' lit c ii oARRISO J GURNAL. "ro: IV. LOCALLY- What You and Your Ne'g'.bor A c Doha. . A '-gentleman cf color" frctn Ft. Robinson ?as m the city Tuolay. Fly Nets fur sale ul E. IJjlinei's Harness Shop. t i'uchi nty slnrilf wxi hi the south pari of the county Friday serving a num inous. O.VV, Hester, has Inula telephone line constructed between his business tilllcs and his residence on the ranch. lion. C. F. Coffee sjwnt the d.iy in Iliirrioon Tuesday, returning in the even ing. Judge Hunter, of Bodarc, was on our streets Tue.mlay ami while in town lnude the FliEus Juit.KtL a pleasttut cull. The work on the house which Co. Supt. Burke has been having moved ix progressing rapidly und he will soon liuve a vt-rv comfortable house. Bro. Wright and wife, of the Sun npent Sunday in LVadvouii. They re port i warm time, ;uid were glad to re turned Monday - " Henry, Deiuk-Miuiui, v. ho has been up near Caller, Wyo., for the past two mouths koi kiog on a stock ranch ra luriitd hori.e on Sutuidny, last. A" heavy storm wm reported al Chadron Tuesday night. Lighting did considerable damage, burning one barn, urn! striking u Ii.dy, Shu wan not kiH.d but jrubaUy acriourly ir-jurcd. KrnBl Lyons, is digging a cellar en the property where ha is living We luivctt't learned whether it In to ward ifaiiit lighlinj; or cyclones or both, &o- V.e will allow yoy to guMa on it. Royre Tibbets left Tuesday-for n vif.it of a week and a lulfs on Mrs. Liz?.'o Coffefe' ram h. Wnto ho re turiiii ho will bo cmjiloycd on tho Pl'lJ!-: JOCltSAL. Judia IlunUr, informs us that ho exKTlH soon to Ic.ne for Holifax, Nova, Rrolia to lay claim to a share of f-iS, fill.OW, of which ha is one of thu leyitl h'Si'rs only 10 or 1,. Of course when ho returns ha will paint the town red, Those famous little pills, I)e Witts Li lle Dnrly Riser.", compel your liver and howels to do Iheir duty, 'bus pivinu yiu pure, rich blood fo rect-,perateyourlK)dv. Are easy to take. Never gripe. J. E. l.'ja;xsi. ' F. W. Clark, relurnod Friday night from the Wool-prowers convention at PciiKlan. The convention was an inler estinc one und was quite largely attend ed by Sheep men of Wyoming and Neb rtiftka. A few cattlemen were also in at tendance. Joe Lmlwlg ami John Lacy, return ed Friday from ft visit, in Oklahoma and ' Kanan. They wore well pleased vvit h the appearance of the Oklahoma country and talk of locating (here if they Rut a buyer for their property in Sioux Coun ty. Dnve ('olville, Marled Monday over land for Williston N. Dak, , where be ex pectslo make bis future home. The lwst wishes of a bout of friends in Bioux County go with him. The 1'nr.s.H-Jot n.v Ah will keep him posted on the news of the county. Tho nection men on tlu Harrison MCtiou have been raising the bridges between thin elation nnd Andrews dur ing the pant week. They have exeri encd considerable difficulty on account of the numerous upeciale which have been Assing through. TVwlmonter Dognrt, has tendered, hl resignation to the post olllee depart ment, find.ng the dutiet to be too ardu ous. Ttiere will bt several applicants fo the place. Mr, Annie Thornton, Homer I'riddy, and P. D, Pigdosr, are candidates. Omaha ra'.i.lcft Dciitltt, roth. July '.".'tli and The ladies aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. 7 hoi uteri's, Wednes day aftcruoou Julv CI. For Dp to d ite I n iit.il w.irkAtOmt bii !rii-e4, tftt It I. WiTUKfiS, Chunba DontlKt. Andrew Christiao, of Pleasant nidge, attended the Wool grow ers Convention. Ho returned ThursJav. Huv. Rice, of Chadron, arrive Saturday and preaehyd at Iijdaro Sun day, Wo acknowledge a pleasant call Mr. Will nartel), U-ft Sunday niyhl for Andrews where he will assist in put i vg up buy for a short time. C. T. , Suydor returned from a trip to Chadron ami Crawford, Tuesday, It was "lo warm enough," for him to stay any length of lime. Mr Wier, of Chadcou, w ho Ins been vwitiH in llwcily went Monday even ing to Andrews where tibo w ill visit for a snort tima bcfoie returuin'r home. It is easier to keep well than jiel cured. DeW ill's Little early Risers taken now and then will always ktep your bowels in order, Thay never gripe but promote an t-asy geiitl-j action. J. E Vu;ysm. Mrs W-rdemau, was a plens'tnt ill Icr at tho Pl;CSS-JofRAl. head quarters and prr.dtucd a god big tiniilo on the os'-v editors face by planting a dollar oil subscription, A lul complexion pono-ally r-isult f roni in,u;tivo liver aji-J b.iwuis. In a! ucli ca-ei, OoWitts Litfct j Ei'dy Ricsr prodac cgr;.tifiig ici ultt.-J. " E. I');ir On Saturday, a ileal was marlu whereby -Frfrd Leilhoff disposed of his landed eistut out in IIii;iiland, to M. A. Bannan & Scnr We-did notlearn -justj what tho consi.ieraUon was. but ' pre sume it was a fairly pord one, as real est-ite is very much higher than it was a year cr so ago. Some of the citi;ens who have lived here a Dumber of years, testify that the heat during the past few weeks has been worse than at any time during Iheir stay here. However we have a tiocd deal to be ( hankful for. If you do not think so, pick up a paper and read the ac counts of the sweltering and drouth fur ther east. A letter from Judge Schilt at Fresno i ali forma, to Mr. Canon, gives some in teresting news of the writer. It gives the Information that Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leihle, aro the parents, of a native son about 10 days old. They aro all pleased with the country and are enj jying them selves, eating of the ubundatice of fruit. The judge docs not know as yet what he will do. Our friend, Fred Leilhoff, who sold out last week, is now out of a home in: Sioux County, and is now out of a home in Sioux County, and "is in a quan dry ;'ust where to go, or look for anoth er locution w Inch will le more suitable than tlia ono disposed of. Fred is a good citizen, and no doubt his many friends and acquaintances here w ill regret to see him and family remove from the coun ty. "I wish to truthfully state to you and tho readers of Ihese few HnesJJ that your Kodol I ly fdepsia Cure is without ques tion, the best and only euro for Dyspep sia that I have ever como in contact with and I have used many otlior prepar ations., John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Hyjpi pia Cure, as it caritains all the natural diges tants. It will digest all kinds of food and eou't help but do you good. J, E PilixriJY. A letter from Mrs, R, M, Wallace al Houston Idaho, informs us that she together with her two sons and Pat nnd Han Slatlery had arrived there all O. K,t They werejenjoy ing themselves under the hoKpitulily of Rev. end Mrs. Kendall, somewhat tired from their long, tedious trip, They will dop thorn for some ytitne before combining their journey fur. ther west ward. All friends and acqunin cS will Iw pleased to know they, ,ure now within the pr.) mistd land, ln jioA.:A:, a?Jius33j - i. - -Mr. Tliomns CjII, of Van Tassel, was doing business with our merchant Mjnd.iy. -vt of Tcfto 5.OT. iin-I all w k at Oiiin h.i pi-Icm iiiui wttrrAntrU. ii-ynnri t'lncrr L. G. fljrlach, is. having his stor paintPd this week, E. Lyons and Ueo. L. Gerlach, urn doing the work. The Files that armoy you so will be quickly and permanently healed if you use DoWiU's Witch Hazel Salve. Bo ware of worthless counterfeits. J. E. FlIIXNEY. Cieo. Davis, returned Monday from his overland trip to Rapid City Montana. He was in search of a location. Tint car of cibVUl, Deering Harvesters, Giant foot Mowers, and Matchless Deering R-ikes and Deering Tw ine lias a. rived. Will bo sold right L. Oeiilacii. FOR SALK. Two thoroughbred, registered short horn bulls. These animals aro from the best herds of Town. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. MuCj.M.EY or V. A. Hev te;i. - " ; : 3tf PROGRAM.- -OF- S'oux t'min'j'.s Teachers Lkdiintc. P. Purviancp, Op-jniiig exercises, 8.0V Primary Reading, 0:00, Akebra, .. 10:00, r Pliysiolcgr, 11:00, Geometry, , NOON 1 :0fl, Rool; keeping, 2:00, ' Botany, - 8:00, Phllow.phy, 4:00, Theory and art of teaching W. E. Purviunoe, Writing, - ' , Arithmetic, History, firammnr. Civil Govsrrnnient ieoj2r-phy, J. 15. II TKB, ' Co. Supt. . TO LET. Tho raking and stacking of 715 to 10g tons of hay on contract, Begin 22 July, Digest price. Cash. T. B, Snyder, CLOSING OUT sale! The undersigned will sell at public auction at his ranch, 9 miles north and nnd 2 miles eat of Crawford, Neb., on Thursday, July 13, 1001. And 8 head of horses. Cephab Ross. FOR SALE A baivlKonie Bteel ran Re, only used a short time, with reversible grate, burns wood or coal. Apply at this ofllce. Notice to Sioux Co, Teachers, To the Touchers of Klonx county, Nebras ka: Al tlio coming Institute of thin year, tlin xtu'lle for Hrr:t (iriulo certlfleutea will be taken ti, so If there lire unv that denim to pits on these studies, yiu will please take notice. Also, the Aurora Business Colletfc, offers Ten weeks Tuition free, for ono Stu dent, tlmt I may nominate, or any that would llketotHko ndvnntsKo of tills offer write to mo about H, Term bcRlns Sept. t, l'llrl. J. H. JMRKK, Do. 8upt. Sheriir'M Riile. l!y virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the IM'trlct Court of Sioux courtly, Nebraska, and to m direr tod, upon a decrno rendered by said court In favor of Fiirnli Jordmi as plaintiff jmd against N'ebvaHk Security Uoui:uiy, MoKlnloy I. nmiintf I)iin and Trtut Company, Kquilrt le band company us defendant. . I will on tlie "it h day of Aiijuxt, 1001, atone Vloek In luo afternoon of said day at tli'j cast front door of the court lioun of siild county ttt Ifurrlson, Kebriuka, sell at public auction to tlin highest bidder for cash In hsnd the following described real estate slt nato in said county, to wit; The suulhoast uuiirler of section twenty In township thirty-tli roe north, of range flfly-nve west or nth principal merliUan In Stloux couuly, Kuhrnxlcn, to satlwfy said or der of sale In the sum of severity six ! miliars and twenty-four cunts, and costs and acuta Ingrontn. lUitcd July Jii.l,l!), At.F.x bowar, fberitT. Over In Wyoming. BORN On Friday, June 13 ,'01 to Mrs. W. W. Tatman a girl, usual weight. The mother i doing well considering her former poor health, and the child is do ing nicely. Grandpa Tatman, is the happiest man in the settlement. Charles McDermott is still working in Lnsk w here he went a few days before the fcurth, C. L. Christian, had the misfortune to lose his pocket book containing f-10 the last of last week. C, L. Christian purchased a registered Clyde yearling colt of John Storrie, while in Lusk the 4th inst. Mr. Murphy has tho windmill up and the pump at work in the well on his claim. One by one the windmills are going up, and it will not be long e'ro a mill will; be seen cn every quarter section of land in the Ridge settlement. Everybody is making boy and the click of the mower is beard all over tho land. M. C. and Fred Doan passed through hero ou last Thim.day enroute to C. B. Hollinttsworth'e camp. ll.-ey left Burns .Colorado ou Juno lo with a bunch of cattle and horses and made it through with tho cattle looking lirst rate. S. K Hartley of Hot Springs, B. D. made a flying trip to tho Ridge one day last w eek. The ha'ri storm the 4th broke 3 win dow lights out of the east school house. Thursday, the 11th was the hottest day cf the season, The Thermometer ranged srom 'Ji to 101. during, most of the day, and that on the north eido of the building. At 6 o'clock P. M, when the sun hail reached the north side, it run up to 111 , at 7 o'clock it was 00 , and at sun down 83. - - - Zekel. Gems From Clio's Pen- Yes wo had a real good soaking rain the 4th also, but we lad' such" hot dry winds for days before and it has been very warm since. The chintz bugs took advantage of the dry weather and did their best to destroy tho oat crop, manj pieces were not worth the cutting. The rye crop was a good one. The bugs are now after the corn, and in place they are utterly destroying it. "The oldest inhabitants" say they never saw the like before, neither with bugs nor hot winds. There has not been as much damage by the drought, as there has by ihe wind. We shall have to do like lika the ed itors of the dalies do, take back what wo "writ" before. We are persuaded now that it would take something more than tho Pine Ridge to make this land a para dise. Don't be surplsed if you see us in iiabit old Sioux County again. There is no telling where we may be two or three years from now, . Wo have bad a visit recently from my two brothers and their two wives and my'tsister from Kansas, They live about 25 miles from Toptka. They drove through and reported crops as looking very hie along the route till they reached Lincoln, from there on this way they were not so good. They took us by surprise and it was a surprise for I had seen none of them for almost seventeen years. We had a live ly time for a week here, I assure you, for they are all jolly and lively, and talkers as well as ye scribe. We very much rejoice that Mr. Rice has so much improved in health as to be able to meet with his people at Bodarc again, and that the Bodaro people have interesting Sunday school. We shall al ways be interested in tho north-west corner of our state and are glad the hay crop is a good one and hope tho hoppers will not become a burden. My health has so much improved during tho past three months, that I go ess this is the best place for me. The water is surely very healthy for it is my medicine and a pleasure to take it. Cuo. P. S. Say Zekiel I'd hate to have you see that garden now. An Expression. I want to thank the loyal peoplo io Harrison and surrounding country who have held up my hands as I have en deavered to hold up Christ. May heave, sniilo upon nil, It is true that there has been a little friction but that is a go d omen, When evil is hit It squirms The alnrfji clock of truth gives forth un welcome sounds to Its cars. No poltrons are needed in nions ranks. Wo need men who are not on the maket for sale and men who Im ao coneieoces as steady as - , ju.ii is, leoi. the needle to the pole. Men who will look the world an! the devil right in 1 lie eye and men who know their duty and do it, and know their place ar.d fiil it men of God. Pray for me so that I may be a Daniel for good. W. K. WAnnasr. Information For Teacher. As the time for holding my institute is drawing near, and I have had a great many inquiries concerning the 'enroll ment fee, I will say is f 1.00 and to take the examination will be $1.00 extra, I am pleased to know that so many of our boys, and girls, are taking such an interest in Institute, and Educational work for that means bittteachi-rs in the future. My every effort will be to mako it pleasant and interesting for all that will come with the intention of advancing in educational work. On August Cth, stutcState Supt. W. K. Fowler, will be with us and I desire to make this school officers, and patrons day, and as he has promised to talk, on matters of importance, I desire, and ex tend a special invitation to all to be present on that day. U-jspectfuIly, J. B. EciiHE, Co. Supt. Professional Cards. GRANT GUTHRIE. fittorney-at-Law. - Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliabh companies. tsiTLegal papers carefully drawn. llAnrasox, - Nebraska. M. J. O'Cornell, - - Co. Attorney, -X"5- prill Practice ia AH Courts. Special Attention Given to Land Of fice Business. Collections find all business entrust ed to me will receive prompt attention. Hakbisos - Nebraska. J. E. PUINNEY, M. I). rhyiscirtu and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. Office In Drug Store. -HAItEISON - NEBRASKA. E. Hon W Kit, , Wdealkh in g& Lumber, Harness, Saddles, Grain and Teed, Doors and Windows, Heavy Hardware. KSTUAYED. Estrayed seven "head of saddle horses Branded HSffS'S'O on left hip or thigh all have on right tnigti ana otner old brands on them, I will pay a reas onable reward for their delivery lo me at the KC ranch, or information leadin to their recoverv, ' Deep Creek Live Stock, Co, J. Ii. Halbert, (foreman,) Glen, Nebraska. Ice for Sale. -O- Soe George Williams or in my absence J. n. Wilbermsdorfer, at the harness shop will supply you. Geoiiok Williams. FOR SALE- 14 acres, Millet on ground and 4 acres corn fodder, also what Hay can be cut on (midsection of laud, and pasture for rent. Address, M. J. Buffer. Edgemont, S. Dak. NOTICE TO TAX-PAY ERS. All tax-payers of Sioux county, that know themselves to be delinquent in pay ing their personal taxes, are hereby notified to call at the county treasurers office and settle them at once and avoid costs, John Swires, Co. Treasurer. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should lie promptly applied to cuts, burns bad scalds, "it soothes and quickly heals the injured part. There are worthless coun terfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's. J. E. PlIIXNEY. Til E P RESS-JOU RN Ah. $1 PER YEAR. IT COSTS BO. 3J CO XT LIST XOTTC1V Tniled State J.nml Office, Afllancn ')ls';:'' " July W,RKI.r A HOfth'ienf contest ulrtdavit lMVtng- Iwir Iticd lu this (iffl;.e hy Clans C'ln-Utensen, ran' ti!st:iuf, against lio-iMtxMct entry Nor H'i;r made October aril, hr. l, for Kmt half C?. souUi went section (), east (J,), Sort l West iU), Section (75, Township (S4) iirrtli. BiliigR(M) West, by llary FxrtSe Umfwht., In whleb it is alleged that, the said Mary Footo lias tailed to reside on and- cultivate eaid land as required- by Taw In this; that she has failed to build thereon a liabitalil j house; tint she has failed entirely to- culti vate any of sulci land at any time: and that she has failed entirely to establish her rra! deuce on said land; that said defaults eon tmue atthe date of this affidavit and urn not nor were not caused by service of tliu entry woman in the Army Haw or Msr fne Corps of the United Stales during th Into war with Spain or nnv other war in which it may have been engaged. i-aid parties are horoby notified to unpen respond and offer evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock A. M., on Attaint Jtlst- IB01, before Grant Outline, a Kotarv nnbllc- at his office in Harrison. Nebraska. And tliat dual hcarini' will be held at to o'clock, A. M., on September 7lh. I HOI, before ' the Register and lteeelver at tho 1,'nited States Land Office in Alliance,- Kebra., ka. Ilio said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed July 1st, 1(101, set forth fact which show that after One diliVence. per. somil service of this notice can not be mad... it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by dae asd proper ntli- Cam. 366 F. M. DoMMNGTOK, Register. "I (mi indebted to One' Minute Cough Cure for my present good health an.i my life I was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following lagrippe. f ook One Minute Cough cure, and recov red my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Mad- -son, Ga. J. E. Pjiinxey.' George Davis, of Kirtley, who, hair been away looking up a new location ' near Gillet, Wyo., and also on Powder River returned, a few days ago, and re ports he found some good ranch loca tions where he may remove some time between now and the late fall. Georg has been absent about five or six weeks. Bodarp Gleanings- O . ; Grasshoppers are repoted indifferent" parts of the Valley, and are dwog con considerable damage in some gardens J. L. Anderson has finished the first crop of Alfalfa and reports the yield mord than double what it was- last year. Mrs. Anderson, while careing for a very sore throat is spending a few; days, with her mother. Mrs, S. Hill and Jim has once more to try his own cooking. Iu the last issue of the Journal ZeLiel mentioned a stack of rye put up on Mr. ' A. Christian's farm.- We think' that crop of Rye done well hut with all due respect to Wyoming, and Zekiel too, we believe Nebraska cant ba beaten. Mr. Zimmerman sowed only five acres and stacked 23 good loads, Zekiel will sure ly got thin again if he tries to find any liing like that in Wyoming. Miss Lillie Zimmerman, spent last week on Old Woman Creek looking after bouse hold affairs while her broth er Irven dug a well. Ha obtained good, oler water at a depth of only 15 feet. Notwithstanding the heat the atten dance at the Bodarc church on Sunday was good and the sermon by Rev. Ricef was appreciated by all. There will be preaching services again July 28th, We mis? Clio from the ranks. What is the reason? Has she not recovered yet from her fourth of July dissapation, or has she forsken us altogether. The weather still continues hot and dry, the creeks are getting very low and the ditches empty. A good rain is very much neded here. SI. A. C. County clerk Raum, received an np. plication yesterday for a hunters permit from C. L. Clifton of Crawford, who will be entitled lo hunt and fish in Sioux county during the balance of the season. Who w ill be the next to comply with the aw. This is the first application taken . out in onr county. rUBLIC SALE. I will offer for sale at public motion at my residence in Harrison, Neb., at 3 o'clock p. m. July 27th, 1001, the follow ing personal proerty, to-wit: 2 Cows 7 and 8 yoars old, 2 yearling Heifers, 1 2-vear-old, white faced steer, 1 Spring Calf, 1 Set Double Harness, 1 Bed room set Dresser, Toi let Stand nd Bedstead. Also one other Bedstead, 1 Barrel Cart. And oilier household good:, not me tioncd. OK. D. CAIHW. , . t . J-