.;.', ,-.., , AL. ... "J . A.',. T(V TT Harrison Press - J OURNAL. ECATSOlSr, IsTEBK, A.. ' THITJISIDJL, GTUXjIT .25, 1901. . s ) TTVf il?. J V lit C if All About it. Th Week's Budget of News Ai Seoi By Our Staff an j Corps of Correspondents. "Dick" Lover, the genial stock a nt for the F. K. & M. V. It. R. , wan a Harrison visitor Saturday. Fir NeU for aato at E. Rjliwer's Harness Shop. Mr. Johnson, of Lush, visited sever. l days with A. Morvek's family last week, lie weut froiu here to Alliance. Set of Twtll KM, d Ilk prlo nud wurrauteil a ico. ull work at Omii- , Ki-j-ouin expert' Rav. J. A. Scamahorh P. R, wi J preach in Harrison next Sunday tit 10:30 n. in. and at 8 P. M. Sunday school at S:30 a. n. fhw The Omaha painless dentist will be here July 2Mi nndaoth. L. Oerliich made a trip into Wyom ing hiitiinluy and returned Sunday. He reorta the cattle iind grass looking Well there. For np to (lute i tal work nt Omnha prices see D i. WiThkkk, Omaha Dentist. Smith Adams, of Chadron who has been touring overland in Wyoming, paused through Harrison "Tuesday. He was on his homeward way. Oscar Ward's many friends will be pleased to learn that he is improving and expects soon to be able to return to Wyoming. Tint ir of ei'lebrated, Deering Harvester, Giant 5 foot Mowers, and M-ttcliles Ueoring Bikes aud Deering Tw ion has mi rived. Will ba sold right L. Gekl.vcii. Finn!; Avery, c.nie down from Orin Junction (juuday on a social and spent Monday and Tuesday in the city buying lumber for a new residence. Mr. Avery has Bold the residence he erected recent ly ami in building another. Ho knows where to get value received and conies to a good town to get it. In Wyoming. Chris Christian had the good torture to find his pocketbook, which, he had lost, mention ef which was made in lust week's items. While stacking his lield of rye it fell out of a ''forkful of rye while being pitched onto Ihe wagon. That was certainly good luck for Chris. An Epivyrth League has been organ ued in the settlement. " Mr. Murphy ha built nn Addition to the house he moved onto Ms claim last spring. This makes it look quite home like. lie will soon put up a substaneial log house. Miss Eva Church was visiting relatives near Lusk last week. stands in danger of being burned out by the hot winds which are beginning to in vade these parts. It is ouderstood that commissary ser geant Chapman, who sometime since inaditCHi application for foreign, lias de deck'cj to remain at the post. "Mr. Clarke, son of CapL C larke, 10th infantry, will soon make a visit to Han Antonio Tex. Lieut. W, L. Reed, 10th infantry is ex pected to return to the post about the last 6t present year. Lieut. Reed is now on duty at Fort Sill, O. T. Mr. Borven hospital corps, U. S. A. is on furlough, makicg hay while the sun shines. Will O'Brien, of Chadron, visited his sister Urs. Hamilton a few days receut ly. ? . ' We kre glad to learn that Private Coz- J. J. ZumBrunnenhas puilt a suhstau- ad, ,'ias recovered from a severe sick tial blacksmith shop and tool house Geo. Cant, sent Thursday to F.ng Isnd for his wife and daughter, whom lie expect to arrive before many moons. W. R. Smith, has been keeping in lie with the general improvements of the town by painting his meat market, Elmer Smith is the artist. This paint ing business is getting dangerously near the Flirt S -Jot'KSAL headquarters and it seems lo be contagious so it is hard to tell what may happen. The Piles that unnoy you so w ill be quickly nud permanently healed if you use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware or wurthlea 'counterfoils. J. E. FlUNSKY. Henry JIravek returned Sunday, from Edtremont where he has leeu beard ing sheep for Nome time. He will r itiain ut home for a awhile. A bad complexion generally result r ii in itivj hvjr and bowels. In ul nucli cases, Lfe Witts Little Eirly Riser troduce gralifyicg results. J. E. Puis JIKV. W. II. Out is returned Siturday from his trip to Page in the interest of Jus aunt's ulf.nrs. He did not bring his nuut With hint as was expected but she trill urobablv come in the course of a week. Several weeks ago the PlMSH-JoVKN'-al announced that it was hot. Recont events have convinced us thut wo were mistaken at tnat time but it hs since or-.-ured further east. There has been no prostrations from heat in this section Further east I hey are becoming very lw.ni' hiicumi'd ill Uuiaha in one day. "I wish to truthfully state to you and tha readers of these few hne that you Kedol Dyedrpsia Clure is without ques tion, the best and only cure for Lypep- in ih.it. I have over come in contact with and I havn used many other prepar-' ations., John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kodol DyfpeP'11 Cur, as it cantains all the natural diges- tants. It will digest all kinds of fond and can't help but do you good. J. E rmxNBY. It begins to look like a small village at Jake's, and we predict that he is fixing up to stay in Wyoming. Rev, Warren made us a friendly call on last Saturday. Come again. Sister Clio, &ikiel feels truly sorry to know that your ga.-den is Injured by the hot, dry weather, and will say that Sioux County is not the worst place in which to live. You see we live just I mile from the Sioux county line and have so much respect for it that almost every day we go across the lino ust to be in Sioux county, However we will welcome you back with outstretchud arms whenever vou care to come. On last Sunday ye scribe, with his best girl(s) started lo meeting, about five miles from home. When we had arrived within one mile of the school house wagon tire came olf and we were stranded on the prairie. Of course we exed but nothing could be done except unload and try to replace ihe lire. With the help of Andrew Christian Jr. who came along we Dually succeeded n Yeplacing the tire ami went on ou way rejoicing. Uutjust as we got in sight of the school house we saw the rowd disjiersing. The mishap had de tained us to long and the preacher had hurried throught his sermon so that we uissed seeing the crowd aud hearing a good sermon, besides catching a few items. T. W g tarey - items. FOK vSALIi. Two thoroughbred, registered short Iuu.ii htitlu. Tlit's iiimiials ui'ri from the! best herds of Iowa. Will le sold cheap. Inquire of A. MiHJim.ky or V. A. llLs TKa. 8 if A train of emigrants, enroute to Minnesota from Idaho, passed through the city Saturday. A few miles further west they met another train of emi grants from the same' county in Minneso ta where they are going. The exchang ed greetings, aud thus they come and go. PUBLIC SALE. I will oirer for sale at public auction at my residence in Harrison, Neb., at clock p. in. July 27th, 11)01, the folio ng personal prorty, to-wit: 2 Cows 7 and 8 yoars old. yurling Heifers, 2-TOar-old, white faced steer, Spring Calf, Set Dotiblo Harness, Bed room net Dresser, ToiletStand .tnd Bedstead. Also one other Bedstead, I!arrl Cart. And other household good not men tinned. . UEO. l. CANON It is easier to keep well than grt cured. 1 Will's Little early Risers taker) now and then will always keep your bowels in order. They never gripe but promote nn easy gentle action. J. E. Plll.NNEV, The arrangements tor a photograph gallery in Harrison was completed last week. It will be run in the building which the Sun plant occupies, fieo (Icrlach and Bro. Wright will conduct t.'ie business. DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burns bad ncalils. It soothes and quickly heals the injured part. There ure worthless conn terieits, be sure U gut De Will's. -J. E. I'lilXNCY. The palace horse car which lias been been expectwd for several days to carry Oolvillu'i horses, household goods, etc to their new home arrived Tuesday. eu loaded the same day and was taken mm Uw cut bonod train yeeterday r, ,A C'nd Balii Cartcj lMUtU It Um time when j. fcstoafi to Um "tohool maams' rrmoee AugaM eth nd on Fri H Aiut 9th m UXX will ba IV C '1 Lzinfln CsX T!m puMi in i speii. ;v " ' Mrs. Kates has returned from a visit to Omaha her home, where she spent a very enjoyable time. She brought her itlle sen with her. Information For Teachers, As the time for holding my institute is drawing near, and I have had a great GRANT GUTHRIE, many inquiries concerning the enroll ment fee, I will say is $1.00 and to take the examination will be $ 1.00 extra. I am pleased to know that so many of our boys, and girls-, are taking such an interest in Institute, and Educational work for that means better teachers in the future. My every eltort will be to make it pleasant and interesting for all that will come with the intention of advancing in educational work, On A ugust 6th, state State Supt. W. K. Fowler, will be with us and I desire to make this school oflicers, and patrons day, and ns he has promised to talk, on matters of importance, I desire, yxfr ex tend a special invitation Jtb present on that day. - 7& ' .. . Respectfully, J. B. BCRKE. Co. Supt Professional Cards. Allorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all logaJ matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliab'it sompaaies. CiTLegal papers caref ully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska. It A Short Rido. The editor of the PnE-M-Ji,ClNAt. too a horse hack ride-, Sunday, in the direc lion of a column of smoke which seemed to lie pouring fourth, north of Harrison n sufficient quantities to warrant one in supposing that a conflagration of som magnitude was raging in that vn tv. When the parly arrived within sigh of the fire it proved to be in the timber on Dr. Phumev's ranch. The pine trees although quite green were burning in a surprising manner. That if, vurpising to tender toot. Tlie wind soon went down and it is probable that no very serious damage was done. The party, of which the editor was one, returned by the road which winds through the canon which is designated by the same name the soldiers used to apply to fat pork. Notwithstanding the name and the feeling which the editor had on Monday, which was strangely similar to the feel ing after a football game, the ride was very enjoyable one. " The scenery al ong this road in certainly grand. Every thing looked thrifty and prosperous In the valley, and Um editor fell well paid for hi trip. Ni-w M. A. 0. don't for a minute think that Z;kiel will get thin trying to find anything to beat Mr. Zimmerman's rye. That's easy. While Mr. Chris Christian was staoking h:s field of . ve he found money Clear Cash to the amount of 1" DOLLVRS, in om for'c full of rye. Now mini you we d ni't s ty tint money grows on rye stalks here in Wyoming, hut we are so near the Sioux . County ine that we are hound to be ahead of everything else in the state. We are sorry to have to bid goodbye to Mr. Cannon and fani'ly, but "men will come nnd men will go, but the JoniNAL will go on forever". However Mr. Canon the best wishes of your old friend Zekiel will go with you to your new Held of labor. Grapevine us when you got through and send a copy of your pnper. To our new editor Mr. Phipps, we ex tend our good right t,g and welcome him to the helm of the Puis Journal May it flourish like a palm tree is the wish of Zekikl. Hot, hotter, hottest. 101 in the shade last Saturday. Harvesting and haying is the order of the da,v. Small grain crops are badly damaged by drouth and grasshoppers. Ou Thursday, Anton Krotz moved to his ranch which he purchased of Ed. Schmidt, receutly, at the head of Little Cottonwood. On the 18ts inst, a little daughter ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John' MucLein. All parties concerned doing wtJL Didn't you uee that smile ou John's face? Mrs. R. Z. Stewart has been quite sick. Her friends will be glad to learn that she is some lietter at this writing, Mrs. Joe Sides visited with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Spease, a few davs this week. Mr. Rice preached to a fair sized aud ience, Sunday. On Friday. Mrs. Anton Kratz was call mi to Omaha by the death of her bro-the-m-law. ' We noticed in last week's Pleasant Ridge items that C. L. Christian lost a pocketbook containing 45dollur. If the 4o dollars was in national bank notes and is never found the question suggests itsvlf, who is the gainer? Timothy Notice to Sioux Co. Teachers To tlio Teachers of Sioux county, Nebraska: At tlie eoming Institute of this year, the studies for Klrst tirade certificates will be taken up, so If there are unv that deslr to puss on these Studies, you will please take notice. Also, the Aurora Business College, offers Ton weeks Tuition free, for one Stu dent, that I may nominate, or any that would like to take advantage of this offer write to uie about it. Term begins Sept. 4, 1901. J- H. Hchke, Co. Supt. SI. J. O'Connell, - - to. Attorney -so- Will Practice In All Court. Special Attention Given to Land Of lice Business. Collections and all business entrust ed to uic will receive prompt attention. Harkisok - Nebraska. J. E. PHINNEY. M. D. PhyisT'ian and Surgeon. Ill calls given prompt attention. Olflee in Drug Store. -HARRISON - NEBRASKA. K. ROIIWER, WDEALEH IN"- i-fc Lumber, Harness, Saddles, Grain and Feed, Doors und Windows, Heavy Hardware. . Sheriff's sale. I!y virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, and to me directed, upon a decree rendered by said court la lavor of Surnli Jordan as plaintiff and tvgainst Nebraska Security Company, Mc-Kinlcy., Luiining Loan and Trust Company, Biuita le Laud company us defendants. I win on the 5th day of August, 1901, st one 'clock in tlio afternoon of said day at tle east front door of the court house of said county at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand tho following described real estate sit i uato in said county, to-wit; The southoust quarter of section twenty In township thirty-three north, of range llftv-llvo west of lilh principal meridian in Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy said or der of sale in the sum of Seventy Six Dwllars and twenty-four cents, and costs aud accru ing costs. Dated July 2ud, 1C91. ALEX LOWBV, Sheriff. ESTRAYED, Estrayed seven head of saddle horses Branded fHJJH on left hip or thigh 5Sd and have rpTon rrght tlw'gh and other old ""hranrlc (in than-, T will rtfi v u nua. onable reward, for their delivery to ma at the KC ranch, or information leading to their recovery. Deep Creek Live Stock, Co, J. H, Halbert, (foreman,) Glen, Nebraska. -1 "-r::jji- 1 A difficulty aroMthle week regard inf tlie free range of cattlo. It emu that A. J. Bogart liaa had mid small grain sowed in the Ian north of town ad Um town oattlo have been running on It freely. Moodar, bit for man Guy Ceodallahut iobm of tboee cattle up aad ki torn nyatarioua way tha gate waa fjwood and too cattlo turned loa, TU ru tbaoauM of a eoaaUorablo Ulk iCtjmi Honda objrbt. Offer, of r 3 tto waa the bjeut of s(he The tort is in a flutter of excite ment over the expected arrival of the new troops. H has been so long since the tort hits been anything but a camp ping place that the new arrivals will be heralded with pleasure. Mrs. Chapman and the three little girls have returned from Kentucky where they report a very pleasant visit. The boys in Blue seem to have more luck on tho Crawford grounds. The last game resulted in a score of 14 to 8 in favor of Robinson. Surgeon and Mrs. Simpton are the imssessors of a fine baby boy, born on the lthinst. Tho Missee Freemans of Crawford visited the Missus Blacks of the Fort on the lUlh inst, aud reort a splendid time. The lake lias become quite popular tlwse hot days, the regular Bar-Har bor of Fort Robinson. The work on the new hospital is get ting along alowly but inrely. Mr. Habhager and family are visiting the Bullalo exposition. There ha a been no new Postmaster a pointed yet Mr. Hamilton hi at pros at acting in that capacity. Two troo of tho 18th cavalry art ax pected to arrive Tuooday tha Mrd inat, from Fort Kaada, B. D. It U not dWtelt ly koowa wha ttat two troop from lofiUM'will arrive r?a all fc-t tb Jt, and V. A. and . . V. wiH t- aoora M haw mombera. , CMtrnf ! U full Uoont now km A Serious Accident An accident which would, to a great many people, have been a fatal one oc cured to Will Belden Monday. He was mowing for John Davis on his pla'-e when he stopped to oil his machine. He did not throw the machine out of Kear but walked in front to oil the pitman when one of the horses in kicking at a fly, kicked its leg over a tug and imme diately became frightened. It made a jump and threw Mr. Belden in such a manner that his breast was against the pitman and it continual mo tion. One can imagine what a terrible position that was nnd to odd to the pre canousness of it, one wheel of the mow er ran over one of his hands pinning him down and rendering the hand useless. He was able after being dragged for a short distance, to raise his other hand and place it on a line. In this manner he was enabled to stop the team and pull himself together and out of the perdici ment, The latest news of him is that he is getting lietter slowly. It will be remembered that Mr. Belden is the same person who had the misfortune to be thrown from a horse and was uncon cious tor feveral days. This new experi ence will surelv prove his ability to withstand hard knocks. PROGRAM. OF Sioux County's Teachers Institato. August Oth to 17th inclusive. (sheriffs Sttic. By virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the dtsttrict Court of Sioux l ounty, Nebraska, and lo ino directed, uihmi a de crcc rendered by said Court in favor of the County of Sioux ns plaintiff" and against Theodore Mewcr, as defendant. 1 will on the. 2tth day of August, lVOl atone o'clock in tlio ufternnon of said day, at the cast front door of the court house of said l ounty, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash iu hand the following described real estate sit uated in said lounty, to-wit: Tho sonth-weatquiirtcr of section thirty in township thirty-live north, ot range nny three, west of the Gth principal meridian in subject to right of wiiv of 100 feet across aid land of Cnind island and Wyomlcg con. tral Hallway company. To satisfy said order of sale In the sum of forty -five dollars and eighty-live cents and costs and accruing costs. Kuted July Mill, 11)01. ALEX I.OWKT, Sheriff. P. Purviance, Opening exercises, 8:00, Primary Reading, 9:00, Alerebra, 10:00, Physiology, 11:00, Geometry, NOON 1:00, Bookkeeping, 2:00, Botany, 3:00, Philosophy, 4 :00, Theory and art of teaching. W. E. Purviance, Writing, Arithmetic, History, ' Grammar. Exceedingly Low Rate Excur sion to Minnesota. o Date Sate: August 1 to 10, inclu sive. liate: To St. Paul-Minneapolis from Omaha, (9.8; from Council Bluffs, f 0.8"); from Lincoln, (11.10; from Super or, 13.90; from Hastings, $13.05; from Long Pine, f 12.45. with proportionate rate from intermediate points. To Duluth, 4.00 higher than to St Paul-Minneapolis. Jrdiif Limit: Continuous passage in eooh direction. Fiiml Limit : October 81st. This Is the lowest rate ever offered with long limit ticket to the famous uahing and hunting resorts of Minnesota Ask any agent of the North-Western liaa for further particulars, time cards, etc, I. : To read a person' character from his face is an accomplishment which few possess, but which many would like to nave, Tha study is an Interesting one, aftf baa not only an. Interesting, but a pnsStioal side as well. An article on tho set jot will shortly be published lo tba Leilas Doom Journal, giving careful do- t&l!NQrdlog tho tralU of character by the differtot features tf tltt BlieriiTa Sale. Civil Goverrnment Geography, J. B. Burke. Co. Supt. CONTEST NOTICEJ ISy virtuo ot an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District Court ot SIobx County, Nebraska, and to ino directed, upon a decree rendered in said court in favor of the coun ty of Sioux as plaintiff and against Xcwinau Hutchings, Mrs. Newman C. Iiutchlngs, christian naino unknown, to plaintiff, West ern Kami Mortgage Company, acorporation, aud J. 1. lirown, uselgnee Western Ftmn Mortgage Company and trustee, as defen dants. 1 will on the iWth day of Angust ISO I, at one o'clock in the uf irrnoon of said day, at the east front door of tho court -house of said county, at Harrison, Nebraska, sell nt pub lic aactlon to tho highest bidder for cash in hand, tk following described real estate situated In said county, to-wit: Tho south half of the north-west quarter, and tho west half of tho south-west quurter of section thirty three in township thirty- two, north of rango flfty-thrco west of Sixth principal meridian. To satisfy suld order of sale in tho sum of Seventy-live Dollars nnd ttva cents and costs and accruing costs. Dated July 24th, 1M1, , Alex Lowbt. Sheriff. bhcritV'H Halo, lly virtuo of nn order of sale lusiied br the nt one o'clock In the afternoon of said day Clerk of the District Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, nnd to me directed, nnoa n decree rendered In said court In favor of the coun ty of Sioux h plaintiff and against Er. Mil- ner, Mrs. Kr. M liner, his wife whose trne Christian name Is unknown to plaintiff. W o tern Farm Mortgage Company, Nnney A. Plumb nnd J. U'Wli Browne, assignee Western rami Mortgage Company. I will 'On tlio 10th day of August 1MI, nt the east front door of the eonrt house of nidconnty, nt Harrison, Nubnsko, sell nt public nuetlon to thehlghest bidder for cash In hand, the following described real estate situated in nnlil county, to-wit; The north east quirrttir of Miction ton In township thirty-tour north of range flfty- fonr went th principal meridian. To nullify nld order of sale In the sum of Seventy dollnrs suit slitv cents aad costs and seeming costs. Dated H,im, ALU LOWBT, SherUr. United States Land Ofilco, Alllanr -Nob. raska, July JO. lnoi., A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this offleo by Ohms Christenson, con testant, against Homestead entry No. 104 1 made October Srd, 181M, for Kast half (L,1, south west Ci), section (6), east (!,), Nortlt Wcst(H), Section (7), Township (24) north. Kange(M) West, by Mary Foote, Contestee, In which it is alleged that, the said Mary Foote has tailed to reside on and cultivate said land as required by law in this; ths-t slio has failed to build thereon a habitsblt house; tint she has failed entirely to culti vate any of said land at any time ; and tlmt she has failed entirely to establish her res'-, donee on said land; that said defaults con timinattho date of this affidavit and urn not nor were not caused by service of thu ontry woman hi tho Army Navy or Mar ino Corps of the United states during th Into war with Spain or biiv other wur In which It nmy have been engaged. Snld parties arc hereby notided to appear respond and offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock A. M., on August lilur, 1901, before Grant Guthrie, a Notary pobllo at Ills olliee in Harrison, Nebraska. Anil that final hearing will b held nt D) o'clock, A. M., on September 7th, inoi, Ixsfnri. the Ueglster and Kocnlver nt the United States Land Office la Alliance, Nebraska. Tlie said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed July 1st, 1001, set forth fact which show that after due diligence, prr. son nl service of this notice can not bo mndo. it Is hereby ordered nnd directed that mioli notice be given by duo and proper publics-. Hon, 3 St r. M, DoantKOTOir, Ueglster. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good hmlth an I my life I was treated in vain by doctor for lung trouble following lagrlppe. I ook One Minute Cough euro, and reoav. rod my health." Mr. E. H. Wine, Mail son. Oa. J. E. Phinkky. Shesp For S2I3 Or Trtia IhaveSOOewea lis 4 ywftn, of a- 100 withers I yean aid, acst C3 lamb to sell or will trad f eattto. Will dis. pone of tho whola buaohor wlil al th . twaa aloM. Eaacli ta tsrtii Kitobell, Kabr. I3 ' C ' 't D,; . k !b. . .',Vl 1 w i h -0.1 1 Ull- . f . ? J i , 'J "'. ,' -" 'V'.