Harrison Press - Journal. fi ' n VOL. XIV. KCAJRRieOBT, nSTBBIJSiCA., THTJBSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1901. IS) O. 7 '! I i V TitE L0CL nEIVS Mr. F. W. Clark end her sister. Ift Saturday night fur Hot Springs 8. I). Word hen boon received that Bodarc Post Office will be discontinued today. Prof. Myers, who ia a clou observer called at th PRgM-JoiWUL bead quart ers on day last weak and was heard to J lnre vary emphatically that toe floor tuul been scrubbed, f or rear of losing our standing .with tlie profession we da sire to announce that tins is entirely a mistake. John Anderson and Thoa. Bell shipped a carload of cattle from Coffee's siding last Sunday. - - - -.- j Lucy Morevek waa taken quite sick b...mIu and waa contlned to tier bad for a law day but ia now much improved ft. Crawford had a narrow escape from a falling tree faat week. He bad been riding in hi hayrack and had juat dis mounted when a large tree fell, lighting in the unit spot where he had been. The rack waa quite badly wrecked and Mr. Crawford indulged in a few reflect ion on "whs might have been". O .O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I waa troubled with constipation until 1 bought DsWitl'e Little Early Riser Since then liavahsea entirely cured of my oW com i ra-iuuiiiil theiu. J. K. piawi - Phiuney. E. J. Wright returned Thuraday night from Douelaa and now working at Dickmann and Lacy's Livery barn. After a considerable legal discussion John Herman waa releaaed atChadroo on a $.100 bond to appear Aug. 22 for trial- Mr, la. Rohwsr returned Tuesday froie Andrews where she .ias been visiting Iter aiaUr Mrs. Chriatensen. Mrs. Jameson and Mis Mabel Dargan '..ia. nriwd Fridar and visited a VI V.IMW 1 few days at the home of the Bourrrt a. If the action of your bowela ia not aaay ai'al regular serious complication must w- th- (innl mult DeWltte ttle be the Umil Krly Risers Safe, pleasant and "ffectiva. Bey. will remove tbia daoger, J. E. Phin- Uoedav evening. Mia Zimmermao of R.larc left for South Dakota wliere ahe wiilviait for awhile before abe enUra Chadron Acaaeniy. The daaee on Frida night waa pro ' .mii a deckled aucceea. Kreryoor - wafl pleated with the mime and njoyed drat cbue time. . h Mm. Haya. wife of editor lUyaof the rvr Derrick wa-i a oj on iiw a u iLrltnpn train WV f.-- - waa returning home after a viait Tekaiuah. INSTITUTE NOTES , ANDREWS HAPPENINGS, Mrs. a H. Allport, Johnatown, Pa. aaya'Our little girl almoat strangled to ieatli with croup. The doctors aaid ahe ooulden't live but ahe waa luatantly re lieved by One Minute Cough Cure. J. E. Phinoey. Principal L. M. Oberkotter, of Chadron Academy came up from Chadron Friday morning and spent a couple of days in the city io Ute interests of the Academy. Thin 18 a very deserving inatitution and should have a number of student from Sioux County. Geo. L. Towne, editor of The Nebraaka Teacher, published at Liucoln, waa in Harrison between trains lust Friday. After visiting the Inatitute, he waa taken for a drive up aome of our beautiful suiyona, by the Purviance Broa. and tlie PtUEaft-JotltNaJ. luao. Hia enthusiastic praiae of the scenery waa unbounded. The Pbew Journal man grew deapcr- ate last week and had the uacx yarn leaned Up to the me'of going to preaa there baa been no fataUlitie aa tlie milt of tlie rasli act although the town cows have ceased to atop on their way up the alley. Probably it ia because thev did not recognise the place. Mrs. Holly and bar children left Mon day- night for Stuart where they will mates their future home. lira. Holly hae purchased fxatillanery stock at that place. Har ttiany friends ia Harrison w4il joTa with ; the Puisw Jouau lu wishing her the beet of success ia he new hoRM and. will congratulaU the citiiens of Stuart in obtaining a worthy citizen. Jamea White, Bryanuville, Ind., say PeWitf Wikh Hasal Salve healed run Blng sores on both leg - M had sulTereU years. Doctors failed to Iwlp him. (Jet DeWiUs. Accept uo Imitations. J. E. Phinney. .,." In cases of couith or crouo give the little one Una Minute Cough Cure. Theu reateaav and liave no fear. The child ill be all right io a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and almoat instantaneous in effect. J. E. Phinney. Geo. Williams is on the sick list. Examinations Thuraday afternoon, Friday and Saturday. Three hive registered since our last issue, Mra Mason, Miss Raines and Miss Hunter. Mr. Fisher, of Chadron, and well known here on account of his musical ability and bis arneal work in the inter vals of tlie Sunday Srhool led the singing Monday morning and again at noon and then In place of Didactics at four he led the teachers in a apieited half hour's sing, from Uncle Sam's Song book. Be v. Rice of Carey presided at the organ for this occasion. Two parties of the teachers and in- structerx went out to the bud lands Sun day afternoon and enjoyed themselves hugely, and though it is rumored that that a chaperon was needed with one of Ute parties, and that search was made by some of tlie members of that party hoping to Hod a straggler from Ute party farther down the valley, none was found while tlie members of tlie latter party claimed to have sighted the waudrers and to have signalled f a icully to th m without avail. So many connections leaves tlie whole matter in doubt and new trial will likely be grunted. Prof. Oberkotter of the Chadron Acad emy was present and conducted the de- yoliual execiaes Monday morning. He spoke of the immensity of the solar system and of tlie fact that tome of the stars are so very dittunt from the earth that it Ukes many years for their light to get to the earth. ' R. U. Pollock of Lincoln and Field Secretary for the Sunday Schools of this state was also preseut at the opening ex erci see Monday and he also spoke briefly to the teachers ou the importance of their work and compared past with pres- .1 conditions io school work. Prof. Hyde spoke on the subject of mensurntiou Tueaday at four o'clock Monday evening at Ute church lie talked Ui tlie teachers and patrons preseut on tlie products etc, of tlte U. 8. Tuesday evening Prof. Purvianc spoke on tlie "Miasou of llie readier ' lu a very pleasing and interesting manner. Edwin Outline met with a slight -ac ctdent and was (oread to be absent from ius clsssss Tuesday. Miss FUaa-arald visited the claaaes in the Institute Monday. The rhysica and itotany claaees are en joying their experiment studies. Beaisg S believing Willi them. Frank Currie( aod Jae. Owen w. naasasiKere on the wast bound Elkhoro train Friday and stoppsd over in Harris on in the interests of their respective commission nrms of South Omaha. I)o you need a new suit far the Bo T If ao consult your beat intereaU by calling at Bartell'a, Another invoice jnst re ceived and will be sold Right. Come and mmm. Yours forbusineus. J. H. Bartell. ! 7-vf- A. Fisher, and Geo. Palmer of Chadron arrived in Harriaon Friday. Ms. Fiaher assisted in the Sunday School services at the Metliodiel churuh Sunday morning and Mr. Palmer was a guest of u. " Heater. Ernest Buoas. foreman of one of Mrs. Liscie Coffe's randies was a plansaat Milar at the PgfjsWot WAl head quart ers and owing to the lac that Saturday wsa the day his subscription expired, he left a dollar for aootlier yaw of it. Tlie Press Jot' al recicved this wei-k the first copy of the Fremont l-ounty News, of St. Anthony Idaho, under the management of Geo. JJr Canon. Among other thimrs of interest to Sioux County citizens is the announcement of the ar rival of a 0 lb. ty at the horn of Mr. Canon. Judging from the appearance of the paper, Mr. Canon will start out with . t . ...in l . r... a ntronuge wiiicii win oe a j'v ever". A Rich Field Mrs. Eggert Rohwer, of Harriaon, spent Sunday and Monday in Andrews, the guest of tier sister, Mrs. Chris Chriat-ensen. Road master Hashourg stopped over at Andrews, Wednesday, and superntended the erection of a new switch stand at. tlie east end of the yards. Mra. Baasett, accompanied by Mra. i Weir, the sweet singer of Ihadron, left for Um &t Saturday srsning. These ladies are engaged in religious and charitable work. Mrs. Chris Christensen, accompanied by her little daughters Clara and Mable visited with relatives in Harrison Friday and Saturday. Miases Clara Christ enaen and Julia Mad. sen will be weekly visitors to Harrison hereafter where they are to receive musical instruction at the hands of Mra. Uuthrie. They are bright little girls and will prove exceedingly apt pupils. Miss Mary MiUsen, who is employed aa domestic at the home of Mrs. J. 11. Cook, fifteen miles south was a Sunday isitor to her parentH here. Gen. Hill, acknowleegea to be the most expert "Broncho buster" in North west Nebraska, and whose friends would have sworn was invinceable, was thrown three times in one day. recently, by the same animal, it was a kiud of a new cork screw "buck", a la Fitzsinimons that did the business for George. The discriminating powers of some people are ao diminutive that they are unable to discern tlie difference between a truthful news item and an untruthful one. This remark is occasioned by the Doubtieg Ttiomaaes" who insinuate that Free Lance's snake story was a fake. Local happenings are few and far be tween this week, but the write baa lassoed everything that had the slightest semblance of news. Freelance. BOD ARC OLE A NING8. Crowded out last week. Irven Zimmerman dime home from old Woman creek last week to help his father put up liay. His brother Cleve has gone to look after the cattle during Irvens absense and will have a chance to learn how lovely the life of a bachelor must be. A good shower visited this locality last Friday afternoon aud evening which brightened up tlie gardens somewhat but did not materially beuefit the water supply. A good heavy rain is needed. Garden produce is rather backward this year. Matt Hall seems to be ahead of us all as he picked his first sweet corn July 31st. Now Ziekel we expect to hear you crow. ProJiBstona! Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Office. Fire Insurance written ia rellabW sompanies. (JfLegal papers carefully drawn. Hakkboh. - Nkmumu. M. J. O'CoMMll, to. Atteraey, Will Practice U AH Court. Special Attoittoa Given to Land Of flee Business. Colleetiwu and all business entrust- Hon. C. F. Coffee accompanied by a ledteasewlU receive prawapt atteatloa. sruiitlemao from Texas was visiting the several ranches last week. He returned to Chadron last Saturday. Mrs. Lizzie Coffee and children are visitini! at the old home ranch, now in cliarge of Earneat Bunge. E. W. Upfinger was over from Runn ing Water Sunday and made a few calls in the Valley. Joseph Montgomery after vainly try ing to get someone to put up his hay to his satisfaction has attempted to put it up himself without help and is meeting with the usual luck of haymakers. A tipid over wagon and a broken wheel caused him a trip to town ou Tueaday. We believe the but wave is at last brokeu here. There is a marked ctuttige Habrihon - Nkbhaxka. J, E. PHINNEY. M. D. Phykrlaa and Margeoei 411 calls given prompt attention. Office in Oruf Store. -HARBISON KKBRASEA. E. ROHWER, Lumber, IlarnesM, Saddles Grain and Feed, Doom and Windows. Heavy Hart ware. fully cool. M. A. C. wwwallSSralMsJtMw Carey Items. 5 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the district courl oux County UBbraeka. and to uw directed, u'pett decree is the days, and the nights are delight- rendered, in said court In favor of the"aia- ty of SIout. as plalntiu ana aaamati K,n- ton Met, Mrs. UHuton Mets bu wtfe wnose true Christian name is uuHikiwb to plain Ua. Marie C. DorrliiKton. i -in on thtlidayof AugsstlMI, atone Sheriff Saie. o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at las o ,,,(,1 front door of the court House Of aaM By virtue of an enltr of sale Issued by the 4!O0Btyl t Harrison, Mebraska, sell at ab- clerk of the disttrict Court of Sioux tiemntv. ,lc aIlction to the highest bidder for sash In Nebrs.ks. and lo ui UnecUd, upen a de- hn(lj tb. following descrlbea real estate " cree rendered by said Court In favor of the ,1,1,1 in aald county, to-WIt: County of Sioux as plaintiff and against Tje KortD eMt quarter of section twsaty IheoUoreMcaer, as defendant. , 1,, townshln tliirty tUes north Of aenge I win on iiie wnn my ui ufjy.tureo wet of th principal uieriaisa. o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at the ' arder uf sale ia the ansa at i. ... rioiisrs. seventy-flve cente and Principal Oberkotter of Clmdroo Acad emy left Tuesay for Douglas on the lookout for more students. Tlie Misses Anna Millar, Maggie Hunter, ami Lilly Zi merman of Bodarc, tb Misses Mabel Thaver and May Lewis, of Harrison, and Miss Iva Spsase or Carey; will attend rrom Sioux County at ' Cliadron Academy.' Other are thinking of goi ng but these named above are practicUly sure to go. This is a lirst class prepar atory school and should recieve a large . . . 01 r-.... number of students irom anoua vvuv Mr. Peterson, who has been fa this Io cality all ssvou collecting specimens for the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburg: Pa. was in the city Satuiday and again Mon day. They luvve moved their camp to the locality of Sugar Loaf. Mr. Peterson when interviewed by a PlflfrsvJouKNAL representative expressed himself well satisfied with the seasons work. He has spent 13 years in the work having been twice to South America io tlint time and his experience has been that it was a good season's work for a whole party to get one complete skeleton of an animal which has lived in former ages and whose bones have petrified. This s.ason Mr. Peterson and his orother have col lected 4 or 3 complete and almost perfect skeletons of these animals which lived ages ago. It rains do the jusk aad unjust but it doesn't huil on everybody Just alike. , This secatoa of tlie country was visited by a severe baP storm bsat Friday waseh damaged crop coowderabls. U was a veritable deluge. It is said the bail drift ed in the canyons io places 9 ft. deep The water came down the creek with a mighty rush taking out bridges and de stroying gardens. Cottonwood . was never knowu to be so high before. - The father, mother and sister of Geo. Davis arrived from Um eastern part of the state, last week. They expect to slay some time for tlie benefit of their son who came two weeks ago( he is very csst front door of the court bouse of said i i-onnly, at Harrison, Nebraaka, sell at pub i lie auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the following described real estate slt ated in said conn tv, to-a it : Th sooth west quarter of section thirty in tvwusnle thirty Ove north, of range fifty three, west of the tth piiuclpal meridian in sabjaot to right of av of 109 feet across eatd lead ef Great 1 stead seat Wyeinleg Geo. trat Rail way oontpsny. To satisfy said frier ef ealeta the sum of forty sveaollar and eighty ire reuse aud eot and aoerulng cost. '. Dated JalyMth, Iiei. ' Aux Vownr, ' Sheriff. Hhertrs Sale. Thlrty-twe dollar, seventy-nve 1 costs and accruing costa. Dated Jnly the 1M, WW. Alkc Lower. snerlST. ErupUona cuts, burna. scalds and sores of all kinds quickly healed by DeWitfs unt, h Hisel fttlve. C-wUln core for Ml. Dewareof oounterfeiU Be sure - tKsm arillln.l -IJef VT IVV JU ev " --r Phiouey. J. Uver, whom all Uie stockmen 00 tiw. Klkhura irsteoi know to ben royal awai fellow, was in tlie city the last of tbe week tod while bare left two plunks ilk the PaatsvJotmNAl. in pnjrneot lor ti.. vaas and the Insertion Of W'W j bis brand advertisement. If yon want to eee a wagon which la a beauty and which in at the same Urns atrooK enough for all kinds of service, ti a look at the Mitchell mountain um. which stands in front of L. fslaeh's store and which was ordered for Joe Staohoey. Two excursions to ths Badlands Satur- day was the occasion ot consioeraoie enjoyment to parties concernca. xne first party was composed of me rurvi- ance Brothers, Prof. Obsrkolter, rroi. Hyde, Prof. Myers, Hsury Moravek. and the Paw-JounVAL man. They ransack ed tlie Badlands and carried away Sci mans of various sizes and descriptions. Tlie other party was com posed of school teachers in attendande at the institute It is a glorious outing and worth coming many miles to participate In. Don't be saUsHed with temporary lief from ingestion. Kodol Uyisjepek Cure psrroaneotlT relief and completely e noves this com plaint. It relieves per maoeotly because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Meting won't rest the stomach. Nature recievee sup plies from the food we eat. Tbe sensible way to help the stomach Is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what yeu eat and can't help but do you goon E. Ptneeey. A Disastrous Hailstorm Friday a hailstorm which did great damage pasied to tlie North West and North Eust of Harrison doing consider able damage to tlie corn and range in places. Co, Clerk Raum visited at borne Sunduv and reports the damage done there as considerable. John Miller waa raking hay and bis team became frightened and ran throwing him in front of the rake teeth. He would have undoubtedly been killed If the Uam had not ran over a shock of bay and thus dumping the rake ard letting him out. He was considerably battereb up by hail On Cottonwood the hail was accompani ed by heavy rains and this caused all ths bridges to be swept away. The corn in tliet section was completely destroyed uch unproved in liealth being able to ide to Crawford and back, ou Friday. Abe Greenwood was home and made short visit with his family. He then returned to his work in Wyoming. Mrs. D. A. Pubelow isassistingMrs. R. Z. Stuart witli her work at present. Chits, Saxton and family were visiting n this locality on Sunday. L. C. HofT is able to be about again. A. rrocumer is building himself a very convenient peddlers wagon, now I suppose we will see a fine assortment of goods. Proverb :-Happy is the man who had his grain harvested and stacked before last Friday. Timothy Notice For Presentation Of Claims lMTHBOOlTXTfOOURT W SIOUX CUtfN TV, faHKAna". in tbe matter of tbe estate of Fred J, Witt, deceased. Notice I given to all persons as vine el alms or demands against ('red J. J. Wilt, late of Moss Oonety, deceased, that the lime fixed lor filing elalms. sgalast sale estate Is six months fresa tbe (Ui dsy ef August IsM, all persons having each elaisaes are reqalred to present tbe ansae with the voeJoberi there for, te the Oewuiy Judge of said Osttnty. at his esses thscelu ea or balers the tth dsy ef rsbrusry not, and elalssee so filed will heard en the first Monday la September 101 and thereafter on ths first day of each re- galar term of aaM eonrt daring the time limited for fill eg el aims as ef oresald. Jess H. RerUII, OMBty Judge. Exceedingly Imw Rate Kxcur atone to Mlnneeoia. o- Datf Sale: August 1 to 10, inclu sive. Bote: To St. Paul-Mrsosapolis Irani Omaha, f9.86; from Council Bluffs,- ftt.35; from Lincoln, 111.10; from Super or, $13.90; from Hastings, $18.06; from Long Pine, $U.. with proporttonate , rates from Intermediate point. To Duluth, $4.00 higher than to St. Paul-Minneapolis. Traiuit Limit: Continuous passage in each direction. FwoILtwif: October 81st . This is the lowest rate ever . the famous Hy virtus ot an order of sale issued by tbe clerk of the District Court ot Sioax County, Nebraska, aud to me directed, upon a decree rendered in sold court la favor of tbe coun ty of Sioux as plaintiff and against Newnisn C. llutcbiuga, Mrs. Newman U. Hatchings, christian name unknown, to plaintiff. West ern Kami Mortgage Company, a corporation, aud J. l Brown, assignee Western Farm wit 0Dir limit ticket to Mortgage Company and trustee, as defen- hinj. --j hunting resorts of Minnesota dent. I . . . ' th. Nnrth.Waatara 1 willon tbe lth day of Aagnst 1901. at one ask any -o " - - . .. . . ..1. . in bmt cud I lc o'cleck in me uternoon 01 saia uay, av vne 1 ior lurviw y east front door of the court bouse of said I county, at Harrison, Nebraaka, sell at pub. Uo aaetlon to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the followliigdesoribed real estate situated in said county, to-wit: The south half of the north-west quarter, and the west half of the south-west quarter of section thirty three in township thirty Snow Stormn In August Are unusual but not unknown in YeHow stone Park. That shows you how cool it ia It .w horrtlv be otherwise; .8,000 feet principal meridian. To satisfy said order or isle in tne sum 01 seventy five Dollars snd five cents and costs and accrolng cost. Dated July 24th. 1901, Alsx Lowar. Sheriff. Thro' Yellowstone Park Personally-Conducted A personally conducted party leaves Omaha, Tuesday, Aug. 80, for a 10-daya' trip to and through Yellow stone Park. Tlie cost will be less than $100. That amount covers every expense of the trip railroad fare, sleepers both ways, meals en route, hotels and stage through Park. Booklet giving full information mail ed on request. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, 71 Omaha, Nebr. two, north of rang fifty-three west of sixth above tne level of the sea and OoeapM- Iv surrounded by snow capped peas, Yellowstone Park is as cool as cool can An equaled opportunity oljvisitiog Hia offered by the Burlington's personally conducted Yellowstone Park excursion. HhorlfTs Hale. whJch JkTel! Omaha, Tuesday, Aug. XO. Dy virtue of sn order of sale Issued bv the Only nine days for tlie trip W1 no at one o'clock Id the afternoon of said day wi. Th, expense hi lees than f 1W lor ,. clerk of tbe ULtriet Court of Sloas County, n , . excursion I him..., nnon a doer oTerytmng. ... . l. :Z: r"M -r , . Write for booklet containing iMssnMj rviiuis. w 1.. . - - ty of Hlouxaa plaintiff and aajaluat Br. M li ner, Mrs. Kr. Mllner, his wile wnose true Chrlstlsn name 1 unknown to piaiutin. Western rarm Mortgage Company, Nancy A. Plumb and J. Lewi Browne, Western farm MoYtgage Company. I wilt on tbe 2ttb day of August 1901, at tbe east front door of tbe court bouse of I saMrouniy, t narnson. i-.r "I , . ,irji r..,... Cuss. public auction to tbohlghest bidder for casn commenceutaKiuu:" w"-i ml full information. J. rKAHV78, General Passenger Agent, lij.j vnwa, ew. P T. Thomas. Sumpterville, Ala, "I was sufferering from dyspepsia when 1 Close application in childhood, and cassises parents, uave piaceo giaeeea up on the noses of many people for life. It not pleasant to contemplate going through life ornamented by glass, but It is Iota better than going blind". Call on Dm, Seymour V Williams, and have your eyes properly fitted. 7-1 in hand, the following deaerlbad real estate r tnak several bottles and Can digest any thing." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is Tm only preperation containing all tan nau ural digestive fluMa It gi"- k stomachs entire rest, restoring their ural oooitidoB. J. E. Phinney. situated la sstd county, to wit: Ths north-east qosrter of section ten in township thirty-tour north of range fifty, four west (th nrinoipsl meridian. To satisfy said order of ml in the sum of Seventy dollars snd sixty eents and cost and scorning costs. Dated JulyMtn,!tei, ALSX LOWfiT, Sheriff. Drs. Semour A Williams, eye special ist, in Chadron Sept. 118 at the Blain hotel. 7-1 Fersous oaten putting a visit to the Buffalo eipoeriloa will lad the Lake L. Gerlach oommenced to neve bis Trip most deeirabU. Dr. Semour advises family into their new reekUuce property, us that It le aaallgtitfully oooi journey, yesterday. Tbsy will be very oomfort LaMving uuiutn on luesoay night one ably there. can reaeh Buffalo Saturday morning. Tan American yoata to seldom toM taat to perform the ooauaoa duties of lite to to Msoeaed. eaye a write la Suc cess. Boeaeaow r ether tan verd, "im oaaa." to nearly alwayi linked vltlh fame or with the) attainment of greek rioaee, whee It anpltan, juat M readily to the avan wae rtoea la a ntodetste la the etty aaa ia eouatry. rne way fact Duluth In itself is a very interesting city aed the harbor there Is one of the best that United 9tle affords, 71 Miss Maria Kendrlcks of Msrsland has been hired for tbe Grammar room of tbe puWIc sdieols. It Is not delnite yel to Oat aaeat at to be rteh. The e tato eontrr to aot itemalrea. but ejaoag tat to, waa aw laateai at no wear stton, ateevrally, wllUaaty, at waa at taty l eaa never gfeexeat wstiira sjaaag the rail 5 t I f) who the other teacher will be. kaow hew, ant taea aaat mu r