Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 08, 1901, Image 8

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(S 1
I '- funjsssirassss.'srill imbiisli your brand, like
tlUMcmlV. for prr vi-sr. Each Ml
J" v stlttoaa! Is J-'. 75 cuta. s, very termer or
- j i i tii n i -iumix and ndjoiulug counties
T ' sjaxnfM edvsrtise tbeer brand m Tn Jorn
UiMA fc -alates all over tbe state, it
guay ueifcx; n...iiis of savinf umiiiCT for you
$500 REWARD.
Tor the arrest end conviction of any purty
err pxrtinx stealing or dirfijf uriiif? itny brands
sun (lock belonging' to I (Ms undersigned par
60. 117. - B
on left hlr
left hip of Cattle.
MltMii County, Nebraska.
l'oi4. UOuc, Hewitt,
UtnM branded
on left atioul
(der branded on left shoulder
and Cattle CIY on left side.
root OflUe Address,
Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo.
Mm branded
on left side
florae branded La.
on left shoe
kler, range on Soldier Creek.
Any loek branded as above being estray
eal from my range, discovered by any body
M giriug ma information will be rewardi-d.
. Address, Ft. Koblnaou, Nebraska.
ftsrsea branded on I 5 left shoulder and
Tattle aanieon left bip.
stoeep banided jjj on luck or gl on
tek of Kheea. L J
IUorc on Soldier ("reek and White lilver.
Address, fl. Uobiitson, Nebraska.
fuses (Jm follow
ftmibrajuloaeiUi Barf on Silver Spring and east of tut)
fas. PostoOce Harrison Kcb
I Tbe brand represented in this notice
aad branded any where on left aide
of cattle, aad over lap eat f torn the
ritbt ear.
Also tbe same brand oa left thigh of
h,.l,kairai tn the anrieralirned-
fcaace aaar East Springs, south part fo
eowaty. caunxts Nswnsa,
Harrison. Kihraslta.
Branded on left shoulder ot horse
I . Jand oa left aid of cattle.
I I Andthl
on right nide
right nide of cattle too.
stance on WblU Klver, nearUlen.
Post Ofltoe addreaa, (ilen, Nebrneka.
Branded on left hip of Cattle
and on left cheek nf Uoriiea.
ttangenn leep i'reelc.
.X di . Ilnp IT i rk I li t "tin Ir I'm
J. II. llALHBaT, foreman,
(ileu, Kebrufika.
Mate brand
m M at anl-
ibad fottewlaiioa
laMrtdaof cattle.
left aide of aba stock.
left vide and hip.
wnwlwi; Water.
adreaa, UarrUoa, Rebraaka.
a 111 M.
W Bmm jta Waiar
AsUteaa Atrale, Wb.
frtttMX mm kam m tto
CytZX c Ummtr mat mmek la
:UO crr ftrtwi tor torn,
HT t7 Ur 99 U aasM.
kZ3- mi CmJm
'a ,J
T .
Also HO o est. I Wl J
la aad horse-' . n
aula oa leftside V. . vVSl
awses on left I rUI
ssWOder. H U
For frf toennvh-t any pcrit:i of utaal
In If. allertnif, rannlug o.T fit in any way
dHmnrlng4ioett itruiideitly km right
side or hip. Aiitlr, J AKtcti Kouck,
lUavfsmn. K'aH.
A.T. iiniii.
Brand eonibi doubl
un left aide
of cattle. Ilomea aani'
n right
t out right
ear cattle.
AkapA ailie Mil Ut'UOriU'U.
ttuuge on Kyle C'reeic,
I'OMt Olllce, U ten Nebraska
Cnttbi bra.ided I '"m On left hip also
Cattle branded
on left
Katige on Soldier creek and hito lilver.
Address, (.leu, Xc-briodca.
r'oreuiuh. r'BEU HlWS.
on Ifft hip hip.
Maine on the vi t
Jnw, hihI till me
on Hon. o
llorncsi brnmld
on left ja, ulioaliler or flank. Also Horses
illi on 1k end KfaL J
I jU on lelt sDoalder. p
Bnngeon head of Van Taiell creek, Wyo.
e"l'ost Olflcc u.ldri rt. Harrison, eb.
Cattle brand
ed same as Unit
on ent, either
left hip or on
left shoulder.
llorstt branded with any of above brands.
Address, J. A. Asukksox,
llarrisou, Kebriwka.
Cattle Branded
Range on
on left aid
Al-o Cnttle braaud
shiitlhler or side.
Uange oil
on left h
Bnnnlng Water.
P. O. Address
- Agate, mebraska.
Horses and eat.
tie branded on
either side same as
on cut.
And Cattle branded
side, and Horses on left
Address, Bodarc, Nebraska.
' sttle brand
ed on left side.
Range on
Hunting Water
eP. O. Address llarrUon, Nebraska.
Cattle brandod
side and name on
derof horses.
on tbe left
left aboul-
and Cjit
tie sre lirsndeit on side
nd tbe
shoulder some aa describ
above baaiid.
d I
lor I lie
Address, Harrison, Nebraska.' ,
Cuttle branded
any where oa
left aide of the
Bange on Prai
rie roar and Hon
J roe Creeks.
Address, Harrtaoa, Nebraska
a ent
ere Ike penality f Andrew CbrMuta and
irlBimy Vasj Amm iqsrlana.
fl IMIII afM
c $r
I pup I
fa ? mt
"J Cattle liml
i ed en left aide
I dip 1 zr.iz
mm Branded on
f" I, . t left sboa Ida
Thtbbdat, AtcitsT 8th 1901.
A. FlllppH. KfilMT.
Dollar Per Year.
The Republican Pros continue to
keep the Hill boom in motion.
Colorado is a women sufTraK'at state
too. Perhaps they want lliem to vote
aa thev drink.
The agitation over the question.
whether women should or should not
enter saloons in Colorado orw up a
new field for women suffragists.
An editorial in the Pioneer Grip of
Alliance aiwaks. of the fart that Hon.
Church Howe thinks those who are
dissatisfied with our system of taxation
should study system in the old country.
Church might do well by gelling up a
book on lie relative merits of new and old
world monarchies.
A Protest.
Editor Prens Journel, Harrison, Nebr.,
Ilear Sir: I would like make a few re
marks in regard to a part of the work
done by our last assesnrs. While I know
of no protests beintf entered and do very
hard kicking being done, I do not know
that the sheep men of this country have
(lore some pretty hard thinking. While
we would hate to chargt anybody of
purposly discriminating against us, it
is at least evident that our lute assesors
were not sheep men, and I do not think
the average citizen, judging them by
their books, would call them cattle men
They tell us titat the ordinary cow
can be bought with the value of six or.
dinry sheep, tliat a lirst class bull is
worth but 20. while a tlrst class ram is
worth 150. A third class boll $8. while
a third class ram goes into their books
at f 10. More, the fact ia you can buy
any amount of sheep at 8. per head
but will your neigh nor sell you his cows
at $18? South Omaha tells us Un.t we
ship them the best grass cattle the t come
into the yards. Would they believe
you if you told them that the cow men
headed their herds with hi buodrnd cebt
bulls (nearly all bulls and rams go into
the aswsors books as third class animals).
Suppose you gather up a load of these
fO. bulls and thip them to Omaha, 1
think any cattle man will tell you they
will brim; you from $i0 to 35. per
bead after the frielit andother expenses
are paid. Now go with a load of these
$10. rams and you retrieve a draft for
rom $3. to $4. per head. Now has not
some one erred in judgement and have not
heep-men a right to ask that the a.
sesors books for another year make a
ittle different showiuf,'. I do not know
how stock ia listed in other counties in
the state except that inScotU Bluff Co.
sheep this year were valued at $2.70 per
bead rants included.
O. E. Alcott
Round Top Ranch.
Sioux Co. 7.29-1801
For The Youngar Catholics,
Cleveland, O., July 23,-A reiuvenat.
ing of the work among the younger ele
ment of the Catholic Church was
launched from this city last week bv
Bishop Horstman.
I a brief it is supposed to adopt the
Young Men' Christian Association sys
tem of education. Every feature of Y.
M. C. A. work will be followed. Oneob-
i-r-t "f tlas new omoiialiim will ha tha
elimination of foreign traits and lan
guages and a more rapid naturalization
through cootract with native Catholic
young men of the United HUUa. Al
though the plan has not reached the
formative stage, it is proponed that the
management of the order shall be as
ar as poaihln from the church. Ecclesi
sUcal authority will be strickly drawn
nd the prieathnod will have no more
than ex office hold of the new organ!
cation. Bishop Hortsman wi make the
pton public at Bridger-a-t, Conn., next
September. .
It Is believed the plan will receive
such an impetus from ths Tnrnverein
tnat iu soccceas will be inevitsvhte.
AorfAirwrUrii Cmthdk.
Trmww r-waetntsMs.
CompeUUot of letrle trwnwirr. M
alludod to la Buuiy of the aal(-yarif
r ports of English railwaya aa affect-
tag sDoii-dssunca
fennkussjl Is4smi Tinas
TBV rMobaeot tribe of itsfig
wnicsj snsanowrwa e ia jaj, g
boot C$ ntraftg. Mala afwvprktit
aaaiMiir tsY far tfcrsr HtsZt. i
By virtne of an order of sale basasd by tlie
elerk of tbe district eenrt of sloux county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, upon a de
cree rendered by said court In favor of the
County of Moo I as plaintiff and aatu-t
Josenb Boffer. Sbowalbr Mortface (on
pnay, a Corporation, Locratla lientoa as
I will on the t If day of August. 191, at
eae o'clock In tbe afternoon of said day, at
east front door of the court bouse of said
comity, at llarruon, Nebraska sell at pub
lie anrtion to tbe highest bidder for rash In
band the following described real estate
situated In said county, to-wlt:
Tti. i south half of the southeast quarter of
section four, and the north ball of the
northeast quarter of section nine In town,
hip thirtv four north, of rmie HI ty four
west of thesth principal meridian.
T't'.fy said order of sale In the sum of
sixty four Hollars and twenty Ave cents
and rntis and accruing cols.
Dated July 2Ub, 1501.
Alas l.owry
Sheriff's Sale.
Ity virtne of an order of sale Issued liy the
cb-rk of the IMstrU t tonrt of siom Connty
Meliraske, and 10 ue dlrectod, npiHi a decree
rnidmeil by said court In favor of the coun
ty of Kioux as plsintiff and against Amos V.
IVrlin, Mis. Amos P. 1'iirllii, bis wife whose
true chrlstiun niui.e is nnknown to plulntlfp
and siiovt idler Mortgage company, a corpor
ation, n defends ii ts.
I will on tbe sth day of August, Iful at one
o'clock entile slteriHion of said diiy, at the
east front door of the court house of suld
county, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at pub
lie auction to the highest Wilder for cash til
hand the following dcscribbl real estate
sllunted lu suld county, to wit;
Tbe northeast quarter of section nineteen
in towuship thirty Ave north, range flV-
ve east of f.th principal im-rtdlnu.
To satify said order of sale In the sum of
sixty-nine dollars and forty-ona cents and
coxtsand acurulng costs.
lintetJuly4'h, I'joi.
A lit Low ST,
KhrrlfTs hair.
By virtne of sn order of sin Issiivt by the
clerk of tlw District Court of Moux County
Nebraska, and to me directed, upon a ilccn e
rend red by said court In favor of tbe coun
tyofKtoux as plaintiff and against Klla.
bcth It. Ingunil, Ingersoll hr hus
band hose true christian name is unknown
to plalntirf, and Show a I tar Mortg.ge com
pajiy a c-ortwratlou. as defendants,
wilt on thaailbday of August, 1!01 atone
o'clck In Uie afternoon of said day, lit the
east front door ol tha court house of said
county, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at pub
lic auction to the highest blddorfor cash ia
hand the following described real estste
situated In stud county to-wlt:
riiesoBtliiiist (inarter of the south west
qnarierf srtion eleven and the southwest
quarter of lh southeast quarter of section
elcveu in townsiilp thirty-two north, of
rang fllly flvu west of Gtb principal lucrldl
an. To sallsy said order ot s '.le in the sain of
twenty-four dollars and ulnety three cents
and cota and aecrnlng costs.
Datod Julytlth, IW1,
; . Aikx lAwax.
ShcrlfTn ttale.
By virtne of an order of sale Issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of Moux
County, Nebraska, and to me directed, npoa
a decree rendered In said court in Isvor of
tbe County of Kionx as plaintiff and liranl
(uthiie as croS!titlonr aud against Ve
na Will, Jerrv V. Will, Theresa Will. Charles
Will.llo.ies Will, Alice Ksrnuet, Ami! Will,
Otto Will, Klsie W ill, rem Will and lien,
ry Will, heirs of Jerry II. Will, deceased.
the unknown halraot Henry Mohr, deci-ssed.
An gust Mohr and (.iistauve A. Mohr, exe
cutors of tbe estate of Henry Mohr, deceas
ed, as defendHnta,
1 will on the Hh day of August, im, at
one o'clock In tbe afternoon of said day, at
the east front door of the court bouaeef
said county, at Harrison, iieuraska, sell at
pulille auction te the highest bidder for
cash In band, the I ol lowing descrllw! real
csiate sitnttrd In said county to wit:
Tbe south half of section thirteen In town
ship thirty three- nerth, of rsnga llfty-siz
west of Cth principal meridian, to satisfy
said order of sale In the sum of ninety eight
dollars and ninety live cents In favor of
said plaintiff ami the sum of Light hundred
and twenty-two dollars and sixty cents in
fnvor of said croasiHiiltlouer and costs and
accruing costs.
Dated July tt.WOI.
Ai.rx Ixiwar, sheriff.
Slif rirr Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Sioux County,
Nebraska, and to nie directed, upon a d
ere rendered by said court In favor of the
County of loux rs plaintiff aud against M
II. sjcbocu maker, whoa- true christian name
la unknown to plalutiff, Mrs. M.D. tdioou-
maker whose true chrlstisu name Is un.
known to plaintiff, and National I a rest.
nwtat Company, a eorperstluu, as defen
uisuta. ' '
I will on the 26lh dny of August, 1901 at
one o'clock In tbe af tet noon of said day, at
tbe east trout door of the court house ot
ssld county, at Harrison, Nebmska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
In hand tbe following described raM estate
situated In aad county, to wit:
yt one, the south east quarter of tbe
north-east quarter, and the north half of the
sooth east quarter of section one. In town
ship thirty-four north, of range flfty-four
west of the 6th principal meridian.
To satisfy said order ef sale In the sum of
seventy Dollars and sixty-five cents sad
costs and accruing easts.
Dated July tl, MSI.
' Alex Lowry,
A Wssiss Cfr Rdwasa
Tiert are hundreds of women roa
aMctsd with tha newspapers of the land
aa literary, dramatic and art crin.
society aad coneril reporteis, bat tha
honor of belBg tha only woman dty
editor la aald to boior.; to Mary Ml Lea
oi tne uiusviiie (p.) Herald. Bha ra
porta at the ofta at I o'clock p. m. aad
worts aotJI 11 o'clock at Btabt; from
than aotll the local stde of the paper
coaa to pnra, which may he aa late aa
t a. m.. she makes berseff tsnerafly
nawini scow taw ooea, rtMlag proof
aad cxrhsaam t( there la aa ijeeaaloa
to 00 out to look ep a "ttory," aM mm
m.CkMm Isacord-BaraSX
Marsteller Bros. A
Reccornend To
Twenty-eight yrars of
successful shoe building
in five great factories rep
resents satisfaction to
millions of shoe wcarera.
Every pair of Seix Mnu'i
PineBhoes fully illustrate
this fact. They make your
feet look well, no matter
i-hat sixe you wear, and
combine the extreme of
style with perfection of
coin fort and wearing value
LbUaZb for MEK.h)
Look for tbe sign of "Sell" It
marks the Popular Dealer.
Seta shoes for Men, Worn on and Children are
Satisfactory Shoes-Price Quality Comfort
Asa roe
Seta "Uaau Skis."
Sell "Fssih.r Wtlgkt'
SsU -rlorseskoa."
i The Commercial Bank.-
C. F. Coffee, Preaulent. F. W.Clarkk, Cailiitr
Chas. C. Jamesox. H.S.Clarke, A. McGixlkt
Stockmen haviof? use lor a
us to handle their
frWe are prepared to take
0 eeOe000sOee'
Druggist's Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
12. .
one in each town
no rUk la
a cent if
nfl PAT
ar w . nw i
iu liDrrti
www vr
iraslity of nir whrrli.
sue orrson ia rsth to
a rvtlat
s bicycle, wt'.'js
fnlH-d Htntrs Lund Ofllty, Alllsnrs -eb-raska,
July 10, 1M.,
A suffleli-tit contest sdlilaslt lisrli hrvn
niftl In tills offli o by ('lulls t'hrlsUnsen, roll-l'-tniit,
HKilfist lloiris.K iul tmlry No. I04'J
iiitti- Octnlwr Sri I. I MM, fur Kast half (',1,
south west(i), swtlun (fi), east (i .north
West(i), Meetlon (7), Township (34) north,
Rafifn(34) West, by Mary route, t'ontnitee.
In wlilrh it Is alli-awl that, the said Mry
Kaote ha !!!! to r"!! n and mltirsta
snhl land as rulrnl by law In (his; that
she lias failed to build tlKTooii a liubitabli
honsii; tht she has failed entirely to culti
vate any of said land at any tl,n; and that
shi- has fiUInd cntlrrly u establish livr resi
dence on suld land; Unit snhl iIi-ImmIU ron
tlnueatthe date of this effldiitfi and are
not nor were not cnnsml by service of the
entry woman In thn Army Navy or Mar
ln Corps of tbe t'nltnd Htutro durlna; the
late war with "pain or anv ollmr war In
which It may have been piib;scI.
Hud istrtbw arc hereby notiflcd to nppes,
rmpond and offor evidence tonrhliis said al
lesmtlon at 10 o'clock A. M., on Ana;iist list,
101, before (irant Unthrte, a Kolary nubile
athlsomneln Harrison, Nebraska.
And that anal bearlur will Imi held at 10
o'clock, A. w.,oi HepuiiiilHT 7th. im, liefore
the ReRlster and Iteeulver at tlie I'nlud
KUtaS land Olllce In Alliance, Keliras
ka. The said contestant hsvlng, In a proper
anVlavlt.fll.sl July 1st, KOI, set forth farts
which show thai after dnn diligence, per.
aonal servile of this nollre csn not he msde.
It Is hereby ordered and directed that snrli
notice Im Riven by dnn aad proper piiMlca
tln. w r. M. tmssisoTos,
Wkaa Jlmmle eau three kloda of
barrlao at a oleale a4 eoaiee home
atek kls auetaor alwaya wooden where
ko cot kla attraaaoly oolleata organ nuts
ttw.K3sWaco BasoH-HeraM,
11111 IllfP UfAaQt
r i a ww k wwsmn
l V I V escaasxe lor
Men Who Duslre'
1 ity
-8tyle, L J
SELZ, SCHWAB & CO., Chicago.
largest Msaefsetarars el Baea sad Snoas la Om Wavkt,
bank at this point may rely o
entire Banking buwinep.
care of our trade at all timem.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
to ride and exhibit a sample iooi modal
bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKI ftO T0
80 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself.
'00 & '09 Hodois S. $7 fa $12
Ukinrlde'Sjlr Ch! retaitMe3 () S3
saasy Rood as new
ship any bicycle QN APPROVAL. K
without a cent deposit in advance and allow
Yon take
ordering from na, aa yon do not need to pay
tha bicycle doea not suit you.
PIIV wbrc notil yoa base wrtttm far oar
uv i Fscrotv rticti and mt tual
oucr lias nertr
imi beta equaled aad is a gasrsstas of
ia rath town to dlstrlbate ratalorocs fer as ia
todjy for free aitalngue aad onx spatial oSer.
HEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago.
Red Front Meat Market
Choice, Fresh and
home cored Ileal s
and home rendered
Lard, Mlt Jlsli.
" fine line of Grocer
ies, Tolatuxis, Clours and Cantliea, Nu
and green Apples. Holiest price paid
for biiies and Prwiuce, at
5rr.itK's "fyi Troal.
f. E. M. V. R R. is too beet
.to and from tlie
Uolnx West. (Mac Rasi.
to. . n.lsd, 0:W No. s, niUad IM
alarn.rnlt, and
Imrasn brundisl j a riht lhia
ami shoulder and
brandetl f' 1 on riifbt Jaw Alan. I have
.gj on
Horses branded
left tblflU
rinder will be rwsrnd wltli sMiinrnoasl
fer return of aaine to ubu llelaer.
IWlMloe Add rasa.
llarrtasHi slonvt'o , Makrsswa