j i t v fl at I' 4 u i: hi m tot PO tt tarwn I Mr.L Mr.! . stent ERiriDS. , IswibOWALWlllMblldi your brand, like fata fort (or KlM. per Tear. Each ad Maal tfond 7t cent. Every rarnter or fawfcaji la Htvqx aad adjoining counties, fbMM MH tbelr brands in TheJocb L a It clivitlute all over the state. It eaavy ba tha Eaim of saving money for you 1500 REIV1R0. (. Mrr UM arret mod conviction of any party jWpaitf stealing or diafla; uring any brand oa stock belonis( to the umlernixued par r. E. JASDT. Snuaa 60, 117. an hip of Cattle, foci Oeunty, Nebraska. on left hip OB left Jaw, I J fl en aj Fowl CHBvc, Bowitt, JOHN T. SNOW. Hot branded on loft anoul der branded on left shoulder and Cattle p 1 1 on left tide. FIX Post Office Addresa, . Patrick, Laramie. Co. Wyo. 0 'gkoiige SWAKijOX. Pur proof to co.ivict any peraou of steal ' nig, altering, ruuniug oB or la uy way damaging stock nntoded side or hip. right Address, Jahus Foara, Uaniiton, Neb. A.T. HI GHSOS. Brand couibi doubl. of cattle. Horse aanx shoulder. ut out right! laaaWkaaaW V'a 4aa I in left side right ear cattle. Cattle all dehorn Kajige on Kyle Creek, Pout Office, (ilea Nebraska LAUSrETEKSEN Cattle braaded I ""I on lull hip also Cattle branded Range on Soldier Uk and White Illwr. Address, Glen, Nebraska. Foreniau. FRED MiHON. fQ -"-id. BEKT EAUNKST. I ( ; Cattle, branded on left hip and same on the it-it jaw, and name on Home. Alo llurtto branded Dalit branded stvrse branded on left side on left shou ltter, range on SoMier Creek. , Any t,ock branded a above being eotray m9 from my range, discovered by any body W'glv!; me Information will be rewarded. Address, Ft. Kobtnon, Nebraska. J. B. PARKER. on left jaw, shoulder or flank. Also llors branded I Till on left Hunk and on left shoulder. Range on head of Van Tawtell creek, Wyo. "Host Ofllce addrea, llarrijn, Seb. Press-Journal Thursday, SEPT. 26th 190t Ueo. A. Phlpps, Editor. ENTERED IN THE POST Ol TICK AT HAK SisoSJitBK. ASSECOiiu i'l.Ans HATT & OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Dollar Per Year. UUEWsTEK A Co. tar branded on (battle same on left rfheep barnded aWk of Hheep. Range on Soldier Creek and White Uiver. Addreaa, FL Robinon. Nebraska. left shoulder and hip. on beck or on JOHN A: HANSON riT. n . .in i ii if 6irna the follow Ag brand on eiub- leo HO on cat si and horses dattle on leftside horses on left afeoolder. Range on Silver Bpringa and east of taw ihu. PostoSce Harrison Neb CHARTS NEWMAN. I The brand represented tn this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, aud ever lap oat from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of norms, belongs to the undersigned. Raaare near East Springs, south part fe ftOOX county. Chaklkk Ntit, Harrison, Sebranka. Cattle brand ed same a that on cut, either left hip or on left shoulder. TS2 Horn's branded with any of above brand. Address, J. A. A.-ciikiusoji, Harrison, Nebrahka. KOIiLRT F. NKRCE. Cactle Branded Range on on lft Ride on left h Alv) Cattle braaed slionlder or side. Range on Running Water. P. o. Addrem AgKte, sebrajika. OUR TICKET. For Supreme Jude Conrad Hollenljeck, of Fremont, For Regents of the State University Fred G. Hawkhy, of Nemaha County. J. H. Bftyston, of Fronteir County For County Clerk and Clerk of tlie Uia tnct Court W. J. A. JUunv For County Trestsurer John Serrett. For County Jude W. O. Patterson. For County Sheriff Alex Lowry. For Sujit, Pdblic Instruction M. Pounds. By Peiition, J. B. Burke. F or Surveyor M. Ruffing. For Coroner P. Lacy. Now that the campaign is fully on, it leuooves the Candidate!) and frieuds o .lie reformers to tret to work. There i no policy which could be pursued at all lines in trie political arena which ismon lalal than Inactivity. The tune iif now pe for action and as the old axiom, "A things come to him ho wnits," haa n,.. place in politics, it is well for the work ers on thin ticket to take off their coats and go to work bjirveslmj; their crop ot .'otes. It won't harvest itself and n ne else can do it for you, although .vol nught to pet your friends to work. You .re the ones wnh whom the question o dife.it or triuniph. re.sls and if it nit.u.s success, as it undoubtedly will if you .vork, you must go to worn. You cau t lie idle and get any reward. KEILJODRAX. i S" I PUP j J.8. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder pt horse left Ride of eattle. And this LaJ At on I i on r.gni siae 4 right side of cattle too. And Cattift branded side, and Horw. ou ki t Horwj and cat tle branded on either side same on cut. on lelt Jaw. Ml Address, Botlarc, Nebraska. The asylum at Norfolk a burned to the ground Monday uight. The lox iov era 150,009 und not a cent of insurance. 1 begins to look as if the Republican, would have to release Hartley jiain u they make up in ev.n a amull meamirc what their administration has destroyed for the state, Tiiere will be a r;ch luir vesl fr the contractors. 11E.VBY WARMKKE. Mange ea White Rlrer, near Glen. Post Office address. Glen, Nebraska. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. W Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek ot liora., Range on Peep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co,. J, II. HaLBKBT, Foreman, Glen, Nebraska. us ROtTBRKT IK). Oattl brand f ! aaaie as that r dta eat mi eith r . ' V Sid at anl- . Cattle brand ed on left side. Range on Running Water (reeek. WP. 0. Addres Harrinon, Nebraska. FRANK KUTTO. Cattle branded aide and same on der of horses. Alro some of the Horses tie are bran ,ed on aid shouMpr somti as dworib aljove baaud. on the left left shoul- m and Cat. nnrl the ed Jor the Is thtra a more u. .ja.ing exhtliit. it narrow partisan rmlitir-s on ri-cu than the reply of tha clKiiruian of the Re ublicnn sui ce(itr.l C'niimittee to t iiairmao of (he De:ncrat rntnilcoi. rnittee in regard to calling ou" the cam paign ia Ohio. Address, Harrison, Nebraska. Aad following on Am aide or eattle. V txli "t? mm a lBkia a. .H SAMCELKNOKI. Cattle branded any where or left side of the Anttsja Faroltar of Taliw. In 1&68 a piece of antique furniture was sold ly a gardener of Geneva SwlUerland, to an antiquarian for un der 11, with toe reservation that If It was aold for a higher price the original owner (should receive a portion of the same. It was recently sold to the Swiss Historical museum for 1,250, acd now the heirs of the original owner are claimicg a share of the a&ove sum. The furniture la a unique speci men of the Eernots art of the Sixteenih. century. Atod thl 0 on left side of she stock. 4ad tkU f j oa left sida and hi p. Caage on Running fitrr. I adi'resa, Harrison, Ni'l.rssWa. D. Mason. VamdadJ a Eon am iaft side ntng Water AAdram Mala, Neb. J. IMVMt. Gmtotr 19 IJCFT AIDE ara4aa. a, iirtra Range on Prai rie 1:ok and Von roe Creek. Address, Harrison, Nebraska ANDKKW CHRISTIAN Cattle brand ed on left side same a ent and hors's branded on left should same as rut r the property of Andrew Christian and range tributary to Van Tame Kpritiga. Address, Klrtlev, Wyo. Kor branded rasvl! on right thirh and shoulder and branded fO on right Jaw Also, I bare air, lloraa branded onlafttlrlgb FoslOlRe Addres, Hartf, Wo at Co, Nslmaka "flow kiraag Ijh'I Do Aet," Mr. Stuyveaant Flsb, a short time ago, lccogtita, did a slight act of char ity or a poor Ignorant woman, who. on meeting Mrs. fish the second time, bluntly asl;ed her name. Jilrs. K!su tod her, whereupon the woman opened br eyea ride ia astonishmeat ' aud eiclalnisd: ".Viet, Mis. i'lnh, the My'." "I haps sn," replied l'i:n. TWu with a smile. "Dear me." na!d the psr- Iplcxed woman, whoe iot In life hi1 made her sadly psitslra'.sUc, "hov stianga soma Indies do act uowadjn:' Now York Timts Costly Cherry Flo, Cherry pie was the causa of the cap tore of two bouse breakers at Hutch inaon, Kan., a few days ago. Th.) broke Into Mr. King's bouse. Mr Kint was np stairs arid managed to gel to r telephone without alarming the burg lars, and eal.d the police, who cam in a few minutes. The bti!ars wr shout to leave, but siw a cherry pie on the table and loitered to eat and the police caught them. The penltonflary will be the price of th ola. (Juo. W. Lull", 1'ewitni.i. Mich., writH "Your K'slol iMspej "i;t ("ure is tha 't remedy for indij""'!") nnd a Osnn'h 'rouble that I aver used. ' For yean suffered from ('yspejisia, at timaa OOTi ;elii me to tay in bed and cauaii f m untold airor.y. I mm completely tura by Kodol DyspHia Cum. In rm Otn mending it to friends who suffer fi .h i i digestion I alwnys offer to pny for it n . fails. Thus far I have Bv.-r paid." J. E. I'hinoey, A WELL-CUAPOEO FIRfcHOUSE. Mil la t Pal Oiwnlog an il All lrrotMto1 Agalatt Moqalto and rllot. A New Yorker who chanced upon the house of Truck $ of the Jersey City Ore department ia Wayne Etreet, Jer sey City, found there something that he had never seen in a fire-house be fore, namely, a completely wire acreened bunkroom, every opening, in cluding cot only the windows and doors, but the openings around the sliding poles as well, being perfectly guarded. The screening of the win dows and doors is done la the usual manner. As to the sliding pole open ings there are placed in them screens set horizontally, dividing in the mid die around the pole and opening down ward on spring hinges. These screens open readily under the fireman's weight and close up instantly after him when he has passed. The purpose of the screens here was to keep out mosquitoes, of which, as Is more or less commonly known, thore are now and then to be found one or two in Jp'fey; but they serve also with equal effectiveness to keep out files, of which there wan not a single one to be soen in the hole, big buakroo.n on the occasion of this vinit. It might inci dentally be mentioned tfcat the com pany in whose house tlb'se screens were seen Is the h!shest-mir.:bered truck company In the Jersey City fire department; that lis truck Is of the latest model with every sort of up-to-date equlpnicrt, including a 75-foat ex tension lart'ler and that It Is drawn by a team of three big horses driven abreast, all quite in the metropolitan fashion, and finally that Capt. Cole man and the men of h!a company are as stalwart looking a lot of hreiuen as anybody could wish to see. New York Sun. THE DEUTSCHL AN D'S LARDER. IAst of th Provision Carried far a Trip Over Ocean, For the lover of statistics for their own sake, and Incidently for the man who likes to eat well, the list of the contents of an ocean liner's larder ia attractive reading. Hero for Instance is about the average supply aboard tha Deutscbland at the beginning of ever." voyage between this port and Han burg, and, of course all the other b!;; ships are provisioned In about the same way. In the first place there Is forty tons of Ice to keep things eat able and drinkable, and these are th things that were on the lea on a rccer. trip across: fourteen beeves, te;i calveB, twenty-nine sheep, twenty-si lambs, nine hogs, 1,500 chicken:;, geese and game birds, 1,700 pounds o! fish, 400 pounds of tongue and sweet breads, 1,700 dozen of eggs, fourteer barrels of oysters and clams, 175 bar rels of potatoes, seventy-five barrels c other vegetables, twenty crates of to matoes, and celery, 200 beads of lettuce ninety barrels of flour, 600 pounds of oatmeal ond" hominy, 1,300 pounds c' butter, 2,200 quart of milk. 300 quarti of cream, 1,000 big molds of Ice cream four tons of fruit, 12,000 quarts of wi.i. acd liquor, 15,000 quarts of beer an; 400 tons of drinking water. Of oourr all of this is not used on each trli hut enough is carried to provide liberal margin. New York Sun. WanU Womo a Jurors. A French deputy has announced his Int'nti'inof brhiglngln a bill tn Parlia ment making It not only admissible but legally obligatory for women to sit aa jurors. He proposes that all juries shall be required to consist of six good men and true and alx women similarly qualified. Prldnnt Lonbt lMllks Crem-3ey. President Ixmbet. of France, ia driv ing his master of ceremonies to de spair, it Is said, as be will have nu ceremony at all and will not even per mlt visitors to be presented to him by the usual form of announcement. Ifwpsr Woman Appointment. Mlsa Ida May Jackson of Mi!ul:e was recently appointed, under the r.e law of Wisconsin, woman factory in apector, end will be the first woman in the state to take up official work o( thia kind. Her grandfather was an editor, and she baa been doing news, paper work for a dozen years past. f WBSTfltal I jUttTJIsaUED 1! E W CVI.TION Webster's International Dictionary Nw Plata Throughout 25,000 New Words Pfcraaos a4 Deflaltleae t Prepared under the direct auperviaion of W. T. HARRIS Pb.D., LL.D., United Itatea Commiasioner of Education, aaaiated by large corps of . competent specialists aad editors. Kick alaalne. 0 1144 Pas a llluetrailene stottaw Than Ever for Homo, School, sad Offlco. Ws tlM publish Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with Glosrff Scottish Word so4 Khr. " First da la elitr, coad das la sis." tpsrlssaa pat, tc. ot both book a oa application. O.AC.MEIUUAM CO. Publisher Sprlngflolsl, Mao. M a r ste Her B r o s . Are now prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE OK ran est ie.il! School Shoes Ask hr Stli "Litwrry Bslt Sell "ksmbier." Sell RlrsL" It is a problem solved in Shoe Economy wrlu a hand some balance at the end of the year when fitlz Bchool Shoes are purchancd exclu sively for the children. No manufacturer in tne world builds a lice of shoes as extensive durable handsome and low pricod as the Bels Children's Hlioes -thia year. Look for the lign of "Seh." II mark tl PopukrDealer. Belie Shoe for Men, Women and Children are Satisfactory Shot Price Q ual i t y Com fort Style. SELZ, SCHWAB & CO., Chicago Urgut Manufacturer of Boob and Shoe 1b the World. r-lWu''VyT niJhe Oommorcie! Bank.1- HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIBECTOBS. .'. F. Cofkke, President. F. V,T. Clarke, Caahier "has. C. Jamkso.v. II. S. Clarke, A. McGinleyJ tockmen liavinp; uho for a bank at this point may rely ok m to handle their entire Hanking bufinrs. :iVe ar4 prepared to take care of our trade at all times ; THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drills, Drii'ist's Sundries, Hriints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOks and STATIONARY. . J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietof. 1 ItlDGR AGEHT8 V7AUTE0 one in each town to ride and exhibit sample loot model bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN JWC 10 Tl 50 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. IOOIUedol$:$IOfo$IO 'O0fi'00Llcdols.$7t$l2 SSfiad?wr Ca rlultnl?$3 fa 0 BtanT aood as orw We ahip any bicycie QN APPROVAL,, anyone wiltwut a cent cUpoait tn advance mad allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. no riitfc in orderinff from us, as you do not need to pay a n If th hicvrle cioea not auit VOU. Maifi niiy !"! until 70a have written tor em hUl BUI FACTOtV WCti nd Mil TSIAL SfFU. liberal offer bas never been equaled and la a fjuaranlm of the quality of oar wheels. - . T a reliable person in esch town to distribute cataloraea for aa ha bicycle, Write today lor Ire cataiogaa ana our speaai ooei. Don't be tiati!ii witii temponirv re ef ftoni im!ij:"Ktion. KuM l)yiu ure rtimnvuil V rt-llet atnl Ccnn.,;lc. nove liiiH complaint. It n lifvcs p',i laiit'nlly iicf-aiiso it allows the tire 'omnrli perfect real. Ifietintr wr,' ;fit the Nloflincti. Nature recieves t,ti le from tl, food we e.it. TIih aennil.I -rtv in Iwlrv llw- Kln.iini'h Ih la tv K'ui'( nliaCur, whi, h lif;sta wliatyoi, lit ond ran'. blp lint do you (food. J. Phinnev . T. T. TliomiiH. KiMnplerville, la.,' HMiiillVrcnn(? from dyspepnia wlipn j ommeni-ei! t:ikin( Kmiol lypeptiii l.'ur t' k auveral l,ottl:a find run dieitt ani, lir,;.' Kodol L)yHspin Cure in 1 1 1 ily pr-pration containing all the ni oil dilutive fluid. It ifivex wf:il fonitirliN nntire rest, tutoring tliuir imt alcomtidoH, i, E. Poinoey. Hfn'y Hraji'on, 1 'arris, N. G, 'I tofk iiici'ii ine 20 yenra for usthuma 'U! on- bottle of One Minute Cough Cure id nip mora good than anything elm) iiricg thiil time. liest Cough Cora." J. E. Phiuney. Mnriy plnsitiiunH are now rirrscrihing odnl l, pepnift Cure rfl;ularly, haviiur oiind Una it in ti e next prBwriptiou hey cm write, Icuhh4) it is the one in j uihi Sun whit-li cmiliids the elomen!l ierKMtry lo(l,gt not only some londs of fixnl hut all kii.dtir and it therefore nrnh indigentlon and dysisiii, no mat' r wl,t lit! :(iu. J. E. I'liiuoey, North-Western LINE . E. M. V. R, K. ia the beat to aml from the BLACK HILLS, lKAOW(XJi AND HOT IPKINI.A. SOUTH DAKOTA. r.lLmX. V U. A. Hate ubU. (loins- West. (Joins; Mart Ha. ft, inlrc'l. IO:fO I No. , mlxod. 7:tS J. l. I'rurtor. ('utile llrsnili ,! 111 left hip, AIm lforsisi lrnlr'l tlio ' " left shoulder. K.ti,KS 2 mile flonthw.'it of And re, I i 1 1 I I Harrison, Nl 3D CYCLE GO., Chiesso. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It .artificially fjigetthe food and aids I Nature Id atrcngtbeniug aud recon j atructlng the exhausted digestive or i gaos. It lathe latt-&Ldl$covoteddlget aut and tonic, no other preparation can approach it ia efficiency. It In siantiy relieves awl perrnaneDtlycuret Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Vial iilenrn. Sour Stimarh Kanara, I Bick i!ead;ichc, Gastralgla Cramps ana ail otner resu 1 ts 01 imperfect digestion. PrleeSOe. and 11. trfeiUaconulntMttnat mall alas, liook all abuUtdyipepdamaliaxUrae (Vapored by C. C DeWITT ACO. Cblcafat. r A 1 ".! '