Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, August 08, 1901, Image 1

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    fc.'A 'Wf U,' -.
no. a
? r:
Otville Heiiter arrived Friday from
Iowa and will work for U. W. Hester.
Thoe l)eeriuc mowers nt L. Oerlacli's
continues to null like hot cakesyou know
I will nell on Saturday, August 10,
at Harrison Nebr., nil my ersonal
property ionsitin(r of call It-, homes,
and . household furnitunt. Aim I will
sell' my house and lot on an mo date.
5-2t Mrs. Mary Holly.
Martin Welter, of tilen wan in the oily
Tuesday transacting business with our
Prof. Myers and tbe Proffessor
Vurviau.es arrived Saturday in govd
season for Institute work.
Cha. Plympton started Tuesday for
California and if satisfied with that Mict
ion of Uie country w" locate Uiere.
L. Oerlach has been recieving large
cousiKumeuU of merchandise thin vvk
and isuow prepared to supply big order
of au thing.
itu ,.,i Mr. rkttu. of Iowa arrived
yesterday for a visit wiUi 8. J. Leehug'
The German Medicine Company under
the management of Ur. Moxidah cloned a
i engagement here Mondsy night
They gave a very creditable performance
for a very little money. The doctor
proved himself to be a thorough gentle
man and a good busin-ss man, and unlike
most travelling showmen, he transacted
business on business principal. His
free treatment caused a gitat many to
call on hi.u for consultation and should
prove a good way to advertise the Ger
iuau inedicens. The doctor is probably
not a marvel but seems to have a faculty
for correct diag nosing which makes liiiu
quite successlul in his practise. :
Geo. Orim lost about 30 tons of hay
and a loa barn, Monday by lire. Tlie
tire was started by the little one playing
Willi matches.
Mrs. Moor, returned Monday night to
.r lumm lit Iowa. Site ban l-tll visiting
for nine t'U Wl" 'er B'sWr Mrs
Williams. ;
A Morales Mitchell "'id Noleman of
All hi uce. and Wooley of Oram! Island
iMnl Friday and Saturday in the city
iu the mterteis of tho I lames estate.
Marstellor llro. are keeping up with
Uie general air of progressive in
lLrnsonby putting an acetylene gas
plant. Tins bgt can scarcely be improved.
Alleged Assault.
About eight o'clock Tuesday morning,
H. 1L Russel alleges Uiat Frank Houston
made an assault on him while on his
(Russel's) premises. The difficulty arose
I over a dispute about Mr. Forces' cattle
I hoincr on Russel's premises. Frank Hous
ton is in tlie employ of Mr. Force and at
tho time of the trouble was driving the
cattle back from Mr. Bussel's land.
Thoy wtre both on horses and Mr.
Houston pulled Mr. Russel from his horse
and they afterward had quite a strugg-
Mr, Rnssol camo to town Tuesday and
vnra out a warrant and Sheriff Lowry
went, down on tho evening train Tuesday
and served the papers. He returned
with Mr. Hoiistan Wednesday mnrning
and in the afternoon the preliminary
hearing was held before Judge Bartell
attlieOomt House. On the evidence
offered, Judge Bartell decided to bind
Mr. Il.iustonover to appear betore me
District Court and fixed the bail at $300
wliioh was given.
few slower enough to keep the air
Mrs. Anton Kratz returned from
Omaha on Thursday.
The news of Geo. Jacoby's death at Al
va Okla. was a shock to the community,
lie has resided here for a number of
years and Mrs. Jacolty has many friends
here who sympathize wall her in her
We understand that two brothers of
Geo. Davis arrived this week from tlie
Eastern part of the state. One of them
is very sick and came here hoping this
climate would bebenefecial to his health
They are visiting at tlie home of Ueo.
Davis who resales on the place formerly
owned by John Hixson.
Two new binders in the neighborhood
doesn't look like every one bad lost faith
in this country.
Mrs. B. Z. Stewart's health seemed to
improve until Monday morning when
she was suddenly taken worse and Dr.
Meredith was summoned and Mrs. Date
Bursoo is installed as nurse,
R. M. Turner and wife of Lost Cabin
Wvo. arrived Saturday night and will
vwit at Mmtr.e
nuuiacer of J
He, Turner is tn
B. O'KeeV store at Lost
Cabin aed -isalso a wealthy tockman
Go Where U'h Cool.
To Yellowstone Park, where the air
is cooled by breeses from snow-cappeo
mountain peaks, where lakes and rivers
and waviug pmes greet the eye in every
direction, - : :
. Ni better opportunity of visitim this
greatest natural wonder of tlie continent
will ever present itself than that of Aug
20, when the Burliutfton will run a per
sonally conducted exeursion party from
Ouiatia to and through Yellowstone Park
Hine days there and back. The cost less
It. ...111. I .i. 4A ..I ...I. a .-.I uviiallud tf K
. .,-r Miioved a very pleasaul tam win. iniw-ii;iuuCT i--
paper enjoj j innnilroad fare, sleeiier both way.
hilW. ' I .. l.,...LuJ.luiutlinliivll
nieais en rouiu, uuicm nuu v. . . w. ft . .
tlie Park.
Booklet g-iving full information fur
nished on request.
General Passeuger Agent,
6-1 ' Oiual.a, Mebr.
Editor Huy. of the Casper Derrick
mmmI throuith Harrison over the Elkhorn
Friilav. Mr. Hays has been in th eaat-
..r ih iai recovering from a
v..s disorder. The alitor of this
ii,n Herman wa-. arresud Monday in
Crawford. , It isnllegel that he took a
horse from John Turner in Wyoming and
(. heinirheld in Dawes l ounty for r-
..;..iin .r. Mr. Kircher went t
. i.n U..ndav night to render bim
what service b could.
School Report.
Report of the West Pleasant Ridge
School for month ending July 19, 1501
No of davs taucht SO,
No of (.;;j.i!n enrolled 1
Average daily attendance 11.
Those neither absent or tardy during the
month, Orpha Boyles, E.-.ter Deuel and
Flojd Deuel
un Hnll arrived FridaT from Stuart I Tardy but not absent, Jackie Foote,
Nebr and will remain fo the city until I Absent but not tardy, Hiilie Boyle,
Harrr Percv was Utten by a rattlenak.
Ust Thuwlay while pulling up hay for J
r.i.,w Raum. He a bitten twice
'-.. not noticing what the bite was.
ii- able to return to work in a few
, davs without any treatment Other than
Christiun Science.
-fi-r her sale and perhaim indeflnately
... rulllened the h.art of the editor by
.alinir horif with the' news from
Sioux Cormiy as t lb iu the Pbe Jont'
Amy Christian.
Outing For llosy Business Men.
Business men who can get away from
The chairman of the Pop" list and Detn-
tanduvsat most should la vestiirata Uie
e- rat central committee of 8ix County BurliQJU,n' MCurion to Yellowstone
relieved acall last weeU lor a mVn. u lmyt 0mBn4l Xueeday, Aug.
of the state committee at ine m. w GeU back Aug. 2th. Less than 10
Hotel in Liocoln Adjust 7Ui to aewr (or alul lhr0UJ(ll vtM)
mine a time for Uie uw cooveuwo.. rk
triMisact somn oUier businees as mayi Th- cil than i00-ineluoes
come before the meatiag. I everytliing railroad fare, sleeper both
ways, meals en route, hotels, and stage
ii i. of Koottsd Tail Spring was throuKii tit ram
i. . r.w davs last week. Me I Booklet Riving lull inrormation maiiM
am viw " w - -
looking for horses and mules and on request
s negotiating for some which are own
'A n l'ti.s..r-Je. He has recently been
in SouUi Dakota aud expecU to locate
there in the near future. He expressed
himself as well pleasd with tliat count
ry and believe that tlie range is butter.
General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neur.
A GrandBall
, Judge Stouu of Texas was In the city
with Hon. J. F. UdfHi "ays lasi
b uui.il. :.r. ihev drove out to
WETRl T fl w -' y
Mr. toffee's rancii on a tour of Inspect
ion. Judge Stout express! himself to
a PnnwJtiCMtAl. reprexenlive a well
pleased wllii Uiia section of Nebrasku
with the possible exception of luck ol
moisture. Tbe Judge i-robably dosen'i
understand that we bo not need much
moisture hers as in some loualitiee.
Duriog Institute is the time when
Harrison belongs to the "school ioaams'
This coiiimeuces August flih aud on Fri
day night August 9lh a ball will be giv-
dii at Andrews Hall. The public Iu
general are invited and can be assured of
good tune, with good music In atten
A welcome rain visited the Rids on
last FrWay wight The ground was wet
down quit a ntb mm! Mm pwlaki crop
aMa mm us t
J Carey Items.
Crewdedout last week.
Had a good rain on Wednesday afU-
noon, it tiooied tlie atmoaphera and lielV
ed grow lag crops, since llieo have had
A new bell measuring 24 inches in
diameter at the bottom, lias been ordered
for the Andrews school building. To
say the least of it this is an indication
of progressiveness.
It is said that the Western Union
Telegraph Company has orderded tlie
material for tin construction o( a tele
phone line from Harrison to Andrews
and extending thence to Cooks ranch
and the country south. The line will
be of great convienence to sUickuieu and
others in this secliou.
"Ben" Butler, a gentleman of African
descent but favorably known in this
section of Sioux County for all lout, was
iu Andrews Saturday evening.
The Andrews school directors have not
as yet secured the serveces of a teacher.
Tins item is iuleuded fur Uie benefit Of
some young and handsome school mar' a)
who would like to become a resident of
the prettiest little hamlet iu all this
K. C. Madsen is launching out in the
I o u I try business. He is ."hogging tbe
flattering unction to his soul" that both
fame and fortune will some day crown
Ins effort in this direction. Provided
of course, that Rjaduiater Hasuourg
doesn't chop off his 'official head before
his plans are matured aud this is not like
iy, since he is attentive to the duties of
Ins position as coalheaver.
And this remindes your scribe, that
since the compleliou of this division of
the Elkhorn road no roaduiastar and
there lias been six Of iheiu has enjoyed
the good will and esteem of those hold
ug positions under liiiu to a greater ex
nent titan J. . Hasuourg, the present
Since the enactment of the new law
intended fer tlie protection of lili aud all
otuer kiuds of gume, tislung parlies have
not been so numerous iu this "neck of
the woods". Lovers of the sport are a
little wary, since the penality of a viol
ation of the law might mean a line of
$50. or a term of thirty days in the
county jail. There nothing very al
lunug aooulthat.
Continued showers make life beare
able in this vicinity during the present
healed term. Anollier pleasing result
is the splendid grass winch abounds.
Cattle are sleek and lat aud will be in
niagnillcenl trim when the "Cold aud
chilly winds of November" set in.
In the person of little Julia Madsen,
aged 11 years a residentof Andrews there
is the making of anotlier Jennie Liud.
The child ha a really marvelous voice,
full of strength, sweetness, and melody.
Many a man of wealth would give tbou
aaods of dollar could bis own little
daughter be gifted as is tins poor little
obscure country girl.
Mrs, Basset, residing east of Andrews,
and Mrs. Weir of Cluulroa were gueste
of Mrs. Chris ChrmUinsen Thursday.
Lust Thursday morning, at a point
about two miles west of Andrews, nt
the north opening of a small culvert
underneath tbe Elkhorn railroad, section
foreman Chris Cbristensen and James
Wilcox aocidently discovered the abode
of a nighty family of that most veoim
ous of reptiles, the rattlesnake. 1m
medially a "light to the death" was in
augurated, and after the "din of battle"
had ceased a careful count of the dead
revealed seventy three rattlers, ranging
in sixe from 8 inches to 44 feet. From
the tail of tlie largest snake Mr. C. se
cured lo rattles, which, according I v to
scientiliO authority, would indicate tliat
tlie reptile was in its 17th year. It
measured arouud toe thickest part of its
body i inches, and put up a light that
Umpired Uie admiration of the attacking
forces. A visit to the seen of tlie
slaughter the next day revealed the fact
that the last member of this snake tribe
had not been killed, but to exterminate
them would require more time than busy
section men have to devote to such sport
besides, considerable hard work
in removing and rebuilding a port
ion ut lite culvert would be necessary. .
Free Laoce.
Tlis first, session of the Teacher's Insti
t ute was Iwlrt t the school building at
nw oVIK,k Monday, Rev. Warden lend
the devotinal exercises and the sinking
was assisted by the church organ, which
was kindly loaned to the teachers for
use during Institute. Mis Lizzie
Parsons is organist.
The Institute is is chiirpr of Prol Perry
Piiwancs and his hrrstlirr W. E. Purvi-
ance. Tbe former has lor several years
had -the Institute in charge and is well
ande'favorHlilv knowo to nil the teachers I (P5
of Sioux County.
Changes were made in the program so
that as few conflict ions as possible ex
isted. The periods in the farvnoon were
changed from one hour to foiirty live
Eight of those enrolled were pupsls in
the Harrison wnool last year and we ex
pect the teacliers from among them to
make a success of their work and that
they will he a credit to the school and
the Country. Several former pupils are
also enrolled and they have already
given good evidence as to their ability
as teacher
Some of those enrolled will not tench
the coming year but will go to school
and will teach tit some future date.
There seems to be a marked difference
between teachers wbo refuse to go to
Institute during their years of service
and Ihoso whe begin to attend before
they are old enough to teach in order
that they may become better prepared
for their work. The results are sure
to be ditferent in the end. Kven tne
best qualified 'men in our Universatv
find it necessary to spend their vacations
largely in study.
Prof. Hyde, formerly of the Lincoln
Normal, and Principal of tho schools of
Ulysses for the corning school year, gave
an interesting talk on the subject of or
Urography after the opeuiug exercises
Tuesday morning.
The following enrolled Monday.
Uattie O'Conner, Maggie Jordan, Lizzie
Parsons, May Lewis, Mrs. Ella L. Hale
Gracie Wolff, Geo. Williams, Geo. Myers
Alexander Johnson, John liroky. Edwio
Guthrie, Willie Barleil, Grace E. Meyers
Dorotha Patterson, Edith Burke, Nellie
Scott, Muble Tliayer, Elma Burson, Mrs.
Thornton, Iv:t Spease, Mary Akurs, Sarah
Wisdom, ABssie Ponierby, uod Bertha
There wtre two more to register Tues
day, Anna and Nora Neece from Runn
ing Water.
Supt. Fowler and several others were
down Monroe Canyon to see the sights.
Mr. Fowler was pleased and surprised at
tlie scenery of this part of the state. He
spoke to the teachers of the County
twice and bom times was given careful
attention. Uik talks were helpful and
we have uo doubts that both teachers
and patrons present , will make use of
tlie points he gave.
Several patrons were present in the
afternoon to hear Mr. Fowler and as
many us can, shou ld call for a short
lime at least during the sessions devote
ot the regular work of the Institute.
Wednesday all classes were nicely
started and doing irood work. It is
noticeable that the common branches are
wore ttltructive tliaa the higher ones and
this is us it should be for although it is
well to have Uie higher studies the com
mon branches are the ones which most
will teach and they are of great import
ance. I he majority of school children
will go ne higher and to those who will,
nothing will be so helpful in their school
and busiuess life tliat follows, as a
thorough k how ledge of tbe common
Uncle Sam's School Songs are already
quite popular wiUi the teachers and will
no dou bt be used in many schools Uirough
out the County tbe coming year.
Supt. Burke and the other instructors
are eodevonng to secure clear compre
hensive recitations from the teachers and
all will try to make this a point Uie
coming year in their schools. Hupt.
Fowler thinks this and clear firm Read
ing are especially essential in school
Fowler gave a little of Ins lime to the
discussion of school laws and especially
lie new ones. These were fully explan
ed and a reference made to a phaniplet
which he has prepared containing a '
digest of these new laws. He urg-d
teachers to full understand the school
laws and to be careful always about
leaving a valid contract and certificate,
lie closed bis remarks with an express
ion of pleasure with being able to meet
with them and by paying a glowing
tribute lo their calling and ihe good they
ere able to accomplish.
Ira. Wyoming.
1 y ; 1 r s
A goodly number of the forts inhab.
tanca went down to Crawford on the
evening of the 31st ultime to attend the
Circus which was advertised to show
that date, but tbey didn't And it there.
The Priest visited the Post the 4th inst
and held II.im for the good Catholics,
The Post was visit! by a nice shower
few nights since as a result it is very
cold and pleasant only SO in the shade
at this writing.
A very pleasing program was renber-
ed by Mrs. Rose's Music scholars on the
39th ult. at which they acq ui ted them
selves very caeditably. Those who
participated were the Misses Blacks,
Miss M. Murray, Miss II. Simonton, and
Mr. Ray Thompson. The invited guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs.
Harris, Mrs.. Murray and Stritglitney,
1st Sergeant Turner and his aMe assist
ant Corporal Leisctiman Company F.
10th Inlantry.
A ball game between the Post and
Crawford was played on the 4i.li inst at
the Fort resulting in a tie of eleven.
The proprletorof the Steam Laundry
ports a rushing business since the ar
rival of the two Cavalry troops.
Corporal Leiachman Co. clerk Co. F.
10th Infantry, formerly Company Music
mil has been placed in charge of tru in int
ers at the post as instructor etc. The
Corp. is an Ideal trumpeter.
Private Coznd, who was reported as
having recovered from a severe sick
spell is again an inmate of the Hospital.
Ordinance Sergeant Rose was kept
quite busy during tbe week turning
over property pertaining to the Engineer
Ordinance aud- Signal - Department at
the post to the new officer in charge.
A team belonging to Haiu'l Uoltcrlhdd
nm away with the mower, one day last
week. Luckily no damage was doo
except to the mower which was laid up
for reMiirs. Sammy went to Uarrisou
early Hie next morning and telegraphed
to Crawford for reiairs, tbey came up
on the train that day and lie has UM
mower in running order again.
Rev. Warren was visiting in Uie west
end of the settlement the latter part of
last week.
M. C. Doan and son Fred, old time
neighbors of ye scribe, but lately from
Colorado, were overnight visitor at our
sanctum, on Wednesday night of last
week while on their way from Harrison
to tlie C. B. Uollingswortb Camp oil
Lance Creek.
The Converse County Institute will I
held in Douglas, commencing Aug. 26th
and lasliug one week.' Several from our
neighborhood contemplate attending.
Misk'Hattie M. O'Connor closed a very
successful term of lMxil, in Uie east
school on last Saturday, Tbe eveut was
celebrated by a picnic in one Of Uie num
erous canons nearby. Several of the
parents attended, while all of Uie. pupils
were out in force. Ice cream and lemon
ade were in evidence, and ail report a
happy time. Miss O'Conner was the
guest of her old teacher, Mrs. Eva
Christian over night Saturday and went
to her home near Harrison on Sunday
moi nirig. She has taught a successful
school and given universal satisfaction.
She is engaged to teach the school in No.
81. live miles south of Harrison, for Uie
coining fall.
Mr. I. M. Thompson, lately of Arkan
sas was canvasing this neighbrrhood, for
the Royal Scroll the last of last week.
Born: To Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Williams
on .Sunday, Aug. 4. 1901, a boy, usual
weight. MoUier and child doing well.
Sheriff's Saie.
By rlrtae of hu ordar of sale tsstu-d by the
clerk of the dtsttrlet Court of Sioux County,
Nebraska, nmt to me directed, nien a dc
cree rendered by ssid Court In favor of the
County of Sioux its plaintiff and against
Tlmoilore Mower, ns dofendunt.
I will on tiie iKtli (lay or August, 1901 atone
o'clock in the nfternuon of suld day, at the
enst front door of the court lionso of snlii
, onnty, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at pub
lic suction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand the following dcscrllied real estate sit
uated In said (ountr, to-wlt :
Tbe south-west quarter of section thirty
in township thirty live north, of range fifty
three, wast of the rfSth principal meridian 1
subject to right of way of 100 feet across
geld laud of timnd island and Wyomlcg ten
trul Hallway company.
To satisfy said order of sale in tho sum of
forty. Ave dollars nd rtgtity-tlve cents and
coats ii lid seeming costs.
Hated July Mth. !!!.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United Stater
Land Office. - -w r
Fire Insurance written in reliabk
zompanies. ' a
EST Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
Sheriff h Sale.
State Supt. Fowler Speaks.
Tuesday was the day which Co. Supt
Burks bad procured State Superntendect
Fowler to speak before toe teachers of
Nioux County. Tlie lecture was of im-
inenca practical value to teachers and
visitors. Supt. Fowler spoke first of Uie
surroundings and property of a school
district and Uie effect which the proper
or improper care of this property had on
Uie school children. The proper attitude
said Supt. Fowler, was to teach the
children that the property was Uieir prop
erty and must be taken Uie best cure of.
From this subject he passed to Uie dis
cussion of the relative value of different
branches taught In tbe public schools.
Accordingly to Uie testimony of SI out
tf S8 teachers asked In Uie state, Reading
is Uie wortst taught In the public schools
11m importance of Uie oUutr branches
wera duly emplaned but Reading is the
important one, said Supt. Fowler
By request of Co. Supt, Burke, Supt.
By virtue ot an order of sale Issued by the
clerk of the District Court ol Sioax County,
Nebraska, aud to ma directed, upon a decree
rendered In Mild court la favor of the conn
ty of Slotix lis plaintiff and against Newman
C. Hutching, Mrs. Newman (). Ilutchliigi
christian nsine unknown, to plaintiff, West-
era Farm Mortgage Company, a corporation
sud'.J, L. Mrown, assignee Western Farm
Mortgage Company and trustee, as defen
1 will on tho Mth day of Aagnst 1901, st one
o'cleck In tho afternoon of said day, at the
east front door of the court house of said
conntv. at Harrison. Nebraska, sell at pnb-
llc section to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, the followingdescrlbed real estate
situated in ssld county, to-wlt:
The south half of the north-west quarter,
and the wsst half of the south west quarter
or section thirty three in township thirty
two, north of range fifty. three west of Slxta
principal meridian.
To satisfy ssld order of sale in ine sum or
Seventy Ave Dollars and Ore cents and
cost and scorning costs.
Dated July 24th, 1WI,
Professional Cards.
H. J. O'Crancll, - - . Atterney,
Will Practice In All Court.
Special Attention ttlreu to Land ON
flee Business.
Collections and all business entrust
ed to me will rerei re prompt attention.
Harrison - Nkbraska.
Pbjixcisn and Sirgeaa.
All calls given prompt attention.
Office in Drug Store.
Lumber, Harness, Saddles,
Grain and Feed, Door
and Windows, Heavy Hardware.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order ef salo issued by ths
clerk of the district conrt of Slous County
Nebraska, snd to me directed, upon adm-reo
rendered In suld conrt In favor of tho cunn.
ty of Sioux u plulntiff snd against t Clin
ton Mets, Mrs. CIlnWMi Meti bis wife whose
true Christian name Is unknown to plaintiff,
Marie C. Horrington.
I will on thsKStli day of August IWl.stone
o'clock in the afternoon of said dsy. nt the
eiist front door of tbe court House of ssld
couuty, st Harrison, Nebraska, sell st pill).
He auction to tbe highest bidder fer cash In
bund, the following described real estate
sltun ted In said county, to-wlt:
The North east quarter of section tweaty
five In township thlrty tUee north of Range
nfty-three west of tb principal meridian.
To satisfy said order of sale In tbe sum ut
Tblrty-two dellars, seventy-llve cents snd
costs and accruing costs.
Dsted July thet4, mi.
AUK Ixjwbt,
Sheriff1 Halo.
By virtue of so order of sale Issued by the
st one o'clock In the afternoon of said dsy
Clerk of the District Court of Sloax County,
Nebraska, and to me directed, upon n decree
rendered In said court In favor of tbe coun
ty of Sioux plaintiff and against Er. Mil-1
ncr, Mrs. Er. Mllner, Ids wife whose true
ChrisllHii namo Is unknown to plaintiff,
Western rsnn Mortgage CoiiiMiny, Nancy
A. l'lunib and J. ixiwis llrowne, assignee
Western Ifarm Mortgage Company.
I will on the !tlh dsy of August 1WI,
at the east front door of the court house of
Mttdcounty, at Harrison, Nebriska, sell at
public auction to thehlghest bidder for csn
In hand, the following drserlbsd real estate
situated in ssld ronntv, to-wlt t
The north-esst quarter of section ten in
township thirty-lour mirth of range llfly
fnnr weal Ath nrlnelpsl meridian.
To satisfy ssld order of ssle In the mn oi
Seventy dollsrs snd sixty cento end ousts
snd sccrulng costs.
Dsted July WMi. lWI,
ALU l,owsr,
Exceedingly Jw Kate Kitoiir
lons to Minnesota.
Dnir Side: August 1 to 10. im-li
Rate: To St. Paul-Minnenpls from
Omaha, 19 85; from Cone u num..
9.85; from Lincoln, $11. 10; "- -im viMr
or, $18.90; from Hastings. !W ; n'ii
Long Pine, $12.45. with pri.-riimi
rates from Intermediate noun
To Duluth, $4.00 higher tlwii to St. ,
Traniti Limit: ConUnuous pate
In each direction.
Final Limit: October Sisi.
This in the lowest rata eve fere
with long limit ticket to the fatneaa
Hnhing and hunting neorte of KImihiM
Ask any agent of Ihe Itorth-WeeteM
line for further particulars, tiuw vri