Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 15, 1901, Image 7

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f -77-y.
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he la plastic and elastic sad can trie
tbe light fantastic In a etyle enthu
siastic with abandon that la rare;
Ska la aweetneae and petltcnesa In a
bunch of (Teat completeneaa and aha
keepe ua at bar feetneas In a manner
Iba can dally on the allejr with ten plna
and make a tally, and the boya
around uer rally when aha'a out
upon the link,
Abd ahe'll patter 'round and chatter on
moat any weighty matter, but ahe'a
talking through her hat 'er little
thinker never Uilntee. -Oh,
ahe'a happy when ahe'a frappe and la
throwing bright and anappy bite of
Chllkoot Paaa at chappy, freeslng
out the spoon? boya,
And the measure of ber pleasure In her
never-ceasing lelaure la a little world
of treasure lu unmitigated Joys.
She'll abuse you and amuse you and both
well and III ahe'll Use you, and ahe'll
finally refuse you, tbo' heart-broken
you Implore;
But don't bother get another be content
to be her brother, for she llkea to
see her mother mopping - up toe
kitchen floor.
Tto Man By ttu Roidside.
(Copyright, 1901, by Dally Btory Pub. Co.)
A man Buffering, from half a dozen
gunshot wounds lay dying by a Ken
tucky roadside a man frizzled and
gaunt, and upon whose lean face was
the bronze of fifty summers and many
a Jagged aeam and scar.
A rabbit poked Its nose Inquiringly
through the bushes as he lay there,
and then at a eudden movement from
the dying man turned and scuttled
ewlftly away.
Then a big blue-bottle fly came buz
zing around the helpless man, welter
ing in hia own life-blood beside the
rude mountain trail, and after five
minutes of blundering and bumping
against his battered features finally
settled down on the raw edge of a
wound, just below the matted hair on
hi forehead and began patiently drlll
- lag Into the sensitive flesh.
1 The eaqulsite pal a eemed to revive
the mortally : wounded sufferer and
: awaken his instinct of self-preservation.
His right, band stirred by his
side, and then . crept . slowly slowly
but surelyup toward J his blood
stained forehead.
Inch by Inch , It advanced that
gnarled, claw-like hand until It waa
on a level with the demon fly probing
Into hla wound; and then with a sud
den movement he brought It down,
crushing the Ufa out of his tormentor.
"Ha, ha! I got yeh, did I?" be
chuckled hoarsely. "Wush I could
reach out an' mash ole Cy Grandy
under my hand aame es I did thet fly!
I e'd die happy then. Yaas, I'd be
willln' to go to hell if 1 c'd send Cy
thar fust the treacherous, cowardly
The wounded man rolled over and
mad an effort to rise to a sitting posi
tion, but the attempt was a failure.
"The sneakln' ole dlvll has got me
fixed fer good an' all this time. I'll
be a dead man Inside of two hours,"
he went on, huskily. "Yaas, I'll be a
dead man, an' ole Cy Orandy 'II be
goln' round braggln' 'bout how be
wiped ma out D him! ef I had
my horse an' waa able to ride I'd fol
iar hlni up an' settle matters with him
"Whisky! Whisky!"
ywc, but I hain't got the stren'th left
to do It ! got lead enough la me
to kill an elephant. Ola Cy meant to
sake aare thing of It That bullet
la mj back alone would've flied me. It
aiaat'r struck the muscle that works
say tags, I reckon, 'cus I bala't had bo
nee of 'em sesoe it hit me. But my
lad la clear aa' my right arm (a all
right ret an' aa' I'd girt tbe rest of
ar IM, seen aa It Is, far Jeat one mora
e&aeo at the bub who shot me down
tat ! bm here la tao kuaaes to die
"Yaas," he resumed after a pause,
"to die like a dog an' rot by the road
aide; but by tbe Eternal, I'll get
even with him yeh kin bet! He will
find that I am more of a snake than
a dog. A rattler can strike back even
when It is dyin', an' I'll live long
enough to give ole Cy Orandy his
death-wound yet! Yaas, I'll do It, if it
takes a hundred years!"
Another pause longer than before,
and then the man by the roadside went
on in a hoarse whisper:
I'm peterln' out mighty fast; my
stren'th is goln' but I've got jest ez
much grit es ever. Ef I only hed
' "Alive Tet, an'-
suthln' to brace up my physical powers
I'd" -,
He stretched oat his right hand and
it came into contact with 1 smooth,
oblong-sbaped object lying on tbe
blood-soaked grass by his aide.
With an eager cry of joy he clutched
It and hugged it to bis bosom.
"Whisky! whisky! I'm good for an
hour longer now!" be whispered, eager
ly. "It dropped from my pocket when
I fell here among the bushes an' I
thought I had lost It. . Thank God, it
will give me stren'th an' courage fer
the job ahead of me!"
Stilt clasping the flask to his breast
bo fumbled with nervous, eager fingers
at the stopper until it came out, and
then preaslng the mouth of the flask
to hla dry llpa, he thirstily gulped
down the contents.
"Ah! that's the stuff! I feel more
like a man now," he mutttered thickly
aa the last drop went trickling down
hla throat I like whisky with an edge
to it suthln thet'll put new life In a
corpse. I'm wnth a dozen dead men
this mlnet, an' I'll down ole Cy Orandy
yet or know tbe reason why. 1 reckon
he'll be sorry he didn't con-fls-cate
that flask of moonshine when ho had
the chance. Ef It warn't fer that bul
let In my back I'd feel 'bout ez chipper
ez ever. Bet I kin pull a trigger with
tbe best of 'em yet Lemme see; whar
la my gun?"
Reaching down he drew a heavy six
shooter from hla hip pocket and swung
It Into position for action. Hla ateel
gray eyes gleamed with the baleful
glitter seen In tbo eyes of a wounded
aaako or a wild beaat at bay. There
was a smile on hla face the crafty,
vindictive amile of a savage lying la
wait for hla prey or gloating over the
suffering of his victim tied to the
A little browa bird alighted on a
twig above his head and began cheerily
alnglng, but with a wave of tho hand
and aa Impatient oath ha frightened
It away.
Than a buzzard wheeled lazily over
head, scanning with hungry eye tho
earth below, and as tha wounded man
looked up and saw It ho broke into
sardonic laughter.
"Ha, ba, ba! Yeh eeen ole Cy Oran
dy out with bis gun aa' yob thought
bo'd loft soma grab for yob along tbo
road behind him, did yeh? Well, ye
got footed thai time. Yer diaaer ain't
quite ready fer yeh yet, aa' 't won't bo
till ole Cy glta back!"
He raised bis revolver to a level with
his right eye and squinted steadily
along its shining barrel. For fully a
minute ho bold it thus, and then
dronnftd It to his aid with tha reoierlr:
"Hand an' nerve ez steady as ever fer
the time beln', an' now all I ask of tho
Lord in Hla marc an' gnodnaaa la to
send Cy Orandy back hero to git hi
deaerta an' aend him quick, before the
effecka of thet whisky works off an'
my stren'th begins to give out Got to
save It all now fer the final clinch."
A half hour paased during which
the wounded man neither stirred nor
Hia eyea were half cloaed, but all hla
senses were on the alert.
Suddenly the atiiineaa was broken by
the sound of a horse' hoofs clattering
on the hard mountain roadway and
rapidly approaching the spot where lay
tbe wounded man.
Instantly ho was all attention. H
turned hia face toward the point from
which the horse was evidently coming,
and all hla facultiea wrought up to th
highest tension were strained to catch
the slightest sound.
Nearer and nearer came the ap
proaching footsteps, until finally they
halted near the spot where tbe man
and the pistol lay waiting.
"I thought so," gleefully whlapered
the wounded man to himself. "It's ole
Cy Grandy on hia way home, an' ho
wants to make sure I'm dead. Waal,
ho'H find out I ain't ez dead ez he'll
wush I waa when he sticks his nose
through these bushes."
Slowly, painfully he raised himself
on his left elbow. The exertion sent
the red life-blood gushing forth afresh
from the gaping wound In his back,
but he heeded it not. His whole mind
was intent upon tbe movements of his
enemy. His right hand firmly grasped
the stock of the heavy revolver, with
his ready forefinger grimly caressing
the trigger; his lips were pressed
tightly together; his eyes gleamed
brighter, more hatefully than ever, and
his whole attitude was one of intense,
nervous expectancy.
The waiting man heard the horse
man spring to the ground with a swag
ger and an oath.
Then heavy footsteps approached the
spot where he lay, the bushes parted
and a bloated, rough-bearded face with
bloodshot eyes appeared in the open
ing. "Good God! alive yet, an' an' "
For one horror-filled Instant the
bloodshot optics gazed fascinated into
the basilisk-like orbs behind the pistol;
then a shot rang out, the owner of the
bloated face and bloodshot eyea
pitched heavily forward across the
body of his adversary, the waiting
steed gave a startled snort and gal
loped riderless away and two men
were left dying by the roadside instead
of one. '
Aa artistically Profane Oolf-risyers
Record Turned la.
There is a well-known young man
in Omaha, who does Beveral other
things better than he plays golf. He
is a past master in artistic swearing.
In fact, his anger finds expression lp
such coherent streams of expletives
that his reputation as a member of the
Country Club is based chiefly on this
accomplishment. But to get at tbe
story of a famous bit of golf playing
this loquacious young man dtd last
week. His record is 137 or thereabouts
and every time he makes the round of
the course bis score grows weree and
be gets more vehement in giving ex
pression to what I3 uppermost in bis
mind. Last Wednesday before he
started on the course one of the young
man's friends jokingly remarked:
"Every time you swear put a clod or a
chip or a piece of gravel in your
pocket" This 'was early in the after
noon. Just as the sun was sinking in
the west a weary young man with
bulging pockets staggered into the club
bouse. His friends had forgotten him
and supposed he had gone home. As
be entered tbe door be emptied a coat
pocket and pebbles rolled all over tbe
reception room floor. "That's the plain
d ns ," be exclaimed. From another
pocket he dumped 100 pebbles which
stood for a stronger number of the
purely masculine vocabulary. Other
pocket produced still more pebbles
and clod which represented other bad
words. His friends tried to call a halt,
but he persisted In littering up tbe
floor, remarking: "This ain't a cir
cumstance. Just wait till you see the
wsgonload of oats tbe caddy and tho
teamster are bringing." This story Is
told on the authority of friends of the
artistically profane young man. From
tha Omaha Bee.
Ageless Woasaa n If rags.
Mrs. Edwin Knoeylos of Brooklyn,
the new president of the Professional
Woman's league, does not believe In
woman suffrage. Discussing the sub
ject the other day, she said that to her
mind the woman suffragist appeared
as a ridiculoua being. Mrs. Knowlcs,
who enjoys the reputation of knowing
what she Is talking about, expressed
tbe opinion that nothing was to be
gained by enfranchising women "There
are a many Ignorant women aa men,"
be say, "and giving woman the right
to vote would merely Increase the num
ber of voter, while their division on
the Issue of the day would be about
aa It I bow. The only thing that
would be gained would be more trou
ble for th women." But Mr. Knowle
ha a strong belief In club life for ber
sex. It "broadens" a woman, she day.
New York Times.
King Edward VII. ha accepted from
Scott Montagu, M. P., a number of
American bronze turkey taken to
England In a wild state. They will
be boused at Sandrlngham.
Ira Wfcea a Waiae.ee Was Fatd Wttb
The little bras cub, tbe Cblaese
coin, the lineal descendant, In un
broken order, of the bronze ax of re
mote Celestial ancestor. From the
regular hatchet to tbe modern coin
one can trace a distinct, if somewhat
broken, succession, so that it Is Im
possible to say where the one leaves
off and tbe other begin. Here ia how
this curious pedigree flrst worked it
self out: In early times, before the coin
waa Invented, barter was usually con
ducted between producer and consum
er with metal implements, aa it atill
1 In Central Africa at the present day.
At first the Chinese in that unsophis
ticated age were content to use real
hatcheta for this commercial purpose,
but after a time, with tbe profound
mercantile instinct of their race, it oc
curred to some of them that when a
man wanted half a hatchet s worth of
goods he might as well pay for them
with half a hatchet Still, aa it would
be a pity to spoil a good working im
plement by cutting it in two, tbe
worthy Ah Sin ingeniously compro
mised the matter by making tin
hatchet of the usual size and shape,
but far too slender for practical usage.
By so doing he invented coin, and,
what is more, he Invented it far earl
ier than tbe claimants to that proud
distinction, the Lydians, whose elec
trum staters were first struck in the
seventh century B. C Cornhlll Maga
(tree Vaadors Who Ball Notalag Less
Tbaa a Dime's Worth.
There are many stories In this city
where a nickel ia not a welcome me
dium of exchange, because nothing so
cheap is sold, but it is bard to believe
that there is a street stand which
would not welcome a five-cent pur
chase. If any one is curious in this re
gard let him go to one of the fruit
stands in Cortlandt street, near the
Pennsylvania railroad ferry, and try
to make auch a purchase, says the New
York Tribune. "Let me have five cents'
worth of cherries," said a man the
other day, pointing to a loose pile of
the little red fruit. "As much as all
that!" exclaimed the street merchant,
and not for a single minute did he
cease dusting a bunch of bananas. The
intending purchaser waited a moment,
then crossed tbe street and repeated
his request to another stand. "Well,
you're a cheap one!" exclaimed the
vender. "You want to spend a whole
nickel do you?'' He did not stop sort
ing oranges. Tbe man who longed for
cherries tried a third stand. "We
can't sell you less than a dime's worth
of anything at these stands," replied
the man in charge. "You'll find an Ital
ian up the streetwho will take the
lead money. The "cheap" man decided
he didn't want cherries after all, and,
going into a cigar store, bought a
whole bunch of cigarettes with the
Cheap Meals la l-ooilon.
"Speaking of cheap restaurants,"
said a gentleman who has just return
ed from a visit to London, to a Wash
ington Star writer, "reminds me of a
dining saloon in the Whitechapel dis
trict of London, where a relishing and
fairly substantial meal may be had for
half a penny, or one cent in our money.
This cheap repast is not served up in
the shape of a cut from a joint and two
vegetables. It is a big brown pie, very
Juicy and very hot. The absence of
beefsteak is evident when you cut the
pie, but you find Inside a , liberal
sprinkling of sheep's liver, onions and
turnips, and a plentiful supply of
gravy. For a half penny extra two
slices of bread and a cup of tea are
supplied. Between the hours of twelve
and two the poor and hungry from all
parts of the east side of the city flock
to the dining room. Most of the pat
rons are shoeblacks, penny 'toy men,
costermongers, and now and then
young clerks whose salaries will not
permit them to Indulge in a more cost
ly dinner."
Battsaa fer the Church.
There is far more in the oft-repeated
statement that old buttons If useful
for no other purpose may serve as an
offering to tbe Lord. Tt Is recorded aa
a fact that a clergyman's . wife was
mending clothes for her boys when one
of her neighbors called In to have a
friendly chat. It was not long before
tbe visitor's eye wss attracted by a
large basket more than half filled with
buttons. The lady could not help re
marking that there seemed a very good
supply of buttons. Thereupon she be
gan to turn tbem over and suddenly
exclaimed: "Here are two buttons ex
actly tbe same as those my husband
had on hla last winter suit. I should
know them anywhere." "Indeed," said
the clergyman's wife. "I am surprised
to hear it As all these buttons were
found In tbe collection bag I thought
I mlgbt a well put them to some use."
Before she had finished speaking the
visitor hastily arose and said she must
be going.
A Pleas ,
Judge Rice of Novena Is perhaps
lacking In a sense of humor, but be Is
the most punctual man In Indiana.
When made superintendent of the Bun
day school he at once set about to re
form In tbe matter of attendance and
punctuality. A few Sundays ago he
had the pleasured making the follow
ing statement: "My dear fellow-worker
and children, I am able to an
nounce today that out of the entire
school only one person I absent
little Maggie Wynn. Let ti all hope
that bt I sick."
Cured of Catarrh of the Stomach
by Pe
y...... tiiimtg
Delegate to Congress from Hawaii. E
I I HTVtVIIIMf II? If ITU MITfTM " f T?H II f M ff fn
Hon. Robert W. Wilcox, Delegate
to Congress from Hawaii and the Sand
wich Islands, in a recent letter from
Washington, D. C, writes:
" have used Penam tor dyspepsia
mod I cheerfully give you tbi testi
monial. Am satisfied It It la used
property It will ba of great benefit to
our people. I can conscientiously rec
ommend It to anyone who Is suffering
with stomach or catarrhal troubles."
R. W. Wilcox.
All over this country are hundreds of
A laugh to be joyous must flow from
the joyous heart.
It, like truth, only asks a bearing.
Wizard Oil cures pain.
Poverty is no disgrace to a man,
but it is confoundedly inconvenient.
Mrs. Window ttoothiiig Syrap.
ftrrehlldrea teetttaR, loffftni the Rums, reduces ftr
SsjaaisUoa.susyspaln.cureswutduolic. ilScsbottie.
There are 28,894 juvenile temperance
societies in the British islands.
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them
white as snow. All grocers. 5c. a package.
Only 40 British novelists are able
to live on the profits of their books.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STAKCH, the only 10 oz. package for
)0 cents. All other 10-cont starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction suaran
teed or money refunded.
v via
$13.00 Buffalo and return $13.00.
$31.00 New York and return $31.00
The Wabash from Chicago will sell
tickets at the above, rates daily. Aside
from , these rates, the Wabash run
through trains over its own rails from
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago and
offer many special rates during the
summer months, allowing stopovers at
Niagara Falls and Buffalo. ,
Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad
dress Harry B. Moores, General Agent,
Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. S.
Crane, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
We should ail like to see the under
taker prosper if we could designate
the source of his income.
a pirfiet liquid dutifriof for tht
Tcolh t?.i .loulb
Large LIQUID aad POWDER, lie
At all Stores, or by Mall for tbe prioe.
tlw man who wst Hamyerie
Hilckers. They'R made of
Bpermlly woTn foods, louhl
throughout, douhle and trtpls
stltchrd, warraated water-
r soft aa smooth Will
bolcrtoli, IS er bscoass
wsy. lauiiogue rrss.
M. Sawyer 4 tea, sale Mrs.
East CamkriSfe, Mast.
Has No Equal.
V 1 oi rttrttEDrar
L n PSn
sffSv areaf
III J 1,11 I U I IrH
v 1
- ru - na.
people who art suffering from eaiarra
of tho stomach who are wasting p rad
on time; and enduring needless svter-1
tng. The remedies they try only tem
porarily palliate the distress, but never
effect a cure. Remedies for dyspepsia
have multiplied so rapidly that they
are becoming a numeroo a th laavee
of th forest, and yet dyspepsia con
tinues to flourish in spite of them alL
This i due to tbe fact that the cans of
dyspepsia is not recognised as catarrh.
If there 1 a remedy in the whole
range of medicinal preparations that fa)
in every particular adapted to dyspep
sia, that remedy i Parana. Thl rem
edy 1 well nigh invincible In these
Dr. Hartman, President of The Hart
man Sanitarium, Columbu, O., y:i
"In my large practice and eorresaoa--dence
I have yet to learn of a single
case of atonic dyspepsia which ha not
either been greatly bensflted or cured
by Peruna."
No one suffering with catarrh of tha
stomach or dyspepsia, however alight
can be well or happy. It I the cause
of so many distressing symptoms that
It is a most dreaded disease. Peruna
acts immediately on tbe seat of. th
trouble, the Inflamed mucous mem
branes lining the stomach and a last
ing cure is effected. .
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you hia
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCH
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-eent starch eon
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
When you face a difficulty never let
It stare you out of countenance.
required to harvest tho grain crop of West
ern Canada.
The most abund
ant yield on tbe Con
tinent. Report are
that the average
yield of No. 1 Hard
wheat in Western
Canada will be over
thirty bushels to tbe acre. Prices for farm
help will be excellent. Splendid Ranching
Lands adjoining tbe Wheat Belt.
Excursions will be run from all points ia
the United Stales to the Free Grant Lands,
Hecnre a borne at once, and if you wish te
purchase at provailing prices, and secure
tbo advantage of the low rates, applr for
literature, rates, etc., to F. Pkdlit,
Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa, Can
ada, or to W. V. Bennett, Canadian Gov
ernment Agout, 801 New York Life Bldg,
Omaha, Neb. . - : ,
When visiting Buffalo, do not fail to as
the Canadian Exhibit atthePan-J
1 11 .r-ioi 1-,, innnniWMlftAA
Classics, Letters, Ecuasilcs aeaf Htsssis,
Journalism, Art, grtesice, Phaissacj, Law.
Civil, rUchsnlcal and Electrical railaaissss.
Architect are,
Thorourfc Preparatory and Cseasasrctsl
Courses. Rcclexfastlcal studnntH at special rmies.
Rooms Pree. Junior or Senior Year, Oellegiaia
Course. Rooms to Rent, moderate afcaraaa. , .
St Edward's HaO, for boj'a under ttT
The 8. b Yeer will open September 1Mb, t Ml,
Caulovurs Pres. Address
KfcV. A. MOKRI&SeV, C 8. C I
Notre Dame. Indiana. (
Conducted by the Sisters of the Bote
Cross. Chartered 1855. Thorovsga
English and Classical education. Beg
ular Collegiate Degree.
In Preparatory Department atadent
carefully prepared for Collegiate eoatsa,
Physical end Chemical lbontorte
well equipped. Conservatory of lis
ami School of Art;1 Gym
direction of graduate of Bostoa Monaai
School of Uymnastios. Catalogue free.
The 47th year will open Sept. , MM.
St. Mary's Academy,
You get chromo tarchea
under all brand aod
names, but they an
ail tot aame poor h&
and hare to depaod upoa
ometbJag to tell them.
Ue Defiance Starch. Th
ffetniuflMi but 16 winfrt
of (be best giaffti for S0o
irf U acaHUre mr tf V
1 . ft k