Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 22, 1901, Image 2

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    CjTisca Prcss-Jc:rcal
a. a. rairrs, rua..
Ov watrlch forma are profit.
Urea art worth $100 plc u4
good specimen yield about 2a worth
ot MtHn t piucmng.
Fifteen thousand two hundred and
amy feet is toe hetgnt ot the mow
11m ob the equator. It la about 5.000
feet In the latitude of London.
To the kid glove trade of the world
France i the undisputed center, and
the beautiful city of Grenoble, 400 mile
oath of gay Paria, ia the veritable
cradle of this moat interesting Indus
try. A road la being built in the high
Alps which paaaea the Great St. Ber
nard and also the hospice of that name.
Thla great engineering feat will be fin
ished and opened to traffic la July of
next year.
The total annual production of tim
ber and firewood of the German for
eats ia estimated at 38.000,000 tons, and
this ia aupplemented by an Import of
4.000.000 tons. The material progress
of the country would not be possible
had it not the large home production
to fall back upon.
The roof garden at the Merrltt
building. Eighth avenue and Nine
teenth street. New York, has been
crowded every night aince it waa
opened, July 1. The admittance la
free, and religious meetings, with
much music, are held every evening.
Although the garden hold 1,600, the
crowds were so great last week that
hundreds had to be turned away.
The Foreign Tract society has trans
lated Bunyan'a "Pilgrim's Progress"
Into no less than ninety-five different
languages and dialect. Some of these,
a might have been anticipated, are
of a Jaw-breaking character. So much
so. Indeed, have the compositors of
the Oxford University Press found the
Eskimo language to be that they have
demanded a higher rate of payment in
regard to it
A comparative statement concerning
the importation of pork, bacon, and
lard into the Philippines during the
calendar year 1900, as compared wkh
the calendar year 1899, has been pre
pared in the division of Insular affairs
of the war department. The total im
portation of these commodities for
1900 was valued at $233,523, as against
$144,569 for 1899, showing an increase
of -61 per cent.
That concrete is to take the place of
brick and atone as a building material
ia the hopeful belief of Mr. Edison,
who ha discovered a cheap method of
making Portland cement Before many
years, he says, a contractor will Just
Take his wooden form one of twenty
or thirty standard shapes and go out
and-"pour a house" which will cost
very little and will be fireproof. Hail
the happy day! Such a structure should
be almost as imperishable as the bill
for the rent
The Oriental maxim that nobody
should run if he can get along by walk
ing, or stand if sitting will answer, or
ait if It la possible to lie down, finds
many adherents in days of extreme
heat Telephone offices are unusually
busy because so many people resort to
them to save making a trip, and street
cars are filled with those who would
otherwise walk. In abort, all easy ways
of doing things are at a premium.
with the result that those persons who
are employed in the occupations that
save physical effort on the part of the
public are worked harder than ever.
Public attention has been centered
of late upon the Chinese in their own
country; but the position of Chinese In
the United States now demands con
sideration. The act of 1882 suspended
the Immigration of Chinese laborers for
tea years, and the act of 1192 continued
the exclusion for tea years more. This
part of the law will expire by llmita-
Uoa next year. A bill will be Introduced
la the next Congress to extend its pro
visions for another period of twenty
years. Oa the ether hand, an effort will
be mad to repeal the act Thus the
whole aueetioa of the treataMnt of
Chiaase Immigration will be
ta tho smaller places ia
horses have to tw borrowed for the
fire engines. Often thirty to fifty min
utes an wasted in getting
which, when aa alarm of Ira
given, wars at work at their daily
duty. A considerable amount of time
is also lost In finding the proper har-
Th horsing of stea
la cooatry sutnets a
vary dOeutt problem There I hardly
a towa of aay state ia tbe Unit Mat
which does aot have one or mare fire
etnas, ami they eaa be got
way with a daisy of from thirty
eoes to a Blast aad a half, wall ta
the larger dties even thirty
weald he
Ca of the most notable
i as so
' of good ghyslsee, who, la
i of exacttaej Berries at as
It was am
l ta. ftwL sr task.
- Tt
m 1 -
er;t-ef-Oe-wy western
izZLxZi oa "esswaed node.
t esa earns fit hspaaaurd,
TraaspaHaHe CnMu to Be,
flat tae mass Wttl Bee- Oa
SB Treats Bate All leaaetrtas.
From Philadelphia comes the sews
that the meeting of Messrs. Morgan,
nanna. unscom ana uma ib
York lately had behind it a much
greater combination than the bitu
minous coal combine The new com
bination, it Is asserted, is nothing less
than a combination of the Pennsylva
nia railroad, the American Steamship
Line, the Chesapeake and Ohio, with
the fleet of ocean steamers sailing
from Newport News, and the bulk of
the shipping s tb great lakes.
The combination of interests thus
forming in conjunction with the Ley
land line deal, will put into the back
ground even the gigantic billion dol
lar steel trust It will give to the
promoters snd to the new combine
the control of transportation from the
lakes and the west practically to Eu
The deal ia so gigantic in its con
ception as to be almost beyond be
lief, and would be so were it not for
the organisation of the big steel trust
with such ease and the rumors which
reached this country from Europe
while Mr. Morgan waa abroad.
This transportation trust will have
the foreign trade of the United States
almost st its mercy, owning as it will
nearly all the wharfage at t great
ports and with a community at in
terests with the other lines of trans
portation that reach the seaboard, it
will be able to raise the foreign rates
on wheat, corn, cotton and the other
products we export to the old tune of
all the traffic will bear." This of
course will mean that the price to the
farmer and producer will be accord
ingly decreased.
The trust question is certainly be
coming interesting and the magni
tude of the combinations is enlarging
as the feed the smaller onea have been
feeding on tend to larger growth.
It Is also well to remember that the
four men above mentioned form the
combine that Is demanding the pas
sage by Congress of the ship-subsidy
steal, and if they are able to control
the next Congress for that outrageous
measure they will doubtless be able to
prevent all anti-trust legislation.
The coming Congress will bear close
watching and It will be well to in
form your Senators and Representa
tives, who are Republicans, that their
actiona will be strictly scrutinized. It
is a matter of congratulation to Dem
ocrats that all the members of their
political faith with hardly an excep
tion, are opposed to the subsidy
scheme and favor anti-trust legisla
The Republicans are In great fear of
a coming storm; they feel they are
losing the confidence of the honest
people. Hanna and the men who have
control of tne party machine are great
bluffers and ruthlessly override any
that raise even a faint cry for refor
mation. The enormous patronage at
their bestowal has so far been able to
stay revolts In all quarters but the
stopping of the mouth of a politician
does not satisfy the people who are
paying the fiddler, but who are not
allowed to name the tone to which the
dance is set Republican editors all
over the country are urging reform,
they are in touch with the people and
know their unrest Independent news
papers are more outspoken and see the
coming storm, the Indianapolis News,
for Instance, says: "Republicans them
selves are beginning to see the neces
sity of doing something to set things
to rights. So we hsve Republican
protests against the ship subsidy, re
publican demands for the lowering of
our tariff duties, republican denuncia
tion of the corruption in Pennsylvania
and Maryland and republican argu
ments in favor of still further
strengthening the gold standard. A
member of the president's cabinet has
declared himself against the robbers
la Pennsylvania. It will be well for
the sen is utHority if they read the
danger signals."
This ery will not be heeded by Han
na and the machine that control
Congress, they are latent oa ship-subsidy
stasis aad legislation of similar
atrodty. The small honest element of
the republican party In Congress will
be pot down with a high hand and
their efforts to legislate against the
trusts win be laughed at
This Is the Democratic opportunity
and they win show their hands by
giving the few honest Republics aid
to reform the corruption that rales
the party ia power. There will not he
enough of them to legislate la the
oaattac Coagress bat .the Democrats
win glre them a ehaaee to stand ap
aad he coasted aad thee sppsal to the
eoaairy for a aew deal in IP.
That tresty RepabUeaa orgs, the
Bcotoa Advertiser, whose breath of
KM In through protection, la aoita chv
tarhed sheet the rati prosily treaties.
It declares that it was the
some of them, that beaded oe? the ml
proelty treaties daring the f-fcty -sixth
realism The Adrtreasr ascJarss
that th fJaas of ttt
let-, t rx Uteres wtJe.
ttt Itoraattogtoa; Cat Cent
fcaar&s rpeo tzZm to the racist
CM CiT wore smwCX T
taaorer ear c ta
t3X3 KM. al Ct VSIB
the friend, of the admletatratlon j
petntea out isu ue twirea
would do no hert to Arorica tadue
tries and would rather be of benefit
to many important lines of trade, the
lobbyists simply retorted that they did
not care to havehe experiment tried.
The Advertiser further states that the
President "is now considering the ad
visability of making some appeal to
public opinion, which may be aroused
uScieniijr io cum pel iiia Seuaui iaiu
disregarding the orders of the trusts."
This proves the contention that the
iruais are in control of iue nainiini
can party and dictate to the adminis
tration, which seems to be helpless in
their hands.
' There is no doubt that a number of
senators such as Aldricb, Allison,
Fairbanks, Piatt the pair of them,
Hawlcy and others are friends of the
trusts, but there are a number of sen
ators who are not controlled by them,
copcee the reclpoorty treaties on con
stitutional grounds that all lawa for
taxation must originate in the house
of representatives and cannot there
fore be a matter of dicker between
the executive and foreign countries.
In every state in the union the rail
roads pay much less taxes in propor
tion to the property they own than the
farmer or the business man. In Ohio
this eyil haa become so great that
Tom Johnson as mayor of Cleveland
is making a fight to equalize taxation
and of course the railroads and other
corporations are fighting him bitterly.
The Democratic state convention has
backed up hla efforts by a plank in
the platform on this reform, which
reads: "
"The acceptance of free passes or
other favors from railroads by public
officers or employes shall be made ade
quate ground for vacating the officer
held by them.
"All public service corporation
shall be required by law to make
sworn public reports, and the power
and duty of visitation and public re
port shall be conferred upon the
proper state and local auditing of
ficers to the end that the true value of
the privileges held by these corpora
tions shall be made plain to the peo
ple. "Steam and electric railroads and
other corporations possessing public
franchises shall be assessed in the
same proportion to their salable value
as are farms and city real estate.
"The proceedings of the Republican
majority of the state board of equal
ization are a scandal. Property values
instead of, being equalized were in
creased or diminished at the dictation
of political bosses pursuant to corrupt
combinations and conspiracies."'
The Republican convention declared
in favor of a revision of the revenue
laws of the state so that all classes of
property will bear their just burdens
of taxation. As the Republicans nave
had control of the legislative and ex
ecutive branches of the state govern
ment for several consecutive years one
is impelled to wonder why they have
not long aince accomplished the re
That the trusts rule the Republican
party Is getting to be well understood
by most of the people. In return for
the special privilege that have been
granted the trusts they find the money
to elect Congressmen and thus con
tinue to bleed the people. In this
connection the New York Times says:
Whatever opinion our statesmen and
our economist may hold, it is plain
that the beneficiaries of Dlnglerlsm
are not prepared to dispense with the
blessings of a system under which
they have found It delightfully easy
to get rich. Congressman Dalzell is
one of the spokesmen of this class
of wide-awake Americans. He thinks
thst the granting of tariff concessions
even to the products of Cuba will
raise 'serious questions.' we should
asy so. Porto Rico. is smaller than
Cuba, yet the howl that went np
when It was proposed to establish
free trade with that island, our own
Island, was so terrifying that it
frightened the President from his
plain duty. "
The Standard Oil people hare
bought another little trust only a
matter of about $60,000,000, known as
the Linseed Oil Company, and the
price of linseed oil has been on the
Jump erer since. This advance in
price does not agree with Republican
predictions that the formation of
trusts molts la cheapening the
product Tbeic Is a tariff on Unseed
oil of M cents a nsltca, allows
the trust to tats the price at least
that much aad not experience say
eompetltloB. When yon paint year
house or barn you pay the trust a
large tax approaching 40 per cent of
the cost of the oil aaed aad this tax
la collected by the trust by adding to
the pries over what the same product
eonld be imported for aad by the pro
t action graatad the trust by the Re
pabUeaa tariff.
The trusts hare lawyers employed
ta aad oat of Coacress. Perhaps tale
waa what the Omaha Bee waa think
la; of whoa H mid: "Coagisttman
Oisorsaer, who has developed the aa
fortaaate faeaSty of sayisg the wrong
thJag at the rtsht tame, has agaia at
tracted attsattoa to himeelf by a
fwarth of J7 oratloa devoted Ian
ty to a defease of .the trust. Coa
jjittmit Orosrsaor la eridoatly
eMMoea of the fact that the trusts
toaaaaatly keep the shiest lawyers
of tho eoaatry their pay ran far
Caee De
1. jiat'a Cay are mialsg
vtt epaa. era fcl ts tsixJ pr-
fsstttai at Ca. .
Tha rtM aa the aal Warfean Oat?
She Oaaata Wet ar a War a Ba
tenaieetWa Tat ta Laaer taaelie
Bee Thai Wym Aleteet Claae.
The strike of the steel trust workers
Is said to have been brought about
by the trust to once tor aii seitie the
labor question. The labor organiza
tions are in the way of the plana of
J. Plerpont Morgan and for some time
he .has been preparing for a gigantic
war on trades unions. The leading
Republican newspaper of Ohio, the
Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune which
is controlled if not owned by the trust,
foreshadowed the opposition to organ
ised labor ia its issue of June 26, when
it asld: "The declaration of the Read
ing Railroad company against the
unions really masks the intention of J.
Plerpont Morgan to begin a fight for
death against American organized la
bor. Mr. Morgan is a man who believes
in combines for American prosperity,
as well as private profit
"As a matter of principle, one of
the things he is against is the labor
union. It Is his conviction that It re
tards the industrial development of
the people. In the union he sees the
lack of progress in an industrial way
in England. He bays that the unions
have prevented the introduction of
labor-saving machinery there.
"Of all the Investments, Mr. Mor
gan has the strongest grasp of the
Reading railroad corporation. It is the
basis of his real strength. It teaches
the great coal beds, touches the outer
limits of the steel business, tempts
the grain carrying Interests and great
ly insinuates submission to the great
opposition carrying companies. In its
shops, in its train service, along its
tracks, in Its contributing mining
fields, the unions have been supreme.
Until recently Mr. Morgan has been
disposed to rather encourage this. He
is fond of dealing with 'organizations.
That is his way of doing business. He
prefers to make bis deals with the
principals rather than to bother with
a herd of units. That was a con
venience. '
"Now he is confronted with some
thing greater than an expediency. He
Is convinced that the unions are In
the way of tne supreme development
of his enterprises and the full growth
of his own Industrial America. As he
shakes away the hindering tethers of
Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and other
financial princelings, he feels that be
should assume the full Imperial power
which belongs to the enthroned money
king of earth. That Bounds rather
grandiloquent, but It is within the
limits of the facts. Americans are do
ing the producing for the whole world.
That Is the call which he makes to the
money lenders and money investors of
the whole world. It is taking. It is
successful. In his mind, he sees the
unions in the way of complete suc
cess of hi plans.
"Along with many other gigantic
things which he is trying to do. he
sees it worth his while to try to break
the unions. To a man of his strength
and power this does not seem an im
possible task. The unions are in the
way of American development, in his
mind. Therfore tbey should be gotten
rid of.
"An order is iseued to the Reading
railroad president thst a war Is to be
waged against unionism, and that this
war is to gradually extend to such
other corporations as the Morgan In
fluence dominates or Influences.
Summed up, he believes that a union
of capital cheapens production and
that a union of labor is expensive:
"This Information is the result of
knowledge of conferences of various
Morgan men as to the best way of get
ting st the union problem. It is not
Intimated that this Is the only way. It
la one of them. It is the beginning."
This should open the eyes of the
laboring man and teach him that the
trusts are his enemy and the Republi
can party cannot, if It would, aid or
befriend him as long as It Is furnished
by the trust with the money to de
bauch the people In exchange for the
special privileges and protecton grant
ed them.
The reign .of tb present trusts and
combinations end the agreement
amongst the railroads to heep np rates
sad allow no competition Is another
form of the feudalism of the dark
ages. It has not yet entirely perfect
ed combinations la some lines, but Is
rapidly approaching that state of per
fection whea everyone will hare to
gtvs of hit labor or Income to support
the heroes of the trusts. The oil
baroas, the Steel barons, the sugar
barons, the coal baroas, the railroad
barons, the moaey barons aad the
hundred aad oa leaser lords who
control some aecesstty of the people,
who under the special privllegos aad
protection graaUd them by subeer
rieat legislators, tax the nine sun
dred and aiaetr-nlne out of a thou
saad to support themselves la castles
and palaces that far surpass the lord
y dossals of the baroas of the mid
41 ages. As thea so bow, this ex
tortioa la practiced under the fora
of law aad the people are helpless aa
lees they rebel. The baroas of the
time were sacra of their
br tho eoreretga people. To
this win roaalge patleae
rsutoat oBort to
to Coagress aad
IcsUtarei who win case the work
t&g has been buvbsU ahoat br the
trust and eorporatlona through thrtf
subservient friend and coadjutor, tho
Republicaa party.
The Republican party machine u
entirely dominated and controlled oy
the modern barons In every state in
the Union, but fortunately the party
of the people, the democracy, la rid
of them In most of the states, sad
may be relied on to bring about the
reforms needed if placed In power. .
The effort to control the Democrat
ic party by reorganizing It. so that the
trusts and corporations can also dic
tate its policy, will not prevail if the
people are true to their own Inter
ests. It Is now the only barrier to the
complete domination by the few. and
It la a good sign of victory that many
newspapers, who left the cause of the
people In the lurcb, are seeing the
trend of the Republican rule of plu
tocracy. One of these, the Ohio State
Journal, says: "None of the barons
of the feudal times possessed such
power as these men." Another, tne
Memphis Commercial-Appeal, says:
" Modern feudalism is not coming. It
has long been here. It Is a much
more painful system that the ancient
feudalism, which meant the paying of
an annual tribute from three grains
of pepper to something ot great value
In cattle, corn, wine, oil, or money, for
the use of certain lands and heredita
ments, and when the payment was
msde the tenant waa practically su
preme lord of the domain for the time
being. The other style of feudalism
consisted in rendering persons! ser
vice of some sort, In peace or war,
after which the tenant was free to
go and do as be pleased. But in mod
ern feudalism the lord who lives In
baronial splendor is not satisfied with
moderate tribute or occasional service.
The poor roan can pay no tribute, di
rectly, because be has no money,
hence he is required to render con
tinuous personal service for the poor
privilege of living on plain food,
breathing foul air and wearing plain
clothen. He Is xiven no "castle" aave
such as he rents and pays for In the
steaming, sweaty tenement district, or
In the suburbs, where the ramshackle
cabin broods by the feculent stream or
the stagnant and putrid pona.
has no" rights of flre-bote, wood-bote,
chalr-bote, house-bote, waln-bote, or
any other bote; he has no rights at
all more than a Mexican peon. He has
what he can buy with the remnant ot
his beKKarly wage after he has ren
dered unto Caesar the things that
Caesar claims, and before rendering
to God the things that are God's. Mod-
prn feudalism is tne nasesi ioriu m
slavery. It doe3 not crush e-ut hope.
While the claims and gives are riv
eted to the limbs the vlctom foolish
ly Imagines that soma day, some time,
somethlne or some one will BtriKe
them off. Doomed to perpetual toll
In the service of some one else ne
dares be buoyant at times and actu
ally rejoices over the fact that he has
employment that he has been given
leave to toll. The feudalism of or
ranlzed capital adds to the ancient
feudalism the despotism and savagery
of supreme power and unquestioned
sway and subtracts from It the bond
of sympathy that existed between the
lord and his client In earlier times,
From present day feudalism every
element of humanity has been extir
pated, and the effort to rescue the
cost of living on the one side and to
reduce comDensatlon to the cost of
living on the other side Is perpetual
'Modern feudalism Is here and vol
umes might he written about it with
out exhausting the subject."
The Increase of railroad fares and
freight rates has been systematically
going on ever since the combinations
were effected. The freight rates hare
generally been Increased in the round
about way of raising the classification
The Buffalo Times says: "The Pan-
American is now complete, but the
railroad rates keep the crowds away.
This Is corroborated by the managers
nf the Pan-American Exposition, who
aire out the following information:
Wr can cite many instances wner
the railroads hsve put up their rates
far in excess of what the fare waa
before the exposition." This is pretty
xood proof that trusts and combina
tions do raise prices, notwithstanding
the efforts of General Grosvenor and
other Republicsn leaders to prove
they are sa advantage to the people.
There would seem to be another
factional fight la progress amongst
the Republicans about the future ot
Cuba, snd the tariff on her produc
tions. One side represented by the
New York Press would repel and lm-
nnrertsta Cuba, the other side, of
which the Inter-Ocean Is the spokes
man, would pare the way for "ma
feet destiny" which. In this case.
means anaexation. The beet sugar
sad tobacco combines may yet dis
rupt the Republicaa party, and If they
do they will be blessings In the dis
guise of cormorants.
Just as was expected. Representa
tive Orosvenor Is trying to explain
whr American goods are sometimes
old abroad for less than they are sold
at home. He declares that this waa
sometimes done at a loss and for the
purpose of "subjugating foreign mar
bets." hat he does not explain why
sots of the trusts keep oa doing this
or bow tbey can afford to do so aad
pay the freight Into the bargain. But
thea Orosrsaor Is merely aa echo of
the Protective Tariff league aad not
a very reliable echo, either.
Perry Heath's bank, the flereaU
National of New York, that failed re
cently, will, after the stock holders
hart beta amsastd 100 per cent only
pay tO u:a on the dollar to depos
itors. Beak with a poUtleal putl
soa't teem to he desirable la vest
Blade ta stasXha!? l(f$
kaarfca and mil JJAI1,
b, stem sate.
Classer. Utters. Eciaimlri and fHstera,
Civil, nwhealcai sod Etactrlcai Bath
Courw. mai io kwi. numerate couiaai
SC. Beware nea,ior dot ooarr is.
- - - -'
CuiImmi Free. AMraM .
REV. A. MORRISStV. UfC, PraMetal.
required to harvest the grain crop of West
ern uanaaa.
The moot abend-
Iif'pVjn I tlnent. Reports are
yflHSgH yield of No. 1 Hard
wheat In VY extern
Canada will be over
thirty bubls to tbe acre. Price for farm
help will be excellent. Hplendid Ranching
Lands adjoining the Wheat Belt.
Kiruntioni will be run from all points lb
the United States to the Free Grant Lands.
Secure a home at onre, and if you wish to
nnn-hua at nrevailinz price, and secure
the advantage of tbe low rate, apply for
literature, rates, etc., to r. raoi.Er,
8uierintendnnt Immigration, Ottawa, Can
ada, or to W. V. lienuett. Canadian Gov
ernment A iron t, 801 Sew York Life Bklg.,
Ornaba, Neb,
ehi rUittoff Buffalo, do not fall to see
the Canadian Exhibit at tbe Pan-American.
X It"
Steal FraM tad ft! Scale auk fW. 9f
Omda Ma fcata st WerVs Mr. Cetafe. ISM.
tae a! T a ill """T-
Baet uA euMBMt nlUMe U . a. Staaaua Kate naaa.
Hut uatful article lur farm a wameiiiraw,
Cetaiaf. prtrM aa latunnaUoe fumlaec frae.
aiWREN('CnIU( !!( (toaa.K.
H. J. t;glH. Htareacaieilt- Et' at Waablaftae.
p.C. isti. I'airal M Beak aa rauaia rUl,
KMmsan. wr. loub, obkaoo
uBMHRMMiritf Mrtftlst ttt Uesry
Hestiss This raptc,
W. N. U. OMAHA No. j-ieoi
a -p . ; . . m
Ta r .v )
tf VMV
- fcr
Jt J.L-.