Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, July 11, 1901, Image 8

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I1. '
iiw. r. Canon, "Editor aud Trop.
jr. E. 4 51. V k. jl. lime talile.
Going vrt. Uomg fcaat.
Vo. 5. bUxmJ J0.l So- . mii4- -7:5
F. E. M. V. B. R. is the best
to and from Uie
Red Front Meat Market
Choice, Iresh aud
home cnred Meats
and homo rendered
Lard, sj.lt Fish,
fiDe line of Grocer
ies, Tobaccos, Cigars and Candies, Nuts
and green Apples. Highest price aid
for Rides and Produce, at
Strata's i2a rrar.-.
Go to J. E, PHnwEY's for wall rP
Dr. Ilald, The Crawford Dentist,
will be in Harrison Monday July 1-lth.
Ct V. Hester's readinx notice, in our
last weeks issue, ouht to have read,
"should arri ve about the 20th.
That car of celebrated, Deering
ll.irVMii.ont. Giant 5 foot Blowers, ana
Matchless Deering Rakes and Deering
Twine has arrived. Will be sold right.
AftnrnevM. J. O'Connel, went to
Adelia, Monday to try a case, wherein,
A. P. Uowmburg is plaintiff and the B.
A M. Co., are defemiant, the K & M. Co.
1-eing sued for killing- of cattle belonging
to plaintiff.
Hay RkesAtCot, Mowers $43.00
at - tx, VV. II&TER"S
Mrs. Iversoo, sister of Mrs. H. M.
Warnrka, who came out couple months
ago and took a homestead, southwest of
town, left for Odebolt, la., Monday even
ing, Mrs. Warueke accompanying her as
far as Crawford. "
Kly Nets for sale at E. Rohwer's
Ilarmtss Shop. ,
M. J. Weber, callad at this office as
usual, while in town Tueaday and spent
a frw moments in pleasant conversation.
Kt of Teeth $5.l, and HI otk at
lira. Downey, a . formr .(MKhHof
Ilarruwa but now ot Crawford, aom
IWBMd by U. J. Weber, of Glen, came in
m the train Tuesday noon returning
Uoma in Uie evening.
Tub special train, bearing delegates
sat twabn of the stockmen's
MeoewUowtMlrf t DougU, Wyoming,
fmiw rins; cm the 10th lost, paMd up
the road yesterdav. A fairly good
crowd were aboard.
Han ut of our stockmen noticed
that sample of brotno grass in MarsUller
Bros., atom, raised by Herbert Lacy?
To us, it looks as if "Brooms Inermus
as a dry country, forage would be one of
the howling successes in Sioux County
T. R Snyder, came in from Sheep
creak Monday to get out a warrant for
th arrest ef George W. Leak, one of his
rtHighVrs, for dogging and running his
cattle, which Mr. Snyder, declares are
rot trespassing upon any body and
therefore Mr. Leak has no legal right to
l interfering with his property rights,
Wlien you want a modern, up-to-
date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach
nd Liver Tablets. They are easy to
take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25
cents. Samples free at J. E. Phissey'b
tlrug Store.
We understand (hat while Mr. Soltenu
wax languishing in the county Bast lie
Mrs. Solteau, Nee Crafts concluded to
take t;me by the forelock, making her
Flf quite 1-usr in removing everything
moveable, both animate and inanimate
from the premises of her liege Lord and
Master, to the house belonging to John
Mantel ler, one half a mile north of town
".here nlt probably, concludes she has
en located by the county Dads'',
ilut. we learn that Solteau, now propos
es to take out replevin papers and go
and re-possess his property, which in all
probability will result in a peck of
trouble for all concerned.
In our last issue we made mention
of the fact of a warrant being sworn
out, for tbe arrest of Cactine 8oltau for
maltreating the woman whom he bad
lived with for the past ten or twelve
ears. The case was est for 1 o'clock
Tweeds y for hearing before Judge Bartell
fcuttaW plaintiff Mrs, Crafts faiiled to
pat in no appearance, thus defaulting,
Jwit Kartell could do nothing else but
i ton ease and turn the prisoner
ice, another expense has been
Kesped upon the tax payers aad seeming
Jy withoflt any good reason. It is get-
ting to eney to throw t xpeese upon the
flMHity without any return for the n(-
sioux touulj'i Teachers luViilute.
Fur ianc.
f-:ou, jrrmmrv
9:00, Algebra,
10:00, Physiologr,
11:00, Geometry,
1:00, Book keeping,
2:00, Botanv,
3:00, pliilonoply,
4:00, Theory aud art of teaching.
T. E. Purvianee,
Writing, Arithmetic,
History, Grammar.
Civil Goverrnment Geography,
J. D. B:-EKE,
Co. Stipt.
Hot! hot!! hot!!! hot!!!!
Buy your wall paper at the drug
Mrs. Anna Thornton, is now comfort
ably settled in the house just recently
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyon.
Attorney Guthrie, left for Omaha,
Saturday evening over the F. E. & M. V.
Ry, to be gone until tomorrow or next
1-Co. Clerk Raum, went home to spend
his 4th and to renew bin acquantance
with bis familv, returning to his arder-
ouh duties on Monday.
oiuuha i-a'.iiles Dentist, July tttb and
Hanker Clarke, went to Uouglas,
yesterday to attend the Converse county
stockman'.', association which will be in
!ession at that place three or four days.
John Fitzgerrald, was in from Indian
Creek Monday and Tuesday doing some
trading, he reports cattle in his section
of the country putting tn fat very rapid
ly. -Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke, of tlie
eant side, are entertaining tl latters
mter. The young lady whose home is
in Chicago, evidently enjoys our prairie
life, as this is her second summer here.
On hst Friday Miss Maggie Jordan
closed a most successful terra of school
on Indian creek and wilt remain in town
with her aunt Mrs. Sarah Jordan prepara
tory to attending Normal Institute.
W. B. Marsteller and family, togeth
er with his mother, also his wtfes moth
er, Mrs. uootiman toon a pleasure inp
into the canyons and the valley, Tuesday
visiting tlie Shaefer ranch which is prob
ably one of the best in North-west Ne
If you have any horses you want
broke to drive to a two wiieel cart, ap
ply to V. A. Hester, who is an expert
bosre trainer in tliat special feature, some
wnnted by John Dieckman anoth
er specialist in that line.
The bpt wave which lias, jiroved
asterous to human life in some or the
eastern cities, now seems to have struck
this part of the country, but if the citi
zens can only keep cool, during this hot
time tbey will not suffer with the heat
Saturday L. Gerlach, purchased the
house and lot recently bought by John
Anderson from Grant Guthrie, but occu
pied by O. W. Hester awl family for the
past five or six years. Lew and family
will take possession about Aug, first.
The mother, of Burt Hamlin, who
has been making a two months yuut
with her son and family -and other ac
quaintances in the vicinity of pleasant
Ridge, took the train for her borne at
Exiro, Ia Mooday evening.
George McCIure and another gentle
man wheae name we did not learn luve
been here since Monday from Sheridan
Wyo., buying horses we understand
for the English government we presume
to continue the murderous onslaught up
on the liberty loving Burgers of South
For np to date Dentsl work at Omaha
prices, see fx. Witness, Oman PsntUt.
V, A. Hester pulled into Andrews,
with fourteen cars of cattle from Den
ver, they are mostly young stock, and
number close to 650 head. Tlie cattle
were driven to the Dave Collville place,
lately purchased by the Bieser Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, of Boulder
Col., accompanied by Miss Lizzie Dunn
of Glendo, Wyo., came to Lusk, to spend
the 4th with their relatives wbo met
them there, and afterwards accom
panied them their Sioux county home
where they will visit with their aged
One of the bent attended dances ever
given at the Andrews hall, took place
the evening of the 4th, Tlie hall was in
the best condition and the finest music
was furnished for the occaion. Prof.
Bob" Dunn being the principal artist
assisted by L. C. Wright, on Uie organ.
Something like 70 numbers were sold.
We are glad to be able to announce
to our Sioux county Sporting fraternity
that is the Harrison base ball nine, came
away from Lusk, Wyo. , on the 4th, the
champions, but on account of the Lusk
boys having half an inning to play, the
prize money was divided. Tlie score
stood Harrison IS, Lusk 8.
"Iam indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my present goood health and
mr life I was treated in vain by doctor
for lung trouble following Isgrippe.
took One Minute Cough cure, and recov
ered my health." Mr. EL H. Wiee, Mad'
lon, 0. 4. E. Puctxit,
The r.ikinj and stacking of T"i ti 100
t,n of hay on conirni t. Ik-gin 22 July.
Uij-est lrii . Cash.
T. B K:.roar.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at his ranch. 9 miles north and
nnd 2 miles east of Crawford, Neb., on
Tlv r day, July 1st, ia01. And B head of
cot!.b r.s.
A handsome steel rane,
only ufed a short time, with
reversable grate, burns wood
or coal. Apply at Ibid office.
S. L. Kirtley, of Hot Springs, a P.,
came in on Monday noon's west bound
Just as we predicted in last weeks
issue, that we could expect rain on the
fourth and the paper was all printed be
fore there was any indication of rain.
The rain on the 4th, put Use finish
ing touch on our already abundant hay
crop, and insures plenty of hay for next
winter's feeding, even if we do get little
orno rain from now on.
D'd you ever get left? Well, Yes,
just ask Fred Lang worthy and Chat
Unitt, why tley did not come home with
the rest of the crowd that went to Lusk
on the 4th, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
The 4th, in Harrison, was very quiet
and all who did not attend the celebra
tion at Lusk, Wyo., to us, it seined
they enjoyed themselves just 4s well as
if they bad gone a thousand miles away
to swelter and sweat in the hot nun.
Last Friday morning, what might
have been a serious configuration, but
for the timely assistance of some of our
citizens, occured at the depot, but which
was soon extinguished, The lire origin
ated in the temporary kitchen on the
North-east corner of the Depot, but how
we are unable to say.
Say did any body see Mac. MeGioley
at work digging post holes and setting
posts around the Andrews Hall building.
While old Sol was casting its warning
influence upon his frigid form last Satur
day? No body need to tell us again, for
we have see him working with our own
eyes and they never decieve us.
Co. Supt. Burke, went to the valley
the first of the week where lie is engaged
n tearing down a log house and moving
the same to Harris, where it is to be
reraised if" made rady for occupancy
upon) the piece of latli west oi town lor
inerely owned by D. Ii jJ!.rj8'ld. now
the property of Mr, Burke. 1 I
iliev. Warren went to ChaiTOn on
last Monday evening, to be pn,t at
at fr Chadron, distrciV P"rih
League cw. -p'-on, which cor'eneMhe
on last Tuesday e njr g. d contj nued
yesUsrday fttid today, and will (d"-"
this evening. Rev. Warren,? has
been asigned to speak on the subject of
"sc-iial importance". I
Mrs. R. E. Marfteller, of Hartbegig,
Penn., mother of John and Will, and
Mrs. Gooman of the same locality, moth
er of Mrs. Will Marsteller, arrived here
on the 4th, anuwill make the boys and
their families an extended visit. With
out doubt they will enjoy, very much,
the healthful and exilerating climate,'
that can be found no where else between
here and the Atlantic coast.
Yesterday, M. C. Doane, and his son
Fred, father, and brother of Mrs. Clar
ance Hollingsworth, arrived overland
from Burns, Col., with a herd of cattle
which tbey will range either in Sioux
county or just across the line in Wyom
ing. Mr. Doane ana family are old resi
dents of our county and have many
friends who will be too glad to hear of
their returning here to remain perman
Ob Sunday, while playing base ball
M. J. Blewitt was struck on the cheek
bone with the ball, fracturing and crush
ing the bone in such manner that his face
will be permanently disfigured unless he
succeeds in securing the services of an
expert surgeon. He was at bat and
struck at the bail, missing it, when the
ball struck him. He suffered consider
ably the first day and night after the ac
cident, but was reeling fairly well oo
Tuesday evening. He left on Thursday
for Grand island to consult a specialist.
Crawford Bulletin.
Neighbor J. W. Smith and his most
estimable wife and little girl, left over
tlie F. E. M. V, R. R., last Saturday,
for New Whatcoroe, Washington, where
they will visit for a short time, when
they will go to a town called Nooks&ck,
in the same county and where in all
probability they will locate. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith are old residents of the ceun
ty and are well known all over the coun
try, At least six or eight years has
been spent in Harrison, where, June, as
he was always called, has been ingnged
in the harness and mddelry business, and
who was quite successful in tint line.
Mr. Smith and family have many wtrm
friends in the county, and of course will
regret to know of their departure for
good, June leaves a father aod mother
behind them for a short time only, we
understand tbey too will t ake their foir
well leave of Sioux county, some time
this fall. i
Protfessional Cards.
Prompt attention Riven to
U legal i
matter in justice. County and
Courts, ana 01 ore the United
Land Office.
District i
Fire Insurance written in
tlST Legal papers carefully drawn.
llAUKisti.v. - Nebraska.
M. J. OTonnell.
- Co. AUurury,
to j-
Will Practice in All Court.
Special Atteutlun leu to Land Of
fice Jlusinrss.
Collections mud all butlne entrust
ed to roewlll rereive pimnpt ttentlou,
IiAnt:i!"S - Nebraska.
FliyMian and Surgeon.
All calln friven prompt utlrntton.
O.Tc in l'rog Store.
k. noHWKi:,
Lumber, HarnesH, Saddle,
Crtiln and Feed, Poor
' and Window. Heavy Hardware.
Estrayed seven head of saddle horses
Branded Fm&9A on left hip or
and all have
on niiiit thign ana otner oki
brands on them, I will pay a reas
onable reward for their delivery to me
at the KC ranch, or information leading
to their recovery.
Deep Crenk Li ve Stock. Co,
J. 11. ILtUiECT. (foreman. )
Glen, Nebraska.
Ice for Sale.
See George Williams or in my absence
J. IL Wilhermwiorfer, at the harness
shop will supply yon.
Georoe Williams,
14 acres, Millet on ground and 4 acres
corn fodder, also what Hay can he cut
on half suction of land, and pasture for
rent. Address, M J, BrfTER.
Edgerooiit, S. Dak.
All tax-payers of Sioux county, that
know themselves to be delinquent m pay
ing their personal taxes, are hereby
notified to call at the county treasurers
oSice and settle them at once aud avoid
JuilS Siatiift-s
Co. Treasurer,
5 Heartburn.
When the quantity of food taken is too
large or the quality too rich, heartburn
is likely to follow, and especially so if the
digestion has been weaken by constipa
tion. Eat slowly and not too freely of
easily digested food. Masticate the food
thoroughly. Let six hours elapse be
tween meals and when you feel a full
ness and weight in the region of the
stomach after eating, indicating that you
have eaten too much, take one of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
the heartburn may be avoided. For sale
by J. E. PinxsET druggist.
Proceedings of
County Board-
I IJarrlnon, hruika,
j July Srit l'.0l.,
BosnJ met purnnant to adjournment.
Preaenl CointniaSioucni koliwur, MciiK,
I,cwt A Cierk.
The ComijiUtsloners And the Treasurer h4
s lsUnce on band Jan. 3rd mi, 10,Tl'; z:
Collected. . 10,4a W
Voachere. . . )2,j6 U
Balance on hand July 3rd I'Jl. . 14, M7 )
The foil owl uk chimin ware tnko.-l up exam
ined and allowed reduced or rejected.
Claimed, Alwd.
J. E Phmny . 15 ), !.', 00
Aaut Mler,... 2000, S0S0
John E. Marateller, JO 00, 10 (X)
Alex 1Owry, mirrtn", l 10, 'i 10
Jens. (J. lleiiE, ...... . , U) ib
L.C. IwJ - is 05
tKKert HollWar 60ri, 60 Ji
On motion the following Kotul Oi-llfloatri
was ordered cancn-lrd A warrant ordered
drawn In Lieu of same.
tUnvl Certlflnatfl Euad lilatrlcl Vo. is, for
til 00, was ordered etneelled and a warrant
ordered drawn on laid Dlatrlct In Lien of
Kauie... tie OO
Uo al certlllcate Rad dliitrclt Ho. 9 for A. 06
ordered cancallrd and a warrant onirircd
drawn on said Ilt. for l OS In lw f aam.
Tlie offletnl Ijond of Andrew lloxart, Wat
prevented and on motion aiprovid.
Goodaon Icy, Claim for 12 0(1, laid over,
Alex Ixwry,. " - 18 M,
J. W. Hunter, " 4 10,
On motion Hoard adjourned to maet Aug'
o.t Till IM at 1 o'clock A. M., adjourned,
Vt . J. A. UiVM,
A boil complexion generally result?
from inactive liver and bowels. In all
socb Mm, tHiWitts Little Earlr l(itr
produce gratifying results. J, E, Piiim-
- i
Custom Shoes for Men.
Stvlesand shapes may change with
the reason and tne tasr.ion
. . V a nrr
comiort anu siaum.ii cai vjl...
ties of Selz Custom Shoes Never.
Buy one pair of Selz Shoes and the
limit of the purchasing power of
your money is reached. It repre
sents the greatest shoe satisfac
tion possible to realize.
Look for the sign of -Selz" It
marks the Popular Dealer.
Selz Shoes for Men, Women nnd Children
are Satisfactory Shoes Price Quality-Comfort-Style.
s.i. pwtew.- Selz, Schwab & Co., Chic.go.
I'!1 "n,,Ci BW Url M.nu!.ctrer. .1 Eoo.. i Shot, Id Ibe World.
:iThe Commercial Bank.-
C. F. Coffee, President. F. V,". Clarke, Caghier
Ckas, C. Jameson,
Stockmen having use for a bank at thH point may rely on
us to handle their entire Banking busine?.
wfrWe are prepared to take; rnra of our trade at all tiniestfr
"Will stand at our barn at HARRI
SON, this season.
, TERMS-$8.00 to insure colt to stand
up and suck.
Harrison, Nebraska.
WISDOM JR, Sired by imported CLYD12, Dam 7-eights
SHIRE weight 1,500 lbs.
PRICE: $5.00, to iiiHure living colt. The money for Her
vice of ftallion will be due and payable at oncf in cat-o
maren are sold or removed from the county,
Over In Wyoming.
George Trainor jANsed Uirougn here
enroute to his home in Douglas, on lint
Friday, lie had been looking aftr his
homestead in the Kennedy settlement
for a few days,
Mr, Frees, has windmill erected over
the well on his disert claim near Guide
Hial Church, took first money in the
foot race at Lunk the Fourth.
The school board Is bunting for a man
to dig a cistern at the east school houwt.
Tlie hail storm on the tb broke win
dow lights for Chris Christian, Joe Uid
wig nd others, At Mr, Tatmans, it brdke
A hens back: so we iiear. AtLudwiM
out wic
"in S 1 f-
Will make the
season at my place
on Monroe Creok
7 miles north-west
chunks of Ice full that measured 6 ir.cl
s in circumfronce so Mr, Trainor in
formed lis.
Andrew Christian, expects to attend
the State Cattle rnuus aaoociatiun held iu
Douglas thin week.
Kph. Iloyles, received the contract for
delivering ten cord ef 2ft wood, at th
two school hotiiex in I)it., No. 7, at V2 4')
per cord, the next lowest bid bing f .'I 50,
lioe ZiimBrnnen has quit work for Mr.
Turner, nnd is now working for Chris
Elias Foot is working for George Tur
ner, during the haying season,
Andrew Christian cut and slacked lii
rye lor hay. It wns tl e (urgent yield of
anything in Hit Imv line ever seen is)
I Cur.tUs' d o i Ed te lal pace )
. .:.
! ' ... ..... I iii .., - - -- .
" " until W 1 "T" "' ' - m-mmmmmmmmimmmmmmFB0B'tGB'lml''m'm " ' "
4 0
.-La-.--. .