Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 03, 1901, Image 6

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    Old Ocean, let me spend with you
These autumn days o bright and blue,
For though your bc-ard is white, I gee
You're not too old to romp with me.
Tou play at tast, and try to reach
My feet that fly along the beach;
Then we are soldiers, and you take
The little sand forts that I make.
When In your waves I venture out
Oh, how you tumble me aLout!
For you are old, but merry, too,
And so I lose to play with you.
After Forty Yeacs.
Copyright, 1901, by Dally Story Pub. Co.)
There died not long ago in a cer
lain home for soldiers a certain mau
who shall here be nameless. He died
'n his bed at night, with none watch
ng beside him. He left no word. He
did not straggle. So nearly did the
ieath cairn resting upon him resemble
the slumber of life that one of his com
:ades, a jest upon his lips, shook him
by "the shoulder In the morning. And
Lhen the word went forth that another
orn and weary one had passed
'.hrough the Valley of the Shadow with
aut suffering, and silently the prayer
went up, "O Lord, will that as he was
taken so also may it bs with us."
They buried him with militar,y hon
ors, and then wrote to his mother an
nouncing briefly the facts. They gave
no details. And presently a letter writ
ten by the faltering hand of age was
"Tell me, please," it said, "how my
boy died, and let me know what be
longings he had."
The answer was necessarily short,
there was so little to te!L He had been
buried in his only suit of clothes.
There was a sum of money, amounting
to thirty-six dollars, in a tin box be
neath his bunk. In his valise were two
shirts, a suit of under-vear, two pairs
of socks and one brown cotton glove,
nothing more.
The official making the Inventory
contemplated the glove somewhat cu
riously when he came to it, and j
scratched his head with the blunt end
of his pencil.
"One glove," he said, half aloud
"Evidently a woman's. Wonder how It
He continued to wonder for several
days. Then the matter was explained
'x him.
A woman, leading by the hand a
:hlld, appeared in the commandant's
Dffice, seeking information regarding
:he departed soldier. She was not a
relative. Neither was she a friend
it least she had cot been a friend. She
lad known him in bis youth. She had
seen him march away to the war. She
tad not seen him since.
The official questioned her guarded
!y, and learned largely by inference,
from her replies that the soldier had
jeen her lover, but that his Idea cf
loyalty bad not been her idea of loy
vlty. They had Jived in the borderland
etween the North and the South. Her
father and her brother and another
on also wm dead, and her son's wif
and she were not In sympathy. The
child the held by the hand was her
grandchild, her one comfort. She bad
come to see the soldier who bad been
faithful to the flag of victory She had
known where he was throughout all
the years. She had saved a little mon
eyenough, if eked out by a small pen
sion, to carry two people of sixty to
the end of their lives. Would the of
ficial be so kind as to call tho soliler
at once?
The official cleared his throat vigor
ously and scowled. He always scowled
when he had a painful duty to perform
And this woman, with the love of for
ty years ago intact in her bosom, was
so pitiful a spectacle under the circum
stances that his courage was hardly
cuii 10 temng tne truth. Uut he was
not a man to shirk a duty.
"My dear madam." r.c said, "I re
gret to inform you that your friend hi
She seemed not to understand at
first; but gradually the import of the
statement was borne in upon her, and
she moaned hopelessly, trembling as
the leaf of autumn trembles In the
north wind. The official said nothing
more. He was waiting for her to
"Did did he leave anything any
thing marked for 'Sarah'?" she asked
at last.
"Not anything." replied the official.
And then, as gently as he might, he
recounted the circumstances attending
tile soldier's death.
"He went alone," whispered the
woman "alone 0 God: But you say
he left a glove?" Was it a brown
glove, such as women used to wear?" I
The official nodded.
"I have the mate to the glove," she
announced calmly, the look of weari
ness and despair coming again to her
face. "It is bloodstained and falling
apart, but I have preserved It because
something here" placing her hand
upon her breast "told me that the
other would be found some time, and
I would know the truth. And I know
the truth now."
She raised her eyes, and for an In
stant her lips moved silently.
"My husband brought it with hira
when he returned, wounded, from Shi
loh. A Union soldier whose name h
would never tell me had stood between
him and death there, fighting hard
against his own people that the reb
el's wife might not be deprived of hei
Pictorial Pujor jj
Soker I never take a drink during business hours.
lopcr How long have you been out of work?
In the Far Wet.
"How do you feel?" asked the lead
er of the mob, aftr the tar and feathers
had been applied in liberal do?es.
"Oh, I feel like a bird!" smiled the
barnstormer, glancing at the feathers.
For such wit they allowed him to
write home and tell the folks be was
leaving town by the all-rail route.
"No, Gladys McGoogle," he said In
his deep and earnest voice, "life with
out you would be of little use to me.'
"Do you mean you would take the
suicide route to escape It," the fair girl
"Yes," ha answered, "you have
guessed It."
"Revolver or rope?"
"Gas, thrn, or poison?"
He shook his auburn locks and
smiled at her baflled air.
"What, then, would you do?"
"Gladys," he slowly answered, "if
you refuse my love I will take no
chance of failure. I have determined
to let a malarious mosquito bite me.'
That fetched her. Cleveland Plain
Mo Tobeeeo at Italian Court,
The King and Queen of Italy can
not endure the smell of tobacco, and
none of their ladles and gentlemen
In waiting are permitted to smoke
when doing their turns In service, and
no smoking Is allowed In the royal
apartments. This aversion of the
royal couple for tobacco is the mora
surprising when one recall the fact
that the young queen's mother and
sisters all smoke cigarettes, that she
wag brought up at the Russian court,
where smoking by ladies is the rule
rather than the exception, and when
one remembers how passionately fond
of his cigars waa the late King Hum
Tess "I never see Miss Spinner out
wheeling that Mr. Wheeler and Mr.
Sprockett are not with her."
"Jess "Yes, she's got them both on
her string. The girls are calling het
.aiiss lanaem. nut the noes on
Individual wheel." "Yes, but she's a
'bicycle maid for two.' "Philadelphia
Tba Boo ml of West.
"I was In a little Wisconsin town
the other day," said a Boston man re
cently, "and know of a gentleman
who came there with some etock of
an eastern concern to dispose of at
par. It was good property, to be sure.
but In that one small town he sold
$G,000 worth of the stock in less than
a half day. The West Is far more
prosperous this year than last, al
though last year was looked upon at
the time as a record breaker. The
railroads are carrying a vast amount
of produce to the Orient, and, mind
what I tell you, our exports by the
Pacific coaBt before many years will
equal and surpass our exports from
the Atlantic seaboard. Only two or
three years ago nobody ever dreamed
of a mighty export trade on that side."
"You," said the angry customer to
the clerk, "said this cloth was fast
color, and it faded out within two
months after it was made up."
"Well, madam," replied the clerk, "I
don't think you ought to have expected
it to fade any faster than that."
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Cjreat I'roNperlty,
Stranger "Are the farmers thrifty
down here?"
Crawfoot "Thrifty ain't no name
for It! Why, they put their scare
crows on the railroad track, swear
they arc hired men an' then recover
damages for loss of service."
Shu Danced for Charity.
A French woman has Invented a
new plan for securing contributions
to charity. She is a great favorite
in her own circle. Recently while
staying at a country place near Paris
she attended a charily fete. One of
her men friends sought her hand for
a dance and the lady said: "With
pleasure. Twenty francs, please." "I
beg your pardon," said the puzzled
man. "I had the honor to ask you
for a waltz." "To be sure," said mad
emoiselle. "I thought It was a qua
drille. A waltz will be 40 francs."
Then she explained that for that ev
ening she was dancing for the poor
and her partners must contribute. Tho
other belles took up the idea und the
result wag a handsome increase in the
w .U..i. ue a uiny college our boy Jim is attending. He sez
... ... itniT nere met ne won in a scratch race.
"Anything marked for Sarah?"
husband. The gioves were mine. He
reached out from the ranks and pulled
them out of my hand the day he went
away to join Grant's army, and I struck
him in the face when he did it. One
of them he used to stanch the flow ol
oiood from my husband's wound, and
then stuffed it Into the pocket of my
husband's coat, where I found It The
other he kept forty years."
She quite broke down at this Junc
ture, and the official essayed to com
fort her.
"His mother still lives." he said, and
named the place. "If you wish, you
may take his things to her."
She readily accepted the commission;
but of the meeting between the two
women only themselves know.
"Evidently woman's glove."
had cone out to battle for the
south, while this man had remained
faithful to the old Has. She bad siren
him to understand plainly that he must
choose between the Has and her. And
he had chosen with maddening prompt-
Tba other man had returned from
Um war. and she had married him. He
waa sadly crippled, and her pity went
at to him, masquerading as love. That
was years ago. Her life had not been
M amhapry one, she said, although the
.atrawa face, the lack-luster area, the
slaoilag sfcoslders and the dragging
Caeasups told a story erf toll beyond
tar atraagtfe and at devotion forced
tfmi the proatptlngs of her spirit
Ear teaaaad waa dead. He had been
ha tana days ago. Her sly
When Romanes Is Kcrallnd.
The Windsor library is one of the
most perfect retreats in all England
for a rainy day, says a London news
paper. It has a superb outlook across
to Stoke and away to Harrow-on-the-
Hill, and as the privileged ladles and
gentlemen of the court loll in Its cozy
chairs, leathered in brilliant scarlet.
and rest their books upon Its polished
ebon tables inlaid with ivory, the
spirit of the past of Anne and the
duchess, of Elizabeth and her tiring
maids, of Charles II. and Lely's beau
ties aecm to pervade tne fireplace and
ore!!, alcove and mulllon. Little won
der that such a corner became a fa
vorite retreat of Sunday afternoons.
Arizona Pete What play is on tonight?
Ticket Agent "As You Like It"
Arizona Pete-Well, give us either de "Black Crook" er sumpthin with a
train robbery la It.
Fan at Newport.
Charlie (owner of the Blue Devil)
Bah Jovei Seems as though every
one in Newport is going to own an
Willie (owner nf thn niol Chii-
"Yeas, dean boy, they are spoiling th( Umn6 tha Phricl'-
Charlie "How go?"
Willie "Why, aftah while
won't be any horses to scare."
Washington, Ind., Sept 23d. Then!
Is at present, living at 108 East IStb
street in this city, a most remarkable
man. He Is Rev. C. H. Thompson, and
ho came to Washington from Llttls
York, Ind., a short time ago.
Rev. Mr. Thompson spent many
years of his long and useful life as a
missionary among the Indians of the
vest. The great exposure and th
drinking of so much bad water brought
on Diabetes, and at Wagoner, Indian
Territory, he was struck down while
Phyaldans, one of them a Chicago
specialist, pronounced his case hope
less Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom
mended, and as a last reaort he tried
them. He was completely cured, and
restored to good health and his ease
and Its cure has caused a sensation
Very Nuaplrlout.
Young Wife "How strange It is
when a man gets married all hi?
friends become invalids."
Young Hubby "I don't understand.
There are none of my friends Inva
lids." Young Wife "Then how It is you
have to sit up with a sick one every
His flllrrr Wedrilne at Ho.
Most Reverend Frederick Temnle.
archbishop of Canterbury, who Is SO
years of age, has been celebrating his
silver wedding. He was not married
until he waa 53 years of age, yet ba
is an excellent specimen of Queen
Victoria's favorite type of a bishon
and happy family man.
Hull's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitdtiouol euro. Price. 75a
' arrle.a John.
"I brought this milk back," said the
angry patron to the mi.k dealer. "It's
three-fourths water."
"John," said the milkman, sternly
to his son, who was standing near
"md you give the cowg a drink before
you milked 'em this mornltg?" Ohio
State journal.
Introduced Christmas Trees.
Empress Frederick, according to the
London Daily Chronicle, wag the
cause of the Introduction of Christmas
trees Into England, Her father, Prince
Albert. Insisted on having a German
Christmas tree with It lights and
decorations for bis baby daughter In
1840. and the fashion spread quickly.
Perfcaae This Writer Keews.
The Lapps, a people of northern
Europe, never wash. They abhor wat
er, and from Infancy to age their cloth
Ing is never changed except when It la
worn out. They wear the same gar
menu, made of reindeer skin with the
hair nest to tha flash, day and nlzht
winter and summer.
Vitality mt TyahaM Oarsss.
Typhoid germs retain their vitality
for many weeks; iti garden earth
twenty-one days; In Alter sand, eighty
two days; la dust of tha street, thlrti
days; on linen, sixty to seventy davs:
oa wood, thirty-two days; la lea, a
year or more.
it is not orteu that a fond young
:ouple will repeatedly expose them
selves to the ridicule of hundreds oi
people for the pleasure of a kiss, but
such is the case with a young man
snd a young woman who part a few
moments Derore 7 o'clock each morn-
lag at Randolph street and Columbia
svenue, says the Philadelphia Record.
The young man is a tall, handsome
fellow, who nja'to think lhre Is
no prize In the world half go fine as
the little woman who clings affection
ately to big side.
They Invariably stop at the corner
for a few momenta, chat before part
ing, and the ad look on both faces Is
almost enough to break the ice man's
heart When it Is nearly time for the
whistle to blow the young man takes
big darling tenderly In bis arms and
plants on her pretty lips a long, lin
gering kiss.
Numerous remarks, such as "Oh,
baby," and "Does you lub your hon
ey? are cast at the couple from the
mill windows, but do not seem to af
fect the young man's nerve In the
least. The crowd which assembles to
watch the occurence grows larger each
VWf LS,.
"What's de mattah wlf yo head?"
"I fell offen de roof las' week,"
"Do any damage?"
"Yesslndeed. Smashed a chicken coon an' killed twn n.iii.t.
"So your country relatives didn't
treat you well when you went there
this summer?"
"No, indeed. It was shabby per
fectly shsbby! Why, we had to come
home In two week. Instead of stsylng
six or eight as we Intended,"
"You don't say!"
"Yes. Why. they had their farm
house so full of uUUimer boarders that
Frankle and Oracle and Hamle and
Willie and I had to go to another place
and pay hoard." Boston Traveler.
A rig.
Willie WlIllsms-'MammaT"
His Mother "Well, Willie?"
Willie Wlllleme "Sister Harriet Is
a pig! She wants the biggest peach of
those two you gave us, and I want that
foi myself!" Brooklyn Eagle.
Qslefc Bate KipeaUd.
Stubb "I see the Younger brotheri
are going to sell tombstones."
Penn "Hope to goodness Tm not
around when they start to create a
Nataral Inferenre.
Stubb "Our foreign cousin lg gt
ting more Americanized every day "
iM!u ',T.,,ed.bl0ck ,n C'co he asked
aiaerman lived there. Ex
Aula Damage Hrlrk Paving.
A curious menace to brick street
paving has come to light In Council
BluBs, la. Numerous ants . began
burrowing into the sand beneath the
bricks and removed so much of it
to other and unknown quarters that
the city engineer was called In to re
pair the damages. One street was
made unlit for travel for several
Incubator Triplets.
The triplets of Morris J. Cohen, who
were sent from New York to Buffalo
to be placed In the baby Incubator
there, are expected homo in a few
days. The little things not only lived
but have more than doubled in weight
and are as fine a collection of babies
as could be found anywhere. They
would undoubtedly have died bad it
not been for tho Incubators. Tho
triplets are the first in this country
o.iu me second in tne world to
torougn me incubator process.
Indies Caa Wear Shoes.
One size smaller after usinirA Hen's foot
Ease, u powder. It makes tight or new
shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot. sweating,
aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and
bunions. All drurgixts and shoe store,
21c Trial puckage r'KEE by mail. Ad
dress Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Uoy, N Y.
Won Ills Wagsr,
A wager was made by a resident
of Indon that he could cook a plum
pudding ton feet beneath tho surface
of the Thameg. He won the bet by
placing the pudding In a tin case and
putting the whole In a nark nr iim
The heat of the lime, slacking when
coming In contact with the water,
wag sufficient to cook the pudding la
two hours.
7rcbli4raa taait'ag. aafMsa tba guma, r4 n-a ta
tsaasiallga, slaia pais.osraa wind colic Sfeabotue.
'Heart shakes" are anllta
radiate from the center to the circum
ference of a tree.
Credit Where ae.
.TU.?.Vr!.ben.vry Mecasaful this
iT '. u "eatrlcal
'""" tne manager. "I
twk my lucky star. for that" 'w
We thank you for trvinv ufi.as. mi
for rbeumatlgm or neuralgia, then you
will thank us. Ask your druiL '
Live aa 0 a Tear.
Life on W a year was the experience
?L U T""n. chairman of the
tendon county council, when, at the
1 "J' cre' beg" In Olae-RT-JI
Tor.r"c md" MO meet all
his needs, and he bought a book or
S.e.TL v dmln Punctuality.
w'kror,t0ry W,U B0
r, - - t ." .'s