War rite Called II I m Warry. Two young Pulladelsblana, who were Introduced to each other by a friend of bota the other dy. Bcrutln Unl each other clostly, and then one of them said: "1 think I used to know you. Didn't we sail together n the ftchoolship Saratoga about twelve years ago?" "Yea, I remember you "ery well now," replied the other. "You weren't us tough aa the iwst of im. We thought you were a dude. We called you llary, didn't weT" "Yes; I remember the sJckname perfectly." "ttiy did they call you Mary?" ask ed Cbe mutual friend. "To the beat at Biy recollection," said Hie young man who had been so aamed, "it waa be cause I used a tooth brush!" The two former shipmates laughed heartily as the' recalled the old, careless day. ma Lived in Three Contort. Another of the three-century cen tenarians, who is quite ready for her obituary. Is Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt, of Brooklyn, who, by the record in the family Bible, was born 101 years ago Saturday, and though her sight and memory are falling, she is out every day and her delight la taking trolley trips. The secret of ignorance is not to know your lock of wisdom. t Mrs. Aladtson'a Cat. Polk City, la., Oct. 14th. Fer over ten years Mra. E Izabeth P. Madison, respected lady of this place has suf fered most severely with Kidney trouble complicated with derange ments of the bowels and liver. Rheu matism another painful result of de ranged Kldneya added ita tortures to her burden of pain. Treatments and medicines without number were tried; physicians also exhausted their skill, but all to no purpose. At this stage of the ease a treat ment of Dadd's Kidney Pills was re sorted to and the results were simply ;m!ruculoun, from the very first box an Improvement was noticed and the continued treatment resulted In a complete cure. This remarkab'o cure created a de cided senpation in the neighborhood because of the complications of the case as well as Its severity and appar ent hopclesrncss. i Upon Investigation Dodd's Kidney Pills are found to be the only remedy that has ever cured Bright's Disease, Diabetes or Dropsy and these hitherto Incurable diseases are readily con quered by this remarkable remedy. A woman can't see any farther than the end of her nose If It has a plm "lo on It, It doesnt' follow that because a woman hasn't read all the latest books, she Is Intellectually your Inferior. Plao'a Cure cannot be too highly spoken of M cough core. J. W. O UtiiE.v, 82S Third Are., '. allnneapolla, Mian., Jaa. 6, 1M0. Every plain, Intellectual woman la just tho least bit envious of a hand some silly one. EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD who suffers (rom Rheumatism abould use ! St. Jacobs Oil I It Corajueri Pain, sets Ilka marlc, and hat no eiual on earth as a painkiller. Price, 25c and 50c OLD IIT ALL IlEALEIUS IX MEDIClJfX. ENORMOUS CROPS North Dakota has Just harvosted a won derful crop of wheat and flax. Reports from tho various railway points along the "Boo" Line show yields of 25 to 38 bushels to the acre of wheat, and from 15 to 20 rliuahcla of flax pr acre. Flax Is now brlmtlng I1.2G per bushel. Moat of th rrop waa rained on newly broken land, so I hat the flrat crop pays for the farm and all tho labor, and leave- a Lin.lm.uiu profit. There la still plenty of good free govern ment land open for entry; also good open ings to go Into hiiHlneBs In the new towns slonir tho "Boo" Lino. 1'or descriptive clr nilara, maps and particulars, wrlto to D. W. Casseday, Land Agent, "Eoo" Lino, Minneapolis Minn. mm (cap Out IVot Scnyer'e Slickers Jawrer'n "EareUler nrtiatl" Snlss nit Blk-k.n are n,r tict trateriireufaar taenia thiwtril. Mario rri.m 1 h ma terials sad warranted wairrnrael'. aiada toaUiid tha rm(li.t work an. I Wiatlirr.' I.eeai far I lie trade mark. If 7ar daaltf U. M. a AWT?) V smis, !. Jbrra., i.aM CaaakrMav. Bias. nnADQV"n DltC OVERT, nves aIC0 I quick iViafMidrursa worst PouK or trsitmoeiuia sad la ears trsatmaut ML It. at. IUU1 MIS, B a, auaaaa. Oa. F!1itfiMT AMIRIQAN LADY, 1nrtpn4- Writ rm'r txh, wanla '"l liunmt aaansa ansa, t, aaroist.,iuMatu,ui. I M an(k Srrup. Tax Um. Cm I I lalHaa. nlitty inagtwa, i . .Iif;.,iiaiaii!,ta'izr WATER FOR JVHUSALEH. AnrintU .ateaernolrs of Kaleuuua Asm Htft ill Ksistavo, The Tim glvs a most intorwitin account uS the work of reopening the ancient supply of wator Id Jerusalem which has at last bera undertaken By the lurks, the occasion bolfur great scarcity of water ;b the city. The ancient .reservoirs of Solomon are still In existence and still t,n s..r.r.!v of clear enorald-green vater. Tho conduits arelo there, tbi.n in m-.m and so is the sealed fountain find lui most a inject stonework which uii'-s me re-wvoirs. Apparently the new worX ccmHlsts, not in rejalrlag the old stone twnduits. bnt In Ij-vln a 10-cent pipa direct from "the sealed fountain," which is a natural aprlaj in tho limestone rock; but the pipe win roilow the course of the old con duit. The present .governor, Mahom nied DJevad Paru i3 said to take a great deal of interest In the scheme. and to contemplate bringing waier also from Bceroth, "the place of wells," to the north side of the cit7. At tho same time tho work of re pairing the Virgin's fountain i. e., tho eprlng which supplies the Pool of El loam is poliig on. The wator passes from the fountain to the pool through a tunnel built by Hezlkir.h. It waa In this tunnel that was found the earliest Hebrew inscription now Ln tho muse um at Constantinople which commtrm oraies the cutting of the tunnel, and tells how the navvies workine from each cud met in the middle, Just as they will do under the Slmpion. This fountain haa an Intermittent flow that is, after several hou-3' flow there is a complete cessation for a short time, and then tho water runs again. Curiously enough, the fountain was almost destroyed a few years ago by an attempt to increase tho flow by blasting. Lately, however, aomo of the villagers of Siloam offered to re store the liow it they were given a hundred napolcc-.na. They stopped up the holes through which the water ran to waste, and received the reward. It U a ciiriotia example of the heredit ary instinct for managing, the water supply having to be called ln to cor rect tho errors of eclence. London Spectator. lotnlllcrnee of the Rnall. M, Jourdain, a French scientist, has expressed the belief that few animals have a keener appreciation of music than snails. This will be a startling statement to many st us, who have been accustomed to look upon snails as about the most stupid creatures In the world. A casual inspection would indicate that tho slow creatures have little feeling of any kind. However, M, Jourdoln says that If you place some snails oa a pane of glass you will find that as they move along they will make musical sounds similar to those which a person can produce by wetting the finger and rubbing It around a glass tumbler. Complete airs, he points out, have been played oa tumblers In thin way, and he expresses the opinion that quite aa good results can be produced by using snails In stead of fingers. The scientist goes on to say that, contrary to the popular Impression, snails are extraordinarily sympathetic and Intelligent. A care ful study of their movements indicates that they derive happiness from the sounds they produce on smooth sur faces while crawling along. Their In telllgonce is proved by the Ingenious methods they seem to devise to bide themselves from the hurts which mem bers of the animal kingdom and the human family are apt to inflict Oiona on Tap. Travel de luxe will become an actu ality when each railway carriage sup plies its own o7.one. The idea orig inates with tho Lancet, which offers it to the attention of directors. Now that most of the companies have suc cessfully adopted a system by which each carriage on Its Journey develops, by means of a dynamo attached to the axel-trees, lta own current of eltec trlcity for lighting purposes, there is no reason why the same current should not be utilized to ozonize the air of tho compartment. The quantity of ozone required is umall. The result would be to destroy aerial lmpurltlos and unpleasant smells, and give the air a degree of freshness like unto a sea breeze. Railway headache under tho new condition becomes a thing of tho past; a long Journey a health re storer. Now, which of the lines will be the first ln the race to ozonize Its system? Oniy ono drawback threat ens. Patcr-familles goes off with his family to the seaside chiefly to pick op a little ozone. Maybe he will think It sufficient in future to take thera for a run on the Underground or the "Tube." I,ondon Telegraph. Alphabet on n l'ln'a Hand. H. A. Honseai, a Baltimore engraver, Is credited with a rernarkablo feat. On tho head of a pin one-sixteenth of aa Inch in diameter it Is said bo has en graved all the letters of tho alphabet. They are arranged In two circles, with the character & In the center. All the letters are capitals. Tha "Sorrow of China." The Yellow river Is styled the 'Sor row of China." During the last ceo tury it has changed its source twenty two times, end now flows into the tea through a mouth rIx hundred miles llstant from that of ono hundred years igo. It Is estimated that Its floods In the present century have cost China 11,000,000 lives. Some men would ret along better on the journey of life if they didn't con itilt so many contradictory fulds- kooks. St Louis street cars killed elfhtv IVrfcaps they on!! It u. sic Vfiplpe hU beciwasae they itaiimes get "stove In." KTM'T SPOIL YOUR CI.OTIirS. TTaa Ked Cross Bull Blue and keep thets white mow. All groeero. 5c, o package. It but always the clock with the loudest tick that keeps the best time. SMtruiNCE STARCH should tie in -eve-" household, mone so Kood, kfHldea 4 z. mnr for 10 csr.ts tiinu any ouaar .brand of cold water aUtrch. WO VOl'K (IOTHKU I.o.-:i VTiM-OWTl Then use Liff.ance Starch. It wi'l keen them tv'lilto li uz. Ear 10 centa. Sozodont 25c Tooth Powder Good for Bal Teeth JNot Bad for Good Teeth Sxaodont Liquid c lrre Liqatf and Pocder jt,c At or ay mail tor me prac aaanple lur puauge 3c HALL & RUCKXL, Uew Yett. Some men ought to take a day off and get acquainted with themselves. PUTJf AM FADELESS DYES are easier to use and color more goods brigh ter and faster colors than any other dye. Sold by druggists, lOe. per package. A wild steer is dangerous on eirhr lake or canon. Bswar rf amntments far Catarrh TlaaS Contain Hanenry, Ail mercury -will surely destroy the aenae of smell and eoa'.pletelj' derange the whole system wfcen entering it through Uus mucous aurfaeea. barn article. Khould never iie used except on prescriptions from reputuhle physicians, as the clamaKe they will da Is tenfold 10 the good von run nflBHlhlvilurliia fw.m II.. 11 . ' l " , j ,..,1., 1 n.u.. 1 1 mi n 1 ..uirra ( une, manufui-tired by V. J. Cheney & Co. ioiouo, ., contains no mercury, and is taken intemallv nnti.w rilrAAt lu ,Ki hln ...4 mueis surface of the Kvta. In buying j Jiair Catarrh Omro besureyouB-t.the(fenulne. . nru inw5ruawi.iy, ami muaeiD i oieuo, unto. till W 1 I 'Viunun "1.. ri 1 1.1... r.-, I uy imicitiKts. price T5c per bottle. x uujuy fut are me oel A weman Is never satisfied until she ca do a thing two different ways. We rr.ay stand ou the highest hill if b are only willing to take steps enough. fiTt Prmanpot' y rnrva. arc Kt orurrnnaHM)aftaa flnrt dwy'a ue of ir. aline Or-t Krve HMMioicr. aWid tor FKKK Hi. Oil trial xjltla and traallaa, lakU.il. aUaa, Ltd.. ail ansa St., I'aliau.lukit. fa. Tho apologist for good Is ready to condone evil. GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Use tha host. Thsfs vrhj thsy bay Ked Cross Ball Blue. Atleadinggrocers, 5 cents. Sclf-dcnifil is the spinal colum consistency. Millions of sufferers use Wizard C for pain every year and call It blessed Abu me aruggisi, ne knows. The new beart helps us to pii off the old man. Mra. Wlnaloar'B fannrhSnar Hvna fnr rhi .i.n teerfc'-ff. aofiu iiic guma, reaoeaf fa vauuiHiuu, auiajiapaia.curoa wiaaouo. aacao A man's idea of a phenomenon is another man who never loses bis col lar button. When the soul Is on fire its dross will quickly be consumed. Ready-made advice very seldom fits. COHPLETE nOQir OF THE OFFICIAL LIFE OF tl'KIXLEY- "', AareuU wanted. Alao general travclllnz aitenta a MOW at ar a n Ag-cnta wanted. Alao general travailing- aicenta and rtaldenl .. ... . , aiainci managera to Dandle toe only author ,ed oclaL aa- aaantMlireor Prealdent meKlnley; alao giving Uvea of our other martyr l'realdenia, Lincoln and UarHeld; complete inalde hlaioryof the vlllalnoua worlclngaof ihe anarcblatlc aoclctlea; profuaely lllua trated; 600 pKa. The oniy lifo of MeKlnIev printed In Kngrllab, Ueriuan aad Swedish. Lib- " " - m i0u. uaiMiicu Mini J w tUUW 1U LUB MUVSUCtiU pUKILIOna. aOll BCVei cral comulaaii "f "PPortunity aomaae Dig money qulcaiy and eaally than you have today. Von can make Si Pf asoath tur toe Deit 3 mouths pushing this marvelous history of a great and aond and useful tasw lB mind that If you demonatrate to na that you can sell books, that laier in the fall we will lie willing t S!?h7 aaiT "r"lll,-"ut Karanteed salary to appoint and Instruct other airents. This Is tha chaaca wl'iilS- Wo n?ke,ynb1saudcan e"y duplicste the offeror any other house, sncj irtll toio. We slw rtfea valuable premium to every purchaser worth more than the retell price ol the book. Many of these concerns that are advertising McKinley books are merely general aTenta and bni their booka from us. We , adv! you to order from us, and thus deal directly with the manuf icTuren. Cred2 gives; freight paid. Write today ondsend 10 cents for postaue on free outfit. ""suuiatiurera. trgoa nrur,.i.n riiaiiisuiau vu., liept. w, 350 Ucarborn St., Chicago. . ! 1 f. Ill NOV. 30 Mm? FROM 11 . ST na". H0E" IHze srirt. UTAH. Raa . mm itwr bam mtitm eo no taas . tnua'i srr HORSES "SPEARHEAD" STANDARD RAW' "tdJ.T." PIPER IIEIDSIECir 1902. KOCtfS TtAtPOOHS. DRUMHOHD NATURAL LEAF '013 PEACH JHONEY nODBYSPUi: ROLL" "jouniR' E.R!CE.GREEMVILLE" "ORAnSERTUIST" 2 Gmca Twist Tass being equal to one of others mentioned "Oood Luck," "Cross Bow," "Old Honesty," Master Workman," "Sickle," " Brandy wine," "Planet," "Neptune," "Razor," "Tennessee Cross Tic," Ole Varginy." j TAOS MAY. BE ASSORTED IN SECURINQ PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 will inctuac many articles not shown here. It" will contain the most attractive List ol Presents ever offered lor Taes, and will be ent by mail on receipt of postage two cent. (Catalogue will be ready lor mailing about January ist,'ip02.) Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1002. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. mm iff isrtet. ircuiumt 10 Mtf. tuitu fwn fat wit cur rotuco. Write your name and address thinly on outside ol packarcs containing Tags, and send them and requests lor Presents to C. Hy. BROWN, 4241 Folsosa'Ave., 5t. Louis, Mo. euiTm mm Hoout: etMct- SUCAt SHtU 'AIM US' (a TACS. lAir Ato PtPfi ser. 'tour fit 3 tn mCASunt. KSomrl (tut. SIXlttK. iKKIVCS AND rOSKS. aUCKXOAN HAHOLIS. Bm 1 l 7s net. in persons last year.