Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 08, 1901, Image 6

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TV. ..
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I Pictorial Bttimor
7 , WMI Kt DID.
th U Oh of tha
Jenkins t rowed down the river to take our tent down, but when I got to
camp I found a grizzly bear standing there.
Jorklns Did you puy up the stakes?
Jenkins No; I pulled up the river.
Hon o.
Spite o' the sorrow from East unto
Let us hope for the best!
Even when the red thorns are keen at
the breast.
And sleep brings no solace no dreams
and no rest.
Let us hope for the best!
Atlanta Constitution
The woman was standing in the
doorwav, shading her eves with hei
hand. She called across the garden:
"You, Innocence Williams Come in,
honey, outen that hot sun. You'll burn
yer little cheeks az brown ez a berry
Come In, Innocence!"
One would nave expected to see a
fairy-like creature rise, as from the
heart of a flower, and drift dreamily
over the vlo!et beds. But instead, a
gaunt, tall figure, with face browned
and bonneted, shambled toward the
house, dragging a dead rattlesnake by
its rattles.
It was Innocence Williams. "Thar,
mammy!" she explained, tossing the
snake over the pailings. "That makes
ten I've kilt seme the fust o' June!"
Jmmt th TMa
"I am going to spend a week In
ramp with a party of congenial spir
its," said the fat man in the linen suit.
' as be entered the bookstore, "and I
want a good book to take along some
thing appropriate, you know."
"Yes, sir," replied the knowing clerk,
"we have just what you want In a re
vised edition of 'How to Mix Drinks.' "
Minnick "I thought you said Serib
bI waa a good-hearted fellow."
Sinnick "Well?"
Minnick "Well, I hinted pretty
strongly that I'd like to have a copy
of his latest book, but he studiously
ignored the request"
Sinnick "That's where he proved
hia kindly nature." Philadelphia
The man who goes to a money shark
to raise the wind pays dearly for his
Mr. Moth You mum h.te this ter rible Py-paoer
mi. riyi ao, out 1 naa an uncle who was dead atuck on 1l
la delightful contrast to the maay
sIotsu are those who do not ignore,
not only every principle of hygiene,
but every particle of common decency.
A woman, maybe every whit as tired
the value of a truly restful sleep, will
remove her garments separately and
with care, shaking them slightly and
hanging petticoats, chemise and 'cor
sets upon pegs or chairs; the will put
on a tidy bathrobe and prepare a bath
for herself acording to her individual
ideas as to temperature. The time
spent In the bath will also be regu
lated by her individual wish, and she
will emerge from It with the work
worn feeling dissipated and a luxur
ious glow of comfort In its place. Her
body has been cleansed and soothed,
the nervous strain of a busy day has
been removed. Next her teeth are
thoroughly brushed, and an antisep
tic spray cleanses nostrils and throat
alike. There may be only a gas stove
in her room to radiate warmth, but she
will sit before this in luxurious ease
and .remove the hairpins from a tired
head, and then, crowning rest of all.
ror fully ten minutes her glosy hair
will be brushed and rebrusned until it
shines anew then, with feeling of
content equal to that of her ladyship
the cat, she will lie down between cool
iheets and aleep peacefully for eight
hours. When one pauses to consider
that a third of the twenty-four hours
Is spent In sleep, it la surely not too
much to meet the rest time in a
clean condition. Fruit stains of food
particles on the teeth, tobacco smoke
on the eyelashes, dust from the street
upon the body, soiled hands and tight
ly pinned up hair ugh! what a way
In which to woo repose! Small wonder
that some people complain of insom
nia or awake in the morning with a
taste of red flannel In the mouth, or
wonder why the head aches and
"sleepers" seal fast the eye-lids! Les
lies Weekly.
1 CS.
Ho NaaS ta Go Thar.
I don't like this climate. It's too
hot," the stranger said. "You ought
to come up to Minneapolis and live
We have it cold there in the winter,
but it's so dry you don't notice it"
"Dry?" gasped the sufferer. "I won
der if it ever gets as dry In Minne
apolis as I am at this moment" Chi
cago Tribune.
Flnnigan "Oi hear yes hov a girrul
baby at your bouse, McManus. Pbwat
Is It yez are afther callln' th' Infant?"
McManus "Shure an' it do be Caro
line th' owld woman tells me, but Oi
call her Carrie for short, 01 dunno."
Flnnigan "Carrie, is it, McManus
f aun, an tnot a a good name ter a
faymale misslnger boy, O'im
Hostess How do you like this cheese?
Guest It's not half bad.
Hostess Then I'd better put it away for a few monthB.
ChaSea at ratltloa.
A well-known Sunday school teacher
Was late in arriving at one of the cit
ies at which he was to appear and had
but half an hour to reach the hall
where he was to give his entertain
ment. He needed a shave almost as
much as he did his dinner, but he de
cided to cut out the latter. The former
fee was obliged to have. Going to his
room he rang for a barber. A bright
looking boy came in and announced
that be waa the barber. The lecturer
at down on a chair and told him to
ahead. '
"I be your pardon, sir. but would
ou salad lying down on the couch."
"Why?" aaked the astonished lecturer.
"Well, air, you see, I am generally
to shave the corpses, and I can
Borem (consulting his watch) "Isn't
your clock a little slow, Miss Cut
Miss Cutting (suppressing a yawn)
'No, I think not; but there are times
when it does seem so."
''Hfm a man better wnen he is lying
, down."
Taw," said Tommy, who was Souk
. fc at the "Household Hints" in the
. Weekly paper, "What is a 'society
Sandwich?" "
society sandwich," replied Mr.
Twcfcer, not at all certain of his
bat unwilling to exhibit his
ww the youthful seeker
J lowwtofee, "to a hetples young
iCs iMtveea two lively girls
4,fa aarty.'-Chlesgo Tribune.
tgm af a
l kern to apt
who- blows
to be souad.
Balaaclaa AceoaaW Evary Day Ii a
afae-aard far the nakaepar.
The question of cash or accounts is
5ne that is debatable in the mind of
the modern woman, particularly the
:ity woman. Distances in a large city
ire so Inexorable that the convenience
-t mall or telegraph shopping is very
tempting. It Is possible nowsdays, in
deed, to take advantage of bargain
counter attractions at long range.
Many women, knowing their shops
well, will unhesitatingly telephone for
a marked down article on opening tbe
morning paper to find It advertised,
tome shoppers holding an account at
different stores for no other purpose.
Sometimes, Indeed, these purchases
:an be sent C. O. D , but often they
-an not In the matter of exchange, too,
the charge customer has an advantage
in tbe ease and celerity with which
she can manage these transactions.
Against however, this saving of time
and strength and of opportunity must
be set tbe objection to extravagance,
says Harper's Bazar. When an article
is to be charged it seems much easier
to make the purchase. One of tbe
phrases common among women hesi
tating at this point is: " will only
need a little larger check, and few dol
lars one way or the other will make
no difference," and It rarely fails to
tip the scales in favor of the purchase,
yet It is just here that the danger of
an account lies in the establishment
of moderate means, and the woman
who finds herself sllping along this
easy, dangerous road can find safety
only In stern repression, or to per
mit the account to lapse. An every-day
balancing of accounts is a wonderful
afeguard for a housekeeper, and sel
dom occurs with tbe woman who
barges things. Boston Herald.
One of the first heralds of approach -lav
anHaa- t t H M.t,w u Hint
of passage, who, like most of his kind.
spends his summers in Europe, and
his winters In Asia or Africa. He ar
rives in England about the beginning
of April, resting a little time at Malta
on the way, and takes hia departure
soon after midsummer. Among the
peasantry In some parts of France, It is
supposed that after St James' day,
July 25, the cuckoo changes Into .a
bird of prey, and Inhabits tbe moun
tains during the winter; but that In
tbe spring time he resumes his nat
ural form, and returns to France on
the back of a kite. There is no bird
which Is so generally believed to pos
sess the gift of prophecy as the cuckoo.
In Germany there Is a popular belief
that the one who first hears him In the
spring can ascertain how many years
he has to live. He simply asks the
bird the question, and as many times
as it responds, so many times will the
questioner see the trees put forth their
leaves, and watch their fruit arrive at
maturity. In Sweden the young girls
consult the cuckoo to know when they
will be married, and the number of
times he answers Indicates the number
of years they will have to wait; but if
he continues an unreasonable time,
iney say be is settled on a magic
branch, and consequently his predic
tions are not to be relied upon. A
very important point, according to
them, In the interpretation of his re
sponses, is to notice from what -direction
bis voice comes. If from the
north, it means sorrow and trouble
for all the year; but if from the east,
west or south, pleasure and happiness
may be anticipated. If one has money
in one's pocket the first time one hears
him. a prosperous year will follow; but
if the purse Is empty, it will be diffi
cult to replenish It. And one is liable
to die of hunger during the year if the
cuckoo Is heard for the first time when
one is fasting. In Servia. the cuckoo
presages disaster if he is heard in the
forest before the trees have assumed
their foliage; on the contrary, if the
branches are already covered wltl
Imtm wham he rat anoaara. haMrineaa
and plenty may be expected. In Switz
erland, and In some parts of Germany,
tbe cuckoo is called the ''baker's boy.'
According to a legend, he, is In realltj
a baker's boy, who In the hardest o
times was not ashamed to steal th
food of the poor, or to pilfer the bee
of the bread when It was taken fronr
the oven, crying out as he did so ir
the most Impudent manner, "Guk
guk!" which in old German means.
"Look, look!" God was so angry with
him for his depredations that h
turned him Into a bird, with a pow
dery gray plumage, to remind him oi
his ancient calling, and condemned
him to repeat constantly the sanu
words. In remembrance of his unscru
pulous fault The Russians regard th
cuckoo as a bird of Ill-omen tbe pre
cursor of sorrow and death. Accord
ing to their legends, be is a young
girl, who angered the gods by weeping
too long for the death of her brother,
and was changed Into a cuckoo. In al
most all countries It Is considered un-.
lucay to kiii mis Dira, in spue or nis
reprehensible propensities from a do
mestic point of view. Whether blr
objection to nest-building arises from
natural laziness, or from natural in
competence, it Is difficult to say; but
It Is Indisputable that he has a strong
ly developed tendency to utilize the
ready-made nests of other birds. This
however, does not prevent his being
welcomed among us as the harbinger
of spring, and the forerunner of th'
singing birds, who in summer All the
land with music.
Wavla Paper Caaibaatlaa.
Most of tbe paper now used is made
from wood and other vegetable fibres,
which are chemically not very different
from the matrlals of which a hay
rick is composed. Consequently If
paper Is sucked damp, heating Is like
ly to take place. Just as It does with
prematurely stacked hay, and at any
time flames may burst out as tbe re
sult of spontaneous combustion. '
A Hindoo Gives tXX
Prokasor an Example of
Hindoo 0th,XXX
Uhrert-. Carmegle seems to be very much Intereeted In distributing
JUf-Tee. even tbe awoke
""""" -i-i n-ii-i mmuuLL
Caste 'tarn,"
rsjt, 1 weald en
froaa bis factories la volumes.
wmm. n iniLiLim.L..
U iJ r nr as tbe
1 say." mm tbe business ssea ta
tbe detective, "cam feUow baa bee
repieasaUag aJtaaeH M a coUeetor ol
He aae bees taMac In
tbaa any two of tbe men
aM I want biat eaUaiad a
JAB ft3: IH bar Un la toll in
tea dm wart -
Its a
fellow!" eomsaeatajl tk.
frtood, "Ha waa Mast ruck. I under.
Hew did tt bapaear
Ti was all due to a lack of Ja4n
M hto aart " waa ha aaaa.
"Tea; be oacit te have known ket-
To aa out wta a
M wewiutan natt ta a
S.aaf from the Baaeb,
Even jurists are not exempt from the
prevailing custom of using slang in
expressing their sentiments. Quite re
cently Sir John Madden, the chief jus
tice and lieutenant governor of Vic
toria, New South Wales, angry at the
absence of all the barristers In a libel
case that was down for hearing, char
acterised tbe proceeding as a"fake."
This Is a piece of pugilistic slang and
Is understood to mean a make-believe
light, both boxers baring previously
agreed as to tbe final Issue. Chicago
and New Tork bave witnessed many
such "fakes." Nest morning the three
leading barristers concerned appeared
in court, explained their absence and
Indignantly repudiated any idea of a
"fake." Tbe chief justice then apolo
gised expressing his regret that be had
permitted himself to use such a word,
and adding that the bar would under
stand bow such expressions sometimes
slipped out without due regard to the
surrounding circumstances. A bland
assurance of his belief that tbe parties
In tbe ease were animated by tbe "tall,
eat litigant animosity" raised a laugh
and agreeably closed tbe Incident
It Is to the credit of tteselate that
wealth Is not yet tbe standard by
whlek Its members judge each other.
There art millionaires la tbe atnaU
wbo occupy Insignificant places, who
are never consulted by their colleagues
and wbo stmpty follow where others
Ob tt otber band, men wbo
brains are eonssausntial fac
ta eMermlalag IssMaUoa. al-
Uo ta saatarta! wealtb they may
b as tasr as eaurtb ales, a mas
to smltsnss ta the senaU
it wac-3 slona. Ireta is mack basis
tar fsttoa, ttat tils aowtittot
A professor of languages, some few
years .'-;o, on returning from India, re
marked upon the paucity of objection
able phrases amongist the British work
ing classes when compared with the
abundance supplied by tbe Orientals of
similar rank. To prove this, he gives a
esse which came under his own notice.
He had dismissed a man-servant for
dishonesty, and tbe next morning, at 8
o'clock, he sought an interview with
hia former master. He flourished a
carving knife, with which he plainly
inU-nded to emphasize his remarks.
When he found it Impossible to gain
admission he sat under the window,
nd the "swearing" process began. He
cursed tbe professor along the genea
loRloal tree back to the first ancestor
of his race. Then he dwelt upon every
detail of his anatomy, from the top of
his bead to the end of bis toes. "For
three consecutive hours he sat and
swore," says the professor, "without
once repeating a phrase." Whilst trav
eling on the underground railway In
Iondon, a party of workingmen en
tered tbe same compartment with the,
commonest forms of "swearing." The
professor politely asked them to desist,
whereby he was told to mind his own
d d business. He at once com- j
menced to translate into English some
specimens of eastern oaths which he
had heard a Calcutta merchant's ser
vant use to a missionary's servant. The
men sidled from him as If he bad a
plague, and at tbe next station sought
another compartment
KIS KSwarS Mnd a HI Datas.
A certain carelessnesa about proper
nams Is a common quality with aristo
tocracy and royalty, and this is said
to be borne out by a story going tbe
round about hia majegty, the king of
Great Britain, relates a Glasgow news
paper. Some weeks sgo he pointed out
a picture to one of the royal house
hold and said: "I have promised to
send that picture to Moscow; sec that
It goes." "To Moscow, your majesty?"
said the gentleman addressed. "Yes.
Moscow," said the king; "there's an
exhibition, or something of that sort,
on there Just now." "Moscow! Your
majesty," said the official again.
"There's no exhibition at Moscow.
Your majesty perhaps means Glas
gow." "Ah! Glasgow, Is It?" said Ed
ward VII., reflectively; "I dare say It
is. Anyway, see that the picture Is
sent8t. Louis Globe-Democrar
Widows and Daughters
of Men Who
Foxight for
. " aea at ja 1 -
-MawsMwex t,ye U O trU-rls rroi
Four widows of soldiers who fouaht
in the American revolution still sur
vive to draw pensions from Uncle Sam.
Though they themselves did not wit
ness the birth of the great republic
their husbands beheld that event and
took part in the thrilling episodes
which led to tbe formation of tbe gov
One of these interesting women if
Esther Damon, of Plymouth Union,
Vt, who is 87 years old. Another Is
Kebecca Mayo, of Newbtirn, Va., wbo
is 88 years of age. The youngust of
the widows is Mary Snead, aged 88,
who lived at Parksley, Vt. Nancy
Jones, of Jonenboro, Tenn., Is tbe last
of tbe four relics of revolutionary pen
sioners. She Is 17 years old.
Hardly less Interesting tbaa the
widows are tbe daughters of tbs revo
lution, a few women only seven of
them wbo draw pensions from Unci
Sam because their fathers fought la
tbe war for Independence. Tbe oldest
of Ibeee Is Hannah Newell Barrett, of
Boston, wbo Is 11 years old. All of
tbs others are naturally far advanced
In years.
Oeatt siigslsss SMH Walata.
Tbe shirt waist wss recognised as a
legal article of masculine attire la tbs
circuit court of fit, Lonto by Jadgo
TUty. Tbs saUter earns up in coanee
Uon with tbs esse of Frank OrabowlU
agslast tbs ft. Louto TraasH sempaay.
Tbs plaiatif appeared la court la com
say wHb Ms attorney- Kr. Crabowtu
Is ktrgs man and was net woartat
a coat Bs wss srattatosd by tbs IwSsu
sad by maay stbsr perseas wbo were
ta tbs avast rasas, "to year sttsattaUs
ttin ttsawat sr dost be sfatfUsr ttat
a shirt waist?" asked Judge Talty of
Mr. Taylor. "That Is a shirtwaist," re
plied Mr. Taylor. Judge Talty made no
further Inquiry or ruling and his ac
tion was taken to mean that ablrt
waists would be admitted as eminently
proper attire In the court room when
the temperature was 100 degrees or
over. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A Prtare ml Orafler.
Begging, at It Is practiced today, bu
become a line Srt Here is a brand new
scheme whose author deserves a niche
In tramps' temple of fame. A Cleve
land, O., paper of recent date contain
ed the following advertisement: "I am
a young man Cf refined feelings, with
out Influential friends, and unable to
make my way la the world. I do not
want to do menial employment, and
tbe Idea of having a boss over aw te
wy repugnant If every one who read,
this will sead ms a nickel, I will N
able to start la business for myself.;
will keep track of these friends and
repay them whoa I succeed." An ad
dress wss given to which all large
hearted, generous-minded persons
might send their nickels and reoeiv
their reward hereafter.
Tbs lass collected la New Tork ptu
lies courts last year amouatsd to 171 -
m. la UCt the total was llMax?
Prior to the establishment of Ue arse.'
at board of city nugWt rates the av-
Mida aaaasl collections wars from
M to 11400. In lta the total
bitartloas from f ass amouatsd to
PtlH. -eswaswa to