Doa't (orgtt Asa will art. kee MS It I Am Data Altars hH Iwtt It to the only car for Swollen, awaartlag. Burnlif. gweatlag Fact. Coma aaa Buaions. Aak (or A ilea 's fast Imi, a powder to b shaken Into the akoM. At all Druggists and Shoe Sinn, Siw. Swaapia Mai t HM. AO- Km, AUw l. Olmsted. LeRor . N. T. Doa't fcrget to add nit water when fou wut to boll anything. rw too vac ball bldb, at Rd Ooas Ball Ulna, tba beat Bail Blue. Large I oa, package only 6 ceata. Overwork kills (ewer men than ex caul v a leisure. all'f Catarrh Car b taken intaraallj. Price, "Sc. Tba msa wbo hatea another hat an Ingrowing grudge against himself. . Plao'i Cure la tba ban medietas we ever nasd for all affacliooa of the tferoat and law. WaJ. & ESIMLST, Vaaburea, lad, Fab. 10, im Fundy bar. in Novia Scotia baa a tide of 68 (eet. SUkraska Baalaaaaaad Sborth.nd Gellcga, Boyd Balldla. Oaibi, Nab. 13,000 eipended last year In type writers. $2,500 in actual business and banking furniture. It Is the most thoroughly equipped Institution in the west. 8end for catalogue. A. C. Ong, A. M., LL. B., Prest. Tbe world owes every mau a living and every woman a lovlii.-. OBKATLT BEDCCED RATES via WABASH R. R. 11100 Buffalo and return $13.00. 131.00 New York and return 131.00 The Wabash from Chicago will sell tickets at the above rates dally. Aside from these rates, the Wabash run through trains over its own rails from Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago and offer many special rates during the summer months, allowing stopovers at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Ark your nearest Ticket Agent or ad dress Harry K. Moores, General Agent, Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. 6. Crane, O. P. A T. A., St. Louis. Mo. If modesty was the fool-klller most women would die of old age. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE BTARCIf, the only 1 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-fcnt starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Money to the wise and good Is tbe beat of all servants. BEYOND THE HEAT BELT. Meaatala Braatai aa! Mnnatala Sport A'slUMa for Thoaa Wbo Would Kseapo tba Blading Baab Out beyond the plains of Kansas, where the snow capped peaks rabe their beads. In Colorado, Is tho Mecca for sweltering residents of the Hot Belt. There has not been such a sea son of torrldlty for more than a third of a century, and it Is beginning to tell upon the powers of the people. Their minds are less active, and their bodies are tired, and their systems de bilitated. Tbe best remedy Is closs ac quaintance with nature, fair, and robed In cool greens, and swept by in vigorating breezes and fortunntely the opportunities are at hand and may be taken advantage of by everybody. Tbe Missouri Pacific Railway with Its system resembling a net work of lines In the great southwest, runs fine trains of palatial cars by a direct and agree able route to Pueblo, and there con nections are made with America's most popular scenic route, the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, In whose cars the pulllc are carried into tbe very heart of the great mountain range, through canyons of dizzy depth and along the busy sparkling waters which came from Snowland and brought Its coolness with them. There are very many delightful places in tbe Jtockles and plenty of sport for tbe hunter and fisher. He displays excel lent Judgment who steals some time from bis business and uses it in the pursuit of a favorite sport and for th) benefit of bis health. The Rio Grande v astern Is a natural connection of these two systems already mentioned, carrying their passengers still further toward the western outposts, Into still t ore remote sporting country, and where forest and canyon wear their natural beauty tbe longer, and so, to tbe Desert City by the Great Salt Lake. There Is no more delightful short tour and It can be accomplished with com paratively small expense. Sizzling over a desk In the heat of summer Is unprofitable and tsnrcnsancratlTO self sacrifice and should not be endured when coolness and health are so near at band. These railway yntems make travel a pleasure, and naturo, ever kind, Is the great restorer. If you have not yet decided to tane a summer trip, decide now to do so, and get out of tbe beat into the coolness of Colo rado and Utah. rnannrarlatrd tlwra. Th Nrw York Time tells a story loiit a distinguished grnilctnan of that flly who tame home from a pub lic dinner the other night and woke tip his wife by exflalming: "(lot too' ful for you. darling; right off tho gov'nor's table boo'ful, boo'ful flowers." "Well, put thorn In some water on the tuble and get to bed, dear," said, his sleepy wife. Next morning, when his wife cxnmlned her IiuebandH "boo'ful" floral offering she was shocked by the discovery that It was a big bunch of artificial flowers, and they looked very much If they had been rudely snatched from some girl's bat Weddla Oaraaent for II Ira. There are three or four shops In Philadelphia where costumts for wed ding and funerals may be hired at a reasonable rate. The renting of mas querade costumes and of men's even ing clothes Is a business as old almost as pawn brokering, but this renting of weddlsg and funeral. clothes I said tf ha something new. L The FLGWER& By John Vanea Chor. tiller than where that city Ilea aatacp. With fabled aplraa deep In ths swinging tiller and dimmer than that wlndleaa field of deep, Tba sad-flowered, memory. shadowy I walked there with the lovea of long' ago. Dear forma and peerleas of long-van-Ished daya; And ona draw cloee the falreat that ahalt know Their path that follow down tha faded war a. i "One mora tha klaaea on my face," ha said: "Now ia it heaven, hera. where pale flfiwera be; On ahall 1 wander, mated with the dead. But die not, lovt, since you remember ma." Ths Little Lady of tttt Tent- t. BY EDOAR WELTON COOLET. Author "Tbe Life In Her Veins." (Copyright, 1K1, by Dally Btory Pub. Co ) Tbia la a story of a man wbo bad talent and a woman wbo bad hope. Hla name was but what matter it? To those wbo met him moat frequent ly be waa known aa the Silent Man. He lived in a rear room on tbe third floor of a tenement bouse, and kept the wolf and tbe landlady at arm's distance by writing (or the preas. She was known as Old Simpson's tomboy, (or the reason that In ber younger days, when ahe wore short skirts and waa rather negligent In matters of toilet, there wasn't a boy on tbe block wbo could outrun her. or scale a six-foot fence In less time than abe could. Old Simpson, her father, waa the cobbler, who pegged away on other people's shoes in the basement of the tenement, and allowed his daughter to wear shoe that were out at the heel and toe. Tbe Silent Man was silent because he waa lonely. For years be bad been lonely, until, one day, out of be gloom and the dreariness, with a smile on ber face and a song on ber lips, she came to him and laid ber band in hla. Of evenings, after that, they were wont to walk, arm in arm, down to the brink of the river and listen to the murmur of the ripples and see, across the water, the silver line traced by the moon, which she always spoke of as tbe path of glory leading out Into the afterwhlles. 8he, alone of all the world, knew of the goodness of the Silent Man; but that was only because she understood him better than did any one else. She believed in his greatness and called blm ber genius. If the Silent Man had ever met Suc cess, It must have been in the dark ness, for Success had passed him by unnoticed. So, whenever she rested her hands on his shoulders and smiled up Into his eyes, where the shadows of disappointment and despair constantly lingered, and said: "Courage, dear, tourage. Some day yon win oe famous and the world will know you and love you as I do," he would stroke her hair and smile badly, calling her bis angel with the dreamy eyes of hope. "For some day," she would con tinue, "you will write a story through which tbe warm blood of your heart will go pulsing and Its throbbing will catch the ear of the great, busy world, and It will pause to listen and will say, 'this is tbe work of a genius.'" So it was that tbe Silent Man, en- They were wont to walk. cournged by the smiles of tho dreamy eyes of hope, which he saw In hla dreams, put all his energy Into the work of his pen, and after whllo tho critics really did say some kind things about him. She was delighted at this, but he, who looked at matters from the prac tical view point of dollars and cent, could but realize that their marriage was yet afar off. As for ber, she lost none of her cheerfulness In the shadow that continually enveloped the Silent Man, but lived on, burning he oil of hope to light her footsteps down the pathway of the pasalng ..... Ob day the literary world was startled by a novel from the pen of an unknown writer. Critic vied with each other In praising tbe many vivid, brilliant passage In the book, and th daily paper gave whole columns In reviewing tbe latest masterpiece. Men ac latter discos it; uurarj Vtwt gave readings from it; libraries! sought It The aalea war nnpreeedeated. Edi tion attar edition war printed, and tba publishing house whose name ap peared upon tha title page, waa cred ited with tha success of tha year. Everybody read "The Little Lady of taw Tawmaui, u! tuuu mii anxious and curious to know tha Identity of tha author. For tha book had been published anonymously. Reporters for the preas and literary editors beaelged the publisher, im ploring them to reveal tbe authorship. But the publishers had pledged secrecy, and bribes and entreaties were alike In vain. Tbe discussion of the authorship of "The Little Lady of the Tenement" was waged vigorously by the metro politan press and tbe magazine. Crit ic differed In their opinion, but each waa ready to prove by expert testi mony on style or diction or some other distinguishing peculiarity, that Mr. "The Inspiration lie here, sir." So-and-so was the only Individual wbo could possibly be the author. The Intense human interest main tained from start to finish was pointed out as absolute proof that the book was the work of a certain writer, famed (or that sort of thing. These discussions only served to keep public Interest in the book at fever beat, and the sales Increased, rather than diminished. While the controversy still waged, j a reporter for the Daily Harpoon was assigned to report a fire which had originated In tbe plant of the publish ers of "The Little Lady, of the Tene ment" While the reporter was yet a block distant (rom the conflagration, a piece of paper, which had arisen with tbe smoke from the burning building and bad been carried by tbe wind, dropped at his feet. Partly through curiosity and partly because of tbe In nate Instinct of bis profession, the re porter picked It up and put it in his pocket. An hour later, having a little leisure, be took the paper out of his pocket and spread It upon his desk in tbe Harpoon office. When he discovered that the docu ment was a copy of the contract be tween the publshlng house and the au thor of "The Little Lady of the Tene ment" lie fairly jumped out of his chair In hla astonishment A few mo ments later be was closeted with the city editor of his paper and was promptly sent to obtain an interview with tbe Silent Man. That afternoon he knocked on the door of a rear room on the third floor of a tenement Receiving no re sponse, he enquired of the landlady where tbe occupant of the room could be found. "Out at Greenwood, most likely," she said. "He spends the most of his time out there, sitting beside the grave of Old Simpson's daughter, who died a year ago." To Greenwood the reporter went, and there he found tbe Silent Man. "You are the author of 'The Little Lady of the Tenement,' I believe," be said. The Silent Man was plainly annoyed at the question, but finally replied: "I am tbe writer of the book; the Inspiration lies here, sir, under the nod." "It is a wonderful work," said tbe reporter, deferentially. "If it Is," replied tbe Silent Man, sadly, "it Is only because tbe warm blood of my heart goes pulsing through every sentence. Sir, It is the life story of the truest and best woman who ever lived my little angel with the dreamy eye of hope." "Why do you prefer to keep the au thorship a secret?" ventured the re porter. "It will make you lamous. "Because," replied the Silent Man, "It is the true story of her love, of ber devotion, of her sacrifices. To re veal the authorship would mako me famous, as you say, but It would also lay bare the sacred confidence of my lost love. That would be a dishonor, sir, that no temptation would Induce mo to commit." , When the reporter returned to his office with hla story, his veins tingling with the realization of his scoop, he found tho literary editor talking to the city editor. "And you say It was through a ca lamity suffered by the publishers that the Identity of the author of 'The Lit tle Lady of the Tenement' was discov ered?" aked the Iltetary editor. "Ye," replied the city editor, curtly. "Then," resumed the literary editor, emphatically, "I most decidedly protest against ulng the knowledge thus gained. It would be a breach of honor of which the Harpoon should never be guilty." "It I a bit of Important news," re plied the dty editor. "Fate threw It Into our hand and I believe the Har poon should profit by .this stroke of food lock." "Ws will submit tha matter to th managing editor." replied tha literary editor, qoletly, leaving the room. And tha reporter, bow exceedingly anxious over tha fat of his exclusive story, asked the dty editor: "How do ywu think the old man will decider iniwrimbhi iH FRANCE. Maay Waaaaa Bmn rifwal with Hlgb aat Nob lilt? af tha Watloa. The Irish soldiers afFontenoy be queathed to their beloved France names which became so many syn onyms for honor and worth and fidel ity. The Lallya and the Dillon have ever since figured with the highest no bility of the nation. We find more than one Dillon raised to the dignity of an archbishop; another Dillon, who was married to a cousin of the future Em preas Josephine, fought in America with Lafayette, and later, during the Reign of Terror in 1794, when he was commander-in-chief of the French army of the north, perished on the guillotine. Again we find another Irish descendant, Clarke, selected by Napoleon as hla minister of war and given tbe title of Duke of Feltre. We find a Guilllaume Meagher occupying one of tbe most prominent posts in the East Indian trouble; later still, in the early days of tbe nflw spent century, we find an Abbe Maccarthy, famous as a courted preacher of such extraordi nary merit that an eminent authority, M. Icard, for many year the taciturn superior of the Seminary of St. Sulplce, declared him to be head and shoulders above Lacordalre; we find a Macdon ald, of Highland ancestry, but of Irish Brigade school, "the type of French honor," as Bourrlenne call him, cre ated a marshal of France by the great emperor upon the battlefield at Wa gram. "The general opinion was," con tinued the secretary of Napoleon, "that the elevation of Macdonald added less to the marshal's military reputation than it redounded to the honor of the emperor." Just half a century after Wagram we find a MacMahon winning the battle of Magenta, receiving in re compense the honor of a dukedom, and destined later on to fill the highest magistracy In the gift of the French republic Donahue's magazine. HE TOOK THE TRAIN. Tha Story of th. Spirt) v. Pap Bod Swirling Draparla. She was a tall finely-proportioned woman, handsomely gowned, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. As she paced along with slow and majestic tread her voluminous draperies trailed after her with a silked swish that was truly Impressive. It must have been the fluttering motion of the ruffles that at tracted a little dog from one of the neighboring porches. Here was some thing to play with, and he ran after the swishing flounces, pawing and bit ing at them, and standing aside be tween times to watch their fascinating flutter. He was a very little dog one of the toy variety, and a puppy at ttiat and the dignified wearer of the flounces seemed unaware of the atten tions he was paying her swirling drap eries. She was oblivious, even when the doglet, tired of harrying the swlz zllng mass, suddenly plumped himself down in the midst of It. Whether the motion pleased or frightened him It would be hard to say, but he clung to his perilous position as though used to snatching free rides whenever occa sion offered. Then his weight began to tell, the train waa gathered up with a jerk and the puppy rolled clear across the sidewalk. He yelped, too, as much as to say it didn't pay to take a train when you only wanted a dog cart. But the people who sat on the adjoining porches smiled, and the pace of the majestic woman was hastened to quick time. Prealdant Artbor'a Clothes. "President Arthur was the best dressed man I ever saw," said one of the attendants at the White HouBe, who has been there thirty years or more, to a Star reporter. "He changed shirts three times a day and suits al most as often. He never wore the same suit all day, and during the social sea son changed as often as three or four times each day. In the summer he was fond of low-quartered shoes, and al ways tied them with a wide silk string. Ihaveboughthim hundreds of pairs of silk shoe strings. He had not less than fifty pairs of good shoes at all times, and I know he did not have less than one hundred shirts at a time. He had more than a hundred pieces of neckwear, too, President Arthur was a mighty fine man and was good to all the servants and others connected with the White House." Washington Star. Tlia Doctor' Clrrla. Each physician in the United State has 655 persons to look to for his support, for 1 to 655 is the proportion according to the latest governmenl itatlstlcs. California stands at the bot tomor top, depending on the view of the list, for there are only 416 Hctua; and protective patients for ench M D , while in Alaska 2,349 persons have to depend on, or tKke chances with one doctor. New York Is near the aver age, with 603 persons for each physl clan to look after, and Pennsylvants comes nearer the average than any other state, with 662. Lying partially between these great states oomes New Jersey, where the number of medical practitioners falls off un'll one bas tc car (or 86 persons. Cowwraaaa Air '.war. Compressed air I used In stone carv ing. A mason can hitch hi tool Into a a compressed air power noiile and drill Into granite like a dentist ewtting Into a decayed tooth. Of tha Inhabitants of Buda-Pesth tt.C per cent (160,188) are Israelites. 'laataara Bowthiaa Srraa. Par rkllaraa Matr.'a-, aaftaa. Ika , redaraa tr lawwailaa. aliaM ain. curat wladcalte. SteabaMJ The eye la ent. blind if tbe mind Is ab- NC vv "LEADER" r SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS are used by the best shots in the country because they are so accurals, uniform snd reliable. All tbe world'schampionsblps and records hsve been won snd made by Winchester shells. Shoot them and you'll shoot wen. USED BY THE BEST SHOTS, SOLD EVERYWHERE Ha No Equal. REQUTO Mans PKMREDFtt 1 11 JT 3) And Cleanse the Scalp of Crusts Scales, and Dandruff by Shampoos with And light dressings with CUTICURA; purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, whole some, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of Women USE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving:, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing: the scalp of crusts, scales and dan druff, and the stopping- of tailing- hair, for softening-, whitening:, and soothing- red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itching, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying: irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these ereat skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. CUTI CURA SOAP combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Compiotw External and Internal Treatment for Ivory Humour. aaa . Conalntlni of RrmcnB4 Hoaf, to rlaanaa the akin of cmte aa lllTftlllVn acalcaan an run ine tairaenea eaiKia,(;irnwu uihtupt.b SllllljUl ali tnrtantlr allar Itrhlag, lDammatton, aad lirttettom, sad eoatea tmikVUlU A bei, cutk usa BssoLrawr, to cool and tlaaaaa Saa THE SIT all Sfae fail.. ffoM war a Ho7 d CbarMitteasa I, Leadea. IVnaa Uawi ASB roes., BMenea, v. a. . II tl Vrth w kj Ci3 to rri. CM ft IZZZZL, Czj XzZ Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE! STARCH, the only 1 oa. package far 10 eenta. All other la-cent starch cow tains only 12 os. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Don't dishe. forget soap to wash tha SM WE SIT ED and "REPEATER" The BEST starch is Defiance. Tbe BIGGEST package is Defiance. Quality and quantity mean Defiance Starch. 16 ounces for 10 cents. Don't forget it a better quaU lty and oocthird more of it welt II II II I I II X X XX falooil. A flMoMl Aft la oflsa auflolent te ear the BMathH i... iiiiUntii.. and humtliailna akla. acahi. aad MaM haaw) throufhutit tlia workl. Brtlt V(najr.ff.