , n t'le r of tlii:. ui.tofl. Hy proft s in Mr. l'iini-r.on tb a w lHrlwfif;t)l ani til i. knith. l.'ifc liH-atiui, i.t tin coui,.y -iit. togeihr with hi jodicii'.l turn oi oiud, aill mutt hu.. an t.o lleut judge Cootioed From Last Week. Tee, we promieed to note Len Christ ians potatoes yield. Off from 140 rods of grouad be dug ISO ousbels of market able potatoes. Several teams from Laoco creak pass ed through here eoroute to Lud wig's sate and Harrison, on last Friday. Oa loot Saturday our mail carrier J. J. ZumBruooen was forced into tbe threshing crew aad liad to handle a band knife In company with Zekiel, so Mr. Church Sr. carried the mail that We reeefved a long letter fr m Mrs. ett of Central Oitj, a few days age What Their Neighbors Ttiirik Mr. Khtor pleari allow tun through Ihe coltnn8 of your pspi-r to riv t. fo wrrdu in brl.Jt of uur Hoburl'le County Suwrintreleet, J. B Burke. I have per H-ually know n Mr. Burku over 10 ytars and at; a gord neighbor nd an upright citit n thr it do betU-r. He ln-i rat- a lsrg: family and 1 bis child r.o frr queolly at thB xlrc portof Bee aod thsy always bt have liko ladies gntU nitn, which is evidsnt to me that there Is some colt.ire aad traiaiag at boms fie has Always beau insttunentel io all po ,A wor'.r for the b-ot!t of t&e eamxen : good. Although we haVa had food Bio ( coucty sups rintbodeot wba fcsv dcoo , tho 1 st thny koew but as an educMur . Mr. Burke is superior by far tbae sty , we havo ever had. He EeefDS to I tL- ' ri'hl man '0 tl:n rVht pltce. Whils 1! obwrvidal! his arm, 1 dnubt whthr th.-re is a mora compet- Dt and thoi.)u'l county su ermleaduiit io fcty couLty the stut. lie. is Jaui, tt mus, ronn-r-' variv and c,nii lent and In. atl thu at- tribnuta which ii ke up a good and cob! rnau. He has td ability to do and il energy to perform aod is mors vJufctb to the offico now tbat b bae bbcoiiie well ac(Uaiotd with all its requirements, '. Ue is progressive and up-to-dat". In a reosot coo versa! mo wilh a republican friend c( mloe from WbiU river ia which the respective merits of tee varioes county candidates were discutxd. 1 took eccat ton to ak him wha.t be thought of Mr. Burke and Mr. Kaum. He spoke about aa follows: "Mr. BAom hae made aa exoslleot oler k aod abould be reUloed. If I should Mortgage my eld epeokled ben and all bar chickens aod my email flock of agora g'tete, tee would not ge and tell For Tr iu nr-.r. JOliN SKI. KM. JJr.Serres was turn in L'iV mbue, Ceiioany, April 10, JfWJi: J"'J Ik cam - A ni ii' v and 1 W up hi.-, nl !. in labour fit om..'.ii''il )tt-r. ue v-i Im) tmpiojid ! Htt'i'l iik l.4.y f '! pat.y for fi ur in ihe oiy ot M-t Imr.i-r ta. ho u n.-.-.t rid to Niii-ChliH i n lM''ti''.". 'J they rtnmvid to t-ioi-x coueiv, Iohr:i'-l .. where thiy have reel j .1 on fcn-iiun 5'l', Towothip i"3, Ku ip bt, amil ti e pr. fc. i.t liroo. Mr. P,-rt 1,: h- Id the offlri.of con Ireasurer fr f.o has v..5, raany fri. mi" io t'e-! eh .if. ft tut i. -ties. On. ihn th it ti; t oi. ! rd ' tO thn Im :tl4 f1 tt.- O U.,,1'. V: p.oplc i" lh.- t u I V h. i- aV' t.Mrji,- h.iainni k.f it writ tri-ir I Oarmr.n. A vote t'"' Mm will hua vol for a cp'.Mn off u'iul. I'll.'.'S . i r i r.M'.ee, 'o Amerloan Investment Comp poration, W. J. Dowdeti, wtxw tn tuin iiiuiie la known to plafntilf, v.. t.y vhose true r.aine in unknovn.'rieat deieudnnt. Ton f.nd .ich of yon will take Sarah Wisdom pl.iini.lfi tiled her 3ue I'lstriot Court of Sioux con-.. li.ndavof Ciioher 1001 ugatuxc l. Willi Surah Vt'i.nto-Ji lir.U Livnu ' teii-8 of Aiitou 0. tS'itoia (Soi c.. '. ject'snd prayei1 of wIkcU peit n forccloseure of certain ltens io . . the south hivlf of the north-,'-: -n. olion twelve and th norfi -i - l oorthwsstqoai tar of secUou ttur:. . township thirty.t-.vo uojth ui r.. Ihi-ee.v est of tbe Cth prinoipV. : Stour t'onntv, Si-rssica, a.uJ i...,.:. : the sfeite, coonry aad schco' iH,-m levied aftiiinet said land tor ' jo . 'im, ie. if.f7,'iffS, nwandi:'-., i na oantir,e .nay he had of tbe'siacs-.n Xm aid tar tas. tbataitd preir.t.'j ;'y ro.d tc be sold to anttafy the in.:n l t. to K d io the roon, yea aud t .(i iy be fore.losci.t and forever Hat .- : f riit'.t, t:t!e. iw I eeejt or eoutty of red.nin- luonO to bs.llOllndfnrge,air:,. .. You fire rri lired to anmver said u,'iui on or bt'Xore the th day of NoTecit,i . far:ih VTiadom, vUj'.t .;.' r- O , 1 Jl'l ,;i i-l 'tdo .i , i it,. ih i t- i.'io- .l.iOl net ' 1 on r. hi I rSr,;i;f jl 0 I W il 'I.. J L : I - urnf- " 'mnjf 1 ;s7 v rtii -ii.5?-j.' : I, For County Clerk. Wm. i. A. RAUM. Mr. Ranra's history is one of ihe mort lntt-rktms ot aey of the ropreneBtive men of our county. Born ia 1817 at Sbipneniburf:, Pediikyivanis, ho had 1 taiosd tbe ftge of oely IS yer when the conflict which almost lor the bonds of at great atioa sounder, Wi.s raging Feeling the spirit of Uohio strong witblo hai, Is fnliatul in 1 la tht lljih IVao eT'iiaIefaatry. Ue waa sooa traas toned to Uw tod NuaeyUahsa Artillery, For f-t i "ff. A. 1ttVillV. Vr. fovry firt mw th- ltfht ctt. Julv 1 I860, in Will county, lllioifc. His pin, ii a were farnera fr.l ha- LiMowtl tht ..rr.tion aurojiT at. i.i hf :, exc. rt hii'.'e, l;witi iu b'"u- -Vui.y liu InsU.n int'-rf st-.d iiM.tkrt.vntj;' 'hf ivil, )n 1-77 l.e lil.'V..! 10 W-rrn. Cviimv, Iowa, i.ndr m: iiied tl.eie 4 yvar- w ieu lie wi nv li 'rlljouu county. ! 1873 Le im fried M.s Alice Ooiwin m Lx-LiAiit, lit, our i-l.ildrtil li;tVv L.n torn to Mr. find Mrs, Lowry since tt.eii inai rir 1 erly-four j eftM ago. Id 189 . Mr. i.n.1 Mra. "l.o r,v tid I'iniiil.V remcveti t.t 8i"ux countj aiid I 'ije Ls-'n rrbident tvtr ioi?B. Mr. Lo i ' is a uisn of ttei Imj wortn, Bud r-ll ho know li'n: t oo tout b." hi woi J ij r'ivi a ii Ihn g cut' d 'ler him from I r. it. A Jesr (.'' when ai.encv oirmred ii. the p.i'iui. of sheriff of Bious couotv, Kr. Lowr was the ii. an s-lei'ti'il by the r.ieii of ah political T.ithh to (111 the pi., ri dnm. everyone lelt th'.t he a' the man be-ni lilted for the prt.iltB, He" I, Hit hvM t i place in a mswv.r Ahi.'h hs been 4 cr. dii tohln,s. lf r.'Ml n bnnrtt to th ootmtv. His ret lee the will ovi. thKt this otll. will Ls till by man who is thi.roughtj competsot aad who cannot be h.duoed l vary frim tbe right way. ' If you want an esprrienowl 'city der tilt to do your denial work nee l)r V libera Omaha osoUst Hat of teeti. C4. W- For Couuy Sut -rit'end.-ot. I'.. 0. TOUNOS. Me, Pounds ii a yooer niar. who csrne b'iou county in lo9&. Ou was l'i5r;i tn IVi tiUlin m. i N ,', March C'i 1ST:. Hi is lU oid-sn if a fnioily -Vro boj f, Hliobi;b a yong m.hii ill yeith is t.!." iu eKperieliCe liHV I.-,' Keen ulii A iy h' r"ntK to couducc his own ttf iu rioi-V lh. a;e ot 14. His bryLii J ci.yi. .r bfent cu a '.'it t'e n.ucl., atiendsJii.-j sw'hcol dur.itf the vlntcv tniutllb. . K i-Dlet'C-d tlm Fro'' .i .r.sKonnal college at Fwi.iout Sebf in IStiS knagrad anted two j ears laief. Io 1833 h wus eniplivrd ut Oiuulia, at ,h 'rrai:-i-its8tppi Expouiticn. as an oUloa cii-rk. fslnv coming to this coun t,y he hi.s taiigltt. various school! of th county mccesRl'mly, among tlwni being itie B.mIhic m IiooI which had at the tinia ihe hirgest enrollment of any country , ttiliool in Siouk couuty. Fw4in' the' leed if ov.tiloi r osercise he has worked for Mr. Oufli:u on ins rauch during tie ' lust, Bilniinor. ' Mr. Pounds is a bright young man and lias a very pleasant personal npfienrauce. lb together wUi hia educational onwli- (Ications piftkr him well eaipped to fill in a wtisfactorv manner, the office tx which lie aspires. If you have received accomodation irom LuwisGerlech and yoO. hii please najr bias tew) ohthj . V u V -fit: p 7t- ! ..: Je' 'o. i 4 e 1 1 . i.. a ft v ft i','A.t y i - : ( '. 'l;-W