Harris Press - Journal. ... VOL. XIV. HABBISOIT, NEBRASKA, THTJBSDAY, JLTJOTJST 22, 1901. ISO. 8 ON i X 4 5, TUCIOPAI IIPUK fr mci la at T)nvl44. 8-2. Mr. Umphenour and Ur two (tons ar rived Friduy from tluuoeoii, Kansas. J. Herman shipped several carloads of atwep from Collee Siding Saturday, , - TV BmII shipped a trainload of cattle froui Coffee Siding Monday. Judfte Hunter, former ostmater at By-'ure ww in town Friday and informeu lite editor that lie hud retired from" tin ,40ireniment service having (jrown rich V. . V., U....J.. Goodsen Lucy had the misfortune Thursday to have a steer fall uu hie ankle arid sprain it. He was compelled to limp for a few days but is now much improved. Mm. Lix-ia Coffee aa in the city Tueaday. transacting bUHineas with our merchant. Mis Mary Moravek left Saturday for Lusk wliere sue expects to be employed io lite hotel. Mrs. O. Ward and children went to Audrew Saturday uight for a visit with Mrs. Chris Clnlsteoseii her sister. A. MeGiniey sold 100 liead of cattle to Mr. Sliiwonaud 21 head to Mr. Wright. They were delivered Thursday. Marsteller Bros, shipped a carload of lumber, last week to Caiey Bros, wealt hy ranchmen near lJougtas, Wyo. Mrs. Lacy, arrived yesterday from la to make a visit will) the Lucy's of our city. The school horn is being painted this wwk. Bartlett aud, Lindsey are the artists. . County Commisoner Lewis and fiiniily Mill iMiva m.zt week for a visit to the Huffalo Exposition aod with relatives in the East. O.O. Buck, Birri, Ark., says: I was truti oM with constiKUin until I bought l)e Wilt's Littlt Early Risers. Since than have been entirely cured of my old com plaint, , I . reccomeod them. J. E Phinuey. . It is reported by persons from the north side of the county that Mike O'Connel and Geo. Ash ton on Indian creek were arrested last week in South Dakota, chained with stealing sheep. l"1 rOIIl vnu OfOOC0 Ilow M. A. C. we will not wai for Zekiel to crow first this time. We have no sweet corn in our garden 0r (,e chintz bugs took it all. but we have been (easting on melons aod cucumbers for two weeks. We have just net out three hundred strawberry plants, and shall put out at least seven hundered more, as chintz bugs do not thrive onxtrawberries we shall expect a light crop next year. We hail two inches of rain the 3lh and a nice shower yesterday. Late com is doing line. With our rain the 13lh we had an "awfully grand" electrical dis- Co. Attornty O'Coimel is engaged this play also. The lightning struck posts, week lu looking after his interests on the telegraph poles, and trees but no damage ranch and Co. Treasurer Series 1 is attending to the oflice duties and '-batch ing'' in town. was done. I'rof. Roberts returned from her home at Uskaioosa la., last Friday and s.'le says this is the greeuest looking country This is a gowd time to be thinking she has seen. Not rain enough at her about your winter supply of clothing, home since the middle of June io lay the L. Gurhich received this week a con- dust and wells are dry and hard to gel sigmuvul of California clothiug which it water evu by digging deep. will pay you to exaiuitie. We took a twenty mile trip to the north east lust Saturday iiiuruing relum ing Sunday. In passing llirough Chirks we came upon the ruius of a big lire which had burued Several business Deidrick Nelson of Glen was in the city yesterday enjoying the benefits de rived from our merchants. Wnile here he made a pleasant call on the nuw editor houses. Origiou of tire unkuoivn. and made himself aciiuaiuled which we appreciated. in vv voi ri n hz. v We hasten to :ofiraPnlata Mr. and Mrs, Csiwrn on the arriviil of the young typo at their homo in Idaho. Andrew Christian had trouble with his pump and had to pull it three times the first of the week. The trouble was caused bv sand getting ii. to the cylinder. Ye scrilw was helpiugChrisChrihtenseu make hay last week. Some two weeks ago as -Oscar Boyles was riding oim of J. J. JCiiinHrumeii's horses it fell and broke one of its )pgs just aoove ie knee, and had to be shot. Mr. ZumDruiineii had a narrow escape from being killvd a short time ago. In rying to stop a runaway team he was thrown onto the end of th buggy tongue and carried through a wire fence. He wwS bruised up coiMiderably mid his lot ties were lorn into shreds. No, M. A. 0. Z)kiel hasn't the time to crow over Mr. II. ills corn; besides thin is no corn country, as we are too elevated to raise any except the kind that grows on the toes. Why, bless vou, we just had our first inews ol green peas the other day. Along about Thanksgiving we can expect coi n. Haying is a big business in this count ry. We parsed several wg hay ranches besides tliose owned by 1L T. rtoward, Mrs. S. II. Allport, Johuston, pa, I His cattle ind hay rauclnu are scattered Hnysr'Our little irirl aliuot uLraiu'iail k. allover the country aud Ins buildings death wilh croup. The docters said lm on them are Very Una, coulden't live but she was instantly 1 iieveuoyuue Minute Cou;;! Curs. J. h. Ptiimiey. In some unexplaiiuhle manner, Tlie PiiiiKS-JoVRxL. r ported last week that J. Andorson and Thos. B II shipped a car IojwI of cattle tilo previous Sunday, Of course anybody would know that we meant tram load. k M'ss Mabel Raum, daughter of Sioux Counties effectent and popular County Clork, arrived Friday for a visit with her father and relsi'tied Saturday evening. F. Force was in the city Saturday. Mr. Hunter od wife of Omaha are visit ing at Uteir houi. Mrs. Hunter b cou teioplatmg buying the Force ranch. If the action ol your bowels is not easy and regular serioux complications must t. lim hail reitult. DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers will remove this danger. Kufe, pleasiaut and effective. J, E. l'hin oey. A trainioad of cattle left Harrison Saturday ufternoon. The following were the shippers and the number of inr oads each Rhipd. O. Story, 2; W. Cole. I; Geo. Turner, 2; F. Curne, 2; J. Her man, 1; We are very, glad to know that so many of tho'girls of Sioux County that we are very much interested in, are ex pectmg to attend Chadroil Academy Make the best of your opportunities girl, Wllen you m.ijuireau education, you gel something you will not loose, even if the banks fail or buikhn,' buru dowu or Hoods cover the land. Prepare for your life vork then when opportunities come you will be prepared. Clio. .'entral City, Nebr. 819 1901. "1 I Harrick Gossip. In cases of cough or croup give the! The troops of this comniand were paid tthvune One Minute Cough Cere, Then off of ",e 8 int. and a htrge numbs? uf( rest easv and have 110 fear. The child I l'm boys spent an enjoyable tune at the will he alt right in a little while. U Ice C.-e 111 Social given at the Post Am never fails. Pleasant to Ink, .lu,,., museinent Hall under the auspices of f, sure and almost inslantaueous in t.'" Catholic thurch on the same date effect. J. E. Phmnev. . It is rumored that xome of the boys fail ed to gej their money's worth. ..c" wnk t..r. ... 6. on the 12 til on a practice, march and re Date A Letter. St. Anthony. Idaho, , Aug. 12, 1U01. Editor Press-Joiirnai, Harrison, Nebr. Dear Sir; Before wc left our old home and friends in Sioux County, I made a num ber of prouiices to various ones, both in Harrison and through the country, also Ziekel that at a proper time I would send to the Prkkk JoiiIOIaI., a descriptive letter of our trip to this country and also my views relative Io the future ol Norht-eust Idaho, and more esjiecially Fremont County and its metropolis, St. Anthony. Well, to begin with we went aboard the ox-press ut Harrison about 25 minutes of 12 o'clock the 29t.li day of July, aud sailed along at a rnpid rale, i. e. as fast as a F. E. & M. V. train can Co, without another incident until we readied Chug water station on the Colo. Southern R. R. where we laid over about one hour and a half until the road bed hadjepaircd so the big and little guns could b transported to Cheyenne, as lliere had ljen a washout 4 days before, our train being the first over the roap since that tune. After reaching the place where the road had been washed out and repaired the engine hail left the Prnfpssinnal Parric. GRANT GUTHRIE. MUUNICJ-m-LClW. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliablf companies, t2"Leg:il papers carefully drawn. Harrises. Nebkasu. Co. Attcri.cjr, M. J. O'Coimell, - - -JOS- Will l'rartlcw io All Courts. Special Attention tiiveu to Land Of. flee liiinincss. Collections and all business entrust ed to nil; will rewire prompt attention. HximiKow - Nebraska. J. E. PUIXNEY. M. 1). I'liyixcian and Surgeon. All calls piyen proinpt attention. . Offlce in ruif titure. -HAHliLSON NEBRAHKA. A Inindof about 900 sheep belonging track and a delay of another hour wu According to theCommisoners proceed- "-"rued 011 t' 1M ullhough they tolter- ings pubhlil in last weeks issue the jury drawn was for the April 1SI02 t.rm of court. This should have been Sk-pt. iJOl term of conrt. U. II. Newlin and family of Pleasant Kidge was in the city Monday and Tues day. Tlw editor acknowledges a pleas anl visit Mth Mr. Newlin.' ' The bank examioer was looking over books of lite Commercial Bank of Hurrison Friday. Everything wasfound 111 4rst claiss condition, B. F. Hummel, proprietor of the hotel at Lusk, Wyo. was paHsenger on the east bound Elk horn tram Tuesday oight uud stopied off in the city. James W hite, BryanUville, Ind., says Le Will's Witch Uaiel Salve healed run ouik sores on both leg. He had suffered years. Doctor failed to help him. Get DeWitts. Accept no imitations, J E. Phiniiey. ed along beneath a blazing sun they nevertheless reportd an enjoyuple trip, wtitcli was under th command of their 1st Sergeant Herbert Turner. The target range under the immediate chaige of Ordnance Ssrgeaot Rose, U. S- Army wus put in order for practise and A deal was completed this week wlwre by Jolin Anderson and comimnv liecjime . , , , .t , ,1 . , ""l- u'.v oeuime lately arrived troops of Cavalry will flip rwtu(ua nr A(fi r t I L l 1 J .... , , , wrai wnicn !.,.. ,..,U ,.,. ,... ,, " ' " Bler"e. U IOlI. inst. to John Herman passed through here on their way to Harrison, Oil las! Friday. Frank Currieand a man from Atlantic Iow, were interviewing the cattlemen on the Ridge last Wednesday. Harvest is being pushed rapidly along now, and several have llieir wheat in the tck, Miss Florence t hrislinn has been n- gngd to teai h the east school in our district, for the winter, Miss Amy Christian closed a three months -school in tin west school house on lant Friday. blie has given good satisfaction and we would be pleased to have her -teach the winter term there but understood that she has engaged a school in No. 4. Through the courtesy of Hon. Mon- dell U, C. we recieved the year book for 1900. It is finely illuslriated and continues much valuable information. It is well worth anyoues while to read and pL-escrve the year books sent out by the government, as they contain infor mation gained by actual experience. While at the post office one day last week we were shuvu a monstrosity -in the form of a fe'iten brought there fot observation by Harry Franober. The kil leu had a head or heads, divided from the top down. It consisted of two noses, two mouths, two chins, and four eyes, but had only two ears. The seperation or double of the head, began at the top just above the eyes. The two inside or center eyes being placed very close to jrether. The noses, mouths, and chins were' well developed and dislinctly separalied. When found by Mr. Franch erit was" dead but h;ul evidently been born alive. The body was well develop eJ and tot out of the natural order. Zkiel. War Bonnet precinct. The consideration was $ 1,500. The department Inspector General Capt. J. R. Erwin, 4th Cav'y, arrived at the post on the 17tli lust and immediate- Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores lv pfoceded to execut' the duties of Ins of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's ollice. He will leave sometime during Witch Hazel Salve. Certain enre for the present week. piles. Beware of counterfeits. Be sura Serjeant aud Mrs. Rose in company yon get the original De Wilt's J. E with a few congenial friends went out Phinney. Matters perUining to the Haines estate were settled this wrek and L. Banks Wilson buys Uw property. Consideration $10,000. Hon. C. F. Coffee came in on yester day train and went out to the ranch preparatory to shipping some cattle the last of the week. Chief Clerk Davis, was seen cleaning t' e windows of Marsteller Bros, store yesterday. He stated positively that this was not an indication of a wedding. The Prkhs-Joukvai, will watch the case with interest. L. J. Ebert. living in the northent cor tier of Sioux County was a nurrison visitor Thursday. While in the cily he rrnide a pleasant call on the PftEH3-Jom-KAfc man. We are nlwavs pleased to have Harrison visitors call at these head Do you need a newsuit for the Boj ? If o commit your heel Int rent by calling at Bar tell'. Another invoice just re ceived and will be sold Right. Come and Your for business. J. H, Burtell. 7-t-f. Jan. Nolan, one of the PitBW Jot rnal sifWnbeni was in Harrison, Thursday transacting business with our merchants Mr. Nolan slopped in for a talk wilh the eoWrand locidently left the Impression Matt considered that it paid him well tff) to Harrison and deal with ImjO' at iiiin'Mi men. The editor was entertained at the home of the B'lUrrel'sSaliirdny night and Sun dny. Now it would lie athogether imposs ible to tell what a good time he enjoyed but it is sufficient to mention where he was and everyone will know that he had a royal good time and left Sunday even in with many regrets that tlie time was cut so short. The daily papers say that it has pract unity been decided to build a rftad from Minnraxli and St, Paul to Dead wood and from thero connect with Denver via Orin Junction. This should mean much better connection for this auction of the Vorth went. TiM rood will be2t5 mil in length. on a oicnic not long since aud returned jovial and jolly reporting a high lime. We regret to learu that some of the Cavalry boys after recieving the dough for tiie mouth of July, considered the same as a furlough aud took advantage thereof. (French Leave.) The new Post-Mistress Mrs. Habbeger has been installed. Although today being Surfday the In speclor Geuerat busied himself persuing the records etc. pertaining to the Sub- stilence and(jr. Mr. Di pi's and we learo lias expressed hi high appreciation ol their government. Mrs. Douthett of Crawford was the guest of Mrs. Rose on the 17th iiml. We regret to learn Corporal Jock's (edal extremeliurt have become impaired which was due to long and laborious march participated in by his company. We tender him our increasing sympathy wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr. Black, her daughter Lora and the little baby boy left for their home in North-Loup on Hie 18th inst. Mr. Black hi yet a resident of the post having been employed us it Chief Carpenter. Their daughter Miss lleorgie left the post for the name place on the 8th inst. A Remarkable Octogenarian Although eighty-two years old this summer, Mrs. U. P? VanCleve, ''the lirst white baby born in the North west" is stilt vigorous of mind and actively in tt rested in the world's affairs. Shi lives in Minneapolis, Minn, Her lifeloog story, as told in The Ladies' Home Journal for August, is a picturesque and exciting one. Born at Ft. Crawford, Wisconsin, on July 1, lyi'J, the daugli encountered," besides all passengers were ordered to unload and walk over the dangerous new fill around a curve along the river bank about 00 yds. The track moved iu toward the river two or three inches. After the wrecking train, which was within whistling distance of us had come and assisted to putting our engine outo tiie track, we promled to Cheyenne where va were oblidged to layover until the next morning. After our start from there on our journey nothing took place worthy of note instead tieing on the road 36 hours it took 40, to Idaho Fulls where we visited two days before concluding our journey to our new home I St. Anthony. Well, we arrived here one week iigo Friday, last, and found every thing about as we expected. Well I took churgo of my business venture Aug. 5th and to say the very least it has been keeping the writer wonderfully busy getting out my first aud looking af ter a very young edito r who came and took up his abode with us about 0 o'clock a- tu., on press day and who will probably taki charge of the business here in about 21 years. Thus we have added very materially to the population of this city. We think -we ha v done as well for Idaho as Charley Beilile's folkes done for California, see? Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! we can't help but laugh. Now the population of St. Antli ony is close to 1,000, may be more; there is 5 or 6 general stores one clothing and ;ents furnishing store. 3 blacksmith shops, 2 drug stores, 3 hotels, 2 restuar- ants, 1 plaining mill, 7 or 8 attornies, 3 doctors, (regulars), 2 churches, Presby terian and MoUiodist besides a Mormon organization. There are 875 school child ren in tli j city, 3 livery stables, 1 wool house, 1 elevator, 1 department store, 3 saloons urd other sporting resorts etc. etc. etc. There is an opera house here, a brewary and other contemplating enter prises that will surely come to our town, which I believe is destined to make a city secoud to none in the state, Boise City not accepted. The new school house here when completed would be a credit to a city like Cheyenne and the architec- ural work on the building is very beauti ful and of course, it will be an induce ment to out aiders to come here and ocale, it for no other reoson than to educate their children. I wish a lot of is. item we it,. di;aler ik- Lunilicr, Harness, Saddles, Grain and Feed, Doors and Window, Heavy Hardware. Sliei ifTs Sale. liy virtue of ml oriler of sale isvued by the clerlt of the district court of Stoux County Nebraska, and to me directed, upon adeetoe riKred in mll court in favor of tiie eouu. ty of .Sum us plslntiff and -aguliistt Clin, ton itz, Mrs. t;ilrifoii Muti lii wife wiioae true Christian name Is unknown toplaiutitr, Marie C. Dorringtou. - I will on tiie 2Cth (lay of August 1901, stone o'clock in the ufternoon of sslil dny, at Hie i-ast front doer of the court House of said county, at Harrinon, J.'tbrak, veil ut pnb lic auction to tho highest biddvr tor cash in hand, lue i'oliovrinif dewribed real estate situated In sstd county, to wit: The North east qusrter of section tweaty live in township tlilrty-thee north of Itange fifty-three west of 8th principal meridian. to satisfy said order of sale lu the sum ot Thirty-two dollars, aeventy-flve cents and ceals and accruing costs. Dated July the 24, l'JOi, ALES l.OWBT, fcUerlir. Notice For Presentation Of Claims IS THE COUNT V COURT OK SIOUX COU.V TV, st: MUSK i. f" tu the matter of the Estate of wd, J. J. Vi'ltt, deceased, ' Notice is Rlvfln to all persons having claim or demands against Fred J. J. Witt, Into of Sioux Comity, deceased, that the time fixed lor filing claims Rjrainst said estate is six months from the 9th day of August 1901, nil persons having such clnimes are required It present the same with the vouchers thuv for, to the Comity Jurtso of said Comity, nt his office therein on or belere the 9th day of eluuary 19U2, and claiines so flled will be card on the flrnt Monday la September Itwl and thereafter on the first day of eacit n1- gnlnr term of said court during the time limited for filing claims ns aforesaid. John H. Bartell, County Judge. I.li tl nil. ..nilluli .i-iiiii ..HI, ml. nwA . Itn I v.. . lne Sioux County peoplecould see this wiuow oi another, sne passed inroutrii , . ... ., . , , country, it would open their eyes. Well all the trials, hardships aod adventures . . , , , .... , ,., ., , 1 1 must close my long letter may send i . , , . A I another letter later od. One tinner more tier, anu aunouirn nas peui most on ... . . . . ... " . 1 I hare seen wheat here that will turn ' I mil. 4ll nil. tn tlia tWfH All Imnirk t SAho are not so kooJ as usual on ac'ct of the late frost, the fruit crop was badly dam weed by the late frosts, plenty of Alfal fa and timothy here, can get wood for 3. per load delivered. Good bye for this time. Geo. Bia Gun. have still I ten of a varied and unusual character. Her golden wedding anniver sary was celebrated more than fifteen year sign. Mr. Kircheand several gentlemen from Indian Creek felt last night for Chudron where they will appear as wit- neaaes for the defense in the perliminary hearing of John Herman which h held tliere lotlay. Grand Ball. There will be a dance given at Andrews llall Friday night Sept. 6. Good music will be furnished and a good time enjoy ed. All are invited. The First Rattler. Sheriff's Hale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the at one o'cleck in the afternooa of said dsf Clerk of the District Court of Sioex County, Nebraska, and te me directed, upon n decree r.niler.-il in said court In favor of the coun ty of Sioux as plaintiff and asralnst Kr. Mil- ner, Mrs. Er. Milner, uis wiie wuow un christian name is unknown to plaintiff. Western rami Mortgage Company, nancy A. Plumb and J. I-ewis Browne, assignee Western Farm Mortgage company. j win on the 2Sth day of August nun, at tho east front door oi me cum. - suidcounty, at Harrison, neorwaa. public auction to thehigheiH Diunerior in hand, the following acsvnoeu v.. sltuiitod in said county, to-wlt: The north east quart-jr of section ten la township thirty-lour norm of range llfty fonr west Cth principal uierldinn. To satisfy said order of saleiu tho sum of Seventy dollars and sixty cents and cost., and seeming cots. Dated July 14 th, 1001, ALEX LOWHT, Sheriff: ' Sherlirs Sale fly virtno of sii order of ante Issued by the clerk of the distlrlct Court of Sioux County Nebraska, ana to ins directed, nuan a iin. While riding to the Uourret ranch last creo rendered by said Court in favor of tho Saturday incompany with Misses Gertrude K'ounty of Slom ns plaintiff and against and Katy Uourret the editor had his lirst 1 , , V "; "naant. . ... ... , I I will, oil the iiaii day of August, 1901 at on epe. i.nce w.ui a raiuesnaKe. it seem- .ci(K.k ln tlle nflsrl)oon of ..y, nt tlle en a very serious occasion but the young east front door of the court house of said ladies insisted that it was funny to He I 'Qxluyt ftt Harrison, Nebriinkti, poll at pub Hid tenderfoot editor carefully stepping !lc to u,e M" b'''" r rr ah in , . . ... ".. s. "and the following described real estates!! ... ...,...a u.v,..u. ine repine coneu nat0, i HH((1 ,otinty, to-lt; and realty to strike. It is said by people The south weitiinarter of section thirty who understand these creature that tWB,l,l tlilriy.iive north, of range titty thevcanonlv l.imr. a rll-in o, west of the dlli principal meridian in ' r I ' I .llhl.l t If. l i.ht nf u.n.. r I . their length but not being used to them ,.ul ,. ()f ,.-, .. wv...,. me euiturunin I trust minseil tlml close tral Hallway uomniinv. nut made his observations and threw the 10 Mtiry "id writer of sale in tliu sum of rope at a distance of about 'steen feet. r,,rtT u"'" "'! "K''ty live cents and H... Ail ...,K ri ... . "'"... ruing cosu. v,n. , 11M,UBr, ami win i Dated July Sltli, HOI no longer go creeping tnrougli the grass Alex UiWHr, to see who he can devour sonubodv un. I " h -h . sheriff. v Sheriffs Sal. My rlrtiio ot en order of sale Issued by the clerk of the IMslrlrt turt ol WoexCounty Nebraska, and to me directed, npon adeeree rendered In said court In favor of the comi ty of Slonx a plaintiff and against Jiewm.ni C. Hutching.. Mrs. Sewmau C. Hatchings, christian name unknown, to plaintiff, West ern Kami Mortgage Coiiipnny.aeorpori.i:.- , and J. 1 Brown, aslgnee Western K..nu, Mortgage Coiiipanv aud trustee, as di-t- n d unts. 1 will on the !th day of August IMM, at " o'clock In the afternoon of said day, .it Hi east front door of the court hoii ' s.iid county, at Harrison, Mebraeka, aril el pu -lie auction to the highest bidder fo- i-.ov In hand, the following neaori""-' - - minted In said county, to win The south half of the nortb w,-.t ,piar.r aud the west half of the south --t 1 ' h" of .ectlon thirty three in tow .id. p two, north of range Ofty-threo ki principal meridian. TotIfy aldorderof aalelnUie win. -y i evenly flw lol1iir and re mm i i,t and accruing eoaU. liaUxl Julry". IU Aim Lewar. . s rt u 5t s 1 ,'- I f I '' i . ; " V. ' .fl- V