Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 29, 1901, Image 8
,, .... , - A ' t;1 r V V " i - I' i r" STOCK BRANDS. MXDUilll nubiisb jroarbnui1,ltk-j 'oiiewieic forCtoe. Pr vear. -acn so stitmiisl flmrl "1 - hvrrr farmer m gamins en in Haas an eajoisrea .,..- twaM dvrlle ttoir brands m THeJoCe jpalas it eirealute nil over tlie state. U Ity be the eeai;s of savin money ter you For proof W nmvwt ny persou .of .Mm! Iiik. nHerinx, ruiuiHvj on or ii suy wuy dniilKne "U'li bnustwl, sluisorirlp. 1 pr w rlski Prss-Journal TbltdaT .Aixsvkt 29th 1901. S5C3 REWARD. r th arrest and eenvietlon of any party jV pantos stealing or dtsflgurtng any brand 4n stoek.btsouglag tote undwsigued par Adilrara, J ivu Koacr., lIsrrlwMi, Urtx. A. T. lit tllS. Fir uud s-ombl doubU-etttawSS of ciiUAe. Horses nun houl'Wr. t ut right! MM. on ief lily r.t J.irivt GO. 117. -Hi oft blsof Cattle. JVat OJBce. Hewitt. ftp, Cranty, Nebraska. JOllX T- SNOW. arasuled on left slioal-fsr sfjrT .branded n Jvft shoslder J and Cattle "Me. ft Office Address. fatrtck. Laramie C. W yo- kvUM toranded jKrss branded I".. H lun leftside jUr. fflnr " Sotdha1 Creek. Any alik'k branilil a above being eatray ya4 from my rarf, diaevrereil by any body firing me tafruiatioa be rewardml Add raw. Ft. HubliHWO. Nfliranka. ,i. B. PABKKK. flume branded on Qattl aame on Jft kM batHdedK jkek of Skeea. tangn Soldier Creek and White Itivor. ' Add rem, ft. Uoblnmn, Mebraaka. It itoMlder and Hip. on i'&tik-r on DO m U-lt ide mi rlKlit ear cuttkt. . A. ritiiiii. Editor. KSTKUf.lt IN THE rXtST Of t lfK AT HSU UlOS XtllU. AHfKlXJ.XO C1.A MATrfcU battle all dchurui-d UaiiKe on iyle 'reK, foal OtOcu, UlfM tiebraka LA US PfCTKKSKN. Cattle Jbra.tded Cattle bran dad ou leit tap ttinu on l-f t iKide. BjuiK" 0,1 Midler l ri'tk und VV liite Iliver. AiUrow, Uien, Ncbraiika. i Korrmuu. Vkuo Hasom. BKKT E A US EST. M Cuttle branded on left bip aud itmron tlit- lelt jliW. Mild Millie on Home. AVuo brnnded DO on Iff t ja, lmnldr or flunk. Also Hore branded I'll I on loft fl.iak and I all on li lt a'.iualder. HanKron Iwedof Van Tawwll creek. Wyo. Ul't I )fnt-e aUdreii, Harrison, Xeb. HKKWSTKK A to. Cattle brand ed same ae that est, cither left bip or on left ehonldcr. 1 1 or wt branded with any of aboa brandit. AddreiM, J. A. Amdmiiok, HarrlMui, Nebnaeka. EOltKliT P. KKEt.'K. OFP'ICIALr PAPEK OF SIOUX COUNTY. Dollar Per Year. M4fcetalkMr- e aaS'borM.- YatUeoa leftside hm -am ieU kwulder. Baatae oe Silver Sprinrj" and cant of uiw fmm. foatoffloa Harrlaoa Keb CHABMW MEWMAM. 91m brand represented In tbae notice And branded amy wbere on left aide mt cattle, aad'r-lap:t from the rlKbtear, Aleo tlw tame brand on left thlgb or ttoraee, belongs to the andereigned. near East Springs, aoatb part to laty. CWAAUH Ncwatu, llarrlxin. Kebraaka. Cattle Brnled KanKe on TO on left Hde on left k Aleo Cattle hraard ahoaldvr or aide. Kaage on Running Water. 1. o. Addre Agate, wbranka. SEIL JOItRAN. tl . o PUR iaafwj 4.8, TUCEE8. f I Braaded en left abonlder ni bareea 1 land on left aide of cattle. UAsdtkta Tl on rifbt side I I right aide of cattle too. rCaag.a White BWer, wear filen. Poet Mm addreas, lilen, Xcbraeka. IMtCr OBERK LITE STOCK C. Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left rheek of Henea. Ran ire on iteeaCreec. Adaaat. teea Creek Live Stock W J. 1L iftLBsar, rareinan, (iien. N-braeka.v A. BoimBtw mm. jdatdtiaiiaaamipa fap eatUe. EE Horte and rat tle branded on either aide mine a on eat. A REMARKABLE RECORD While in Uie city l&xt Mond ay, Judge Westover was interviewed by a Pkb- JK'HNAL repreeentttlive aud aome inter esting facts were given out by the Judgv lie wan asked if he would be a cauidate for leelection and lie replied tliut that would depend entirely on circumsUtncei. lie aaid tliat us the rUtules absolute ly forbid hii heius engaged in aivy otlitr buiuuest it would leave hint at tlw end of hit second 'arm witb'iut stny buHiueta to fall hack on. la lhi light there Are several things which have len accotn- pli-died by Jud'e Vetover which are worthy of notice. He has inaguritd the plan of culling a new panel during the Mime term of count when a jury disueea. Thin nave a greuZtexpeQxe to the county as under the old plan the unuiinulN of tins district were able to bribe one or two jurymen every term and thus keep lite case dragging on along from term to term with an end law xpeow and which eventually defeulod justice. The plan of calling a nw jury iiuuiediatly was au movation in the ta.ie ami id liZS bee: decided to be legal by the supreme court. Since Uieo luany. of the judges over tle state have followed tins example. Another movement which he hot in augurated hits proved to be worth a great deal of money to Hie cattle men of Uii district. This it changing the sentence of eat tie thieves (raui 1 to 3 years, which it waa foniierJj, to frviuii to 8 ) ears which it if now. During the five years Judge Westover has been on the boch the number of Supreme Court reversal of hit decision lias been lower than that of anv other Judge in the stale. Only 3 per cant of his decisions have been reversed. With all these matters in hut favor it is rot unlikely that the cattlemen of tliia judicial district will demand that Judge Westover be reelected when bis Wnn expiies io order Uutt their interests be guarded in the future at they have in Um pa-4. Convention Calls. Democrat.- TJie voters of the Democrat party of Si;s Ccasy sr !f"b called te nifet in jleMgate convention to be said at llamaoo, Nehr. on Haturday Sept. 7lh, 1WU at 11 o clock a. m. lor the purpo of electing delegatus to represent said county at a state convention of said Kirty W be held at Lincoln eitr. on Tuesday Sept. 17, 1901 and for the pur pose of placing in nomination cauidates for the following couuty officers. County Treasurer, Supt. of fuUic County Clerk, Instruction. Slieri.?, County Surveyor, County Judx'e, County Coroner. Ttie rvpreHintHtion to the convention U be based on the votes cast for W, I). Uldliam at the general election of 1900, aod to be appointed at follows: one del egate t large for each precioct and one for each 10 votes or major fractiou there of mo caat, which entitles tht rrs-t tive precincle to delegates as follows: Antelope . 2. Andrews 2. Bo en 4. Cottonwood r. Hat Craek 3 Mob t rose 4. Uuning Witter '2. Sl-p Creek 2. Siiiike Creek 2. Sugar Loaf 8. WarlJounet 4. Whistle Creek S. White River 8. It ii recoinended that prwsnctcauciiaes in the respective preciiicto be held on Wednesday, Sept 4. t. E. M irsUller, Sec. And Cattle branded side, and ilorausou left on Ictt Address. Boilarc, Sobrsska. HEX BY WAKSKKE. Sat tie brand ed on left aide. Uange on Rnnniag Water Creeek, !. O. Address Harrison, Xebraka. ritA5K Nt'TTO. Cattle branded side and same on der of boraea. Also some of the liotwa tie Hre brnnded on ld' slionldn MHne as deecrlb alore tmaad. on the left left shoal- sad Cat. atid the ed for tlie Populist. Tle voters of the Peoples IndepaVtrlent Party of Sioux County are hereby -.aJled to meet in delegate coe. ventiou to tie held at Harrison Nebraidoi on Saturday Sept. ;tb.l90i at 1 o'clock P. M. for the pur pose of electing delegates to represent wtid county at a stale convention of iid party to be held nt Lincoln Nebr. on Tuestlay 8pU 17Wi 1901 him! for the pur ( of placing in noiuination caoid.-ile for tlie following couoly officers; County Treasurer, .Supt. of Public County Clerk, Iostrmrtioo, Sherilf, County Surveyor. County Judge, County Coroner, The representation to the convention to be based oo all lh votes cast for W. A. Poynler at tlie general Election of 1900 aod to beappoited at follows; one delegate at large for each precinct and one for each 10 votes and major fraction thereof so cant, which entities the raecl i v precincts to delegate us follows: ELZ Marsteller Bros, ReccomcntlToMen Wlio Desire Quality, FOR MEN. 2 Twentyigbi year, of gf uoceaniui snoo ounuing in Ive great factories rep resents satisfaction to millions of shoe wenrcrs. Every pair of 81 Meo't PineBhoea fully illustrate this fact They make your feet look well, no mutter what site you wear, and combine the extreme of tyle with perfection of comfort and weariogvaVua C!N Q9UJTIES LOsV PRICES. Look for the titn o?"Selr"-H marts the Popular Dealer. Selx shoes for Men, Women and Children ".. e . Satisfactory Shoes-Price-QuaUty-Comfort-btyle. asaaoa sen "U.SM site." SELZ, SCHWAB & CO-. 4 11 LV1 IM II -i The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. NESRASKA-.. DIBECTORS. C. F. CtKKKl PlKHi'lt lH. F. W'.C'i-arkk, CaMklwr . Chas. C, Jamksux. 11. S. Clarkk, A. 'MKiixLsr,'' Addeem. llsrrlaon. Mehraska. AML KI. KNOVI. Cattl X branded any where on left side of tbe animal. Bange oa Prai rie l og aud Mob roe Creeks. n ya left aid of she stack. alaftBUtowidblB. WstW. Ussviaan.' Xeisrsabs fUl. MADOX. f '- a. .WAJWt,Mb trrr- 4 .-J Address, Harrison, Nebraska AHJKW CiimHTlAM "A ' Iritis brsad I in i sd on left .1-1 id Id 1 mm" "x V- -i i "UA brandsd osi .3. , left ahoald sum as eat ; taw praaartf of A ad rev cbrtatsM aad raas trtbatary to Vsw Tbm1 aBrlngi. Add rms, ' Kirtary, Wf. n- r-1 mm4rmm I ImuttifAUm Mm, I bassi P I tart t bid aS AsansW ' mu $it Of f m& A WORLD POWER "By their fruits ve shall know theoi." Not very long since the world stood as tounded while the drama of tlie Dreyfus affair was being enacted in France. It revealed a rotteoess which was revolting and nateout to caliized Christian fieopte and all united in condeming such a state of affairs. Many marveled that such conditions a were revealed by this affair could exist ia an army of a world pow or." But it was only an incident which illustrated the truth of the familiar ex tract from holy writ. The fruits of a stamlinx army with its destmtism and with its honeycombing of jealously, hatred, and - preditistice. are bound to bring suffering unspeakable by the 'under dogs." It is tlw ta roe rotteoess which was eating at the cor of tint empires of old when they were "world powers' aod which eventualiy caused their downfall aod demolition. It is only a abort time tine we heard the talk about our being a "world power' aud right imi the heels of this boast we svne vwtupe!!sd to !a.x a jutwauou ia tbe Atuericua navy winch makes every true Americau Uutt) with aJutOJ. At JUauo cyM. Dape-v expressed it recently "The least said about it, the better. But why hale Uie matter uoder a cloak of sijeoce? That wilt frtiMnly not wipe to slant trod Amaru hobor. Vvei-y effort is being made by tbe ad miuittratioa at Wasluugtou to alaiw in the luveali galiofl which is pendiug that Adiniral MtoiwOt, who is tuatr favorite wai properljr rewarded for wincing baise front which be waa absent, aad that Aduiirml HUiley who we oo the grouod. aud fougul a stiouessful battle, was a coward. Hurely Utssst are fruits winch will lead Um world to say that the tree which bore them niiwt be of Uie w bm family which oaatad their ntUr ooaUmpt before. If the fruit of being " world power" are all like Una, Amrkxtli people will uerUsioly we just ifleel is fWesstslieg Uwt we he tifwrtiiuisx P. T. Thonw, ttuNaptereille, Alt., "I was Miffrrinf frota dyspepsia mkm 1 potnitatsjd ukiiMtKsi-i Uyuyei Cure I toek wvermJ huui hmJ -:.o digeat aay litlag." Xade. JJJ imi. Cur ia tbe otuy PTeptmUOw e-i,Mg all U uat rai sfljeaetiire lua-a. U give ftmk eteeyti tm mttm reai. at turiag Utstrdttv-ittJA-EV-J.r-dwf Andrews 2. Antelope 2 Boweo .8. CottoBweod 3 Hat Creek 5 Montrose 4. Suar Loaf 3. Blwep Creek 2. bnake Creek 2. War Bonnet ' 4. White Biver 4. Ruuing Water ' 2. Whittle Creek 2. It it recuomniende-J that the Pre inn caucuses b held on Sept 4 lt!0L J. U. Mernam, Sec. OFFICIAL DECISIONS. By the Supreme Court, Till department is established by the Co. Supt. a. the beat means of f uruishuig Info. ttiatlon to tejcber. and aeiiool patrous. These decision, will uppvar from time to time aud should be preserved by Wio . taabef s and school patrons forrefereuu. ' It it decided that the auliioAty of the voters at Um anuual meeting to vote to an mmsl srhcrs suvh a v-;s i taken or no acliou at nil is taken at the Annual Sleeting regarding school for Uie ensuing year, It become lite duly of the Board io such District to provide suffcient school to entitle such District to its share of the apportionment or Uie State school fund. Where Uie eld Director refute to turn over tbe books and retard bsloagu.g to Um District, a writ of Mandamus will compel aval Director to surrender the lUcordetothe n.wly elected Director. It is not necessary ror Um oewly elected Director to apssjar ia person to deiuaud thee bookt. A written order to that affect is sufficisttt. A contract is just a htadiag o Us ttatteraiti4M tbe District. Wl.il the Court might refwee to eaforoe nm--lOc parforoMtac on the part of tltsMV r, it woolsl at stast sraee tbe aeosaiae not to leaven iwhr derusg Um tiNwe roeeretl by saad cofciraet by graaueg iajaaction. 6 19 If II N. i Hi n 1 I 1 ll IM IH I S.U' I J.LC2AD OYOLE 00 CL'" Stocknien lia-vhir? uw for a bank at tliw pfiint may relj ot us to 'handle their entire Hanking l)iiximK Ve are prepared to take care of our trade at all times z ttti? DrnwrrD im a mi a nv Druiis, DruKSfisit's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY: J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. DpniBEIl A6EHT0 17AOT in each town to ride and exhibit a atsrple tooc Uccle of oar manufacture. T0U CAM IUI tM Tl V If V fM A wXEK becidet having a wheel to ride for ywtrmiL IU v IAAI n.J.l.la.lrtairin 1. rIO i ILU1 U.I3wVraA4M.aPIU PIJ 'COG'CDCcicbiiSTfwSe aiwi3se53to We ship any' tycto'pM AFPAOVAL ryoaa tttiavoii. a eml deumt in odncmet aad auow 10 DAYS FT.EE TOIfiL. 3 1 no rfjJk in ordering from us, ae yon do not naed to pay f ts4 that the AattrleaM ae awra eivll I eVaeaa taaa t d Um'.: affchiveteat ahrart a4t a-H tkaf af IBs? ffiraatttt( aaato eBa Jst tw $sttastatea. Don't li satistloJ with temporary re lief from imligeHlion. Kodol l)yesiu Cure armanentlr relief niwl completely moves this complaint. It relieve per manently br ails it allows the tired j stomach perfect rest.' Dieting won't i rest the stomach, Nature rec-ieves sup plies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help th stomach is to us Kodol mm Dyspepsia Curb Obests vht you eat TtaninlsJIAlarestatrui fond asatfy A oysfiepsiaure, vrtm n H!-1 -ie.i )i,m f SUBT .0 gtrBCgtPCOlCg OSQ netha eat nod ran' E. Pliinoev. iielp but uo OU gi,3. J. A FREE PATTERN ivtmr os. selenui I ererf safe. scrisrr, .fair jv ol s . truetlnf th ezbaiuted dlfaitle i t i toe i3icatuiesovareaaiea' I nt and tonic. No other pisaniioa I can approach It io efficiency. It la I luntiy relleTesand permanently earaa jpyiDtptla, lodigatUon, Haanbara, riatuichce, soar stomach, Baciaa. Wck Ileidacbe, GMtralffla CraacaaJka auotiwrewiueiiapaTXertwbjajaon. Ifriesltc aad. Uf nUnetukM tHt-sj ey K. c. MBTrtT it A CUT-L mm; SimnSxl cn4 ysui if KS""sr mn-m.mt f mmn,l4 i.A, , 1,. mu. s, imi sii-um. smi. it mrl". SteHetrW, MiHn, Vyj, tesr, rvie-ntM4l e lMiswdt MA-v -fr ftfiS' iMitllil.SliSI mnssm I r i in issasasssjaasessssssti North-Wcatorn I LINE r. e. m. v. k. k. it tii and frmii the the beet BLACK HILLS, iKArwHiii Aim iiirr r-HiNii. HOUTH DAKOTA. r. R. t M. K. . Has table. wn. Itotng s t. ,!... ie Bn. a, sslnel .Me ritile-fw. nils, hurim, si-aMt awl i f all hwMU u . kly h-lml by Win's j Wiu-b llw. rilr. C-rtin rif f-f sb. (Was iv nt .iirifs(t. Wrs V .-- ...r-TV 'Ci'. yog tb orlislWtrs-s. IJ . . . .i PhtttJty. . I V. 1 u r 5-t J... i