Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 15, 1901, Image 2

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Crrlscn Press-J::rc:l
. a. rairm, reMuaar
, CufllkumwBMn quickly than
uy other laraa Brlttak town of lata
yuan. From 1881 to 181 its popwla
tlom rose from 13.000 to lll.OM.
Paris Is threatened with an derated
t return ia iu finest streets. It la
praposid to build a moviag aidewalk.
Ilka that nacd la the late exposition,
to ma along the avenue da 1 'Opera,
the grand Boulevards, the Boulevard
Sebeatopol, the Rue Turtigo aad the
Rue de Riroli, a circuit of about six
A 30-kaot steamer with propetllac
machinery on the turbine principle,
according to the Invention of Mr. Par
sons, brother of Lord Ross, la being
constructed on the Clyde for the
French Northern Railway company to
ply between Calais and Dover. It Is
expected to run this summer, and wilt
do the channel passage in little
half an hour.
From the time of St. Paul's young
man of Troaa to the recent death of
the gifted son of the Secretary ot
SUte. records of fatalities from fall
ing out of upper windows are not un
common. They aggregate a warning
that ought to be heeded against the
frequent practice of sitting in an
open window when one is sleepy.
Even to the sufferer from sleeplessness,
the cool night air often brings mo
menta of drowsiness and consequent
loss of equilibrium.
The pope is not allowing the young
king of Italy to pick up all the coin
collections in the Italian market Six
thousand pieces, containing many rare
papal coins. whh war collected by
Cardial Randi have been bought by
Pop Leo and added to tb fine eol!
tloa in the Vatican. Many fell into
the cardinal's hands in 1862 for their
weigth in silver, when Pope Pius In
traduced the French monetary system
and the old coins were retired by the
papal government.
7 Arthur P. Mil more of Cambridge is
the oldest and richest "messenger
boy" in the country. He is 70 years
old and has a fortune of $30,000. With
130,000 well invested. Milmore does
not need to work. He works for bis
health. He has always been well.
never having had a sick day in his
life, and he intends to keep well a
long as he lives. So he works for the
exercise that he gets rather than for
the money, which' amounts to about
17 or 88 a week. Mr. Milmore was born
in Scotland and 1 accumulated his
money in the United States and Can
ads aa a carriage manufacturer.
- An extraordinary sensation waa pro
duced in Lisbon, recently by the dis
covery that an old woman named
Caailda, a reputed witch, was kld
- naping little children, and, after tak
ing them to her home in a slum, was
gashing their hands and collecting
their blood in a bucket. There ia an
old superstition that blood from the
bands of children between the ages of
one and three ia an Infallible Ingre
dient in love-potions, aad it was for
this purpose that Caailda was making
her horrid brew. It la asserted that
the police, in arresting the witch, ob
tained evidence which Indicates more
than one lady of good society as
among her clients.
Wyoming has a soap mine. A de
posit of a whitish material, in com
posite form, containing just enough
sulphates, potash and pumice to give
gritty essential, has been discovered
five miles west of Newcastle, in the
northeastern part of Wyoming, says
the Denver Times. The deposit lies
in a fissure and dips Into the ground
like a vein of mineral. The vein, so
called, is 15 to 18 feet wide and runs
the length of a quarter section, which
for 20 years up to date was used as a
stock pasture. Soon a building ol
rowodtoua .dimensions, fitted with
machinery that will cut the slabs M
mlBetul soap Into sises for commer
cial use, wilt cover a part of the
Portable churches have followed the
portable school house. The Dutch Re-
I Church of Pennsylvania la coa-
s tka advleahtlUy af Mnpttag
these la communities too poor aad too
thinly settled to afford a permanent
house of worship. The buildings are
mass of corrugated, galvanised Iron
fastened to wooden framework. The
lastta to sheathed with matched
boards, between which and the iron
walla ia a lining of heavy felt, valeh
keeps the auildlag wsrm ia winter aad
oool la the summer. Bach piece la so
marked aad the whole so planned that
any ordinary awchsate can put the
teBffies together. Such akarck, with
a see4j e"aity of throe hundred.
mm ha salt far tftaaa kwhdred dollars
Tka awtaUa eharch. however, la nat
m axs2t.lt la IOto other ehwrehes
, Is Ct 18 w3 aot . fir ub1bbj aaopM
',"?? vnUmm that all tka
n$ Oat tBm la Orvard ol-
tO ccxJ aa 3 sw false." say
1 1 vizXat kr was all
t '-. tXrea were all
'.' ti Vr Carter .'- all
- tjgajta oar
0 Si . "lit JT stwbeJs - It ?F!p3
-1 1 r.--'i ft o c
Ti ll if JiCr
BUee fea A:
HtM-B CM Ta 1
e..N Tt Rata S
The Industrial Commission need not
look far to lad the evidence that at
least one of the trusts the steel trust
is selling its products cheaper abroad
than la this country, for the Baltimore
Sun says: That the monster steal
consolidation, with headquarters at
Pittsburg. Is using the tariff wall for
all it ia worth, is shown by the fallow
ing paragraph ia the Engineering
News, which knows what it ia talking
about: The contrast between trust
prices for iron and steel to the home
consumer aad to the foreign consumer
baa often been set forth, but so fre
quently denied that some actual fif
urea may be of interest. A recent cable
dispatch from England states that
American wire rods are offered deliv
ered In Manchester at $2.J0 per to a.
Market quotations in the United States
are 139 per ton. Adding cost of freights,
etc., it is clear that the wire rod maker
ia netting at least $15 per ton more
profit from his American consumers
than from his foreign sales.' It Is not
strange that the iron and steel mag
nates deprecate any Interference with
the tariff.' The trust, no doubt, ef
fects economic of production; but the
trust and the foreigner, not the Amer
ican consumers, ret the benefit of
cheaper production. The trusts nat
u rally think the present tariff satis
factory, but the taxpayers object to it
so long as foreigners are favored at
their expense."
We are told by republican newspa
pers that because Germany has trusts
we must have them to the United
Statea, but they forget to add that
Germany is an empire and this is a re
public. The organization of trusts In
an empire Is quite in keeping with
that form of government where the
few rule, but in a republic competition
amongst the people should be' the
standard, and a class favored by law
ought not to be possible unless we are
content to see a republic only in name
governed by a plutocracy.
The present drift in Germany is to
wards socialism and the socialists wel
come the trusts as the forerunners of
government ownership of all economic
productions and the abolition of com
petition. This would annul the inde
pendence of the individual citizen
which is an anomally in a democratic
government and would surely lead to
what Jefferson and all democrats have
fought against; the rule of the few,
plutocracy, or worse still, the man on
horseback. Socialism is a dream of a
few misguided souls that see the
wrongs that are perpetrated and would
cure them by greater evils than they
now Bufferromjhereformathe
democracy is striving for are the only
hope of the people.
There was a meeting In New York a
few days ago that bodes ill for most of
the balance ot us. There were present
Senator Hanna, J. P. Morgan, Presi
dent Cassatt of the Pennsylvania Rail
road and C. A. Ori scorn of the Ameri
can Line steamships.. What they met
for is not disclosed, but as they are
all bett on the ship subsidy steal, no
doubt that waa one of the matters, then
they are also interested in the bitumi
nous coal trust, now forming, which
is Intended to divide the control of the
mines among the railroads just as the
anthracite field has been apportioned
and then raise the rate "all the traffic
will bear" and the price of coal accord
ingly. This they will find to be a big
job, for the bituminous coal fields are
much more extensive than the hard
coal ones and the "Soft coal trust" will
have to quite equal in capitalisation
the steel trust, if not exceed it
One thing Is certain these leaders of
the Republican party did not meet with
any philanthropic idea In view and It
Is quite possible that they were schem
ing to squeeze the desr people a trifle
more on some new trust combination
or monopoly. When you order your
winter's stock of coal you may know
more about It
Carnegie has refused the republican
Domination for mayor of New Tork.
New perhaps If they would offer him
the presidential nomlnatira on a gold
platter he might be Induced to accept.
What a world of taovble such a can
didate would save the chairman of the
Republlcaa National committee, the
candidate could give hia cheek for
what was needed for campaign ex
peases and save all the worry of beg
glag from the trusts, corporations aad
ethers favored by the protective tariff
aad subsidy legislation. With such a
saxious to get rid of his
what a profitable aad cheerful
time the strikers of tka reaubUcaa
party would haw. There would not
be much left for Hhrarlea after they
had fiaished with him. Probably
some Idea of that kind Is what
prompted the New Tork offer. .
to Irani list r.oa rCt aad tana
tor LoC are Zx toad af strecaacy.
They km to ktx af what ClU4
N tarn M ystlhrtf
cry s tats atr:t zr.
Ttry fcr ; u t.UZz f'l ttr
Belong to the ultra Hamilton si ha at ot
politics that waa squelched by Jeffer
son aad never dared to anew tta head
until aader Haana and MrKlaley It
waa found possible to Join the repub
lican party to the idols of the trusts
3 commercialism. There are but
republican newspapers that are In-
aAmaaitsWet til "at issmLsaaiat 'wsa, aet S3
occasional one like the Pittsburg Dis
patch, which seea the dsAgera ahead,
says: "There la a gratifying indication
of a revolt against the Jingo Idea la
the speech which Secretary Hay made
at Buffalo hut week. The Pan-American
Exposition waa only a few weeks
earlier made the occasion of some very
belligerent speeches by . Lodge and
Roosevelt. As if in reply to them.
Secretory Hay last week declared the
idea of an immense military power to
overawe the older civilization to be an
obsolete conception belonging to aa
"order of things gone, I hope, forever."
If the Sugar trust or the Standard
Oil trust did not instigate the tariff
war with Russia and Italy, will Sec
retary Gage explain why these hither
to dead letters of the Dlngley tariff
law were suddenly revived? Why
should not the United 8tates keep on
friendly terms with these and other
countries instead of waging a costly
and foolish tariff war to aid the Sugar
trust in keeping up the price of sugar
and the Standard Oil trust in selling
little more paraffin. The Dlngley tariff
law must be revised so that the trusts
cannot, under the form of law rob the
people and be a barrier to the spread
of American commerce. The Gage
policy cannot fail In building up a pub
lic sentiment that will force congress
to reform the tariff law.
At the inauguration of Governor
Taft as civil governor of the Philip
pines, the ingenious cenor in sending
us the news tells us that: "The Fill
plno leaders were there, but there
were more Americans than Filipinos
present." Doubtless this was true.
The Filipino people had not been pur
chased with offices and high emolu
ments and did not care to stand by
and see their own degradation. A peo
ple who have fought to be free and In
dependent are not likely to take a
kindly interest in seeing an Imperial
government set up. The loss of their
loved ones and their homes are too
frtsh In their memory.
The Russian Minister of Finance
makes a center shot at Secretary Gage
when he explains Russia's attitude
toward the American duty on British
Paraffin manufactured from Russian
petroleum, he declared that Secretary
Gage's measure was "manifestly de
signed aa a reprisal." adding that this
supposition is strengthened by the fact
that article G26 hod never been pre
viously so construed. He asserts also
that Mr. Gage did not mention Rou
manian naphtha, which is likewise im
ported into Great Britain. The con
tention therefore is that Russia's an
swer in raising the duties on bicycles
and resin ia justifiable.
The Puerto Rican assembly has
unanimously passed the free trade
resolutions and Governor Allen 'has
signed the same, and when It has been
delivered to the president he will issue
his proclamation in accordance with
the provisions ot the Foraker bill. One
ot the assembly, in speaking on the
bill, said: "Present conditions make
this joint resolution possible, and the
Insular treasury can henceforth dis
pense with the revenues accruing from
Puerto Rican customa." Thus after
long delay the Puerto Ricans wilt at
tain one of the rights they are entitled
to under the American flag.
With banks breaking in this and
other countries, that was good advice
that the President is reported to have
given: "What we want to do now la to
be prudent in our prosperity. What
ever comes let us be fortified by the
practice of economy." There la no
doubt that President McKlnley can see
perils a bead In the Inflated trust proa
parity, but how are the thousands
whom the wave baa not reached to
practice economy when It takes all
they earn to live? But nerhapa the
President was giving kia. advice to
Wall street and the trusts.
A free press has hitherto been one
of the boasts of a free people, but the
fort ia baine- made to restrict the
circulation of a class of weekly publi
cations oa the score of economy. We
are Informed that Postmaster General
Smith "will soon Issue an order , to
remedy the abuses In seeoad-claas mall
nutter." If be woull turn his attention
to the padded weight and pay allowed
the railroads for hauling this second
class matter a much greater saving
could be made without Interfering
with the newspapers of the comaaon
people. '';"
ns Assocteted Press send oat a long
aeoouat treat Cohaahts, S. C, of the
speech at Ssaator McLaarta, delivered
at Bparteasburg, tkua ahowiag its sym
pathy with tke effort of the JUpuMI.
cans to MM up their party la tka
South. Whoa McLaurin aude a speech
la tka United Etetea Senate he had ao
auCoaee of RepuKiaaas or Democrat
aad tfta Asaaslatad Freas did sat thlak
tka matter af Buflrtoat taiportaace to
Parry l Heath, secretory of the Ks
trytetto fcrt U z ttaattS b atM
Maaalru, fc tJ trs tfu sat tta
JMtt at b'rr1zrJ2t tta Bsatiss
tfOsL L"j rrta. Kemjy aad fcaO-
fc CT3 la 3 sr set s fc3
t-A t-'irrj CtJ if rlat tiry
.m - -
By a aeat trick, made possible by Its
kormous wealth, the Standard Oil
company has headed off a threatening
rival la the Tesaa oil field and made
Itself absolute master of the situation.
It has bought up the wharves, railroad
terminals and shipping facilities at
Port Arthur, the natural shipping port
of the Beaumont field, together with
M M0 acres of land ia the vicinity.
which la doubtless located In such a
manner as to preclude any attempt ot
the Texaa oil men to establish a new
outlet It would not be profitable tor
them to ship their oil to tidewater at
a more distant point and hence they
are at the mercy of the Standard, aad
must sell their product to It at ita own
price. This Is how the Ideal trust
overcomes competition. Philadelphia
The Ledger well points out the meth.
ada by which these sort ot schemes
are worked aad by which monopoly
gets control of the sources of produc
tion, but it doth err In ssylng that this
move of the Standard Oil company has
been made possible by its ernomouB
Wharves, railroad terminals and
shipping facilities are naturally and
Inherently public property. No Indi
vidual corporation can get possession
or control of such things except by
means of a special charter, which
means a grant of special privileges.
If the state of Texas and the city of
Port Arthur had retained in their own
possession that which belonged to
them, the wharves, terminals and ship
ping facilities, it would have made no
difference what the wealth of the
Standard Oil company was. they
would have no better chance In the
field than other concerns.
It will thus be seen that monopolies
stifle competition, not by reason of
their enormouB wealth, but through
their ability to get from legislation
grants of special privileges.
Had the people of Teias and Port
Arthur had the matter in their own
bands this could easily have been pre
vented and an Immense benefit se
cured, not only for the state of Texas,
but for the whole nation. But as It is
under our present form of government
the people have no voice in the mat
ter. Our constitution grants to a
handful of legislators the exclusive
privilege of legislating, and this hand
ful of legislators grants to corporations
exclusive privileges in controlling the
resources of wealth.
So It will be seen that monopoly
rests In legislative grants of privil
eges and legislative grants of privil
ege to corporations rests on the con
stitutional grants of privilege to legis
lators. .
To get rid of the monopoly strike at
the root, the constitutional grant of
privilege to legislators. New Era.
The final remedy and the only rem
edy for industrial wars is freedom.
And this is to be obtained by the sim
ple process of repealing laws which
limit freedom. Free trade would kill
the tariff trusts. Free land would
kill the land monopoly trust. And it
would kill the so-called labor trust as
welL Free land would mean free OP'
portunity. It would mean free men. It
would mean free labor. It would mean
free Industry. And why should not all
theee be free? Why should men be
in bondage , to an employer? Why
should they not be free to work for
themselves whenever terms cannot be
made to suit them with an employer?
Only one thing sunds in the way the
monopoly of opportunity, landlordism
AlU thla could not laat five minutes It
land values were taxed alone and labor
were untaxed. The whole strength of
monopoly Ilea at last in the forestalling
of natural resources. These can be set
free aad opened to all on equal terms
by the simple yet sovereign process of
taxing all land according to Ita value
irrespective of Improvements. The
single tax will atop strikes. It will
kill the trusts, every one of them and
they will stay dead.
At the recent dedication of the Hall
of Fame la New York city, Hon.
Chauncey 2eBw, one of our numer
ous mlllloncirre senators, made the
following statement In his eloquent
"Tka emancipation of labor baa been
followed by Its recognition aad the dig
alty of Ita fuactlon la human af
fain." He also said: "The triumphs
of ladustrial genius have created roe
dlttons by which millions can live la
comfort and hope, where thousands
dwelt la poverty aad deapalr. They
have saade possible gigantic fortunes
which are tka wonder of our day."
Tka itotiafutskad senator aad aris
tocrat axklMto either duplicity or
teaormaoa whea he speaks of the
af labor aa aa accom-
tttgkai fact If he doa't know ke
sureSy oucht ta know that tabor has
sat rut kaaa avaaaclastad. Aa the
years so by and aomopoly gets a
Uwtsar aad atrtsar hoM oa tka
of arMaetMRV labor
i s Mars to tka
tiZaala aad tka corporations that an
&a fucsstf f lesBllasi ariTilaaaj.
Ltlar ex tcjr Itsttf without Cm
-T tta aaasast of tka salts
tO OiCl, t. as Bk torsM
ew She OS aieMs ml Teas Ave Kasaa
Isesltf Basse Bwoe W ales; awl
fnts Kla el
as tka tar of the soU-saay aes ft to
Hence, tabor to by aa mesas
nai aated. hut far from It
Mr. Depew to correct la saying that
the triumphs of Industrial gustos have
made possible gigantic fortunes which
are the woader of our day. But he
fails to state who get aad enjoy those
!rr ftrVig'g. If '
fully eoacsals the fact, that the for
tunes are aot enjoyed by those who
really produced them by their owa
labor. The truth Is that labor earns
the fortunes and greed appropriates
Aa. Industrial system with equal
rights for all and special privileges
for none aa Ita fundamental principle
would abolish monopoly aad emanci
pate labor. Ralph Hoyt.
Chicago Methodist parsons were
shocked when a brother minister rose
In the Monday meeting and denied the
universal brotherhood of man under
the fatherhood' of Ood. Some of them
denounced the deliverance aa rank
heresy and aU af them except Bishop
Merrill seemed to feel that the utter
ance waa Impolitic If not sacrilegious.
Tet Methodist ministers as a rule show
no moral acceptance of the doctrine of
Ood'a fatherhood. Tbey aeem gener
ally to look upon him as a sort of step
father to most of the race. Hia father
hood, according to their Interpretation,
extenda only to a select few to auch.
for example, aa got here first and gob
bled God's bounties. These, If we may
believe the average Methodist minister,
are indeed God's children; and all the
rest of us are mere orphans, depend
ent on the others for any chance we
get to live. It is only fair to the Chi
cago Methodist parson to say, how
ever, that the shock given them by the
preacher who denied the fatherhood of
God was not an economic one, but
purely theological. Even those who
hold to that fatherhood do not be
lieve it except in a Pickwickian sense
lloaaa Market Is Dlacardad.
From the Omaha World-Herald
What has become of the "home mar
ket" theory A few years ago we
heard nothing from the g. o. p. spell
binders but frantic appeals to save the
home market from the despoiling
hands of foreigners. "Give us the
home market and we care nothing fer
the world!" shrieked the g. o. p. spell
binder. We hear nothing about the
home market now. It is all about the
world's markets." The protected in
fants keep up a penetual cry for pro
tectlou against foreign competition, ex
cept now and then when they boast
about their competition with foreign
ers. Protection logic is suffering from
curvature of the spine.
It la the general fact observable
everywhere, that as the value of land
increases so does the contrast between
wealth and want appear. It is the
universal fact that where the value ot
land is highest civilization exhibits
the greatest luxury side by side with
the most piteous destitution. To see
human beings in the most abject, the
most helpless and hopeless condition
you rotiKt go, not to the unfenced prai
ries and the log cabins of new clear
ings In the back woods, where man,
single-handed Is commencing the
struggle with nature and land is yet
worth nothing, but to the great cltiea
where the ownership Tit a little patch
of ground is a fortune. Henry George.
Fire Alarm- Foraker has gone over
body, soul and breeches to Hanna, even
to endorsing the ship-subsidy steal.
For the past year or two he haa been
privately denouncing Henna's program
of loot and his henchmen have been
openly against It, but the exlgenclea
of the coming election for aenator haa
made Foraker the most ultra-admlnls-trationlst
How some men will stul
tify themselves for continued place
and power. The Democrats should
now have a good chance ot carrying
Ohio and turning the rascals out
I propoee to beg no question, to
shrink from no conclusion, but to fol
low truth wherever it may lead. Upon
ua ia the responsibility of seeking the
lew; for In the very heart of our civ
ilization today women faint and little
children moan. But what that law
may prove to be la not our affair. If
the conclustona that we reach rum
counter to our prejudices, let us aot
flinch; If thay ehalianga taatltutto&B
that have long been deemed wise and
natural, let ua not turn back. Henry
In Toledo I can secure any of you
ladies a first class baby girl or baby
boy, of sny color you may desire
white, black, brown or yellow simply
far the asking. But if you want a
first -class pup, you will have to pay
from 84 to 860 for It Friends, what do
you think of a civilization that values
pups above babies? Now, the system
for which I speak will reduce the price
of pops and raise the price of babies.
Mayor Jones.
until tne tning wnich bow usurps
tke name of educatioa haa been de
throned by a true education, having for
for Its aad to teach men the nature of
the world they live ia, new political
delusions will grow up aa fast aa old
oaaa art eitlagutoked.
It haa kaaa found that cotton
Is China cannot compete with
mills ta this country. Tka aasM
story: The cheapest labor ia the sea.
To teats of human flesh la leas erlBal.
sal tkaa ta ttisa annua thought
A Manila esxhaaa tella af aa Amor- ;
Icaa soldier who, while atatleued la"
Bulacan, became enamored t a Brew
Filipino. Wishing to shew his affac-
tlna ha nurvkutO sad BSBt tO BUT B
complete outfit of American clothing.
When next he called na iowbsj nr
rayed la all the pretty things, but ehe
had made ons radical mistake. Tkl
was with tint cevaeW 2!& fc&S SBIfS
her a great deal ot worry before ehe
discovered what ibe took to ha the
use for which they were 1 steaded.
Then aha unlaced them aad put on the
two places aa leggings-
Bar It Is a
a millionaire shoe manufacturer Is
going to leave hia palace home aad
occupy one of the plain cottages he to
building for hia workingmen in us
model ahoe manufacturing town he to
constructing at Endlcott, N. T. n
absolves himself from all philanthropic
measures and declares he la actuateu
in securing ideal surroundings for hia
laborers simply by the knowledge that
It will pay.
' ,
Wnn TralaeU as alga Falalaia.
Women sign painters in Berlin un
dergo a regular apprentlceahlp. They
are first taught bow to uae the brusli
and to mix paints. Gymnaatic train
ing Is a part of the course, so that the
women may ascend scaffolding and
stand on ladders without losing their
nerve. The female painters wear gray
lined frocka and caps and look moro
like hospital nursea than mistresses of
the brush.
11 rs ta Baaa Kewai
Cox, Wis., Aug. 5tb. Frank M. Rus
sell of this place bad Kidney Disease
so badly that be could not walk. He
iricu iswwt u . - '
different remedies, but waa getting
worse. He was very low.
He read In a newspaper how Dodd's
Kidney Pills were curing cases of Kid
ney Trouble, Brlght's Disease, and
Rheumatism, and thought ha would
try them. He took two boxes, and now
be is quite well. He aaya:
"I can now work all day, and not
feel tired. Before using Dodd's Kid
ney Pilla I couldn't walk aerosa the
Mr. Russell's la the most wonderful
case ever known In Chippewa County.
Tbla new remedy Dodd's Kidney
Pills Is making soma miraculous
cures in Wisconsin.
Baaadry't stick Plad. ,
James Beaudry, a Minneapolis man.
bought from a Russian In Halifax five
years go a curious rough stone of a
reddish hue. Acting on a recent hint,
ho sent the stone to this city, and
cutters here developed ten fine Si
berian rubles worth 175 per carat
Use the bert. That's why they buy Red
Crow Ball Ulue. A t leading grocers, S ceaU.
Enthusiasm will lead a man to do
things that common sense could not
drive him to attempt.
Plso'i Cure caosot be too highly spoken of as
a couch cure. J. W. O'Baiaa. XS Third Ave..
Km Mlnacapoua, Mian., Jan. , 1UU
In India and Persia sheep are useJT
as beasts ot burden.
Sm a.. urn if l. nnat X
iti r,.n.f i-urmm stiara
BeTa. lt.aa7la.MaahaltUarthH.ra.
Our vlcea are like our nails: even
aa we cut them tbey grow again.
Ask your grocer for DBF IAnt-B
STARCH, the only IS oa. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 13 oz. Hatlsracuon guaran
teed or money refunaeo.
New York has now 60,000 telephone
Hall's CetarrB Care
Is a constit Jtional cure. Price, 73a
Ice melU at 32 degrees, water bolls
at 212.
Aalc vour erooer for DEFIANCE!
STARCH, the only it oa. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz, Hatisraction guaran
teed or money refunded.
-1- ?u
ffrJT?i iTHi il ft l?
N 0amfbMehJe "ajejl fZSfot
asai w,o.i.i wa.ee arwav,
can raa
BLAWP Irl, a)p t-- -a,W
f. i. c pwt a aw mr. ra at Va '"y.
D.C., Bat Bawl SwW Beea ea faiSHi mmi.
Vtaa UtusftBf MrwHausMau Uafly
JBeaitoa Tbia rusts,
W. N. UOS! AH A Na. a j-ipei
'ii v.