SYSTEM f OR GETTING STATISTICS 'Theodon Hoosenfelfs Father. Theodore Roosevelt is (he youngest American cltlzeu who has ever been cmlled to the head of our nation. He was born in New York City, October 27, 1868, bis father, after whom he was named, being a prominent merchant, a patriot, a philanthropist, and a mov ing spirit in the Civil War. The elder Theodore Roosevelt went to Washing ton after the first Battle of Bull Run, and warned President Lincoln that he must get rid of Simon Cameron as Sec retary of War. with the result that Mr. Stanton, the "organizer of vic tory," took bis place. When the war was fairly under way. It was Theodore Roosevelt who organized the allotment plan, which saved the tamllles of eighty thousand soldiers of New York State more than five million dollars of their pay; and when the war was over he protected the soldiers against the sharks that lay in wait for them, and saw to it that they got employment. Through his Influence the New York newsboys' lodging-house system and many other institutions of public bene fit and helpful charity were established. There were four children in the Roose velt family, of whom Theodore was the second. There were two boys and two girls. A younger brother wag killed in a railroad accident, and the hopes of the father were centered on Theodore. At the age of five or six, Theodore gave little promise of maintaining the pres tige of the Roosevelt family line. Che "President's Early Boyhood. He was a puny, sickly, delicate boy. Some one who knew him In those days of the Civil War described him as a "weak-eyed, pig-chested boy, who was too frail to take part in the sports of lads of his age." When he arrived at the age of six, he wag sent to the famous old McMullen School, where he remained for eight years. It wan not. however, in New York that the boy Roosevelt spent with most profit the months to which he looks back with pleasure. The elder Roosevelt believed that children best thrive in the coun try. He selected a beautiful spot near the village of Oyster Bay, on the north shore of Long Island, and erected a country house which well deserves its title, "Tranquility." Here It was among the hills which border tbe sound and the bay, that Theodore Roosevelt and bis brother and sisters spent the long summer months. .At fourteen Theodore was admitted to tL Cutler School, a private academy in New York conduct ed by Arthur H. Cutler. Here he took the preparatory course for Harvard University, making rapid advancement under the careful tuition of Mr. Cutler, and graduating with honors. Hecomes an Athlete. By careful attention and plenty of gymnasium exercise and out-of-door life his frame became more sturdy and bis health vastly improved: It thus happened that when young Roosevelt entered on college life at Harvard, in 1875, he suffered little by comparison with boys of his age. While he did not stand in the front rank of athletics, he was well above the average, and had no reason to be ashamed of his physi cal prowess. Never for a waking moment was he Idle It was either study or exercise In addition to bis regular studies and special courses he took upon himself the editorship of the college paper, and made a success of it. He was demo cratic in his tastes and simple in h is mode of living. Theodore omM waa graduated from Harvard in 1880 with high honors. In study, his health was but little im paired, and he at once started cm a foreign journey In search of Instruc tion, pleasure and adventure. He dis tinguished himself as a mountain climber, ascending the Jungfrau, the u.nhnm and many other peaks, and was made a member of tbe Alpine Club of London. "Begins Study of Latv. On his return to America he studied law, and In the fall of 1881 he was elected to the State Assembly from the Twenty-first District of New York, generally known as Jacob Hess's dis trict m , By re-election he continued In the body during the session of 1883 and 1884 He introduced important reform measures, and his entire legislative career was made conspicuous by the courage and zeal with which he as aalled political abuses. As chairman of tbe Committee on Cities he introduced the measure which took from the Board of Aldermen the power to con firm or reject the appointments of the u ayor. He was chairman of the noted legislative Investigating committee which bore his name. In 1884 he went to tbe Bad Lands In Dakota, near the "Pretty Biittes," where he built a log cabin, and for several years mingled tbe life of a ranchman with that of a literary worker. From l is front door be could ehoot deer, and the mountains around him were full of tug game. Amid aucta surroundings be wrote one of his most popular books. He became a daring horseman and a rival of the cowboys In feats of skill and trangth. In 1M Mr. Roosevelt was tbe Republican candidate f.r Mayor against Abrtm 8. Hewitt, United Democracy, and Henry Oeorge, United labor. Mr, Hewitt was elected by about twenty-two thousand plurality. In 1M Roosevelt was appointed by President Harrison a member of the 26' PRESIDENT U5.I United States Civil Service Commis sion. His ability and rugged honesty In the administration of tbe affairs of that office greatly helped to strengthen his hold on popular regard. Tolice Commissioner in fieto Vork. Roosevelt continued In that office un til May 1, 1895, when he resigned to accept the office of Police Commis sioner from Mayor Strong. He found the administration of affairs in a de moralized condition, but he soon brought order out of chaos. Says James A. Rlis, who is an Intimate friend of President Roosevelt: We had been trying for forty years to achieve a system of dealing decently with our homeless poor. Two score years be fore, the surgeons of the police depart ment had pointed out that herding them In the cellars or over the prison of police stations In festering heaps, and turning them out hungry at daybreak to beg their way from door to door, was Indecent and Inhuman. Since then grand Juries, acad emies of medicine, committees on phil anthropic citizens, had attacked the foul disgrace, but to no purpose. Pestilence ravaged the prison lodgings, but still they stayed. I know what that fight meant, for I was one of a committee that waged It year after year, and suffered defeat every time, until Theodore Roosevelt came and destroyed the nuisance In a night. I remember the caricatures of tramps shivering In the cold- with which the yellow newspapers pursued him at the time, labeling him the "poor man s foe." And I remember being just a little uneasy left they wound him. and perhaps make him think he had been hasty. But not he. It was only those who did not know him who charged him with being hasty, lie thought a thing out quickly es. that Is his way; but he thought It out, and, having thought It out, suited ac tion to his Judgment. Of the consequences he didn't think at all. He made sure he was right, and then went ahead with per fect confidence that things would come out right. His Ad) ice to Organized Labor. Mr. Rlls says he never saw Roose velt to better advantage than when he once confronted the labor men at their meeting-place, Clarendon Hall: The police were all the time having trouble with strikers and their "pickets." Roosevelt saw that it was because neith er party understood fully the position of the other, and, with his usual directness, sent word to the labor organisations that he would like to talk It over with them. At his request I went with him to the meeting. It developed almost Immedi ately that the labor men had taken a wrong measure of the man. They met him as a politician playing for points, and hinted at trouble unless their demands were met. Mr. Roosevelt broke them off short: "Gentlemen!" he aald-wlth that snap of the Jnws that always made people lis ten "I asked to meet you, hoping that we might come to understand one anoth er. Remember, please, before we go fur ther, that the worst Injury anyone of you can do to the cause of labor Is to counsel violence. It will also be worse for him self. 1nderstand distinctly that order will be kept. The police will keep it. Now we can proceed." I was never so proud and pleased as when they applauded him to the echo. He reddened with pleasure, for he saw that the best III them had come out on top, as he expected It would. Attacked by -yellotv" papers. It was of this Incident that a handle was first made by Mr. Roosevelt's ene mies In and out of the police board and he had many to attack him: It happened that there was a music hall In the building In which the labor men met. The yellow newspapers circu lated the He that he went there on pur pose to see the show, and the ridiculous story was repeated until actually the liars persuaded themselves that It was so. They ould not have been able to under stand the kind of man they had to do with, had they tired. Accordingly they fell Into their own trap. Jt Is a tradition of Mulberry Street that the notorious Beeley dinner raid was planned by his en emies In the department of which ha was the head, In the belief that they would catch Mr. Roosevelt there. The dinners were supposed to be hla "set." gome time after that. Mr, Rlls was In Roosevelt's office when a police of ficial of superior rank came In, and re quested a private audience with him: They stepped aside and the policeman nnka In an undertone, urging something strongly. Mr. Roosevelt listened. Sud denly 1 saw him straighten up as a man recoils from something unclean and dis miss the other with a sharp! No, sir! I don't fight that way." The policeman went out crestfallen. Roosevelt took two or three turns .bout the floor. ""sgllnej evidently with strong disgust. He told me afterward that the man had come to him with whut he said waa certain knowledge that his enemy could that night be found in a known evil house up town, which it waa hla alleged habit to visit. Ills proposition was to raid It then and so "get square." To the policeman it must have seemed like throwing a good chance away. But it was not Roosevelt's way; he struck no blow below the belt. In the governor's chair afterward he gave the politicians whom he fought, and who fought him, the same terms. They tried their best to upset him, for they hud nothing to expect from him. Hut they knew and owned that he fought fair. Their bucks were secure. He never tricked them to gain an advantage. A promise given by him was always kept to the letter. Assistant Secretary of jay. Early in 1897 he was called by Presi dent McKinley to give up his New York office to become Assistant-Secretary of the Navy. His energy and quick mastery of detail had much to do with the speedy equipment of the navy for Its brilliant feats in the war with Spain. It was he who suggested Admiral Dewey for commander of the Asiatic station. Dewey was sometimes spoken of in those days as if he were a kind of faHhion-plate. Roosevelt, however, had faith in him, and while walking up Connecticut avenue one day said to Mr. Rils: "Dewey Is all right. He has a lion heart. He is the man for the place." No one now doubts the wis dom of his selection, and naval officers agree that the remarkable skill in marksmanship displayed by the Amer ican gunners was due to his foresight. He saw the necessity of practice, and he thought it the best kind of economy to burn up ammunition In acquiring skill. A characteristic story is told regard ing Roosevelt's insistence on practice in the navy. Shortly after bis appointment he asked for an appropriation of $800,000 for ammunition, powder, and snot ior the navv. The appropriation was made, and a few months later be asked for another appropriation, this time of IfiOO.OOO. When asked by the proper authorities what had become of the first appropriation, he replied: 'Every rent of it was spent for powder and shot, and every bit of powder and shot has been fired." When he was askea what he was going to do with the 1500,- 000, he replied: "Use every ounce of that, too. within the next thirty days in practice shooting." His Cuban War "Record. Soon after the outbreak of the war, however, his patriotism and love of active life led him to leave the compar ative quiet of his government office for service in the field. As a lieutenant colonel of volunteers he recruited the First Volunteer Cavalry, popularly known as the "Rough Riders." The men were gathered largely from the cowboys of the west and southwest, but aUo numbered many college-bred men of the east. In the beginning he was second In command, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, Dr. Leonard Wood being colonel. But at the cloie of the war the latter was a brigadier general and Roosevelt was colonel In command. Since no horses were trans ported to Cuba, this regiment, togeth er with the rest of the cavalry, was obliged to serve on foot. The regi ment distinguished Itself in the San tiago campaign, and Colonel Roosevelt became famous for his bravery In lead ing the charge up San Juan Hill on July 1st. He was an efficient officer, and won the love and admiration of his men. His care for them waa ahown by the circulation of the famous round robin which he wrote protesting against keeping the army longer In Cuba. As Governor of fet JtorA. Upon Roosevelt's return to New York there waa a popular demand for his nomination for governor. Pre vious to the state convention he waa nominated by the Citizens' Union, but he declined, replying that he waa a Republican. The Democrats tried to frustrate his nomination by attempting to prove that he had lost his legal resi dence In that state. That plan failed y LIFE and he was nominated In the conven tion by a vote of 753 to 218 for Gover nor Black. The campaign throughout the state was spirited. Roosevelt took the stump and delivered many speeches. His plurality was 18,079. As the campaign of 1900 drew near, the popular demand that Roosevelt's name should be on the National Re publican ticket grew too Imperative to be Ignored by the leaders. Tae honor of the nomination for Vice-President was refused time and time again by Roosevelt, who felt that he had a great duty to perform as governor of New York state. Says Cal O'Laughlin, apropos of the Republican National Convention, which was held in Philadelphia on June 19, 20 and 21, 1900: domination at Thiladelphia. On the evening of the first day of the convention, Roosevelt saw Piatt. "My name must not be presented to the con vention," he told him. Plutt was mad, and mad clean through; but he acquiesced and Roosevelt returned to hla apartment to run into the arms of the Kansas dele gation. "We do not request you to ac cept the nomination," said State Senator Burton; "we do not urge you to accept the nomination, but we propose to issue orders to you, and we expect you to obey them." Throughout the delivery of Mr. Burton's remarks, Roosevelt stood, with shoulders square and feet at right angles, his chin occasionally shooting forward, as if he were on the point of objecting to the argument that he alone could rescue "bleeding Kansas" from demagogism and populism. But he waited patiently until the address was ended, and then appealed to the Kansans to take his words at their face value, and vote for some one of the candidates. But h'.B appeal was useless, for Senator Burton, grasping his hand, congratulated hlrn "In advance upon his nomination and election," and the dele gation enthusiastically approved the sen timents. So certain was Kansas that Roosevelt would be the choice of the con vention, that It had printed a huge plac ard, bearing the words in large, blacK type: "KANSAS DELEGATION FIRST TO DECLARE FOR GOVERNOR ROOSEVELT." And, when the nomination was declared to have occurred, triumphantly carried it about Convention Hall. After his nomination, R-osevelt said: I held out as long as I could. I had to give In when I saw the popular sentiment of the convention. 1 believe it is my duty. Now that it is all over, I want to say that I appreciate fully the sentiment which accompanied my nomination. The unan imity and enthusiasm of the convention for my nomlnutlon never will be forgot ten by me. During the political campaign which followed, he traveled 16,100 miles, flashed through 23 states, delivered 459 speeches, containing 800,000 words, and made his appeal directly to 1, 600,000 persons. His Capacity for Worl(. Mr. Rlls says that the thing that be clouds the Judgment of his critics is Roosevelt's amazing capacity for work. He says: He can weigh the pros and cons of a case and get at the meat of it In less time than it takes most of us to state the mere proposition. And he is surpris ingly thorough. Nothing escapes him. His Judgment comes sometimes as a shock to the man of slower ways. He does not stop at conventionalities. If a thing Is right, it Is to be done and right away. It was notably so with the round robin in Cuba, asking the government to recall the perishing army when It had won the fight. People shook their heads, and talked of precedents. Precedents! it has been Roosevelt's business to make them most of his lime. But is there any one today who thinks he set that one wrong? Certainly no one who with me saw the army come home. It did not come a day too soon. Roosevelt Is no more Infallible than the rest of us. Over and over again I have seen him pause when he hud decided upon his line of ac tion, and review It to see where there was a chance for mistake. Finding none, he would issue his order with the sober comment: "There, we have done the best we could, if there Is any mistake we will make It right. The fear of It shall not de-' ter us from doing our duty. The only man who never makes a mistake la the man who never does anything." Enforcing the Lau Referring to Roosevelt's strict en forcement of the Sunday excise law, the San Francisco Argonaut's New York correspondent, "Flaneur," wrote under date of September 2, 1895: The law is not a Republican law. It was passed by Tammany, as a means of blackmailing saloonkeepers who refused to yield up tribute. It Is a Democratic law, was Introduced at the Instigation of Tammany, was passed by a Democratic legislature, and was signed by a Demo cratic governor, David B. Hill. Senator Hill Is now trying to make political cap ital by abusing Roosevelt for enforcing the law, but he places himself in a very questionable position. When a man la the leader of a party In a state, when his party passes an excise law, and when he himself signs It as governor, he certainly stultifies himself when, to embarrass a political opponent, he fights against the enforcement of the very law which he himself passed. The opponents of enforc ing the law are having a rather hard time. Nobody denies that the law exists; all that they say Is that It Is "a hardship to enforce It." Rut who Is to decide on the relative severity or mildness of the laws? Commissioner Roosevelt himself frankly says that he does not believe In such a severe Sunday law, but aa It la the law, he Is going to enforce It. And ha Is certainly doing so. There Is a good deal of humor In the American people, and In this great city there are many thousand who are smiling sardonically over the plight of Tammany caused by enforcing a Tammany law. For Tam many's revenues come largely from the blackmailing of liquor saloons. President Roosevelt naa been a stu dent of political economy since boy hood. He has been an omnlreroua reader, and has pursued his studies with the same teal and energy tbat have characterized all his acta In civil and military life. San Francisco Ar- gonaut TO INSPECTJ10SP1TALS Tha Uewly Appointed Superintendent Begins His Work. THE NEW RILES AMU REGULATIONS Oowlaa Bill for Support of High Schools to He IteeoaaucDdad to tbe Legisla ture Other Matter Her and Thar Throughout Iowa. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 2. The act of the list legislature, creating a State Board of Charities and Corrections, is beginning to bring forth results. The board was organized July 1 and since then an office has been kept open at the state house under the direction of Chief Clerk John Davis, who arranges the work of the four advisory secre taries and attends to all details in connection with his department. Va rious state institutions have been in spected and recommendations made looking to the betterment of condi tions. Tie act provides that the governor, commissioner of public lands and buildings and superintendent of public instruction shall constitute the board and be authorized to appoint four ad visory secretaries, none of whom shall receive any compensation for their ser vice. The governor acts as chair man of the board, and the secretaries, as their title indicates, is an advisory capacity, though they all take an ac tive interest in the work. It is made the duty of the board to inquire into the whole system of public charities and the methods of and practices in the correctional institutions and to as certain the conditions at various times by personal inspection. Plans for new jail buildings or other places of con finement must be submitted to the board for approval. It is provided that all investigations undertaken shall be directed wholly toward the betterment of methods pertaining to the health, punishment, education and reformation of tbe inmates of the va rious institutions. "With the new Board of Charities and Corrections, and with the wide in formation and enlightened convictions of the present time," said W. A. Clark of Peru, one of the secretaries, "we look forward with hope to the reali zation of better conditions in all our state Institutions. It is estimated that 1,200 epileptics are living in Nebraska outside of the state institution. About 10 per cent of the inmates of the In stitute for Feeble Minded are epilep tics, while not more than 40 per cent in the Hospitals for the Insane are epileptics. Some of us believe in the colony plan for these people and hope to make a movement toward providing something in that direction in the near future. We must confess that Nebraska has been behind most of the other states in the care of these class es. Very little has been attempted in the way of medical treatment and very little also has been attempted in the way of classification of the in mates. These unfortunate ones have received almost nothing besides the food and shelter provided by the Aged Cooplu to Wed. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Oct. 2. A marriage license waa granted to Thomas L. Fountain, aged seventy one years, a resident of Cass county, and Mrs. eannette M. Todd, aged seventy-one years, a resident of this county. The aged couple were mar ried at the bride's home in Syracuse. This Is the oldest couple ever mar ried in this county. Rata for Nebraska Cwone. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 2. The an nouncement was made by the Rock Island railroad that a rate of $5 to Minneapolis and return would be made for the Minneapolis-Nebraska foot ball game, which will be play ed In that city ectober 12. The rate from Minneapolis to Lincoln and re turn last year was $5.45. Chautauqua Superintendent. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 2. At the last meeting of the board of directors of the Beatrice Chautauqua assembly Rev. C. S. Dudley of Chicago waa unanimously elected superintendent for next year. Hornad by Explosion of Kerosene. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Oct. 2. Norman Bullls, employed as the Park hotel as pastry cook, attempteutto kindle a fire with kerosene and was severely burned about the arms and face. Import Nheep From Mew Mesleo. TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct 2. John son county feeders Imported a train load of sheep, 6,400 In all, from New Mexico to Tecumseh to fatten. Charle Bhoda found Dead. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 2,-Charlee R. Rhode, a recluse, was found dead In the basement or his home near Kra mer. He was lying on bis stomach, with his head hanging In a hole. The coroner's Jury found that he had started to climb Into the bole and becoming exhausted fell and waa un able to crawl back, The man had lived alone at his farm house. He owned some properly and had about fl.OOO deposited In a bank. Deputy Assistant Watson I Beady to Be Shown. LINCOLN, Oct 7. The officers of the state bureau of labor and indus trial statistics are endeavoring to formulate a plan by wblcb accurate statistics may be gathered in Ne braska. With this purpose in view, Deputy Commissioned Watson has been corresponding with statisticians in various parts of the country and the replies so far received indicate that only a few of tbe states succeed in obtaining a complete registration. The following discussion of the sub led was received from Chief Cressy L. Wilbur of the vital statistics divis ion of Michigan; "Many other states have endeavored to collect mortality statistics, but in most cases with very poor success. Some of these are: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee,' Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Califor nia and Washington. There are two states which have adopted modern systems of registration, but so recent ly that their results could not be pass ed upon by the census, so I am not sure whether they can be included in the list of registration states or not. These are Colorado and Indiana, Of the latter I am quite sure that tbe accuracy of the registration is very good. I may say also that the state of Illinois has adopted a new law by which certificates of death will be re quired. This law, if effectually admin istered, may perhaps bring Illinois in the list of registration states, although it has some very serious organic ef fects. "I hope that in the near future Ne braska may adopt a satisfactory law for the registration of votal statistics. Snould any such legislation be under taken, however, it will be of great importance to avoid the very serious mistakes which are very frequently made. Thus, Iowa only a few years ago adopted new registration laws for the collection of deaths, which any person at all informed in registration methods could have said from the start would be utterly worthless in practice, as they have since turned out to be." A SENSATIONAL DIVORCE CASE. Filing of a Petition Sets GoMlpIng Tongues Wagglog. IOWA FALLS, Oct. 7. The filing of a petition in tbe district court by Mrs. Fannie Wisner Crockett pray ing for a divorce from her husband, Frank W. Crockett, has created a sensation in this county, where the couple has lived for years, and where, on account of their social position, they have been prominent. In 1895, Mr. Crockett married Mrs. Fannie Wis ner, the widow of Oeorge H. Wisner, a wealthy and prominent citizen of this county. One child was born to the couple, and the wife will ask cus tody of the offspring. The charge al leged in the petition is incompatibil ity of temper. The case will prob ably come up for trial at the next term of court. Mr. Crockett was for merly of Alden, and later principal of the schools at Williams. For two terms he was clerk of the district court, and is widely known in cen tral Iowa. The parties reside at El dora. Triad to Kill Himself. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 7 An un successful attempt to commit suicide by hanging himself was made by Wil liam Etherton, a resident of Fremont. He became Intoxicated and secured a rope and went to the Darn. He tied one end to a rafter and put his neck into a noose on the other end. When he swung himself off, however, the rope broke. Capture a Horse Thief. WEST POINT, Neb., Oct. 7. Sheriff Philippe captured a horse thief from South Dakota, west of the city. The culprit Is a large negro, and had In his possession two fine matched grays. He refused to give his name, but stated that he was bound for Kansas City, where he had Intended to dispose Ol the horses. General and Mrs. Manderson Return. OHAHA, Oct. 7. General Solicitor Manderson of the Burlington returned home from a three weeks' trip east, which included the late presidents funeral at Canton, the Buffalo expo sition, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. He was accompanied by Mrs. Manderson. To Strengths Institute. 8PRINGVIEW, Neb., Oct. 7. Dr. A. T. Peterson and Professor E. A. Bur nett of the state university addressed a farmer Institute here and the farm ers and stockmen were delighted wltlt the manner In which those gentlemen handled their subjecta. A county or ganization waa perfected which will In the future assist In creating mora Interest In the work of this organiza tion, Jv H. Myers was selected for president; E. H. Williams, secretary. p r i pong tkJ jpine ! m t 4