Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 15, 1901, Image 5

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Sini Cirlt Xnion.
'--Tin, UU lm Citiumo. witu are em
ployed as deenestlcs have combined
themselves into a union, adopted a
Male of wage and formulated this aet
of rulea which bavu brought terror to
the heart of houaeekeepera:
Rule L Work ahall not begin before
6:30 a. m and ahall feaae when the
evening s dishes are washed and put
way. Two hours each afternoon and
an evening at least twice a week shall
be allowed the domestic aa ber own.
Rule 2. There ahall be no opposition
cn the part of the roiatreM to club life
on the part of the domestic. Enter
tainment of friends In limited numbers
ahall not be prohibited, provided the
domestic furnishes her own refresh
ment!!. Rule 3. Gentlemen friends shall not
be barred from the kitchen or back
porch. Members of the family of the
house ahall not Interrupt the conversa
tion arising during said visit.
Rule 4. Domestics shall be allowed
such hours off on Monday as will per
mit them to visit the bargain countera
(One of the leaders in organizing tbe
Chicago domestics.)
of the stores and enjoy on that day the
same privileges enjoyed by the mis
tress and her daughters.
Not a Tlajiarift.
Historian Maclay indignantly denies
the charge that any part of his lm
"Pfjrtal work was stolen from the Edln-
commlttea1'."' "The ,dea that 1 have
history," he eBct of P,r,"n ' my
posterous." Of'St""' "U 8ln,pl)r pre
theee two passages"'? 11 Compare
of tbe notion that one1 lhe b"urd,tjr
stolen from the othe. k nave belin
laaiiia nr. iamfi mama
at hi word we turn I) In word, we Virn
to Vol. II., pp. SM-5, to Volume II.. page
and there we And SM. 356. and find
lhe French prt- him referring to the
vateer Bordelala, French privateer
"itn extraordinary BordVlale an an ex
nnenhlp" of 24 gun. Iraordlnarlly fine
striking- her colors ship of M guns
to a Brltlah frigate etrtklng her color
of 4 guna, "with- to a Britleh 4-gun
out, aa It appeure! frigate, "without,
making any resist- a It appears, mak
anco" certainly Ing any resistance,"
without provoking certainly without
any comment from provoking any corn
Mr. Jame. rnent from James.
The differences are obvious, Tbe
Edinburgh Review spoke of "Mr."
Jame. Maclay leaves out the Mr. The
Edinburgh Review had no comma
after "word." Mr. Maclay puts one in.
The Edinburgh Review referred to
"Vol. II." Mr. Maclay speaks of "Vol
ume II." The Edinburgh Review ab
breviated "pages" to "pp." Mr. Mac
lays spells out the word In full. The
Edinburgh Review put in the figures
"354-5." Mr. Maclay makes them "354,
356." The clause about the French
privateer Bordelats baa several new
words In the Maclay version. Finally
Mr. Maclay. ends as be began by leav
ing out the "Mr." from befrore the
name of Jamea. - This critical compari
son makes it evident that Mr. Maclay
owes nothing' to anybody. The con
struction of his history is as original
aa its facts. New York Journal.
Fir1 on "Rteord.
Ex-Congressman John Roy Lynch,
who baa Just been appointed by Presi
dent McKlnley to office of cap
tain and aaslstant paymaster In the
regular army, la the Brat colored man
ever commissioned for staff duty.
Tbe ex-congressman baa proved bis
rapablllty to bold this reaponalbU po
sition, having served long and faith
fully In various high public offices
previous to his recant appointment.
During the Spanish-American war
be was marii a major and pay
master ol the volunteers, and la now
serving In that capacity In Santiago,
People and
T EsOent
tftswV Handjomtrt Woman.
Mrs. Dollle Romans Bradley, of
Dftiisos: is -gifj ti) b the handsomest
woman in Iowa
and Is also the
foremost worker
for woman's suf
frage. Her untir
ing efforts in the
latter II Be are due
to a vow she made
on her mother's
death bed. The lat
ter was active In
the cause of secur
ing the ballot for
women and when
she was dying she called her daugh
ter to ber side and made her vow that
she would try to carry out the work
wuich the mother had planned. Since
then ahe has labored indefatigably.
Mrs. Bradley Is also a vocalist of great
Col. Mohy Utapptar.
The recent appointment, to please
President McKlnley, of Col. John S.
Mosby as special agent of the General
Land Office, with headquarters in the
west, has brought into prominence one
of -the picturesque figures of the civil
war a man admired by the south for
hU dash and brilliancy and reviled by
northern soldiers because his warfare
was of the guerilla type. A Virginian
by birth, be is now approaching his
69th birthday. While in the University
of Virginia he shot and seriously
wounded a fellow student who bad as
saulted him and, during , his confine
ment for this offense, he studied law so
thoroughly that soon after his release
he waa admitted to the bar. At the
beginning of the war he fought with
Joseph E. Johnston and later with
Stuart, but after two years he organ
ized, in northern Virginia, a force of
irregular cavalry and during the re
mainder of the war be harassed the
Federal troops by cutting o. communi
cations between the armies and des
troying supply trains. His partisan
rangers, when not on a raid, scattered
for safety and remained in conceal
ment, with orders to assemble again at
a given time and place. Various ex
peditions were sent out against him,
but friendly neighbors always kept
him Informed of the enemy's approach.
Mosby held rank In the Confederate
army and reported to Gen. Stuart and,
after his death, to Gen. Lee. His par
tisans received the same pay from the
Confederate government as the regular
At the close of the war he resumed
the practice of law, supported Grant
and Hayes and was for six years con
sul to Hong Kong.
Thihppj Couldn't KP Vp.
Speaking of tbe suspension of his
commission house, "Corn King" Phil
lips says: "In a nutshell, it was a
case of too much business. It has
grown so rapidly that our facilities
for taking care of it have not kept
pace with It., Money came easy and
it went easy," says the Chicago Chron
icle. On reading this one naturally recalls
tbe fact that not so very long ago Mr.
Phillips made a speech In Minneapolis
In which be proposed a case of a great
deal more business so much more as
to make tbe Phillips commission busi
ness look like a molehill beside a
mountain In the comparison.
Tbe business which he proposed
was nothing less than that of keeping
corn forever cornered, with 50 cents
per bushel as the minimum price. In
order to work this business success
fully he proposed to establish a bank
with a capital of $50,000,000 or such a
matter and to establish mammoth
elevators' also to atore the corn of
fered by farmers aa security for loans
from the big banks on tbe basis of 60
cents a bushel, with a margin of 10
cents off.
Tbe magnitude of the business had
no terrors for the "corn king" when
he made that speech. In his mind he
had no trouble in conducting a bank
with $50,000,000 or more capital and an
elevator buslneaa running up to hun
dreds of millions of bushels. In bis
mind, too, It waa a perfectly simple
matter to keep the price of corn up to
50 cents a bushel or above.
What doe he think of It now? He
admits that bis respectable but com
paratively tHfllng commission business
has run away from blm. He has not
been able to keep up with It or keep
track of It. Doea he still think he
could keep up with his rousing per
petual corner business f "Money came
easy and It went easy" In hla little
business; how does be think might
be with that tremendously big busi
ness? Might not the easy-comlrg
money go too easily?
As the World
fltgrou Atvtd by Trophrt.
Simon B. Needbam, who claims to
be ih nr,rfc- propaei referred to ia
the Bible, the seventh child of Judah,
born to be a priest and a king before
the Lord of Israel, is holding the ne
groes and superstitious whites under
a spell by his street corner talks In
Macon, Mo. He Is a remarkable per
sonage. He says that his mother was
born at Richmond, Va in the year
1800. Her maiden name was Julia
Judah, the daughter of Emanuel
Judah. She was left an orphan at an
early age, kidnaped by slave dealers
and sold Into bondage. This enslaved
Jewish woman then became the moth
er of thirteen children eleven black
and two white. The "prophet " claims
to be one of these two white children.
The daughter was bought out of slav
ery for tbe sum of 1800 and be freed
himself in the twenty-fourth year of
(Jewish Prophet, Who Holds Negroes
in Missouri Under a Spell.)
his age by going to Windsor, Canada.
His mission Neednam announces to be
to deliver the natives and to establish
a universal brotherhood of man and
fatherhood of God, and says the thing
Is to be achieved in his day and gen
eration. While not prepossessing in appear
ance, the "prophet" talks with some
fluency and much animation. He an
nounced that he could repeat any
verse in the Bible correctly offhand,
and his frequent use of the scriptures
to prove his peculiar teachings im
pressed his hearers. He says he Is in
the seventy-fourth year of his second
earth life and has lived a number of
years In Kansas City, Mo., where he
opened a "universal mission" in 1899.
Sympathy and "Btuin4.
President Kruger is not aware of
the fact that sympathy must not be
allowed to spoil a good trade. He has
heard about American sympathy for
the Boers. Evidently be does not take
much stock in It. The message which
he has sent by the pastor of a Boer
church in Pretoria, who is now in this
country asking aid for the women and
children in foreign prison camps is:
"Tell the American people they are
helping to murder us by sending mules
and horses to the British generals."
Americans have sold several million
dollars' worth of these animals to
flrjttsh purchasing agents, and to . a
subJdV, extent have contributed to the
these aniTi. of the Boers. Without
have made thfche British would not
Nevertheless, It is say they have,
nearly every instance tusay that In
raised and Bold these mules amn who
sympathize with the Boers, but tis
did not let their sympathies Interfere
with the sale of their live stock, nor
are they supposed to know for whom
they are purchased. For all that they
are aware they may be for the Boers.
President Kruger's message was not
a tactful one. He would make a poor
solicitor for contributions. But tbe
need of the women and children In the
prison camps of the Transvaal is great,
and President Kruger's ungracious re
marks should not deter Americans
from giving for the relief of these suf
ferers. Chicago Tribune.
SUnkjitvic on fitbt fio'Ctl.
Henry kSlenkwiewlcx, author of "Quo
Vadis" and the greatest living Rus
sian author, Is engaged In the prepara
tion of a novel that promises to equal
If not surpass anything he has yet pro
duced. Slenklewlcz la one of those
few writers who can outline and per-
feet work In a -crowded summer hotel.
He spends much time at Ragatc,
Switzerland, where, as his translator,
Curtln, has written: "There la a
great charm In the freedom and lone
liness of a crowded hotel with all com
forts of the century. It Is also a good
place for work." Sien'tlewlcx was born
In 1848.
l WW A
Clou of Wednesday Finds Each Side
With Something Gained.
anafactorers Retaliate by Breaking
tribe at the Clark Mill Both Shaf
fer sad Schwab Kay that the other
Mast rirst Saggaet Veaee.
PITTSBURO, Ta., Aug. 8. In the
big steel strike honors are even in
this section tonight. The Amalga
mated association succeeded in closing
down the big steel plant at Newcas
tle and the manufacturers partially
broke tbe strike at tbe Clark mill in
thia city. Neither side is exulting,
nor is there any expression of dis
couragement. Up to this hour not the slightest
trouble has occurred at any point in
this Immediate territory and the Amal
gamated men are corcspondingly hap
py, because this condition would seem
to be tbe carrying out of tbe associa
tion's departure In the handling of
strikes. The quiet waiting of the
strikers may be one of the surprises
hinted at by the national officers.
From one or two points the strikers
are reported as restless and eager
for action, but so far they have kept
faith with their leaders nnd refrained
from committing any breach of tbe
The United States Steel corporation
It was learned today from an official
source, will at once proceed In a sys
tematic manner to start its closed
sheet mills, making the non-union
plants of the Kiskimlnetas valley the
cradle where strike-breakers will be
trained and then sent out to the mills
that are closed.
So far as President Schwab Is con
cerned no overtures will be made to
the workers. In a talk with a Pitts
burg man in New York yesterday be
said: "We have made our last propo
sition to the Amalgamated associa
tion and will now proceed to start
our works."
President Shaffer makes this coun
ter statement: "The next proposition
must come frcm the United - States
Steel corporation officials."
Thus the two officials stand. It
seems as if only outside efforts can
bring them together. The trust offi
cials have decided to go ahead slowly
In the matter of starting mills and to
do so with aa little publicity as pos
sible. The strongholds of the sheet com
pany are the mills at Vandergrift, the
largest in the country, Leechburg, Ap
polo and Scottdale. It has been de
elded to take aa many skilled men
away from these places as possible
without retarding operations there and
start the mills where there is the
least danger of an outbreak. The
places left vacant at the mills men
tioned will be filled with men deserv
ing of promotion and they will be
given better positions. This move
will be undertaken slowly and with
caution. The plan further contem
plates that after a time many of the
strikers will return when they see
one after another of the closed mills
resuming. This plan was tested and
was found to be feasible so far as the
mills at Hyde Park and Wellsvllle
It and it has been decided to adopt
nre conens the sheet and hoop mills
Bepoblicani of Iw Nominate h..
Flret Hullot. ,
CEDAR RAPIDS, Aug. 8 For gov
ernor, A. B. Cummins, Polk.
For lieutenant governor, John Her
ilott, Guthrie.
For supremo court Judge, S. M.
Weaver, Hardin.
For railroad commissioner, Ed C.
Brown, O'Brien.
For superintendent, R. C. Barrett,
This Is the ticket given birth by the
republican state convention here yes
terday. The nomination of Cummins
waa a foregone conclusion since the
break tip of the Herrlott forces, which
culminated In a release by Herrlott
of his own Guthrie county delegation.
Tbe fight was none the less a pretty
one and close enough to be Interesting
to tbe end.
The nptl-Cummlns combination
managed to capture a majority of the
district caucuses to the extent of con
trolling the credentials committee and
securing from It a report seating antt
Cummlns contestants in Carroll and
Jackson counties.
Will Kn large 1'rleon Post,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 Extensive
Improvements are contemplated at the
Important military posts at Fort Mon
roe, Vs., Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
Fort Sheridan, 111., nnd San Francis
co. Since the transfer of the mili
tary prison at I.tvcnworth to the
general government the posts named
have been used for the Imprisonment
of general military prisoners.' Undei
general plans of the department prison
facilities will be enlarged.
They Will Hold Their Stat Coarcntleaa
September 17.
LINCOLN, Aug. 10. Tbe demo
cratic and popuiist state committees
in session here both agreed to hold
their state conventions in Lincoln
ocpieuiuec li. Tbe fiGUi fur aasfcUr
bling was left to tbe chairman.
The basis of representation in tbe
democratic convention was fixed at
one delegate for each 100 votes or ma
jor fraction thereof cast for Hon. W.
D. Oldham for attorney general last
fall. This will mean from 800 to 1,000
delegates in that convention.
There will be over 1,200 in the pop
ulist convention, representation being
based on one delegate fcr each 100
votes or major fraction thereof cast
for Hon. W. A. Poynter for governor
last fall.
State Vegetation Improves.
LINCOLN, Aug. 10. Secretary Ad
na Dodson of the state board of irri
gation returned from a tour through
the North Platte river valley. He
says tbe recent rains have materially
increased the flow of water in all
streams in tbit section of the state.
"Vegetation in the North Platte val
ley is In excellent condition," said Mr.
Dodson. "Corn is doing exceptionally
well and alfalfa Is now being cut for
the second crop. In Cheyenne and
Deuel counties hay is making a good
crop. In those counties they grow
what is called wheat grass. It is a
superior grass and sells at $8 a ton
when alfalfa brings about $3."
School Money Invested,
LINCOLN, Aug. 30. Records of the
state treasurer's office show that there
is $4,582,977.47 of permanent school
money invested in interest-bearing
bonds. The revenue on this invest
ment averages 3 per cent, and all
money so derived is credited to the
temporary school fund, which is ap
portioned twice each year among the
schools of the state. The amount of
school money invested is $108,476
greater than at any time prior to Mr.
Stuefer's Incumbency.
Want Single Women a Teacher.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 10.
At the meeting of the board of educa
tion a resolution was introduced by
Member McAllister to the effect that
hereafter should any woman teacher
marry, her contract as teacher be ter
minated at once. The resolution was
discussed and it was the general be
lief that married women should not be
employed as teachers. On motion the
resolution was laid on the table for
one month.
Big Yield of Wheat at Genoa.
GENOA, Neb., Aug. 10 The biggest
yield of wheat reported In this section
thus far is that of S. T. Battles, who
lives one mile east of Genoa. Battles
bad 200 acres of winter wheat and
fifty acres of spring wheat. He finish
ed threshing his winter wheat Friday
and found that he had 8,000 bushels.
He has not threshed his spring wheat,
but estimates that it will yield twenty-five
bushels per acre.
Fanl Hanger Pane Away.
LINCOLN, Aug. 10. Paul Hunger,
one of the youngest members of the
bar of this county, died at St. Eliza
beth's hospital from an operation for
internal abscess. Mr. Hunger, who
was but 23 years of age and bad been
ill about ten days, had a wide circle
of friends in this city, belonging to
many fraternal orders and was presi
dent of the Young Men's Republican
STEi., Horned to Death,
of Nemaha w. 10. Mrs. Ed Knapp
a gasoline explosiofrribly burned in
broke a Jug of gasoline ihe died. She
the ground was soaked with ove and
in the day she has occasion to go xr
the cave and, as it was dark, struck a
match, which ignited the gas. She
ran out in the air, but did not extin
guish the flames until fatally burned.
Two Boy Sent to Penitentiary.
SIDNEY, Neb., Aug. 10. Judge
Grimes sentenced Harry Ickes, aged
19, and Fred Piergon, aged 20, to the
penitentiary for one year each. Ickes
and Plerson both pleaded guilty, the
former to the charge of forgery and,
the latter to stealing a check and
pocketing the proceeds.
Condition of the Treannrv.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 10. To
day's statement of the treasury bal
ance in the general fund, exclusive
of $150,000,000 gold, shows: Available
cash balance, $176,207,117; gold, $102,
436,748. Tnwnley Denies Wrong Intent.
LINCOLN, Aug. 10. In his sworn
testimony before the Manila court
martial on May 29, Lieutenant Town
ley SRld he was led into the commis
sary scandal by an Impulsive desire
to be of assistance In what at that
time he believed to be a worthy cause,
but he denied any intention of wrong
doing. A copy of the Manila Ameri
can, published the day following the
trial, contains a detailed report of the
prooeedlngs in tbe court martial.
Stats Superintendent Fowler Will Labor
, for Better Conditions.
The rortheomlag Pamphlet that Will
Treat ( Educational Iaatltotloea
Major Moore Become Llantanaat ml
Begulara Other Mebiaeka News,
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 7, State Su
perintendent Fowler is preparing for
a campaign of improvement in the
condition and appearance of school
buildings and grounds in rural dis
tricts. He does not intend to advo
cate an increase in the expenditure
of funds for this particular purpose,
but be will insist on having all school
property under his supervision kept
as neat as the appropriations will al
low. In his tours over the state, Mr.
Fowler has found considerable school
property in a badly neglected state,
due in nearly every Instance to care
lessness on the part of school officers
rather than to lack of funds.
"It is my intention to publish some
time during the winter a pamphlet
on the rural school, its architecture,
material, grounds, furnishings, etc.,"
said Mr. Fowler. "The pamphlet will
be well Illustrated. It will contain il
lustrations of the best, the average
and the poorest school buildings in
tbe state that are made of stone, brick,
wood or sod. I want photographs of
representative school buildings in all
sections of tbe state. I want also
interior views, representing the- two
extremes of tasteful de'joration and
of criminal neglect I .vant some
views that will show the condition
of tbe grounds and the outbuilding..
The publication will be a graphic ex
hibit of the actual school conditions ,
of tbe state, designed to inform the
public and show them the advan
tages under which the schools and
school people labor in different parts
of the state. I hare asked the vari
ous county superintendents to assist
me in obtaining these photographs. I '
have asked them also for information
relative in rural school matters, such
as how many have patent desks, how
many have home-made desks, how
many have both, and as to tbe use
of slate blackboards, plaster boards,
wooden boards and other kinds of
boards, and how many schools have
none, besides several other questions."
State Grand Army Reunion.
HASTINGS, Neb, Aug. 7 Mana
ger J. J. Buchanan and assistants of
the local committee are getting along
swimmingly in the arrangements for
the coming state Grand Army of the
Republic reunion to be held in this
city. Letters are being received daily
from prominent men who respond to
invitations from tbe state committee
to be present and deliver addresses.
Major Warner of Kansas City, Con
gressman Burkett, Governor Savage
and Church Howe send word that
they will attend and address the old
veterans. Invitations have been ex
tended W. J. Bryan, Senator Dolliver
of Iowa, Senator Cullom of Illinois,
Governor Shaw of Iowa, Vice Presi
dent Roosevelt, Bourke Cockran, ex
Senator Manderson, Senator Thurston,
Mark Hanna, Governor Yates of Illi
nois and other statesmen prominent
In state and national affairs. Favora
ble answers are expected from a great
many of them.
Merely a Social Vllt.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Admiral
Robley D. Evans was at the navy de
partment for a short time yesterday
in consultation with Assistant Secre
tary Hackett. Both stated that the
conference did not relate to the issue
which ex-Sentar Chandler has raised
r-XndrintIcl8m 01
ors LC -Aumiral "Evans, who goes
to Fort Mroe1(1 ne called simply
to pay his lgpects.
District Bconloa.at Waeplsg
The district reunion of the Grand
Army of tbe Republic will be held at
Weeping Water, August 20, 21, 22 and
23. Big preparations are being made
by the citizens of the city to entertain
Choice Claim for Weat Point Man.
WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 7. Chas.
E. Nearly, whose address is given In
the dispatches as Lyons and who drew
one of the choice claims In the Okla
homa drawing, Is a resident of West
Wlna a Farm and a Bride.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. 7,-Hugh
McGlnnls, the oldest son of J. O. Mc
CMnnls, one of the pioneer farmer
if Richardson county, went down to
Oklahoma nnd not only registered for
a claim, but was among the success
ful ones In the El Reno district . He
, A 1.1. U W-l-4
aieu aurprieeu uie 11 iruue vj urtnana
back with him a bride, Mjas Myrtle
Thompson, a former resident of thla,
olty, but who has of late bean llvlnf
at Snld. Okla. '