THERE IS C'O DEATH la no death! The ilsn go down T rise upon eome other shore, AM bright in Heaven's Jeweled crown Thar kin (or evermore. no death! The dust we tread Shall change beneath the aummer show era. Tat golden grain, or mellow fruit. Or rainbow tinted Bowers. The granite rooks disorganise To trad th Buagry rnois tnsy fcssr; Tbo forest leaves breathe dally life out the viewless air. There la no death! The leaves may fall. - The Bowers may fade and pass away; They only wait, through wintry houra. The coming of the Hay. There Is no death: an angel form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread: Ke bears our best loved things away, And than ws call them dead. Bo Wares our hearts all desolate. Ha plucks the fairest, sweetest flowers; Transplanted Into bliss, tbey now Adorn Immortal bowers The Mmtl&e voice, whose joyous tones Made glad the scene ov aui and strife, Sings now its everlasting song Amid the tree of life. Where'er he sees a smile too bright. Or soul too pure tor taint of vice. Be bears it to that world of light. To dwell in paradise. Into the undying life. They leave us but to come again; With Joy we welcome from the same Except in sin and pain. And ever near ua, though unseen. The dear. Immortal spirits tread Far all the boundless universe la Ufa; there are no dead. W. 8. McCreary. '5, C:,:r fa Kjlss. BT EDGAR WBLTON COOLET. Copyright. 1M, by Dally Starr Pub. Co.) A roots and a maiden stood under tae asaptos. The youth was holding tha maiden's hand, and his eras and tha BBOoallfbt were looking down into kr pturned face. Her chip hat dan- fled from its strings, and her hair, ywllow as the moonbeams, clung about her neck in riotous ringlets. Her eyes were blue and wistful, but her lips wore as silent as the night The youth's voice was low and trambled. as though a sob, which he tad tried to swallow, was lodged in his throat In babyhood these two had played together; in childhood they had wan dered, hand in hand, across the vlolet ottod fields and along the clorer-car- nwisM lanes.- Into each other's hearts they had grown, and to each the future without the other, seamed uninviting. Bat the youth was about to depart 'or a far country, and they were fading together under the maples for tka last time, perhaps for years per dtps for ever. Jason was a sojourner on the bor aar land between youth and manhood. Ho was ambitious, visionary, perhaps ad the quiet country town seemed to possess no encouraging possibilities. Stories of vast wealth wrested from the. rocks of Alaska had proven fas cinating to him and he had determined to seek for riches in the frosen Klon dike. - "I wiU return to you some day, my Princess Mildred,'' he said. "I wiU re tar to you with lore in my heart and gold in my hand and will build for yew a palace of marble in the midst of thousand acres. At this Mildred smiled sadly and glanced up at a star in the heavens. . "That la the North Star -lean - . "Every night I shall look at it n-'VTX Eaton to Ton, tCBaraf.- i-J-ora asm as tt ssusa st :i larra mUrUts tapar, ever i r ZZZJZM sMfCSBsV WsVBnc Mf 1f"X A3 gwSr Stan s&aas, t .i tt toi Ear to - 1ml c 1 t : t ey vagst r y m rt tx tu st aad rJtirJb r i tin rrtJ-ctaOJ . mm- , Mil H II II I 'I . I. f H 1:1 u . tween the leaves and through the open door at their likenesses within. A pathway, wandering amid the shadows and the perfume from the porch to the board fence, which stood paintless and gloomy, in front, stopped at tne gate where Mildred stood of evenings In the dusk and the twilight. Beyond the gate, the road stretched, to the right over the far fields into the wearisome distance; to the left into the heart of the village, past the four stores, the postofflce, the tavern, the meeting house, and on to the fields again, and the hills, and the woods and the sunset As the darkness deepened, the fields grew more and more Indistinct to the woman's vision, sad the road seemed to end in a mist which grew ever near er to her. But through the mist a star shone brightly the Polar Star. And Mil dred watched it with wistful eyes and smiled sadly. "He will return." she said to herself; "he will return to me with love In his heart" But after two years in the Klondike Jason found himself one morning In a crowd of desperate, disappointed men, who cursed their way aboard Jason Cased In Stnpld Wonder. ship and returned to Seattle with tales of hardship, discouragement and fail- are, la their search for the hidden wealth that would not reveal Itself to their hungry eyes. Poisoned by contagion from that baser element in whose company he had been thrown during those two years on the ragged edge of civiliza tion. Jason drowned all recollections of bis Princess Mildred and spent the next few months in idle dissipation in the cities on the coast Without ambition, hopeless and de spondent ho lay. one night amid the sear and yellow verdure on a vacant lot gaslng upward at the sky Among the million glittering lights that dot ted the azure arch he saw but one the Polar Star. Suddenly, like a long, dead memory, there came to him the picture of a girl with wistful eyes and golden curls, standing under the maples, with the moonlight kissing her upturned face. Fumbling in his pocket, he pulled out a dirty wallet from whence he took a faded violet He pressed the blossom to his Hps. then staggered to his feet and strode away through the night When one has no money traveling Is slow and uncertain. But In January Jason reached Colorado. Footsore and weary, but with the bright vision, of his Princess Mildred before him, he was limping across the foothills. The air was bitterly cold but dry, and not the faintest breeze was stirring. Before him the cold, gray mountains pressed their snow capped peaks against the cloudless blue. The sunshine fell with uncom mon brilliancy, and the atmosphere was so transparent that objects fifty miles away appeared scarcely as many rods. Of a sadden he felt a sharp pain on his face as though he had been stung by a bee. Again and again be experi enced the painful sensation, although not an insect could be seen. Then he noticed that a mist was swiftly biding tne mountains from his sight A brz Sprung up and the air became a dazzling mass of scintUating par ticles like diamond dost Jsson paused aad gazed with fran Ue, startled eyes. He knew that the oroaaeo "White Death" was wrapping M shilling shroud arossd bSm, Ha nad heard .old miners toll of the "White Death" and he know the glis tening fragments la tbo alt were par ticles of lee so soUdly frosa that they roach one's longs before they meit Bo know that deadly pasajaoala invari ably claims the luckless traveler who laaalas tat breath of the "White Bat attkowgh frantically he gassd mas! kins, tkm was no lhsbKatloa Tlssaia, no bwildiag to which aaattar taM no ssockt Ko waatod to cry oat to Ua agoay. bat ho dars act opaa kto Mttl tor tsar Um lea womld tUl ktaloaan. Bo toatt a greasy tsaaaaa sasdksrshlsr frosa Ma potaot aad ttod It across ate aaoatk. Tfcaa to kto aavatoas tyaa, taars caato ftoaa owt tka satat taa fgaro of gJrl Taa fastens were tsoas of kls Prtoaaat KIM rat, aad ska seesaad to Mttea aim Ito followed her aad she lad aim to a deep ravine. Vmk aad cakaaatoi. ha feag alav a& cwar Cm adzs aad rc2ed dowa Cs tacX Tka ravtM tot apward to a Caxg to Cto tta at Cm awmtsia, fro at, af a asaSI ssrsr-a t-l VsOt let Ca saaa rl fc 1 eur a rjOcrzj t-. a Cjr at baa tarn tm C.t tr ka son f i a fj ' ycT . ' Jr ifstrr V.: ' ir- forts of the storm and was a boat to continue on his journey wben his eye was attracted by a brilliant glitter in the tiny stream. Falling upon his knees, be peered into the crystal wa ter, ui recti y beiow him a hoiiow aad been worn in the rock by the current. The bottom of this pocket was lined with gold dust Jason gazed in stupid wonder for several moments, then a mist dased his eyes and a wild exhilaration pos sessed him. Clambering down the rocks he greedily scraped the gold dust into his handkerchief, and then cautiously withdrew. A week later he was at work with pick and shovel and pan, searching for the lode from which these particles had been washed. And one evening the light of the setting sun fell upon him, picking great nuggets out of ledge his pick had penetrated, and laughing hysterically. And that Is how Jsson located the famous Princess Mildren Mine. a e A man and a woman stood under the maples. The man was holding both of the woman's hands, and his eyes and the moonlight were looking down into her upturned face. "You have been so long returning, Jason," she said. "And did you find no gold?" The man tangled his hand la her hair and held It out in the moonlight "Yes," he answered her, "at last I have found the brightest ' gold on earth. See, it is dripping through my fingers. You shall have a marble pal ace in the midst of a thousand acres, my Princess Mildred, and it shall face to the north where the Polar Star hangs forever in the heavens." The woman plucked a violet and pinned it on his coat, and be kissed her happy eyes. THSY COURT CAUTIOUSLY. LaplaaS Girts Watt Have Parental Coaeeat so Marriage. Getting married among the peoples of the northern nations is by no means tbe off-hand, hit-or-miss affair which it is with too many people in this blessed country of the free. In Nor way before a woman can marry it Is necessary, under a law recently passed, that she hold a certificate of house wife ability. She must pass an exam ination in cooking, knitting, spinning, etc., and get her certificate of profi ciency in these branches before she can got her marriage certificate. Also both bride and bridegroom must show evi dence that tbey have been vaccinated properly. In Lapland it is an offense punishable with death to marry a girl without her parents' consent No elopements In that country! When a pair of lovers apparently have reached that stage of courtship which calls for tbe official cognizance of "pa" and ma" the friends of the lovers are In vited to meet at a specified place to see the enamored ones run a race. To the girl Is allowed In starting the ad vantage of one-third of the distance, so that it is Impossible for the young man to overtake her unless she is will ing. If the girl outruns her suitor the affair is ended and she thenceforward is "only a sister" to blm. It U a penal offense for tbe lover to renew bis offer of msrriage. But if the girl Is In the condition of mind of the immortal Barkis, she pretends to meet with some accident stubs her toe or gets out of breath and comes to a halt before the course Is finished, to be caught by tbe Lapland swain and live happily ever afterward. BURNING LIGHTS AT NIGHT. sfaayOTlasH People Think Artificial Light Protects Thaaa. "A man troubled with insomnia sees a good many phases of the city's night life that are unknown to those on whom tbe blessings of sleep descend," said the man with the red mustache. "I myself have not known what it is to rest clear through a night for a good many months, and In my pere grinations and star-gazing I have ob served many queer things. One of my curious discoveries is that a good ly percentage of New York's popula tion burn a light at night When I first noticed those faint points of light saining through so many of ths windows la ths block that backs up to ours I wae alarmed, for I thought that very house mast shelter tares or four invalids, and that made it look as if an epidemic of some kind bad struck or part of ths city. Indeed, so se riously did I consider the matter that I made It a point to Inquire Into tbo health of the neighborhood, aad as a reward for my pains I waa rnformed that oat of a population of several haaored aoala there war aot mora caaa a aosea people oa tbo sick list upoa making a ateoad aad mora thorough investigation I was sur prised to learn that those lights were kept barnlng by aorvoos people, who, although paraaaa aot exactly afraid of taa dark, fancied that they could aot sloop well la tba middle of It Even la taa hot spells a good many saaAow-fsaring people have clang to tka midnight gas Jot" New York t hoard a rather good story the other day aboat a cond actor who was once toottgbt wp before Oeaeral Manager afeMaazara oa a complaint mads by a fssasaagar. Ths paaeagor waa a worn aa aad her eoajpisJat waa that the ooadactor had star at her. "A waana aagptatoa CU yaw rtjf gtoral at hsr wta it wxs rts aa m oar," gu cs rrarcl taacrar. T3 1 etarsJ tt torr rCaal Cm ft "J ft tarr ,ri r- n Lyj Deacon Henliftor Lawdy, it's lucky I had dat chicken In nub hat 'Btead ob mah pocket. II K rorLDNT. Oh. Mr. Spoonelgb. pray rise. It iz not right thit you should kneel at my feet. Rise, I beg of you!" Implored the fair lady. But he didn't rise. His Irish did. though, and he replied, solemnly: I m afraid er Mist! Grace I'm afraid I'm kneeling on your er that is. you dropped your chewing gum. and. on. Miss Grace. I'm stuck on vou!' Denver Times. LOOKED I.IKK HKB. Sir, ' said the gentleman, angrily, as ne Durst into the photograph gallery. you have Insulted my wife and I de mand satisfaction!" Believe me, sir," said tbe photoa- rapner, soothingly, "I am Innocent of any Intended offense' what have 1 done?" You will have to fight, sir," went on the man; "you took a picture of mv wife and It looks like her!'! 'Boston Post Doctor Curem But I don't see why jou will not pay my bill. You said I had made a new man of you. Mr Gooph That's Just it, doctor. It was tbe old man who ordered the work don, and he ought to pay for It. QUITE A STRETCH OR THE Mr. Caterpillar Why, bow are you, long time. Mr. Locust Yes, I haven't been here HT. WOll.ll MK POrTLAR. Mrs. Nexdore "One of tbe keys of my dsugbter's piano is out of order, I wonder If there's any one In the neighborhood who could fix it?" Mrs. Pepprey "I doa't know, but if she's still got one. good key, Why not ass thatr v Mrs. NfsaW-"T?kat coaM h do wiO on 1uv J ' ,; -8r.-ltt ;rV-iano.-of sr I' "la the sUte sslsr gasped b ! Ifatosr at ths poUtteal head- "Ob. yea, the state's safe, bat tbo party's snowed under." replied tba asaa la charge. Baltimore World. la scaling a poeclplce a man Is up against a big bluff. BsTTITMED TO IT, Client By what right are you keep ing that IMOO dsmagas you recovered for bm? La wysT Didn't yon toll bm la tka lrat ptaea that all yoa waatod waa sat fcstioa? Chlo ttoto iaaraaL ; WO DOVaTT ASMTT IT. 'CKUm "Do yoa bsUovs Us coastj. tattoa ssSowa tka tax ar aair r c:j t tt rt: tzi w - i, (Jf!.i.. Ttaad tcalisd U : ;y oar t kept ufrss. moral Junior g ' '"AssgnssasaW il LUCK. KE WAS Woodby Booth Who was the "leadlnz man" in th ramn.n. with last season? Knight Stands The advance agent VISIT OF Ttt LCCCST. , Mr. Locust? I haven't see you for a now let me see- -for seventeen years. THE OLO HAN 63T - 0t. Jt. aT5?W'V. rraak-1 love yoai Clara, aad I want you to be my wife Clara Your father spoks first rsMKi anowsaa. A Cornell professor says that frog pawn can be carried up la the atmos phere aad hatched oat la the clouds." "Br mm, yoq bet III carry aa um bralla ths next Urns I go out" Cleve land Plain Dealer. ' TBK SSJIBJT WAMT. Iwoataa elatoj thoir fssllags hart; Thsy 're Mcktet ap a laas, CsMssto wa w ai;rt Os sttn Tirt tpt tt-7 cu fetai rs. II K KXPI.AINKD IT. "Confound It, I wish your mother wouldn't come here any longer!" "Why, John, how dare " "Thth that's all right, darling. I mean well, she's five feet nine and one-half now, you know, and" Now she Is trying to figure out whether that was what be meant Denver Times. KXCI.IH1VRMRSM. Mrs. Purseproud I see where sev eral millionaires chartered a whole steamboat In order to come across the ocean. Mr. Purseproud Well, when we go over we will lesse the ocean for a week. Baltimore American. AS IT'S WROTE. Sue calls herself Cathryn Mae, And yet there are gossips who sao Catherine Mary's her name. They ynsyst she was chrystened that wae. Philadelphia Press. THE PACEMAKER. WHAT III WOI I.I) too. "My poor hungry man, if 1 were to give you a nickel, what would you do with Itr Inquired the lady with the angular smeller and the uncertain spectacles. "I'll fell yer, mum," replied the gen tleman with the straggling whiskers and yearning bread pouch; "1 11 git a Turkish bath an' buy s ottymubble wld th' change. Where's th' ten, mum?" Denver Times. THK PASO Or IT. "Why. dear, what's the matter with you? Bad news from your husband?'' "Oh, worse than that He writes me that he Is longing for me and kbtses my picture every day," . "That's no reason for crying." ''Yes. but I find I put my mother's photograph In his trunk by mistake for mine." Brooklyn Life. , We were speaking of Kansas. "Whenever," tbe .convivial tourist now remarked. ."I struck a town In Kansas la which there were no Joints. I always made up my mind that the people must be a lot of stiffs." KEAJ OF HIU. OPT OF Pl.Afm PAKT stsi mw. The Don "And what nut .m Uhs la this MmJt M ro hMhZ Proeeadlag of Motoff Mr. Waters naser taa Nt