T5he Bondn3Li . ... By HALL CHAPTER VI. (Continued.) But, waiting for the coming of the apothecary, a new dread, that was alao a new hope, stole over her. 8lnce that first day on which her dot ana ner husband talked together ana every day thereafter when Sun locks had called out "Little Michael little Michael!" and she had sent the child In, with hla little flaxen curls combed out, his little chubby face ruDuea to a shiny red, and all his lit tle body smelling sweet with the soft odors of childhood, she had noticed he could not help It that Sunlocks listened for the sound of her own footstep whenever by chance (which might have been rare)she passed his way. And at first this waa a cause of fear to her, lest he should discover her before her time came to reveal her self; and then of hope tha: he might even do so, and save her ugainst her wiu from the sickening pallia of bun gry waiting; and Anally of horror, mat perhaps after all he was think.' mg of her as another woman. This last thought sent all the blood of her body tingling Into her face, and on the day it flashed upon her, do what she would she could not but hate him for it aa for an infidelity that might not be forgiven. "He never speaks of uie." she thought, "never thinks of me! I am dead to him; quite, quite dead and wept out of bis mlcd." It waa a cruel conflict of love and hate, and If it had come to a man he , would have said within himself, "By , this token I know that she whom I love has forgotten me, and may be happy with another some uay. Well I am nothing let me go my ways.' bui mat la not the gospel of a wo man's love, with all its sweet, deli cious selfishness. 80 after Oreeba had told herself once or twice that her husband had forgotten her, she told herself a score of times that do what she would he should yet be hers, hers only, and no other woman's In all the wide world. Then she thought, "How foolish! Who Is there to take him from me? Why, no one. About the same time she heard Sunlocks question tha priest concern ing, asking what the mother of little Michael waa like to look upon. And the priest answered that If the eyes of an old curmudgeon like himself could see straight, she was comely beyond her grade In life, and young, too, though her brown hair had some-y-tfmes a shade of grey, and gentle and silent, and of a soft and touching voice. "I've heard her voice once," said Sunlocks. "And her husband was an Icelander, and be is dead, you say?" "Yes," said the priest; "and she's like myself in one thing." "And what is that?" jald Sunlocks. "That she has never been able to look at anybody else," said the priest. "And that's why she Is here, you must know, burying herself alive on old Grlmsey." "Ob," said Sunlocks. in the low murmur of the blind, "if God had but given me this woman, so sweet, bo true, so simple, instead of her of her and yet and yet "Gracious heavens!" thought Gree ba, "be is falling in love with me." At that, the hot flush overspread her cheeks again, and her dark eyes danced, and all her loveliness flowed back upon her In an instant And then a subtle fancy, a daring scheme, a wild adventure broke on her heart and head, and made every nerve in her body quiver. She would let him go on; he should think she was the other woman; she would draw him on to love her, and one day when ahe held him fast and sure, and he wan hers, hers, hers only forever and ever, she would open her arms and cry, "Sunlocks, Sunlocks, I am Gree ba, Oreeba!" It was while she was in the first hot flush of this wild thought, never doubting but the frantic thing was posisble, for love knows no Impedi ments, that the apothecary came from Hnsavlk, saying he was sent by some unknown) correspondent named Adam Fair brother, who had wiltten from London. He examined the eyes of Michael Sunlocks by the daylight first, but the season being the winter sea ' son, and the daylight heavy with fog from off the sea, be asked for a can dle, and Oreeba waa called to hold It whlln rtn examined the yes again. Never before had she been so near to her husband throughout the two years, and now that she had lived under the same roof with him, and now that ahe stood face to face, with him, within sound of his very breath ing, with nothing between them but the thin gray Sim that lay over bis dear eyes, she could not persuade hei-self but that he waa looking at her and seeing her. Then she began to tremMe, and presently a voice said, "Steadily, young -woman, steadily, or your candle may fall on the good master's face." She tried to compose herself, but could sot and when she bad recov ered from her first foolish dread, there cams a fear that waa not fool ish fear of the verdict of the apoth ecary. Waiting for this in those min utes that seemed to be hours, she knew that she was on the verge of betraying herself, and however she held her breath she could see' that her bosom waa heaving. Yes," said the apotheca.y, calmly, "yes, I see bo reason why you should not recover your sight." "Thank God!" said Michael Bun locks. 'Thank God again." said the priest And Oreeba, who had dropped the candle to the floor at length, bad to mn from the room on the Instant, Jest the cry of her heart should ' ba the cry of her Hps aa weil, "Thank Ood, again and again, forevtr and far- And, being bark In her own apart 'ssrt, she plucked up her child Into Mr arms, and erlsd over hla, and . faurfMd over him, sad whispered . ' rrn terfj at lata Us tar, CMtlWMi Slsry. CAINC. mad words of love, wild words hope. 'Yes, yes," she whispered, "he will recover his sight, and Bee his little son, and know him for his own, his own, his own. Oh, yes, yes, yes, be will kuuw him, he win know him, for he will see his own fac, his own dear race, in little Michael's." But next dav. when the annfhArarv had gone, leaving lotions and drops ior use mrougbout a month, and promising to return at the end of It, Greeba'a new Joy made way for a new terror, as she reflected that Just a suniocKs would aee little Michael if he recovered his sight, so he would see herself. At that thought all her heart was in her mouth at,ain, for she told herself that if Sunlocks saw her he would also see what deception she una practiced in that house, and would hate her for it, and tell her, as ne nad told her once before, that It came of the leaven of her old light ness that had led her on from false dealing to false-dealing, and so he would turn his back upon her or drive her from blm. Then in the cruel war of her feel ings she hardly knew whether to hope that Sunlocks should recover his sight, or remain aa he wag. Her pity cried out for the one, and her love for the other. If be recovered, at least there would be light lor him in his dungeon, though Bhe might not be near to ahare It But If he remained as he was, she would be beside hjm always, his second sight, his silent guardian spirit, eating her heart out with hungry love, but content and thanking God. "Why couldn't I leave things as they were?'' she asked herself, but she was startled out of the selfishness of her love by a great crisis that came soon afterwards. l Now Michael Sunlocks had been al lowed but little intercourse with the world during the two and a half years of his imprisonment since the day of nis recapture at tb Mount of Laws. While In the prison at Reykjavik he had heard the pitiful storv of that day; who his old yokefellow had been, what he had done and said, and how at last, when his orave scheme had tottered to ruin, he had cone out of the ken and knowledge of all men. Since Sunlocks came to Grlmsey he had written once to Adam Fair broth er, asking tenderly after the old man's condition, earnestly after Greeba's material welfare, and with deep af fectionate solicitude for the last tid ings of Jason. His letter never reached Its destination, for the Gov ernor of Iceland was the postmaster as well. And Adarr on hla part had written twice to Michael Sunlocks. once from Copenhagen where (when Greeba had left for Grlmsey) he had gone by help of her ruoncy from Reyk javik, thinking to see the King of Denmark in his own person; and once from London, whereto he had followed on when that bold design bad failed him. But Adam s letters shared the fate of the letter of Sunlocks. and thus through two long years no news of the world without had broken the silence of that lonely home on the rock of the Arctic seas. But during that time there had been three unwritten communications from Jorgen Jorgensen. The lirst came after six months In the shape of a Danish sloop of war, which took up its moorings in the roadstead outside; the second after a year. In the shape of a flagstaff and flag which were to be used twice a day for signalling to the snip that the prisoner was still safe in custody; the third after two years, in the shape of a huf,e lock and key, to be placed on some room In which the prisoner was henceforth to be confined. These three communica tions, making In their contrary way the progress of old Adam's persistent suit, first in Denmark and then In England, were followed after . awhile by a fourth. This was a message from the governor at Reykjavik to the old priest at Grlmsey, that, as he valued his livelihood and life he waa to keep close guard and watch over his pris oner, and, if need be, to warn him that a worse fate might come to him at any tlraa. Now, the evil hour when this final mesage came was Just upon the good time when the apothecary from Hus avik brought the Joyful tidings that Suniocka might recover his sight, and the blow was the heavier for the hope that had gone before it. All Grlmsey shared both, for the fisherfolk had grown to like the pale stranger who. though so simple in speech and Umii- ner, had been a great man In some way that they scarcely knew having no one to tell them, being so far out of the world but had fallen upon hu miliation and deep dishonor. Michael Sunlocks himself took the blow with composure, saying It was plainly his destiny and of a piece with the rest of his fate, wherein no good thing had ever come to him without an evil one coming on the back of It Tbe tender heart of the old priest was thrpwn Into wild commotion, for Sun locks bad become, during the two years of their life together, aa a son to him, a son that was as a father also, s stay and guardian, before whom his weakness that of Intem perance stood rebuked. But the trouble of old Sir Slgfus was as nothing to that of Greeba, In the message of the Governor she saw death, instant death, death without word or warning, and every hour of her life thereafter was beset with ter rors. It was the month of February; sad If the snow fell from the mossy eaves In heavy thuds, she thought It was the muffled tread of the guards that swept down rom Greenland cracks on the coast of Grlmsey, ahe heard the shot that was to end his life. When Sunlocks talked of des tiny she cried, and when the priest railed at Jorgen Jorgensen (having bis own reason to hate him) she cursed tht name of the tyrant. But all the while L she had to cry out without tsars sad earn only la tha dark siUaee at fear heart, thoutft she was near to betray lng herself a hundred times a day. "Oh, it is cruel," she thought, "very,, very cruel. Is this what I have waited for all this weary, weary ne?" And though so lately her love had fought with hw pity to prove that it was best for both of them that Bun iorkij shouid remain blind, she found it another disaster now, in the dear inconsistency of womanhood, that be should die on tbe eve of regaining hit sight. "He will never see his boy," she thought, "never, never, never now." ' Yet she could hardly believe It true that the cruel chance could befall. What good would the death of Sun locks do to anyone? What evil did It bring to any creature that he was alive on that rock at the farthest ends of tbe earth and sea? Blind, too, and helpless, degraded from his high place, his young life wrecked, aud his noble gifts wasted! There must have been some mistake. She would go out to the ehip and ask if It was not so. And with such wild thoughts she hurried off to the little village at the edge of the bay. There Bhe stood a long hour by the fisherman's Jetty, looking wistfully out to where the sloop of war lay, like a big wooden tub, between gloomy sea and gloomy sky, and her spirit failed her, and though ahe had borrowed a boat she could go no further. "They might laugh at me, and make a Jest of me," she thought, "for I can not tell them that I am bin wife." With that, she' went her way back as she came, crying on the good pow ers above to tell her what to do next aud where to look for help. And en tering in at the porch of her own apartments, which stood aside from the body of the house, Bhe heard voices within, and stopped to listen. At first she thought they were the voices of her child and her husband, but though one of them was that of little Michael, the other was too deep, too strong, too sad for the voice of Sunlocks. "And so your name Is Michael, my brave boy. Michael! Michael!" said the voice, and It was strange and yet familiar. "And how like you are to your mother, too! How like! How very like!" And the voice seemed to break in the speaker's throat. Greeba grew dizzy and stumbled for ward. And, as she entered the house, a man rose from the settle, put little Michael to the ground and faced about to her. The man was Jason. (To Be Continued.) Wbara tha fan Cam From. A social worker who has had occa sion to Inspect most of the so-called sweat shops in New York gave it as his belief that the person who invent ed the electrical fans got his idea from the funny little tailors and their sew ing machines. It has been an old prac tice with these workmen In warm weather, said the agent, to use the power In their machines to fan them selves. This they accomplish by tying pieces of stiff cardboard to the spoke? of the fly or balance wheel, and, m they work the pedal with the feet, the cardboard on tbe wheel cuts the air like a small pinwheel and plays tho air upon the face of the tailor. Maw Placo for Corset. A Manila exchange tells of an Amer ican soldier who, while stationed in Bulacan, became enamored of a pretty Filipino. Wishing to show his affec tion he purchased and Bent to her a complete outfit of American cldthlng. When next he called he found her ar rayed in all the pretty thingB, but she had made one radical mistake. This was with the corsets, which had caused her a great deal of worry before she discovered what she took to be tho use for which they were intended. Then she unlaced them and put on tho two pieces as leggings. HI Royal Fluah Savad Blm. There was a big game of poker In progress at a New York hotel the other night The game had lasted for houn and Anally the players decided to stop. after a last "Jackpot" had been played. A well known lawyer did not draw any cards. He had been a heavy loser all the evening. Finally the betting nar rowed down to the lawyer and another man, until there was $2,000 on th; table. When the call came the lawyer laid down a royal flush. The other fel low had two Jacks and a heavy heart. Schwab Mlareprtaeuted. "This talk about Mr. Schwab derid ing education," said a Pittsburg man, who knows him well, tbe other day, ''lb all nonsense. No man in the coun try thinks more of education than Mr. Schwab. He thinks all the more of it because he has had but little of it I look for Mr. Schwab to make very large gifts to education institutions. Mr. Schwab Is not at all the sort of person he is represented to be." Mora froa tha "Ooo'Vadla" Man. . Henry Stenkiewlcss translator, Jerv miah Curtln, has Just returned from ''. visit to the novelist at his summer home In the Carpathians. Slenklewlcz Is at work on a novel of tbe life of John Sobleskl, s king of Poland. Ho Intends to later write a series of his torical novels on tbe career of Na poleon I, and then a novel treating of the career of Kosciusko and the down fall of Poland. Sar It la a Boaloaas Proposition. A millionaire shoe manufacturer Is going to leave his palace home and occupy one of tbe plain cottages he Is building for his worklngmen in the model shoe manufacturing town he Is constructing at Endicott, N. Y. He absolves himself from all philanthropic measures and declares he is actuated in securing Ideal surroundings for his lb borers simply by the knowledge that it will pay. Belong to a Old Plrat. Charles Lawrence Clark, who hat Just died In London, had for thirty J 'ears organised and managed every ord mayor's show !n the British capi tal. The Arm of which he was a mem ber, Messrs. Bishop Clark, has been In existence since 1G92, and for 300 years has had Intimate connection with all sorts of civic and state ceremonials from tbe time of Henry VIII down. Ws should all like to see the under taker prosper ft we could designate tita sourae af Us Income. NOTES ON SCIENCE CURRENT NOTES OF DISCOVERY AND INVENTION. Csjrstsro of ths S?2s, Hi CmmM mail Symptom An iaatrameot Which Simplifies InatrnetloB la Toloarapbj Photogntphlaa; Dragoa-tly. CUB V ATI BE or THE SPINE. In Infancy , and childhood lateral curvature of the spine develops very readily. In some cases, as will be presently shown, the causes are very slight; so that, to use the words of one of our most eminent medical au thors, "It is really wonderful that most of us are tolerably straight." A slight asymmetry of one of the vertebrae of which the back-bone Is built up, or an abnormal development or lack of development, of one of the muscles which hold It upright, is suffi cient to produce a deviation from its proper position. This of itself would be of compar atlvely small moment If the organs contained within tho triiulc were not affected by any considerable change from Its proper upright position. lateral curvature cannot exist without a shortening of tbe trunk, Just as bow when bent measures less from tip to tip than when it is unstrung. This shortening in turn necessarily implies a crowding together of the or gans contained within tbe trunk. Constitutional weakness naturally tends to make lateral curvature of the spine more readily acquired. Of spe cific disorders which produce the same effect, rickets Is perhaps the chief. With the knowledge that lateral de viation is thus easily caused, it is not to be wondered at that causes appar ently very slight are frequently the only ones discoverable to account for certain of the many cases coming un der the physician's notice. A baby can scarcely support Its back before it is three or four months old. Yet the proud nurse or mother not infre quently sets it erect, or carries It on her arm without a proper support, at a much earlier age. . Children who go to scuool at six or seven years of age are often compelled to sit on a badly shaped bench, some times with no support for the back during school hours. The muscles be come tired, and the child leans to one side, usually to the right. A narrow space between the seat and tho desk obliges tbe child to push between them, so that, In girls partlc ularly, a drag Is exerted on one shoul der; or the skirts form an uneven cushion, tilting the spinal column out of the perpendicular. Even in grown men and women occupations requiring a one-sided muscular action affect the vertebrae, and therefore the shape of the spine. In children the much softer bones are still more readily affected, Parents may therefore be pardoned if they Insist on abundance of room and considerable lack of restraint for young children in the schoolroom. Teachers have frequently to take the initiative In matters of school hygiene especially, when their pupils are from homes In crowded, unsanitary city tenements. Lateral curvature Is rarely congeni tal. It la In most cases preventable and cases taken in band early are usu ally checked by strict observance of hygienic measures. THE OMNIORAPII. An instrument which Is designed to simplify instruction in telegraphy, and THE OMNIGHAPH. to impart in a comparatively short time a complete knowledge of the Morse alphabet, has recently been in troduced by an inventor of New York. Patents have been applied for. The Omnlgraph, as the Instrument Is call ed, consists of a baseboard on which are secured an ordinary key and sounder, between which a disk is mounted, formed on Its periphery with teeth. A spring contact adjacent to the wheel engages the peripheral teeth of the disk. Although Irregular, the arrangement of the teeth la arbi trary. - For If the disk be rotated by means of a small crank shaft geared with the disk shaft, the spring con tact is forced outwardly by the teeth, but drops back by Its own elasticity, and thus makes and breaks the cir cuit The experienced telegraph oper ator detecting these makes and breaks at the sounder, recognises them as the dot and dashes of the Morse alphabet. A close Inspection of the disk would reveal to blm that the teeth are so ar ranged as to spell the sentence, "John quickly extemporized Ave tow bags." If the disk be rotated forwardly, tnls sentence, thus oddly worded to Include every letter In the alphabet. Is ticked off at the sounder; If rotated In the opposite direction the sentence will be telegraphed backward. The disk Is completely under the control of the students. It can be ro tated as slowly as desired; or it can be so rapidly turned that its curious sentence will be received at the sound er with a speed that would open the eyes of a good operator. Moreover, tbe message on the disk Is transmitted with s distinctness and faultlessness which the most perfect 'operator can never hope to attain. At first blush It might seem thst the student simply learns one sentence forward .and back ward, and that the Instrument la a good teacher only within very narrow limits. But this disk can be partially routed forward and backward any number of times, In any place, so that the letter to be transmitted can not possibly be anticipated. Thus tbe student learns how to receive a cipher message, the meaning of which he can not know. When sufficient proficiency has been obtained in receiving messages from the sounder, the student can learn to transmit messages in the regular method by means of. the key which forms part of the apparatus. PHOTOGRAPHING A DRAGON-STY. At a recent meeting of the Royal microscopical society Mr. Enoch ex- . hibited a series of photographs which showed every stage of the pro cess of metamor phosis by which the dragon fly emerges from the form of the nymph and which In this particular case oc cupied six hours. But at one period the emergence was so rapid that three photographs had to be made within six seconds. In the larval form, called the nymph, the dragon fly lives at the bottom of ponds and streams, but as the metamorpho sis approaches, it climbs up the stem of a plant, hooks Its feet fast, and awaits the inevitable change. OWE OF VESUVIUS' BOMBS. During an explosion in the crater of Mount Vesuvius on May 9, 1900, one ' of . the volcanic bombs hurled sky ward, and the larg est one observed, attained an eleva tion of a third of a mile, and then fell back upon the mountain. As it now lies, its height exceeds that of a man standing beside it, and Its estimated weight is thirty tons. Mr. Manteucci, the geologist, says that the energy of the explosion of steam that threw this huge projectile must have equaled about 600,000 horse power. When the masses of partially fluid lava from which such bombs are formed rise in the air they rotate, and are thus caused to assume a more or less glob ular shape. ELECTRICITY IN MAIL TUBES. Experts appointed to investigate the workings of the pneumatic tube sys tem of carrying malls In cities report that on the present basis of cast the system Is too expensive. It adds that a system to be operated by electricity is in process of development and bids fair to be successful. This is simply a three-rail trolley road, operated in a tube. The tracks would be laid, in sulated and bonded before the top is fastened down. The carriers would be built with, slightly rounded corners, so as to conform to the turns made at street corners. The carriers and their motors would be operated between guides. By cutting the tracks and the introduction of a system of looping, well understood by electrical engin eers, the speed of the carriers could be lessened at corners and also when approaching stations. Electrical en gineers say it is feasible and could be operated for any distance. riRE raoH waste paper. The deterioration in the quality of paper Increases the , liability of Are wherever waste paper Is accumulated in any quantity. Most modern paper is made from wood and other vegeta ble fibres which chemically are not very different from the component material of a hayrick. If the waste paper is stacked in large quantities and especially if it happens to be a little damp, heating takes place Just as with a prematurely stacked hay rick, and spontaneous combustion may at any time break out In flame, as it has often been known to do In the farmyard, and of late years the great est care and vigilance has been neces sary to guard against it. SWEDEN'S SCHOOL GARDENS. Scientific gardening is taught in the national schools of Sweden and in the seminaries for the education of nation al school teachers. There is a school garden In nearly every rural school district in the kingdom. The garden Is placed near the schoolhouse, and the children receive practical Instruc tion in the cultivation of plants, ber ries, flowers, herbs - and fruits; the management of hotbeds, greenhouses, and so forth. The., parishes are re quired to furnish the necessary ground for the gardens, and trees and shrubs are annually given to the children to be planted at their homes. NOTES ON SCIENCE. An attachment is provided in Swe den by which the secrecy pf the, tele phone line is assured. Tbe apparatus, which Is rented at a moderate rent, Indicates whether the telephone oper ator Is listening to the ' conversation or not. Mr. Marconi has' a motor carriage which Is equipped with a folding cyl inder on top of the car and devices for the transmission of wireless tele graphic signaling. Motor cars fitted with this device are to be used In the forthcoming military maneuvers of the British army. All British battle ships and cruisers In commission for home stations, and all vessels being prepared for the Re serve, Training and Channel squad rons, are to be fitted with wireless telegraphy apparatus. AH future bat tle ships and cruisers sent to the Med iterranean are also to be so equipped. How Is It that "a bad beginning makes a good ending," when It Is a d" that ends them both? Unreciprocated love can't kill a man who has a healthy liver. HE'S NOW A W 14 BAT KINO. Mark Who Boorht Kaaaa Para ad I a Ultllonalr. Tbe wheat rentals of John T. Stew art of Sumner county will amount to nearly 100,000 bushels of wheat this year, says the Kansas City World. In his home county he owns 115 quar ter sections of land and about thirty quarter sections In adjoining counties. He rents the land on the basis of half the yield, he furnishing air the seed and taking chances of securing a crop. It is estimated that if all the wheat due him on rentals this year was ship ped In one consignment It would re quire seventeen freight trains of fif teen cars each to take it to market. His rentals In wheat last yeat netted him $46,000. In addition to owning about $350,000 worth of land, every foot of it paid for he has nearly $250, 000 worth of bank stock and $300,000 Invested In farm lands in Sumner county and Oklahoma. About twenty five years ago Mr. Stewart began lifer as a clerk In an obscure office in this city at $60 a month. He slept in the ofllce and was economical in other ways. He began loaning money in Sumner county about twenty years ago and has developed into a remarkable financier. It is said that his ambition is to finally own a railroad and he may gratify it, as he is still a very young man, not more than 45. He carries a small memorandum book in his pocket nd it Is said that he can take it out t any hour of the day when reauired tnd tell every debtor exactly what his account is. Indeed, it la said that ac counts of his vast transactions are al ways kept In a book that fits his trou sers pocket. It is said that he lives on less than $100 per month and that out Bide of this his largest annual expense is $500 to the Methodist. church his wife and large family of children at tend. He is not fond of traveling ex cept to go to a Democratic convention, a diversion he Is passionately fond of. He is a pronounced temperance man, and, it is said, believes in the prohibi tion laws of Kansas. A BRAHMIN WEDDING. Elaborate Cr.moal,, That Spraod Ovor a Week. Oriental marriage ceremonies are the most elaborate, - and those of a Brahmin wedding, spread over the greater part of a week, are probably the most complicated. All the Hindoo gods are invited, and on the first day the pair sit under an alcove or canopy, with their faces turned to the east, while married women wave lighted camphor to avert the evil eye. On the second day the bridegroom appears eager to make a pilgrimage to Benares to wash iff the sacred waters of the Ganges. His future father-in-law, after much entreaty, persuades the would be pilgrim to give up the. idea, and the priests profess readiness to accent the will for the deed, at the same time ac cepting a gift of 14 flags, by which the bridegroom symbolizes his purity of freedom from sin. A thread is then tied on the man's right wrist and the woman's left to show that they are united for life. The father-in-law now feigns to behold in the bridegroom the great god Vishnu himself, and makes an offering to him. Then water is poured over the two, and the "tall," a Jewel set In gold, is tied on tne bride's neck, while sandal paste, perfumes and flowers are offered to the guests. Fire is then brought in and, while a sacrifice is offered to Agni, the couple walk hand In hand seven times around It, and so make the "seven steps" a symbol of everlasting friendship. The next day the astrologer points out the star' Arundhatl to impress upon the pair the duty of faithfulness. Then they eat together and, ' having sprin kled each other with rice, a final bridal procession takes place at night, when friends and relatives again avert the evil eye by the ceremony of-Aratl, or waving a lamp over the heads of the newly wed. Utlca Globe. Athlato Tlod to at Desk. Albert Payson Terhune might be de- icrlbed as an athlete tied to a desk. He was a fence, boxer, weight-thrower and sprinter In college; crossed the Syrian desert on horseback, afterward living among the Bedouin tribes and preparing material for his book, "Syria from the Saddle.", "On my return to America," he writes, "I got a Job as reporter, working my way up, mainly through luck, to the poat of subeditor and special Writer. Mr. Terhune once proposesd to box three rounds' apiece with the six foremost heavy-weight prizefighters In the, world (Jeffries, Corbett, Sharkey, McCoy, Ruhlln and FiUsimmons), and write up his expe riences, ,wlth .them In a series of arti cles for his newspaper. The articles made a-- hit He Is also a contributor of humorous articles (o.rarlous period icals. His latest literary venture was a novel written In collaboration with his mother, Marian Harland Terhune. A Qoaatlon at Bill. A traveler In England rested at noon at a wayside inn, and tcok luncheon. The landlord was a social person, and after presenting his bill sat down and chatted with his guest. "By tbe way," tha latter ssld, after a while, "what la yew namer "My name," replied tha landlord, "la Partridge." "Ah," re turned the traveler, with a humorous twinkle In his eyes, "by the length of your bill I should hare thought It waa Woodcock!" This story, as It aooeare In a recent hook by a distinguished English diplomat, Is credited with hav ing amused Bismarck. Ko man la strong who la "U!i t aonauar himself. - fc. 3 1 . At ' "