kurUijr Wuuin Halar Truck. Near lh iretty little town of Iierby, L Conn., Is a (arm which m manured by a giriea nocieiy woman who Iii Dpi day has figured roncptcunuHly In mol European court. The woman Is Misi Frederlca Sanford, daughter of Henrj 8. Sanford, at one time I'nlted Statu minlHter to Uelgium. Mlsg Sanford imimjuniiy SiiprrVlpea and works th place, raising "Harden truck" and chickens. These Bhe takes to Derby regularly, finding rady sale !n the markets and hotels for all she ran of fer. Her widowed mother and bei younger sister, Wilhelmina, live In the old Sanford homestead In town. Here Miss Sanford generally pause her nights, but from early spring till late in the fall she is up and away tc her truck farm at daylight, often re maining there till sundown. In this way she makes a comfortable If sim ple living for the family, besides be ing able to Indulge in some of the ele gancies. Fighting Teuiperatnrs It S3. Professor Dexter, of the University of Illinois, has been Investigating the effects of weather nn morals and finds that tho desire to fight rises with the thermometer, but stops at 8." degrees; wilts after that as the mercury rises. Assault cases are therefore commoner la summer than in winter. Drunken ness, however, lessens with summer and Increases with the coming of cold. Suicides are nt a minimum on bright days with a high barometer and In creases as the wind rises. A FEARLESS PHYSICIAN. Benton, ill,, Sept 30th. Much com ment has been caused by the action ol Dr. It. If. Dunawny, a physician here, who for over a year past has been rec ommending Dodda Kidney I'llls tc those of his pauents who suffered from Rheumatism, lirlghfs Disease, Din betes or other Kidney Troubles. Dr. Dupnway also published an open letter laal May ata'lng positively that lie hlmpclf had been cured of Diabetes by Dorld's Kidney Pil.s, and that, after ho had concluded he was going to die. He is a well man today and says he feels It his duty to do as he has done and la doing because Dodd's Kidney Tills saved his lif Kwlaa Antl-PivPftri-rl. In Switzerland and Italy good people, go about with little cards containing pledges against swearing. These are presented whenever the barer hear some one Indulging In profanity. The penalty for violating the pledge is a Btnall self-imposed fine, to be paid to charity. The way for a man to keep a secret from a woman Is not to let her guesb there Is a secret to keep. Brooklyn. N. Y.. nftth. Informa tion haa iM-cn received regarding ihc won derful rural lv powers of the Garfield Hftadttohe Powdera; people everywhero are ualwc them ami writing the manufac turer of the good results obtained. y A Dig Tree for fit I.ontl. An effort Is to be made to remove a large red oak tree from the wildest section of Arkansas to Forest park, St Iuis, for the Louisiana Purchase exposition. The tree Ib 1G0 feet high and 32 feet In diameter at the base. A double tramway will be built from the tree to the river, where it will be floated and towed to St. Louis. The tree will be dug up by the roots In stead of being cut down, and none f'f the branches will be trimmed. frays II la 13(1. I)r. Charles Smith, a physician of tun ,t uua born in Cairo, III, In 1775126 years ago. He says that he can produce Indisputable proof that be was more than 30 yeaers old when he was grad uated at the medical college at Jena In 1S08. Schmidt, Cbamplnn It 111" 8 hot. Private Schmidt, of Company D. Fourteenth I'nlted State Infantry, now iiUipetl at the riiie range near Mount Clemens, Mich., made a score at (shoot ing at 000 yards that the broke the record of tho whole army. Tho target was a dummy man. Nineteen out of twenty of his shots took effect, any of which would have caused InHtant death In a living man, while the twen tieth shot would have Inflicted a seri ous or fatal wound. Schmidt's achieve ment la said to be not only unparal leled In I'nlted State arm rifle shoot ing records, but also without precedent A lllahnp's I'IhIii Talk. Bishop W. A. Candler has been talk ing to tho St. Louis Southern Metho dist ministers on the higher criticism and the tendency of ritualism In the , church. He deprecates Bpoclal mil tilcal programs and paid choirs and soloists. The higher criticism, he de clares, insists on "a sort of polka dot revelation." WISE PAINTING Not much wise painting done; poor paint, mostly; too cheap. Nobody wants it poor; everybody wants it cheap. Devoe ready paint is cheap because it isn't poor; it's un like any other; because we guarantee results instead of materials. Wise painting is Paint in the fall and use Devoe, A.a your dealer; he'll -et II fi r yon. Book Oa paintlnif (res If you mention thla taer. GOOD-PAINT DliVOE. CHICAGO. "'l.illV.,Hti Hold (with or without lull ing ami Tnbu latin A ttch mxnll kirhana-ul. I tsnled. I and Itcnalrrd. l'aroii Typewriter Ulbbons for all Va cbioaa, Linon 1'srmrs, t'nrtwn 'per, anil miscellaneous lype- wrttw BuppUM ana luraiiura. 7 I ii 1U Faxnam Bt., Omaha. I 1 I V I I I I b LLLZ ... V-. . KING DAVI0'3 SOLDIERS. Tha Orrat Ituler r.lal.lUhe.l un Aduilp ablo Military Kyato.ni. The kingdom of Israel In the time of David embraced a territory about equal to the state of Massachusetts and had a population nearly the same a3 ihat or New York 6,000,000 or more. That It was able to dominate the ter ritory between the Mediterranean and the Ktiphrates and from Damascus to the Gulf of Arabia, with powerful neighbors pressing upon it from all sides, was duo to the military genius of David and the admirable military system established by him. In It Is found not only the germ but the full development of the modern system of universal military service as applied In Germany and France. Its fundamen tal principle was that recognized by our great modern states, that every able-bodied man owes military service to the state, which he must actually pay for a certain period In peace and war. David transformed the Irregular fighting forces of Israel into an organ ized and effective army. This included what wo should now call a landwehr of 2SS.00O men, divided into twelve corps of 21,000 men, each corps being in time of peace called into active ser vice for one month In tho'year, so that there were always 24.000 men In camp. In war requisitions were made on this force as needed and the troops were placed under the command of a gen eral of tried courage and ability, be longing to a specially trained military body peculiar to the kingdom of Israel. When David was driven to such ex trcmeties by the unexpected rebellion of his son Absalom and had fled across Jordan, a wanderer in the wilderness of Judea, he Eecured his final triumph by means of his bodyguard, all thor ough soldiers, trained for duty as of ficers. Through their instrumentality Ihe new levies were rapidly organized 'nto companies, regiments and bri gades. It Is interesting to note that the march of Absalom when he led his great army across Jordan against his roynl father, was through the "wood of Kphralm." a wild tract near the mountains of Gilead, resembling In its physical features the Virginia "Wilderness," where Grant and Lee tried conclusions. The position held by David was like that of Leo on the Rapid.m and Absalom In marching through the "wood of Ephraim" an ticipated by nearly 3,000 years Grant's movements of May ii and 6, 1804. The strategy of Joab, who commanded the hosts of David, was precisely that of Lee, he hurling three strong columns on Absalom's line of marc!. Chicago News. CHINESE MOURNING. KiRlity llltma fur Theme who Suppress Kurn'r-.tl Notices. If d son, on receiving information ot the death of his father or mother, oi a wife, suppresses such Intelligence, and omits to go Into lawful mourning for the deceased, such neglect shall be punished with sixty blows and one year's banishment, If a son or wife cnUrs Into mourning In a lawful man ner, but previous (o the expiration of the term discards the mourning habit, find, forgetful of tho loss sustained, play upon musical Instruments or particip tcs In festivities, the punlsh- ... ... eighty blnw.i. Whoever, on receiving Information of the death of any other relative In the lirst degreo than the above mentioned suppresses the no tice of It, and omits to mourn, shall be punished with eighty blows; if, pre vious to the expiration of the legal period of mourning for such relative, any iwison casts away the mourning habit and resumes his wonted amuue nients, he shall he punished with six ty blows. When any officer or other person In the employ of the govern ment has received Intelligence of the death of his father or mother, In con sequence of which Intelligence he Is bound to retire from the ofTlce during the period of mourning. If, In order to avoid null retirement, be falsely rep resents the deceased to have been his grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt or cousin, he thall suffer punishment of 300 blows, be deposed from office and rendered Incapable of again en tering Into the public service. Amer ican Law Review. Sani) Martini, The sand martin, or bnnk swallow Is smaller than his relative and in habits sand banks, Into which he bur rows. Naturally, be Is not to be found In all places. Ills back Is of dull coloi and his lower parts are whitish, with a narrow dark band across the breast You may know him the adult male, that Is by lt"i mark aH wo" atl his peculiar rough finely rough voice. If you examine a bank full ol his holes, you will perhaps find a much larger one among them. That will most likely he the door of a king fisher's nest. Much like the sand mar tin In color, but a little larger, and lacking the dark breast hand, Is the rough-winged swallow, lie 1.1 leas generally known than the others, part ly because he Is less widely and generally distributed. Very few New England people see lilm. Ho nests not only In sand bank and llmeston cliffs, as before said fin the walls of the Natural Bridge In Virginia for ex ample), but In the Btone abutments of bridges. Ills name cornea from a pe culiarity of the feathers of his wings, which cannot be made out except with the bird In the hand. Bradford Tor rey, In Youth's Companion. In a river which changes Its chan nel, very point gains ground and ev ery bend tends to become stlii mw crooked. "tf"'S There Is a path In which every child of God is to walk, and In which alone God can accompany him. Den ham Smith., IOO Reward 9100. The readrs of this paper will be. pleased to Inaro tha. there ia at leant one dreaded disease that acnce him benn abln to cure In all its tairea. and that is l.'uturrh. Hall's Cuiarrn Cure la tlie only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belnjr a conxtttu tlonul disease, requires a conslltutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of thedtsease, and Klvinffthe patient (trench by tmtlditit; up the constitution and assisting nature In doini lu work. The pro prietors have so much faith !n its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Hollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list, of lestlmonlals. Addrcwt P. J. CHEXEY CO , Toledo, a Sold by drui'ist 7e. t-all'a Family .Pills ure tho best True glory takes root, and even spreads. All false pretenses, like flowers, fall to the ground; nor can any counterfeit last long. Cicero, At.l. HP-TO-KATE HCKSKilEEPERS Cse Rod t.Vosa Ball Blue. It makes clothes cloua and sweet as when now. All grocers. ' Hone Meat lau't the Tiling. Scientific investigators In Europe, after thorough tests of a horseflesh diet, say that tills sort of meat, when the use of it Is continued for a long time, tends to lessen the weight of the consumer, whether man or teast. These physiological sages have come to ths conclusion that the choicest steaks and roasts from the fattest colts and fillies are inferior to beef or veal, mutton, lamb cr ham In sus taining vital force and preventing a decline in strength. A Life Saver at HO. M. Wallon, senator, the father of the French republican constitution, and the venerable perpetual secretary of the academy, assisted by his Bon, recently saved the lives of three per sona who were drowning in the sea near Petits Dalles. For his courage ous conduct the intrepid rescuer, who is 80 years old, has been awarded a first-class medal. Leland Stanford' Latest Trouble. The latest excitement at Leland Stanford university Is over the felling of the great live oak shading the walk between Iioble and Encina halls, which in 1!)5 was dedicated to the memory of "the first and most famous class that Stanford has graduated," as tho San Francisco News Letter calls it. tlie Don't let your grocer sell you 12 oz. package of laundry starch for 10 cents when you c9l! get 16 oz. of the very best starch Has No TRABBi MASK w EXACT SIZE OF 10 CENT PACKAGE. 72 PACKACE8 IN A CA8E. customer claims to be unsatisfactory in any way. We hare and you must have it. ORDER. FROM Y0VR JOBBER. If At ttholesalo by UcCord-Drady Co. and Paxton and Gallagher, Omaha, Neb. MANVFACTVR.ED BY MAGNETIC STARCH MFG. CO. OMAHA, NEB- - " sisii'iiii irisMiiiwMtilii ir i C. mmafii flmn ' i "" " The King Dorm't Klaa. Many stories are related of the young king of Spain. At a recent function, in which only young people Joined, a pretty girl of 16, whtJ had danced several times with Alfonso, presented her cheek to him for a sa lute. Instantly he straightened up and extended his hand to her. "I don't kiss girls," he said; "they kiss my hand instead; I am your king. A crank Is powerless so long as It Insists on working alone. Take Nature's remedy, Garfield Tea! In expensive and enecuvc; 16 pints or 30 doses for 25c. It is composed of medicinal HKRI18, not mineral pnia-ms; it cures con Fllpatinn and eick headache, kidney und liver diseases. Good for all. If one does not take care, one's whole life slips away In theorizing, and we want a second career for prac tice. Fenelon. . HT3 Prmnpnty eijrd. !Tof Tf nrnrrnTf?nwarr llrwt dny'i u. rt if. Klln Orrat Krrve HeKloier. Hrnd fur FKKK 82.00 (! t.oltl- tnA Imtlw, in. 11. H. Ku. Lui.. UJl AruH.'it., J allaulal t a. The Invitation BlUiindersioofl, The widow of a prominent member of a sporting club who recently died Is much incensed, it is said, over the officiating priest's choice of words at the funeral obsequies. The club mem bers are heavy drinkers, and it is well known that on their excursions in a body their favorite drink is beer. By invitation of the widow they were in attendance at the funeral, and at the close of the ceremony the reverend father brought down upon himself the wrath of the widow and marred the solemnity of the occasion by request ing that the members of the club would now pass around the bier." Sweat or fruit acids will not discolor poods dyed with 1'lvTNAM FADKLKSH D YKS. Sold by druggists, 10c. package. Women learn things quicker, be cause they have more intelligence. PIro'8 Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. VV. Samiiii Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1000. The thread of our life would be dark heaven knows! If It were not for our friendship and love Intertwined. Thomas Moore. Mm. V, InMow Mootliing Syrup, "Pnrehllrii-pn tnctr'nz. noftens the srtima. redurn tn- fauiuiatlua, allayi pain, cure wlod uoilc. &',c a buttle. Our saddest infirmities may bring us our best affinities. Equal. ', MA .ii n .a - jr,,i iM' REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED FOR Ladies: y Cm tm UWPURP05E50NIY m "WW 'Wlalllllil ltstfll Prayer will not flow where malice is allowed to grow. "Kot la the Trait." This Is a favorite expression with persons who have goods on hand that they wish to sell to the public. But their goods are not always good. Neith er have they a right at all times to claim that they are "not in the trust." As a matter of fact they gen erally are In the trust. Trusts know tho advantage of advertising their goods as "not In the trust." It helps them to sell an inferior article that they may pay dividends on watered stock. The Defiance Starch company has no false stock on which to pay dividends. They simply manufacture the best starch that Is made anywhere in the world, and sell 16 ounces for ten cents. Ask your grocer for it Made by Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha, Neb. Knowledge Is proud that he has learned so much! Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. Cowper. BED CROSS BALL. fihould be in every home. Ask your grocor for it. Large a oz. package only 5 cents. The receiver of a black eye feels as bad as any thief. WISCONSIN FAKM LANDS. Tho best of farm lands can be ob tained now in Marinette County, Wis consin, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway at a low price and on very favorable terms. Wisconsin Is noted for its fine crops, excellent markets and healthful climate. Why rent a farm when you can buy one much cheaper than you can rent and in a few years it will be your own property. For particulars address F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Kail way, Chicago. What I want is, not to possess re ligion, but to have a religion that shall possess me. Kingsley. Why experiment with untried rem edies for pain? Use Wizard Oil at once and be happy. Your druggist has it. Lady Pauncefote said recently that she would rather live In Washington than anywhere else except London. A man's eood breeding- is the hest security against another man's bad manners. lxircl Chesterfield. made for the same price One-third more starch for the same money. To the Dealers: GO SLOW In placing orders for 12-oz. Laundry Starch. You won't be able to sell 12 ounces for 10 cents while your competitor offers 16 ounces for the same money. DEFIANCE STARCH IS THE BIGGEST THE BEST COLD WATER STARCH MADE. No Chromos, no Premiums, but a better starch, and one-third more of it, than is con tained in any other package for the price. Having adopted every idea in the manufac ture of starch which modern invention has made possible, we offer Defiance Starch, with every confidence in giving satisfaction. Consumers arc becoming more and more dissatisfied with the prevalent custom of getting 5c. worth of starch and 5c. worth of some useless thing, when they want 10c. worth of starch. We give no premiums with Defiance Starch, relying on " Qual ity and Quantity" as the more satisfactory method of getting business. You take no chances in pushing this article, we give an ab solute guarantee with every package sold, and authorize dealers to take back any starch that a made arrangements to advertise it thoroughly, you cannot get it from him, write ut. 'ii Oil , Tf-mf J1yrtf? ? , , f M CMOS Hi DC For More Than a Quarler of aCentorj The reputation of W. L. Douglas (3.00 and $3.50 shoes lor style, comlcrt ana wear h is excelled all other makes acid at these price. This excellent reputation baa been won by merit alone, w- L. Douglas hoes have to give better satisfaction than other i 3.00 and $3.50 shoes because his reputation for the best S3.00 and S3.50 hoes must be maintained. The standard baa alvays been placed so bigh that the wearer receives more value for his money in the W. L. Douglas 3.00 and J3.50 hoes than be can get elsewhere. W. L. Douglas sells more 3.00 and I3.SO hoes than any other two manufacturer. Vi. L. Douglas $4.00 Qilt Edge Un cnnot be equalled at any price. i Mr. L. Oouglma 3.00 and $3. SO mhoam mrm made at tho uni high tjrmdts loathmra usod In $6 and 98 ahoaa and ara last aa good. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. InalMt upon having VV. I.. Douglas shoes with iiame and price stamped on bottom. How to Orilr by Mnll.-I! w. L. Dongla vu.ica w-3 nut kjiu in juur luwn, K-na oraer aired to factory. Slioes mi.t any where on receipt of prle and j ,-.lb. Huuumuiu ior carnage. HT iiRLom aepartnient will make you a yn.ii linn, win etuai so anu so cut. turn mow; miuea, in atyift, m anq wt.ir. jane measurements or foot as hown on model ; state luueiiireu; Bizeanamaia Uftimlly worn; plsla or toe, neavy, mna. ii or ngnt Botes, A fit guaranteed. try spaar. Vast Clor Ereleta utd. Q.tUto free. W. 1.. loHKlaa, Urock-ton. 1 Nature's Priceless Remedy DR.O. PHELPS BROWN'S PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT It Cures Through the Pores Rheumatism, Neursl- gla. Weak Back. Sprains, urns, Sores and all Pain. oUcUal druttfi.t, e, Me K he does not sell It, send us his name, and for your trouble, we wlU Croa Bend Yo-i a Trias ll CB. IdUress Dr. O. P. Brown. B8 B'way,Kewbureh,N.Y. I I I V-M it I T (had llttsXJ . TMttl lUflrf '